Wednesday, March 9, 2016

An Explanation of Control

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL has brought to my attention someone posting under the name TOONTOWN, who was worried over Robert Mercer and confusing titles of people I have written of here in the Cruz vote fraud.

I am going to give you the hierarchy in this.

1. The Board: Figurative name for those who rule.
2. Control: A person who manages the intelligence shadowlands for the Board.
3. The operatives such as George H. W. Bush organize the Sub Operational Groups or enforcers.
4. The fag billionaires: Nation rapists put into place by the sub operational groups to provide funding for the political party diversions. This is the Robert Mercer type who is a tool.
5. The fag politicians, media whores, who implement the various operations from MKULTRA to Mockingbird to make the sheep like you bleat.

That should clear up the who type of what I am defining..........and there are those who are above the board, an factions in this aristocracy.

There was another DEB on this site bitchy about the things which appear here as an anonymous blogger. I will answer that in if I named the people who run this in the top level, they would die, I would die, and all of you would die in this "control" would be removed.
These Ted Cruz apologists who are always booger eating in anything their candidates says is Gospel while the proven facts, as this blog is proven correct again and again.......just as I was proven correct and in the power this blog has as being an instrument of God to keep Donald Trump's campaign viable, by stopping the vote fraud in Michigan and Mississippi, to protect all of a long list of everything I have been right on, and it usually takes over a year for all of you to catch up with what is posted here IMMEDIATELY as events are happening. 

As I have stated it is easy for Cruz boogers, paid minders to infiltrate site and post diversions, and it is an impossible thing which this blog accomplishes by God's Grace. This is quite dangerous which goes on here and I do appreciate the few people who did donate for the first time. It is not the huge donations, but it is a help. For speaking the Truth here and for pointing things out, I have lost 1/5th of the donations, because people want me to validate their head up their ass biases, want to allow them to verbally rape me as an excuse for the deb existences and some are just plain scared in thinking they can save themselves, when that is not the case.

I am going to leave off at that, as more will only confuse people. There is a reason I do not play with nor out the aristocracy, the board, Control or the enforcers, as they strike like lightning if invoked, as Andrew Breitbart and others have found out.

When I tell you that Ted Cruz is a pissy little CIA recruit from college, groomed by the CIA Bush family to infiltrate the Tea Party to ruin it, and Mercer is allowed to think that the Cruz he purchased allows him to think he is a player, when all this is, is  Ted Cruz the mole gaining money from a Wall Street prop created by Karl Rove for the HW Sub Operational Group overt funding is the reality.
The point is in this, if you are seeing the people, they are NOTHING but trolls. When Obama talks about the powers that be......those are the fringes of the Board who you never see, as their roll is self confident like the Control in not requiring validation by the bleating sheep.

The warfare part in this is best left to Tim Rifat in his energy lines. The things the lords and the priests practice in the craft behind most of this.
That though would confuse you more and cause more rants against the Lame Cherry.

I have a simple challenge to those who want me to shut up about things. Stop being cheap, get your fag billionaires to pony up 10 million, as that would leave me around 6.5 million after taxes, as I always obey the IRS, and then I will be off to posting things of God, gardens, poetry and.......things like guns.
If you are one of these debs reading this blog in stealing from it and you have your fortunes, then I would be ok if a few of you got together and made that 500,000 dollar donation. I would much rather write about building a pond than Obama or Ted Cruz.

Look they can launder like 3 million to Michelle Malkin who is part of the enterprise to guilt money out of racist Republicans in harping about money for Ben Carson or some other Afroidism.......that I should be worth 10 times that, as what I write is proven right again, again, again and again......and again.

We now return you to eating boogers.
Followed by Rubio bath rubs in sweat.
.......and whatever the frauds are doing in the Hillary Sanders vote fraud.

It is just better if you do not think about the adults as you will never see them or be allowed to associate with them, as the cloth of the land does not cover the furniture in the ivory tower.

Just go out and support Green Finger Donald Trump, Mr. Renewable wealth in water, beef steak and fruit of the vine success. It is just easier having Mr. Trump shield you from all the booger eaters and boogermen, and you can go off and not be mutton.

God bless the faithful and good of you my children and my brats, for the rest of you, you are going to be perishable product unless Mr. Trump saves you, so there is not much blessing you for the curse you have laid upon yourselves.


Jesus vs Ted Cruz

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening to that Jamie Dupree on Sean Homo Hannity, and I just have reached the outer limits with these Ted Cruz apologists.

The only reason Ted Cruz has any delegates is because of VOTE FRAUD in electronic e vote stacking and Cruz sending out lying emails against Ben Carson and Marco Rubio, yet we keep hearing the Dupree talking points from Cruz about how Ted Cruz should stay in the race.
To point out the ridiculousness of Canadian birthed Cruz, let us have him take on the real challenger Jesus the Christ.

Yes Cruz vs Christ for the Republican primary.

First of all what do we know about this Jesus character, was He really a True Conservative like Ted Cruz? I mean does this Jesus have the unquestioned principles as Ted Cruz, or is this Jesus just another person Who does not measure up to Ted Cruz?

Did this Jesus ever have Mark Levin, Homo Hannity or Rush Limbaugh vouch for Him like they have for Ted Cruz?

For that matter, what do we know about Jesus. What kind of family man is He? Can he show us His children on stage every night and His wife too?

Then there is Jesus past, of whipping moneychangers in the Temple. I mean Jesus is not being funded by Goldman Sachs like Ted Cruz, so how good can this Jesus be?

What about the reality that Jesus is loved by Evangelicals like Evangelicals love Donald  Trump, can we really be supporting anyone that is loved by Evangelicals who love Donald Trump?

This Jesus says all kinds of wild things like Donald Trump. Turning water into wine, walking on the water, raising the dead. Can we really trust this Jesus like we do Ted Cruz?

I mean Jesus is the Son of God, and Ted Cruz is the face of god. Do we really want the offspring when we have the real Ted Cruz before us?

What about that trouble with the law Jesus had like Donald Trump being sued. Jesus got Himself killed, can we really have a law breaker like that leading us, when Ted Cruz is available and only breaking the Constitution because he wants to lead us so bad?

The way I view this, Jesus has not been around for 2000 years, does He really want to lead, or is the natural leader Ted Cruz who is around now?

The more I look at this and think about it, we really do not need Jesus, as this Jesus does not measure up to Ted Cruz. So what if Jesus fed 5000, because Ted Cruz gave 5000 toys away to Mexican invaders.

What about Jesus and being born of a Virgin. Is not being born of a Cuban more what we are all looking for in being delivered in Canada?

Jesus eats honeycomb. Ted Cruz eats boogers. Surely Ted Cruz is a man of the people.

I can see by all of this, that Jesus does not belong in politics compared to Ted Cruz, and I can see that the Father in Heaven, certainly will be giving Jesus His walking papers, as when the Angels vote, they will be voting for Ted..........1/3rd of them demons like illegals, but in Tedworld, it is not the legality of the votes, it is the intent of the voters.

So we can all agree that Ted Cruz is the only one who should be in the GOP race. Hell it is Donald Trump like Jesus who should be getting out of the race and the Second Coming with Ted around, because Ted is just so Conservative and more one matches up to Ted Cruz, not Donald Trump and certainly not Jesus the Son of God.

I expect this to be the next talking point of the Cruz apologists.

I keep hoping that fire and brimstone will follow from Heaven, as the Father "testing men's hearts" in this Cruz fraud is  so utterly repulsive in you just know these Cruzlings are never going to that booger is too tempting and they are going to eat it every time.


Hillary Clinton: The Only Republican in the GOPliter Race

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Several moons ago, the Lame Cherry wrote an expose' on Hillary Rodham Clinton which predicted that all of the GOPliters would back Hillary Clinton in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, because Hillary Clinton has always been a Rockefeller Republican who was recruited by the CIA to be a minder for their native son, William  Jefferson Blythe Rockefeller Clinton, who was an intelligence asset for the CIA too.

I pointed out that young Hillary Clinton was a Barry Goldwater Republican, but after Goldwater was soundly defeated, this shattered young Hamrod, and she threw in with the Rockefeller Romney Bush group, and that is why she went after Richard Nixon and viral for lesbian liberalism.

This is the world of Hillary Clinton in she is the only Republican in the 2016 race. It is why FOX is head up her twat as are all the GOPliter elite.

Forum May Signal Thaw Between Dems and Network...

I am going to first explain why I use the term GOPliter. The term is based upon the gauleiters who actually ruled National Socialist Germany. Adolf Hitler was always intimidated by this oligarch or civil service group of local politicians who ruled Germany as despots.

When you measure the George Soros, Warren Buffett, Paul Singer, Robert Mercer's in this billionaire fag group who are utilized by the aristocracy, they are all the same feudal capitalists raping nations and stealing your investments while the police state criminalize you.
This is the group who is the front group for the ruling elite. They are the GOPliters who I am telling you NEVER intended for Jeb Bush to win anything. Jeb Bush was always the strawman in this like Romney and McCain.
I do not want you to think that Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Romney, McCain ever know they are being offered up, because this group of egotistical narcissists believe everything the GOPliters tell them. The GOPliters are told in American National Socialism to go out and pick one of the assets who has been corrupted that wants to be fund them, and then the American people will be lied to, and left to think they actually are not in Stalin's Russia with only one candidate to vote for. Democracy must work as we have all these candidates.......problem is the candidates are all owned by the GOPliters.

Ted Cruz was put into this 2016 race so Jeb Bush could beat the hell out of him, meaning defeat the Tea Party to prove to the Tea Party they were losers. When Donald Trump came into this race, Ted Cruz was supposed to chisel off votes from Mr. Trump to defeat him, at which point Ted Cruz in his crimes would be thrown over the side of the boat.
Cruz is no Republican. Cruz is feudal globalist of Canadian birth who confessed he was not eligible before all of this took place in his run. Cruz in Reverse Speech says he is a conman.

Marco Rubio is not a Republican. Rubio is the one in reverse speech who shouts out FU America. Rubio is a leftist Jesuit in Latin revolution.

If you listen to Hillary Clinton, she repeats almost every line in reverse speech that she is EVIL.

Hillary Clinton though, which is bad news for Democrats, just happens to be a Nelson Rockefeller Republican, which was simply an infection of the small government, isolationist Republicans which Pat Buchanan now typifies, which is what the Donald Trump supporters are at heart, like McKinley, Coolidge and Harding.

That is probably a shock to the Hillary Clinton voters, to find out that she is Rockefeller Republican, but then Obama was in the 2008 race to herd black votes, until the Clinton's got into trouble over the uranium mining sales which have now murdered LaVoy Finicum in Oregon, and with that Obama graduated from the herding to being herder in Marxist in chief. Clinton has always been this socio capitalist. The same group which funded fascism in the Rockefellers in Europe.
Amazing thing in the reality that Hillary Clinton is the antithesis of the Democratic Party, and the antithesis of the Republican Party. She is parts of all of the worst forms of tyranny of every regime.

These GOPliters are not going to stop, and that means they will destroy the Trump family as an example, if Mr. Trump does not win this or take this back by force. For the ill which were cheering the murder of LaVoy Finicum, the reality is the tides of battle turn, when the GOPliters are finished picking off their problems on the right, they are coming for you Bernie Sanders voters, and they are coming for the Clinton voters, because  they have your replacements already to live in your homes and to rape your children in image Obama's 100 million first wave of Muslims and Latins.

Comprehend the reality of what and who Hillary Clinton is. She is a politically fractured female who picks others to validate herself and they are all losers, which has her rejecting her morals in becoming hip deep in lesbianism and rationed death. This is the Rockefeller Republican who ordered the incineration of the Waco children and it is the same Rockefeller Republicans who were spraying people with radiation, using cancer as a genetic experiment and profit margin, as the communists were overthrowing the Democratic party.

I will state again, that old rapist Bill Clinton if he were Hillary, he would actually be good for most Americans, but Hillary Clinton is not a Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton is the worst of George H. W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. She is that infection of Rockefeller globalism in turning a stay out of foreign wars Americans into using our children as fodder for socio capitalist domination, where Americans are slaughtered and impoverished and the 1% gains all the power and money.

That is who Hillary Clinton works for, the 1%. The same 1% which owns Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. The same 1% which funds Bernie Sanders, not because they like Bernie Sanders, but Bernie is conditioning of Americans accepting not the closet Marxism of Obama, but the professed communism of Bernie Sanders, creating the model of financial repression to take away your political power, and Europeanize you as slaves forever.

Donald Trump is an honest, Nationalist, common sense Conservative, who is further right wing than Ronald Reagan. He happens to be in a Republican Party led by GOPliters and filled with disaffected Democrats and Tea Party Republicans as their only salvation from all of this.
It is why Donald Trump was having problems, because he is honest, and he never figured there would be outright vote theft against him in stealing primaries.

It is why though that all the Republican elite are backing Hillary Clinton, in the exact way they protected Barack Hussein Obama, who was nothing but another looter of the feudalcrats. Hillary Clinton is their kind of despot who loots the US Treasury like Obama and makes Wall Street and Ghetto Street Welfare the profit structure for the 1%.
It is an evil against mankind which is as old as Soviet Stalin to the Roman Empire.


Ted Cruz Pisseth Against The Wall

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am interested in a story linked to Ted Cruz which is being buried and that means something is going on in this story which needs being exposed.

What if I were to tell you, that Ted Cruz showed up in Idaho, and the pulpit pounder who gave a rousing affirmation about Cruz to the few people gathered there, was shot the next day?
Cruz's speech was vintage right supremacist in stringing up the Muslims and you will notice the press is not reporting that.

See what you do not know if you have not a vantage point is Idaho is Aryan Nations Country. This is Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge Country.  This is country so white that when Mark Furman of the OJ Simpson investigation settled there, the press had no problems with smearing him as a white supremacist.

So let us return to this strange brew in Ted Cruz appears at a rally in Cour D'Alene, and the next day the pulpit pounder who is a California native from Riverside, gives a talk at his church on a Saturday, where by the shooter Kyle Andrew Odom, attends it, waits around outside and then at point blank range unloads into the body of the preacher.

In addition to the bullet to the pastor’s skull, Crigger said “one of the bullets busted his hip, one fractured his shoulder pretty bad

OK from my forensic lectures here in frowning about 9 mm's, bouncing off of people's skulls, what do you think Mr. Odom was probably shooting that day? Yes one of those pissy 9 mm's that are inferior loadings, so at least we probably can ascertain the caliber from the wounds and  the living political pulpit pounder still being alive.

Kyle Andrew Odom is most interesting as this American is a very intelligent man. Connect the dots points to he joined the Marines to pay for college, which he graduated Magna Cum Laude in biochemistry.

If you remember Kneau Reeves in his own private Idaho, I believe inquiry points to what was going on here. Tim Remington was gathering up the street trash in this part of beautiful Idaho, and in prances political Ted Cruz, a foreigner by birth, pissing on that private Idaho, and then jets out, which makes Remington a target for not saving people, but being a focal point in the degradation of America.

I did an inquiry and with the bounce of information in the matrix, what comes out is Kyle Odom voted for George W. Bush, but did not vote again. He is no longer in country, but out of the country. Which probably explains why the police have not located him.

I frown when I hear this "armed and dangerous" alert always being over used. I do not view Kyle Andrew Odom any more dangerous than anyone else. He located his target, who he was incensed by for Tim Remington being a California coddling dopers, which something inside of Odom's triggered, when Ted Cruz appeared with his fiery rhetoric.

I will return to this at this point in the hypocrisy of the media and especially Ted Cruz as there has been a complete smear against the Trump family from Fred Trump to Donald Trump, with black lives matters being whipped up by Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz goes into the heart of Aryan Nations, gives a burn em at the stake speech about Muslims, and then jets out, and an implant Californian coddling dope heads gets shot......and the media does not make one mention of what north Idaho is infamous for and why people move there and live there.

White supremacist group returns to Idaho - Columbia Daily ...
Columbia Daily Tribune
Apr 19, 2009 - COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) — The Aryan Nations, a white supremacist group, has returned to northern Idaho with what it is calling a “world ...

What Ted Cruz did was the equivalent of going to a KKK rally, telling them to go lynch Niggers, and putting a christian blessing on it. I do not speak for Kyle Andrew Odom, but do you think someone who fought for America, has been through hell, has worked his tail off in a college degree, might have some strong judgments on subjects, in seeing his country destroyed, his community being bong pipe central, and his life feeling wasted, so this American vents?

Seriously, where is image Obama on this? The image can not appear soon enough in screaming about gun control, but there is something in this which the Obama regime is running from, and the puppy press is holding back information, and providing cover for insider Ted Cruz.

We may never know exactly what triggered Kyle Andrew Odom. Perhaps Pulpit Tim was engaged in something in making victims out of victims as the clergy is known to do and Odom responded, perhaps Pulpit Tim said something to Odom which was offensive. I am not making the person shot into the problem, but it must be focused upon that Odom did not target Cruz, but only went after Pulpit Tim after the preacher went political and gained the stage, empowering Pulpit Tim and vouching for Ted Cruz.

We do not know if this was Obama drugs as the Veterans Administration pumps these kids full of happy pills to deal with all these wars put them through, as that too is being hidden, in no one is releasing information about Mr. Odom's VA associations.

Kyle Andrew Odom is no more dangerous than Andres Breivik. They hit their target and as long as you do not pet them, they will leave you in peace, as  you are not their target.
If he is in the Mideast again, and employed, I doubt anyone will ever hear about him again, unless he makes a mistake in being homesick and starts reaching out to his family again.

Unlike California Police officer, Chris Dorner, it appears that Kyle Odom has blended into the woodwork. As he made it through phase one search and is at large in phase two, he might never be seen again, if his psychology can make the break with family and location and we will never really know what triggered all of this........but again, this is a Pulpit Tim who is hanging around with dope heads, was next to Ted Cruz trash talking Muslims, and Tim Remington is shot, multiple times, which means extreme emotion, and why is the Secret Service not interested in any of this?

It is in the story of this well adjusted smiling successful American, Kyle Andrew Odom. This man was just fine 4 months ago and is most likely just fine today, but what happened in Obamaland with Ted Cruz and this Pulpit Tim to cause that event.


Ready to Ride Ready to Lead the Pack

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Deluge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was pondering Immanuel Velikovksy's works on the Flood of Noah and the historical legends which pointed to, a comet or comets from Saturn which were associated with this global flood. No one has ever approached a reality that when it started to rain, as it had never rained on earth before this, and the  springs from the deep broke  forth to flood the world, what if all of that water was not from earth?

Take my hand in this, and let us just mix some legend with the Bible absolutes. What if there was a comet, which was more water or ice than rock. What if it's meteors were ice blocks, instead of iron?

Now that you are thinking on this, we know that before the Deluge that a mist came up from the ground to water earth. When the Deluge started, it began by raining for the first time.

The Rabbinical sources speak of a 'hot rain'. That would point to a friction as meteor heating, and heat of ice melting in a constant shower, that earth could have been in close proximity to a meteoric iceberg comet. That would account if the comet was moving in earth's orbit in the tail for 40 days, to cause a constant deluge.

There is also a wonderful recording of an immense light, 7 times brighter than the sun, which preceded the Deluge. As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, I conclude that this light, was the reflected light, like the blinding sun off an iceberg or waves, of this crystalline comet. This is an indication of the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, that a comet not only rained a deluge upon earth, but signaled it was coming with a brilliant mirror reflecting light.

The Talmudic tradition that often reaches much farther into the past than better known sources, like the books of the Scriptures, reveals in this instance a memory not suspected at the reading of the seventh chapter of Genesis. But in view of what we have brought out until now, and what we intend to illuminate on the following pages, the blinding light preceding the Deluge by seven days is an interesting and important detail. The world was in a dazzling light, sevenfold stronger than the light of the sun; the light was so strong and so brilliant day and night alike, that the sun was entirely overpowered by it; and in the days of Isaiah, thousands of years later, the memory of the light of the seven days was vivid in tradition, so that the prophet could refer to it in desiring to describe the solar light of the messianic age.

Consider  it, that when it rains in floods, local areas are covered with water, but that does not mean the ocean levels rose greatly, but only that the water did not drain off the land. In this, a very hard rain or deluge, could flood the land with a thousand feet of water, and a comet could pull ocean waters into walls, as other comet catastrophes have been recorded.
We know that there was upheaval, as the Bible states there was some kind of pressure to make the springs of the earth burst forth. That would mean another body in outer space causing pressures on earth, and this would fit with volcanoes erupting and magma was forced up to the surface.

So now after 40 days, the hot comet rain ends, and it takes time for the water's to recede. If there was a greater amount of water though, as there are evidences of cities laying submerged off certain coastlines, it is possible that all of that extra pressure on earth, cause the continents to push up like a boat held under water, pops to the surface.

Think of it this way, if the oceans originally were a mile deep, and the comet forces and water placed pressure on the crust to make it 3 miles deep, then the earth would in continental weak spots cause the land to rise Continental shelf or a mile higher than it was previously. That would remedy more water, and still allow for the continents to continue on, as the earth was rising as much as the waters were settling or being pushed back into the ocean by continental rise. The more the oceans filled, the more they pushed up the continents.

Projected out, this indeed may be the reason it rains now, and the Rainbow appeared. If earth was originally, a fertile, lowland swamp, whose water table literally rose at night, and being so humid and close to the surface it pooled mists in the cool of the night, this earth if pushed up would begin to dry, and with the uneven heating and cooling of earth begin to produce a dynamic atmosphere which continued to rain.

I find the Bible even more thrilling, when one contemplates that God could move cataclysmic events with such care on such a massive scale. His creation had on appointed time, become corrupt like the 21st century world is, and it was time to wash the world clean of creatures so corrupt there was no redemption for them.

It is a fascinating idea that a comet of ice could actually produce immense benefits on earth, where a nuclear discharge on Mars appears to have evaporated the atmosphere and left her a red planet. Which of course makes one wonder if the red dust on Mars is the like comet dust which covered earth in the Egyptian plagues.
That though is another lecture if it would so interest me by God's Inspiration.

Saturn and Deluge

Deluge of Rain

Saturn Comets

Khima of the Comets

The passage in the Talmud that makes the planet Khima responsible for the Deluge means: “Two stars erupted from the planet Saturn and caused the Deluge.”

