Friday, January 15, 2016

Cruztitution: Ted Law

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has been ridiculed and mocked by the Fogbow types, but I challenge the liberals where they are in genuine honesty, as in the Obama Birther issue, this blog has not yielded for any Latino quick fixes for GOP victories and has taken a scorched earth stand against Rafael Ted Cruz.
The reality is that 25% of Republicans are stating the same thing about Ted Cruz, as the Constitution is more important than anything. If 25% of democrats had loved America and stood against Obama, America would not be in this grave it is in now.

By God's Grace Donald Trump is going to be the President, because while democrats would not admit to their mistake on Birther Hussein, they are at 20% not going to make the same Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders mistake a first time.

Rafael Ted Cruz is no more Conservative than Barack Obama is conservative. Rafael Ted Cruz if he was not hiding what he is, would be called by his American Christian name of RALPH CRUZ, instead of Ted.

Ted Cruz was beyond weak at the GOP debate. Ted Cruz was an American hater in not apologizing to New Yorkers over his attack upon their American Values, and his great point was stealing Donald Trump's mandate of eliminating the IRS in filing  taxes on a post card.

Donald Trump is the American in the room, and Ted Cruz is the "me too" foreigner like Birther Hussein Obama Chin.

Ted Cruz is a Dual Citizen, and in this race, Hillary Clinton has standing to file legal statutes as much as Harry Reid, and they will file, refile and file, again until Paul Ryan and Mitch  McConnell roll over and remove Ted Cruz from the White House.
What is Ted Cruz going to do then? Be like Castro in calling out the police state and shooting everyone who does not bow to the Cruztitution of Ted Law?

America, you are in trouble, and more trouble is coming than you ever dreamed. Obama has looted the American debt, and those traitors Ryan and Pelosi have holding the robber's sack. There is a global depression coming. Gerald Celente of Trends, can term it a recession, but that is not what this is. This is GLOBAL IMPLOSION arriving in this 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
Latin America is in recession. China is moving toward a cheap Yuan in order to export to expensive American dollars to survive, as their markets collapse.
The world is deflating at the base oil price. The stock markets are going to continue to degrade. People like farmers are being gleaned.....meaning everyone who produces is not going to have the extra money to generate purchasing items from the bottom up.

What is taking place now in these Stock Market plunges is a company like Amazon is buying up their own stock to stop a free fall. The money is coming from banks........and a bank like Citibank is owned by Saudi Muslim Arabia, as it like JP Morgan is buying up what is left of America by this debt they will foreclose on or "trade off" for corporate control.

You have to face the reality, that the Obama Super  Depression, was fed 18 trillion dollars of Obama looting, and now Double Dip Depression is on the horizon. It is going to take a Donald Trump in the White House to be an FDR to calm American fears, and to be a Ronald Reagan to keep America functioning and not drawn into a major war.
Because we are facing a global trade war, and trade wars always spike to hot wars.

Walmart is imploding, and that means the poor people have no more money, as that is what Walmart serves, and now Obama is importing millions of more invading terrorists, giving them regime credit cards with more debt, and none of it is working as the collapse and deflation is imploding globally.

It is going to take a Donald Trump to hold America together, because Rafael  Ted Cruz has in order to try and win piss ant Iowa, stabbed mega power house state New York in the back, in thee most disgusting of ways. Attacking New York Values, from upstate Conservatives to downtown New York, in a people who showed in 9 11 what the best of America is.

Ted Cruz can NOT win the Presidency, over his being a Birtha, and the fact that in one verbal rape of New York, he has destroyed every chance the GOP had in Pennsylvania to New York to Virginia. Rafael Cruz can not win in having wiped out Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania off the electoral college, as he sure in his Mexican is not going to win California or Florida, and I doubt like hell with Republicans abandoning him, he could even win Texas.


I am going public in stating I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR RAFAEL TED CRUZ, no more than I will ever vote for Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. I am not alone in this.

Rafael Ted Cruz with his Cruztitution fantasy document that says he is legitimate to be President, when this illegitimate can only be Canadian Prime Minister, and God help the Canadians that, that never happens, as they have enough problems with that lunatic ruling their now.

No one but Donald Trump is going to be able to deal with the major problems which America, the West and the World faces in:

1. Obama terrorists imported.
2. Massive debt.
3. No employment.
4. Border Security.
5. Nuclear Terrorism
6. Vladimir Putin

I will put this plainly, in America is now approaching a decade, since the Obama 2008 engineered depression. In 1929, this repeated, was degraded by FDR for more power control, and world war started at the end of 10 years. We have before us, if the above six are not remedied in working with Vladimir Putin, there is going to be world war with weapons unleashed beyond nuclear, biological and chemical weapons murdering billions.

It is going to take an American to fix this by God's Grace. It is going to take a Donald Trump and not more Obama glory hole in Biden, Sanders or Clinton and not more Obama Birther in Rafael Ted Cruz.

You children either be adults for the first time in your self indulgent lives and do what is right this time, or you are going to find the horror of Nagasaki and Dresden over your dead bodies.

Nuff Said


Crossdresser Ted Cruz


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a reality that the more light you shine on Ted Cruz, the more disturbing this confidant of........

Serial marriager, Viagra Suitcase Rush Limbaugh

Homo Hannity

Billionaire Ghoul who took over Breitbart after Andrew was assassinated............

just how creepy Ted Cruz is.

As more information comes out about Ted Cruz at Harvard, we find out why the college women of Harvard were creeped out by this pervert, because Ted Cruz was the original Bruce Jenner.

Ted Cruz was a crossdresser in college, literally. He would be arrested now for stalking in what he engaged in, as it was bizarre.

Cruz would dress up in women's night time attire, and then go into women's dorms and prowl around. Once would be a cute prank, but from inside sources on this, Ted Cruz was making a habit of this perverted misbehavior, and this is why the women at Harvard, started to plead with his roommate to get Cruz to stop appearing as Tami Cruz, as it was disturbing.

In Forensic Psychology, there is something missing inside of Ted Cruz which sets boundaries. It is obvious this Canadian Cuban had very low self esteem. He hid in intellectualism to bully people, but it was never enough to be attractive to women. So his idea of intimacy approached, invading women's privacy, dressed as a woman, to have contact with women.

There is a line in misbehavior, which sets off red flags. The Ted Bundy who kills his first cat, and then moves onto people. The Bill Cosby who gets his first woman drunk, and then finds power in taking things from women sexually, by drugging them and raping them. The Cat Bugler who breaks into people's homes to "look at them" and when discovered, panics and murders them. The Ted Cruz who dresses up in women's night things and finds he likes it, and continues on creeping people out, and if not stopped either melds into a Bruce Jenner or becomes a serial rapist, to get what he desires from women.

The question people need to answer is, do they want someone who was so unbalanced in college, that they were dressing up as women? That part is still there in Ted Cruz, but now that he has a wife, you will notice he has taken on the Texas cowboy boots and plaid shirt persona, to become the "American" which he is not.

Ted Cruz is telling you by image he is a fraud. His clothing is his confession. He is exactly like Birther Hussein Obama, in being anything and saying anything to anyone to get what he wants. He is a chameleon. Obama was just having sex with men, and Ted Cruz was crossdressing in trying to get close to women who wanted no part of him.

It is the fact now, that you can not believe a damn thing Ted Cruz tells you, because one year is a Bush man, the next he is a Rockefeller man, the next he is a Tea Party man, the next he is an Obama man, but the pattern of stealth in Ted Cruz seems to indicate he is no different than Obama in feudalizing and federal dictating everything in absolute power.
Ted Cruz is an Obama twin politically and an Obama congential sexual deviant psychologically.

The people in Iowa have got to get this right in giving Donald Trump a clear victory, and relegating Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz to the political trash heap, because they are both Obama men, like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

That is crossdresser Ted Cruz. That is the story hidden in his college days. This was not some Animal House prank, but more like John Lithgow dressed up as a creepy woman.

Nuff said


The Evil of Islam, Philosophy, Intellectualism and the anti Christian

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is possible to write and read yourself to death.

That is the diagnosis of what led to the death of someone you have probably heard mention of, in St. Thomas Aquinas, because this Italian aristocrat in one of his works, the Summa Theologiae, contained 60 volumes, as in it was larger than the Enclopedia Britanica, and it was a theological work on Christianity, for teaching.

This work actually sat next the altar with the Scripture for a number of years in early Christianity, because it was deemed that complete of work. It dwarfed the apologies of Jewish Talmud and Islamic expansions.

What was unique about this work is that Thomas Aquinas as much as the early Church had three opposing forces to the Gospel, and that is the reason for this examination, as history does indeed repeat itself, as the three things which endangered humanity were:

1. The anti Christian in the anti religious or athiest.

2. The Aristotilian or Greek philosophy of humanism.

3. The Arabizing factions or the Islamist.

These could be summed up in Plato, Aristotle and the Arab philosopher Ibn Sina. While each could advance human thought, each separate from God, succeeded in the satanic plan of driving people from a communion with God.

One can witness in the 21st century thee exact same satanic forces arrayed against the Gospel, in the Christ Deniers, those who mock and persecute Christians, those who choose psychology, their own morality or Marxism to replace God, and the well funded Oil Islam. All have the same underlying force of Jewish commerce promoting itself while feeding off the body politic, as disorder is profit.

The worst of the conditions is now that the Church in all of it's Christian forms is the exact thing which Christ Prophesied in the Revelation, because He said the last Christian Church would be neither hot nor cold for Him, the Gospel, and He simply spits them out in being that distasteful.

None of this is new, and what the Holy Ghost leads me to read in throw away 60 dollar book, no doubt given by some quasi intellectual or some false read follower who thought having a book like this on their shelf would make them superior to others, is a reality that St. Thomas Aquinas battled those against the Church, the human dogmas and Islam, because it was the right thing to do in 1252 AD in the year of our Lord, and it is the right thing to do in the 21st century, as Christians are persecuted by a religicide formed by the special interests of commerce, Christ deniers and cartel powers, intent on the genocide of humanity.

It is Onward Christian Soldiers, it is St. Paul fighting the Good fight of Faith, it Word of God in Revelation, upon the White Horse with Sword drawn. You had this world as a Christian to worship in peace, because others fought against the forces arrayed against those Christians being persecuted and slaughtered as the family of God is today.

Each of you, needs to flush your mind of the propaganda which has imprisoned you and is a police state which assaults you in your hearts each moment, not allowing you to be you, as your Christian Virtue has been turned against you. You are  told Christ is a whipping boy and that you are turn the other cheek, which were contexts of that time 2000 years ago, but not of an age driving Islam out of Christian Europe in the 1400's or driving the Vatican out of Germany in the 1500's.
Jesus is the One who took the whip and drove the bankers out of the Temple and Jesus as the Angel of the Lord has removed by force millions in battle, because He is the Lord of the Battle.

The Christian is as Their God, Merciful and Just, living in Grace, being wise to the ways of the world as Christ taught, and being armed as Christ told His followers.

It is an evil to harbor and be persecuted by those anti Christ forces of philosophy, religion and political dogma, when God expects His children to resist in Him against all this evil. God did not raise up martyrs to be slaughtered, but raises up deliverers to install again the Way of God for people to live, and the Martyr arises in that resistance.

Joan of Arc was not out grazing sheep, but was out in the fields of battle, as was Martin Luther.

Thomas Aquinas was the eminent intellectual warrior of his age, answering those forces arrayed against Christianity, and defeating them in university.

This is not a battle call to any of you, but it is a teaching, to right your minds with thoughts you should be having, and thinking, which are thoughts that are correct, right, good and true.
You have been void of the Truth for far too long. The first step is teaching you to be children of God, in the same way God led the Israelites 40 years in the Wilderness to purge them of their slave habits. You do not have 40 years and for the survival of a remnant of civilization, you must right your thoughts immediately and continue on this course every day, not in the propaganda of the world, but in Christian Patriotic history which is Faith, intellectual and intelligent, to raise to the One True Thought, out of the abyss of putrefied dogma.
