Friday, January 8, 2016

Ted Cruz Grasping at the Amber Waves of Straws

 Ted Cruz Wins Straw Poll In Minnesota

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The damage being inflicted upon the fraudulent Birtha Ted Cruz has reached such a propaganda extent, that Drudge is posting propaganda from Breitbart which has been shilling for Ted Cruz in artificially propping him up for months.

This is telling as Breitbart is deflecting from the issue, as the issue is not whether Mum Cruz is American, but it is the fact in all of this in Mr. Cruz was Cuban, and became Canadian. Ms. Cruz was American and did not meet residency requirements to become Canadian.
All this means is, Little Ted born in 1970, had both American and Canadian birth status in being a DUAL CITIZEN.

That little reality disqualifies Ted Cruz from being President.

Can a dual citizen become president of the United States ...

Best Answer: No, unless she was born in the US Embassy in that country. That piece of ground is US soil. That way ambassadors' children can run for ...

See, this is the official Canadian and American law, and answered by the Canadian Visa service.

 "Parents of a child born abroad to a U.S. citizen or citizens should apply for a CRBA and/or a U.S. passport for the child as soon as possible. Failure to promptly document a child who meets the statutory requirements for acquiring U.S. citizenship at birth may cause problems for the parents and the child when attempting to establish the child's U.S. citizenship and eligibility for the rights and benefits of U.S. citizenship, including entry into the United States."
All of this means, whether it is British, Australasian or Canadian Nationality Laws, that any child born in Canada is Canadian by birth, and the stakes go up when it is Daddy Cruz is a Canuck.

In general, everyone born in Canada from 1947 or later acquires Canadian citizenship at birth. In one 2008 case, a girl born to a Ugandan mother aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Boston was deemed a Canadian citizen for customs purposes because she was born over Canada's airspace.

It does not matter if Ted Cruz was born over Canada, under Canada or in Canada, he is Canadian, as any black baby from Uganda on an airliner.

Ted Cruz is Canadian. Ted Cruz is American. Ted Cruz admitted that his Mum asked him if he wanted to be Canadian or American. That means at the time he was DUAL CITIZEN STATUS. That disqualifies him, whether Ted Cruz chose Canada or America.

The Constitutional Laws are specific, and I do not give a damn what legal frauds are stating in 5 million page reports trying to overthrow America in Obama Outlaw, because it always comes down to the fact no Dual Citizen or Foreign birther can ever be President. The Founders were quite specific in these protections, and Barack Hussein Obama proved this in his changing of America and disregarding American Law for foreign concepts. That is what the Founders were protecting America from, this type of genocide of the nation God founded through them.

Those are the facts and it does not matter what Newsmax skewed the results on, Breitbart is deflecting on or Ted Cruz is lying about, because he was born in Canada and that made him Canadian, and that makes him Dual Citizen and disqualifies him from being President.

In fact, the Lame Cherry now demands that Ted Cruz cease and desist in this overthrow of America in removing himself from the United States Presidential race, or the Department of Justice should indict and arrest him on the charge of sedition against these United States.

Ted Cruz belongs in handcuffs, led away by the US Marshals. It all comes down to Dual Citizenship and Ted Cruz was a Citizen by birth of Canada and a Citizen by birth of America. He could as Rand Paul states, be Prime Minister of Canada, as they have lower standards than America as the Prime Minister is not the head of the Canada, as that is the Queen of England who is head of state.

Arrest Ted Cruz for usurping American Constitutional Law.

Nuff said


Ted Cruz buying allot of good Big Koch Press

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It may surprise you, but sometimes the liberal press actually brings up something pertinent, but a something, which is so connected to the powers that be, that they can only fume about it, without following it up.

What it had to do with, is something Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was forced to mention on his dwindling broadcast, and it has to do with a reality which I have been writing on for years in an exclusive, in how it is that the billionaire Limbaugh gets that fortune at the EIB, in the money has to come from someplace.

That someplace is Mockingbird funding. The same intelligence funding that brings you everything you watch or hear, whether it is GE defense contract overruns which fund NBC, or the Limbaugh money menagerie which is one of the most serpentine in getting talent like Art Bell and John B. Wells fired from Coast to Coast AM, and putting that Obama award winning stooge George Noury on the air.

It is this ad revenue funding which is where the hook and crook is, because you know very well that these bizarre little companies which you are constantly told are the best blinds, best gold or best tea, are not making any more profits than those strip fast food joints that no one is ever in. It is about money laundering and in this case, the liberals were upset that Ted Cruz was getting great press from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, in return for buying ads which ran on their programs.

The astute has listened to this fiction about Ted Cruz, as much as on Breitbart, in how he and Ben Carson are the most principled men in the world, that Jesus could learn a few things from. It goes much deeper than this though, because you can think of it in these terms.

Overtly, this is Big Koch, which dumps money into Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin. It is why they hate ethanol fuels in paying farmers for grain production, instead of terrorists for OPEC oil production, as Big Koch owns the monopoly on subsidized ethanol and wants the competition removed.  This Koch group is the extension of what Ted Cruz in his billionaires operate from and Ben Carson operates from in Herman Caine's group.
Both are intelligence connected and have the intelligence deep pockets, going back to the John Kennedy era and moving to the Reagan era with billionaire Ross Perot.

This is how Big Koch is able to launder money to their mic heads meant to mind the people on the right. It is why Limbaugh was scripted in saying things like poor people eat, so they should be exterminated. It is meant to ruin the right wing lable, and it has in many ways, but it is how Limbaugh gets covert money, as much as Hannity, Levin and whoever in this group.

You probably should be told in standards and practices that this is illegal, for a political candidate to be paying money to a talk show, getting great press from them, and no one is mentioning one word of this in the Limbaugh broadcast, that Ted Cruz is paying us a fortune so when we  talk about Ted Cruz, ethics show that we need to point this out.

The same situation goes on in the left. That is chiefly the realm of George Soros in his criminal activities, but you never hear a word about any of more than say  Charlie Rose is over playing tennis at the Brzezinskis.

Of course this is all unfair, and it is by design. Rush Limbaugh constantly refers to Donald Trump as TRUMP, and it is always Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson for the people who funnel money to him, and never CRUZ or CARSON every time their names are spoken.

You will NEVER find one thing exposing what frauds Ted Cruz and Ben Carson are on Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh backs Cruz over Rubio - POLITICO

... Rubio that was a member of the Gang of Eight and Ted Cruz that wasn't." The issue Limbaugh is referring to has been ... Advertising; Breaking News ...

Limbaugh: Ben Carson Has Democrats Scared To Death ...

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Dr. Benjamin Carson has taken the world by storm. Dr. Benjamin Carson from Johns Hopkins University took CPAC by storm. He was on Hannity last night.

You will hear non stop from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, that they never play favorites of have never made a choice, but this trio non stop is backing the Big Money candidates. It was not that long ago that the pithy Mark Levin was threatening Donald you can tell Donald Trump was really scared in being silenced.
It is the reality of the Russian Ashkenaz. They are all big mouths like Trotsky and do their stirring up crowds and others to do the murder work.

The Russian like all Slavs are the gentlemen you have to watch out for, because they do not threaten like Putin, but follow through and you are dead before you know it.

It is why some of my friends are Vulcans. They make death an elusive commodity when that is the one thing you would sell your soul for.

Meanwhile, a little hint to Mark Limbaugh, Sean Levin and Rush Hannity, the name is MR. TRUMP, because the same Donald Trump who booted Bernie Sander protesters out of his rally in Vermont in below zero cold without their coats, is the same Mr. Trump who has a very quiet Jew attorney taking names and  remembering things on the lists.

Let's sing as I am in the mood.

I hear that this is lovely song to question terrorists to with sharp objects.

Herman's Hermits — Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter ...

... You've Got A Lovely Daughter for free. Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter appears on the album Their Greatest Hits. Discover more music, ... Amazon MP3 Search


The Kim Jong Un Solution

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog greatly admires men and women of real leadership qualities. It admires Vladimir Putin as much as it admires the abilities of Kim Jong Un.

What this blog does not admire is flat world Pentagoners having Obama up their ass, and fighting the last war in a mental state of graduated fire and brimstone effects.

The Lame Cherry is going to lay out  the correct United States Policy toward Kim Jong Un, who is North Korea, now that the Obama regime has committed the biggest political and diplomatic blunder in world history in allowing the Persians of Iran and the North Koreans to gain the Hydrogen Bomb, which means every Islamic terrorist is now Hydrogen Bomb connected, and therefore Cobalt Bomb operative.

What has been missed in this, is North Korea detonated a small scale Hydrogen Bomb. This is the worst case event, as they have miniaturized the most thermal of explosive yields, meaning suitcase H Bombs are the Doomsday weapon.

What the Lame Cherry answers with diplomatically, and is what it hopes Donald Trump will graduate to is the Cherry Bomb Diplomatic Response.

The Pentagon is stick up their ass stupid with this being their idiot response.

US Rejected N Korea Offer To Stop Nuke Tests
Pentagram, S Korea Talk Of Nuke Sub, F-22s, B-52s To SK

Yes the proper response to H Bombs is now atomic weapons, after George H. W. Bush pulled the Neutron Bombs out of South Korea, and more jets on a piece of land and water, that 3 nukes will not neutralize.

As Lame Cherry is apparently thee only nuclear warfare expert left on planet earth, what follows is the Cherry Doctrine.

North Korea with 4 high yield Hydrogen Bombs will depopulate South Korea, and in bunkers will survive an American nuclear response, at which time both Japan and the Philippines invite America to get the hell off their islands, ceasing to make them a target, and in the end North Korea wins, as no one wants a radioactive Korean Peninsula.

Therefore the correct diplomatic response from America to Kim Jong Un, is the Cherry Bomb.

The Cherry Bomb is a Lame Cherry invention. It is a Triad MERV.

The Mother Womb first births a Neutron Bomb which exterminates all life forms in the radius grid. Mother Womb then births a small scale atomic detonation which triggers the Triplet to be born, a Hydrogen Bomb encased in the Cobalt Womb, which exterminates life on ground for the next five years in gamma radiation.

You may have heard of dial grade nuclear explosion. This is directional grade nuclear detonation, which produces the thermal burn on the surface, in the heat is designed to not allow the cobalt to rise in the atmosphere for fall out.

Now how does Dr. Cherry do this? Dr. Cherry utilizes HAARP to create an atmospheric roll of high stratus frigid air down burst to rain on that parade, keeping the gamma cobalt concentrated on location.

The children and brats have not yet figured out how to play with these cobalt toys, but now they do as an adult who has been there, knows how to use these toys effectively.

I am through with these pissy little jets and nuke response from the Flatagon. I am through with Americans fucking these 3rd world tramps and dying for Obama wars. As Kim Jong Un has learned from the Obama bully regime to play this game of Hydrogen Roulette, and it is time the world learns the Lame Cherry Doctrine of, you start a nuclear threat, and I kill you, I kill your people, I kill your nation, and in five years a bunch of tumor heads are resettled shitting on your ashes.

Of course this would have to be cleaned up for the diplomats and the Mockingbird media, as this is the verbiage the boys and girls bandy about at the Sam Cohen fan club.

I believe that answers all the questions we are taking this game to a new strata. I have yet to obliterate an entire nation, but perhaps my doctrine will soon enough in teaching the world that there are consequences to picking up things that go boom.

Nuff Said


Recipes without Measure

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It will be a month after the event that you read this, but this is about making food out of nothing. The problem is peasant food is something which is now expensive. Things like sardines are now gourmet prices. The poor just do not have a morsel any more.

The Germans were real gourmets when it came to ground meats or pudding as they were termed. It was a great pastime of talking puddings hung in the chimney......the smoking preserved the sausages.

One of the things I was raised upon was a food my Grandparents called in their understanding of German a slang of Gritvoosh. As near as I can discern this is Grist Wurst, or a ground meat, as that is what it is.

People in order to survive ate everything and stretched what they had. This German pudding was I believe in the original form locally on the west German coasts, a product of hog's head, tongue, liver and heart. The scraps which no one really wanted to eat, but you had to eat it, to survive, so one had to turn it into something which tasted not like strong dark meat or liver.

For this, we had year old pork roasts.........4 of them and about a pint of hog liver.

I give the basics of this as there is not a measure for this, but just a sort of putting it together.

You start out boiling the meat and liver, until tender. I can still see clearly in being age 3 of my Mom boiling this huge pig head on the stove, with steam rolling up and her carving jowls off of it and whatever meat scraps were there.

After the meat is falling apart, you use a meat grinder to turn it into ground meat.

You save the water or now broth it was boiled in, and add the ground meat to form a liquid meat paste.

To this you add about 4 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper.

This is where it is different from German Pennsylvania scrapple as there is not extra spices in this nor corn meal as the thickener.

What the Germans used was oatmeal and what you want as you had about half a box of this meal, is to make this like a thick oatmeal as it forms a thick paste.

You pour this into big baking pans to cool, cut into cake size pieces to freeze and then after thawing, fry it into a thin patty well browned.

The thing in this is it is odd, but this is better with the scraps and better if it does have lard in it, because the hog lard enhances it, and if fried in hog lard this turns into this deep brown color which is crispy. You eat this on buttered toast.

This sits like a rock in your stomach and it is food that stays with you. It is a food designed to get a half of days hard work out of you.

It is hard to get pork liver now.......have no idea what they are doing with that thing which no one really wants, but it is like French cooking all being peasant food, in what was goose liver which no one wanted is now expensive which only the rich can afford.

This will calculating in my head 96 servings......a great way to stretch four pork roasts, some liver and a half box of oatmeal.....literally triples the food you had, and turns it into something which does not taste of pork, liver or oatmeal.

Pork is a most interesting unclean creature. It's meat is sour and taxing, but put some smoke to it, some salt, some grinding and you end up with something that tastes not like things I care not to eat.

Someday when we have our place, we will have those old pigs full of fat, and we will make our things like George Washington did and Goethe did. Ham, bacon, sausage and gritvoosh.

I would state one thing, that do not eat this fried like sausage patties, or use flours to thicken as the oatemeal gives it more texture and you do not want to be eating why pork sausage had a coarse grind.
.......and remember THIN, not thick.........deep brown and not black.

Nuff said.
