Monday, January 18, 2016

Ted Cruz's Big Gay NY Money

From the desk of the Tiger Lily.

It has recently come to my attention that Rafael Edward Cruz has visited the city whose big-money values he so recently spurned, on a fund-raising tour last April.  My oh my, Laureli, isn't that just 50 shades of hypocrisy.

During this little whoring-himself-for-money junket, he stopped by the home of two highly prominent gay and rich businessmen, namely Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner.  So he "says" he's against gay marriage, and then he "says" the decision should be left up to the states, and then he "says" the Fortune 500 has a radical gay agenda being pushed to the detriment of the will of the people.  All well and good.  However, if he actually cared about protecting traditional marriage, he would keep himself from being tainted with money from people on the Fortune 500 list that are pro-gay activists.

He said he would "love his daughters just as much" if they were gay.  Also, one of his big contributors named Peter Thiel is openly gay, and is a "close friend".  Makes you wonder what else he "generously contributed" and where he put it.

So basically, he is supposedly "against" gay marriage, but not against sodomy, and definitely NOT against taking money from people who promote the radical gay agenda.  Doesn't seem very Christian (or very conservative) now does it?  Play this out- God forbid he becomes President, and he will then owe the radical gays a favor (or more) who want a Constitutional amendment permitting the legalization of sodomy.  By then it won't matter if the conservatives are screaming about his betrayal, as he suckered them into voting for him AGAIN.

This man needs to be dropped like the slimy turd he is and not let anywhere near the White House, OR the Senate, ever again.

Just another footnote in a long list of the anti-Conservative and anti-Christian stances of Rafael Edward Cruz.


Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: Dr. James Fetzer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a book of assembled texts covering the subject of Nobody Died At Sandyhook.

It has been banned by Amazon which did it a great service for buzz spin and for downloads online. I would have mentioned something about this before, but I simply could not get this book downloaded in PDF. On I could grab it in Kindle, but honest to God the text looked like some kind of spy code, but even there I could never get this book downloaded and I tried several sites.

At the above, I did on slow internet get it to partial load, and then hit the download button and finally obtained it, so my COOL PDF READER which is a small program could open it.

I am not going to go into the realities of the Lame Cherry investigation which proved the bullet trajectories were all wrong, and no 223 or 40 Smith & Wesson were not going to be punching holes in bricks. There was  that odd reality of the car gunfire exchange which made no sense either, as a gun fight or staged gun fight took place there too.

The reason I make mention of the staged gun fight, is because this is the premises of this work, in this was a training exercise only, and everyone was hired to produce a training film. I would assume that crisis actors could be made to sign a confidentiality requirement where they would end up in prison, to stop them from speaking about things. That part of the human food chain though is the weak point in this. The strong points are the reports that this school was condemned, not occupied and had huge hazmat problems that multi million dollar grant was supposed to fix.

The problem with this work is that the provocateurs have built on it, to claim everything from Paris to San Bernadino was a staged event which did not take place. They never stop to realize that enough minders are in place as in San Bernadino, to publish photos which look odd in real events, to keep this upheaval and uncertainty in the public mind.
That is what mind control is all based in, in removing the base of reality, to confuse the mind, and in Tavistock using those things which are real, as in Sandy Hook authors, to get them to be assets of these operations in having them point out all the anomalies. Yes utilize the very authors against their own discoveries, and this is simple, because most of these people are seeking attention and ready to say things for attention about anything.
Get the authors to discredit themselves as one exclusive is not enough in this world of the fringe to generate income or radio time.

The following is a quote from a Dr. Eowyn, which I did not track down, but it is the basis of the information in the book, in how could Sandy Hook be an active school when it was a health hazard.

Dr. Eowyn 

1. What school’s neighbors said 

In an interview with Halbig on Truth Radio Show on March 21, 2014, 
Infowars reporter Dan Bidondi said (5:45 mark), “The school’s been closed 
down for God knows how long. [Neighbors] can’t understand why there were 
kids in that building because it was condemned.” 

2. Reports of shes being contaminated with asbestos, requiring 
expensive repairs 

SHES was built in 1956. Several reports in local newspaper The Newtown 
Bee indicate that years before the massacre, SHES was in a state of disrepair 
and contaminated with environmental toxins. 

As examples, in 2002, Consulting Engineering Services recommended 
to the school district that SHES be “worked on in 2010 over a nine-month 
period” to upgrade and renovate its heating and ventilation system at a cost of 
$4.5 million.Two years later, in 2004, the Newtown Board of Education was 
told “there were serious problems with the Sandy Hook elementary school 
roof.” Four years later, in 2008, there was yet more bad news: SHES was 
contaminated with asbestos. (Remember that 2008 date.) 

On October 5, 2013, nearly 10 months after the massacre, a city 
referendum passed by over 90% in support of the demolition and rebuilding 
of SHES with a generous $49.25 million grant from the State of Connecticut. 
The reason given for the demolition was “asbestos abatement”. On Dec 2, 
2013, Newtown’s Public Building and Site Commission Chairman Robert 
Mitchell issued a report to justify the already-approved demolition. 


Six signs the school was closed 

He said that “had the town decided to reoccupy the school on Dickinson 
Drive, it would have faced a daunting and possibly insurmountable 
challenge regarding the presence of hazardous materials” because the school 
was contaminated by not just asbestos, but also PCBs under the flooring and 
in the foundations and footings. 

Just think: If the city already knew in 2008 that the school was 
contaminated with asbestos and, in 2013, used the contamination to justify 
tearing it down, why would the same asbestos-contaminated school be safe 
for children and teachers to inhabit from 2008 through 2012?

I am going to continue to browse this book in PDF now that I have it, as it is just one more dead bin Laden which is another Boston Bombing, in none of these events ever make sense, unless they are combinations of wag the dog operations, which most of them are. Do not ever forget there are "live fire" exercises in the NSA with the BATFE moles trigger things, like the first bombing of the Twin Towers during the Clinton tenure.

Just do not get caught in the undertow, as we need to focus on keeping Mr. Trump safe and getting Mr. Trump into 1600 Penn Avenue to solve most of these problems, as most of these operations were curtailed under Bush43 inside America unless it was against Dick  Cheney in Plamegate to get Colin Powell installed as Vice President., and that is the first thing and primary thing to do in President Donald Trump.


MLK Wet Nightmare

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Oil Tourists

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a wonderful thing to have the Matt Drudge Oil Tourists finally arrive to what Lame Cherry has been posting on for over a year in the North Dakota Oil Bust.

Gas drops to under 80-cents a gallon in Michigan...

BUST: NDakota Crude Worth Less Than Nothing...

Big banks brace for oil loans to implode...

The thing is I will not repeat myself in who is going to annex American oil, but the Saudi terror oil syndicate, but instead I am going to give you a prairie dog view of North Dakota in implosion.

There is a radio head in North Dakota called Scott Hennen, who simply will not accept that North Dakota is a rotting corpse. He keeps pumping the oil volume in how great it is they have 750,000 people there now......soon to be several hundred thousand on welfare, and thee entire real estate market imploding, because the jobs have disappeared, the money is going and people are only working 30 hours a week in that cold hell hole of North Dakota Arctic chill.

I make no bones about it, that I hate states like Iowa. I hate California too. I hate Wisconsin. I hate southern rednecks. I have a long list of things I hate about America, and hope for day when Vladimir Putin cobalt washes many of these areas from existence so good people can repopulate those areas, as even a shit hole like California has about 300 people who are Americans yet.

There is one place though I specifically loathe and hate, and that is Watford City, North Dakota. You might ask what the hell is a Watford City, featured in the New York Times.....yes go invest young Stock Broker Go Invest, New York Times...........but when you think of a pile of dried cow shit, hole marked by shit flies, laying in the sun, that is Watford City.

Watford City is a place which could have taken millions in oil revenues and saved them, but instead they decided to build a boom town in the middle of Butt Fucking Nowhere. They are building schools, hospitals, and probably rec centers like that other shit hole, Williston North Dakota, along with miles of roads, and bragging about the houses and infrastructure, but as I warned about all of this from the start, is the fact that when you build expensive things, it is expensive to heat and cool them, and they require taxes and new roofs, and all of a sudden when the oil boom turns bust, you have these massive tax bills on property which no one can afford, along with the houses people are losing, and there sits Watford City telling everyone like Scott Hennen that oil is going back up.............the last time oil broke in Western North Dakota was in the 1980's bust.......oil never went up again for 25 years.

So there can be talk about few oil wells going in, people hired to work the fields which is a dirty miserable job, as I had a relative crawling down in this pits as his job, and for some reason he got out of there as soon as retirement came.

I spoke to a gal in a small world in she was from Western North Dakota. She said she told her son to sell out and move, because his hours were cut and they just could not make it up there any more. Things are getting progressively worse all the time, and as I stated, North Dakota is going to have a quarter of their population now as welfare status, and that kind of drag on a rural state drunk with oil, is not going to be an easy burden to fund.

North Dakota is a state of sugar beets in the Fargo region, wheat in the west and cattle, and that is their economic base when oil disappears.

So Scott Hennen gets this as should Watford City, in the 1970's the Rockefellers broke the family farmer economy, driving people off the land for corporate Monsanto and Big Dairy agriculture in price fixing. The same burst is being unleashed on North Dakota oil.
Let me expand this on Limbaugh and Levin hating bio fuels, as that was part of the farm economy bust.

In the late 1970's ethanol was being promoted. Farmers invested in those plants and Big Oil broke the price structure, and the Rockefellers bought up all the ethanol production. This happened a second time and Big Oil broke the system again and bought it up. This happened a third time with George W. Bush and Tom Dashcle building ethanol plants.
Who descended on ethanol? Why the Koch Brothers. They bought it all up, then moved to cut subsidies so their monopoly would destroy the competition.

Same thing is happening in North Dakota. Most of the oil was drilled on Warren Buffett rail properties enriching him. It expanded to other areas, and those speculators bought up all the rights, developed the fields, just like the farmers did and ethanol producers did on cheap money, and then the cartel pulled the rug out from under the price structure, leaving massive debt.

Now just like the Obama 2008 derivative bust which had investment banks bought up for pennies on the dollar on Wall Street, the big insider conglomerates like GE and Saudi Citibank are going to gain control of all of that American oil.
Americans are going to be sitting on oceans of oil, just like the Saudi turban heads are, but only the elite are going to be gleaning the trillions of dollars.

The price on oil is not going to rise, until like in dairy milk production, that the conglomerates own all the cows. Once all that oil is secured by the oil terrorists, then you will see prices rise, but by that time North Dakota is going to have extracted from her, every penny and soul.

So that is why I hate Watford City. It is filled with DAKTARDS with heads up their asses, who ruined that beautiful country, raped their own people and cast them aside, and replaced them with this invader class of vagabond trash, which is going to flee like Mexicans when time get tough, as 20 below zero for highs, really is a pisser for pansies from the rest of America.

I am really going to watch those crooks of North Dakota squeal. I am going to enjoy seeing those pompous trolls grow worry lines and become exasperated when they figure out that they have no oil, but the Saudis do and that OPEC can shut down every damn well there in the future, extorting a better pump rate price.

See the geniuses of North Dakota never made these economic rapists sign production quotas, never signed mandatory royalty levels, because they were so certain that they had the goose which laid the golden egg, and they would never get shit on. Well, they are about to get a ton of shit on as this unwinds, as there is a rule in this.........the CARTEL NEVER LETS ANYONE KEEP THE MONEY.

You just wait until some asstard from the EPA shows up in North Dakota and starts fining that state for clean up in all those old oil pipelines, because the Ryan Obama debt spenders  need more money, and why not take billions from North Dakota to make them all debt slaves...........wipe out the Republicans and make that completely liberal welfare state, never to contend with the cartel again.

Now you know the full story, something no one else is ever going to publish or explain to you. I suspect in future war that the Chicoms or Putin will neutron bomb that region for oil and cleanse it as they occupy that resource. It is fitting that these Darwin Candidates of North Dakota meet that survival of the fittest end.

Then I will no longer hate Watford City, as the land of Teddy Roosevelt will once again be sparsely populated with good people. Until then, the torture of North Dakota will suffice, as the cartel is very experienced by all of this..........and gee I wonder why Harold Hamm, the good friend of North Dakota, never warned his good friends up there, that any of this was coming.

The second time.

Oh, and this is why you need Donald Trump in the White House, to save Americans from themselves.



Texas Recall of Ted Cruz

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the billionaires trying to diffuse the ineligibility of one Rafael  Ted Cruz, the reality is Ted Cruz was born in Canada, has a Canadian Birth Certificate and now a document has surfaced in the British Press UK, that Ted Cruz filed in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, a RENUNCIATION OF HIS CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP.
There is nothing wrong with being Canadian if you are Canadian, but there is something wrong when the Constitution forbids it under American Founding Law.

Rafael Ted Cruz was not still nursing in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord. That was literally 44 years AFTER he was birthed in Canada, that he finally got around to ending his Canadian citizenship when like Obama he started sniffing around the White House.

I am going to repeat this has nothing to do with the murky issue of Natural Born Citizen. This has  to do with the fact that Ted Cruz was Canadian for 42 years of his life. As he never renounced that citizenship, there is honestly a question that he is not a legal American any longer. Meaning he was never naturalized. He simply was smuggled back into America like Obama from Indonesia as a 9 year old and became and American Squatter.
Legally  Ted Cruz has to be NATURALIZED to remain in America, and that returns us to something as pressing as the Presidency of America, in Ted Cruz committed fraud against the People and Republic of Texas when he ran for the US Senate.

Legally, Rafael Ted Cruz, could be in the US Congress if he immigrated to America legally, and then was naturalized. The problem with Rafael Ted Cruz is that he was never naturalized, not a US Citizen, so he committed fraud. Ted Cruz can NOT be a US Senator from Texas if he never was an American.

Legally the US regime allows people with dual citizenship status to serve in the government in cabinet offices. There is the issue of Jews with dual citizenship serving in Congress which is causing red flags, but the clearest of facts in this which need to be addressed is the reality that Rafael Ted Cruz, was Canadian when he was elected to the US Senate. He was never naturalized and has no papers for that claim. Therefore he committed fraud, and he must be immediately removed from the US Senate and replaced by the people of Texas with a papered American natural born or naturalized.

Houston Atty Sues, Says Cruz NOT ELIGIBLE For President

This is the can of worms which Ted Cruz has inflicted upon America like Obama. Now there are suits being filed in courts challenging Ted Cruz, and more are going to follow if he gets anywhere near the Presidency or Vice Presidency. This is a complete disaster, and honestly before this is over, Rafael Ted Cruz is going to be fortunate if he does not end up in prison for his Senate election FEC campaign fraud in not reporting his loans from super banks to finance his campaign.

Rafael Ted Cruz literally is a man without a country. He was never naturalized as an American. He renounced the one nation in Canada in which he had a legal standing as a Citizen of that fine nation. So that means Ted Cruz has no nation and no identity. Ted Cruz is as illegitimate as Birther Hussein Obama, and is as criminal as the Muslim terror invaders which Obama is dumping into America.

Texas must recall Ted Cruz, and the American people must put a stop to this in the GOP primary in deporting him out of the GOP, as Rafael Ted Cruz, like Obama, is not going to stop himself as he cares nothing for American Law.

What the Lame Cherry states is the Republican National Committee should immediately ban Ted Cruz from all GOP primaries and the Republican Party.
Texas should immediately recall Rafael Ted Cruz for fraud, and replace him with a papered American.
The Attorney General of Texas and of these disUnited States should immediately on Grand Jury indictment for campaign finance fraud, arrest Ted Cruz and hold him for trial.

I honestly do not know what to do with Ted Cruz after that, as he is not American, he is not Canadian, he is not Italian and he is not Cuban. Perhaps the only remedy for this Cruz without a Country is to send him to Gitmo in Cuba, have his wife provide him with a hoe and garden seeds, where he can garden and build a hut in this no mans land, until perhaps he can apply to some nation which might accept this criminal.

That though is the future, and Rafael Ted Cruz in the present must be disavowed by the Republican Party and recalled by the State of Texas to face criminal charges for campaign finance fraud.

Young Canadian with a Cuban father; Baby Ted Cruz with his father, Rafael. He was born in Calgary to a US mother and a Canadian father


Claymore Tales: Resurrection

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mountains are always higher when you must climb them and the sun conquering the darkness is easier when the sun is doing it.

The Dark Stranger
The Year when Teresa of the faint smile Arose

Snow does not seem so cold from a distance, but tracks have no warmth or coldness to them when they are left in hot sand or frigid snow.

Clare had been sent to the Farther Reaches upon a mission and the boy was following along. He did not notice until she mentioned to him, that all Claymore tracks looked different from the others. He still could not discern the difference, but Clare could in the rarified vision which she possessed.
What the boy could see though were the tracks of the Voracious Eater, and now an Awakened Being, traveling up the mountain. The Dark Stranger somehow always knew where the creatures would be.

They had been climbing for days now, Clare striking fires upon rocks by the steel of her sword, and Rocky huddling beside her in the cold.

It was at day three, that the tracks changed. It was not that the tracks changed of the creatures, but a new monster had joined them and Clare looked intently upon them and shook her head.
She would not answer the boy in his asking whose they were. She simply squinted her eyes and peered up the mountain as if to see something which was not there, which could not be there, and yet the tracks told them a Claymore was there.

Clare was ranked 64th in the Claymores which was the lowest of ranks. Inside her flowed the blood of the number 1, who the Dark Stranger had placed inside of her when one of the Claymores awakened to become a beast, and had cut off the arms and then the head of Teresa of the Faint Smile, in a moment of her kindness.
Claymores were not to have hearts. They were to have swords to kill the Yoma, and kicks to children who attempted to cling to them. That was the reality of the Claymore and the fiction of Clare, for she had saved the boy as she had no heart, and it was Teresa of the Faint Smile who had saved her...........

"Clare," the boy called out to her, as he always did at the worst times to distract her, and always pointing out the most obvious of things, "The tracks are gone. What happened? Where did they go?"

It was day number four.

Clare puzzled if the creatures had wings and taken flight or was this a ruse to a trap to kill her?

As they approached, Clare saw what had taken place, another set of tracks had joined them from the opposite side of the mountain, and they had the look of Claymore, like the Claymore who had spoken to the boy when she had been ambushed by 3 of the Voracious Eaters.
This was a male, but no males were said to have existed among the Claymores, as the pleasure of awakening was too much for the males in it took on a sexual nature of pleasure, and the males always gave in, and that is what made them inferior and worse than a problem because they became the problem they were created to fight in the Yoma, the cannibals of humanity.

There was that gibberish of the boy's story of Holy Waters and Oils, the taste upon her lips of that bread and wine, and how it did not make sense in somehow these things had kept this Claymore from awakening.
She could not ignore how her heart beat differently, how her intent had changed, how serenity had become part of her, instead of the inner Yoma Human struggle, all from the healing this male Claymore had administered to her.

She was lost in her thoughts of the Healer, when the boy pointed out the thing she was seeing. A great and violent fury had broken out upon the mountain. It was an avalanche of snow, but this avalanche was cascading up the mountain at times and then plunging back down, going sideways, swirling and filled with clashes of lightning which shone in the twilight skies.

Clare knew what this was, it was the clash of two Claymores in battle with the dull thud of their blades slicing a Voracious Eater and the whining sing of Claymore blades slicing an Awakened Being.

"Stay here," she ordered the boy, and was gone up the mountain in her own whirlwind. The feel of the auras of these four in battle felt like nothing Clare had ever experienced. It was electric, like steel shards cutting into her skin. She could feel them, and their awareness now of her as she approached.

It was that feeling which stopped her. She knew one of them, but that was a knowledge which could not be. It was that same questioning she had known when she witnessed the Claymore's tracks first in the snow. They were the tracks of a ghost which she carried deep within her and that made Clare all she was.

A terrible roar came down the mountain and she felt the end of existence of a Voracious Eater. Its corpse slid down the mountain in a plume of an icy shroud as she watched it plunge over a cliff.

Then there was a shriek, and the existence of an Awakened Being had ceased. There was no icy plume for Clare to watch, but just the curtain of snow settling out of the fog and two Claymores appearing as figures upon this stage.

It was the male Claymore, the Healer, the one she had felt ministering to her wounds. He was on his haunches resting upon his sword, glinting in the night by the light of the stars. It was the second figure which made her gasp and freeze like a pool of water, for she knew this number one, who was and yet could not be, but now was and is. This was Teresa of the Faint Smile, perched upon the corpse of the Awakened Being.
Teresa was examining her sword dripped in blood, like a woman with polished nails.

She heard Teresa speak inside her and outside her at the same time and that brought Clare to her senses. Somehow the Healer had vanished as her gaze searched for him, and somehow Teresa of the Faint Smile was before her.

"I have taught you bad habits my child," Teresa said to her. "I allow this human waif you were to follow me, and now you have allowed a boy to follow you. My blood in your veins is a testament that the Claymore lives more than by bread alone".

Clare was still in shock, as Teresa walked past her and down the mountain, as the once waif followed the Claymore she knew was dead.

Teresa of the Faint Smile continued chatting as they walked along, answering more questions that what even Clare could think to ask.

As they reached Rocky, Teresa turned to her and said, "It is that Healer. He took the parts of me and by a God greater than the one we prayed to, brought me back to life to a Way of thinking I had never thought, and now I am here to stay as you have been changed too."

Rocky interrupted, "Did you see that Clare, did you see that!"

Teresa of the Faint Smile turned to Clare and sighed, "I did not remember your being that annoying as a waif", and then added, "but then you could not talk as a child".
