Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thank You Franklin Graham

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I thank God for Christians Rev. Franklin Graham and Nevada Congresswoman Michele Fiore, for saving the lives of the four American Patriots at Malheur Refuge in Oregon. It simply proves the reality that Christians and Patriots by God's Grace can overcome the luciferian police state trying to murder all of us.

This is victory and the people now being betrayed by the federales again must understand that they have only moved their cause to new arenas. As Ammon Bundy stated, this is now a matter of the courts, but it is more, because these Patriots are now heroes outside and inside the prison system, in which they are going to be imprisoned.
Whether one likes the analogies or not, from Chuck Colson of Watergate. Adolf Hitler of the National Socialists, Nelson Mandela of the Marxists, prison is the arena where the message of liberty resonates most clarion.

Numbers of these people are Mormon. That outreach will allow for a connection between black gangs and white gangs, because both causes are persecuted by the regime. Common ground is the same political reality. One does not have to be members of White Supremacy, Black Panthers or M 13, but one can champion their cause as dead kids in Chicago who are black are the same dead kids in east LA as the same dead LaVoy Finicum in Oregon, murdered by the regime.
LaVoy Finicum is the bonafides in this. Special Agent Gregory Bretzing anointed this revolution in blood to bringing the worst of the federales down on Americans.

We now have Oath  Keepers and III Percenters on the outside. We now have the vocal leaders on the inside. It is now a movement with Mormon outreach and covered in the Evangelical cloth of Rev. Franklin Graham as the hero in this, as the honest broker.

It is right of Rev. Graham to praise the FBI in this, as not all in the FBI wanted to go in and murder more Americans or agree with what Gregory Bretzing did to sully the FBI's reputation. There will come a day in every revolution when those inside the FBI will gladly in Internal Affairs will have Gregory Bretzing before the courts as Oregon knows very well, that it was caught holding the blame in this, and was left to hang out to dry.

There is always in every movement advantages, as the greatest leftists in history have revealed in Hitler and Mandela. Thee most stupid and misguided policy was Gregory Bretzing throwing these people in prison on terror charges. It elevated them to special status. I told all of you that all of them should have been fined with misdemeanors, fined 100 dollars for trespassing and sent the lot of them home. When BLM and Bretzing dragged the FBI into this in making it murderous serious, that created a movement and martyrs. Thee absolute worst thing the FBI could be doing is holding these people in federal prisons on federal charges, giving them a platform, instead of sending them home as trespassers in mocking them.

See the Lame Cherry knows how to deal with these situations to diffuse them and not create them in a major headache for FBI.

Now these Americans have all they could dream. They are liberated inside the system and the system is now going to work for them, with two major religious groups in Evangelicals and Mormons.

Just so you know, the Bundy Patriots won in Oregon and are still winning.

It was stupid to arrest old man Cliven Bundy. Really stupid.

I leave this at that.


Some Plain Speak About Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us have witnessed the doom and gloom predictions as people try and prey on your finances and savings, but I am telling you now that something is shifting. I have been monitoring your stocks and some of you have now lost 1/5th of your investments in the past year.
Banks in Europe are being sold off. Bank of America is NSA Owned and CITIBank is Saudi owned, and they are in the process of sucking up all the oil reserves in America.

All of this is being inflicted upon you, and it has not yet begun, as now they are telling you that "capitalism is going to end as you know it". I will translate that to, you are going to be robbed of all wealth and property, so you can not mount a political opposition ever again.
The first step is this sadistic rape and murder of your persons and beliefs in these invading Muslims and Mexicans, who will be removed after your genocide by a robot class. See they are telling you what the elite have planned, so you will accept it all.

Crash could 'destroy capitalism as we know it'...

There is only one man who has any chance at saving you, and raising America, Canada, Europe and South America, with Japan from the ashes and that is Donald Trump. He is it. It is not Ted Cruz wacko visions or proclamations by his padre or wife. The hand of God has raised Donald Trump like Jehu and either you rally behind him to get rid of this Jezebel Generation, or they will genocide you.

What we need is for Bernie Sanders to blister Hillary Clinton in weakening her to the extent that he either whips her or she is forced to put him as Vice President for that unholy alliance, or she dumps his ass or he dumps her ass.

What we need is for a Donald Trump complete wipe out of these carpetbaggers descending on South Carolina, obliterating Jeb Bush and so marginalizing Ted Cruz that this Obama halo his family is trying to put on his head is removed. You Evangelicals as I am one of you, when it is blasphemy to let Obama talk of his messianic craze, it is worse in your glomming onto Ted Cruz  the Jim Jones of this era.

Donald Trump is the only person who can save you, because he wants to save the America which needs you and not the Bush America or Hillary or Bernie America, where robots and foreigners are all replacing you.

Nuff Said


Republican Elites Head South With No Plan to Stop Donald...

TAPPER: Anti-Trump Headlines 'Very Height of Elitism'...



HEIDI CRUZ: Ted Showing 'The Face of God'...


Bush Carpetbaggers Arrive in South Carolina

Major General Pierre Beauregard
Hero of States Rights - Fort Sumpter

In 1865 declined a position to lead the Brazilian Army, and declined offers to command the Amries of Romania and Egypt.
"I prefer to live here, poor and forgotten, than to be endowed with honor and riches in a foreign country."

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I see that Mormon Romney is backing Jeb Bush in Christian South Carolina. You know the Mormons in the show up with loads of Mexican and Muslim vermin in your states, along with all of these other "charities", and you end up raped, displaced and murdered by them.
2.3 million dollars Romney is dumping into South Carolina for Jeb Bush. You remember Jeb, as he was the one who said we should all be more like Obama, and that the cure for your poverty was working 80 hours a week, as you are all lazy.
Thing is Jeb Bush has several million dollar mansions he has state police guarding, while you have to contend with the invaders they are profiting off of and fucking. You remember Mormon Romney right? He is the Mexican whose parents fled back to America after the Mexicans ran them out for trying to overthrow Mexico.

Mormon Romney should do everyone a favor and go to the Oregon Standoff, where Mormon Gregory Bretzing likes shooting Mormons........odd part is Mormon Romney does not give a  damn about LaVoy Finicum being murdered, nor other Americans being terrorized, but Mormon Romney just adores Jeb Bush whose grandparent was laundering money for Nazi's during World War II.

Odd is it not that Mormon Romney and Jeb Bush never give a damn about people in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, until they try and mind rape them, so they can steal an election.

I like South Carolina a great deal. They are the home of the Oregon Stand Off in the issue of States Rights and the 10th Amendment in all rights are reserved by the Individual and not turned over to the federales to persecute a self governing people.

It is my hope that South Carolina bleeds these billionaire fags who hate Evangelicals, piss on the Confederate Flag, get Nicki Haley to trash American Rights as extremist, puts that Lindsey in the gay ear Graham into office, takes those millions of fag dollars as the Lord said, in taking the money from the wicked and put it to glorious South Carolina uses. It is my hope that South Carolina gives Donald John Trump such a massive victory that he sweeps to Super Tuesday in wrapping all of this up.

I received a text mail last night from someone I am not going to identify, but she knows who she is, as she is connected to the inner workings of all of this. I was not going to mention what she said, but I noticed today that Rush Limbaugh repeated exactly what she wrote last night, and that Jeb is going scorched earth, and wants a one on one battle now against Donald Trump.
She mentioned how she would prefer two more people in the race to help Mr. Trump out, but the message was clear that Jeb wants that Super Tuesday venue "where they keep saying Mr. Trump has no organization" will have problems, and it will roll into Florida, where Bush vote fraud steals elections.

So when you are hearing parts of what the billionaire fags are up to, and why they are spending money the way they do, this is what is behind the strategy to inflict Jeb Bush on all of us.

Sincerely, what I would like to see in South Carolina is 65% Donald Trump, 15 15 for Rubio and Cruz and all of you smashing little Jeb Bush back to 3 percent with the other people who are out of the race.

Joel Scoursen who is plugged into the western elites, has stated that he believes Trump and Sanders will prevail in Nevada.....and Scoursen is a Cruz man. He also stated the conversation from these fag billionaires and their proxies is, if Jeb is not their tool, then they are going to hand this over to Hillary Clinton. Yes this is the reality which you have to face. None of this is fair in the least. If Rubio or Cruz keeps weakening things and you think you can get them involved, they are going to be squashed in the general election, as they do not have any of the support. Put it this way, if John McCain backed by mafia gambling money, and Mitt Romney backed by Mormon billions could not keep Obama from stealing two elections, do you really think Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio is any match for this cartel who is funding them only to put Jeb Bush into office?
Ted Cruz went flat line in New Hampshire after he stole Iowa, and Marco Rubio got breathed on by Chris Christie for a TKO in the Granite State. Thee only person who has the resources to stand up to and stop this group of scoundrels is Donald Trump, but it is going to take all of us...........and I am warning you, that you had better understand that this might come to a fight, and Donald Trump may ask you to appear with your loaded guns to secure his Inauguration. Only Mr. Trump can issue such an order as Commander in Chief, and none of you. So do not go running off half cocked, as you witnessed what happens in Oregon if you do not have a national leader.
You keep it in mind, you start stating that Donald Trump is not going to have this election stolen from the American people, and if Mr. Trump says, GO, that you will go with your firearms to secure that victory.
Those powerful people behind this, have got to weigh this reality of 40 million loaded guns for Donald Trump, so they will stop trying to overthrow these elections. This is not over, and you had better understand what this is going to take.

The people of Iowa let America down again in that vote fraud. New Hampshire was alert and stopped the fraud, but not the suppression. It is now up to South Carolina to overcome the frauds there in the political traitors subverting this election in Nicki Haley and Lindsey Graham, and to drive out those damn yankee carpetbaggers of Jeb Bush and Mormon Romney, and for them to remember who let in those minorities to exploit them as slave labor to begin with.

When Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush will not stand up for people in their own religions or for States Rights, what the hell good are any of them, but the same traitorous trash which caused the Civil War which burned old Dixie down.

Back in the day, General William Tecumseh Sherman booted all those damned carpetbaggers out of the South after the Civil War. It is up to South Carolina to defend the Union again, in voting for Donald Trump to secure for them the blessings of liberty again. It is as tough of challenge as in the last days of the Civil War, but it is all of our last best hope, and now it is up to a people who stood for States Rights against the same money magnet cartel of the east, that wanted to break the South.

The South will rise again, as will States Rights, and the answer this time is Donald Trump, to ward off the Revolution coming.

Nuff Said.


South Carolina are you Listening

Franklin Graham
I have been talking with the last four holdouts in the ‪#‎Oregonstandoff‬ at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge every day by phone for the last week at their request and at the request of the FBI. Last night I was on the phone with them for several hours, was able to have prayer with them, and they have said they would come out today. I am on my way there and hope to be there by 7:00 AM their time. Please keep them, law enforcement officials, and all involved in your prayers, that everyone will be safe.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I could not be more pleased in the Rev. Franklin Graham becoming involved with the Oregon Standoff. I will reveal that on the night LaVoy Finicum was murdered, that I had initiated an attempt to get the clergy in Oregon involved to bring a peaceful resolution to this situation, and I will inform you here, THAT I HEARD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BACK FROM THESE "CHRISTIANS".

This is why I am delighted that a Christian Minister of national importance has entered this situation. It signals something more in the FBI, that Special Agent Gregory Bretzing is in hot water for this murder of Mr. Finicum, and the current terrorizing of the 4 Americans in this refuge to be followed by murder, means the FBI is blinking as larger things are at work as in a revolution is starting, endangering all of the police state.

Do not mistake this in a victory, as you know how this protocol is played out in war games. Now Gregory Bretzing will blame Dr. Graham for not resolving this, and throw up his hands in blaming Christians, when the FBI goes in and murders these 4 Americans.

Special Agent Bretzing was again terrorizing Americans, as he arrested Cliven Bundy in Portland Oregon, violating Mr. Bundy's free speech rights and his call for freedom of assembly.
Special Agent Bretzing was caught lying again in the following:

The FBI placed agents at barricades around the occupiers' camp, Bretzing said.

"It has never been the FBI's desire to engage these armed occupiers in any way other than through dialogue, and to that end, the FBI has negotiated with patience and restraint in an effort to resolve the situation peacefully," he (Bretzing) said.

The development came as Cliven Bundy — who is the father of Ammon Bundy and led a Nevada standoff with federal authorities in 2014 — was arrested in Portland after encouraging supporters to flock to Oregon to support the occupiers. The FBI confirmed he was taken into custody but declined to provide a reason or other details.

Seriously, "engage only through dialogue". I guess then armored vehicles, with poison gas, assault weapons, parked on these people's doorsteps threatening to the extent of HYSTERIA, is Special Agent Gregory Bretzing's idea of "patience and restraint.
From this it can be projected out that Gregory Bretzing would term a Stalin exile in 60 below Siberia, to a hole in the ground, as a "state paid for vacation retreat".

What Special Agent Gregory Bretzing has enaged in, are violations of human rights before the World Court. He has been nothing but brutal and brutish as he lies to the world about his legal compassion.

I will remind all of the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, that when LaVoy Finicum was murdered. He was on the ground moving to surrender still, and he was left there for 10 minutes. IF LAVOY FINICUM was  thought to have had a weapon, the mandatory protocol at that point was to secure that weapon, as you witness on every cop television program in their first priority.
The FBI and Oregon State Police, along with "other agencies" did not move on that "weapon" and by that it reveals they did not believe he had a weapon to threaten them with, and that he was left to bleed out. That is negligent homicide, and Gregory Bretzing can now also be charged with terrorizing and deceiving Americans.

God bless Franklin Graham, as he first check and balance in this against this out of control police state. May we all join now, and forge a political voting block, so that this never takes place again, equally in Chicago with blacks and in Oregon with whites. All of us can join in this to check this murderous regime.

I just pray the FBI does not murder Dr. Graham in an 'accidental' shooting.

I am telling you evangelicals not to put your trust in Ted Cruz who is a con man. You line up behind Dr. Graham in praying with him over this, and let us move to a political solution with a Presidential leader who will stop this forever, and not tell Americans to stand down and be murdered by the FBI as Cruz did.

South Carolina are you listening?


The Bundy Ranch Facebook page reported Cliven Bundy was surrounded by SWAT officers and detained after his arrival from Nevada.

At the final moment after the three had walked out, protester David Fry said he was feeling suicidal and wouldn't give himself up. He demanded to talk to an FBI negotiator by phone as others repeatedly urged him to calm down and walk out.
"I'm a free man and I will die a free man," Fry said as the final drama played out on a live feed online.
As the minutes ticked away, Fry rebuffed supporters, saying he feared going to prison.
Earlier Thursday, Sandy Anderson wrote on Facebook: "It's a very sad day for me as we plan to turn ourselves over to the very people we fought so hard against."
Her husband said in his own post that their stand against what they believe is an overreaching federal government is coming "to an end."
Their surrender came with the involvement of Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore and evangelist Franklin Graham. Fiore, a Republican running for Congress, spent hours on the phone with the occupiers, discussions that were transmitted live into the night via YouTube.

This is Gregory Bretzing's good faith. Surrounding a 74 year old geezer with SWAT, charging him with more of these ridiculous conspiracy charges, and now crushing the American Spirit out of 4 people who believe in the US Constitution by throwing them into prison for years.


Is South Carolina a Glimpse of the Jeb Bush Presidency

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, Jeb Bush told all Republicans that we had to surrender to Obama, be like Obama, and stop being Conservatives. In that Jeb Bush has been leading the way ever since, in he sent out his billionaires to buy up all the GOP talent and put them into the race to serve as strawmen for Jebus.

This is the list of bought and paid for patsies who thought they were in this race because some fag billionaire believed in them, when in reality this was all a syndicate plan, just like in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord for Romney and his cut man, Ron Paul, to pick off other candidates to leave Romney the last man standing, until the cartel knocked this straw man down, as when you have Obama looting the US Treasure for Wall Street and deals with Big Koch and Big Frac, who needs a Mormon cutting your cut of the deal.

Marco Rubio, purchased because he is bi sexual, who can not keep his zipper up. Blackmailed for accepting e vote fraud in Iowa to flip votes. Marco was to block for Florida.

Ted Cruz, an intelligence CIA recruit who works for Mitch McConnell. He was to coat tail the Rockefellers and Bush's until he was outed. He was sent in to submarine Sarah Palin at the Tea Party, and then he was sent in to cut the legs out from the only American cable of stopping the cartel, in Donald John Trump.

John Kasich, a left wing attack dog, to growl at Donald Trump, and be a cog in the delegates for Ohio.

Chris Christie, the New Jersey heavyweight. Being cut off early, he was  to run Bush interference.

Carly Fiorina, another Bush employee. She was the California connection on intelligence with a skirt. It was clever in Ted Cruz was backdoor funding her. Cruz thought she was going to be his Vice President.

Ben Carson, he is black. Nothing easier for Jeb to knock down than a black man, set up by Herman Cain.

We'll leave it at that, because it is the same story for all the Jebpanzee patsies. They all were wooed in being told America could not live without them, and once hooked and crooked, they all bow down to Jeb, when the cartel orders them to.

In reviewing Jeb Bush, we see a little boy who really did follow his own advice in being more like Obama. Jeb Bush is Obama White. Who else could blow through 100 million dollars in campaign donations in 12 months, living in luxury hotels with pools in the roof, hiring white men like Christie and Kasich to do the hard work, as Jeb like Obama never showed up for work.

Jeb Bush never showed up in Iowa, as it was too hard. He has nothing in common with working people and there are no pools on hotel roofs in corn cob land, so why bother.
Hell Jeb only showed up in New Hampshire, because Mummy Babs was next door, and came over to cut his panny cakes.

In New Hampshire, Jeb got Chris Christie to fall on his sword, taking on the bubble boy slut Rubio, and it killed Rubio's Iowa the billionaire advisers got Ted to commit election fraud in stealing the election from Donald Trump and eliminating Ben Carson, so a crippled Carson would not be a problem in South Carolina.

So is South Carolina the glimpse of a Jeb Bush presidency? Jeb Bush feeding an article in Politico, blurting out his strategy that he is going to destroy the two men,  who he created for 2016 in John Kasich and Marco Rubio, and revealing he is going to use another tan skin in Ted Cruz to do the back alley assassin work in bringing down Donald Trump.
All with that goofy grin that Jeb Bush presents in thinking that looks Presidential, as others do the dirty work, and this time, as no one wants Jeb, the little brother is calling in not his Mummy for photo ops in New Hampshire as he does not need his panny cakes cut, but he calls up his big brother in President George W. Bush to save his political ass, to try and con South Carolinians that Jeb is their Evangelical wet dream.

The same Jeb, whose daddy told the Jerry Falwell Sr. Moral Majority at Liberty University, who just in his son, endorsed Donald Trump, to shut up and go away.
The same Jeb, who told all of you to shut up and go away, as he could win the GOP primary as Rand Paul was telling Big Koch's Rush Limbaugh, without any of you.
And you know something? If not for Donald Trump, not any of your candidates, Jeb Bush would have gotten away with this as his billionaire cartel has been picking off every candidate starting with Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

So liberal Jeb Bush, who has had a cartel buying your candidates, who were arrogant enough to think they were wanted for leadership, and not whores, for this pimp, and his brothel owners, is Obama in being on an endless vacation, using thugs to destroy people and then destroying them. The only difference for Jeb Bush is, he has George W., and it seems that no one wants Jeb,  so Jeb calls in his big brother, to win a primary which Jeb has only been able to vacation his way to 4th place finishes everywhere else.

So what is Jebus going to do, when he has problems with blacks rioting is he going to call Mummy Babs to tell them to go back to eating watermelon and chicken?

So when Jebus has problems with Vladimir Putin, is he going to call in Big Brother George to save him from getting his ass whopped again?

You are witnessing what Jeb Bush is. Obama got his scripts written, and Jebus gets his campaigns scripted by the same cartel, and all of these Republicans and Democrats are being suckered to deliver this bushbaby.

If you want Jeb Bush in the White House or handing it over to Hillary Clinton, in theft or loss, then you just keep on following your leaders, who are con men and fools, leading you to your own genocide.

I realize it is difficult for all of you in thinking you are so very intelligent, as all of your mic heads condition you to thinking you are so all knowing, as they slip this by you every single day.

You are going to come to the realization, that you are either going to vote for Donald Trump now, later or have that vote stolen from you by Jeb Bush, as you squandered your vote on this list of geniuses being manipulated and you put all your trust into, in Cruz, Rubio, Kasich.
It is an adult world where you have now been thrust. You have seen your future if you do not vote for Donald Trump when it counts. The cartel which chose Jeb Bush, owns your candidates, and those candidates were sent to manipulate you away from making a difference in this election.
There is nothing that your dreams in your candidates can not become realities more vivid in a President Donald Trump, who is ten times the others on immigration, security and making you richer.

You have had a glimpse of Jeb Bush in your future and your candidates in your present. It is up to you as it always has been in your decisions. The difference is the Lame Cherry treats you as an adult in trusting you with the information, compared to what you have placed your dreams in who have been manipulating you like children.

It is different when the scales fall from your eyes. It is different when you panic and try to put them back into your eyes, as the cartel has trained you that way to bring your own defeat for Jeb and Hillary.


letting God do the killing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The study of King David is one which is a dichotomy of evil, and the good which will arise from it, when the hand of God is directing the situation.

For example, the people of Israel wanted a leader, instead of God. So God gave them the leader they deserved, the fearful, hard hearted and hard headed Saul, who was swayed by the people, and soon enough God rejected the choice God had made for the people.

This then entered David the shepherd boy, who with God's Grace became a great warrior, played the harp to soothe Saul when he was having depression fits, and by Saul's own cleverness to get David killed, David instead in slaughtering Philistines for their foreskins, became son in law of the king, as a wedding dowery.

David then became a hunted man, and refused to kill Saul, and lamented a great deal when he humiliated Saul, while Saul was relieving himself, David snuck in and cut off his robe.

It all rendered down to David was to be king, and Saul or his sons not. The drama of God involved again, had the Philistines marching on Israel, Saul assembling, David with the Philistines, but God moving the Philistines to send David home, so when Saul and his sons were killed, David's hands would be clean in this bloodshed, and it would not be stated that David murderd Saul and his sons.
That is not part of the Bible explanation, but is the reality of what God did.

There was then a war between the house of Saul and David, and Joab who was David's cousin, eventually by a ruse killed the Israelite commander, Abner.
Joab is blamed by David for killing an honest man, but we had here a General of the Army, who just took up sexually with one of Saul's concubines and threatened Saul's weak son on the throne. That kind of man would be king and he needed to die, and Joab's hand killed him, and David blamed him, but Joab saved kingdom and God's Will was accomplished.

Then there was the issue of David summoning the wife of one of his mighty men, Uriah, and having sex with Bathsheba, getting her pregnant, and trying to cover it up in having Uriah summoned to be home and have sex with his wife.
Uriah refused because his men were in battle, so again Joab appeared and took orders from David to have Uriah killed in battle.

David then married Bathsheba, whose child died, which again is God's hand moving, as there would always be contention that this might be Uriah's child, so it fell to the second born Solomon to be king.

David had many sons by different women, and older sons for the throne than the lately Solomon. God's punishment for David was convenient, in it killed a contending son off by another son for raping his sister. Absolom led a rebellion, and Joab disobeyed the king's order to spare this conspirator and killed him.
During all of this Joab's younger brother was following Amasa, the general of the army in revolt, and Amasa killed the boy after warning him. This again when David was brought back to the throne, David in order to secure power made Amasa general of the army in supplanting Joab, who being a kindred of David, but had not headed off the rebellion as he had brought Absolom back, went out and killed Amasa, thereby ending again another pretender to the Davidic throne.

When David died, another of David's sons was about to murder Solomon, and David had left instructions concerning the intrigues of the kingdom, and Solomon killed the pretender, and then sent out and killed Joab.
Even one of the last of Saul's kindreds was removed, as when the revolt took place, a crippled son of Saul and another named Shemi, both did not flee with David, pointing to they were hoping to gain the throne again. David forgave both, but Shemi was killed by Solomon when he left Jerusalem to look for a slave who had run away, and Shemi was under house arrest.

I ponder a great deal in how the death of Nabal the husband of David's first wife, was convenient for David in making him wealthy, as God struck him dead. I ponder a great deal of all the deaths for which others were blamed, but in the background of all of them were the realities of protecting the throne of Jesus the Christ, which David held.
Everyone of those people had to die, but not at the hand of David, and they all did die, and David was kept blood guiltless, but it is a reality that what would be murder, was often enough that of a state criminal, or after David was dead, a way of cleaning the slate so the Israelites would not hold a grudge against his family.

There was a regicide of Saul's house after the rebellion in which a drought took place for 3 years, and David inquired of the Lord, and God said it was because Saul had tried to genocide the Gibeonites who were not Israelites, but lived among them by a ruse of covenant they engineered in the conquest of Israel by Joshua.
God said it was due to Saul's sin, and when David asked the Gibeonites what they desired, it was the heads of Saul's family, to which David complied in allowing them to kill Saul's sons.

The mother of some of the boys, chased predators from the bodies, and David upon hearing this, took the bones of Saul and his sons who died in battle, along with these scapegoats and buried them all in the tomb of Saul's father, again a generous act which made David look very kind.

In the end, Saul's daughter, mocked David for his dancing before the Lord, and the woman had been given to another man while David fled, and she was put away as a widow in captivity, cutting Saul off from the throne forever.

It was all designed by God, but it is a point of convenince in all of this, that David could rightly claim innocence, but even in sin with Bathsheba, God was clearing the decks for David and his household for the throne.

I judge incorrectly, as I am not God, but Jonathan who was Saul's son, did not get a fair deal in this in being murdered, but allowing him to live would have divided the kingdom. Joab might have seized the throne from Solomon as he was kindred of David and general of the army. It all works out, but in human morality, it appears unjust, but what we do not see is that worse things would have taken place if these worse things had not been carried out.

It is the way of looking at life in how God works things out. It is always Right and Just, as we do not witness the entire picture in all ways.

It is just the way things are.


Death hath no fury like Nebuchadnezzar's Scorn

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone always thinks it is the high officials like the Nazis who get put to death when their regimes fall, but hidden away in the annals of history are the facts that the Nazis in Belarussia put to death the Communist Jewish commissars , much to the delight of the people.

When Judah was captured by Emperor Nebuchadnezzar, it is recorded that he killed all of the King of Judah's sons before him, and then cut his eyes out, but there is a recording of this secondary level slaughter which cleansed the land for the civil officials.

He took also out of the city an eunuch, which had the charge of the men of war; and seven men of them that were near the king's person, which were found in the city; and the principal scribe of the host, who mustered the people of the land; and threescore men of the people of the land, that were found in the midst of the city.

So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah.

And the king of Babylon smote them, and put them to death in Riblah in the land of Hamath. Thus Judah was carried away captive out of his own land.

Jeremiah the Prophet chapter 25

Everyone always thinks the people on top are the ones put to death, but in reality, the underlings who were implementing the draconian policies on the people, are the ones who are slaughtered. Yes it would be the modern BATFE agents and the local commissioners in America who an invader would line up to be executed, as those are the workings of the regime, and the greatest threat to insurrection.

Scripture does not make note of how these Jews are located as they were in hiding, but it is a given that there were Jews helping the Babylonians and they showed the locations of the people who had jack booted or jack sandalled them in making their lives hell, and picked them out of line ups, as the reason Nebuchadnezzar has problems.

I state a simple fact in this, that if Vladimir Putin by invasion and by proxy, ever gains control over America or parts of it, the very Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannity's who called him a gangster are the ones like Lindsey Graham and John McCain who are going to end up lined against the wall.

It is always that underclass which props up regimes whic his the problem for the people and the threat for the invader, and that is why after the first gleaning by the conquering army wipes out the leadership, a second wave occurs which cleanses the land of the problems.

Nuff said
