Sunday, February 7, 2016

Another Ted Cruz "Error"

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

At least we now have a definite Ted Cruz Harvard legal definition for his breaking campaign finance laws in loans with Goldman Sachs, stealing Ben Carson voters in Iowa, and now using the New Hampshire papers to post an article filled with deceptions and lies, that Cruz knew were deceptions and lies aimed at Ron and Rand Paul supporters, as these are not CRIMES nor proof of the "father of lies" in satan, but only 'errors'.

“It’s just frustrating. That should never have happened,” Mr. Hoell said. “It looks like a full-blown endorsement.”
He said he planned to vote for Mr. Paul, senator from Kentucky, despite his exit from the race this week.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Cruz, Catherine Frazier, said the campaign took responsibility for the error.

Ok so you understand this, Representative Hoell of New Hampshire is a rabid Ron Paul supporter, who got lured into a meeting with Ted Cruz. Mr. Hoell REPEATEDLY and STRENUOUSLY told Cruz that he did not support Cruz, and was still voting for Rand Paul, even though he was out of the race.

Cruz assured Hoell that Hoell would be just included in the story, and that only Hoell's praise for the Second Amendment would appear. Then came the stories in the press, which Cruz had Hoell promising Ted his first born children as he loved Ted Cruz that much.

There was no error in this, but this is another example of what a smarmy political bastard  Ted Cruz is and always has been. Cruz knifed the Rockefellers in the back, the Bush people in the back, Donald Trump in the back, Ben Carson in the back, and now Cruz has knifed the Pauls in the back, and it pretty much explains why Ron Paul came out in calling Cruz a damn fraud a few days ago.

This primary in both the right and left is just getting worse by the day. We have had years of these cycles like Obama stealing elections, which now have this foreigner in Ted Cruz practicing the same election crimes, that Jeb Bush has been unleashing via Chris Christie as of late. The new target is Marco Rubio who the Bush camp is warning of dirty tricks........yeah Rubio does vote fraud, and Bush is out lying about Donald Trump in eminent domain as an evil, and it comes out Brother George used it for massive profits in Texas for his Major League Baseball team in the Rangers.

These "Errors" belong in criminal courts, and it is only going to be solved by a President Donald Trump. TL and I were discussing this, and one of the Trump overhalls is going to have to be a PAPER record of e voting. Meaning people are going to have to have a paper record of who they voted for like a receipt, and there must be a paper record to match for spot audits to make certain this election fraud stops forever in America.

As for now, we now have one more Rafael Ted Cruz error. He lied and betrayed the trust of Representative Hoell deliberately. I wonder how much more proof the Jesuits and Evangelicals will need before they repent of their sins in backing this criminal Ted Cruz.

Another Ted Cruz error......

But in December, behind closed doors at a big-dollar Manhattan fundraiser, the quickly ascending presidential candidate assured a Republican gay-rights supporter that a Cruz administration would not make fighting same-sex marriage a top priority.
In a recording provided to POLITICO, Cruz answers a flat “No” when asked whether fighting gay marriage is a “top-three priority,” an answer that pleased his socially moderate hosts but could surprise some of his evangelical backers


The Super Bowl

 The Affirmative Action NFL Theater

Seriously children, are you still thinking that the elite are not manipulating the elections for their Jeb  and Hillary, after watching the Super Bowl?

Seriously, a few weeks ago an expert was on Coast to Coast AM on how American sports are all fraud, like the WWE, and he stated that Peyton Manning is what the NFL wanted to go out with a win.

Guess who won?

You do realize that these are the same leftist Caucasian who own the NFL teams, and they like all these other racists set this all up, to knock Nigger back to the shed in this Cam Newton..........

My God you dolts out there, I watched a few moments of Cam Newton on the field, and you can see in this Afroid's eyes, that he is clueless. Carolina is the biggest Niggerized team in the NFL, and they got a Cruzer coaching them. I mean how damn head up your ass are you people, to not see this was Whitey setting the minorities up to thump their tan asses down, because in American psychology, this is the NFL's way of tanning image Obama's ass, and to put them colored back to the shed.

I am not sorry to burst your bubbles, but Drudge blared the racism of these leftists.

Peyton Manning is the MAN, meaning Obama is duh boy like that Nig Cam Newton.


So let's just let this smack down have all it's appeal, like the Undertaker taking out Batista, like Chris Christie taking out Marco Rubio, like Ted Cruz taking out Ben Carson in election theft. It is a billion dollar fraud. The best teams as I  told you were Green Bay and New England, but this was the drama year for Whitey beating that Nigger's ass, and it had to be the poster boy who has built the NFL in Peyton Manning.

Sorry to the Cam Newton fans, but check out Daunte Culpepper to crystal ball his future, just like Sammy Sousa.

Let us comfort ourselves though with something lovely..........I am thinking vintage Denise Porter who is a capitalist in the bridal industry or something, as that will make all feel a great deal better.

It is why I do not watch these professional frauds any longer, and why I am working to stop the back infernos against Donald Trump, as he is the only reality in this world, and your lives depend on him.


Send in the Christie to do a Jeb's Job

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

New Hampshire is either going to save America, or be like Iowa in having another Jeb Bush tool create a brokered convention, as Chris Christie was sent in to take out Marco Rubio with the full support of the entire press, Hillary Clinton and this pansy Jeb Bush.

I mean Christie bitch slapped Rubio in a perfect set up, and revealed after Jeb Bush got bitch slammed by Marco Rubio what a pathetic panty waste Jeb Bush is. Bush could not even take out Bubble Boy.

I am not going to champion Chris Christie, as he is an eastern establishment tool. In Reverse Speech, he focuses on taking your guns away, and that is his primary evil like Obama.

The answer is Donald Trump in New Hampshire in Cruz is deflating bad, in having got the long face news, that like Rubio, they are both going to have to retire to Goldman Sachs in their 5 million dollar a year jobs in falling on the sword for Jeb Bush, as the voters are not going to re elect these two.

Rubio has already stated he is finished and going for the big cash sell out, and if people need to be reminded that it was Chris Christie walking cuddle hands with Obama to get the Birther back into the White House, you should not be voting for suffering from head up your ass.

I just am reminding people in the good fight, and when I saw the Drudge Boston Herald cover, I could not resist having some satirical fun in the cream on Christie's hands is sugar flavored and the cream on Rubio's hands is cum flavored.

Nuff Said.




Cock on ur breath - YouTube

Cock on ur breath ... Cock Blockin! - Duration: 3:39. ... Actor Is Back in 'House of Cards' Season 2 - Duration: 4:03.

Jeb Bush Eminent Domain

Jeb Bush's Eminent Domain in Maine walled off from the American People

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not intend to be an unpaid Press  Secretary for the Trump Campaign, but there is a staged issue in New Hampshire which must be addressed, and it has to do with Eminent Domain, and how Jeb Bush is trying to lie about it to hurt Donald Trump.

The issue deals with some in New Hampshire who will not build an electric power plant, but who lust for Canadian energy, so Canucks get sooty lung and they can sit in luxury in New Hampshire. It becomes worse, as some in New Hampshire only want electricity for themselves or think that electricity just appears out of wall sockets, when it needs transmission lines, and that is the issue in New Hampshire in Eminent Domain bringing electricity to Americans.

It is infuriating this Class Warfare which Jeb Bush has unleashed, when the GOP has been victimized by it by Democrats for a generation. Jeb Bush chatters on in debates about "Limo parking lots for Donald Trump" in New Jersey in taking away "old women's land", and it is all a lie as deep as anything racist Barack Hussein Obama ever said about lipstick on pigs, in degrading Sarah Palin.

Here is the story of Donald Trump with Eminent Domain in New Jersey. Mr. Trump was attempting to create jobs for profit in New Jersey. Almost everyone had sold to his business, except for one woman.
Mr. Trump offered her 1 million dollars for her city lot and house which was valued at $250,000. She refused and as Mr. Trump said, "I walked away".

Donald Trump tried to make an "old woman" a millionaire, but she declined, and Mr. Trump took no property from anyone. That is the story and Jeb Bush is a liar.

As this story progresses, developer Carl Ichan, finally did purchase this property for 530,000 dollars. So this stupid woman, in attempting to blackmail Donald Trump for more than a million dollars in the1990's, finally was stuck in selling her property to Mr. Ichan in 2014, and she could have cared less about New Jersey and her community, as she fled the state for California.

So Donald Trump in Eminent Domain appears and tries to pay people four times what their property is worth. Donald Trump tries to make people millionaires. I would like to have Donald Trump show up and buy what Mom has for a million dollars and you probably would be pretty pleased if Donald Trump showed up to pay you a million dollars for your city lot too. Donald Trump is generous to a fault literally, but let us visit Jeb Bush in his Eminent Domain.

Jeb Bush getting new mansion on Maine family ... - NY Daily News

Jeb Bush having new mansion built for him on family compound in Maine: report

You probably do not know this, but multi millionaire, son of multi millionaires, grandson of multi millionaires, Jeb Bush is building a mansion in Maine.

Maine? I thought Jeb lived in Florida? Well, Jeb does, but the Bush family has a Bush Compound in Maine, just like the Kennedy's have an exclusive compound in Massachusetts where only their millionaire friends can get in.

The Citizens of Maine are Banned by Force from going near the Bush Compound

So George H. W. Bush has a mansion on this property. That is not good enough for Jeb Bush, as he is building a mansion on this expensive property too. But ask yourself where did this land come from that Jeb Bush is building his mansion on?

Early records show that the people who lived in Maine were the Red Paint People. Through Eminent Domain, they were displaced by the Abanaki, who had their lands in Eminent Domain seized by Portuguese, French and English, who through Eminent Domain had their titles seized by the Americans.

The British attempted in 1779 to seize Penobscot Bay to make it New Ireland, but that failed and in Eminent Domain it returned to the Americans.

In this period, there was not a Maine, but only Greater Massachusetts. Yes Maine was Massachusetts, but on March 15th, 1820 AD in the year of our Lord, the people of Maine through Eminent Domain, took all that land from the people of Massachusetts, without any compensation.

The French Canadians in their diospora immigrated as workers to Maine in the textile mills, in becoming a 30% population structure in that Eminent Domain State.

During this same time in the late 1800's, two St. Louis Bankers, a father and son David and George Walker, arrived in sparsely populated Kennebunkport Maine, and through Eminent Domain seized a point of land, to build two mansions, and in grand fashion named the point after themselves in WALKER POINT.
This would the George Herber WALKER Bush, part of the Bush family who being rich, went in with their fortune and displaced local peoples who were poor and struggling from their lands and their sea.

This then was repurchased by a Walker as the house was not willed to an heir, and then repurchased by George H. W. Bush in Eminent Domain, not serving any public good, but the Bush family, where as of late, Jeb Bush in Eminent Domain seized part of this estate, at the insistence of George H.W. and Barbara to build a 3000 square foot mansion worth 1.4 million dollars.

Jeb Bush is the last of his siblings to get a house at the compound, according to the newspaper; “initiated for him by” his parents, it will be 3,000 square feet and was assessed at $1.4 million.

So in Eminent Domain did the Indians ever get compensated for the Bush Mansions? No. The Portuguese, French, British or Americans? No.
Did the people of Massachusetts ever get compensated for million dollar Bush mansions? No.

Did the people of Maine ever get compensated for this out of state millionaire land seizure by the Walkers? No.

Did HW and Barbara, ever get compensated, as in was Donald Trump or Carl Ichan offered public opportunity to bid on this Walker Point, or was it a sweetheart deal for Jeb Bush again, in which Jeb Bush's mansion is displacing all the birds, bugs, frogs and bunnies for his 1.4 million dollar mansion.......and running pollution into the ocean killing fish and poisoning the lobsters you eat,  because you know Jeb does not want dandelions in his lawn, so the herbicides and pesticides flow freely.

So that is the story of the pompous, self righteous, lying Jeb Bush, again, and again and again.

Jeb Bush is nothing but Eminent Domain which benefits no one in America, no one in Maine and no one the world, except the Bush family.

Sickly, maybe there is someone benefited by the Bush family, as HW. in his crippled condition did find it absolutely necessary to attend the lesbian wedding of some bakers in Maine, destroying the foundations of God's Christian marriage, but other than sodomites, no one has benefited from Jeb Bush's 1.4 million dollar private mansion, in a private Bush compound in the Fiefdom and Thiefdom of Bush.

The Bush family has deep ties to the Maine town, vacationing and golfing there and, for George H.W. Bush, even attending the same-sex wedding of a local store owner and her wife in 2013

One of the Bush Mansions in their Eminent Domain in Maine

Jeb Bush has a lot of explaining to do - The Boston Globe

Keith Bedford/Globe Staff. A house under construction for former Florida Governor Jeb Bush sits on the Bush family compound, Walker's Point, in Kennebunkport, Maine.

Jeb Bush Eminent Domain, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


PS: A note from the Tiger Lily-- I saw this woman's comment about what really happened between Vera Coking and Donald Trump as she was a citizen in Atlantic City at the time. This is what she says.

Don't listen to Jeb. He lied about eminent domain. That old lady was no lady. She was a greedy crackpot who was offered millions for property that was worth maybe $800k. I'm from Atlantic City. Bob Gucionne couldn't strike a bargain with her so he built around her. His venture in AC went belly up and he left an eyesore in the center of our city. Politicians let that happen. Donald Trump cleaned up the blight Gucionne ,Vera and politicians caused. He never knocked her house down! Donald cleaned it up and created jobs for the neighborhood. Atlantic City is a very small town. Set the record straight . Eminent domain was appropriate in this case. It was causing harm to our city.

III Percenter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am asked often enough in exasperated letters, as to what people can do, when they witness assassination attempts on Donald Trump, witness the murder and imprisonment of Americans in LaVoy Finicum and Ammon Bundy, and witness election theft in Iowa condoned by the establishment parties, and I will to explain something that you can do, and this is a message to EVERY one of the Oath Keepers and III Percenters, who are the armed militant wing of the Tea Party.

The III is named for the only 3% of Americans like George Washington who rose up in arms against the British in 1776 who were beating on, imprisoning and murdering Americans who they said did not have rights any longer.

I am going to start this out with the reality that these groups target military and law enforcement personnel. This is exactly what America needs, but in a world of NSA lists, and Ron Paul as much a tool of the establishment as Marco Rubio, please understand that list is in the hands of the very police state that planned and carried out the murder of LaVoy Finicum.
Everyone is targeted who is American, but your name on a list, means there are FBI minders in every one of those groups for every 10 people, and your new best friend is going to be an informant, being paid to betray you to the police state, and they will get a bonus for your being murdered by the state, just like bonuses were paid for LaVoy Finicum's murder.

We begin this with a quote.......and you want to glean your overall information from Mother Jones and The Nation, as liberal publications will set up a different tracking of you, than visiting the main websites of Oath Keepers and III Percenters.

THE .50 CALIBER Bushmaster bolt action rifle is a serious weapon. The model that Pvt. 1st Class Lee Pray is saving up for has a 2,500-yard range and comes with a Mark IV scope and an easy-load magazine. When the 25-year-old drove me to a mall in Watertown, New York, near the Fort Drum Army base, he brought me to see it in its glass case—he visits it periodically, like a kid coveting something at the toy store. It'll take plenty of military paychecks to cover the $5,600 price tag, but he considers the Bushmaster essential in his preparations to take on the US government when it declares martial law.

The star of this story is a PFC, In forensic psychology he is deemed by the FBI labs as a young white male, who feels unempowered, so he goes off and buys a big gun........other males go off and notch women on their belts, get loud cars, fast motorcycles or drink volumes of beer. The FBI worries about the PFC as he is directing his attention to the symbols of America, which are in protocols supposed to be Brokeback Mountain was sodomizing cowboys and LaVoy Finicum being shot down like a dog with his cowboy hat on.......You get the picture the Mockingbird is conditioning you with in this broad programme.

So what did you glean from the above? PFC, big gun and martial law.

That is why you have me, as I will solve things for III Percenters who are poor, as for some reason, Glenn Beck in his multi millions will not buy all these Patriots, he claims to love, a new gun and 1000 rounds of ammo......
Told you to think about this in Big Koch terms, as Big Koch is the one chosen to front that "right wing" in herding it to be monitored.

I am not going to invest a great deal of time here, as people get lost in too many words, but here is what you can do as Oath Keepers and III Percenters.

The PFC is saving to buy an expensive gun. That is a notable virtue, but the PFC has been disconnected from his boyhood reading in Fur Fish & Game, and other outdoor publications. So I will explain what American boys used to do, and what Oath Keepers and the III Percenters should be doing.

Little Boys used to go trapping to earn money so they could buy guns. That would be muskrat and raccoons, I would suggest that the Little Boys of Oath Keepers and III Percenters, save up for a nice cheap Ruger, bolt action rifle, in the 300 dollar range, put a nice cheap 9 plus power scope on it, and then take that 223 out with nice cheap FMJ ammo, with either a Crit R Call or an electronic call in the 75 dollar range, and go out and shoot coyotes as the feds and state police wardens are growing tons of them to murder bambi and your poochie in your yard, as no deer means no hunters with guns and no poochie means you feel cowed.

Now why would I suggest this to Oath Keepers and III Percenters? It is because as Theodore Roosevelt taught his American children and what made the Veterans or WW I and WW II Soldiers, is they all grew up hunting bunnies to deer to ducks.
The PFC needs to understand live fire exercise, and there is nothing that is a better teacher than a killer coyote, whose nose and ears are better than the electronics in warfare. The PFC learns the terrain. He learns how animals use it by instinct. He learns how he would be hunted as a dying rabbit by one of the best predators in the world. It is the ultimate in training in patience, shooting in real conditions, and how the skills he desires to have, will be honed to an edge, like the American Rangers of New York who drove the superior Indians out when they were terrorizing New Yorkers.
Americans were not born great Soldiers. They learned how to fight like Indians, and beat the Indian terrorist on one on one fighting.

Get yourself a cheap license for varmint hunting, a cheap rifle and cheap ammo, and start honing your skills and start being paid to do it in coyote pelts. So when the times comes for a fancy 50 Caliber rifle, you will have already become by instinct an American who will survey any street situation, in knowing the escape routes, the firing lanes, the vantage points and how to do it all under cover.
You will begin thinking of your heat signature as the police state will have those expensive tools. Thinking of mini cams, drones and all of those toys which will be hunting you. You will think of that, so when that 50 Caliber tool is in your hand, you will not have it thinking it is the most powerful person in the relationship, but you are, because you are not going to get that owner killed.

You will start noticing things like muzzle blast signature, the echo on the hills, barrel smoke, and think of flash suppressors and silencers which you can legally have with an ATF form, as they are in vogue now.

Americans are not ready, any more than Europeans for what is coming. You have purchased all the most mass murdering tools for your police state, and they have  turned it on you. You have your guns, but you have absolutely no skills in using them. You are one dimensional with your gun, when you have to first before any operation, figure out every last move those who are hunting you, are going to deploy and engage in. A coyote is going to teach you a great deal, and he will reward you with a pelt, teach you about all those things sniper school pretends to teach you, and then that coyote will buy you your pretty toys.

After you begin learning this in expanded dimensions, you begin to understand that two are better than one, and three are better in triangulation, as it increases the odds in your favor.

.....and you learn that coyotes listen to every whisper to your buddy, so instead of bragging about all you are doing on Facebook or to the Suzy at the bar, you are instead secure in your knowledge in it empowering you, and you are content to be that dumb ass who knows nothing, who has learned urban camouflage in your sheep suit, looking like a Bernie Sanders voter.

It does not matter if you have testicles or ovaries. You practice, even if it is your female fanny with a pellet rifle shooting grasshoppers in the summer. Colonel Charles Askins, one of the greatest Olympian type pistol shots in the world, daily fired rounds off in his air rifle for practice.

It took George Washington some time, to create a militia and then an army out of log house dwellers. Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders were self made in being hunters and trappers from their youth. You need time to hone your skills, and through cheap investment fund your choices by animal pelts.

In time, you might discover like the best old wolfers who killed the most rogue wolves, more intelligent than humans in survival, that sometimes a big bang toy is one dimensional, and other dimensions exist, which begin with opening books to learn of quiet vocations.

You have made yourself into pretty targets now. Now how does the rabbit defeat the coyote.

Lesson is over.


I once knew a little boy........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I once knew a little boy, who was an old man, who had wasted his entire life in lack of Faith, preaching to anyone who would listen before running away, that it required witnesses and proof, in Who Christ is, because that is what Biblical Law taught.

I was discounted in the matter of Faith, Faith being the Law of God on which all Salvation is built, for without Faith nothing is accomplished, and with Faith God's Plan of creating you to be a new Spiritual child of His is completed.

St. Thomas Aquinas is in fact, of the 13th century, thee most genius of minds in the categories of the scientific age. His summation of his Summa is the most simple of answers, as brilliant as that of Joan of Arc to the governors of the Church of France, in 'If I am not in a state of Grace, then I pray God places me in a state of Grace', for Thomas Aquinas stated this:

"God has provided the proofs, scientific and in experience, and it is not the proof which is at fault for the unbeliever, but it is the responsibility of the unbeliever in having too feeble of mind to not understand the proofs already presented."

I think of the largest waste of brain matter in this 21st century in the acclaimed Stephen Hawking denying God. I consider the retarded nature of minds which deny God, out of their own fears. They can not trust God to love the creatures they are, so they assemble theories to hide behind, to protect them from a God of love as they judge themselves unfit.

The little boy, was from a broken home, and then decided to break his home, and his life. His example were his rich parents, in trusting in stocks and that is the value of life in being measured.
He wed a foreign woman as his father did, not for a wife, but the brown skinned race was a validation in having a servant in the home. The children became hammer and chisel in their being abused by parental dogmas which were to transform the unbreakable stone with the irresistible sculpture of creating a life which could not be felt.
It was a matter of the failures of parents, being placed upon the necessity of the children must accomplish all which the parents gave up in passions, and expecting the children to succeed building a life on a foundation of shifting sands.

The introduction of the Summa by Thomas Aquinas, carries now more information in a few pages, than the entire doctorate of every university upon this planet.

The denial of Christ is the denial of the Good people can be, for people reject that Goodness in the certainness they are evil. God can not exist in Faith, because they can not believe that God has Faith in them to love them, in seeing them as more than the failures they are.

The self confessed brilliant mind of Stephen Hawkings, professed by a group of physicist retards, are a group of handicapped minds, who upon finding their last theory was flawed, create several more to comfort their lack of intelligence, until a new group of tormented minds appears to worship at mathematics to be ensnared by it to futility.

They simply can not exist as an act of love, as they hate who they are.

Life is as difficult as people choose to make it. Salvation is as impossible as people choose to make it. God makes life easy in teaching people to be content with what they have and to let tomorrow's worries be in tomorrow as you have enough to take to God today.
God made Salvation simple. Just listen to God's Word, believe what God says, and you are saved.

People have the choice to waste their own lives. They can destroy the lives of their spouses and children. They can shatter friendships. They can create God in their own failed image. They can chase one obsession after another. They can suck the life blood out of others in their stinginess, instead of being humble in looking to serve others in the most basic of ways.

Life is hard most of the time. Life  is filled with all the curses humans brought about by sin. Life though has good in it, which is amplified by the Good of God. The Goodness, the Love, the Faith, that is all the treasure which we take with us, because in Heaven, all there is, is Goodness.

All have failures and flaws. That is what Jesus joined to humanity for, in being Perfect so that we could put forth our efforts to growing to a perfection, but Jesus earned it for us and that is how God views each of us, when we are Christ's.

We all have feeble minds and fat for brains. It is the trust that God is more than us, not to condemn us, or as we condemn ourselves, but God loves us, when we can not love ourselves or accept what we are.

It is what Christ teaches in denying ourselves. It is not to rid us of ourselves, but to accept that He fulfills all and brings us to all the things we want to be.
I can do all things, not because Christ strengthens me alone, but alone Christ has accomplished all of this, and I simply receive those victories.

I once knew a little boy, who never grew up like most people. He never gained the whole world, but clung to a part of, and lost the Spiritual Life daily.

I once knew a little boy............


The Amazing John Banner


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a child I watched endless reruns of Hogan's Heroes. As an adult, the only television I have watched are reruns again of Hogan's Heroes on over the air broadcast. I think Mom has like 15 channels now, as there are piggyback channels on the main channels and honestly this is better television than satellite in 150 channels.

This though is about John Banner, the actor who portrayed Sgt. Hans Schultz. As I watch this actor perform, I see one of the greatest actors ever on this earth, and he never received any credit for his work.
I watch in most cases, the background actors and scenes as  in most cases, that is what is more interesting than what is the main characters. In John Banner, this man never stands there, but is always doing something to add to the scene.
The nice part of this Bing Cosby Production is the directors and writers, actually wrote for Banner in his nuances, and they captured a great deal of it on camera.

For example, there is a scene in the Col. Klink's office where Klink is the focal point, but the camera is instead focused on Fraulein Helga coming in, and Schultz and Hogan pulling her chair out for her, with Banner acting ridiculous as always.

He never steals scenes, but is always that cherry on top, to just add so much to anything which is taking place.

I love his DONNERVETTER, which is German for "thunderstorm" as in  "You could knock me over with a feather" which is English, but not as fitting.

Good acting is non existent now. People just stand there wooden, and those not speaking, are never adding to the scene in reactions or the things that John Banner was so natural at. A man who weighs 300 pounds, and he never walks, but like Jackie Gleason glides or has a lilt in his step, making each motion count.

The wonderful Allan Hale and Jim Backus of Gilligan's Island were equal to this type of acting in the reactions which they always were skilled at doing, but John Banner was the perfection of knowing how to be the biggest man in the room literally, and shrink back, and knowing how to add to a scene and not steal the scene.

John Banner was something wonderful and he has never been given the due credit he deserved. He is my favorite character on Hogan's Heroes, and his equal was the bit actor of Vito Scotti who portrayed Major Bonacelli, who also played the mad scientist on Gilligan's Island and the infamous Japanese miniature sub commander in one of the most hillarious scenes in television. I make that known, as you probably would never recognize Vito Scotti in these roles as he is so good at acting.


As another note in this Hans Conreid, also played Bonacelli, and would go on to play Wrong Way Feldman on Gilligan's Island in another hilarious role.


These are some of the best actors to be ever portrayed, and they never have been given the credit for their work, and they really should be noticed, for all the skill and the joy they brought to this world.

Nuff said

