Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Search for White Niggerism

The Meaning of Manliness: An Interview with Matt Walsh - Op / Ed ...
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The Meaning of Manliness: An Interview with Matt Walsh - Op / Ed - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has been exposing the Ted Cruz origins of the White Nigger terms which the Southern Poverty Law Center will not track, due to these litmus tests of ideological purity are not offensive to liberals funded to smear Caucasian Protestant Americans.

A new slur though has appeared on Glenn Beck's, The Blaze, but the head cucker there, Matt Walsh, who has just been pussy whipped by the Alternative Right in skewering this fraud. Walsh though being the slimy troll he is, left behind the various white hating terms of Rush cockerboy Limbaugh's "trumpster" and the equally race hating George Will's "trumpite" for a term which originated in January of this year in "trumpling".

If you notice in the above, the race hating slur against Donald Trump and his supporters originates with DEVOUT CATHOLIC Matt Walsh, and Walsh works for devout Jesus denier, Mormon Glenn Beck, who is calling for the murder of Evangelicals for Donald Trump.
We have before us devout Catholics and devout Mormons for Ted Cruz, advocating religicide in America on the Christians and beginning it with hate speech.

The origination of this was a person who had created Mitt Balls for Mitt Romney, and then produced trumplings for dumplings in their own promotional website.

As it is though, the race haters gravitated to "trumplings" in their new list of Matt Walsh Nigger words for Whites, in the new "spook" is 'trumpling'.

They know this is evil, and by this link, it is degraded to calling Donald Trump's children as "spawn", but the hater  there decided to not call Baron anything hateful as he was still a child.

Which Of Donald's Trumplings Are The Trumpiest? - Vocativ
Mar 1, 2016 - But who is the Trumpiest Trumpling? Is it Donald Jr., Eric, Tiffany, or Ivanka? (Precious Baron, the last of the Trumpspawn, is too young to pundit without an adult ...

The Blaze though from the start changed the world dumpling to their White Nigger Word and Matt Walsh was their primary racist in promoting this racial hatred and degradation, all slathered over again in these Mormon Beck's and Walsh's aposticism of his drunken tatoo addictions and self effacement he engages in.

Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For ...
Jan 19, 2016 - But in the middle of this bizzare Trumpling potpourri are, apparently, Christians. Perhaps a vast number of them. Indeed, many Christians have fallen for the ...

This is all part of the public record for Attorney General Chris Christie to investigate, indict and prosecute, because this is more than the old use of the word Nigger for Negroids, but it is the degradation of the White race to a sub human status where Glenn Beck says Evangelicals can be burned at the stake.
That is the way in Cambodia over 1 million people were murdered in those killing fields.  Matt Walsh engages in nothing Christian, but in Crimes Against Humanity, and that is something to appear before Tribunals for full prosecution and sentencing.

"A Godless man", that is code for state sponsored assassination, and in this case as Glenn Beck called for the mass murder of Americans, Matt Walsh included in this a murder threat against Donald Trump in the "trumpling" epitaph.

In your piece “Men and women are not equal,” you note that Christianity has taught that all humans have equal worth and dignity for 20 centuries, and you reference G. K. Chesterton, a famous Protestant convert to Catholicism. What are your religious beliefs?

I'm a devout Catholic.

- Matt Walsh

Does it make a bit more sense now why this tattoo whore of Beck with whiskey bottles and hatred of Americans Protestants, degrades them as subhuman, and works for a Mormon calling for their genocide by burning at the stake, is a devote follower of the Whore of Babylon?

The Alt Right has to do a bit more homework, as Walsh is vouching for the Pater Pope, false prophet, the one who says he hates American capitalism, is advocating sodomy, is not a Marxist and a great guy.

Now you know what is really under the Jesuit black robe of Matt Walsh, race hatred against Americans slathered over with Vatican indulgences.

Nuff Said


Liberal Jon Stewarts States Hillary Clinton Is Fighting Her Sociopathic Nature


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Liberal Jon Stewart appeared on liberal David Axelrod's  podcast, the Axe, and stated the following on Hillary Clinton on meeting her as a guest on the Daily Show.

It’s — look, there are politicians who are either rendering their inauthenticity in real enough time to appear authentic, and then their are politicians who render their inauthenticity through — it’s like, when your computer … if you have a Mac and you want to play a Microsoft game on it …”

… and there’s that weird lag.

Right. Now, what gives me hope in that is that there’s a delay, which means she’s somehow fighting something. I’ve seen politicians who don’t have that delay and render their inauthenticity in real time, and that’s when you go, ‘That’s a sociopath.’

In forensic psychology, what Hillary Clinton exhibits is a mental incapacity, due to being elderly in her mind does not have the ability to process information swiftly any longer, and the effects of brain trauma.

Mrs. Clinton simply has to measure everything she is going to say to manipulate a conversation, before she speaks. This plays out in Mrs. Clinton's Twitter accounts which have numerous staff and lawyers examining her Tweets before they are posted, in order to avoid embarrassment or  legalities. She simply does not have the capacity to equal Donald Trump on social media due to her degraded mental state.

In running for President, a candidate rarely sleeps, sleeps at home, eats appropriately, and is cramming for college exams every day with new courses being introduced. Conditions that cause 22 year olds to fail in mass and not remember their names, are what Mrs. Clinton is attempting to deal with being almost 50 years older than these children.

By comparison, Bernie Sanders with rest at age 74 is capable to respond quickly in interviews and debates, while Mrs.Clinton is delayed in the bathroom. Again Mrs. Clinton has consumed probably more kilos of cocaine than Mr. Sanders, and Mr. Sanders did not suffer an immense brain injury in the past years due to a fall from a severe influenza infection.

Jon Stewart will attempt to cover up Mrs. Clinton's mental problems by stating her "delays" are due to her being superior in she is not a complete sociopath like other politicians, but the medical realities are the campaign process is revealing that Hillary Clinton does not have the physical nor mental capacity any longer to deal with 16 hour Presidential requirements or 3 AM phone calls.

Hillary Clinton would be better served by America, in perhaps a  low stress position, such as Dean of some prestigious university, where lesbian assistants could handle the hours in the day such as Huma Wiener, when Mrs. Clinton would require time to recuperate in lengthy naps.

Nuff Said


William Shallert

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a post that William Schallert had died, and it mentioned his connection with Star Trek, but I could not recognize his photo, until I looked into his eyes, and then I knew who he was.

I always thought William Schallert was what the father of a girl I knew in school. He was someone who I  just did not like in movies, from Will Penney where he played the doctor, or that absolutely perfect prick in the Trouble with Tribbles on Star Trek.

One thing about this man is when he entered a scene, whether it was Patty Duke, Charleton Heston or William Shatner, he not only held his own, he usually dominated the scene. Very few actors ever have that kind of ability to not become invisible with screen presences which just absorb the stage.

I am saddened by how most of the Star Trek guest stars have passed on recently. I was able on special order to gain the OST on DVD and we have been watching it for the past half year, and it is amazing to me how many people went onto notable careers after Star Trek. Their casting was the best in Hollywood.

All of my best to his loved ones and God's comfort as I always will relish his portrayal of the worst bureaucrat in the Federation, who everyone adored to despise.

... SAG president William Schallert has passed way at the age of 93


Hillary Clinton Calls Out Police State On Sanders Voters

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mayhem erupted in Las Vegas, Nevada as Democrats got an early glimpse of what "Life in the Clinton" gulag would be, as Hillary Clinton called out the police state to muscle Bernie Sanders voters from their voices being heard.

In what was truly bizarre, two liberal women, Barbara Boxer of California and the squatter Hillary Clinton of New York, sometimes Arkansas and never Pennsylvania, were behind sending in the attack dogs against Sanders voters.

In an odd twist on the very day, Nebraskans threw off Ted Cruz's election theft at their convention in voting 400 to 8 to condemn Ted Sasse's machinations for Cruz, but Cruz not being powerful enough in Nebraska could not call out the pedophile police state there to gun down the sodbusters of Nebraska.
The people of Nevada were not that fortunate as old Harry Reid, being exhausted by attacks on Donald Trump concerning women, instead let two foreign women, ravage and savage his Nevada delegation with martial force.

BOOS were heard running through the majority of the crowd who just had their Sanders majority wiped out, and in Clinton math, Hillary Clinton stole another one from Bernie Sanders.
When Democratic voters demanded a recount, they were told to vacate the building faster than Elvis or Las Vegas police would cuff them, stuff them and stick them where the sun don't shine.

It was chilling to witness this reaction by Hillary Clinton, mirroring the gun down in Venezuela which was another utopia which the Obama Clinton regime propped up to disaster, on the same day. The police state unleashed in the Americas, and Hillary Clinton called out the troops in America first to steal an election.

And this after those caring Witches for Bernie, burned blasphemous incantations for Bernie to "feel the Bern" and have now been outed that their goddess of nature, is no match for Hillary Clinton's natural dictatorship nature.

Nevada is in complete Clinton upheaval in that Sanders supporters have had to file lawsuits, because Hillary Clinton will not let them run for public office.

In the ultimate display of weirdness, in what promises to be the coming democratic dream ticket of Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer, the last words of the convention theft were:

“Boo all you want. Boo louder. Because you’re booing Bernie Sanders and you’re booing this country,” said California Sen. Barbara Boxer, a surrogate for Clinton.

Yes in the Clinton democratic party if you boo her, you are really booing Bernie Sanders and booing America.

There were no photos of Boxer performing her own Obama rites over the crowd to curse them though.

Is Hillary Clinton related to Barbara Boxer by marriage?

Yes, by marriage, Boxer and Clinton are related by marriage. Her daughter is married to Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother.

All in the family or cult.

........and the worst part about this is, that after the police state terrorized the Sanders voters, and medics were siren blaring called in, Bernie Sanders was not protecting his people, like Jewish communist elders in Moscow letting Stalin murder the Jewish masses, as long as it did not interfere with their orange marmalade payoffs.

Bernie Sanders would not protect his voters, Harry Reid would not protect the Sanders voters, as the liberal Red Square Comrades of Clinton and Boxer savaged them. The Sanders voters will all end up like LaVoy Finicum and Ammon Bundy. Thee only safety they have is in Donald Trump as President.

In the GOP, Donald trump runs out Stalinists like Ted Cruz and in Nebraska, the Republicans vote out their dictators like Ben Sasse, and the police state is not called out against them.

More of this is coming Sander's voters. Get used to it, as your placards and iphones are no match for Clinton's spiked heels dipped in your blood.

Nuff Said


White Paper: Donald Trump's Energies

 The Obama Regime's New Mississippi River To Protect As A Waterway

*Editor's Note: This is so important this is a stand alone post, and I doubt if most of you will comprehend it, until you are starving, in the dark, and rubbing candle tallow on your sorry genitals from Muslim and Jesuit Rape Cock.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the continuing "guts" of what it is for a President to Govern, in order to be an effective leader, as being President is more than glad handing Paul Ryan or taking 100 million dollars from Sheldon Adelson for Americans to die in more Jewish commerce programs in the Mideast.

President Trump is going to have to deal with the Interior Department which is murdering Americans in large predators, murdering Americans by BLM in LaVoy Finicum for Hillary Clinton and is stealing American land by re-zoning hundreds of millions of acres.

As, President Elect Trump has not even mentioned any of this in his clean coal of West Virginian and the coming North Dakota vote, it falls to the Lame Cherry to educate all on this issue as this is what the Obama regime has been doing, exactly as the Clinton regime for an Indonesian bribe shut off all of the hard coal reserves in Utah in the mid 1990's which have been driving up energy prices every since.

So you understand this, as Mr. Trump rails against anti trust in Jeff Bezos of Amazon, I personally wonder where his insight is to Obama's nation rapist Warren Buffett's monopoly on the United States railroads, and that 200 mile long coal vein in Wyoming which is the only coal supply in America, run by Obama cronies who drove up coal prices, and bankrupted all other assets.
This actually hits home for my house, as TL's dad invested part of TL's Grandmother's inheritance into a small stock holding in an eastern coal interest almost a decade ago when the old gal died. It was only 5000 dollars, which is a great deal of money for us, but when Obama destroyed the clean coal interests in America, that company went bankrupt. I think TL mentioned the last time TL got a notice on those stocks they were worth 6 not 6 cents a share, but 6 cents total.
That is what has been going on in America, in the looting of mineral resources for Hillary Clinton and the destroying of family savings by the Obama regime.

I really hope that President elect Trump is listening to this, as he seems to have no experts on any of these subjects, which are the Milton Friedman economic base to accomplish everything he is setting out to do, and that is end the debt, create jobs, and save America. That ALL starts in energy and American energy interest are being stolen from her, and without cheap energy, Donald Trump is not going to accomplish a thing.

Now for what the Obama Interior is up to.

Obama has been making war on the people of West Virginia and announced 4 mandates which the regime was giving 90 days to make public comment on, and not at least a year. Senator John Hoven, literally had to in Congress connect Interior funding to the Under Secretary going to North Dakota to view the problem these heinous Obama policies are going to become as the law of the land.

First in this is the three part, "Rivers Mandate".

Part one cites that all coal mining in America, must not interfere with waterways. There are not distinction in what is a waterway, no more than a wetland.

A waterway is defined as:

1. A stream
2. A dry gulch
3. A spring seep.

In actuality, the Obama regime Interior is classifying everything that has some kind of water in it, in the past 1000 years as a river like the Mississippi, and no coal mining company can interfere with that drainage. Put it this way in terms most of you can comprehend. Say you had a mine on your property and were mining coal, and you had rights to the neighbor's across the street. Your mine would permanently end at the curb, because water sometimes runs there during a snow melt or a heavy rain and is a "river" according to the Obama regime.

Literally with this one regulation, it is taking 1/2 of American coal on private property and dictating it is off limits forever.
In states like North Dakota, the Government there simply tells the company if it is a seep to dig a stock dam to replace it, or they pipe in rural water, making the manmade supply better than the original.
As for the dry gulches, the land is simply reconditioned to what it was, after the coal is mined, and it returns to only having water in it when Noah gets on the boat.

The Second part is a singular mandate, and it has to do with the bread you eat.

In this part, the Obama Interior mandates that ALL land once it has been mined for coal, can only be returned to farming IF IT IS PRIME agricultural land. Otherwise it is dictated it will be returned to grassland.

For those who think that is a good idea, most American land is not prime agricultural land. There is nothing in America which compares to the 6 foot deep Amazon River flood plain of loam. Most American land which raises wheat in the West is not the best land, but it produces wheat for your bread, and wheat is a grass,  but the Obama regime is saying landowners can no longer farm their land, and will have to raise grass, just not grass that produces grain for humans to eat.

Do you understand in this, that someone is like with LaVoy Finicum, cutting off American food supply, American water supply, and American mineral wealth, because that is exactly what is taking place and why Malheur Refuge mattered, because now it is happening nationally by Obama Clinton Interior Mandate. This is by design, and one of the larger Obama regime crimes, but President Elect Donald Trump does not have one advisor on this, and apparently Sarah Palin has no idea any of this is taking place.

This is the bedrock of Thomas Jefferson America, in literally 90 days, Americans who own land, are going to be told if they can farm their property or not, if they can grow wheat grass or cow grass, and if they attempt to violate those laws on their own property, they will be fined and their lands confiscated.

Any of this sound like America in you can no longer mine your own minerals and you can not plant whatever in the hell you want on your own land?

Donald Trump has the Wall, which is a major project, as are protecting American jobs, but he desperately needs an energy, wildlife and agriculture expert, who understands this globalist war on Americans, using energy, food, water and terror predators against Americans. This is something Donald Trump jr. really needs to find someone to run rough shod over this, or his father's Presidency is going to go down in disaster.

This is the White Paper on Donald Trump Energies, as exclusively explained by the Lame Cherry again in matter anti matter. The Obama regime as only this blog has covered, has been setting up executive orders and mandates of one size dictates to all, when there is absolutely nothing in common with West Virginia mountain top strip mining and North Dakota open plain mining.

Again, respectfully Mr. Trump, glad handing Paul Ryan who signs off on all Obama and taking 100 million dollars from Big Jew is not the entire focus in this governing is not glamorous, but it is the guts of an Administration and if the right people are not in it, nothing you will ever do will amount to shit.

It is fine you have Chris Christie and Ben Carson vetting your Vice President list, and it is fine the GOPliter and Big Jew outreach, but you have an Obama regime cutting you off at the knees for all of your policies in these mandates, and you have got to get someone who knows what has been done, and has the ability to quietly go in and scorch earth these minders out of the civil service, and have the authority to drop Justice on their oligarchs.............and actually CARE about this as an issue to mould it from top to bottom for Americans again, so they get their rights, their lands and their lives back.

Nuff Said
