Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The anti Christ Solution

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us do anti Christ mathematical dynamics of energy flow equation.

16 And he (anti Christ) causeth all (in Europe), both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (latinos).

Ok so use logic. Someone imported Muslim rape cock into Europe for design. Muslim rape cock is now being blamed for an inter weapon's trade war among merchants.

If you missed it, the same Mormon victims have appeared now in Boston Blow Jobs, Paris Mutton Chops and Belgian Waffles, all by design to set off the controversy matrix of what is really behind all of this in a greater power.

So the formula is this:

One European Union minus Union, added by Muslim rape cock, multiplied by cartel stars at detonation events equals the requirement for a police state superman to save all the Mutton from rape cock and condom bombs, and the divided masses will accept a final solution.

Yes Tim Rifat, pound in your rods and do your chants, as the goat offerings for the slaughter are all there, for the beast feast, and the actors always speak English to communicate the foreign events to an American audience.

French Mutton, Belgian Mutton, who will be the chop tomorrow, broiled in a nice C 4 flame.

Where is that Andres Breivik when Europe needs him?

Either you get Andres out of prison or prophecy says Europe gets the anti Christ.

Nuff Said


Comme autre cerise Lame exclusive dans la matière anti-matière.

Faisons la dynamique mathématiques anti-Christ de l'équation de flux d'énergie.

Les craintes grandissent pour prêtre enlevé par ISIS 'qui peuvent être crucifié le vendredi saint ...OBAMA DÉFEND STRATEGIE ...PASSAGERS pourrait faire face à des scanners de sûreté à l'aéroport PORTES ...«Hunted» Bruxelles suicide frères abandonnés crime pour le djihad ...Quantité d'explosifs Surprises fonctionnaires ...Fighter: Mon rêve est de vivre sous Califat islamique en Europe ...


16 Et il (anti-Christ) fit que tous (en Europe), petits et grands, riches et pauvres, libres et esclaves, reçoivent une marque sur leur main droite ou sur leur front:
17 Et que personne ne pût acheter ni vendre, il sauver sans avoir la marque, ou le nom de la bête ou le nombre de son nom.
18 Ici est la sagesse. Que celui qui a de compter le nombre de la bête, car il est le nombre d'un homme; et son nombre est six cent soixante-six (latinos).

Ok, donc utiliser la logique. Quelqu'un importé robinet de viol musulman en Europe pour la conception. robinet de viol musulman est maintenant blâmé pour la guerre commerciale entre une arme parmi les marchands.

Si vous l'avez manqué, les mêmes victimes mormons sont apparues maintenant à Boston Blow Jobs, Paris Mutton Côtelettes et gaufres belges, tous par la conception pour déclencher la matrice de la controverse de ce qui est vraiment derrière tout cela dans une plus grande puissance.

Donc, la formule est la suivante:

Une Union européenne moins Union, ajoutée par robinet de viol musulman, multiplié par les stars du cartel lors d'événements de détonation est égale à la nécessité d'un surhomme d'état de police pour sauver tous les Mutton du viol coq et préservatifs bombes, et les masses divisées accepteront une solution finale.

Oui Tim Rifat, livre dans vos tiges et faites vos chants, comme les offrandes de chèvre pour l'abattage sont tous là, pour la fête de la bête, et les acteurs parlent toujours l'anglais pour communiquer les événements étrangers à un public américain.

Français Mutton, belge Mutton, qui sera le chop demain, grillé dans un joli C 4 flamme.

Où est ce que Andres Breivik quand l'Europe a besoin de lui?

Soit vous obtenez Andres sortir de prison ou la prophétie dit l'Europe devient anti-Christ.

Nuff a dit

Als eine andere Lame Kirsche exklusiv in der Materie Antimaterie.

Lassen Sie uns anti Christus mathematische Dynamik der Energiefluss Gleichung tun.

Ängste wachsen für Priester "entführt von ISIS", die am Karfreitag gekreuzigt werden kann ...OBAMA VERTEIDIGT STRATEGIE ...PASSAGIERE könnte die Sicherheit SCANNER AM FLUGHAFEN DOORS Gesicht ...'Hunted' Brüder Brüssel Selbstmord Verbrechen für den Jihad aufgegeben ...Sprengstoffmenge Surprises Beamte ...Kämpfer: Mein Traum ist unter islamischen Kalifats in Europa zu leben ...

400 Ausgebildet für 'WELLE BLOODSHED'

16 Und er (anti Christ) macht, daß alle (in Europa), klein und groß, reich und arm, frei und Bindung, eine Marke in ihrer rechten Hand oder an ihre Stirn zu empfangen:
Und 17 damit niemand kaufen oder verkaufen, wenn er nicht das Zeichen hat, oder den Namen des Tieres oder die Zahl seines Namens.
18 Hier ist Weisheit. Lassen Sie ihn Verstand hat, die Zahl des Tieres zählen, denn es ist die Zahl eines Menschen; und seine Zahl ist sechshundert sechsundsechzig (Latinos).

Ok, so Logik. Jemand importierte muslimischen Vergewaltigung Schwanz in Europa für das Design. Muslimische Vergewaltigung Hahn wird jetzt für eine interWaffenHandelsKrieg zwischen den Händlern verantwortlich gemacht.

Wenn Sie es verpasst haben, haben die gleichen Mormon Opfer jetzt in Boston Blow Jobs, Paris Mutton Chops und belgischen Waffeln, die alle durch Design erschien die Kontroverse Matrix auf den Weg, was hinter all dies in einer größeren Macht wirklich ist.

So ist die Formel, ist dies:

Eine Europäische Union minus Union, ergänzt durch muslimische Vergewaltigung Hahn, multipliziert mit Kartell Sternen bei Detonation Ereignisse entspricht der Forderung nach einem Polizeistaat Übermensch alle Mutton davor zu bewahren, Vergewaltigung Hahn und Kondom Bomben, und die geteilten Massen eine endgültige Lösung zu akzeptieren.

Ja Tim Rifat, Pfund in Ihre Ruten und Ihre Gesänge tun, da die Ziegenopfer für die Schlachtung alle da, für das Tier fest, und die Schauspieler sprechen immer Englisch, die ausländische Ereignisse an einen amerikanischen Publikum zu kommunizieren.

Französisch Mutton, belgische Mutton, der die chop morgen wird, in einem netten C 4 Flamme gegrillt.

Wo ist das Andres Breivik, wenn Europa ihn braucht?

Entweder Sie Andres aus dem Gefängnis oder Prophezeiung bekommen, sagt Europa die Anti Christus bekommt.

Nuff Said

В качестве еще одного Хромой Cherry в эксклюзивном материи анти материи.

Давайте делать Антихриста математические уравнения динамики потока энергии.

Страхи растут для священника "похищенного Исиды, который может быть распят в Страстную пятницу ...ОБАМА ЗАЩИЩАЕТ СТРАТЕГИЯ ...PASSENGERS может грозить СКАНЕРЫ безопасности в аэропорту ДВЕРИ ..."Hunted" братья самоубийства Брюссель отказался от преступления к джихаду ...Количество взрывоопасным сюрпризами должностных лиц ...Истребитель: Моя мечта жить под исламским халифатом в Европе ...

400 обученными 'ВОЛНА BLOODSHED'

16 И он (Антихриста) возводит все (в Европе), малым и великим, богатым и нищим, свободным и рабам, чтобы получить отметку в правой руке, или на чело их:
17 И что ни один человек не может купить или продать, кроме того, кто имеет это начертание, или имя зверя, или число имени его.
18 Здесь мудрость. Пусть обличит подсчитать число зверя, ибо это число человеческое; число его шестьсот шестьдесят шесть (латинос).

Хорошо, таким образом использовать логику. Кто-то импортировала мусульманского изнасилования петух в Европе для дизайна. Мусульманин изнасилование петух в настоящее время обвиняют в торговой войне интер оружия среди торговцев.

Если вы пропустили его, одни и те же мормоны жертвы оказались сейчас в Бостоне Blow Работа, Париж бараньих котлет и Бельгийские Вафли, все в соответствии с проектом, чтобы оттенить споры матрицу, что на самом деле за всем этим в большей мощности.

Таким образом, формула такова:

Один Европейский Союз минус Союз, добавил Муслим рапсового петух, умноженной на картельных звезд детонационных событий равна требование о государственной полиции сверхчеловека, чтобы спасти всех баранину от изнасилования петух и презерватив бомбами, и разделенные массы будут принимать окончательное решение.

Да Тим Рифат, фунт в ваших стержнях и сделать ваши песнопения, как коза предложения для убоя все там, на звериной пир, и актеры всегда говорят на английском языке, чтобы общаться иностранные события американской аудитории.

Французский Баранина, бельгийский Баранина, кто будет завтра измельчить, печеной в хорошем C 4 пламени.

Где, что Андрес Брейвик, когда Европа нуждается в нем?

Либо вы получаете Andres из тюрьмы или пророчество говорит Европа получает Антихриста.


Where Obamas Tread

Thread: Best WWII Fighter Plane
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you probably missed this, image Obama conjured himself into Bariloche Argentina. You will recall in this that Birther Obama started this journey at Adolf Hitler's favorite Arch of Triumph in Germany 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.

Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany - WND

... Corsi found in the National Archives documentary evidence Hitler got to Argentina ... landed Adolf Hitler and Eva ... of Bariloche to ...

Bariloche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower visited Bariloche as a guest of President Arturo Frondizi in 1960. ... Argentina Neuquén Province ...

Wonders Of Patagonia Await Clintons -

Wonders Of Patagonia Await Clintons ... ''Foreigners are discovering that Argentina ... the area around San Carlos de Bariloche, where President Clinton ...

Obama to visit Patagonian tourist city Bariloche on Argentina ...

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and the first lady will visit the lake-side Patagonian tourist city of Bariloche later this month during an ...

Just so you understand this, there was in South America, an extensive Germanic colonial system, and Adolf Hitler with Eva Braun, did not commit suicide at the end of World War II. They escaped by plane to Argentina and there lived out their lives.

No further comment. What do you think this is a world wide junket travel agency? I can't even afford gas for errands.


The Secrets of Heidi Cruz

The Cruz Assylum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ted Cruz is a sniveling, cheating, treacherous, abusive Cubano whore, and with that, let us open the book on the reality of Ted's belt notch, Heidi Nelson, whose soppy snatch was hot for brown cock, and as her Norwegian parents were loathe against the 3rd, she like Muchelle Obama found a way to fuck a Harvard degree, to make it all acceptable to the parents.

That is the reality of Ted Cruz, and when his Super Pac unleashed an attack add on the Lady, Mrs. Trump, it was a clap trap, where the forces who lust to elect Hillary Clinton are now using Ted Cruz to do this, to create a divide in the Republican Party, and Ted Cruz is too asstard to figure this out, even though he has had numerous examples of vote fraud to prove what crooks his Robert Mercer fag billionaires are and what they will stoop to.

You see Ted Cruz is thee most loathsome of creatures in he is a VICTIM. A victim is a creature who has no plan to survive when raped, in either not fighting back or fighting back. Ted Cruz is a victim, for a victim just lets things happen to them, and that is what Ted Cruz is.

You will notice a pattern in Ted Cruz. He lynches Ben Carson in Iowa, and then apologizes. He assaults Mrs. Donald Trump, and then apologizes, as he reaps the rewards of his rapine.

Donald Trump has been above board as has his entire campaign in all of this. There has never been any whispering campaign about Marco Rubio's being a bi sexual whore and there was never any mention of the psychological problems of Heidi Cruz.

As I will repeat so this soaks in, the people who want to destroy the Republican Party, as in Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Mike Lee, Mitt Romney, the fag billionaires all want to hand this over to Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz is their tool.
Ted Cruz being the shameless scoundrel he is, is allowing this to happen, as he like all Obama 3rd world types hates America that rejects him and wants her destroyed in thee most savage of ways.

The secrets of Heidi Cruz are simple and if you have a brain, you can figure this out. We know for a fact that Ted Cruz is an abusive, self absorbed husband. He made this woman quit her identity at the liberal Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations, where she wrote that radical white paper to destroy Canada, Mexico and America, and it was so abhorrent, that as this blog exclusively reported, the Canadians had to rewrite the North American Union whitepaper, as it was too radical for them, and they disavow it all now completely.

Heidi Cruz then obtained a mole job at the Bush White House, to which Ted made her quit her job, and isolated her in Texas, where without her liberal identity, she did dive into severe depression, where law enforcement found the woman wandering by a train......which in forensic psychology translates that the Cruz train was running over her world and she wanted to end her life in thee most violent of ways in being murdered by a train, to be obliterated to nothing, as that is what Ted Cruz did to this woman.

It is logical to note that people who are depressed, respond in several ways, self abuse of alcohol, self abuse of narcotics, self abuse in sexual affairs, and self abuse in suicide. Some cases are people not bathing or going out. We know that Heidi Cruz was emotionally so degraded that law enforcement noticed her, so she apparently was experiencing substance abuse.
As she appears Stepford Wife recovered in saying her Ted Cruz, was the face of God, her lord and master, in connect the dots, must have forced her to non institutional help, where she was taking Columbine High type psychiatric happy pills, as the type that most of our Soldiers are OD'ing on from depression in the Obama regime.

There is other evidence of Heidi Cruz's secret in she is incapable of dealing with her children. Ted Cruz uses them as a props, and the oldest girl as has been the focus here, is a problem child. This little girl is just wicked at times, in acting out, and she is acting out, because her parents are not parenting her, and she is begging for attention.
Her photographed escapades of yelling OUCH when Ted is pinching her, her walking off stage, and her putting rabbit ears over his head, all point to a problem child, and the problem is because Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz are bad parents.

In reverse speech, David John Oates has caught Ted Cruz telling his boogers that he is a conman, and that he is going to destroy their freedom. That is what is going on in Ted Cruz's world as he is lying to everyone, and being used by the most nefarious of creatures who will stoop to using Mrs. Donald Trump as a weapon.
There is another Reverse Speech which was captured, and it is from the above photo, when Ted Cruz, was again using his children as props at Liberty University, with camera's rolling, Ted and Heidi Cruz enlist their eldest problem child daughter to "pray". In that prayer, the little girl is heard distinctly saying in Reverse Speech, "Sometimes we forget".

The child is embarrassed by this, and is confessing not to God, but to the camera, that the real Ted and Heidi Cruz "christianity" is one where the children are lectured at about praying, but often enough, prayer does not matter to Ted and Heidi Cruz, as it never occurs to them to thank God at meal time.

As I have stated, you do not in forensic psychology, need to have a psychiatrist's prescription sheet or have Heidi Cruz confess before the world that she is on psychiatric medications to give her that Stepford Wife smile, because you know the cause and effect of mental depression brought about by abused wife syndrome, and you know that children are acting out when young, because the parents are passing those children off as latchkey children.
The problem child absolutely hates and detests this Cruz for president campaign, as she knows it is the child that Ted and Heidi Cruz love and read stories to on their lap at night.

We know that Heidi Cruz is unbalanced. We know that the billionaires of the insiders who are backing John Kasich and Ted Cruz, released that horrid campaign attack on Mrs. Trump, in order to create such friction between the Trump and Cruz people, that no one is going to vote for the other. We know this because for THREE HOURS TODAY Rush Limbaugh was harping about poor little weak Ted Cruz, and how the Cruz people were not going to vote for Donald Trump, because that is what Big Koch is initiating in an Elect Hillary Clinton campaign for their continued crimes under Obama, and Cruz is their cover for this operation.

The Cruz boogers now know the facts. Ted Cruz is going to be destroyed by this group in being found a foreigner. Heidi Cruz is going to be exposed for the woman on the edge that she is, a Columbine in waiting. That is why the attack on Mrs. Donald Trump took place, in order to bring this all out to manipulate everyone.  The intention though of the Lame Cherry is always to bring you the facts so you children and brats can make an informed decision not on emotion, but reality. It is why I warned all of the Cruz boogers to abandon him, force him to accept a Supreme Court nomination by President Trump, but instead you have failed, as Utah was so criminal in vote fraud that even Roger Stone can follow those shoe boxes full of ballots in that massive vote fraud.

I will project this out in, it has already been factored in, that Child Protective Services will be called in to save the Cruz daughters from their parents if necessary to create that kind of friction to elect Hillary Clinton. Ted Cruz is to blame for this for his affairs and his last attack on Mr. Trump in blaming him now for terrorism in Belgium.
You can hear in Ted Cruz's voice that he is now delivering script from Robert Mercer and the Jeb Bush camp to the last word. He is does not believe a word he is saying, but only going through the motions as he knows he has lost, but his owners paid the hundred million for Ted to dance and by satan, they are going to make him dance.......and Ted is going to dance for the rest of his brothel existence, because he has real crimes he was involved with, and if he does not allow his wife and children to be ripped to shreds, Ted Cruz will be in prison.

None of this is pretty, but it is what Cruz world is. A world of secrets of weak Ted and Heidi, which once you use common sense, you can factor out just what those secrets are, and you can understand what that Cruz assylum is like every day.

In Christian virtue, I will say one thing to the Cruz boogers. You have lost all chance now to accomplish anything by your mania. The GOPliters are trying to steal enough votes from Donald Trump by Ted Cruz vote fraud, and create now such a schism between the Trump and Cruz camps, so that with just a few votes needed, Donald Trump will be forced to make a deal with John Kasich in those Ohio votes, and Kasich will bring in all that GOPliter murder and mayhem with him. This is the plan percolating under the mists, and Jeb Bush is now directing the Cruz campaign to oblivion.

I am completely disappointed in the Cruz boogers, not being strong enough like Heidi Cruz to withstand the manipulation to mania, because they are about to destroy America in the same way HW Bush lurked around the edges and was forced on Ronald Reagan. It is sad when principled people can be so manipulated by psychological triggers that reason is gone in them, and they have violated every Christian and American virtue in them, because they feel so helpless in Ted Cruz is such a weak man, but that is what the billionaire board chose Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz, as they knew what a house of cards they were.
The Cruz boogers are responsible for a major problem in this rescue of America. They are under the spell and can not escape.

The best thing that the Cruz boogers should insist upon is that Ted Cruz suspend his campaign and take his family out of this meat grinder, and himself for some completely alone time, but at this juncture I do not believe that the owners of Ted Cruz would allow that in he would be made an example of in prison and his children seized by the state.

See what you boogers have unleashed? You have destroyed yourselves and now your savior is held hostage by the very forces you claim to be against. You are to blame because you have been warned here what was taking place and what is taking place. You were chosen because you are so hard headed that you would not diverge from your programming, and now when your programmers are telling you to commit political suicide with Ted Cruz, you are willingly doing it, just like Jim Jones at Jonestown.

Each of you Cruz boogers are more of a problem child than daughter Cruz and more of a hostage wife than Heidi Cruz, all doped up on Ted Cruz.

Maybe you richtards should make the big donations, as this story sat all day, each of you was led around with your heads up your asses, and none of you figured out what was going on, and only the Lame Cherry again in matter anti matter exclusives pulled your retardation out of the abyss, and pointed you in the correct direction again to save you, again.


PROOF: LaVoy Finicum was not reaching for a weapon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the continuing series exposing the cover up and lies in the murder of LaVoy Finicum, we return to the Ruger 9 mm pistol which the police state says was found in his jacket pocket.

Everyone has seen the evidence released in the drone footage, so there is no doubt that LaVoy Finicum touched his hip area, but there is damning evidence in not one officer on scene mentioned witnessing seeing this handgun, even when the FBI was involved in moving the body, to the extent that a mushroomed 5.56 mm bullet fell out of Mr. Finicum's shirt as the FBI was searching the body for exit wounds.

In the above, Deschutes County evidence log, and where the LaVoy Finicum items were located, we find a damning scene of the FBI or Oregon State Police were throwing Mr. Finicum's hat, and scattering objects found on his body from a pen, eye glasses, cell phone, some distance from the body in the snow, which is something bizarre as items become lost in the snow.

What is particularly damning though is the following ITEM F, which lists the Ruger 9 mm, found in the vicinity of the body and listed in LEFT FRONT JACKET POCKET.

The drone video clearly shows Mr. Finicum reaching for his side, not his left front breast. We know from the Oregon State Police that both officers in hysterical vision had Mr. Finicum digging in his pocket, which he never did, but again it was at his side.

That is the damning evidence that LaVoy Finicum was never reaching for any weapon on his side, because the chain of evidence lists that weapon in his left front INSIDE pocket by his breast, and that weapon was under a buttoned up coat, if not a zipped up coat covering it too.

The entire official story, backed by drone footage, now proves that the police state was lying.

Added to this is the fact that, David John Oates in Reverse Speech captured Mr. Finicum telling Oregon State Police "I HAVE NO WEAPON".

This Ruger 9 mm is concluded now to have been brought from the Refuge, stolen from LaVoy Finicum's personal possessions by an FBI mole on the refuge, and then planted on the corpse, before Deschutes County arrived to secure the scene and take the photographic evidence of that gun in a location which LaVoy Finicum never placed his hand.

We have cover up, perjury and the subversion of justice taking place, and it definitely is the FBI and Oregon State Police in collusion.

Nuff Said


The End of Cabelas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are very few rich people in this world like Donald Trump, because most rich people like Martha Stewart get caught in crimes of pennies or are like the featured dumb shits in this article of the Cabelas family of Nebraska, who build something and then listen to these always experts and end up getting their asses booted out of the family company like Disney.

I will lay this out, as this is important for everyone, including Jeff Bezos of Amazon to that moron Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and that means you, who are reading this.

See Cabelas started selling worthless fishing lures in the back of magazines like Fur Fish Game, taking advantage of children, who would gladly send in their quarter for some fishing lures as it was a good deal, until you fished with them. But at least it saved fish lives.

From this, Cabelas gained enough money to expand into the outdoor field and overtake Herters of Minnesota which was the premier outlet along with Gander Mountain.

As hard times fell on these competitors, two venues appeared in Cabelas and Bass Pro.

Cabelas then around the year of the Clinton bust embarked upon selling its stocks as all rich families do. The reason they do it, is the always experts tell them, "Hey make your company public, keep around 25 to 35% of the stocks, and you keep control, and you get a billion dollars  to build Cabela stores around the country.

Cabelas have a problem though in everyone who works there thinks they are Nimrod with an asshole attitude.
The second problem is Cabelas in that 2008 Obama bust, hired all of those mindtards from Lowes and other bust companies who ran those companies into the ground. These experts had no idea about the outdoors or the public, but they were number crunchers and from the top down corporate hired even more obnoxious people.
Around this time, Cabelas had a whiz bang idea of offering its own credit card as that is where the money is to be made, and cutting back on employees.....meaning Cabelas likes hiring retired military types on pensions, so the flaps can get a discount along with their big retirement, and regular people can not afford to live on their penny salaries.

So that is the base in this, along with Cabelas employees looting ammo from the back room and reselling it on the street, so customers going in the store were not finding products they were looking for.

Cabelas also decided it needed to compete with LL Bean which was absolutely moronic, as LL Bean sells clothes, and not fishing rods, so you have more wasted resources.

Into this in 2015 a corporate raider appeared and acquired 11% of Cabelas stock, and started issuing demands as they always do. Cabelas stocks have fallen like all stocks, and Cabelas has always gouged its customers, so it never had the Gary Olen of Minnesota in Sportsman's Guide low wage clientele, which means the rich people stopped buying goods, and as the poor can not afford 50 dollar Cabela's shirts and price popped guns and ammo, Cabelas is caught in its own trap as a customer rapist.

This is where the situation sits. Cabelas is at a point where they are going to have to now sell the company, as the family is going to have to sell it, as the raider is advocating breaking up the 3 divsions of Cabelas from credit cards to stores, and that will shatter the company.

Let us review for a moment Cabelas being stupid as many companies are stupid. They sell out on stock to expand or they go into debt to expand, like Amazon. Then their boards are loaded with raiders or financial advisers who start jacking up prices when they need to be cut.
Next thing you know, is the owner is no longer in the company like at Disney and the end result is it all becomes corporate Wall Street like Bass Pro.

I am going to tell old Jim Cabela how to fix this, but being as he is a head up ass Nebraskan, he will probably not get the message.

The first thing he needs to do is buy 17% more of his company or 27% whichever is the margin they do not own to get 51% control. He can do this on borrowed money or I would offer a second tier stock in selling stock as bonds in each of the stores locally, which will be reacquired.

Get that done and then start cutting back on your head up the ass corporate management. Your objective is to hang on to 2018 AD in the year of our Lord when President Trump's recovery is going to be spiking the economy.

Until then, all of your over priced Asian made clothes get slashed and all of your other products. You need people to start spending 20 bucks every time they come into the store, instead of just looking at things as most people do. Give people a reason to buy things in your store and they will do it, to commemorate their visit.

If you do not do this, your delaying until June in the board meeting is not going to do anything but getting you locked out of your own stores.

I have suggestion also in your credit card, start teaming up with major gas suppliers for a discount  on every gallon of gas pumped. You have to increase credit card use, and that is the quickest way to do it.

Cabelas like most American business people are head up their ass. The Big Frac independents are having it all taken away from them too, in the same scheme. Farmers are too. It is the problem in people get suckered into taking easy money and the time comes as it is designed, that someone comes in takes over Lehman Brothers too for pennies on the dollar.

There is one last gambit they might try. They could sell stocks to customers in a "Save Cabelas from Corporate Raiders" and people might buy that, with Cabelas keeping the voting option.

My Mom's Dad always said, If you don't have the money in your pocket to buy something, you do not need it." My dad's Dad always said, "Never borrow money".
It is how I live my life. I do not splurge. I do not borrow. I do not pay interest. I practice patience, patience, patience, because having anxiety over something you want, is much better than having anxiety over losing everything you have, over something you bought.

In a way I hope Cabelas goes tits up. They employ assholes. Their corporate are pricks, and they have never done a thing for customers. It has been gouge, gouge, gouge, and cheat, cheat, cheat from the start. They will get what they deserve this coming year, and in part of it, I hope when the new owners take over, that they move operations to Texas.

It is a given that Cabelas stocks like all stocks, have reached their prime long ago, and that they will probably be halved before this is over. All Cabelas can do is hope to hang on until 2018 AD in the year of our Lord. I doubt it though, as they have been sitting on their asses since December 2015 AD in the year of our Lord which is months wasted, which on my plan could have raised several hundred million dollars already.

Yes listen to the always experts, they are the ones you buy the shovel for and force you to dig your own grave.

Nuff Said


The 5%

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following quotes are interesting in the spider's web of talking to the flies, and discovering that the Cecil Rhodes vision of just a few years previous, has now replaced the 95%, not with just population reduction, but the adoration of androids serving and servicing the immortals, for there is danger in the mass of mortals become immortal, and machines one can just turn off.

Lord William was, for over a decade, the editor-in-chief of the
staid Times of London, and its Sunday Times of London. He fits the stereotype of the classic English "Colonel Blimp," the blunt imperialist, who periodically uncorks with a nasty mouthful of invectives against the "commoner," or the darker-skinned races. After all, he used to write that in the coming age of society, an elite of 5% of the total population would rule over the other 95% as virtual slaves. But Rees-Mogg is not just nasty-he represents great power. In England, it has long been said that The Times, the flagship paper of the Establishment, regularly announces Britain's foreign policy before the Foreign Office even knows what that policy will be.

The Franklin Cover-up by Former Green Beret John DeCamp (Kindle Locations 7961-7966).

"But don't believe a word you read in that newsletter I'm writing for." Strange. But, then again, Bill Colby spent his entire adult life in the shadow world of spies and counter-spies.

The Franklin Cover-up by Former Green Beret John DeCamp (Kindle Locations 7975-7976).
