Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cheer up Jeb! You'll Always be George's Little Brother

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I feel compassion upon Jeb Bush. He has fancied himself a Confederate Hero and entered the South and came away with retreat.

I feel bad for the Bush supporters, in he really let them down. I saw their faces. There are more smiles in a paternity ward finding out your white wife just gave birth to three black babies.......and you are an Oriental.

It is like picking the brand name cereal like I did once as a babuchkin and finding out that the prize inside was just an empty wrapper. I still think that those Minnesota companies owe me a toy after all these years, and the Jeb Bush supporters must feel the same way.

In that, what does Jeb Bush have?

He failed as the smart CIA brother and the drunken fag George succeeded at being President.
His pa trashed George for him, which is more bad feelings, and then Jeb trashed George which is more bad feelings and then Jeb dragged old ma out of the geezer home to eat pancakes and she is always a testy old broad anyway.

The Bush delinquent all abandoned daddy Jeb.......all vanished like his dreams.

The there is Columba as her Corumba days are done, and all you got is a midget that looks like what most peons ride to the market.

I would think after this that Diane Sawyer would have the ATF swoop down with a psychiatrist order taking that gun from Jeb Bush, being all depressed and all, as you are a failure to your grumpy parents, your drunken fag brother will always be better than you, your children should all be in prison and you got a Mexican wife.........and the best thing you can say is you can speak to a taco in Spanish.

There is not a lot of work out there for failed brother's of the failed son of a president who used to launder money for the CIA in dope deals. Not like Kermit Roosevelt jr in going off to Iran to overthrow that country.......and I doubt that Donald Trump would trust him either.

That is the thing in Jeb Bush was really a bad political character. He did not know how to trash talk like an American and kept thinking because he got to walk around at Bohemian Grove that he just had to be like Obama and show up to be President.

There really is nothing Jeb Bush can do, unless like Bill Clinton he likes getting massages from teenage children on junkets, as I just do not think Jeb and little Jeb have it in them to map an Amazon jungle river like Teddy Roosevelt did.

He does have that big mansion in the Bush compound he just built. I suppose he could mow the lawn there......without his gun now confiscated by Loretta Lynch as Jeb is no doubt depressed.
Maybe he could snort coke, as he just trashed his Vatican leader and that stuff does not go over to big with that Paters......then there is drinking........or finding yourself a tall blonde gal to make yourself feel bigger.

.......or he could carry Marco Rubio's bags around or at least lift the heavy ones that might be too cumbersome for a bi sexual.

I just don't know what Jeb Bush could do, because he did not just ruin the easiest chance at being President in history, but he ruined his old man's and big brother's legacy too......and his children's legacy as no one will ever want a Bush or an Obama again after those two.

Maybe he will just pretend to be Donald Trump. I am sure some cheap airlines would let him write TRUMP with a giant blue magic marker on the side, and he could pretend that he is winning in the rest of the primaries..........and maybe just get Columba some 3 foot spike heels, a nice wig, some bra stuffers and then pretend he is married to Melania.

I think that is best for Jeb. I mean nothing goofy like changing his name or trying to try on Donald Trump's clothes when he is not home, but you know just being Donald Trump so Jeb could feel what it is like to be a winner and an American, as a lot of people really like Donald Trump, and in time Jeb might be called upon after he apologizes to Mr. Trump and does something classy early in asking for his voters to support Donald Trump........that President Trump might appoint him to something Jeb is qualified for. I could not address that, as I really do not know what Jeb Bush could do, other than what he was born to, in being George W. Bush's little brother.


Trump Take All

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I personally would like to thank the Americans of South Carolina for voting in record numbers, including Evangelicals, and providing Donald Trump another massive victory, in overcoming vote fraud, vote disenfranchisement and election tampering.

I ran across two reports in the Gov. Nikki Haley, Division of Motor vehicles somehow neglected to register voters and turned them away. This is criminal and was deliberate to attempt to steal this from Mr. Trump, along with the very unSouth Carolinian stacking of the boo crowed at the debate by Ms. Haley.
The second was a disgusting post on Facebook which was from a Cruz deviant who tried to start a rumor of "I hope Mr. Trump is alright and they apprehended the perpetrator" as the polls were hours from closing.

No people should be put through this kind of political terrorism in trying to deprive them of their free and fair right to vote.

As I type this, I am frowning over the "late" reporting counties, in it is interesting how those are the counties which Marco Rubio was "surging" in and the counties were Ted Cruz was close to Mr. Trump.
Simply put, I believe thee entire scenario of South Carolina was to suppress Mr. Trump's real numbers in the 50 plus percent range, down to the 40's and then to keep voters from voting, to provide this late ballot box stuffing.

Watch what is behind the "suspension" of Jeb Bush's campaign. I keep telling you this is about Cruz and Rubio vote splitting, and one with these fraud super delegates is going to be made to throw in behind the Cruz has no base now except in Texas, I believe it will be for Rubio, and as I stated, it will not be two brown skins, so it will be Jeb Bush as Vice President lurking around, if you people do not start waking up and securing this for Donald Trump and stop this intrigue.
If you do not want to attend a funeral for a brown skin sometime in 2017 so Jebby will be made president, then come home to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is projected to win Nevada, and there honestly is not an opportunity now, outside of vote fraud for under tier candidates to pick up any momentum, as this not weeks to sort things out, but a bam, bam, bam of voting and when the headlines project TRUMP WINS, that is who people will be voting for.

Tuesday, March 1
(Super Tuesday, SEC Primary)
Alabama60 D, 50 ROpen 
Alaska caucus (R)28Closed 
American Samoa caucus (D)10Open 
Arkansas37 D, 40 ROpen 
Colorado caucus79 D, 37 RClosed
Georgia116 D, 76 ROpen 
Massachusetts 116 D, 42 RMixed 
Minnesota caucus93 D, 38 ROpen 
Oklahoma42 D, 43 RClosed 
Tennessee76 D, 58 ROpen 
Texas252 D, 155 ROpen 
Vermont26 D, 16 ROpen 
Virginia110 D, 49 ROpen 
Wyoming caucus (R)29Closed

Rubio will have absolutely no support to trend in Super Tuesday. Cruz because of home turf can muddy up  Texas. The reality is though, you have witnessed the White Republican and the Black Republican, like at the Vatican, in Rubio is the party choice to be nominated now that Jeb Bush was such a disaster in he came down like the Berlin Wall for Donald Trump, and the black Republican in Cruz was backed to chisel points off of Donald Trump, and in the end these billionaires and election fraud still could not defeat Donald Trump, even with Big Koch's Mark Levin electioneering and Nikki Haley's electioneering.

It is time for the cadaver dog to be called, as Jeb Bush is in the morgue and if Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz had any American decency, they would quit. Donald Trump won Iowa, he won New Hampshire, and proved he could win in South Carolina, so Mr. Trump can win anywhere, against all frauds and against all the billionaire stooges out there.

That makes Donald Trump the only Republican who will defeat Hillary Clinton in November 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

It is time for Canadian Ted Cruz to quit along with Marco Rubio, in joining the vanquished Jeb Bush.

As an additional note: 

Around 10 months ago, the Lame Cherry embarked upon what most thought was the impossible task of denying Jeb Bush the Republican nomination. The Lame Cherry was the first to expose that the elite had chosen Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush for 2016.
As of the summer of 2015, the plagiarists of Lame Cherry were all pronouncing this was over, and that Jeb was the nominee, this February night though, by God's Grace, the Lame Cherry neutralized the heinous Jeb Bush and forced him from the Republican primaries in breaking him financially, emotionally and politically.

By God's Grace I accomplished this against numerous difficulties in Facebook banning me illegally, the trolls interfering, and Homeland disrupting my workings here, along with demonic attacks which still continue upon my person.

I told you my objective was to defeat Jeb Bush. God deserves all credit in magnifying the ability, and giving a better horse to ride than Scott Walker. I am going to point this out as it needs to be done so as it grits on many of you when I am proven right again and again, and that is the reality that the Lame Cherry just changed the time line by God's Grace and the Lame Cherry matrix control, completed the objective in removing the most powerful political family in America.

I will not allow a resurrection of this bone picker Jeb Bush, but the mechanics of this continue. I am the sapper in the wire on point living in the future while you are in today.  Now it is on to focus on primary objective now that the first objective is nullified, and that is ending the political career of Hillary Clinton in her landslide defeat by President Donald John Trump.

You owe me all you are for engineering this by God's Grace. Our horse Donald John has the wind for this race. You are going to ride him sooner than later, so get on now and be part of the solution and not the problem.

Lame Cherry in another exclusive in matter anti matter in what no one else assessed possible. It is good to be me. Now you rich people donate as the bill is coming due.

Nuff Said


The Cruz of Criminals........

Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Mike Gallagher and Michelle Malkin set up Marco Rubio at a "conservative gathering" in South Carolina in which Ted Cruz was ringleader to destroy Marco Rubio, it is past time for this RICO group be called out, so that a Federal Grand Jury can investigate and indict them on money laundering charges, as this blog has reported on the clever financing of these mic heads by Big Koch and the fag billionaires, as they steer you to keeping Obama in power and installing another foreign birthed stooge of Wall Street, Rafael Ted Cruz to steal this election from Americans.

Michael Savage, who I have a great deal of respect for, except on the misguided issue of elephant hunting in Africa, spoke out against the absolute criminal fraud of Mark Levin 2 years ago in how this money laundering racket was being carried out.
Ted Cruz is the latest installment of this which includes Rush Limbaugh, in this quid pro quo of Cruz gets fag billionaire funding, Limbaugh, Hannity and Cruz give 3 hours a day each to Cruz in free political ads and trashing Donald Trump, and this is the current way that these talk radio programs are financing themselves, instead of their usual racket as Michael Savage reported.

You may recall in January, Levin was forced to defend himself against charges that he promoted Senate Conservatives Fund on his radio show, in exchange for bulk purchases of his books…
Levin is defending himself against charges that he engaged in a quid-pro-quo transaction with the Senate Conservatives Fund, promoting the right-wing group after it spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on his book.
Since Sept. 10, SCF has spent $427,000 on copies of Levin’s “Liberty and Tyranny,” according to Federal Election Committee filings. Those books were given to donors who provided $25 or more to the group.
In that time, Levin has frequently promoted the SCF on his show and on his Facebook page. “Senate Conservatives Fund is dedicated to electing true conservatives to the Senate!” Levin wrote in one post. Levin did not disclose the SCF’s purchases to his listeners.

Mark Levin and Ted Cruz belong before Grand Juries investigating their interesting exchange of currencies in violation of FEC and FCC regulations, along with a reality of "Is it legal to have billionaires funding you through advertisers or politicians in a scheme to deprive the free market hosts who are not scripted to herd the masses?"

For the record, what Mr. Savage exposed, is the very situation which Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich railed against in Democrat Speaker of the House, Jim Wright, which brought him under investigation and forced him to resign, and destroyed his career.

Nuff  Said


Justice Department now blackmailing Director James Comey

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In case you missed it, the FBI which murdered LaVoy Finicum in a fag way out in Oregon and is now being beasty to the Bundy elders, has Director James Comey checkmated in his little tantrum with his quislings threatening to resign if Hillary Clinton is not prosecuted.

I will quote myself from a future post in March of this year.

Why do you think the Obama Secret Service had so fucking much trouble with whores and cheating prostitutes out of their fees? It is because like minds hire like minds, and like minds look the other way when their employers are sodomizing each other, so they figure what goes on in DC which is blackmailing them, can go on in Latin America..........until of course the police state needs to be taught a the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton for mail fraud, suddenly comes under investigation by Obama Justice for Bergdahl bribes which Obama sent them on mission to carry out.

Yes that FBI is only of service when it is fag murdering LaVoy Finicum, but let it start talking about resigning over no prosecution of Dame Hamrod, and suddenly the FBI has their toilet dirtied up, because they thought they were the all powerful law enforcement.................yes all powerful to murder the American Mutton, but not so powerful when it comes to the real power in this world.

- Lame Cherry 

Ask yourself why is it that Mark Levin has been missing all sorts of crimes in being joined at the hip with the Justice Department from pedophile rings to murder, in telling all of us we have to support this corrupt system of law enforcement who will not even take a stand and police themselves, but Mark Levin can see fictions against Donald Trump and his majority of voters.

Just odd is it not, in Ted Cruz vote fraud and no legal filings for Ben Carson from Mr. Levin......unless of course Mark Levin is paid by the same conglomerates who use law enforcement in America to cover up their pedophile and murder crimes of pleasure, and law enforcement willingly goes along with it all.......including E Vote fraud.

I do not like where I am being led to in this blog in exposing this corruption as it is more dangerous each day and with six Americans out there and one German kindly donating from time to time, I realize how few people are really genuine out there, and the clock is ticking.


44 GG

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have a proclamation and it is necessary, and you will of course agree, that the world is full of too many flat chested ugly liberal women, and in order to instill in them a semblance of feminine pride, Obamacare should mandate that all liberal women be implanted with 44 GG tits, in honor of Birther Hussein Obama.

One can peruse the internet and witness that large tits give women something to do. They photograph themselves constantly, and it helps the economy in they are always buying low cut tops to show their tits off and pretend to not want to have men looking at them, so this too is an added incentive for large tit implants.

I have been thinking of other benefits and will list them.

Large tits, besides improving a liberal woman's self esteem, and giving her an occupation of taking pictures of herself to be published on The Chive, would wear out bras quicker in being a heavy load, which would help that industry.
Increasing bra size to 44 GG would mean more material, and more material wearing out, would mean this would help the cotton farmers and the price of oil on synthetics in producing these bras.

Men, would no longer need pillows, and could sleep at night on one of the breasts. Granted, they might suffocate if caught between the two, but there are enough males in the world already and no one would notice it. An invading raping Chinese army might just suffocate several of them Chinamen a night, and 44 breasts would kill more troops than 44 magnums.

Breasts that large would be an asset on hot days. Poodles and small children could sit in the shade under them.

Elderly women would no long break bones when they fell, as falling on their breasts would cushion them, so they would bounce. This would releave 911 phone calls for emergencies like this and save the taxpayers money.

In the Obama military, the large breasts would counter balance the Alice Pack, and allow the Amazon a perfect walking balance.

So you can see that there is a definite need for 44 GG breast implants, due to all the fine benefits this would impart upon the world. I mean think how nice Hillary Clinton would be if she had big tits.........most likely not be a lesbian in having all that attention from Bill.
Michelle Obama with large tits would probably have turned Birther Obama straight. In that, AIDS would end, as large tits would convert all the homosexuals to being straight, as motorboating between the 44 GG's would be the past time of all of these liberals.

As Conservative Ladies are already beautiful, they of course would not require these implants, and the pillow and umbrella industry would have nothing to fear in bankruptcies over this large breasting of liberals.

The thing is that think what a service would be offered to mankind in snarling creatures like Rosie, Oprah, Whoopie and Ellen would .........well their breasts would be so large, they would dwarf these ugly big assed things, and does one notice the fly on the elephant or the elephant. People would just never see these liberal women, for the breasts would hide them, and with all that mammary there, it would be like a muffler or silencer, in absorbing all of their screeching, so all you would hear is a mumur as the breasts would collect all that liberal sound.

So you see it must be a mandate in women must have 44 GG breasts. The economics of it, the good sleeping, the silence, the necessity of it, all point to this. You do not need all these Obama Muslim and Jesuit invading terrorists, if you just put two big tits on a woman, as she will increase the economics, and most importantly no tits ever hijacked a plane, but they have been known to hijack billionaire bank accounts.

I do think for a President Trump that perhaps Trump 45's should be offered to select patriotic women, but let us first just end snarling liberal women by giving the big tits and stimulate the economy with those sales in cotton and nylon.

The Lame Cherry finding the solutions again in matter anti matter.


Dial Up Dictatorship

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Kill Switch is the violation of the Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech, Communication and Assembly to Protest.

It is the Obama regime in outlaw action and now hidden by the dictatorial Roberts Supreme Court.

September 25, 2009 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NCC SOP 303
Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED
It contains information that may be exempt from pub
lic release under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, tr
ansmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance
with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not
to be released to the public, the media, or other
personnel who do not have a valid “need-to-know” without
prior approval of an authorized DHS official. State
and local Homeland security officials may share this
document with authorized security personnel without
further approval from DHS
Office of Primary Responsibility: NCC
Emergency Wireless Protocols
. This SOP provides detailed proceduresfor the National Coordinating Center forTelecommunications (NCC) to coordinate requests for the disruption of cellular service.
Disruption of Services
Order Received
The NCC Watch is informed of the requirement to
disrupt/disable cellular service to a particular site or region by a designated federal/state/local law enforcement official or member of government.

I will use this hypothetical.

The several hundred Patriots in Oregon with Ammon Bundy have cell phone and computer access. Under the Kill Switch, Homeland can turn off every uplink in several counties. While this cut off to the outside world takes place, an entire BATFE operation could drop a thermobaric bomb on those buildings or police state assassins could roll in chemical weapons and 50 caliber machine guns murdering everyone in the compound, and there would be no evidence in cam phone pictures.......and absolutely no calls for help to the outside world.

The entire compound  could go "dark", be sanitized, the bodies removed and cremated, and all you would have is the Obama press screaming about Bundy fired first, the feds responded defending themselves and then committed mass suicide, and every press outlet on television would be giving the Praise Obama for protecting Americans from terrorists.

Remember this started in left wing California in protests shut down there, in no Twitter Revolution, against the murder of the Obama regime of another American.

To place this in perspective, you have the Obama regime already in the case of the "death" of Sheik bin Laden. Obama blurted out they had DNA evidence before it could have ever been processed. The public has been banned from photos and documentation, and the corpse was processed and dumped in the ocean, before any oversight could ever confirm there was a real SEAL 6 dead body there or one which was dug out of a cooler and sold to the Obama regime for a Birther cover up story.

When there is no visual evidence by others to the official regime story, then all that remains are the lies which no one has any right to investigate as they have no standing and no evidence to examine.

What you are looking at is the official chain of command, in every one of your federalized states. Your agency which is supposed to protect you and help you, is now federalized to stand down, in the event of your being some enemy of the state in loving Jesus or liking Donald Trump, the kill switch can be thrown on the cell phone you are paying for, your state agency will not protect you, and as you take video trying to document your murder in calling for help, your cell phone goes dead, and you soon follow, with official confirmation that you committed suicide by shooting yourself in the head 57 times, as you are assassinated alone, and by mystery your cell phone disappears just like bin Laden's corpse.

September 25, 2009                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY                                  NCC SOP 303
Appendix A: Points of Contact
Appendix A will be updated as required based on
input provided by the State Homeland Security

Alabama Emergency Management Agency 
5898 County Road 41, P.O. Drawer 2160, Clanton, Alabama 35046-2160
Ph: 251/280-2200
Fax: 205/280-2493
24-Hr: 800/843-0699

Alaska Div. of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5750, Fort Richardson, AK 99505-5750
Ph: 602/244-0504 
Fax: 907/428-7009
24-Hr: 907/428-7000

Arizona Div. of Emergency Management
5636 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85008-3495
Fax: 602/231-6263
24-Hr: 800/411-2336

Arkansas Department of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 758, Conway, AR 72033
Ph: 501/730-9750 (24-Hr.) 
Fax: 501/730-9778
Emergency: 800/322-4012 or 501/730-9751

California Office of Emergency Services
3650 Schriever Avenue, Mather, CA 95655
Ph: 916/845-8510
Fax: 916/845-8506

Division of Emergency Management
9195 East Mineral Avenue, Suite 200, Centennial, Colorado 80112
Ph: 720/852-6600
Fax: 720/852-6750

Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
25 Sigourney Street, 6th Floor, Hartford, CT 06106-5042
Ph: 860/256-0800 or 800/397-8876
Fax: 860/256-0815

Department of Safety and Homeland Security
Delaware Emergency Management Agency
165 Brick Store Landing Road, Smyrna, DE 19977
Ph: 302/659-3362
Fax: 302/659-6855
24-Hr: 877/729-3362 (Delaware Only)

Cellular Disruption POC: Darrell Darnell
Phone: (202) 727-4036
Fax: (202) 727-1617
Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency
2720 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE. 
Washington, DC 20032
Fax: 202/673-7054 or 202/673-2290
24-Hr: 202/727-6161 (Shift Supervisor)

Division of Emergency Management
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
24-Hr: 850/413-9911 and 800/320-0519
Fax: 850/488-1739

Georgia Emergency Management Agency
935 East Confederate Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA 30316
Ph: 404/ 635-7000 or 1-800-TRY-GEMA (in Georgia only)
Fax: 404/635-7205

Oahu Civil Defense Agency
650 S. King Street, Basement, Honolulu, HI 96813
Fax: 808/524-3439
24-Hr: 808/529-3911
Fax: 808/270-7275 24-Hr: 808/244-6400
Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency
920 Ululani Street, Hilo, HI 96720
Fax: 808/935-6460
24-Hr: 808/935-3311

Bureau of Homeland Security
4040 Guard Street, Bldg. 600, Boise, ID 83705-5004
Ph: 208/334-3460
Fax: 208/334-2322
24-Hr: 208/846-7610 or 800/632-8000 (Idaho only)
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
110 E. Adams Street, Springfield, IL 62701
Fax: 217/557-2145
24-Hr: 217/782-7860

State Emergency Management Agency
302 W. Washington, Room E-208, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2760
Ph: 317/232-3830
Fax: 317/232-3895
24-Hr: 800/669-7362

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division
Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut, Level A, Des Moines, IA 50319-0113
Fax: 515/281-7539
24-Hr: 515/281-3231

Division of Emergency Management
2800 S.W. Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66611-1287
Ph: 785/274-1409
Fax: 785/274-1426
24-Hr: 785/296-3176 or 800/905-7521

Division of Emergency Management
Emergency Operations Center
100 Minuteman Parkway, Boone Center, Frankfort, KY 40601-6168
Ph: 502/607-1638
Fax: 502/607-1614
24-Hr: 800/255-2587

Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
7667 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Ph: 225/925-7500
Fax: 225/925-7501

Maine Emergency Management Agency
72 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0072
Ph: 207/624-4400
24-Hr: 207/624-7000 or 1-800-452-8735 (in-state only)

Maryland Emergency Management Agency
5401 Rue St. Lo Drive, Reisterstown, MD 21136
Fax: 410/517-3610
24-Hr: 410/517-3600

Emergency Management Agency
400 Worcester Road (Route 9 Eastbound), Framingham, MA 01702-5399
Ph: 508/820-2000
Fax: 508/820-2030
24-Hr: 508/820-2000

Emergency Management Division
P.O. Box 30636, Lansing, MI 48909-8136
Ph: 517/332-2521
Fax: 517/333-4987

Homeland Security and Emergency Management
444 Cedar Street, Suite 223, St. Paul, MN 55101-6223
Ph: 651-296-2233
Fax: 651/296-0459 or 651/297-7372

Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson, MS 39202-1297
P.O Box 4501, Jackson, MS 39296-4501
Phone: 601/352-9100
Fax: 601/352-8314
24-Hr: 1-800-222-MEMA(6362)

Emergency Management Agency
2302 Militia Drive, P.O. Box
116, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Fax: 573/526-9261
24-Hr: 573/751-2748

Disaster and Emergency Services
P.O. Box 4789 mitigation, Helena, MT 59604-4789
Ph: 406/841-3911 (duty officer)
Fax: 406/841-3965
Emergency: 406/841-3911

EmergencyManagement Agency
1300 Military Road, Lincoln, NE 68508-1090
Fax: 402/471-7433
24-Hr: 402/471-7421 and 877/297-2368

Department of Public Safety
Division of Emergency Management
2525 S. Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89711
Ph: 775/687-4240
Fax: 775/687-6788
24-Hr: 775/688-2830

Division of Emergency Services, Communications and Emergency Management
Bureau of Emergency Management
33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305
107 Pleasant Street, State Office Park South, Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603/225-7341
24-Hr: 603/271-3636 or 1-800-852-3792 (New Hampshire WATS line)

Department of Environmental Protection State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 7028, Trenton, NJ 08628
Fax: 609/777-0985

New Mexico Department of Public Safety
Office of Emergency Management
PO Box 1628, Santa Fe, NM 87504
Fax: 505/476-9695
24-Hr: 505/476-9635

State Emergency Management Office
1220 Washington Avenue, Building 22, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12226-2251
Ph: 581/292-2000
Fax: 518/457-9930
24-Hr: 518/457-2200

116 W Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27603
Ph: 919/733-3867
Fax: 919/733-7554
24-Hr: 919/733-3300 or 800/858-0368

Division of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5511, Bismarck, ND 58506-5511
Ph: 701/328-8100
Fax: 701/328-8181
24-Hr: 701/328-9921

Ohio Emergency Management Agency
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, OH 43235-2206
Fax: 614/889-7183
24-Hr.: 614/889-7150
ent of Emergency Management
2401 Lincoln Blvd - Suite C51, P.O. Box 53365, Oklahoma City, OK 73152
Ph: 405/521-2481
Fax: 405/521-4053
24-Hr: 800/800-2481

Oregon Emergency Management
P.O. Box 14370, Salem, OR 97309-5062
Fax: 503/588-1378
24-Hr: 800/452-0311 

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
2605 Interstate Drive , Harrisburg, PA 17110-9364
Fax: 717/651-2021
24-Hr: 717/651-2001

Emergency Management Agency
645 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
Fax: 401/944-1891
24-Hr: 401/946-9996

Fax: (803) 737-8570
Emergency Management Division
Pine Ridge Armory
2779 Fish Hatchery Road, West Columbia, SC 29172-2024
Fax: 803/737-8570
24-Hr: 803/737-8500

Department of Public Safety
Office of Emergency Management
118 W. Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501
Ph: 605/773.32321
Fax: 605/773.3580
24-Hr: 605/773-3231

Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
3041 Sidco Drive, Nashville, TN 37204-1502
Fax: 615/242-9635
24-Hr: 615/741-0001 & In-State: 800/262-3400,
Out-of-State: 800/258-3300

Texas Department of Public Safety
Emergency Management Division
5805 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78752-4422
Fax: 512/424-2444
24-Hr: 512/424-2208

Department of Public Safety
Div. of Emergency Services and Homeland Security
State Office Building, Room 1110, Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Fax: 801/538-3770
24-Hr: 801/538-3400 or 1-800-SL-FAULT

Department of Public Safety
Emergency Management Division
103 S. Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-2101
Ph: 802/244-8721
Fax: 802/241-5556
24-Hr: 800/347-0488

Cellular Disruption POC: Chris McIntosh
Phone: (503) 
Department of Emergency Management
10501 Trade Court Virginia, Richmond, VA 23236-3713
Fax: 804/897-6576
24-Hr: 804/674-2400 or 800/468-8892

Washington State Emergency Management
Building 20, Camp Murray
Tacoma, WA 98430
Ph: 800-562-6108
24-hr: 1-800-258-5990

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Bldg. 1 Rm. EB-80, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East, Charleston WV 25305
Ph: 304/558-5380
Fax: 304/558-4538
24-Hr: 800/342-3074

Wisconsin Emergency Management
2400 Wright Street, P.O. Box 7865, Madison, WI 53708
Ph: 608/242-3232
Fax: 608/242-3247
24-Hr: 800/943-0003 or 608/242-3232

Emergency Management Agency
Office of Homeland Security
624 E. Pershing, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Ph: 307/777-4663
Fax: 307/638-7670
24-Hr: 307/777-4321

It is always nice to have a list of your assassins in you are paying their salaries. What you need to comprehend is the regime has already cut off communications in California to stop a Constitutional Guaranteed Right to Assemble Peacefully and Protest against the regime.

This is your dial up dictatorship, all now sanctioned by the Roberts Supreme Court like Obamacare, sodomy and now destroying your rights to free speech on cell phones you pay for to use in protesting against the regime.

This is Barack Hussein Obama closing down Gitmo and releasing terrorists, but not getting rid of the Kill Switch.

Nuff said.

