Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Just a Suggestion to the Trump Thumpers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I just heard someone ridiculing Donald Trump as a cartoon character and earlier heard that old traitor Pat Leahy lecturing Mr. Trump to "read the Constitution", and wonder just how secure these political rapists think they are, because Americans are experiencing the first phases of genocide of their race.

Obama "change you can believe in" is revolution, adulterated and simple. Revolutions are not pretty things, but things of victors and vanquished, and each letting blood of others in most sadistic and violent ways.

None of that has yet begun in a constant form, but it will. It will begin someday and in desperate forms.

The point being Tories inflicted rape and murder on Americans, and Americans inflicted the torch upon the Tories. I just wonder how out on the limb I would be if I was Paul Ryan, promoting Muslims and Latins, in trusting in a police state to protect me, when there are so many armed and unbalanced Americans out there, coming to the point of just wanting to inflict on something.

I do run numbers in this. What the "this" I run numbers on, is the cause and effect ratios of how many Americans with rifles, or clubs, or torches, would it take to put fear into the regime..........how many it would take to cause the police state to close up shop.......how many it would require to have the military shut down.
The cartel runs the same numbers with the looking glass mirror..........odd how the mirror missed San Bernadino for them. The king indeed is naked.

It is a situation now that no journalist can even express anything about a revolt, or Loretta Lynch will Breitbart them. What is most interesting is all the heroes of the right like Ted Nugent, none of them love America enough to place their lives, homes and fortunes for America........but all they do is talk and keep the sheep bleating in the pen.

I would suggest to those thumping Donald Trump and his loyalists, that prudence would be to factor in, that the millions of paid for regime police state thumpers, are not a group to place your lives in. I frankly would keep my mouth shut, rather than antagonize armed people. Then again when the cartel who pays your fortune orders you to come out and rant at Donald Trump, you do have to pay the piper.

What you do not comprehend in all of this, is that when one has Paul Ryan trotting out and the rest of the cast, they have been ordered to......they have been ordered to, because those behind the Muslim and Latin genocide of the White West, are at a point threatening the mob. They have designed this to fracture societies in the West. They are not fearful. They are just signaling they have this to a point of the two scenarios.

Scenario 1: You are murdered by robotics because no one rose up.

Scenario 2: You are murdered by the police state for rising up.

Yes it is the time lines. My Faith is in the Biblical time line. While actually surpassing the globalists in population reduction, it does have Jesus as the Light at the end of the tunnel.

There is a mathematical certainty which is being violated. The more something is resisted, the more it produces a force to compensate completion of the laws which governs it's nature. The tide of nature can not be stopped not can it be diverged from. There are all time lines, and time lines which all viable, but not all time lines are ever meant to be developed.

The zombie is fanning the flame.

If I were me, I would find a number of minutes to pray to God via Jesus, for His Will, His Judgment on this world and His Mercy upon His, with a few examples of witness which is upsetting you. That has more force than a billion Muslim empowering the moon allah, energizing satan.

Have Jesus fight this for you, instead of the firearm venture at this juncture. Use your energy spike in these trolls who are making you emotional, and God will amplify them.

The consumptive consumes itself. The consumptive is being employed not the regenerative.

Remember Whose you are Spiritually. God in you is greater than the it which is in the world.


Our Family in Christ

As another Lame Cherry insider conversation in things that matter.

TL has a Quebec artist who sings Christian songs in French and mine is a world where all I can do is feel Joan of Arc speak in French. The nice part about love is that it speaks beyond languages as the greatest voice of all.

I once heard a speaker on a Billy Graham crusade state that he stole a Bible out of a motel. I wonder if stealing unused Lutheran Hymnals from Lutheran Church Missouri Synod churches would be considered a sin as they have that gee whiz new worship book all the apostates just get wide eyed over.
Thank you for the link.

I started out with a King James Bible and still read it, as nothing I ever found was worth anything. The second hand store has lots of Bibles and I constantly am picking them up, as at 40 bucks a sell ye pop, that is more expense than I care to ever have.
In that, I happened upon one I have mentioned in The Book, by Tyndale publishing. I never thought much of it when I picked it up, as some jazzbo had put marker tags on the book, and I like looking at people's Bibles as they always have things stuffed in them, but this translation is the best I have found, as it is easy to understand, and is the one I do my daily Bible reading with.

I was surprised that there are a number of good modern French translations.

I mentioned this years ago, but I started using the Bible as divining instrument. I had no idea until I watched a PBS detective series about Cadfael a monk, that the Catholics have a rite doing this.
It helps a great deal in my Bible studies to ask the Holy Ghost to guide me in opening it, and then to make the interpretation certain.

I do feel humbled by people who think enough to write or donate. I used to get checks on my report card for talking too much in class. Actually I received two checks in each box and was constantly set in the school bus front seat for never shutting up. To have people now actually listening to me and thinking it is worth something is something I have not gotten over. I know the things God says are priceless, and I know this is all God's Workings, but my part in it does not seem worth a plug nickel.
To let you in on things, I do listen hard to God and work hard at this. I do get uneasy about the things which I have been posting. Not the content, but sometimes things feel off. Sometimes it is interference and sometimes I doubt too, as I see new information posted and then it takes some more work to be shown how things fit.

Please know I pray for each of you, and I honestly want better things for you than I would ever have. As TL and I were discussing things the other night, TL was asking about the new heavens, and I just smiled as I replied that I do not invest a great deal of thought into what things will be like, as all I am trying for is to be in Heaven.
I do care about things, and I wonder if I bother God about it all, as there is that New Jerusalem in that 200 mile cube. I do not like cities, and was telling TL that if I had a tree to lay under with maybe Daisy as my pillow, that is all I would want.
Maybe Joan will allow me to sleep under her Fairy Tree sometime.

I see that the devil is busy in not wanting this published, as it froze everything......then again it might be something I published or is about to be published. My elderly system here just does not respond well to being stomped on by an NSA gorilla.

It might be a thing of publishing on the go.

I desire you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless and keep you and those you love, in binding all evil in neutralizing it, to never touch you or your lives. God heal all of you with perfect restoration. May God's Peace be in You, through you and with you always unto life everlasting, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.


The Cover Up of the Syed Farook Money Laundering

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog stands by the money trail in which Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik obtained their terror funding and bonuses for murdering Americans in an image Obama and Jerry Brown unarmed shoot the Americans zone.

You will notice in this current clever cover up, that NBC "breaking" another terror financial story, happens to blame Prosper online loans for this money. What they leave out as does the FBI, is the reality that Prosper is literally part of what would be termed Muslim Commerce.

What Prosper is connected with is a new way of moving money around the globe, and it is PEER TO PEER loans. That means there is not any lending institution, but only a broker like Prosper creating a platform to transfer money from one person to another.

Take for example, some Wahabbist employing Syed Farook, like Saddam Hussein employed suicide bombers to kill Jews and paid them off, could from like a bank in Qatar, through laundering money out of American foreign aid to Turkey, literally underwrite a "loan" to Farook for 28,500.

For a reality check in this, most people never get a loan ever on Prosper but Syed Farook obtained the cash immediately. This was outside terror money just like Obama's 300 million laundered into his 2008 presidential campaign theft.

If you notice in this, Prosper has a disclaimer now which is legal, that they can not divulge any of the account actions, as they are protected by the Obama regime. You are never going to find out the entire story of this "loan", because it is being covered up, by the lies being manifested all through this terror event.

Peer to Peer terror loans.......and wonder of wonders, the Obama regime in Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch knew nothing of this could happen......like they never know anything criminal, unless it is a charge leveled at Americans.

Just keep bending at the waist and admiring your corpseware Americans as you are all walking dead as the WMD's are here and deployed.


Syed Farook, the Money Trial

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was wondering about that 28,500 American which Fyed Farook had deposited in his bank account, and how it was being promoted in a diversion at first, as a "loan", when the FBI knew very well this money originated in the Mideast.

Inquiry points to this trail.

Syed Farook


United Arab Emirates


United States regime, foreign aid, money originated in United States Department of Agriculture.

I did a quick check and the Obama regime has been bribing those crooks in Turkey for some time.


  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $1,324,000
  • Development Assistance: $133,731
  • Migration and Refugee Assistance: $15,671,682
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $1,255,826
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $2,552,975
  • Other State Assistance: $559,000
  • Other USAID Assistance: $-713,675
  • Other USDA Assistance: $4,000

  • This is how the American public is directly funding these terror operations. It appears as "aid" and through investment transfers, it is laundered. It is not that much different from that 300 million which terrorists donated in counterfeit credit card currency directly into the Obama 2008 ACORN campaign and Penny Pritzker laundered.

    Inquiry states this money was "operational" money. It was for the mother and not for taking care of the child.

    Inquiry points to Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik acquired new identities which were printed up for them. They were traveling as "greeks". They were to fly out of Mexico to east Africa, and then directly into Heathrow in London, for a direct flight into Pakistan.

    As another Lame Cherry exclusive, the reason the "landlord" tore open the doors of the Farook home, was a matter of the Control, not allowing a further cover up by the Obama regime. The intelligence there was ordered to be published to keep the light shining on this nefarious group.

    You will notice that the red herring of this mentally retarded gun buyer, hispanic, Enrique Marquez, is diverting again from the real issue of the John Doe's 1, 2, 3 as in Oklahoma City in the Murrah Building staged event. These associates which have been reported are a group of minders and ISIS imported terrorists. All are being funded by the Obama regime.
    I repeat that Syed Farook was not ISIS. The Farook group was using ISIS, but their allegeance is the bin Laden group. They were returning home to Pakistan to set in plan the original agenda of resurrecting the bin Laden Wahabbists.

    Now you know more again in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, more than you were supposed to know.

    If you desire more, inquiry points to as this blog stated to Tashfeen Malik as the contact in this. She was with PAK Intel. Her contacts though in Saudi Arabia were the bin Laden family. The bin  Laden family though had cover from the lower escheleon Saudi Princes, who......let us just be frank in this, in Sunni Islam is at stake here in who controls it. Turkey has been gaining an unbalance of power through the Obama regime and ISIS. A problem was necessary to finish off ISIS which Vladimir Putin could not get at inside Turkey. Hence this operation, and the funding or payment for it was directed from Qatar to the Farooks.

    The Jews run operations like this a great deal, and it was time to run this operation from the Sunni standpoint, as the Obama regime with their Islamocommunists are in the process of a new order in the old order is going to be obliterated like Khadaffi and Mubarak.

    I can not think of anything more interesting in this, other than ABC Homoland Propaganda does not have any right putting it's ownership stickers on photo identifications of the Farooks paid for by the United States taxpayers. Then again, the Farooks are paid for by US taxpayers in Obama regime embezzling operations which have been engaged in globally from Day One.

    Let us end this with a pretty face.


    Religious Tools of Satan


    As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

    "Religion is the greatest wall separating people from God, and theologians are the worst spiritual assassins ever devised by satan."

    - Lame Cherry

    This is a discourse on the tools of satan in every religion.

    It begins with the example of the Vatican in the words of Pope John Paul II, exposing a schism in the Catholic religion. What was at stake here was the Bishops were convened and a movement by the Vatican had been started to create a new catechism to teach Catholics the fundementals of the Faith.
    Into this entered the theologians, the great tools of satan, who denounced this as old fashioned and went on to challenge the Code of Canon Law.

    What follows are the synopsis recorded by John Paul II.

    "In 1985, the twentieth anniversary of the Council's closing, an extraordinary Synod of Bishops was convened. I bring this up brecause from that Synod came the idea of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Some theologians, at times whole groups, spread the notion that there was no longer a need for a catechism, that it was an obsolete means of handing down faith, and therefore should be abandoned.
    They also expressed the opinion that it wouldbe impossible to create a catechism for the universal church. These were the same groups that had earlier judged the Code of Canon Law, already call for by John Paul XXIII, as useless and inappropriate."

    Page 164
    A Dialogue of Salvation
    Crossing the Threshold of Hope
    John Paul II

    "In a relatively brief time he great synothesis was completed. The entire Church truly had a role in this. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, deserves particular credit in this regard. The Catechism, published in 1992, became a best seller worldwide, proving the great demand for this type of text, which at first glance might seem to be of limited interest only."

    Page 164
    A Dialogue of Salvation
    Crossing the Threshold of Hope
    John Paul II

    So we witness that the theologians, were behind a movement to turn the Catholic religion back to what it once was before Martin Luther, in a religion where the elite knew all the secrets and the people were an ignorant mob being enslaved.
    In this case, we see why Cardinal Ratzinger arose to the status of Pope Ben, as he was the leading force in handing religious teaching back to the people who were starving for the guidance in how to be a devout Christian.

    I was trained in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, in the familiar hymnal of 1941, which was the esteemed and inspired translation of the original German hymnal. This was a most Inspired and Beautiful book of worship, but the theologians and the ignorant leadership of LCMS started tampering with the worship service which was perfect in replacing this Holy Ghost Inspired Hymnal.
    It became so apostate, that these blasphemous tools of satan, were changing the words in hundreds of year old songs. NO ONE has the right to change the work of any artist of God. It would be like the LCMS getting a hold of the Mona Lisa and touching it up with their paint brushes.
    It was a disgusting, repulsive and absolutely non artistic assault, as it took beautiful verses in songs, and made them cold and ugly.

    This is the history of the Lutheran Hymnal and then it's contamination by satan. As you can understand, that after this group of scholars started tampering with it, they have been "fixing" it every few years. There is now talk of a newer hymnal in 2040 as that of course will be the LCMS hymal to surpass all worship.

    1847— Kirchengesangbuch fur Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden ungeanderter Augsburgischer Confession— (German)(Hymnal for Evangelical-Lutheran Congregations of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession) 
    With the encouragement of Dr. C.F.W. Walther, the first president of the Lutheran Chruch—Missouri Synod, the Kirchengesangbuch was the first hymnal produced for this newly formed church body.  This hymnal was published in German since this was the
    language spoken in the worship life of these congregations.

    1941—The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH)
    The first English hymnal produced by the LCMS through the efforts of the Intersynodical Committee on Hymnology and Liturgics for the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical
     Conference of North America.   It was authorized for use by the Synodical Conference. 


    1982—Lutheran Worship (LW)
    The 1979 convention adopted the recommendations of the Special Hymnal Review Committee and, in 1982, the new hymnal for The LCMS was published under the name Lutheran Worship.  LW is adopted by the LCMS as it’s first official hymnal.
    1998—Hymnal Supplement 98 (HS-98)
    With the encouragement of Dr. A. L. Barry, tenth president of the Lutheran
    Chruch—Missouri Synod, the Commission on Worship in 1997 announced plans to produce a new hymnal combining the best of both hymnals as well as new material.  HS-98 was published as a foretaste of the upcoming hymnal scheduled
    for release in 2007.

    2006—Lutheran Service Book (LSB)
    LSB is adopted as the second official hymnal by the 2004 Synodical Convention by
    88% of the delegates.  It is published ahead of schedule in the summer of 2006, ready to begin the new Church year with Advent.

    When I mentioned to the clergy who was refusing to be our pastor unless he doused us with bloody righteousness in his communion, that I disliked this hymnal, his response was that he really liked it.
    The LCMS took away my worship and spat upon every Saint from Johan Christian Bach to Martin Luther, in throwing away and altering their work to adore God. Of course, the Missouri Synod intellectuals are so much more gifted than Christians named Bach, as all of us know these LCMS types by name as they have changed the world so much.
    That is satire.

    It does not matter if it is Methodists or American Lutherans putting sodomites in the pulpit, to Islam being trounced by a new wave of thuggery which surpasses the butchery, pedophilia and enslavement of Muhammed, because it is all the same.
    The reality of "radical Islam" is that what is being progressed by Wahabism to ISIS in the secular regimes is a return to Islam's original roots of satanic genocide.

    It is a reality that the adjective "religious" intellectual, "religious" theologian, "religious" scholar, are wolves in sheep's frock. Meaning you can place in the correct adjective of satanic intellectual, satanic theologian and satanic scholar, and be absolutely correct as there is nothing of God in this.
    Whenever you have anyone casting aside the foundations of Faith, it is a work of satan and not God.

    If you desire to know God, read the Bible. If you care to expand upon the revelations of St. Paul, then there is John Huss, John Wycliffe, John Calvin and Martin Luther, who all published a great deal of Christian material in sermons and books.
    If you desire hymns, there are reams of them and the best is the Old German translated to the 1941 Hymnal, all accessing an era of that 1600 to 1900 which was the most beautiful Christian epic in history in the creative arts, because it was the Christian era Inspired by the Holy Ghost and not these despicable tools of satan blaspheming God's Holy Ghost's Creation.

    This ends this discourse. It is why I pick up every 1941 Lutheran Hymnal, and every other old book of worship I come across, because that is where Faith was, before religion took over and satan began ruining Christianity.
