Sunday, February 28, 2016

David Duke Lives Matter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us set the ground rules here in we all should know that the cartel embarked upon a smear campaign against Donald Trump and decided to make Dr. David Duke the focal point on this issue in stating that the former Klansman like Robert Byrd of the US Senate had endorsed Donald Trump.

The propaganda press then embarked upon a badgering campaign to get Mr. Trump to repudiate the endorsement which Mr. Trump knew absolutely nothing about..........and the reason is, the the Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz media LIED. They made it all up.

Dr. Duke, who is a PHD, has spoken strongly in favor of Donald Trump as many people have in everyone is against the establishment, but he has also stated this:

Dr. David Duke: The Zio Media Lies: I have not endorsed ...

The ZioMedia Lies: Dr. David Duke: I have not endorsed Donald Trump! At this moment the Ziomedia is full of lies stating that I have "endorsed Donald Trump for ...

That is the Truth, in David Duke never endorsed Mr. Trump, and CNN was the only media source which was not lying about this manufactured story.

This has been systematic for some time that Mark Levin, of Big Jew the Khazaran mafia of Russia in bitch slapping Sarah Plain for linking to some anti Semite site and how Donald Trump has been retweeting
"White Supremacist" tweets.........and if you have any brains in your heads, you will figure out that the FBI has you on watch lists as much as the ADL as much as the Southern Poverty Law Center, all meant to intimidate you, so yo roll over and get raped or jailed by the Mexicans or  the police state.

I look at the Trump retweets in the fact that apparently Americans who love being American are the only ones saying anything worth retweeting, as the rest of the propaganda has been rejected by everyone.

There is a fact in this, that if you were given the choice of being the neighbor of David Duke, Al Sharpton or Ted Cruz, that every one of you would pick David Duke, and that includes every black and latin, as David Duke would be in the neighborhood where all these fringe dopers and gangsters would be tagging along to parties at their homes. The fact is most Americans agree with David Duke in the articles he writes and the radio program he broadcasts.

I will give you some examples. David Duke calls Muslim terrorists as terrorists, while Barack Obama refuses to call them terrorists. Who do you agree with Obama or Duke?

David Duke advocates a Mideast peace where both sides are represented fairly for a lasting peace, while Ted Cruz will only favor Jews and have Muslims standing outside dictated to. Who do you agree with Duke or Cruz?

David Duke states you as an American are facing genocide by these state sponsored invaders, do you agree with David Duke or not? So you probably agree with David Duke, and that is why he gets smeared and why they tried to smear Mr. Trump with a faux Duke endorsement, as most of the things you believe in are the subjects that David Duke is writing and speaking about.

There has been over 100 years of deliberate political manipulation to destroy Nationalism in America. The Obama regime engaged in destroying Muslim Nationalism and replacing it with these community organized terrorist communist all throughout the Mideast. The only people now who are allowed to hide in their race are Jews.  Do you not find it odd that the Jews are exporting with Obama millions of Muslims into the west in open cities, while Jews build massive concrete walls to keep Muslims in concentration lands, and Donald Trump is attacked for advocating to build the same wall to stop invasion from Mexico.

It is always the Americans who are evil and criminal, racists and bigots, for not submitting to the police state genocide of them, but no one ever stops the Clintons from shutting down Pennsylvania Avenue, the Pope Vatican Wall or the walls in the Israeli state, as those barriers always have excuses.

This is not an advocacy for David Duke, as he is far too intelligent and gifted debater to need anyone advocating for what he believes. It is though a reality of hypocrisy in the leftist world, and how this group has been smearing the Trump family and getting away with it in criminal acts.

You remember Fred Trump was accused of being KKK, in another lie. Donald Trump now is badgered to repudiate an endorsement which never took place. What comes next? Adolf Hitler was funded by the Trumps? Sorry about that as that is where the Bush family comes in. How about terrorists were funded by the Trumps? Sorry about that as that is what the Romneys were about  in Mormons funded and protected Indian terrorists.

I would that black lives matter would be protesting their real architects of genocide in their democrats, as more blacks have died under Barack Hussein Obama globally, than in the entire Confederate slave trade. That is not going to happen, because the same billionaires who fund Obama, fund Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, fund black lives matters, as it gives blacks something to gravitate toward to confuse them, just like Jews are always told everyone hates them to keep them herded up and voting as leftists.

I will remind everyone that it was Bill and Hillary Clinton who had the Slave Flag as their political symbol in 1996 when they ran for the Presidency, but you never hear about that in the media, and no one asks Hillary Clinton about that, nor about Bill Clinton calling Obama "a smart boy" which is code word for uppity nigger and every black knew it.

Hillary Clinton needs to be asked why she tried to deprive Richard Nixon of his Constitutional Rights. Why Hillary Clinton was politically raping the women Bill Clinton assaulted. Hillary Clinton needs to be asked about her giving the order to burn the Waco children up. Hillary Clinton needs to be asked why she let terrorists out of prison. Hillary Clinton needs to be asked why her uranium donors to the Clinton Foundation drove Oregon ranchers off their land, and why it all led to the murder of LaVoy Finicum.

That does not get asked though, but instead what is featured is more Ted Cruz lies, more Hillary Clinton deceptions and more media lies manufacturing stories like David Duke which never happened.

It all comes down to one reality, and when Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz needed money, they took Donald Trumps, and from Al Sharpton in black lives matter to every one reading this, if you were drowning and David Duke was the only one there with a'd take that rope.


America Endorses Donald Trump for President

George Will: Trump 'on a glide path' to GOP nomination | Fox News

Syndicated columnist George ... George Will: Trump ... The latest attack came from outside the 2016 presidential field by way of 2012 Republican nominee ...

Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump, amplifies attacks on Marco Rubio



Trump nabs endorsements from Jerry Falwell Jr., Sheriff Joe ...

Donald Trump picked up two big endorsements Tuesday, from prominent evangelical Jerry Falwell Jr. and Joe Arpaio, ... The endorsement is not a surprise.

Lt. Gov. McMaster endorses Trump - SCNow: State

Lt. Gov. McMaster endorses Trump By Andrew Shain The ... as presidential voting starts Monday in ... endorsement of Trump was a surprise because the ... 

Maine Gov. Paul LePage endorses Doanld Trump for president

Maine Gov. Paul LePage endorsed Donald Trump for president Friday, lending the GOP front-runner the backing of another northeastern governor on the same ...

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump - Yahoo

Photos: Noel Vasquez/Getty Images; Jae C. Hong/AP "I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America," Palin said in ...

John Wayne's daughter endorsing Donald Trump - US News

John Wayne's daughter ... Donald' John Wayne's daughter pulls the trigger for Trump in Iowa. Donald Trump listens as John Wayne's daughter, Aissa, endorses ...
and who was the first to endorse Donald Trump?

Lame Cherry: When Jesus Loves Donald Trump
Jan 19, 2016 - I may have to rethink Iowa, now that the wonderful daughter of John Wayne has endorsed Donald Trump, Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump ...



And they divided her up for spoil

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I thank Bob for sharing this, as this is something I would much rather be writing about and sharing, as it is about the last days of Joan of Arc, in Mark Twain never addressed this matter in his history, in Joan of Arc had two rings, and one of them was recovered at auction by the French Government for almost 350,000 dollars. The auction asking price was around 15,000 dollars.

History shows that everything Joan of Arc had was destroyed, especially during the later revolution. The lock of hair simply vanished and has never been noted since. That is why this ring which was stolen by the English and their stooges in France is so fantastic as this is a documented possession of Joan and it is absolutely fascinating in all it reveals.

After Joan’s arrest, her ring was taken by Bishop Pierre Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais, chaplain to the Duke of Burgundy and ally of the English, who presided over her trial for heresy. According to the ownership history established by researchers in the 20th century, Cauchon gave the ring to Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, who was present at the trial. It remained in his family, the Cavendish-Bentinck family (Dukes of Portland), for 500 years until the early 20th century when Lady Ottoline Morrell gave it to artist Augustus John a few years before 1914. It was through John that it first entered the auction market in 1914. The ring passed through several hands before physician James Hasson acquired it at a Sotheby’s auction in 1947 for the grand sum of £175. The current seller was Dr. Hasson’s son Robert Hasson.

If you examine the ring closely, not for markings, but for wear, you discover in it, that it was a soft precious metal with absolutely no hardening elements in this ring was worn literally in degraded.

Much has been made that Joan by her own admission never killed anyone in combat, but the wear on this ring, reveals that this young girl worked a great deal from the time her poor parents presented her with this religious ring. Consider for a moment, just how long it would take for you to wear that much metal off a ring?

Cardinal Henry Beaufort (1375-1447), a son of John of Gaunt and uncle to Henry VI, was present during the heresy trial and at the execution of Joan of Arc; he was the senior churchman present and conducted at least one interview in person with Joan.

I am so delighted for the French people in they have had returned to them one of the greatest artifacts in French or world history. Nothing survives from most of the great leaders in world history, but we have at least one ring now which was the personal possession of Joan of Arc. She wore this ring every day. If she had this while she was tending her family stock and gardening, she proved what a very hard worker she was, and she never parted with this  ring in every battle, until it was stolen from her upon her capture.

Property of an Essex gentleman; inherited 1979 from Dr James Hasson of Harley Street, London; acquired Sotheby's sale, 1 April 1947, lot 37; formerly in a private collection (1929-1947); previously with the F. A. Harman Oates collection (sold Sotheby's, 20 February 1929, lot 21); earlier with Augustus John before 1914, the gift to him of Lady Ottoline Morrell; by descent, through the Cavendish-Bentinck family (Duke of Portland) from cardinal Henry Beaufort (1375-1447), who was present at the trial and execution of Joan of Arc in 1431; the ring stated by Joan at her trial to have been a gift from her parents. Supplied with a positive X-Ray Fluorescence metal analysis certificate.

Joan demanded her property be returned, but the court of condemnation was not interested in justice or fairness. This was a mock trial to prove heresy, so the English could murder Joan, and say the devil was in France, and then keep possession of the nation and genocide the French race.

See Dalton, O.M. The Franks Bequest Catalogue of Finger Rings, London, 1912, item 694 for a similar example of the type; see transcript of the Trial of Condemnation (in English translation, printout included) wherein several references are made to her two rings, including "[72] Asked if on the crowned heads there were not rings of gold or other substance, she answered: "I do not know." Asked if she herself did not have some rings, she replied to us, bishop: "You have one of mine; give it back to me." She said the Burgundians have another ring; and she asked us, if we had her ring, to show it to her. Asked who gave her the ring which the Burgundians had, she answered her father or her mother; and she thought the names Jhesus Maria were written thereon; she did not know who had them written; she did not think there was any stone in it; and she was given the ring at Domrémy. She said that her brother gave her the other ring which we had and she charged us to give it to the Church. She said she never cured any one with any of her rings" and "[130] ......Asked of what substance one of her rings was, on which the words Jhesus Maria were written, she answered that she did not properly know; and if it was of gold, it was not of fine gold; and she did not know whether it was of gold or brass; she thought there were three crosses, and to her knowledge no other signs save the words Jhesus Maria. Asked why she gladly looked at this ring when she was going to battle, she answered that it was out of pleasure, and in honour of her father and mother; and having her ring in her hand and on her finger she touched St. Catherine who appeared before her....";

I am thankful for being allowed to share this story and it's happy conclusion. I hope this ring is put in a rightful display so that the public can view it closely, and I hope that the French Government will mint rings in copy of this heirloom so the public would be able to obtain a hands on experience for such a remarkable relic.

Poor farmers in France giving their precious daughter a ring worth most of their wealth. A maiden who milked cows and petted her cats, the Savior of France raised by God. The ring she touched the Angel Margaret with before battle.
Not another ring in this world which touched an Angel.

Ring Front, the names of Jesus and Mary


Ring back, note the typical wear in normal activity.


Ring left, indicates Joan was right handed, and the ring turned in her hand while gripping hoes, forks, her battle axe etc... due to excessive wear

Ring right, lack of wear, revealing this was the protected from use by being outside the sphere of wear.


Evidence Ted Cruz is the Zodiak Killer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting that on February 25th, 2016 the liberal establishment Washington Post took great pains to exonerate Texas senator Rafael Ted Cruz from being the Zodiak Killer. Phillip Bump noted that Ted was negative 2 years old when the first murder took place in California and was 2 years old when the last murder took place.

Why would the Post be so interested in making it a point that Ted Cruz was not the Zodiak Killer if this was all a joke? So the Lame Cherry has undertaken an exhaustive study of this subject for about ninety seconds to prove that Ted Cruz could in fact be the Zodiak Killer.

We find that in 1943, the Philadelphia Experiment was alleged to have taken place in the first Time Travel experiment.

Philadelphia Experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment that is said to .... The story was adapted into a time travel film called The Philadelphia Experiment ...

So indeed we have a case where a young college student in Harvard, recruited by the CIA, could have indeed traveled back in time to California, in order to begin assassinating people, before he was born.

But why would Ted Cruz be murdering people in California?

Zodiac Killer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The conclusions are startling as as all of the victims of the Zodiak Killer were young couples, engaged in "lover's lane" scenarios, which it is a progression of events in human reality, these young girls would become impregnated.


Although the Zodiac claimed 37 murders in letters to the newspapers, investigators agree on only seven confirmed victims, two of whom survived. They are:
  • David Arthur Faraday, 17, and Betty Lou Jensen, 16: shot and killed on December 20, 1968, on Lake Herman Road, within the city limits of Benicia. Coordinates: 38°5′41.61″N 122°8′38.24″W
  • Michael Renault Mageau, 19, and Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, 22: shot on July 4, 1969, in the parking lot of Blue Rock Springs Park in Vallejo. While Mageau survived the attack, Ferrin was pronounced dead on arrival at Kaiser Foundation Hospital. Coordinates: 38°7′33.56″N 122°11′27.94″W
  • Bryan Calvin Hartnell, 20, and Cecelia Ann Shepard, 22: stabbed on September 27, 1969, at Lake Berryessa in Napa County. Hartnell survived eight stab wounds to the back, but Shepard died as a result of her injuries on September 29, 1969. Coordinates: 38°33′48.29″N 122°13′54.43″W
  • Paul Lee Stine, 29: a cab driver who was shot and killed on October 11, 1969, in the Presidio Heights neighborhood in San Francisco. Coordinates: 37°47′19.47″N 122°27′25.54″W

Remember now, that Ted Cruz was born in Canada in 1970. Think back to two events in history. One on Star Trek where a young woman had to die in order to stop the peace movement which created a window of opportunity for the Nazis to build the A Bomb to rule the world.....and the other in King Herod slaughtering all the innocents when Jesus was born.

Yes the very time when Ted Cruz was supposed to be born, other young women who could have become impregnated and produced children in California were being murdered.........meaning the child they would produce with their husbands was aborted by murdering the female.

What this all appears now in evidence is that in Time Travel, Ted Cruz went ahead in time and discovered he was going to be ruined by a candidate or candidates who would be born.........perhaps one booted him out of Princeton, perhaps another booted him out of Harvard, perhaps another booted him out of Justice Rehnquist clerkship and perhaps another gave Heidi Cruz such good lovin' that she would have obviously laughed at the little Ted who wood....and another would have been US Senator from Texas

Yes that is it, Ted Cruz was busy knocking off his competition in life, but that is where Ted made his mistake, as Ted focused only on the early rise to power and neglected the presidential run, in which Donald Trump smashed Ted to oblivion.
Or could it be that Ted Cruz did travel to New York and poured at a Christmas gathering a gallon of Vodka into young Donald Trump's egg nog, and by mistake Donald's brother took the drink instead, and became an alcoholic, and it was Ted Cruz who was behind this too.

Fully by the evidence, we can dispute the Washington Post and fully continue on with the notion that Ted Cruz is indeed the Zodiak Killer, in a nefarious plan to murder everyone who was going to be born that would stand in the way of evil Ted Cruz's rise to power as another Obama foreigner stealing the American White House.

Until the Department of Defense releases all of it's data on time travel and the CIA releases all it's information on this sinister Ted Cruz in what his recruitment was about and where he really was, in having access to time travel experiments, it can not be ruled out that Ted Cruz is the Zodiak Killer.

Update: The full poll is out. "38% of Florida voters think it's possible that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer," PPP's Tom Jensen writes. "10% say he for sure is, and another 28% say that they are just not sure. Cruz is exonerated from being a toddler serial killer by 62% of the Sunshine State populace."

Yes it was very clever in Zodiak Killer Ted Cruz duping Florida voters with the deception that he could not be a murderous baby, but that will not work here, as we all know Ted Cruz went back as a college man, with Clark Kent glasses, and yes..........Ted Cruz was the one wearing women's disguises, so we have further proof, he was practicing costume disguises even then.

Ted Cruz is looking more and more like the Zodiak Killer......even this note looks like something clever Ted Cruz would write.

The messages were coded with symbols, forming what's called a "cipher." A cipher is something like this:
dtz itsy sjji yt yjqq rj ymfy ymnx fwynhqj bfx f izrg bfxyj tk ynrj fx n fr fbfwj

Yes there is now enough evidence to indict Rafael  Ted Cruz before a Grand Jury as the Zodiak Killer.



... the HTC Aria Android phone for AT&T. The smallest Android phone yet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sandy sent this note and was wondering how Facebook could be placing ads on her page from her real life events and I will attempt to answer as we just had a like incident.

Hi lc and tl, hope y'all are well. I want to tell you what happened to me tonight. I went to hobby lobby to get some stuff to make a bracelet for a friend. I looked at the materials in hobby lobby and while i was there i pulled up a Facebook picture of me wearing a necklace that i wanted to make (it was my favorite necklace, and my daughter kept borrowing it so i gave it to her) . Anyway,  i got the bracelet stuff, paid and came home. When i got home, i looked on fb and was surprised to see an ad for a handmade bracelet. I kept scrolling and then up comes an ad for hobby lobby!  Lc, i did not have my location enabled on my Samsung Galaxy 6 phone. I know that you're busy and i completely understand if you can't answer this question,  but is there the capability for my "smart phone " and Facebook to track me WITHOUT GPS setting enabled?  I didn't google, i did check my email for a hobby lobby coupon. Maybe email and facebook synced?

A few weeks ago TL and I were watching a movie with "sword fighting" in it with Stewart Granger and Mel Ferrer. We were discussing it with Mom, as TL was quite good at fencing, and placed in the national tournament some years ago.

TL was sitting in the recliner on TL's laptop and said to me, "I am getting fencing ads on Facebook", and smiled, because when we were in the metro, every so often ads would appear on Facebook in connection to things we were talking about, and had not searched for or written about.

I can only address our smart phone, as I hate smart phones and limit my interaction with them. But the Androids all have Google and Facebook, and if you log into those accounts, the photo id software and voice software will data mine those things, and you will start getting ads for those items.
This is not Artificial Intelligence, but it is marketing software and how these companies make billions of dollars in revenues.
It is puzzling to me as I am not on Facebook, but until the bed fuzz trolls got me banned, I rarely had ads for things I talk about. So part of it is a mystery, as the Android once got logged into Facebook as LC long ago, but that does not compute how TL's laptop is showing ads, unless of course it is the obvious in Facebook does indeed use your mic and camera in their heavy feed spyware to listen to what you are talking about.

We have indications of something is not right in coincidences and we pass it off, but when a small trojan can open mic and camera programs, then what will a massive program like Facebook have the ability to do?

This is beyond sites like Amazon in seeing you search for tin cups, and suddenly on various pages these cup ads start popping up. This is voice recognition software , and it is linking directly to locations where Facebook is logging your ISP originating from.

This is criminal by Facebook and is this nefarious little Nazi Mark Zuckerberg's big brother spying on all of us as it is he hands over things to the NSA and the NSA lets him use it for marketing to make billions.

The point is, unless Donald Trump gets me back my Facebook account and Zuckerberg gets thrown into prison, I am never logging into Facebook again. When this computer needs to have the OS reinstalled, it is going to have Facebook off here too.
I use Duck Duck Go for search engine work, and it is acceptable, but it does not mine data like Google, which this blog is a part of and when the company decided to let me know it was interested in some upcoming articles about Nebraska, I did not appreciate being that popular.

In many ways, I believe the old barely functional cell phones with rudimentary internet access like my little one are better. I keep that off most months now, and I like it best that way.

To Sandy, yes Paypal worked and thank you for the pictures of your cherubs.


House of America Donald Trump is your Deliverer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a warning to everyone who is against Donald Trump.

In the Bible, whenever one reads House of Israel, it does not mean the southern kingdom of the House of Judah, after the kingdom was divided. In Jeremiah 18 which was my reading today, it begins with House of Israel, and then changes to the "men of Judah", which are as different as God saying, House of America and then speaking to the men of California.
Context is everything in Scripture. Chapter 18 is Jeremiah speaking in duality to the House of Israel then in exile, who would then be lost among the nations, reappear in Western Europe and colonize America, Canada, Australia. This Prophetic content was for a people who were, and were in that present being scolded in a reprimand to be reminded of the Judgment God unleashed on them, and it is a reminder for the two leading named houses of England and America of Joseph, that those nations are God's nations to mould just like a potter does with clay, and if God Judges that sin overwhelms them, then they will face the same defeat and destruction as the Lost 10 Tribes did, and Judah later.

 6 O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.
 7 At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it;
 8 If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.
 9 And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it;
 10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

God has been a very merciful God to American and the Peoples of Western Europe, as the forces of evil with traitors have embarked upon genocide of those peoples by these invaders. George W. Bush was supposed to be America's last chance, and in treachery he was vanquished and a foreign agent in Obama was installed.

For those who are missing this Prophetic age we are in, GOD IS giving the last chance to Americans and the Western Peoples. It is not any accident that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and now Mitt Romney have been arrayed by the traitors against America, against Donald John Trump. Cruz is Canadian. Rubio is quasi Cuban in legal limbo, and Romney is  born Mexican.
God saw the rejection of Christ with this apostate Obama, and the image, all through America, but God also Witnessed a resistance, and now has produced a trial in 2016 for America doom or American Life, and the Life of the Western Peoples.

What is before the People is this test from God:

  • Choose Hillary Clinton, a confirmation of the abomination against Christ in Birther Hussein Obama.
  • Choose Rubio, Cruz, Romney as a condemnation on the right in being foreign birth apostates like Obama.
  • Choose Donald John Trump, the Jehu produced by God to deliver America and the Western Peoples by his strong right arm.

I make none of this known lightly for many false prophets have come and deceived the people. But the trial is now at it's closing argument and God Wills all to have the evidence before them, so they do not take the action which will bring the wrath and fury of God upon the entire nations of the West, led by America.

The treachery of the billionaires, of their propagandists like Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Matt Walsh, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and this entire prostitute and pimp group has been recorded by God, in being against God's deliverance. What happens now is either you follow the false prophets God has allowed to be raised up, to test the masses to your doom, or you take the one way out in Donald John Trump, who driveth furiously.

This is a beautiful thing the Lord has done, and except for the Lame Cherry, all have been blinded until now, to recognize this court room scene. The Lord God sits in Judgment with the scales of Mercy and Wrath before Him. The evil of the Obama voters, is now to be confirmed in those who vote for Hillary Clinton. The right wing will not be blameless with their foreign trio of Cruz, Rubio and Romney, just as they were enticed with Panama John McCain and Mexican Mitt Romney to see how faithful they would be to the Constitution God Inspired.
Now there is one way out and his name is Donald John Trump. God has raised up your standard in the wilderness, now will you protect that salvation for what is to come, or tear down Donald Trump and rush to the absolute destruction which your false gods, prophets and teachers will lead you to.

Lame Cherry is the last witness called in your trial. By your actions you will now be sealed as guilty or innocent.

God is Merciful to you, each of you, even the snarling traitors, who have deceived themselves, for no longer is ignorance an excuse in not having the Light of God within you, for the Light of Reality has illuminated the darkness within you, and revealed your sin. Now is it a sin to your national deaths from America to Europe, or is it your exodus from sodom and being led by Donald John Trump, back to the Promised Land?

If you follow Donald Trump, you will be reckoned with America and the West in your blood for your Obama sins, but you will not be annihilated with wolves howling over you as the pups crack your bones.

You are an abomination to God. God has Witnessed and is now in Witness against you in this test. You will either do that which is right in Mr. Trump or do that which is wrong in false politicians who will make Sheol your abode.

I am the last witness for the Prosecution. Your actions now bring you to life or to death. You have been warned for the last time.

agtG 247

Ted Cruz arms Nuclear Islam and Kills the Tea Party

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the real world of Ted Cruz, never accomplishing a thing in America for Americans,  Ted Cruz was busy though giving image Obama executive action on Obama giving nuclear bombs to Muslim terror Iran, along with 150 billion in terror funds.

Now you will hear a great deal about that 150 billion donation to Iran from Homo Hannity, but you will never hear a word of the reality that Ted Cruz signed off on this. Yes the reality that Saudi Arabia has now moved nuclear warheads into Turkey to intimidate nuclear armed Russia with image Obama moving NATO nukes into Turkey in the Obama Syrian war, and Ted Cruz joined hand in hand with image Obama to make this a nuclear war environment.

That is the kind of disaster that Ted Cruz was in the US Senate. Besides the reality that Ted Cruz is set upon carpet bombing terrorists, which will not kill them, but flush them into Europe and America.

Once again Rafael  Ted Cruz in real foreign policy which is a disaster now moving toward nuclear confrontation as we are in an NUCLEAR STANDOFF with Russia now, and under treaty to get sucked into this nuclear war.
Is this the kind of future you want as that is what Ted Cruz has already sentenced you to?

If you can handle more of the Real Ted Cruz, here is his latest caper.

Do you remember the Tea Party being destroyed in Sharon Engle in the west and Christine O'Donnell in the east?  That was Texas Senator John Cornyn behind this in the NRSC, or the National Republican Senatorial Campaign, and they blew out every candidate in the Tea Party across the board from Colorado to Alaska.

Do you know where they dumped all their money to?

California and that worthless Carly Fiorina who everyone rejected in the GOP primary as she is a disaster and was a disaster in the destroying of Hewlett Packard.

Did you know who floated Carly Fiorina 500,000 dollars from a Super Pac? Why it was Ted Cruz. Does it make a bit more sense in why the Havana assassin in Ted Cruz who was trying to take out Donald Trump was fronting this intelligence stooge Fiornia of the CIA.......who destroyed the Tea Party candidates?

Are you starting to get uncomfortable yet?

How about this one in Ted Cruz was behind the destruction of a Conservative challenger in Mississippi for the Senate seat held by that senile Thad Cochran..........yes Ted Cruz destroyed the Conservative in Mississippi for the ESTABLISHMENT'S CANDIDATE.

"It’s also worth noting that the NRSC was behind that campaign of destruction. And since these activities technically count as “Grassroots Outreach,” I’m guessing that the guy who was the NRSC Vice-Chair of Grassroots Outreach at the time was 100% on board with it all.
What was his name, again? Oh, that’s right! It was Ted Cruz."

There is absolutely no denying any of the above. Ted Cruz was the VICE CHAIR OVERSEEING THE ANNIHILATION OF EVERY TEA PARTY CANDIDATE and  has placed America in the Muslim nuclear crosshairs.
Does it make a bit more sense why Ted Cruz was trashing Sarah Palin and her Tea Party choice of Donald Trump?

I have told all of you that Ted Cruz is not just a Canadian invader, but he is a confessed conman in Reverse Speech, he arms Muslims with nuclear weapons and now threatens America with a nuclear war, and politically Rafael Ted Cruz was behind the political genocide of every Conservative Republican across America, while inflicting up on us defeats and more of California Barbara Boxer and senile Thad Cochran in Mississippi.

Now Rush Limbaugh who is in Big Koch's pocket, Homo Hannity who is in some one's pocket, and Mark Levin who has Ted Cruz up his ass, all vouch for Ted Cruz, as Ted Cruz has been lying to all of his followers that he is some Tea Part champion and foreign policy expert.
Ted Cruz has done all he could to kill the Tea Party and he has now put the nuclear kill shot on every American from nuclear terrorism.


Our Do Nothing Cruz in the Senate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is one thing which stands out about the fraud of Ted Cruz, equal to his being foreign born, and that Ted Cruz puts his name onto a pile of legislation, but none of it ever is signed into law, which means Cruz has absolutely no idea how to work with Republicans, Democrats or the Executive.
Texas could have elected a cow turd and got just as much done.

Here is the list of 3 things Ted Cruz "sponsored" meaning he did not write or author anything, but put his name on it to get credit for other people's work.

OK so you get this in three years, Ted Cruz thought it was a great idea to name an America Street in our Capitol after a citizen to Communist China. Apparently the idea of naming streets after American refuseniks like the murdered LaVoy Finicum has no merit to Stand Down Ted, just Chicoms.

Yes and launching objects into space by private companies...that is really helping you now is it not?

......and offering a 5 million dollar bribe to Muslim terrorists to tell Ted who murdered an Israeli citizen. No reward like that from the Jews, but why not spend American money as we have so much Obama debt.

We hear non stop about how great Ted Cruz is, and Ted Cruz says he is not about to work with Democrats in the Congress as another foreign born occupant of 1600 Penn Avenue, but realizing how much of what Obama has done that needs undoing, and it will require Democrats to you really think that until 2020 AD in the year of Lord, that America is going to solve anything with Ted Cruz's kind of ruling America in a bill bribing terrorists, a bill subsidizing space technical companies (remember Ted hates farmers in Iowa producing ethanol as that is evil) and naming things in America after foreigners?

Has Ted Cruz made any difference in your life, other than making you believe that Ted Cruz has accomplished anything other than Tea Party rhetoric? If that is the case, hell elect me as President, because I actually have done more for you on this keyboard than Ted did in the US Senate.

The reality is that Ted Cruz after his cinderella first few months was about as absent as Marco Rubio from the Senate. I sincerely ask you to think about it, if you only showed up 7 out of 10 days for work, if you would have a job or your boss would fire you. Yet Cruzlings say this is the Mark Levin epitome of all we should desire.

Time Period Votes Eligible Missed Votes Percent Percentile
2013 Jan-Mar 92 1 1.1% 60th
2013 Apr-Jun 76 1 1.3% 34th
2013 Jul-Sep 43 1 2.3% 73rd
2013 Oct-Dec 80 13 16.3% 94th
2014 Jan-Mar 93 0 0.0% 0th
2014 Apr-Jun 123 14 11.4% 90th
2014 Jul-Sep 54 1 1.9% 61st
2014 Nov-Dec 96 13 13.5% 91st
2015 Jan-Mar 135 21 15.6% 97th
2015 Apr-Jun 85 32 37.6% 99th
2015 Jul-Sep 52 7 13.5% 92nd
2015 Oct-Dec 67 20 29.9% 96th
2016 Jan-Feb 26 24 92.3% 98th

If  you notice since November 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, or for almost a year and a half, Ted Cruz is only surpassed in most instances by Marco Rubio for missing work in the Senate. The two Cuban Republicans are thee worst political welfare cheats in Government.

In reality, only one bill in all of Ted Cruz's tenure in the Senate has ever been signed into law and it was this one:

So Ted Cruz has shut down terrorists coming into America through the United Nations, while holding the borders open with both hands when they are not filled with gifts with Glenn Beck for Mexican invaders.

It should be odd to the Cruz supporters to be first reading this I suppose, as why would not Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Matt Walsh and Erick Erickson be telling you all of these things? The reason is Big Koch and Big Fag Billionaire owns all the media for Cruz, and has created a farce in propaganda of Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz is a worthless politician. He does nothing but spew rhetoric in lying to everyone as he collects a six figure political welfare check, a fat retirement and medical care.

Honestly, most of you reading this, have accomplished more for America in the past 3 years than Ted Cruz did. Those are the facts and there is absolutely nothing denying them.

If you want to vote for Ted Cruz, be honest about it, in you want a Canadian invader, who broke US laws, who wormed his way to the Senate and has done absolutely nothing for Americans in being a con man, as Ted Cruz admitted to his followers in Reverse Speech.
It that is what you want just say it, and stop attacking Donald Trump who has accomplished a great deal more, and for that matter any one has accomplished more by just paying their taxes than Ted Cruz ever has or ever will.

.........or perhaps you agree with this new idea of Ted Cruz, to revoke Citizenship of people SUSPECTED  of being terrorists.......that might sound great to Cruz voters, until you are informed that most of you are on Homeland Terror watch lists already for being Christians and Veterans.
Yes Ted Cruz is pushing a bill that would revoke your Citizenship.

Nuff Said
