Wednesday, July 20, 2016


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am stunned after observing Ted Cruz, for Donald Trump provided Mr. Cruz the golden microphone to set Cruz's future, and for some reason, Ted Cruz wrapped his neck in the cord, jumped off the stage, and then beat himself to death.

I feel sorry for Ted Cruz, who stood on the stage trying to milk adoration which was not there, and then invaded a slain Texas police officers family's grief, followed by Mr. Cruz revisiting the smear against New York, then slapped New York delegates again in smirking at them, and then found a way to alienate not just the majority, but the Ted Cruz cult at the convention.

What Ted Cruz somehow managed on a political suicide bomber attack on Republicans and America, was to bring out a WE WANT TRUMP chorus, which sent Ted Cruz off the stage.

Donald Trump is pure class. Ted Cruz was only crass.

This is the end of Ted Cruz. He finished himself politically, and nothing could be better for Conservatives and the movement. I simply am stunned as I began this post with, that Ted Cruz destroyed himself like some Clinton lunatic who wrapped himself in the flag and set himself on fire.

The nice part is we will never have to watch this again, because as Eric Trump provided the shovel, Newt Gingrich filled the hole and Mike Pence tamped down the last dirt on the political grave of Ted Cruz.

Still stunned, as I never have observed a political suicide and only watched the footage of Jim Jones at Jonestown. Fortunately, the Cruz supporters threw the green kool ade to the floor at the convention, and refused to participate in Cruzicide




Heidi Cruz escorted out by security as crowd roars...


God's Riddance Rafael Ted Cruz

Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (with lyrics) - YouTube

I want my MTV Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it You play the guitar on ... (See the little faggot with the earring ... Dire Straits - Money ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a telling thing when God puts omens in the sky, like Haman being hanged on his own gallows when he tried to genocide the Jews in Babylon, but that is what took place today in Ohio, in Ted Cruz spent more money with 95 million Americans out of work, to endorse the Genocide of America with electing Hillary Clinton, as that is where Ted Cruz's conscience leads Dr. Ben Carson noted at the GOP Convention on Tuesday evening that Hillary Clinton worships Sal Alinsky who dedicated his book to satan, the adversary of God.

Far from a Trump endorsement, Cruz said he and his followers had the duty "to follow our conscience." And he defined party unity on his terms: "To unite behind liberty and for us to empower the grassroots."
If their reaction to Trump's jet landing is any indication, unity will be a difficult task. The crowd booed loudly as the aircraft emblazoned with "TRUMP," descended over the Cleveland skyline.

To this God intervened over the Cruz sin and dawned like a rainbow of promise, the Boeing 757 of President Elect Donald Trump. Omen's like this are God ordained and not Trump planned, but one could see why a Canadian Cuban born illegal as Ted Cruz would think the event was orchestrated, as that is the kind of backstabbing meanness which Ted Cruz engages in, in all those around him, from calling his wife a little bitch in Reverse Speech, to trashing Donald Trump behind his back while pretending to support him.

"Our party now has a nominee," Cruz said Wednesday, just as Trump's plane flew overhead. The senator laughed and said wryly: "That was pretty well-orchestrated."

What is pleasing in this is, is the reality that after Wednesday night, Ted Cruz's star will have fallen. He has no place on the political stage ever. In the Senate he is a pariah in betraying members there for his ambition. The Republican majority detests him, and the cartel billionaires will move on to a candidate who is not such an unlikable failure.

Yes as even Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, the GOP party leaders called for uniting and defeating Hillary Clinton, as there will not be a 2020 or 2024 or 2050, as her appointees will rule and ruin America to her genocide, the Cruz cult was still gulping down the Jim Jones green cyanide ade, fanatically sure that Ted Cruz will raise them from the death of political suicide........when this loser Lyin' Ted, could not beat Donald Trump and in fact was being marginalized by John Kascih who no one wanted.

To chants of "2020, 2020," Republican Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday left open the possibility of a second White House run even as Donald Trump arrived in Cleveland to accept the GOP presidential nomination.
"I don't know what the future is going to hold. I don't know what's going to happen,"

So after tonight, Ted Cruz will be remembered like a bad case of the shits. Something gotten over and not to be repeated again. Ted Cruz will fade away to political oblivion like other of his type who tried to run for President like Jello Biafa,  Vermine Love Supreme and Mike Gravel, and are as forgotten as William Borah.

God's Riddance  Ted Cruz, and it is fitting that an omen in the sky blotted out the darkness you are in the shining plane of Donald Trump.

I look forward to the Trump Administration in Attorney General Chris Christie, hunting every damned one of you down legally for the political vermin you are in being traitors to the Republican Party and America in backing the criminal Hillary Clinton.

At a rally with some 900 delegates, donors, GOP officials and supporters at a lakeside restaurant

Who paid for this tens of thousands of dollars graft? 900 traitors with Rat Cruz bound for Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.

Christie Says Trump Will Change Firing Laws to Purge Federal ...

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie offered up a worrying glimpse on ... help by easing laws to make it easier to fire ... it easier to purge federal employees.

I wonder where they got that idea from.


D 10 Don

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is pleasing to this blog to see the Trump kinder slipping out of the leash of Paul Manafort, in the landmark speech of Donald Trump jr, who shall hereby be forever referred to here as D 10.

For those who missed the D10 speech, of all he said, I smiled when he uttered the connection between the Trump family and people with shit under their fingernails and shit on their shoes, because that is what D10 is code for.

For those who still have no conception of what I am speaking of, every real working vocation in America has a codex of communication which only those with existential experience would be aware of. It is those little things which go over the top of your heads, which make those involved in industry perk up and say, "Wow that is one of our own".

Bright Stock.

Box Beef

Star Screw


Those are all different industries, just like the things you are involved in whether it is in shipping in Minnesota or computers in Texas, and each of you communicate in your field in ways only you understand and those around you. So when Donald Trump jr. dropped the D10 bomb, tens of thousands of people from construction, mining, forestry, road builders to contractors all perked up and had an immediate affiliation with the Trump family, because they knew exactly what machine this was, the way it sounded, the way it moves and they things it is capable of.

I will not take credit for moving the Trump family to his juncture in speaking out to the People of America, but that is exactly what Mr. Trump did in that speech. D10 spoke to every person told they could not be hired for not having a degree, every person who has their ideas stolen by some college boy, and every person who is unemployed because some foreigner got their job. That is what that entire speech was and every damned liberal missed it, as they were still stewing about that nonsense of lurch Obama has some monopoly on the words work and children in a speech.

Donald Trump jr informed the Silent Majority that the Trump family is one of them, and not of the billionaires. Mr. Trump spoke to small business people run out of business by Obama corporations and chamber of commerce cronies special favors which have ruined American job creation. He was speaking in code and none in the liberal media knew what the hell he was talking about, because they had been fixated on the message of, "Daddy Donald changed my diapers", while Donald Trump jr. was establishing direct contact with the 99% of Americans who are being destroyed by the Hillary Clinton 1%.

In the most suave and clever way, Donald Trump jr. spoke to Americans in a parlor language of an executive who cares who rose through the ranks. This is what Ivanka in her focus on the cocktail crowd appeal has been turning off Trump voters with in droves and disheartening them. Mike Pence is a disaster in this in he is the image most working people last see when told to get the hell out of the door so a Mexican is hired, as the daughter zooms by in the Mercedes. That is what was wrong with the Manafort tact, but that is how Donald Trump jr. turned it back to the People again, in a way that the media has no comprehension of.

D10 connected with the people, the way his father has and this is something which can not be disconnected, except by the Trump family.

The media does know, as in Cokie Roberts that those Trump children are a threat in appearing too much and having too much sway, but none of them realize the heart to heart the Trump children have, in it is not liberal touchy feely, but it is heart to heart in working people who understand what it is like to work for a company where you can tell the boss you need to get the supplies out of that low spot in case it rains or it will be Lake Trump, and the boss listens and appreciates it.

That is the thing about Donald Trump jr. He never talked down to the People as Newt Gingrich accused Donald Trump of in a simplified message for 4 year olds. Donald Trump jr. talked to people about the realities of life and how he understands them.
D10 did try and pretend to be a black, a woman, a hyphen like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama do constantly in not fooling everyone with their open cut sores. Donald Trump jr. based it on the Melania Trump common ground of parents teaching a child to work hard and you will be rewarded, something Americans have been cheated out of in Clinton, Bush and Obama.

So Donald Trump jr. has common cause with Americans. He knows what it is to smell of diesel. He knows what it is to sweat and stink. He knows what it is to hit the hydraulic and bury the blade about slugging the cat, and face the smiles of your co workers shaking their heads at enjoying your mistake, because they were laughed at too. 

The Trump family is genuine and that is what America responds to. The liberals know by instinct that they are responding too in loving the Trump family, and are frantic in this Melania Trump red herring, because Melania Trump is bringing in the women's vote which the Clinton campaign needs to stand a chance. Yes call that another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as no one has informed you of what is really behind this attack on Melania Trump, but that is it. A fictional charge to cloud the issue to try to keep real American women from voting for First Lady Melania Trump, instead of the Second Lesbian in the Huma and Hillary grapple.

D10, you did a good job. Now you need to do a great job every day to November elections.

Donald Trump jr. just rolled over Hillary Clinton, flattened her, and buried her campaign, and the coughing cow has no idea any of his happened as she dwells in Oz Wizards.

Moody Blues - Rock 'N' Roll Over You (album version with ...

Moody Blues - Rock 'N' Roll Over You ... Not gonna bring you down Not gonna let you go ... I'm gonna roll over you Rock 'n' roll over you Like a rock I'm ...


LaVoy Finicum threat from the Grave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is the purpose of this blog to continue to put before the public, the events connected with the murder of Lavoy Finicum in Oregon in January of 2016, as much as to keep before the public that numbers of Americans are now in prison, awaiting to be railroaded to confinement for life, for "crimes" which literally are over cows eating grass and trespassing.

In the latest court rulings, now by Judge Peggy Leen, her honor has clamped down on evidence, in the People and the Press have been denied their rights to this case, and it reaches to the defendants as the lawyer for Cliven Bundy was highly disappointed and the counsel for Pete Santilli was appealing the ruling over "security concerns".

In a 23-page decision filed late Friday, Leen explained that the government was within its constitutional authority to obtain a protective order from her because of security concerns in the high-profile case. Among the concerns Leen cited was a death threat against the prosecutors.
“The government has made a sufficient threshold showing of actual and potential threats, intimidation and harassment to victims, witnesses and law enforcement officers to show good cause for a protective order restricting dissemination of pretrial discovery,” Leen wrote.
She also said the media and the public do not have a “common law or First Amendment right” to access pretrial evidence obtained by the government.

Discovery is vital to all defenses, as much as for the jury of the public, in not allowing a regime to railroad it's Citizens into prison in denying the People from knowledge of what is taking place in courts.

The Lame Cherry makes the point in this, as this Obama regime via the Lynch Department of Injustice, has criminalized Americans unfairly, that for Judge Leen to issue this ruling is either collusion on her part or she is incompetent, as it appears all the legal minds are associated with these cases.

The Lame Cherry can solve this and when you read the solution in the People having the rightful access to discovery, it will seem like all things Lame Cherry, obvious.

Discovery: What and When the Prosecution Must Disclose |

Discovery is the process through which defendants find out about the prosecution's case. For example, through standard discovery procedure, they can:

The solution to this is call REDACTED.

That is the balance in this. The Courts have a right to protect witnesses or in some cases information which would lead to the discovery of who a witness was, to protect the public. The Court though does not have the right by the prosecution though to withhold all information and that secrecy should have been balanced with redacting names and certain accounts from the press and the public.
The defendants though through their attorneys have all right to discover witnesses and evidence that the prosecution is collecting. In that, it is then up to the prosecution to place said witnesses into protective custody.
The Defense has all rights to reveal those facts of the case to the public to inform the People as a check and balance against the regime. This is Jeffersonian / Madison Declaration and Constitutional foundation law to protect the People from the regime.

As for Judge Leen, citing that threats have been made to prosecutors. That again is already public information in who the regime employs, so using secrecy to hide what is public is ridiculous in that finite class of prosecutors. Again, if there is a legitimate threat, that is what federal protection is for and not denying the defendants, the American People or the American Press access to information.

It becomes the obvious point in this, if this trial was so dangerous, then why is Judge Leen's identity known, as surely she should be in danger in ruling over these trials. In view of this entire set of circumstances, Judge Leen's ruling should be overturned in appeals, with the court simply redacting the names of witnesses from the public, and knowing that only the defendants and their attorneys have access to the witness list, which is going to appear in court facing these people to be known, the defendants and attorneys will be criminally responsible if harm comes to the witnesses.

There is a responsibility of these Courts to not appear like kangaroo courts as much as Justice not appearing like a lynch mob, with no pun intended for Loretta Lynch, because that will only inflame the public to more acts and make greater martyrs out of the defendants.

The Right of the People is the supreme Right. The Golden Thread of Anglo American Law is one which all of this stands upon is "everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty as judged by 12 Citizens". It is that presumption of innocence which has been violated as much as the reality that not one person involved in this Bundy case has been assaulted or murdered in all of the years this has been taking place, except two people in Ammon Bundy was assaulted by federal agents in Nevada and LaVoy Finicum was murdered in Oregon, by whom we do not know, because that murder does not match the law enforcement statements or evidence presented.

The Presumption of Innocence | Robina Institute of Criminal ...

The presumption of innocence was famously described as the 'golden thread' running 'throughout the web' of the criminal law. It is usually asserted, and di

  • The Right of Innocence
  • The Right of public review of the charges and evidence
  • The Right to a speedy trial
  • The Right to discovery
  • The Right to be judged by your neighbors
  • The Right to face the accuser


Pur Date in Vice President Kudlow

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In exploring the President Mike Pence time line, the addition of a banker named Lawrence Kudlow as Vice President had the Spirit of God moving me to ask, "Why a banker?" and then the answer was provided as to the reasons behind this.

The matrix is pointing out that the cartel will await until after the November elections to pull the economic plug on America and the world. The inquiry states this one begins in England over the cover of Brexit and moves into America and then the world.

Kudlow will provide the assurance to America that after the Trump upheaval, that America is on the stable road be looted by the elite. They will not tell you that though.

The pur date points to

December 9, 2016

There is a number in the 1500 range  down. This will bring on this time line a 9000 slide on the stock market.

I am not going to prolong this out as I have had a long day and something has come to my attention that I am going to attempt to track down for August.


Trump White Paper: Checks and Balances

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The TL came up with an idea for all of these regime agencies which spend billions and no one is being helped in the least, but instead are being terrorized by them.

The solution in this which we have hashed out is simple and comprises this Trump White Paper in the following:

Presidential Directive 
Executive Order 1

Be it known that the President in order to promote the checks and balances of the Federal System with full cooperation of the United States Congress, hereby orders that every department in the United States Government, in off year elections, every 4 years, will be put before the People's Representatives for an up or down 2/3rds majority vote to retain that department in the United States Government.

If the Congress can not be prodded or protected by the People to garner enough support for an agency in being a vital necessity, then that agency is nothing the majority of the People are benefited by, and will then immediately be abolished.

This will include an up or down vote all cabinet agencies, and departments not mentioned specifically in the United States Constitution. These reviews with votes will take place in September of Congressional off year elections for the House, and failure of the Congress to vote on these departments will invoke immediate cessation of that department.

Forthwith, the Executive will retain a line item veto to abolish said agencies within departments that the Executive deems a burden upon the American People.

The People will be heard in their Congress voting or not voting, and this Government by the People, of the People and for the People will established for the People's Enterprise.

President Donald J. Trump
United States of America


It is highly doubtful those blackmailed treacherous cowards in Congress could  unite any year to pass a 2/3rds majority in any House. In that, everyone will have cover from the Executive to the Legislative to rid America of hundreds of billions of dollars of "welfare jobs" for the civil servants and vote buying for special interests.

It is reality that the Federal spending could be halved by this measure.

Nuff Said
