Friday, July 8, 2016

Ted Cruz still the Slimy Snake

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I fully realize the necessity of Reince Priebus as the go between in bringing Ted Cruz into the political tent for a more complete victory for Republicans against Hillary Clinton, but I also will give the Cruz voters an opening here to differentiate between themselves and Ted Cruz, because after the meeting between President Elect Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz, Mr. Cruz issued the following statment:

"We had a positive and productive meeting this morning with Donald Trump. Donald asked me to speak at the Republican convention and I told him I'd be happy to do so," Cruz told reporters.

For the Cruz people how would you like it if Donald Trump had tweeted after this meeting, "Had a great meeting with Lyin' Ted". Would you be offended?

The point in this is is Ted Cruz SHOULD have if he was really on board to stop Hillary Clinton would have issued a statement as this:

"This morning, Chairman Reince Priebus brought the next President of the United States, Donald Trump together for a meeting, with myself, to join forces to defeat Hillary Clinton. Our next President graciously offered me the opportunity to speak at the Republican convention and I was delighted".

Whenever Ted Cruz uses the word "Donald" it was condescending and a stunt to make voters think Mr. Trump was childish and Mr. Cruz was the only adult in the room. For Ted Cruz to stoop to this was beyond disrespectful and is typical of  this slimy snake he was, is and always will be. He is going to be another John McCain sniping from the political shadows at George W. Bush to cause all of us immense problems.

Mr. Trump was once again magnanimous, generous and took another low blow sucker punch from Ted Cruz. For all of you Cruz cultists who think this is funny, just remember that EVERY Dallas shooter and every Pyongyang nuclear missile picked up this slight by Ted Cruz being an absolute ass again, and it conveys a non united front and an opening to attack America, and that means Americans like you dead.

Ted Cruz is what he is. There is not a Christian virtue nor Patriotic pulse in him. To the Cruz voters who defend this satanic and unAmerican diatribe of Ted Cruz, that is your choice, but it degrades each of you and it marks each of you for the contemptible and classless caste you are.

There is not any more Donald Trump, Donald, Don or anything else. There is only MR. TRUMP and President Elect Donald Trump, anything else is disrespectful and an assistance to the criminal Hillary Hamrod Clinton.............and Ted Cruz is damned aware of what he just did.

Senator Rafael Ted Cruz is still the slimy snake and with all that is against America, in the FBI is fully corrupt and the Obama regime is unleashing race war on Americans for their genocide, Ted Cruz is still putting his interests first, because that is the self centered sociopath Ted Cruz is.


Indict Mark Zuckerberg for the Dallas Murders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the Facebook page of BloPo, the Black Power Political Organization, the Lame Cherry was searching for a way to appreciate this Obama Afroid inspired group, until reviewing their Nigtard preamble of acting like they are more than they are.

I am in complete unity for these Afroids ruling Africa. Nothing could do Africa better than to have them return and arrest Africa from the cartel which has now bred over 1 billion UN welfare feeders void of their lands and properties, as the Obama Marxist Negroid of Africa has been stealing white lands for a generation and Africa is no longer productive.

We Are A Powerful Political Group Of Patriotic, Pro Black, Pan African Leaders! Who’s Job Is To Rule And Control Africa, And All Black Based Countries! So To Avoid Corruption, Bribery, Exploitation, Non Black Control And Every Form Of Ailments Preventing Black People And Africa From Reaching It’s Full Potential!

The problem is the following statement which I have highlighted as the reason these Afroids are Darwin inferior in they beg to be GIVEN equal rights. What absolute culls they are to be expecting things to be given to them, as if dignity is some entitlement.

To Accomplish Our Goal! We Will Be Working With (Black People Protection Agency AKA “BLACK KNIGHTS”)! A Powerful Group Of Well Trained Professional Sniper Assassins, With Tens Of Thousands Of Assassins Located All Over The World, In Every Country! Who’s Job Is To Hold Government Leaders And Other Powerful People All Over The World Responsible When They Fail To Give Black People Equal Rights And Justice In Their Countries. By Relentlessly Target And Assassinate Government Leaders And Other Powerful Influential People And Their Families, When They Refuse To Do Right By Us Black People!

So I judge BloPo just another porch nigger manifestation, beneath Louis Farrakhan's astute leadership and projection. It is just another Neo Negroid Feline Party incapable of anything other than beating on old women at the primaries or being squat assassins ambushing cops.
That is nothing inspirational to follow as they do not even have the correct nomenclature to be taken serious, but what would one expect from these Obama Holder Lynch homegrown terrorists or BloPos is a better epitaph.

What is of interest to the Lame Cherry, and should be to that politard John Thune who let Mark Zuckerberg piss in his mouth over the censorship of the American Right on Facebook, is that the Lame Cherry had her account suspended without redress, after documentation, and BloPo is running a terror site with Mark Zuckerberg's assistance and the Obama regime's cover. But then with James Comey not being able to see Hillary Clinton crimes, it is no wonder the FIB and yes I mean FIB as the FBI disappeared long ago, could not find an Obama terror network of Negroid Afroids on Facebook. Too busy spying on LaVoy Finicum to have him murdered.

A cached copy of their Facebook page shows that it mentions a number of black liberation groups including the New Black Panther Party and the Huey P Newton Gun Club, a paramilitary organization that has been doing training in Dallas for several years. Louis Farrakhan is also prominently mentioned.

In this, the Lame Cherry calls on the Republic of Texas to join in the indictment of Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton for inciting this murder of Texans, to include now Mark Zuckerberg as the propagandist host for this group of Obama regime terrorists.

The reality is, if you were renting space to terrorists like BloPo, and knew what they were promoting, you would be an accomplice, and Mark Zuckerberg certainly hosted these terrorists for Obama on Facebook, which resulted in the multiple murder of Texans.
Mark Zuckerberg must be indicted on this and held accountable.

More darkies to rule the world. Of course they think these things, as they witness Obama ruling instead of governing, and they are not intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between a leader and a despot, so you have Kunta Kinte in his power fist and Afroid cloth, ignorant that his attire does not match his tribal genetics, but as he saw it in a movie, the terrorist assumed one African fits all.

The Lame Cherry advocates though for the BloPo policy of returning all Afroids to Africa for them to rule. This is their right and their desire, so let us begin by putting Lurch Muchelle and her gonzo adopted daughters on the first empty oil tanker outbound.

Nuff Said


Indict Governor Mark Dayton for Dallas Murders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry calls upon the State of Texas to indict Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota for emblazoning the situation in that state when a police officer there, correctly shot to protect himself from an armed black man who took it upon himself to not obey the officer to stop reaching for his identification, after the officer had been informed the black man was armed.

Mark Dayton was stoking this situation in Minnesota for political ends by saying this would not have happened if this was "white" person, and as image Obama out of DC was again creating more racial tensions, a black warrior from the Obama sodomite military, struck back and murdered police officers in Dallas Texas.

That is the exact rhetoric which has landed Aryan Nations into prison for simply speaking it as violence was engaged in, and it is the exact rhetoric of Muslim terrorists. With Director James Comey having wasted FBI resources on the Hillary Clinton sham investigation for Comey to be rewarded in  slimy deal, according to his reverse speech quotes, this Black Lives Matter movement has gone terrorist in being backed by the Obama regime and by liberals from Minnesota in Mark Dayton.

Mark Dayton is criminally responsible for the events in Dallas Texas, and when LaVoy Finicum and Ammon Bundy have faced consequences for their actions connected to crimes, it is time that the State of Texas formerly indict Governor Mark Dayton, and demand his extradition to face trial on a dozen counts of terrorism against the People of Texas and as many counts of homicide and attempted homicide. 

Dayton: Castile Wouldn't Have Been Shot If He Were White

Dayton: Castile Wouldn't Have Been Shot If ... Gov. Mark Dayton, Philando Castile ... if the driver had been white instead of black. Dayton is ...

I  do not blame this reactionary Micah Johnson. The entire blame for this does though lay at the bloody hands of the Obama regime. From 2008 on this Obama regime has stoked racial hatred at every opportunity in making it a media issue to promote their agenda. Blacks voted for Obama twice by 98% margins and expected mansions, and all they have received is their genocide from Planned Parenthood and from imported Muslims and Mexicans.
These Afroids have been psychologically savaged and Chicago's blood bath is but another reality of the scar blacks carry, as they are told by Kayne West hate speech that white people are the problem.

In that, justice must start as Mark Dayton is criminally responsible for the events in Dallas Texas. He is as guilty as Ossama bin Laden sending the jets to the Twin Towers. Instead of calling for calm, Dayton went out and savaged Minnesota police to the extent that it was a Latino like George Zimmerman who put down the black man there, but all it is, is white people being blamed, so it is absolutely not any surprise that a Micah Johnson would stand up and fight.

This is not what Cornell West nor Tavis Smiley ever advocated or desired. They have been the leaders of the black community and in  trying to guide these people through this Obama Abyss, have now had more infusions of violence spinning deliberately out of control.

None of this helps blacks and blacks know this. Now every police officer in America is going to be hand on the holster and any time anything appears suspicious the police will be looking for blacks, not Muslims, not Mexicans. This is the national disaster this blog warned of in 2009 and now it has appeared, because this methodical Obama regime has broken the black community and now Mark Dayton spiked the racial tensions, so that Dallas Texas which is not in Minnesota or in Louisiana where events were set off that this Dallas gathering was in protest, now has innocent people murdered and another black man's life destroyed by this heinous Obama regime of racial hatred.

Mark Dayton is not alone responsible for this, but his indictment is a start, because the reality is the Obama regime trained Micah Johnson, brainwashed Micah Johnson, and Mark Dayton as good as loaded the gun for this former Veteran.
Mark Dayton belongs in the same cell with Micah Johnson, because Mark Dayton is the political reprobate who screamed FIRE.

There is no political free speech which covers incendiary remarks in St. Paul Minnesota  to explode in death in Dallas Texas.

Indict Mark Dayton immediately.

Bullet bounces off armored vest of gunman...

Officer shot point blank...

'Like a little war'...

Slain cop was a newlywed...

Expert: Using robot to kill suspect a 1st...

Nuff Said


America the Festering Gulag Ghetto

Gabriella Sandoval

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you remember awhile back when Donald Trump was smeared over Eminent Domain in which he tried to make a poor woman rich by purchasing her home to make a billion dollar development?

Do you remember the scorn Mr. Trump's father, Fred, was smeared with in the lies about who he would only rent properties to?

Yes Ted Cruz was all over this, as were those cuck frauds like Erick Erickson, but when it comes to the literal throwing people out of their homes in Nancy Pelosi's backyard in Silicon Valley, these cucks like Ben Shapiro have absolutely nothing to say about the oligarchs which funnel money to Hillary Clinton and benefit the cuckservatives.

Think of this in Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook can not import foreigners fast enough in slave labor or build walls high enough around his estates, but when it comes to Silicon Valley, those American and foreign poor there are just more trash to be disposed of.

The region that has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the country.

Mark Zuckerberg and all of these oligarchs live in apostate wealth, and less than 10 minutes away, there are people homeless, made that way by this Obama Clinton socio conglomerate centralized power and money, where the billionaires have everything in the 1% and the 99% are just more rats to be exterminated.

“It’s been a tidal wave of displacement,” said Kyra Kazantzis, directing attorney of the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley, a local nonprofit. “We’ve seen increasing pressure on owners to sell and redevelop.”
Kazantzis said in her 24 years at her organization, she could not recall a larger single mass eviction than the Reserve case. A spokeswoman for the city of San Jose said officials believed it was the largest of its kind in the city.

And you need only ask the people of Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Washington as to where liberal Jerry Brown's trash ends up, because it all gets displaced into surrounding states, while the rich who can flee have ruined every state from Missouri, to Colorado to Montana where their liberalism has been transplanted.

This is a crime against humanity in all California is. It is a nothing but a feudal state of the rich, exploiting the poor, and sucking trillions of dollars out of the world. This is not General Dynamics or some defense industry actually producing something, but it is nothing but electronic wind, which has no value, other than to addict people to the current of Facebook, profit off of it in rigged data, and promote more of this global exploitation of the 99%.

Ask yourself where is Ted Cruz? The only reason he was mouthing off in Congress last week, was to gain stage time to try to get a slot at the convention, otherwise I ask again to the Cruz voters, when was the last time you got a personal note from Mr. Cruz, since he abandoned all of you.

This is the fact in all of this, in you have remorse for the poor, but most of you are poor too and facing the same eviction or are working to try to keep a home. While the millionaires in these cucks could care less that Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown and Mark Zuckerberg are demolishing another Obama ghetto in America like Warsaw Poland.

These GOPliters and Clintonites can not smear Donald Trump fast enough, but they absolutely promote these crimes against humanity.

Where is Black Lives Matter in this?

Where is Univision?

Where is Glenn Beck?

Where is Mark Zuckerberg while humanity decays in sight of his mansions and conglomerates.

Amid this intensifying housing crisis, mobile home parks, large homeless encampments and other complexes that house vulnerable residents have faced increasing threats of closure and eviction.

And the reason there is a housing crisis for Americans is image Obama keeps importing these invaders, Clinton cheers, Ryan drools over the profits and America becomes one festering gulag ghetto.


Modus Operandi Hillary Clinton

FBI Director Comey could not find Hillary Clinton's intent in the above
 The Murder of Chris Stevens in association with EMAILGATE

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What the Lame Cherry is engaged in explaining is........let us just be frank in this and cut the bullshit in these Comey definitions of "intent" like all Clinton things in definitions of "is". FBI Director James Comey for his own reasons chose to protect a powerful, corrupt and lethal politician in Hillary Clinton, because the cartel which backs her initiated this response from the Director.
This is not about definitions nor other grande schemes we are being told to soothe ourselves with like John Roberts on Obamacare, Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz on Obamatrade or Anthony Kennedy on dirt dick sex.

This instead is on the legalities of Hillary Clinton and law enforcement when they come knocking on your door.

First the Lame Cherry asks all of you, in all of your police television you have watched since Joe Friday on Dragnet, in what is the term which has been drilled into your heads.

If you need a reminder it is of course Intent and Operation.

You remember that right? No you do not because the criminal investigatory terminology is MANNER and OPERATION.

This is the Latin Modus Operandi. 

Modus operandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A modus operandi is someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations. It is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as ...

There is a difference between someones manneror habit in doing something and intending to do something, and that is why the legal definition is never about intent, until the white collar criminals become involved in this the rich get millions of dollars and the poor get hundreds of dicks shoved up their asses in prison.

Habit or manner, means a double set of evidences of repeated actions. That is where guilt is associated with and why it is the LEGAL DEFINITION in law enforcement, because it is the duality of action which proves guilt, because no one on God's green earth or satan's scorched wastes that anyone, but God knows what any person's intentions really were.

All of this is the same Mockingbird brainwashing terminology like fetus instead of baby, homophobia instead of sin, and now it is in the Comey Clinton era, intent instead of criminal habit.

This is where Hillary Clinton is condemned, because Modus Operandi reveals her habit, and this is wed to "opportunity" which points to her crimes.

Mrs. Clinton had access to State Department communications. She was not some novice in this, as she was well aware of investigations from her own problems during the Clinton co presidency in the 1990's, and realized early that she needed to repeat the 1990's money laundering which Gore and Clinton engaged in to gain moneys for her presidential run, and to use those donations to the Clinton Foundation to buy influence with voting blocks, and this all rested upon powerful and rich people gaining access to the Obama regime through Mrs. Clinton's office as Secretary of State in order to gain the ends to their projects.

There are two examples of this in Syria and LaVoy Finicum. Syria was about a quid pro quo in which Muslim nations could dump their terrorists into the West through Libya and Syria, in exchange for the oil revenues laundered through Turkey to various political parties as Mrs. Clintons democratic party.
ISIS never existed. ISIS instead was nothing but an oil piracy operation and the revenues were used as Saddam  Hussein's oil revenues were to pay bribes to corrupt politicians in the West.

LaVoy Finicum was murdered, because the American West is a vast reserve of mineral resources for future clean nuclear energy. Oregon has uranium and thorium. The Clinton Foundation had Russian and Bill Gates donors interested in these over 52 trillion dollars in wealth, and for this LaVoy Finicum was shot, because this cartel could not allow Americans to keep their own resources to become competitors.

By his admission, Director Comey could not see habit in this operation of Mrs. Clinton, nor her opportunity, or in cutting the bullshit, he could, so this had to be nuanced to what Mrs. Clinton intended to do.

Everyone is aware that Hillary Clinton engage an internet technician to build a server, with absolutely not any firewalls, for the purpose of providing a portol into the US government's entire network of computers with classified documents.
Once again, this is not about emails, but email is the cover, because what correctly was the definition is, IS THAT HILLARY CLINTON'S SERVER WAS THE BIGGEST TROJAN VIRUS IN WORLD HISTORY. Understand this in there are anti virus programs and programs to detect hackers, but when an entire server is operating a Trojan, and activity in that server is recognized as secure, the rest of the network recognizes it as safe.

The issue which has been deliberately not mentioned in this is, why was there an NSA stand down on Mrs. Clinton's server in the activity on it, as the main Romanian hacker has stated that he was bumping into numerous hackers on that server gathering intelligence and this becomes the next step of direct access to the US government computers by passing all the firewalls there.
That type of traffic anywhere near a government official has both the NSA and FBI red flags going on, and yet we know that all of this only surfaced by the Obama regime planting the story, in order to blackmail Mrs. Clinton into keeping the Obama folks around.

We are certain now that Loretta Lynch will be on the Supreme Court and James Comey will head Homeland Security, in this operation. So literally, the first regime to blackmail "president" Hillary Clinton was the Obama regime and the two chief law enforcement officers in America, in Loretta Lynch and James Comey.

This background though is not what this article is about, it is about Modus Operandi which is the legal criminal definition and NEVER intent, until white collar criminals appear before their police state and their judges, who then dismiss all charges which has Edward Snowden marked for assassination.

Let us consider Edward Snowden in this. Did he intend to become a criminal by his actions? There is no evidence of this, and in fact his remorse in this proves he is innocent as his intent was never to break the law, become a hunted man or be a fugitive in Russia.

So when Hillary Clinton's intent has her jetting around with image Obama illegally on a tax paid illegal political junket, then certainly Edward Snowden deserves his own rides on Air Force One with image Obama vouching for him too.

Legalities are always about the habit of the criminal and the opportunity to commit the crime being investigated. It is never about intent. Hillary Clinton has proven her habit is to evade government scrutiny and then to use the police state to exonerate her crimes which she is habitually in, as she does take every opportunity available to engage in any type of crime imagineable.

The fact is Mrs. Clinton's crimes in EMAILGATE make her an accessory to the murder of four Americans in Benghazi and one American in Oregon, and according to Jeff Rense, the reaon all the Americans were not murdered in Libya that evening by Obama terrorists is the fact that Col. Khadaffi's militia stepped in and saved the Americans.

This then concludes this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter concerning the crimes of Hillary Clinton in setting the record straight as it is being deliberately skewed from the legal facts. This is about MODUS OPERANDI and OPPORTUNITY and is never about intent, as intent can never be proven, but habit for crime and the opportunity to engage in that crime is what criminal prosecution is all about, and for the record, Mrs. Clinton is guilty on over 100 counts in legal definition.

We now return you to the Director of FIB, James Comey, as we can all be assured he never intended to have these legalities be realized, as another reality of why is the Lame Cherry now the only legal expert in America on criminal law?


Again FBI Director Comey could not discover Hillary Clinton's intent here either
The Murder of Col. Khadaffi in association with EMAILGATE


Trump White Paper: Amnesty for College Education Debt

College is for education. If one desires to be a whore, the streets are there for free.

- Lame Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us begin this by stating some absolute facts. The first being American education is now fascist, meaning the conglomerates use universities for research, who in turn have conglomerates demand "master's degrees" to hire people, who then have to go into debt for hundreds of thousands of dollar to obtain a job which will take a lifetime for people to pay off, if they could find a job, as conglomerates take that research, which you are paying for, make fortunes, and hire foreigners, and fire Americans, as the universities take grant money from the regime, and people are force to take out student loans to pay for these educations, which are worthless.

In this Trump White Paper, the Lame Cherry will address the End of Fascist Education in America, as this is all scam of making everyone poor, while the elite on top, make a fortune and live in luxury.

I begin this by asking you, if you buy a bag of potato chips, and when you get home, you find the bag is empty, is this your fault or do you demand a refund?

If you have a plumber fix your faucet, and it breaks, do you pay the bill or complain to get it fixed?

That is the state of the scam of American fascist education, in students are promised if they go to college, get a degree, go 100,000 dollars, that they will get a job........and yet America in this Obama Super Depression, only have the debt and 95 million of them are out of work.
All of this is a scam to just steal money from Americans, and leave the American taxpayer holding this debt for worthless education.

The answer to this is simple, and I term this Trump Amnesty Loans. If Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton and John McCain can try and declare Amnesty to foreign invaders ruining America, then President Donald Trump can declare a simple thing in this:

Any American student who has not been able to get a job for the degree they were awarded in 5 years, those students loans are cancelled in these Americans are granted full amnesty, and the Federal Government then places the loan debt back on the University to be paid off, for the University provided a faulty service which no American can be responsible for as it was a scam.

These universities are making a hundred million dollars a year. It is a given they have investments in stocks and only satan knows what. They have profited in a scam off America, and they will be held accountable, and once these schools are going to be made to pay back that money, then something interesting is going to take place.

All of those Haitians pouring into New York, like other foreigners being dumped for profit in colleges, will cease, because there is no longer profit in goverment loans, because the schools will have to pay that money back.
All of these Affirmative Action morons being granted degrees for nothing, and will never get a job for that degree will have the universities having to pay back all of that graft.

Some will say, "That will bankrupt those institutions". The answer is, "No it will not, but it will allow Americans to get their education system back from this scheme for profit, and it will force universities to only accept those students who will be able to get a job." In other words, the brilliant minds are going to be enrolled in colleges as sure things, while these creatures who are polluting the world will have their vocations as they should be in hand labor.

Let us face the fact, that with the computer age, a University is a dinosaur. Any student can go online, without professors or anything else in expensive buildings to heat and cool, and for 2500 dollar a year, get the same degree in passing tests for 100,000 dollars.
Some vocations as doctors or electricians will require apprentice or intern work to hone their physical skills, but over night the American education system will be streamlined in costs, and if the rich want Queenie Obama off to Harvard for 50,000 a year on campus, then that is their money spent, but American are not going to be stuck paying for foreigners, dead beats and honest children who believed a degree was going to get them a job, and not a lifetime of debt.

This is the solution and in all probability it will cost Donald Trump 250,000 votes in the 1% having this cash cow removed, but it will net President Trump 10 million votes in grateful Americans being granted amnesty from this criminal scheme they were suckered into.

This fixes everything. Online education for everyone at affordable prices, because a student can live at home, work a part time job and pay for 2500 dollar schooling, which is exactly the same as going to college.
It removes the scheme of "master degree" blackmail, of grants to colleges for conglomerates by taxpayers, and this for profit looting of America in making American children go into debt for the rest of their lives.

Albert Einstein made his mathematical discoveries as Nikolai Tesla in their homes, not at University. Invention will occur through God's Inspiration, and nothing in this education will stagnate. In fact, in this returning American education to it's proper dimension, America will benefit greatly.

Students gain admission to University by ability. The rest can go online and fail. Universities are made responsible for the debt they created and Americans have Amnesty from debt which was not their fault. 

Graduates will still in this 5 year period, have to work, make payments on those loans, and prove that they applied at three places of employment for their degree each month with records for those 5 years, as no one gets to sit around as they owe America that much for being suckered.
In addition, this Amnesty will end the universities handing out degrees for Bachelor of Arts or Political Sciences, which are all scams to gain funding for the university and for parents to get children out of their homes so they get drunk at college and rape each other for 4 years on taxpayer dollars.

The University system will be fixed with this and America will be better for it.

This is the Trump White Paper on Ending American Fascist Education.

Nuff Said
