Thursday, February 4, 2016

Marco Bi Rubio

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Disgustingly it is another broken story in the Taco Kings of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Ted is the Havana Assassin lynching Nigs like Dr. Ben Carson, and Marco is the fancy pants boy who sits on both the male and female laps.

Look At The Body Language And Boots
Is Marco Rubio Gay? Did He Attend Gay Parties In Miami?
Wayne Madsen - Marco Rubio's Homosexual Duplicity
Vanity Fair On 'Bubble Boy's' Too Sleek Black Boots

There have been numerous rumors floating around about Rubio in his zipper problems. The Jeb Bush people kept spreading information that a female South Carolina lobbyist in DC was getting the pool boy treatment, along with a harem of other women. Rubio had to spend a fortune trying to knock those rumors down.....if they are not true, then why spend the money.

It all sort of stands to reason as Marco has good taste in hot women, like his bottle blonde wife, who likes to show up at schools or something, in short skirts, flashing her snatch off like a cougar in waiting


You know when you look at a man like Donald Trump, by his marrying women, that he likes women and wants forever relationship as he marries them, and is not a bed hopper. With Rafael Ted Cruz, you can see he abuses women.......his wife like Michelle Obama will not lip kiss him in public, because she was thinking about throwing herself in front of trains too many nights.

With Marco Rubio, you just have that Obama thing going on, not in the foreign agent, but that bi sexual feces penis scent thing going on. He got the wife,  bottle blonde as she likes men who like trophy wives, and you got the rumors of Marco running his pool pole into every body's deep end, as the MSM keeps running stories trying to pull Rubio out of the closet like Obama, as the GOP fag president that everyone can f*ck.

I personally do not want a Havana Assassin who lynches Nigs in Iowa in  Ted Cruz, and I do not want a Havana Pool Boy, even if the closeted Rush Limbaugh, who kind of blurted out on his program that "he knows these men well" which sounded more like "intimately'.........but then who knows, maybe that suitcase full of Viagra that Limbaugh was hauling to the Caribbean was for his pals Marco and Rafael as they were all in the hot tub watching Kiefer Sutherland get all hot and sweaty in roughing up bad Rush, Ted and Marco splash water at each other......well maybe just Ted and Marco as Rush is deep paddling under the waves checking out the Taco Kings rudders.

Now you know all the rumors which have been swirling around, and in Cruz's case he has been proven a crook, in Rubio's case it sure looks steamy fresh in some pregnant guy showing up next.

Stay tuned.

Let us all sing for the scent of cock on the breath is in the air.

Los del Rio - Macarena (Original Video) [HD] - YouTube

É possível avaliar quando o vídeo for alugado. Los del Rio - Macarena

In case you do not like to sing, we aim to please as we can just watch the Marco video.

Cock on ur breath - YouTube

Cock on ur breath ... Cock Blockin! - Duration: ... "House of Cards" stars discuss filming explosive Season 2 scene - Duration: ...

Maybe that is why Marco Rubio says he is getting out of the Senate as it would take him 30 years to get a chair, because he only likes big titty bimbos and young man cock, and not the viagra aftertaste of Mitch McConnnell


Ted Cruz Premeditation to Steal Votes in Iowa

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am not going to spend a great deal of time on this as bed cowerers who will not donate are not going to be intelligent enough to do more than just try and comprehend one fact in their one dimensional world.

The Cruz campaign has been busy since they stole the Iowa election, sending out trolls to various comment areas like on that booze hound Matt Walsh's page on that recovering coke heads Glenn Beck's site of the Blaze......probably on that racist Red State site of Erick Erickson as he is the one who would not let Black man Ben Carson share the stage with Ted Cruz, all stating that this was all an accident and Marco Rubio did this too.

There is a problem in this, in the very closeted Karl Rove, now looking like some 007 villain called, Professor Suckcock, revealed something as Rove for the Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio now reveal what a crook Ted Cruz is in what Cruz did was PREMEDITATED.


BOOM! Karl Rove Breaks Down How Cruz Camp's Cheating Stole ...

BOOM! Karl Rove Breaks Down How Cruz Camp's Cheating Stole Iowa from Trump (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Feb 3rd, 2016 8:07 pm Leave a Comment

What Rove notes in facts, is that at 7:00 PM on the night of the election theft, a memo went out from Cruz management to invite the Carson voters to caucus with them. That is premeditation, as the Cruz camp was keeping the Carson voters close and herded together, so a few minutes later the Cruzlings could start screaming out, that Ben Carson had withdrawn from the race.
This was followed by, "Well vote for Ted Cruz as he will stand up for everything Dr. Carson does.

Seriously in this, there are reports that Trump voters were turned away from caucus buildings as they were "full up" or were told that. We witness a pattern here, that the Cruz people were not just coordinated, but set out to get into facilities first, herd the Carson voters to them, and then to scream at the Carson voters a lie, and simply in that panic and depression, sweep up the votes.

The Cruz people are exactly like the neighborhood pervert who invites the little children whose Mum just passed on, into their house, gives them a cookie and then  rapes them.............and then when the children cry the next day, the Cruz rapists appear again and tell the other voters to grow up, as everyone was raping the children at the ballot box.

Governor Terry Branstad of Iowa has now weighed in on this criminal conspiracy of Ted Cruz, and condemned it, and is hinting at more penalties. The Lame Cherry calls again for the seizure of all Cruz delegates, and with this premeditation in Cruz planned this out........meaning Cruz was going to tell the Carson delegates that Dr. Carson pulled out of the race as a strategy, Ted Cruz should be set aside completely from the race as the GOP Chair is not going to do a thing about this crime.

Ted Cruz literally did lynch a black man in Iowa. He had this planned out, and his entire staff was in on it. The targeted Ben Carson and his voters and that is not any different than if Ted Cruz stuffed the ballot boxes, which I now question if his people in each county, did not indeed have the dead and invalids voting for Cruz.

Reports have surfaced that inside the caucus buildings, that ballots were being handed out in the piles, and people were being told to vote as often as they liked. As only two candidates spiked in the polls in Cruz and Rubio, and Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Rand Paul all slumped, it is evident even as Mr. Trump set records in votes, that no one could win when Ted Cruz was stealing twice as many votes.

Ted Cruz planned to deceive the Ben Carson voters. That is now an established fact. This is beyond New Hampshire defeating Ted Cruz, in this foreign scoundrel, this is about Ted Cruz and his staff, and his major supporters in Iowa, being investigated and brought before a grand jury to be indicted.

I repeat of the people too stupid to donate, Ted Cruz had his people herd Ben Carson voters next to them, so they could then tell them Ben Carson had quit, and then influenced them to vote for Ted Cruz.

That is election fraud, and that is a crime.

Nuff said.



et tyrannus sicarus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If Donald Trump is not saved from the sabotage of his Boeing 757 in this cycle, the sub operational group behind this, is moving toward a second phase of attempts after the nomination has been secured in June, July, August.

I did not understand the inquiry as it was warm, dark, murderous, brooding. It was a deluge of will engulfing the matrix. It desires the outcome, but knew not the time.....only the event. It had willed if not this time, then another assassination programme would be unleashed on Donald Trump.

This is sickening, like the planned murder of LaVoy Finicum. It is a malevolent darkness which must have the Light of Christ shone upon it, to terrorize it into paralyzing fear.

Mr. Trump needs to get that Boeing gone over, the engines and wings, as I do not know how widespread this was in the weakening of that engine. He needs more security around everything, and he needs to have his Jewish billionaire family produce a contract that if anything happens to Mr. Trump, that contract will be carried out with extreme prejudice by their kinsmen.

Mr. Trump was not safe. In prayer, I effected measures, but I am off my game in being over stressed and exhausted. You used me up like child with a flashlight turning it on and off, and I have had no time to recharge my energy levels.

I am tired of this in always having to be right. I do not trust the inquiry now, and that is why it was blown, as too much information was coming out and I changed the time line.

Pam mentioned 750 dollar per month Obama premiums and what can be done. I do not mean to dishearten the good children, but each of you is going to have to change who you are in expectations. Each of you is nothing but a Slave ATM now to be worked to death, and if you do not keep paying fines to exist, you will become LaVoy Finicum, and if you stand up to it, you will be a target as Donald Trump is.
The biggest hit the  blog had was on the contracting the hit on Mr. Finicum, and it generated absolutely no donations. Jeff  Rense had on some tea brewer last night talking about "if something happens to Mr. Trump that the sheep will rise up as they are tired of being sheared".

I have two words for that in BULL SHIT. The cartel knows and I know, by the rats in the maze reaction, that 99% of you were either hiding under your beds being the cowards you are or you were too dense or celebrating what happened in Oregon, as you are malevolent group of predators, who are too dense in being triggered for that predator Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
You morons will never figure that you are tools, in the Pauls were paid to lead you libertarian dolts over the edge and Cruz right on schedule has weakened Donald Trump and is being replaced by Marco Rubio in New Hampshire.

Which brings this all back, to the cartel knows that you are not going to do a thing, as each of you would rather exist than end up like the Special Feature, LaVoy Finicum.

So what you do, because if Big Billionaire and Big Pentagon end Donald Trump's life, as this is now mirroring the repeated attempts on John Fitzgerald Kennedy, just like Senator John Heinz jet was crashed, so that Conservative fortune could be seized by the widow of now Obama boy John Kerry.
John Heinz, John Kennedy jr., all threats just like Donald Trump, and all of their planes are knocked out of the sky, and all the 99% mutton did nothing, and will do nothing.

Beep your horns in downtown Burns Oregon, as none of you are intelligent enough to run any operation, and none of you could keep your mouths shut. So pretend you are Americans, pretend that you like Rubio and Clinton, smile at your law enforcement, and pay everything you think you have so you can have the privilege of not being ass raped in prison or shot to death by the police state you buy bullets you say your prayers in silence, because God sent Moses and the Israelites rejected him, God sent Jehu and the Israelites rejected him.
God sent Donald Trump as thee last chance America has to be revived, and all there is, is billionaires spending hundreds of millions of dollars to politically assassinate Mr. Trump, a bunch of disgusting Cruzlings cheering about crimes which have aided the cartel for the assassination phase of Mr. Trump.

I do not mean to crush your wills, but you have to double down under the burden laid upon you.  You are going to have to carry it, or you do not keep what is important to you in your gilded cages. It does not matter to the rich, because they are not robbed enough yet, but for me my cage is Daisy and Baby Belle, the dream of having a place and going off grid, so TL and I can look after Mom and await for what is coming, because this entire menagerie is being designed to collapse and for billions to die.

Ted Cruz is not going to be taken out, as Karl Rove is knifing this no poll troll to oblivion.

The only hope you have for Donald Trump is that this latest situation has been exposed, so that a competing interest is going to now use this against that sub operational group as that is the leverage.

What do I know as the Prophet is always insane in Israel as the wisdom of the brats of this world is always justified in their ignorance.


Marco Bi Rubio: Gay Foam Sex Photo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following was broken by the intrepid Wayne Madsen, as he has had many exclusives on Barack Hussein Obama. The short of this is, is that Marco Rubio was raised by mafia casino parents out of Cuba and Las Vegas, and upon reaching sexual age, danced in his friends online Lat on Blacks sex review for sodomy.

This is the photo

Here is the close up of Marco Bi Rubio.


Marco Bi Rubio then moved onto the notorious gay night club scene where hundreds of unclothed men would dance under the lights, and a huge "cum load" would drench them in foam, to lubricate them. This is the infamous Foam Parties of Miami, and where Rubio says he met his wife........again these were homosexual events and straight women were not allowed.

This is the photo of Marco Bi Rubio.

This is the close up of Marco Bi Rubio.

I really do not have any respect for Iowa Evangelicals, as Jerry Falwell jr. told them to vote for Donald Trump, and they went off and whored themselves for wife abuser Cuban Ted Cruz, and this Marco Bi Rubio who surprisingly had more sex with gay men than even Obama.
I am guessing why Marco Bi Rubio could not get ahead in the Senate is he did not like the taste of white Mitch McConnell cock, and instead prefers to suck black cock.

Ted Cruz was the choice of the elite to bring down straight Christian Donald Trump, and open the closet for Marco Bi Rubio to become the gay parade choice. Now you know what the Taco Kings have been about........yes the choice of the Bush Boys, George and Jeb, Ted Cruz abuses women and Marco Rubio is a sodomite.

I keep hoping that Americans would not be this stupid to go for people in the closet Rush Limbaugh, Homo Hannity and Big Koch Levin are vouching for...........but now the Americans look like fools in being duped like democrats over Obama.

To make this worth something reading...........inquiry says that Marco Rubio did not have sex with Jeb Bush, but Marco Rubio did secure his billionaire backers money in exchange for gay sex. Inquiry points to Marco Rubio had sodomite relations with the George W. Bush staff at the White House..........points to the Karl Rove wing of gay boys. There are pictures and Karl Rove has them.

Nuff Said
