Saturday, July 16, 2016

It is time to Purge Mike Pence on Ethics Violations

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is time for the State Republican Delegates to the Republican National Convention to abide by the Code of Ethics as set down by the State of Florida for all Republicans, and begin with enforcing this mandate based upon the lawlessness which Mike Pence ruled with in criminal misconduct in Indiana.

Here is a list of the crimes and cover ups which Mike Pence has been a part of the past few years. Mr. Pence appears the equal to Hillary Clinton, image Obama and Loretta Lynch all rolled into one.

As an example Claytor pointed the criminal conviction in 1985 of state School Superintendent Harold Negley. He was accused of campaigning on state time.
Claytor compared that with the recent $5,000 fine levied on former state Superintendent Tony Bennett by the State Inspector General.
“Decades later,” said Claytor, “a state Superintendent uses the same type of activity, using state equipment for political purposes and gets a fine.”
Claytor also points to ethics cases involving GOP state Representative Eric Turner and former INDOT employee Troy Woodruff, cases where no penalty was applied.
In Indiana, as long as one is connected to Big Koch, Mike Pence, all types of Clinton lack of ethics ensues.

It is why the Code of Ehtics of Republicans is vital in this, as Mike Pence has violated these absolutes.

General Responsibilities of the
Republican Party of Florida:
A Party Leader shall:
Strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety;
Uphold the Code of Ethics of the Republican Party of Florida;
Conduct  all  personal  and  professional  activities  with  honesty  and  integrity,  respect, 
fairness, and good faith in a manner that will reflect well upon the Republican Party of Florida;
Comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to the management and operations of
RPOF affairs;
Avoid financial and all other conflicts of interest;
Use  this  Code  to  further  the  interests  of  the  Republican  Party  of  Florida  and  not  for  selfish or personal pecuniary reasons;
Refrain from participating in any activity that demeans the credibility and dignity of
the Republican Party of Florida except when such participation is necessary to expose unethical or illegal conduct ;
Enhance  the  dignity  and  image  of  the  Republican  Party  of  Florida  through  positive 
public information programs; and
Promote  ethical  behavior  within  the  organization  through  education  in  standards  of  conduct and principles of ethics.

Mike Pence has a history of unethical activity. When he started in politics, he played fast and loose with DONATIONS, acting like it was his personal slush fund.

Campaign finance records from his 1990 attempt to unseat a long-term Democratic Congressman show that Pence had been using campaign donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bills, groceries, his wife’s car payment, and even golf tournament fees.

Mike Pence has betrayed Donald Trump. It was his Big Koch insiders who leaked his being chosen by Ivanka Trump, and hemmed Mr. Trump into this disastrous decision. This falls on Paul Manafort for not revealing the ethics problems of Mike Pence to Donald Trump. This falls on Reince Preibus for not revealing the ethics problems of Mike Pence. This falls directly on Mike Pence from hiding these ethics violations in the Kingdom of Pence.

It is time for the Delegates who are under direct authority from the Republican voters to make the call to Reince Priebus, Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and inform them it is time for Mike Pence to Stand Down.

It is time for the Trump campaign to announce that Mike Pence has withdrawn from the ticket, citing that with his past actions, though legal, he does not want these issues considering the criminal nature of Hillary Clinton, he does not want his activities to become an issue, providing cover for crooked Hillary.

Mr. Trump is in dire need of counsel, as Paul Manafort is responsible for this fiasco as much as Ivanka Trump, as she has been the counsel which has set these motions to this situation where the majority of the Trump voter base are now in open revolt.

For this reason it is time to purge Mike Pence on ethics violations.

House GOP Conference Chairman Mike Pence learned last Thursday that Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.) was having an extramarital affair, but was not informed until the weekend that the relationship involved one of Souder’s aides.
Pence told POLITICO that when he found out the affair involved a staffer, he immediately told Souder to resign.

Mike Pence needs to follow his advice and resign over his ethics violations in betraying Donald Trump.

Blame it on health, blame it on Zika Virus. The 15 minutes of Pence has passed and it is time for Donald Trump to man up, make an Executive Decision in concluding that Jamie Beutler Herrera or Cathy McMorris Rodgers belong as Vice President, and that Ivanka Trump's 3 AM advice taken from Paul Manafort have deflated the entire Trump movement.

Nuff Said


Not so much a Chicken Tale

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sitting here contemplating things with the same old nausea in my gut that I get before entering the valley of the shadow. I have a nice loving cat claw dug into the meaty part of my hand from the prodigal kitty who is so thrilled to be home again, she gets leopard claw playing that even gloves and coats will not protect me from.

I sit here looking at the old junk gun we have that I have not time for. Everyone surely has a gun draped across a recliner by the television, collecting dust, and gone unseen to us, as I somehow was going to be loosening stuck screws which has not happened.

I think about stretching the stew meat which is marinating in General Tso and will turn into stir fry tonight as Tom Petty plays in the background to "Don't do me like That".

I appreciate the notes from donors and non donors to  TL on Face Book.....and yes the letters in mail as they are read with a smile. People are thoughtful in offering to vacate their home so we could have a vacation. That was very kind, but it is like something my Uncle once told me on a trip to Montana where they stayed at a ranch house, and slept in a bed, and in the morning they were horrified to find out the family slept on the floor, as that was the only bed in the house.
That is how I was raised. I would catch holy hell if I ever put anyone out and though this blog does not seem it, I am at heart too polite until my ire gets raised.

Tomorrow is a stand alone post as it is important, and the minders were interested in grabbing it again. I was thinking about all of this stuff and having made some very dangerous people put in extra effort for their agenda, and now doing the same thing again, as everyone is supposed to take a long cannon ball off the suicide koolade and pretend everything is Mike Pence yellow brick road.

People like hearing about the animals here and I do like writing about them. Is the plan to put them into more stories, but I have such little interaction time with them. Today was odd in, instead of chopping off weeds, I laid in the yard with the kitty and we talked as a buzzard flew over head, and a tom cat was raising hell in the long grass to which kitty was making Star Trek cat sounds of great displeasure......that would be the Gary 7 episode cat.

I find myself looking more at each moment as it will not happen again. I have concerns about personal safety again and yet the Holy Spirit guides me to the first chapters of Ezekiel telling me to get the job done as I will be given words to speak which they will hate.

My day began with one of the turkey poults behind the deep freeze and dryer. Thankfully it herded out and now all is quiet and the 6 Wyandotte chickies are most content in the box on the sink. It is not odd I suspect that the more I enter the valley of the shadow, the more I remember the few things which comforted me as a child in the baby animals we always had or Grampa had. Everything was so innocent in such a savage world now more heinous.

Do not ever ask to be a Prophet, as it is a vocation without the super powers to save yourself.

I was laying in bed and I swore I could feel my dead sister from that time long ago. The scents, the feel of that time, which seems just like yesterday or being visited by someone now more stranger than kindred. Then there was the time with kitty in the yard today when I felt someone brush my shoulder. Nothing was there to see, but it was one of our dead kitties which I told I was glad they were here, but I thought they should be in Heaven, but you can not tell creatures things like that when they are showing you affection.

I was thinking while putting the girls away in the barn, that after tomorrow, the experts will be bragging online all they think they know, after what is posted is read. They will not in their cowardice ever comprehend that their loud mouths there is never the danger of ending up dead, because they are culls who do not matter until the time of mass neutralization occurs.

Guess it is time to play with the wok like it will be the last time, and hope that the product does not taste like something that came out of the Yangtze River backwash.

See the lights are flickering, a storm is coming.


Pensive on Pence

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is what instinct tells me without inquiry one what Mike Pence is. It can be summed up in the line I coined:

"It is hard to tell Mike Pence from Newt Gingrich, because beyond the fat old white guy with white hair, you have the same guy who made the Faustian deal with the conglomeratists".

- Lame Cherry

What I am going to start with is what I stated, and that I am voting for Donald Trump. I though am at a point that I have saved Mr. Trump several times from assassination, from himself, from others, and TL and I have worked to exhaustion doing the job "his people" thought was just happening and the Trump children think they inherited as it was their birthright, that none of what is now in this Pence construct is my concern.
I will work on the objective of what I stated in defeating Jeb Bush, which was done, and now defeating Hamrod Clinton. As Mr. Trump has shown not any regard for the people he sent feelers out to early to make them think he was one of the Birther, what Mr. Trump constructs in the matrix is his responsibility as this spins out beyond his control.

I have not run the numbers on this, but it is a given that Mr. Trump's life line is now on a short clock, just as Ronald Reagan's was with HW Bush, that got Mr. Reagan assassinated in the first political cycle. I see Mike Pence as Donald Trump's deal with the devil to get the GOPliters on board, and once they become involved, your soul is theirs to collect and I presume that you are looking at the LBJ, GHWB of the Trump administration in Mike Pence as your President sometime in the next few years.

That stated, it means the following in one hopes Wisconsin boots Paul Ryan out of the House, but the fact is Mike Pence is Paul Ryan, as they suck from the same treacherous conglomerate, chamber of commerce fount, committing genocide on all Americans.

Trump Names Pence As VP - Not Too Smart
Pence A Huge Supporter Of Free Trade - Huh?
Pence Backed Every Free Trade Deal In 15 Yrs
Mike Pence On Immigration

I simply did not sign up for this, and the Lame Cherry makes the point to all the cuckservatives, in Donald Trump chose your white haired Ted Cruz, and I am not following, as Rush Limbaugh stated the Trump supporters did not care what Donald Trump did........and yet we witness across the board from Alt Right, the Rense group, to women in media. that all of the Trump supporters have stopped in their tracks, and as Donald Trump and Ivanka walk off into the sunset with Ed Rollins and Paul Manaforts GOPliter panhandler in Mike Pence, they can keep on walking as we are not following.

I honestly have not run the time lines in this, but I know as I have posted previously that if forces desire to harden Mr. Trump, that his family will be victimized to bring about the Ivan the Terrible product. I just keep thinking as I type this in God being furious with leaders who quit trusting Him and making deals with the tools of satan in shortcuts that always bring insurrection and war.

Donald Trump neglected in the art of the deal with being honest with his supporters. If he would have told them, "Look I have been blackmailed to get the nomination and to stop a riot in Cleveland, I have to take Mike Pence, in they cartel hoped they could snooker you that Pence is not Gingrich or Christie", it would have played a great deal better.

Now there is the simple reality in everything the Trump supporters have fought against in Cruz Cult was ushered in by Mr. Trump and we are being told to accept the chains, and we are as intelligent children well aware that Mr. Trump now has his replacement who will take orders from Big Koch.

Koch-Backed Mike Pence Mulling 2016 Republican Presidential Bid

Mike Pence has spent more than a decade courting the deep-pocketed small-government cadre that has come to dominate Republican politics: The Koch brothers, the Club ...

So we all know what the hades went on here, so do not expect us to string up a lively dirge at the funeral pyre which is coming.

I highly doubt I am going to watch anything of the Republican Convention in Cleveland. Perhaps the best signal of the American Nations angst over Mike Pence will be everyone tuning out to record low numbers. The only interest I have now in Cleveland is that the Cop Ponies are not harmed by Soros rioters. The place can burn and be covered in blood for all that works out as this is out of my hands, as it moves to a phase of the Education of Donald Trump and his children, in what happens when one robs Peter to pay Paul.

Mike Pence is not going to appeal to anyone now or in time, because he is the GOPliter disease now infected the Trump campaign, as Madam Ivanka is running this brothel for her Ashkenaz husband.

It all ends with, I am not voting for Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson or any of the other genocidists. I am stuck riding the horse out of this death valley as all of us are, but our just brought along the mule with the small pox blankets packed on his back.

....and I have yet to see the Trump campaign try to assure his entire base or have Mike Pence try and convince every one of us, that he somehow is not the nation rapist pimp his entire political career worshiped at the knee of Big Koch.

I fulfill the mission in defeating Hillary Clinton and my part is over in I will not hold this together, and I am not so deluded as the Cruz Cult in thinking after all of this work that there is ever going to be some reward in it for the Lame Cherry. The Trump kinder already proved they like rushing in an stealing other people's toys unearned.


A Weaponized Tim

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall do as to the fig tree, and if ye say to this mountain, be moved and cast into the sea, it will  be.

I am not going to mention by name the friend who was wondering how to figure out how to use Tim Rifat's crystal chargers, but they will know in this post that I have not forgotten them or what they wrote of, even if I mentioned it in part in passing what will now be almost a month ago.

What I am going to explain is going to sound Biblically simple, but there is a process in this which is 3rd eye, eye wide open.
Every person is an electronic charge. Some charges can produce evil, some can produce good, but all produce a charge. Some charges might heal, some might induce others to do their will and some might connect to others effectively.......they also might mirror in the sense some might energize or some might be soul suckers, or vampires, which has now spread all over the internet, after it was first diagnosed and spoken of by the Lame Cherry, years ago.

Non living objects like dousing rods or Rifat crystals carry charges, but not to the point of things happen in having them around. Like the Ephod which was a power gem structure to inquire of God with, some are amplification devices or in the measure of a diving cup, there is not current there, but all this device allows is for you to clear your mind, disassociate yourself with your awake mind, so your awakening 3rd eye will be allowed to "see" or "project".
TL mentioned that fluoride calcifies the 3rd eye, so there has been a process by the cartel to stop the Spiritual ability of Americans whom God has been breeding since Abraham.

In most cases, a Tim Rifat crystal, allows you to stop doubting, disassociate from yourself your self taught barriers, so your energy level will begin to flow, so your will flows into the matrix.

There are other people's wills, demonic wills and amplifications, as much as God and the Holy Angels. If you observe though, the disciples were told to project their will in belief and not hinder that will by doubt, which draws your aura energy wave back in, and things will begin to manifest......and you must be bright enough to have end points built into your will, or it can begin to outgrow what you will, as much as some energy charges begin absorbing energies and become a sort of creature.

It is not so much figuring out how to do things, but EXPECTING what you are thinking will be accomplished, as a General giving an order to an army, and expecting results as you go treat it like a missile launch, in the missile is your thought, going to target, and believing it will strike.

I have been working on an issue in this, and believe by the Holy Ghost to have the Inspiration, in it has to do with a particular heinous person whose energy wave are quite murderous. It seemed no matter what I attempted, nothing was stopping this harmful attacks which have been taking place for years. I started though picturing in my mind like a syringe full of light injecting into that person, into evil entities and as Light overcomes darkness, the effects were positive.
Understand in some cases when you want revenge, want evil to happen to some types, that they feed on this energy, become stronger, and keep coming back.....sort of like Kim Jong Un being taught by Carter, Clinton and Obama that if you misbehave, good bribes come your way. So that bad energy keeps coming back, feeding on the harmful events which it is initiating, causing you to feed the dark flow.

It takes a bit to get used to the reality of it, because there are often times opposing forces thwarting your will or satan giving you an easy win to make you think it is always that easy.

That is about all I feel moved to fill in on this subject for now.......and no I have not forgotten about the weaponized orgone. Is more of matter in how to address it.


The Clintober Surprise

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you think that Hillary Clinton would do anything or sacrafice anyone to be President?

The reason for asking is the House of Cards. No not that faggot Kevin Spacey version, but the real Richard III version of Ian Richardson so brilliantly produced by the British, before this American knock off appeared.

Just to burst your bubble, the Trilogy ends with FU about to be brought down, and in the shadow of Margaret Thatcher's statue, Francis' wife with her security team, have her husband shot down to save his legacy.

So the question is, with all of the dead weight on the Hillary Clinton morgue express to the White House, do you think that Hillary Clinton and her Obamastreet donors would juice up some right winger with scopalamine as a patsy like Sirhan Sirhan, and make a real stage production in sending Bill Clinton the great beyond, so she could be President on the "sympathy widow vote" in a Clintober Surprise?

I could see Mrs. Clinton doing this to her Rockefeller husband, to keep the house of cards from a falling and all of them going to jail. Like FU though, I highly doubt BC would be in on the final act.

I mean think of the stage production value. You got a week of liberals gnashing on the right wing propaganda before the Truth could filter out, image Obama preening again in crocogator tears lecturing he warned all of this, and then the laying in state of BC, the national cathedral service.......hell Hillary could pull the coffin along behind her jet at every campaign spot to let the mourners have a go at it, and try the media would be a deluge of the Widow Clinton and issues would no longer matter, as they buried Bill on election eve.

That all would make great political theater and that would be something which Hillary Clinton appears pathologically driven to do, as Bill is a dead weight on the campaign trail, and I have yet to see a bimbo or a Foster not put down hard by Mrs. Clinton.
There is not a staff member from the 1990's who was not soul shredded by this woman as she just does not stick a knife in, she brings the tree chopper.

Now I hope that Bill Clinton realizes that by floating this scenario, that I probably saved him from a final act, as he knows the kind of folks he has had around him over the years, and how those bodies all piled up.
It just would make sense that Hillary Clinton would dispose of Bill if she had political advantage to it, as easy as she crushed a gnat.

Just something to think about in a Clintober Surprise.
