Wednesday, July 6, 2016

FBI Director James Comey Admits To Slimy Deal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates on the Rense Program unleashed the following reversals on FBI Director James Comey's press conference providing Hillary Clinton carte blanche for her crimes.

The following according to Mr. Oates prove positively there was a deal and it was slimy to thwart justice and protect this criminal Hillary Clinton, and it was not just Comey engaged in this alone. This was Loretta Lynch and image Obama who had Mrs. Clinton flying with him on Air Force One to North Carolina.

James Comey reversals

Thanking employees in  all they did...........Sex in it, go overcome (Powerful force and Comey has to overcome

Violation on mishandling information..... Her name is sin. (Hillary Clinton)

2000 confidential memos.........Better fuck the chemist doubt   (Sweep it under the rug)

Recovering emails..............But I knew it's slimy (Hillary is guilty as sin.)

Clinton deleted emails...........Slimy the deal with you (Comey has deal with Hillary Clinton and Obama)

Emails are deleted and are the lawyers.......I meet all the deal (Is why Comey covered it up, as there was a deal.)

Clinton servers open to all...........All people to show I've known. ( Comey did his job and stuck to the terms of the slimy deal.)

James Comey has fulfilled the entire deal which was worked out. In inquiry the Lame Cherry reported that the deal is Comey will be appointed as head of Homeland Security as his reward in the criminal Hillary Clinton regime.

Just remember in this, who is behind the "Get Trump" coordinated effort, as it is coming from Bush fam, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, the Obama regime, Reince Priebus, and there are tracks in this of Big Koch and Robert Mercer funding this, and threatening donors.

Comey would not have signed off in his becoming a pariah as John Roberts on the Supreme Court, unless he knew he had cover like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich in their part in this.
You remember Trey Gowdy gave Comey cover for this. You remember all of this in the lies of threats to resign, and this was all brainwashing Americans to give the impression this was a legitimate investigation.

James Comey engaged in this Benedict Arnold treachery, because he had cover in the GOP and the entire fraud right wing press.

Nuff Said


The Asset of James Comey

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

FIB Director, and I do mean FIB Director James Comey never intended to do anything but protect Mrs. Clinton in this "investigation" as much as Trey Gowdy or Darrel Issa. It is all the same grouping.

The infamous challenge to President George W. Bush, had nothing to do with protecting Americans from surveillance, but from protecting the elite from being caught up in information gathering in their stooges, the way Ron Brown was implicated and later taken down.

Once one realizes the fraud involved in this, it is the same apparatus which murdered LaVoy Finicum and is now using the US Courts to "death by prison time" of the Bundy group, one finds the facts that you will remember ALL of these FOX insiders brainwashing every person that the FBI would resign in this great drama if Mrs. Clinton was has the reality of more of the reality of how corrupt America is.

This is what inquiry points to. Yes Loretta Lynch is on the short list for the Supreme Court.........Comey is just the police state enforcer unleashing the FBI on Americans.

Oh but look for the "outrage" from inside the FBI in leaks sanctioned by Mockingbird, to con the Cruz cult that "Yes we must believe in the FBI as it is only one corrupt official at the top".

Inquiry points to in James Comey that you are looking at your next Director of Homeland Security. There really is quite a good rewards program for joining the Hillary Crime Syndicate. Lynch waits around for SCOTUS, Comey gets Homoland. Sid Blumenthal will be Chief of Staff and Huma gets to sit on Hillary's lap.

I would write more of this, but there really is nothing interesting in this. It is just a few more insights, of everyone with a brain can now comprehend. Stop focusing on James Comey, but remember who has been feeding you stories about FBI resignations. It was all propaganda to get you to like Ted Cruz green eggs and ham to have you stand still, take another defeat, be confused and add one more chain to your neck.

FBI Director James Comey has said he will resign if Hillary ...

The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage ... Visit Breitbart's ... Tennis Star Receives Death Threats After Early ...

Klein: Comey And 'A Lot Of Other FBI Agents' Will Resign If ...

... Comey And 'A Lot Of Other FBI Agents' Will Resign If ... Clinton author Ed Klein says that if Hillary Clinton is not indicted, FBI Director ... Terror Threats ...
 I have better things to do.


Trump White Paper: Police State Stand Down

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is time for President Donald Trump to accomplish the exact thing in President Reagan divesting the American government of tons of cheese in storage, that President Trump divest the Obama regime of billions of rounds of ammunition, and hand them over to the American Citizen, along with all of the weapons now in the national collection in EVERY civilian agency.

Obama nearly doubles weapons, ammo purchases for civilian federal agencies despite anti-gun rhetoric...

There must be a national mandate that only the FBI, US Marshal and Border Patrol be armed. The rest of these BATFE, IRS, USDA, BLM, USFW and whatever must be disarmed, and if any law enforcement problems occur, these agencies would be called.

The American Police State must be disarmed.  That includes the American Police State must be put on foot. Americans are the most policed, criminalized  and inflicted upon people on the planet, and they do not require this endless camera surveillance, satellite tracking of animals and doing it all from tactically trained Israeli murder squads called SWAT.

America has more people in prison with more law enforcement and it is the reality that the police state for this regime has so clamped down on Americans that they are more frustrated in not being able to naturally vent their emotions.

Americans must be empowered. This begins with the former policy in America of making firearms low cost and ammunition plentiful. Stop the police state by allowing Americans to police themselves. The over law in this would be the County Sheriff and the rest would be a matter of the Citizen protecting themselves and their property, with no interference from the police state.

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time ...

The Denver Post, on February 15 th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice.

This is absolutely unnecessary in this type of stores against the US civilians. It is as unnecessary as the US regime owns over a quarter million vehicles. That is a billion dollars worth of vehicles!!! Seriously, pick up a phone if you need to travel somewhere, because from vehicles to firearms, the regime is out of control.

How many vehicles does the government own?

The federal fleet: driving up the deficit. ... The federal government owns or leases 254,059 vehicles, ... Few gun sales denied on mental illness grounds.

There are absolutely not any statistics in how many firearms the United States regime owns or possesses. Countless propaganda attacks the US Citizen, but the reality is from job description, more Citizens are afflicted upon by armed  agencies than any other field.

The recent uproar over armed EPA agents descending on a tiny Alaska mining town is shedding light on the fact that 40 federal agencies – including nearly a dozen typically not associated with law enforcement -- have armed divisions.
The agencies employ about 120,000 full-time officers authorized to carry guns and make arrests, according to a June 2012 Justice Department report.

 It is time that US law enforcement be divested of their monopoly as they they have made a disaster out of "keeping the peace" and to "protect and serve".

The surest way to do this is to rid the US arsenal of all firearms, vehicles and ammunition in applied for items to be purchased affordably by Americans how are not criminals.

It is time for the Police State to Stand Down in America.


How to Die Young

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been a definitive shift in the commodity and Walmart markets and in order to understand the repercussions of this, you should know the punch line is this spells global war.

The British Press noted this past week that super tankers are littering the globe full of oil, as much as the oil bulk depots. This is not just to attempt to drive up oil prices, but one has to comprehend what this is about at source, in all of these oil producing nations from Russia to the Mideast, are in dire need to oil revenues at any price, and have been pumping oil creating a market glut to keep their people from revolution.

This is important to remember, because while most of you have been in a daze in this Obama Super Depression, the Chinese have been in a free fall. The only way China has kept itself from 200 million Chinese rape cock starting a revolution is to keep spending money at home, in producing goods, which are now being housed in massive warehouses. There are literally years supply of goods in China which it has hedges, as in the oil tankers are hedging in not selling oil, but storing it on the high seas, in the attempt to drive up prices or wait for prices to rise.

If one watches the capital rapists, one hears things like this:

Looking at recent data, and specifically something we pointed out two weeks ago, Bass said the country’s $3 trillion corporate bond market is “freezing up” amid rising defaults and canceled debt sales. “We’re starting to see the beginning of the Chinese machine literally break down.”

The above is from Kyle Bass, a hedger, who like all this ilk get off on fucking with the markets in thinking this is a monopoly game, but never ponder little Chinese girls crippled from sewing designer jeans or the White Americans so at their end, that they are committing suicide to the extinction of their species. See it is all like Rahm Emanuel cackling about winning political fights and never comprehending that what the Clinton's did, set the stage for people like Omar Mateen to be put into that gay rape culture which ends up in piles of peoples lives shattered forever, and is one more log on the nuclear fire which is coming.

What you need to understand in this is Adolf Hitler did not start World War II. Germany's economy was booming, while after 8 years of Franklin Roosevelt in America, strangling the American economy, America like most of the world was in a depression.
How do you cure depressions? You start a global war.

Do you really think that China's elite few with 1.3 billion are going to let themselves be dragged through the streets or do you think it would be in China's interest to do the Japanese thing from World War II.

  1. Start a war that FDR wanted.
  2. Destroy a host of it's population.
  3. Face defeat and surrender to power under the West protecting power
  4. Have a great life as the Americans killed your mobs for you in World War II
  5. Let the Americans rebuild your shattered nation to your luxurious ease.

 It is in the global interest to engage in the oldest reason of all for wars, and that is to distract the mobs back home, and to go off and steal all of that wealth which you let the the sub classes collect for you.

No one lost their heads who were in power in World War I or II. It was all about money, stolen treasures which were looted and propaganda to keep the masses thinking that the wars were against evil or some other patriotic thing.

 It is always the same process in the nation rapists leverage nations to plunder them, and then the national leadership always starts a war to kill off their mobs in order to save themselves. Nothing dignified about it. It is just bashing in the Neanderthal's head with a club in the night, as that is what human primates always resort to.

The earth trembles and the smell of sulfur is in the air. How long before the eruption.
