Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Adopted Obama Daughters....not looking to marry mummy or daddy.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It must be a disappointment to have Niggers as parents, like the Obama daughters have. If that requires an explanation, I will, because there is "Nigger cool" and "Niggertard" when blacks get together and sort themselves out.
Nigger cool would be Cornell West. Niggertard is image Obama.

So when you sit around your computer, taking porn selfies for your gangsta rapper boyfriends, and gangstas disrespect you in saying what a tard your adoptive Obama parents is just something that........

It is like Vladimir Putin at the G 20 Summit, standing beside image Obama grinning like a baboon, as President Putin says plainly in English as Mr. Putin walks away, "WHAT A CHILD."

It is enough that the unspoken disdain appears in every photo these girls are put in as props.


‘It’s not an active disdain for you. It’s just their calendars start filling up and they’ve got all these friends who are much more interesting,’ the president said.
Obama says he yearns for the days around the beginning of his presidency, when his girls were younger and still considered him one of their buddies.
‘The golden age is between, say, 6, 7, and 12, and they’re your buddies and they just want to hang out. And after that, they will love you, but they don’t have that much time for you,’


The image Obama has released the future as it sees it. image Obama does not see itself having the temperament, meaning the rational, thoughtfulness, insight and abilities to be on the Supreme Court with the other fagophiles.
image Obama though wants to around naked, sweaty big black men in showers, as image Obama wants to own an NBA his daughters want to be around a real black naked man. image Obama though considering the 8 trillion which was looted from the US Treasury for Wall Street, in the Obama cut of 1 percent would mean that at 1 billion per team, the image Obama could buy up the entire NBA and be naked with hundreds of naked men.

When talking about possibilities for his post-presidency life, Obama, a former law professor, says he doesn’t have the temperament to be a Supreme Court justice but thinks he’d ‘suited’ to be commissioner of the NBA and would ‘absolutely’ love to own his own team.
As for wife Michelle, Obama said he wouldn’t be opposed to her having her own talk time show.
‘If that’s what she wants to do, I’m okay with her making a whole lot of money. There’s nothing wrong with that,’ he said.


So what we have to look forward to is not Senator Muchelle, Justice Muchelle or the road to the White House Muchelle, but Muchelle Obama's big ass as The View, as the next lesbian hosting some Ellen DeGeneris show. Who knew that Muchelle Obama always wanted to be Oprah Winfrey....certainly were indications of it in Obama as sterile Steadman and Val-erie Jarrett as the constant dildo companion in Gayle King.

In all of this we have learned, that the Obama actors standing in with the Jinn, want to own an NBA team and shoot hoops with the big boys, as Muchelle goes off and earns Oprah bucks galore, as the adoptive daughters of Obama become Mike and Al in sex change operations, with Vladimir Putin inheriting this world which the child Obama and the morons who fell for this scam thought that using Obama as a psychiatric catharsis for racism, as that is what was important to put into the White House, instead of an American like Donald Trump whose focus is to keep America safe and provide jobs for Americans......not foreigners.

Vladimir Putin just bitched slapped, pissed on, and dumped a pile of dog shit on the White House Obama, on a world stage, and every terrorist, every leader and every one witnessed.

Let's though focus on climate change, the Republican enemy and those gun owners who are the Obama regime's greatest threats to the world. The worst threat to the world is the image of Barack Hussein Obama.


The traitors behind the importation of Terrorists

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While all of you have been sitting around listening to Rush Limbaugh and Homo Hannity blather on about the Obama terror invaders in how much you Crusaders as image Obama just slurred you with hate speech, should not be allowed into America, I have begun the process of actually tracking down this terror syndicate in who is behind it, and will name names.

The Lame Cherry source on this, is a government official. You will probably trust him, as he is from the oil soaked state of North Dakota. My source is the Republican Governor in Jack Dalrymple who came under fire for not going against the Obama terror imports, but instead fired off a letter to Obama stating that the examinations of these terrorists must be beefed up.........yes not stopped, but we are to somehow screen terrorists among all these Christian hating Muslim invaders, by trusting their word as FBI Director Comey has gone on record stating that there IS NO INFORMATION ON ANY OF THESE INVADERS!

This is the quote from Governor Jack Dalrymple.


If that does not make your mouth drop open, then check to see if your heart is still beating and you are in this world.

The GOP Governor of a supposedly right wing state, revealed that his go to group was Lutheran Social Services, to acquire information on to how many of these terrorists are pouring into America.

The Lame Cherry has been following this same story, from the beginning of this, as I noticed numbers of religious morons hanging around the Mexican invaders in treating them as pets. It was well voiced that Catholic Charities was involved as much as forcing Catholic families in America to deal with the first Obama wave of "invader children". This was followed by the Pater Pope of the Vatican urging in the Muslim invasion of Europe that Catholics all open their homes to these same terrorists who have been gang raping children in Norway and murdering scores of people in France.

Your very traitors who are involved in this, are a well organized stealth operation. The trail of this has been reported to orginate in fliers in Muslim lands, in the same way that the Ford Foundation was promoting Mexican importation to America. Germany was paying 50,000 dollars per person for Syrians to Turkey to herd that group into Europe for slave labor.
In Europe there were these "refuge camps", but in America these invaders just seem to vanish as they are imported, with now only the previous report of Catholic Charities with Mexicans, and now the Governor of North Dakota, letting slip that his official office was connected to Lutheran Social Services to ascertain what the invader situation was, as Lutheran Social Services was handling this operation in that state.

LLS is a loose confederation of numerous states. I am certain if you pull the thread on this weave, that you would unravel, every single one of your religions involved in this too. I am betting that when George W. Bush started dumping money into religious charities, that all of these groups applied at the hot trough.
George W. Bush in his memoir Decision Points, specifically stated that he directed the executive branch to hold seminars across America, in order to teach these charities how to obtain federal funding.
That all is a smoking gun, in the Obama regime on that money hook, is dumping these terrorists and invaders directly into every community, under the guise of Christian charity. Recall that the Lame Cherry on inquiry headed off a terror event in Texas where inquiry stated something about the terrorists were brought in as "christians". This is that same network and it is how this is all working.

Every person should be asking their clergy just what in the hell is going on in this, and finding out if their collection plate offerings are going to fund this invasion, and that it should be a matter of your elders to stop it at once from the source of your churches.

Now you know the hidden agenda in this. The image Obama is out there excoriating every American and Christian as Crusaders, and his regime is using these charities to coordinate dumping these terrorists into your communities, and you will notice in this, that not one of these charities is telling you, nor are your clergy telling you that they are behind all of this, coordinating with image Obama.

This is a direct quote from the Governor of North Dakota's official website concerning the money pit which Lutheran Social Services is. This is not a charity, but a funnel of massive funding, running literal slum housing to profit off of oil field workers and only God knows what else.

"Located at the intersection of I-29 and I-94, the new facility is the culmination of a $6.9 million capital campaign funded by private contributions. 

The organization’s housing program now owns or manages rental properties in 20 North Dakota communities. 
Since its inception in 2011, the Housing Incentive Fund has allocated over $49 million to projects, leveraging more than $240 million in construction financing to support the development of 1,500 new affordable housing units."

So North Dakota is not importing terrorists from Syria, but what the hell else are they doing, and more importantly for you, who the hell is it in your city that is importing God knows what in this money pipeline. This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and I ask you, why is it NO ONE ELSE HAS TOLD YOU ANY OF THIS?
It is because this is the corrupt syndicate which is exploiting Americans for their genocide hidden in philanthropy.
