Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Girl Alone in the Garden

Pin by Kennedy Foster on the kennedy white house | Pinterest

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates work on the Kennedy Assassination in Reverse Speech, had one which puzzled him, Jim Marrs, Jeff Rense and Dick Allgire as it was about the girl alone in the garden, which Johnson said he saw on November 29, 1963.

This is an open letter to Mr. Oates to settle the mystery.

Dear Mr. Oates,

This is in concern to your Rense appearance on the Kennedy assassination work, in which you asked about who Lyndon Johnson was speaking of in "the girl who was alone in the garden".
The girl was Mrs. Kennedy. LBJ observed her and did not invade her grief. He was recounting what he witnessed.
LBJ was quite tender with her at least in forward speech recordings.

PBS in America has part of the diary of Lady Byrd Johnson in which she gives this quote:

"Suddenly I found myself face to face with Jackie in a small hallway… You always think of someone like her as being insulated, protected. She was quite alone. I don't think I ever saw someone so much alone in my life," Lady Bird would write in her diary. "I went up to her, put my arms around her, and said something to her. I'm sure it was something like 'God, help us all,' because my feelings for her were too tumultuous to put into words."

In forensic psychology, the Johnson's are reciting the same reality of Jackie Kennedy being the most alone person in the world.

Thank you for all of your work. I especially appreciate your LaVoy Finicum findings. If you could ever explore the Reverse Speech of Special Agent Gregory Bretzing and the other authorities I would hope the same revelations would appear for that other horrid mark on American history.

God bless you for your work.


Is that the CIA or FBI you are talking to?

bored at work 15 HMOTB: Bored at work (23 photos)

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will keep mentioning this, as during the Bundy Protest and the murder of LaVoy Finicum, a host of minders appeared on the internet to spin this story.

The CIA are expanding an existing program that influences mainstream media outlets to promote fake propaganda stories, by having agents troll internet forums, social media, and website comment sections – in an effort to disrupt alternative media sites. 
In an expansion of Operation Mockingbird, the agency are now creating fake user accounts on various internet forums and social media channels, arguing politics with real users in an attempt to stifle and subvert genuine communications between users.
Americanintelligencereport.com reports:
According to RT news, agents have up to “10 fake shill accounts” used to troll and create the illusion of having a genuine network of friends.
“They will defend current administration decisions with relentless irrational stubbornness that one can only be paid to do.”

It is why I brought up the Conservative Treehouse in allowing a hit comment page to remain up, posting propaganda about this blog and other bloggers, trashing them.

The Lame Cherry is becoming far too effective and is now a low level radar project to post squanto about it, by lumping it in with other projects which it is in no way related.

The fact is, most of you have at least one minder in your friend's lists on Facebook, and it does not matter if you are left wing or right wing, or if you are on Conservative Treehouse or the Democratic Underground. They are there and they are completing a job which they are paid to do, and that is to steer conversation on sites you trust, as Clinton and Cruz moles, which is the current operation.

You do not have to control the ownership of a site. All you have to do is post high praise about Sundance on Conservative Treehouse, and they will leave it up, and also leave up smears against other bloggers. It is about the easiest manipulation on the Tavistock protocols in pat the people in need of validation on the head, and they will let you get away with Mockingbird propaganda, in overtaking a site and running all the real people off of it.

Nuff Said


Tonight at 10 PM Eastern

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the first time I am recommending a program, but tonight David John Oates, Reverse Speech pioneer will be on the Rense Program revealing details of what was behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy, in using the reverse speech of the principles involved, as in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

While I am not going to vouch for their conclusions, I do promote the program to expose people into the workings of Reverse Speech, so you will become educated on the intricacies of it, and in studying it, realize that when Ted Cruz is telling people he is a conman or people in New York that he is going to destroy their freedom or his daughter is telling people they forget to pray, that the reversal is truly what is the reality of that person.

Every reversal of Donald Trump is what he says forward in loving America. In reverse, he does in profanity detest Obama immensely.

Dick Allgire will also be on the program who is one of the best Remote Viewers in the business, along with Jim Tex Marrs who is one of the most accomplished historical researchers on the Kennedy assassination.

It will be 3 hours of unfolding evidence, a great deal of weighing in by Marrs, with some commentary by Allgire, with the enthusiastic Mr. Oates adding the Reverse Speech punchlines.

This is the direct link to the listen page.

Some of you after this might start paying attention more, when Mr. Oates finds reversals as LaVoy Finicum telling law enforcement that he has no weapon, and realize there is proof all through these recordings which reveal just how much all of us are being lied to every day.


Cruz Campaign Imploding In Wisconsin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you really how low on the food chain you are politically to have to be to have to being fish bait for Ted Cruz?

Do you realize how strong Donald Trump is for Big Koch to have to devour Scott Walker in order to try and steal another state from Donald Trump?


Scott Walker is an absolute ZERO politically for Wisconsin support, as no one cares. In fact, the voters there are Obama tired of this debt spender, who keeps throwing in with the Bush clan insiders, so when it comes down to it, Scott Walker is a dead weight on Cruz...................

Scott Walker endorses Ted Cruz ahead of Wisconsin primary ...

WASHINGTON — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president Tuesday. "After all these years of the Obama-Clinton failures, it's ...

.......and Ted Cruz SEXGATE has damaged Ted Cruz immensely. This why Homo Hannity kept trying to shift the subject off of SEXGATE and back onto the "issues".

Forgive me for not having a Homo mind, but I think that:

South Korean CIA getting American Journalist Drew Johnson fired from the Washington Times so they own Ted Cruz is an issue.

I sort of know that Ted Cruz going to vote for South Korea in the North Korea situation is a quid pro quo sort of criminal issue now.

and I know that the issue of North Korea being furious over all of this, and making US cities and Soldiers nuclear targets in a nuclear Pacific War is an issue.......even if Sean Hannity does not.

This all dovetails in to the inside polling which had lying Ted Cruz having to stiff the Jews in New York and New Jersey, as he has no chance there, to haul Heidi back to be his shadow, so everyone in Cheesehead land will not wonder if they are getting a divorce as Heidi was out of state again.
Yes Heidi was supposed to pander to Jews, but Ted is in such horrid falling numbers in Wisconsin that Heidi is being used as a prop.

“They said they needed her in Wisconsin to campaign with Ted,” Pastor John Gravagna told The Post. “They’re going to be back next week or the week after.”

So you can be pleased with yourselves in the entire media has been flying cover for cheater Ted Cruz for over 3 months in lying to you about his character, because Cruz is the insider who is being paid to sucker idiots to vote for him, so Hillary Clinton gets into the White House, and each of you by the internet has accomplished something in shattering the media blackout and censorship in the entire story is getting out.

If Anonymous would hit the April 1st deadline, the story would be primetime. It is a story though with markers in nuclear warfare and Ted Cruz is the cause, and now we see Big Koch cannibalizing Scott Walker and now Ted has Heidi being led around on a leash, proving what a great master Ted is as she dry humps his leg.

Wisconsin is a liberal state. It is more Trump and Kasich country than anything TRIPLE C, Canadian, Cuban and Cruz. The GOPliters are running all the propaganda to do all they can to talk down Trump polling numbers as another sign of how desperate they are, as they have it all invested in Wisconsin.

The real Wisconsin Polling Numbers as of today are Trump at 67%, Cruz at 15.0%, Kasich 24%. For the astute who can add, they will notice that this adds up to, 106% again, as it did in Ohio. The reason for that is this is the +6 points of dead people and illegals who the GOPliters are stuffing the ballots for against Mr. Trump.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Sex That Cruz Is Made Of

Anonymous Hacker Charged with CyberStalking Faces 440 Years in Jail ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Awhile back the headline ran about how thousands of trolls or moles are  employed by the Police State to appear on websites and post comments to skew content or smear those not employed by the regime.

Zero Hedge published an interesting revelation which we all might have heard from this blog in Mockingbird and it's nestling programs own ALL of the media and funnel money to it......and sometimes they make people's cars crash in assassination attempts and those people to save themselves start putting out stories that other regime agents are not actually regime agents.

Dr. Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.
He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:
I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.

But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.

I often wonder where I could apply to be a Mockingbird propagandist, but for some reason they do not want me. I have stated that for 3 million dollars they can have this blog and deceive the entire world. I mean why should the Lame Cherry be the one test case to see how many brains are not f*cked up by the Tavistock and Stanford protocols? Should it not be enough that Donald Trump is the true test case that all of the brainwashing has been neutralized by a greater force.
Of course innocent Corey Lewandowski is being targeted by the "rage of the machine" for the GOPliters, but that is why we fight this fight to harness the force and make it do good.

See all of these reporters and mic heads all are paid off in some way. Limbaugh is a money laundering operation and those like Jake Tapper just follow the script for their salaries.

I do want to address something and it is connected to the E LINT which steals from this site and then goes off to Conservative Treehouse to post smears and lies about other bloggers, and it has to do with the people who do steal the content and brilliance from the Holy Ghost on this blog, and think there are not consequences as they do not fear God's reckoning.

Last night a nice gal from Las Vegas sent me a link, and I am going to make this a teaching experience, as all of the head up their asses types, never comprehend what this blog is on a 1000 different levels.

There is an attractive female on Twitter who happened to quote directly from this blog, not giving the Lame Cherry credit, as she like numbers of females like having a following for the stage she is upon, and one has to look brilliant to wow the people. Rush Limbaugh used to steal content from everyone to look bright, and that is why he looks so dull now, is because he was outed here doing it, and had to stop, as his old geezer brain no longer generates the high octane content.

So Surfergirl posts the line, and I am moved to create many lines which resonate in people's minds, and you never comprehend it like "things go better with Coke", in things just stick in your brains. This time it was about "Ted Cruz and the lights" in the SEXGATE series of stories which were published here.
The problem is SG has no idea what that line means and no one does, as I did not explain it, because it was something from the inside, that only a few people would know.

Understand when you repeat something damning that only a few people would know, that means the people who do know, wonder who is talking to you and if you just might be one of those people in the inner circle not obeying the CIA keep your mouth shut rules.

Do you recall the interview of the Texas escort who was terrified and going on the run? How about the fiction of the House of Cards where that whore had to go on the run? See in real life in the power circles there are people who are expendable and then there are the Bohemian Grove circle.

Some of you will recall the Monarch series out of Nebraska in the CIA creating zombie children for their operations. Part of that was a satanic cult which was used to rape and break down children for the process to begin. These individuals murder others, and that includes former CIA Director Bill Colby and not just escorts.

So when some one wants to look intelligent, and they start taking quotes from this blog for their own popularity, there are suboperational groups who monitor such content, and your name goes onto a priority list. You might think that you are safe behind your glowing screens, but oddly in intelligence work, the artificial intelligence spiders that sift data, might find that by chance your credit card was swiped at a supermarket behind........say an escort who was being used by the CIA to blackmail Ted Cruz, and that link between two strangers moves you up to a higher priority.

I am going to digress here a bit to explain about Harvard recruited CIA Ted Cruz, in do you really think women want to have sex with him? His own wife will not live with him. Do you really think in conversations in Texas that someone who is using escorts in the elite circles, just happens to hand over to Ted Cruz his personal real girlfriend experience?
It is all subtle and an entire group manages this as part of the protocols. People are monitored, their speech is reversed and they are patterned, so when the time comes for David Patraeus to get it on to destroy his being a Presidential contender against Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, some gal opens her legs and it is a big scandal.

Are you getting this, that the same reporters, are the same staff, are the same escorts. Sometimes like with Obama it is little boys. Sometimes it is little girls with HW Bush, and sometimes it is a number of women showing up in Ted Cruz's bed, in order to gain absolute leverage on him, as it is about overwhelming the asset............as in adultery, as in vote fraud, as in money laundering, so that when the time comes to tell Ted to nuke Wisconsin, Ted pushes the button, as he has wet himself with being overloaded with all the crimes "they" have on him.

This is not some game. I have explained the rules in this, that you do not touch suboperationals nor the enforcers, because they tend to leave you on the street like Andrew Breitbart. When you steal from this blog and stupidly put content out there as your own, sometimes that content is about something which is quite dangerous, and only the people who know about Ted Cruz and the lights start frowning over it.
I have stated that most people think they can take swipes at me and other grade school things, but I have stated that some of my friends are Vulcans, and they retaliate.

Others though just have their little keyboards and that is nothing to protect them from the owners of Ted Cruz. I do my utmost to protect even the brats on this site who like having my skull in the space crosshairs, and think they can go off and be popular too and there are not effects.
Those who have trillions of dollars and their immortality on the line, frown over such things.......things like Limbaugh plagiarizing here and they do not like the attention it brings so they inform half brain to stop or his life stops. Everyone of these morons who steal content here, have it flagged on their records, and if they use it without clearance, they start getting frowned at.

Charles R. Smith addressed a situation at the War Games which he ran. He stated that one general always won, not because he was good at war, but because he was lucky. Luck is a factor in all of this, just like bad luck is a factor. I am telling you people that are making yourselves targets by stealing things from this blog, that in random generation, one day you are going to have an unlucky day, where your 7 degrees of separation, becomes direct contact by chance. It might be a credit card, it might be one of your stupid friends dragging someone along to your home, it might be a wrong number, but when the factors add up in your trying to be some insider, your name will run through the generators and you will become a person of interest.
That happens and you will be neutralized by countermeasures in one of these other groups who are compartmentalized will be sent out to make it look like you had an unlucky day.

It is so easy to just say Lame Cherry quote or to stay the hell off of this site, but the moth is drawn to the flame. The last thing any of you want is to be mistaken for me. I try very hard to keep distance, so people do not have problems and I attempt to warn people as they are their own worst enemies.

See I can sit here and  trust in God for reckoning, because I know the system which the E LINT triggers. It is like the moles out in Oregon who worked for the federales. The suboperational groups are not going to allow people who know things to appear later to cause more problems. I know that either by random chance or by direct action from "CIA" that the clock is ticking.

The Lame Cherry is not the Mockingbird, so it is not part of the control protocol. I am not fed by intelligence feeds, so I do not have to post things to lie to you. I am one of the few left actually telling you things you are not ever supposed to be aware of.

If you are really poor, and that means you are not stopping at the fast food place more than once a month, then I have never expected a donation from you. The same if you are scared of the regime as not everyone is a Patriot. But when you are stupid in stealing the content here and posting it as your own, not leaving a donation track for the NSA to track, then it starts a process which one day you will become a person of interest. Donations are a marker that you are not me, and that you are just another sheep on the pasture.

I still hope for that one big donation, so I could put this all to bed, and let the few loyal supporters who allow my teeth to be pulled, to invest in their own lives, but compassion is something missing like the camel through the eye of the needle in the rich.

For your own sakes, just stop making yourselves the target of groups who left the Diaspora Dead and murdered Ammon Bundy. You are not intelligent enough, Spiritually capable, and no one is connected enough to have unwanted visitors neutralizing them.

...and no I am not going to explain what the lights mean.

Just go be your boring selves as that is what I would be content to be if I had money.

Nuff Said.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the insider's view, it is telling and damning as to what was really taking place in the GOPliter 2016 race, because we absolutely know now something criminal was taking place, and this blog hinted at this in the meeting called for by Ted Cruz to bring in Ben Carson, and it had to do with allegations about that missing secretary of Dr. Carson.

Now we know more about the Ted Cruz SEXGATE scandal in why it really originated, and the Truth comes from Roger Stone, who knows the story Sean Homo Hannity wants to cover up.

The reality as reported by Real Clear Politics in an interview with AM 970 The Answer, out of New York City and New Jersey, is that Marco Rubio hired two private investigators to tail Ted Cruz, and what this was all about was for PROTECTION.
You must understand this that the Jeb Bush people, now proven to be coordinating with Ted Cruz's people, which included Amanda Carpenter at CNN, for that Lauren Rose Batchelder fake question at Mr. Trump and the Cruz lynching of Ben Carson in Iowa, all along in this. That is why Neil and Jeb Bush joined the Cruz campaign......to both get Donald Trump and to bring down Ted Cruz as was intended from the start.

The Jeb Bush people were peddling the Marco Rubio bi sexual stories and it was for this, that Marco Rubio was forced into a Cuban Stand Off, in Marco could not use Ted's f*cking around, and Ted would then not use the Bush information on Marco like guy cock and female pussy.

That is what is behind this Roger Stone comment.

I believe the Rubio campaign elected not to use this information, but they kept it as a hedge about some of the allegations about Rubio's personal life, and in the end they elected not to use it.

And before you knew it he was out of the race.

So you understand a bit more in this, that Marco Rubio was being blackmailed by the Cruz campaign, and Rubio obtained information to drive Cruz off, and then tried in these investigators to take Cruz out because Cruz was destroying Rubio in the primaries in Cruz stealing all of those votes with Mercer smartware in the voting machines.

We then come to part of the Big Bush money, in how TARP was used by Goldman Sachs to buy up for pennies on the millions of dollars, Lehman Brothers, and who was profiting from all of this, but Heidi Cruz, and her pay day from Goldman Sachs was the job and that million dollars for Ted Cruz which Cruz "forgot" about, because it was Cruz blackmailing Goldman Sachs and part of Goldman Sachs hush money to Ted and Heidi Cruz.

 STONE: The scandal doesn't have to do with Heidi.
Maybe Donald Trump is talking about Heidi's mental breakdown, and the fact that she was found by the local police wandering and disoriented, and she was deemed to be a threat to herself, maybe they're talking about the fact that Heidi with her husband posing as a conservative Republican was a top aide to Condoleezza Rice at the National Security Council prior to going to the U.S. Trade Rep's office where she was a top aide for Robert Zelick, who took her to Goldman Sachs -- You remember who they are? The bank you and I bailed out.-- Goldman then subsequently gave a million dollar illegal sweetheart deal to the Cruz campaign, which he lied about.
He said the infusion of cash to his campaign came from his wife cashing in his retirement. That's a lie. All of that pertains to Heidi, none of this does, this pertains to Ted Cruz and his zipper.

As you can understand in these continuing Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, FOUND NOWHERE ELSE ON THE INTERNET, including Conservative Treehouse which allows Cruz boogers to squat over there and publish lies about other bloggers, including this popular girl, as they receive praise.....in it is the Lame Cherry stories always driving the conversation and stolen, to later appear in other venues as their exclusives being quoted, that this Ted Cruz SEXGATE has legs, it has criminal extortion and larceny legs that is walking all over the criminal court jurisdiction.
That is the real Ted and Heidi Cruz, and what we are witnessing here is a reality that Ted Cruz has been coordinating with the Bush campaign from the start, and has been involved in blackmail to which Marco Rubio was forced to check the Cruz thuggery with the reality that only a sex tape of Cruz would stop Cruz.

Again all of you trolling E LINT GET OFF THE LAME CHERRY as the curse is on your thieving souls for not donating and then going off and bearing false witness against this popular girl.

The story continues............

"To be absolutely clear — Cruz won’t sue because the allegations are largely true."

-Roger Stone


The Games Of World War IV


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am puzzled as to why Asian nations of Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines would sign up to be nuclear targets in a Neo Obama Arc of Defiance against the Peking communists who Obama was just praising and loving, bowing down to in 2009 AD in the year of our Lord.
Could it be image Obama was wrong again about foreign policy?

On Wednesday, the US Army announced that it plans to stockpile munitions and military supplies in Vietnam, Cambodia, and several other undisclosed nations including, experts believe, the Philippines, as the US adopts an increasingly aggressive military posture toward China.

Historically, President Dwight Eisenhower placed nuclear missiles in Turkey to block the Soviets, to which the Kremlin placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, to which that idiot John Kennedy almost started a nuclear war over. For image Obama to be placing ammo depots into Asia, in an Arc from Okinawa, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam and Cambodia, is something which is absolutely futile, and to which Peking should respond with a Naval weapons station in Venezuela and a base in Nicaragua, which of course would begin a Kennedy Kruschev countdown, proving how stupid some people in the White House are.

For perspective in this, most of you have no idea that image Obama sent in an entire aircraft carrier group to assist in the Fukishima radioactive disaster. Do you know what happened?
With that small amount of radioactivity, ALL of those ships are now contaminated in radiation in the lower decks.

As no one apparently gets any of this I will explain fully. No nation needs Cobalt bombs, no nation needs atomic or hydrogen bombs. All they need to do is to burn yellow cake, in order to impregnate metals....as fighter jets, bombs, tanks and ships are ALL metal and absorb radiation forever. Without destroying one ship or tank in a war, China could contaminate an entire fleet with radioactive contamination, like an entire ammo stockpile, and render billions of dollars of forward US ammo stores and bases absolutely worthless forever.

The only thing the Obama policy in South China will produce is making those innocent people targets for murder and open up the American sphere to be challenged by Chinese nuclear bases. This is once again another colossal policy failure by the Obama regime.

For the facts, there is nothing in Cambodia, Taiwan, Okinawa or South Korea worth anything to China. Vietnam has some oil, but that can be neutralized in a few moments in strikes if China moved on that oil. China has over 1 billion angry people, and does not need to invade these populous nations who are growing rice for China, disrupting that food supply which is vital to Chinese survival.
Therefore all this will accomplish is as stated, is to produce an event like the Cuban Missile Crisis, which China can afford to fight, as Obama has dismantled the American long term stockpile, and China has the population to die in a nuclear war. Nuclear war would in effect be of benefit to China in killing off 500 million of their culls.

This is further proof that America needs a President Donald Trump in the White House, as this is the Obama, Clinton, Kerry nuttery, which Kasich and Cruz were going to enable.
The correct policy was to instead, which I would hope Mr. Trump would embark upon, is a united North and South American effort to boot China out of this hemisphere. Argentina did quite well in sinking an illegal Chinese fishing trawler last week. That is where you draw the line and set policy in cleaning up your own sphere first, as the Obama regime has been handing South America over to Peking for almost a decade now.

Nuff Said


E Currency Sanitization war

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Question: Who keeps the electronic records of who owns paper gold and who owes trillions of dollars?

Question: Do you think there is a pile of paper recording all of this, or is it all just hard drives which will fry in an EMP event?

Do you understand why there is a promotion of an EMP attack with no hardening of US assets, or any other assets in the major debt trader nations?

The cartel will feature in their minds a global World War III, but it instead would be one using electricity in wiping out the debt crimes, but somehow only leaving the assets of the trillionaire elite.

It is the EMP Reset. The dry run on this was on September 11th, 2001 when the records were erased in that event structure.

No need to destroy the cities, just the electronics. Just eliminate the wetware mass circuit, and that can be completed in EMP pulse. People will perish without microwaves and tv dinners.
Take a way the cash and perform the crash.

Just a thought.
