Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trump Unlocks the West


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What was the most amusing of the Nevada voting, was Donald Trump bitch slapping Glenn Beck today in Mr. Trump walking in on a Beck speech and the entire auditorium swarming to Donald Trump.

In that, I would like to thank the Western voters of Nevada for delivering Donald Trump a victory in that State. There is something that all of you are missing in this, as all of your coverage and prejudices are New York media. There is a vast bit of America which is west of the Mississippi River. They are as distinct a race of people as any on the planet. It is why they vote Republican primarily and have an entirely different set of outlooks than people who life in Rhode Island, because people in the West have bigger counties than most eastern states.

What I desire for you to understand in this which no one will point out, is the fact that Donald Trump, the New York businessman, won in Nevada. Donald Trump won in the West, not by a small margin, but by a landslide margin.
That is important as a sign, because Nevada has adopted Donald Trump. That means the American John Wayne cowboy West has adopted Donald Trump, just like they did Ronald Reagan.

Do not miss this fact. Ted Cruz is Texas. Texans are western peoples. Texans are in Nevada like ticks on a sheep. Ted Cruz, a latin product in a land where the Basque and Mexican are part of the culture, should have contended in Nevada as in winning it easily, as that is Cruz's home turf. Donald Trump went into the West and the West loved Donald Trump and made him their own.

This means everything from Idaho to North Dakota and all points South are going to vote for Donald Trump, and that means that Texas is going to not take the Canadian son Cruz, but take the American son in Donald Trump.
Do not lose this fact, as the Western peoples are as unique as the Southern peoples as the Northeast, as the West Coast and the Midwest. This is huge in Donald Trump went into the West and the West chose him. Donald Trump is not just a television persona any more. Donald Trump has become a regional candidate. Donald Trump has the Northeast and now the West, and he will build a wider margin in the South, the Midwest and the West Coast.

No one left in the race can no longer contend with Donald Trump. Ted Cruz has absolutely no following. Marco Rubio is barely an also ran, and is not viable in Texas, California or his Florida, and he has no chance like anyone else in Donald Trump's New York.

Donald Trump has been adopted as a native son of the John Wayne west. This is huge.

Congratulations to Donald Trump, he now has the Evangelical landslide, 46% of the Hispanic vote, and now the West. Thanks to Nevada.

God bless Donald Trump to be the hand of God and to unite these Sovereign States again. In His Name, Amen and Amen


How to Cut and Paste Obama Foreign Vote Challenges

Pull my handle
Touch my pen
Light me up
See what happens when 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Such a lovely creature, no vixen, this sassy little women voters hussy is in Kelly Ceballos, who lists all the press dispatches of the League of Vixen Voters in their educational efforts to get all to vote in American elections and now filing lawsuits to do just that with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, now that all the old Mormons are dead or in prison in Oregon and Nevada.

Here lets have a post on this, as you can feel the touch on the keyboard of the fingers of Ms. Ceballos on your person, as you read them.

Washington, DC – The League of Women Voters of the U.S. and its Alabama, Georgia and Kansas affiliates filed suit today in federal district court to stop the recent illegal action by the Executive Director of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) that allows these states to restrict voter registration.
“Voters should not have to face an obstacle course to participate and vote,” said Elisabeth MacNamara, president of the League of Women Voters of the U.S. “The recent decision by EAC Executive Director Brian Newby is simply contrary to federal law and we expect it to be overturned.”
Acting unilaterally, Mr. Newby recently approved requests from Alabama, Georgia and Kansas to require documentary proof of citizenship when an applicant uses the federal mail voter registration application form. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires the full commission itself to vote on any changes, but Mr. Newby ignored that obligation. 

Now don't you just feel all informed. Well certainly more so than that damned cut and past from the National Review, in that old fussfuck of Hans A von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation, and has appeared in numerous search engines, and featured on Conservative Review, where it would be thought, that Mark Levin could have written something on this, rather than hand it off to another Jew who is probably fondling Ted Cruz's testicles too.

Let us just ponder, that maybe this voter thing is about ugly white women, wanting to secure rights to millions of Latin Jesuits, as one of them certainly would in a blind state or drunken, come under the spell of ugly white chics......as after all even uggo white chics are top pole for tan skins, as Obama wrote about fictional blonde white ass dating him in his Dreams of his Obama, as that is what all the boys thing is top plank.

With that out of the way, we are not going to get Congress to make the Obama skins legal by November, so we got a directive in New York directing non Americans to vote or show up for vote fraud, and we got the Lesbian League of Voters filing with Loretta Lynch to represent them, as she is done blackmailing FBI Director James Comey who is on the hot seat for terror bribes and trying to peek into Apple secret slots.

Personally I think Huma with a dildo would be much easier, but old lesbians have to say it is all rape and they never wanted tan cock in their nethers to keep up the illusion, so you just give everyone the right to vote.....7 billion Americans all voting and the ugly white chics top of the pole and lesbianism preserved.

Sounds like a win win to me.

Time to listen to cobalt bombs as human pesticide, but do not worry as the league will have them voting from their graves too.

Was someone whispering about 40 million loaded guns for Donald Trump, if he says to come help him eh?

Yes John, tis true from the old sod, Lou Dobbs, but doubt he will deliver the news like I do.


Now let him rest in peace


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to close the book on Anton Scalia, so the old darling can rest in peace, sail beyond the sunset, rise above the stars and whatever else is flowered espousing to soothe the sobbing breast.

The reason for the close is to prove again that the Lame Cherry was right, as this is the list of ailments Justice Scalia was dying from:

coronary artery disease



sleep apnea

degenerative joint disease

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

high blood pressure

If you happen to notice the above, they fit the silent heart attack I noted in inquiry.

From that list, I am surprised the old sweet did not go tits up after his first breast feed.

So no one needed to off the old man, who was all that stood between life and death in America, as the only one more deader on their feet is old Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died a century ago.

It would have been criminal not to certify Scalia dead on the phone and impeachable to think it was anything but natural causes. It is a shorter list of things the Justice was not dying from.

Nuff Said


The Apple of my FB Eye


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It would be one thing if the FBI was interested only in the opening of the San Bernardino terrorist smart phone, but there is so much backdoor deception going on here, that this is all a fraud now by FBI Director James Comey.

I will state something which is the absolute reality. The FBI locked this phone on purpose in ordering San Bernardino County to attempt to open it. That being stated in the why and wherefore, we all know that in America that the NSA, and that includes the FBI have been non stop data mining all of us, from this blog, to your emails to all the bullshit you are doing on your phones. It is all logged and it is NEVER gone.

The FBI does not need this terror phone, because they control EVERY hub in America, and have controlled them for decades from AT & T to  Sprint to anything that moves. The FBI and NSA has been picking up every phone conversation and text message that the terrorists ever sent. If it behooved them, they could have turned on the phone to listen in 24/7 and take nudie pictures of them, because that is the kind of thing which does go on, non stop at the NSA. That is how they get  their porn now in watching hot people on their phones.

So what Apple is being forced to do, is simply making the corporation provide a master pass key as Apple has stated, just like Windows has and every other phone not an Apple..........just like Facebook is nothing but a damned spybot system now and that is why it takes up most of your resources to have it running.

Last week, U.S. Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym of Riverside ordered Apple to aid the FBI in unlocking the phone. Hours later, Cook released an open letter to Apple customers saying that it would resist the judge’s order. Cook said the federal government has asked the company "to build a backdoor to the iPhone," which it considers "too dangerous to create."
FULL COVERAGE: Apple's fight with the FBI >>
"The government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone. But that’s simply not true," Cook wrote. "Once created, the technique could be used over and over again, on any number of devices. In the physical world, it would be the equivalent of a master key, capable of opening hundreds of millions of locks — from restaurants and banks to stores and homes. No reasonable person would find that acceptable."
The U.S. attorney’s office responded by filing a motion to compel Apple’s compliance with the judge’s order. The government said it was not asking for a "master key" to Apple’s phones but for software that opened this particular iPhone. Once created, the government said, Apple could keep the software and destroy it after the phone was unlocked.

That is the fact in this,  the information of the names, addresses and messages of all the people who phoned or messaged Sayeed Farouk, are stored in numerous locations at NSA, the cell phone company and the FBI as they data mine everyone too.

There is no privacy any more, and that is the reality. So let us not make this out to be about an investigation when it is about seizing Apple software code, when all the information is already available on FBI servers and if not there, the NSA, and if not there, then the cell phone hubs.

I do not care one way or the other in this, as what difference does it make. I do care about people not being forthcoming in being honest, as if the FBI wants to shoot LaVoy Finicum, then just tell us that is what they want to do is con Oregon into murdering an old Mormon, and if they wants to see nudie pictures of that fag Cook who runs Apple, then just tell us, as who the hell can not get enough of that good faggot porn eh?

Nuff Said


We now have 25 more minutes to Breathe


 ...and now for the next Obama Supreme Court Nominee

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry rightfully bitches about the frauds in Congress, but they have done something right, in Leader Mitch McConnell, and that would mean John Thune, came out early to block image Obama from loading another lesbian onto the Supreme Court to fondle John Robert's balls.

Now the Senate Judiciary Committee which is the big guns of the GOP, have just signed a letter to not have any hearings on Obama lezbos in 2016. This is the insiders on this and we need to be thankful and thank them for doing something right.

I detest Iowa, but Senator Charles Grassley has taken a stand for America, just like Governor Branstad did before the Iowa vote was stolen. We should praise Senator Grassley for doing this, as we now have a few more months to live, but my children and my brats, we have got to win the Presidency in November.

That means to keep this in mind in the GOP primaries. I am not going to stop backing Mr. Trump as I know he is all we have, as we would not be where we are now........AND YOU CRUZ AND RUBIO VOTERS GET THIS POINT, in Nevada would be about Jeb Bush sowing up his election cruise as your candidates were only window dressing and would be destroyed  by now.

We are where we are in Cruz and Rubio being viable, because of Donald Trump, So you fully comprehend that, you are alive in these primaries because of the Trump Campaign, and he is the only one who is going to get this done so we can now build on what Charles Grassley and Mitch McConnell have thrown up the fire wall for.

I do have appreciation for the 11 GOP Senators who signed this letter to Senator McConnell. It also means we will not have to deal with Ted Cruz failing in another Green Eggs and Ham non filibuster.

Committee Members

photo of Chuck Grassley


Senator Chuck Grassley (R - IA) Biography »


If Jeb Bush was in this yet, it would be another John Roberts or David Souter to betray America. We have a chance and that is it. We know who the Trump nominees will be, so let us get this won.

Nuff Said


Ted Cruz Daughter Abandons Him Onstage


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What I am about to say is genuine and sincere, and it is directed to the Ted Cruz supporters, as perhaps they can intercede in this, as I do state this directly to Ted Cruz.

Mr. Cruz has been using his daughters throughout this campaign as a prop. That is what politicians do. The problem is children are great props if you are winning in the Obama's having an election handed to you, but when Ted Cruz is being rejected by the Americans in majority, this kind of rejection filters through to little girls who hear things, see things, and find that "daddy is doing more important things than loving them".

In South Carolina in the video posted below, overlook the "Dark Side of Ted Cruz" but instead note that Ted Cruz is very upset in losing, and his oldest daughter is not wanting any part of this. This is the one he was pinching awhile back.

This little girl needs to get out of the spotlight along with her sister, and stop being hauled before the public, and go play with dolls during the day, with a great deal more of Mummy time, and Daddy had better be there first to read a story and tuck the kid in to repair what has been inflicted on her.
There is too much evidence now that the roller coaster of politics is harming this child, and she needs someone to advocate for her, as for whatever reason, the Cruz's are not seeing the problem that others are and are not protecting this child.

The fact in this is, Ted Cruz can not have the GOP nomination and his little girl too. I am not saying that to be cynical or trying to get an edge as that would be unfair to this child as she is in need of some away from stages. This is not waiting until after Texas or the RNC, this is NOW this needs to be done.

We all know Ted has a wife and two girls. They do not have to be on stage. He can probably spin this as he is prone to do in "Well I am looking out for my little girl and they will not be here on stage as props any more", and that would end it, and ninnies would think it was so adoring..........at that point I will rip Ted Cruz a new one, but for now this little girl needs to be protected from all of this.

So the shout out is to all of you  caring Ted Cruz supporters, get your man to get these girls off the stage and give them a normal little girl existence as they are doing nothing politically, but these politics are hurting them.
You Cruzlings prove what you are and deal with this situation as Ted and Heidi Cruz are not protecting this child.

Get it done and no one will bring this up again.

Ted Cruz Blasts Washington Post Cartoon of Daughters as Monkeys - NBC ...

Put the smile back on these kid's faces.

Nuff Said


When Jeb Bush goes home to his Mansions

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The insider word is that the Jeb Bush voters are in mass turning to vote for Donald Trump. For as much as I pounded Jeb Bush, I offer this to the people who supported him. I know for certain that you chose Jeb Bush for the qualities in you, in Dignity and Honor, that you wanted to restore that most after 8 horrid years of image Obama. I honestly have been perplexed about Jeb Bush for the past year, since I embarked upon my decision to stop him, as America could not withstand more Obama invasion and more brainwashing of our children in Common Core.

I have not inquired so I do not know if it was the hand of God leading to Jeb's defeat, if he was sabotaged or if he is just an incompetent candidate, or all of the above, but I am certain that he was no George W. Bush, who had an affinity with voters in he could talk to people and connect with him. George W. had empathy, and I believe with the exception of Laura, that none of the Bush people have any connection with Americans on a familiar link.

I am not degrading the Bush family in this in my explanation, but performing a healing for the Jeb Bush voters that they are more than welcome here. I honor them with all the dignity they deserve as Donald Trump needs bigger margins to thwart vote fraud, and to send the message to the cartel who funded Jeb Bush, that Americans are not going to stand down and accept any more of this vote fraud.

I have always said, and honestly forgot it as I became busy, but the reality is, the Bush fam has always been just like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, in being Cuban Republicans. That means they are socialists on domestic issues like welfare big spending and big invasion, and conservative about blowing up other nations in starting wars. If we were not in such dire straights, that would not be so bad, but America has been buried in this Obama abyss, and we have to get out now or all of us are going to face genocide as the last generation of Americans. We are either going to be bred out by these tan skinned foreigners which are deliberately being imported to rid America of a race of people who will fight in being armed against the regime, or America is going to be so weakened that we will be nuked, and the mongrel race which inherits the earth will have no memory of America, no more than we of Atlantis.

So I want Jeb Bush supporters and thank them for voting for Donald Trump. The proteges of the Bush family in Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, have not proven very appreciative of the Bush fam, and that is the reality in this.
Readers should know what a hard ass I am, and that I am going to look after their interests as they are my interests. We get Mr. Trump the nomination. We keep Hamrod from stealing this election. We pound the establishment to enact the Trump promises of building the wall, cheap energy, security, replacing Obamacare and replacing the tax code so it is not robbing all of us, then we will adjust to Mr. Trump's vision and help form that.

I believe in the same America that Jeb Bush voters believe in.  I want their votes, and I want the voters who I know have misplaced their support behind Cruz and  Rubio, back united in defeating Hamrod who is in the process of stealing this from Bernie Sanders.
I want ALL OF YOU to get this, and I will probably write on this, but I am letting you in on something which is important. EACH OF YOU is going to have to not fall victim to being manipulated in being upset in Donald Trump as the nominee. What we have to keep track on is one mission from now until November and that is to channel our frustrations not at each other, but in compassion to the Bernie Sanders voters.

That is going to puzzle most of you, but the fact is I certainly do not like that Hillary Clinton cheated Bernie Sanders out of this nomination. She stole it from him, and those voters are every bit as upset as Ben Carson voters were and Donald Trump voters are over what Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz did to them in Iowa.

Understand this, you have hurts and frustrations. I do too. I am not though when Mr. Trump has the nomination going to be rubbing it into Bush, Carson, Kasich, Cruz, Rubio or whoever voters for what they did for tit for tat in what they will be upset at what I did or think Mr. Trump did. What we need to do is show affinity with the Bernie Sanders voters in telling them the victory was stolen from them by Hillary Clinton, and then keep asking them to vote for Donald Trump, as Mr. Trump is not the one who cheated them.

So now in process you will be aware of what I am doing honestly. I do have compassion on the Sanders voters, as they believe in something too, and no place in America should it be that people can have elections stolen from them. I have suffered through this non stop with Donald Trump in the criminal things done against him and America. I am not looking for common ground with socialists, but I am looking for an opening of fairness, in asking them to let Mr. Trump install his solutions as Obama's have been a disaster for America, and when they work, then they will have all the things they are looking to Mr. Sanders with, but just in a better way.

I have empathy for the Jeb Bush supporters, as their best virtues were not successful in the person they transferred them to. I thank them for voting for Donald Trump and I am going to continue to work for all of their ideals, as they are my ideals.
I appreciate their coming home to Mr. Trump, because I do this for nothing, am quite in danger most days and am exhausted. If Jeb Bush behaves himself, as much as HW, I will not be featuring them as the threat they posed in their conglomerate backing, like Hillary Clinton, is not emulating from them.

Jeb Bush was wrong as Donald Trump did not hijack Jeb Bush's party. The Republican party is each of us, and each of us has been betrayed since 1998 in the establishment saying they were Reaganites, when all they were, were Bush patricians now warped into these conglomerates which own both parties.

Donald Trump did not destroy Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush was destroyed by George H. W. Bush long ago in breaking his promise of  "Read my Lips", and Jeb Bush simply piled on the last shovel, when Jeb trashed George W. Bush and HW ridiculed George W. in a book sacrificing W for Jeb, all so Jeb could inform us, that he could win the nomination without the Republican base.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said


Between an Oregon and a Hard Place


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Back when Barack Hussein Obama was being birthed into the White House, Lawrence Sinclair was doing his utmost to reveal to the public the bi sexual nature of Birther Hussein, in his most fervent advocate was Jeff Rense where Mr. Sinclair appeared numerous times.

As I was interested in the story of Mr. Sinclair, I listened to another program on some white supremacist network. The reason I bring this point up, was that later the radio host of that program was outed as a paid FBI informant. The very voice of an entire network, actually was working for the FBI reporting on people. That is not strange as Jesse Jackson was employed to do that very thing on Martin King's group and Bill Ayers was paid to do the same thing on the Weather Underground.

That is why I found it amusing in the politician who talked the Oregon Protesters into surrendering, is the most prominent politician in Nevada supporting STAND DOWN Ted Cruz.

It becomes even more amusing in there is now a story, based upon some work by Anonymous who hacked into Pete Santilli's computer, a person connected with the Rense Radio Network, and who became the voice of the Bundy Group, is now said to have been in contact with the San Diego FBI office over an operation, and was threatening the FBI to expose them, as Mr. Santilli was saying he was not going to be made a scapegoat in their operations in Oregon.

The release of documents taken from Santilli’s computer was provided by Anonymous.
Here is a copy of the screenshot from Santilli’s computer that shows a successful transmission from Santilli to the FBI Field Office in Sacramento, California.

The above document is a FAX that it is said Anonymous found on Mr. Santilli's computer which was sent to the FBI concerning OOT, Operation OverTruck.

This is most interesting as if Mr. Santilli is a mole, he has immense problems in the FBI has either hung him out to dry, or is making him into a deep cover. You should be aware that it was Mr. Santilli who was making the incendiary remarks about shooting Hillary Clinton in the vagina, the same type of rhetoric that the Hutatree Mole for the ATF was ranting about which got those innocent people into their almost being assassinated.

Federal prison or any prison is not a safe place to be for pedophiles or informants, as for some reason inmates who were raped as children by adults and then had snitches out them to police, just do not appreciate the two groups who assisted them into becoming inmates at the people's expense.

What I am stating in all of this is simple, in all of you think you have such good friends on Facebook who show up and validate you, and then post odd things on your walls, and we know from the Bundy indictments that it is ALL recorded by the FBI to use in prosecution cases.
For those who are not aware, Jeff Rense in doing his program touched on some information he was unaware of, and one day last year, his mind went blank while driving his car, and he was in an accident which should have killed him, as it was an assassination attempt.

It appears that there were at least 3 high profile regime operatives inside the Bundy group. One led Ammon Bundy out to be a trophy and one screamed at the occupiers to run for their lives as the FBI was coming to slaughter them, and the DailyKos trolls laughed and laughed at that, in people abandoned guns and clothing as they ran for their lives, but it was all part of Gregory Bretzing's detailed psychological operation.

You can make up your own minds on what is what in this, as I am just placing these links for you to look over, as the reality is America is absolutely no different now than the Soviet block of the 1960's. There are so many moles now all reporting on Americans, that they seem to out number the Americans. There might not be 95 million unemployed, as they are all spies for the Obama regime being paid to post wacko stuff on your Facebook pages for a time to convict you when your time comes.

This is all unAmerican, and yet all of law enforcement, politics and the populace engaged in spying on Americans, setting up Americans and betraying Americans do not see it as a cancer destroying America, as it is about these people protecting the system, and not America.
It is as Attorney John DeCamp wrote in his book about the Franklin Cover Up, it is all about Billy Budd, a story by Herman Mellville, in which an innocent man is hanged on mutiny charges, because hanging him would send a message to stop the mutiny on other ships in Her Majesty's Navy.

Billy Budd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Billy Budd, Sailor is a novella by American writer Herman Melville, first published posthumously in London in 1924. Melville began writing the work in November 1888 ...

It is nothing new in the same police state political ilk did this to Jesus the Christ, did this to George Armstrong Custer, did this to Richard Nixon.......did this in hundreds of ways to hundreds of Americans each decade imprisoned or put in the grave.

In this frenzy of protecting the "order", there never is any one of these zealots who ever step back and note what they have become, as once through destroying the "threat", they turn to their own, and start destroying them too, just like the Soviet bloc, just like Mao's China, just like the Muslim Caliph, just like America.


When You Change What You Are


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a satanic fact that people always find an excuse not to do good.

The rich use the excuse of they have charities they donate to or volunteer for.........as time is money and why would a charity need money when they have the splendid presence of a rich person gracing them with all of their beauty and knowledge.

The Muslim prays 5 times a day so they do not have to love a Christian.

The Jew wails at their wall so that is their good deed.

The Christian has a preacher smiling at them, so is not that goodness on display.

The liberal has regime programs, spending other peoples money, so they are the epitome of caring.

The Conservative promises words and jobs, both of which are as vacuous as the air they breathe.

The poor has nothing so they pray, so there is no need to take a shopping cart back to help someone doing a thankless job, as the poor are too busy being poor to do a good deed.......and after all, did they not pray just last night.

On my start up page I have a daily Bible verse and the command was for ALL to be a cheerful giver in how God directs the heart, as you will answer for your caring about others.

 Daily Bible Verse
 2 Corinthians 9:7
New International Version
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

King James Version
Every man according as he apurposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Americans are a deliberately castrated race as are the Europeans. They cling to possessions to validate them, and when that does not fulfill, they rush to politicians or weapons to give them promises of security, which leaves them poorer and more vulnerable still.

No donation is going to make you rich. Goodness on earth will provide a Glory of Love in Heaven which lasts. Giving in this earth is not about keeping accounts as it will never pay. Giving though will change your heart from being vile to being cheerful, as the giving changes the person you are inside and frees you from the world of theft.
When that takes place, you will arrive where Christ promised in, all things being added unto you, as the gods of stocks and coins, has no meaning to you, and as you stop paying attention to them, and pay attention to God, the possessions accumulate, because you are no longer trying to buy happiness or Heaven to gain you some peace.

For most of you, you can list the good things you have done this past week, because you do so few of them. Most of you are aghast in wondering what good there is that can be done. Did you ever think when you mess up the boxes on the shelves in a grocery, that someone has to take time and fix your mess, so next time, you might try a little goodness by opening your eyes and arrange that space it looks nice, so someone doing three jobs there can have an easier day to go home to their kids and stay awake long enough to listen to the boring stories about the day in the life of a child?

About a month ago, I did something which I probably should not have, but I had a few hundred pounds of feed sacks in the pick up, and I was going around 50 mph coming out of town, when a male decided to be an ass in pass me, cut me off and splatter me with road muck.
He knew what he had done as I sped up to 70 and he kept ahead of me. He eventually turned off, on a road where I knew exactly where he turned, that he could only live at one farm there. So I turned off too, and he fled up the gravel slippery road at 50 mph.....so I followed as it was on the way home.
Interestingly, he turned left instead of right, as I was just going to sit at the end of his drive to unnerve him, but instead he drove behind a hill and apparently was hiding, as I drove through later and I could see no place where he had turned in or pulled off the road to park.

Far too many people believe they can do evil, because this world is a place of being an ass on the internet where bed fuzz, upset over their worthless existence think that picking fights with a girl on Lame Cherry is going to give them standing, when all it is, is God recording their sins. It is easy to do evil, but then someone follows you home, knows where you live, and you have to go hide behind a hill, as you are not as tough of a bully as you thought you were in your big black pick up.
The thing is, I went home, but satan stayed with that nasty soul.

I do not recommend your being the Lone Ranger and ever repeating these actions to teach a lesson, but instead pray away evil and do good. As Christ teaches, there is no law from God that is against doing good.


Bernie Sanders Coddled

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Odd world as Bernie Sanders.......

Sanders was arrested Aug. 12, 1963, and charged with resisting arrest. He was found guilty and fined $25, according to a Tribune story about the protests.

and in 2016 in Oregon, LaVoy Finicum gets murdered and everyone named Bundy or shook his hands with someone named Bundy is being put into prison to die.
Bernie gets 25 dollars for doing the same thing, Finicum gets bullets and everyone else ends up in prison multiple felony counts.

I would actually think about voting for Bernie Sanders if he would go to Oregon and protest for those Americans being lynched and terrorized by the Obama police state, but no one is asking why Bernie will not help those Americans.
They just brag about Bernie's civil rights record fifty years ago.........what has he done for Americans in this 21st Obama century?

Lavoy Finicum Shot Dead In Oregon Standoff, Cliven Bundy Says ...

Lavoy Finicum was shot dead during the standoff in Burns, Oregon. Ammon Bundy, who was also among the leadership of the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom

Except of course the Lame Cherry.


The Religion of Peace and Poppy


US Casualties Drop when Soldiers protect the Poppy for the Obama Muslim Drug Cartel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Soldier lives only matter when George W. Bush was President in Ted Koeppel body counts nightly, the Lame Cherry reminds all.........especially since Wiki stopped updating dead Americans at 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, in the numbers of US Soldiers slaughtered by Obama Muslims, that more Americans have been murdered by the Obama Regime than "shooters" inside Americas.

Here are the stats from Afghanistan:

Total U.S. Combat Deaths in Afghanistan
2001: 5
2002: 30
2003: 31
2004: 49
2005: 94
2006: 87
2007: 111
2008: 151
2009: 303
2010: 497
2011: 494
2012: 294
2013: 127
2014: 55
2015: 22?

There is a caveat in the 2014 and 2015 years, as that is when the Obama regime handed Afghanistan back over to the Taliban as all of that record production of terror poppy, had the American Soldiers getting in the way of the shipments and cultivation.......eye witness thing you know.

So George W. Bush was crucified for 558 dead Americans in 8 years of war, but the media could care less Obama rang up those numbers in two years, in the "war we had to fight".
Yeah the war for dope control which Obama had to fight, and now you know why the Birther Hussein was put into the White House, as Afghanistan had to be handed over to Chicom exploitation of natural resources and poppy for the European bankers.

Yes let we forget.......but hell did anyone really ever care? Obama slaughters piles of Americans, and Muchelle plants her fat ass with dead Soldier families for the 2012 election, and then throws them away after that election theft, and the Soldiers do not even care they are being offered up to Islamic Sacrifice.

It is all hypocrisy. Bodies hidden in body counts. Dead not reported, but what really matters is guns in America to confiscate.......not the Muslims Obama preens and imports to slaughter Americans.

Odd is it not? The Americans and their guns are the problem, not the Muslims, their dope trade, nor their terrorism, as they are the religion of peace and poppy.......and image Obama is their Nobel Prize Dope Lord.


Another.......that other Jewish Holocaust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I suppose most of you have seen the wonderful Jewish sagas celebrating the Maccabees in the movie Masada, where these zealots all committed suicide rather than submit to Rome. Odd though you probably have not seen a movie about how Rome actually gained possession of the Holy Land, as your being ignorant of history, probably have overlooked that this was Greek Syrian empire, and Rome never ventured into the east, until overtures were made to it, by the Maccabees.

This saga begins in 104 Before Christ in the year of our Lord. It was the pivotal year in the death of Hyrcanus, who had been the Maccabbeean leader who discovered that looting the tomb of King David, was a way to buy a mercenary army for which he could wage war and keep the Greek Syrian Empire of Alexander at bay.

Yeah you probably missed that one about looting King David's tomb, but is sort of what the Jews did, as you remember they stripped God's Temple several times to bribe other nations to save their hides.

So any way, Hyrcanus died, and left his big kingdom to his son, Judas Aristoblus. He was crowned king, but the crown only rested there a year, before his younger brother, Alexander Jannaeus. Yes they all seem to have Greek names.
He did well in recreating the Promised Land in moving into the Trans Jordan.

Jannaeus ruled, but he had a problem he created himself, for you might remember the Sadducees of the Bible? They sort of arose in their not believing in the resurrection with the Maccabbees. The problem with that is a religious sect started building called the Pharisees who were moulding the nation in their own image of the Law.

Jannaeus supported the Pharisees at first, and then turned on them, and they turned on him. At one point  in 90 Before Christ in the year of our  Lord, Jannaeus was routed by the Arabs and fled for his life to Jerusalem.
He then decided to ask the Pharisees what they wanted to make peace, and they were generous in their reply in "his death".

The Pharisees then went to the crumbling Greek Syrian Empire at Damascus in asking one Demetrius III to help. Things did not go so well in the rebellion in Jannaeus was victorious, so he celebrated.

Janneaus was generous in his celebration which surpassed anything Rome ever invented. Jannaeus organized an orgy, sort of public, and while this was going on, he ordered 800 crosses erected in the presence of the concubines, and he crucified that number of Pharisees, with dying men's wives and children watching.

Yes crucifying religious people did not start with Jesus in these Jews. It began over 100 years before. Again, that will probably not have a movie about it by Steven Spielberg, as for some reason Jews slaughtering others or slaughtering their own, just does not fit with that victim stereotype.

Jannaeus died and his wife  Salome Alexandra took the throne. She appointed her son Hyrcanus II as high priest, and turned the regime over to the Pharisees to control, who allowed Salome to have the title of queen and not much else.

Salome gave up the ghost in 67 Before Christ in the year of our Lord, and the throne was contested between high priest Hyrcanus and the younger son, Aristobulus. Aristobulus seized the throne, but it was not secure.
It seems the high priest brother began to intrigue with the Arabs again, promising them their kingdom if they made him king of Judea.

The negotiator in this exchange was an Edomite named Antipater, a foreigner, and you might recognize that name, as it would be his sons,  in the ruthless, notorious, militant and nation builder Herod the Great who would be appointe by Rome to rule Judea, and not the Jews.

Yes the Jews crucifying each other and plotting against each other, and who wins out, but the Turk, who tried to murder Jesus as a baby, and the Jews followed up and got Him as an adult.

OK so here is the history. The Romans, were .......well fawning cowards when there was anything of opposition in the east, but with Pompey, in 66 Before Christ in the year of our Lord, the general struck the King of Pontus on the Black Sea and then followed through shattering the Greek Syrian Kingdom.

Pompey was informed of the family Jew feud in Jerusalem, and soon enough emissaries arrived in both Jew brothers begging for help for Rome to do away with the other. The General weighed the options. Aristobulus was the choice, there was resistance in Jerusalem, but in 63 BC in the year of our Lord, Jerusalem, came under the heel of Rome, with Hyrcanus kept as high priest, as all priests are still appointed by the state to this day.

This really is interesting history, more interesting than the censored dogma of Jewish heroes, because it leaves out that most of the time the Jews were butchering themselves or hiring some empire to murder someone for them.

It sort of explains was Herod was so open to issuing commands to slaughter Jew babies to keep his throne and why the Jew religious folk were so willing to put Christ on a pointy spike cross as murdering Jews who were not part of the power elite was what they practiced.

I am just surprised with all that Roman butchery at the games, that they never took up sex like the Jews did in crucifying Pharisees. Must be a matter of taste in some like food and wine...........or beer and chips, and maybe that is why the Ashkenaz moguls are all marketing sex drugs during sporting events as it is about resurrecting the past, as there is not good odds in resurrecting dead Jews crucified.......only Jesus had that, but He is the  Son of God, and not much of that going on in Jewry.

Just another Jewish holocaust carried out by Jews, you will never hear about.
