Thursday, November 10, 2016

Latest Reversals of Election Night

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

These are the reversals of John David Oates of election night and the following concession speeches and meetings as featured on Rense.

The worst of this is the exposing of John Podesta for the contempt he has for democratic voters.

Donald Trump

Sorry to keep you waiting - You're the best Americans yet

Work together - Heal with us

Thanking staff - America we give her sun.

Talented people - We let no one rape

Boy oh boy - Oh boy oh boy


Mr. Trump - We love you.


John Podesta

Counting all votes - Sobbing my bullshit (Mocking the Hillary crowd.)

Hillary Clinton

our democracy - You were sorry (Sad she lost)

talented staff at Brooklyn - Sulk in it now

contributions for 5 dollars - I'm a freak head

painful set backs - I feel the battle with media (I think this is Drudge, Breitbart, Rense, Jones media)

fighting for what is right - the wolf media (Is she pissed about the Alternative Media who sunk her?)

words matter - but I'm ill (two weeks before election loss)

honored and grateful - you're not ill (concession speech)

nothing has made me prouder - Good luck begins

Barack Obama

votes were tallied - This family lost (The image, this jinn is speaking of "this" family and not Birther's family)
 stating Obama spoke to Mr. Trump - See you fuck em

conversation with President Elect Trump  - You'll send the burden (Turning the Obama disaster over to President Trump)




Lame Cherry all for Secession from the Union

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is more Lame Cherry Concentrate in answering these seditious George Soros treachery against America in now Californians and Oregonians are threatening to secede from the Union.

Oregonians submit ballot proposal to secede from union...

I am personally all for it secession. It was the right of the Confederates, and should never by more European intrigue, involved America in a civil war. Instead the Lame Cherry advocates for states voting to secede from the Union, that President Trump immediately begins treating those States as foreign powers and isolates them from the United States by unhooking them from the power grid, cutting off the oil and gas supply, stopping all commerce as they have no established currency to pay for anything.

Let Oregon and California sit in the dark, in the cold, with no food or water, as I intend to shut off the  American Colorado River water which California illegally stole from the American People, and we will see what all those principled liberals do cordoned off by the US Military as a threat to America, as America by the Monroe Doctrine can not have foreign powers establishing bases in America.

Oh and all of these Hillary Clinton / image Obama protestors, are going to be deported to Oregon and California to join their own kind, as they do not value majority governance and minority rights.

Nuff Said


A Lesson To Despots

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There should be a lesson to the despots of the Obama regime, that when one begins a political career by stealing elections in Illinois and then nationally for the Office of the President, and their entire agenda begins with telling Americans they can ride in the back of the bus, as they pass Obamacare without reading it, and then resort to Executive Orders, that everyone from Bernie Sander's voters who got screwed over to Donald Trump voters who got screwed over, which is the 99% of America, have absolutely no interest in keeping any of the Obama dictatorial mandates in 8 years of American oppression is as gladly done away with as slavery.

I absolutely love this picture of the Obama White House in all their hate and anxiety, in knowing all their arrogant quasi intellectualism of 8 years which brought ruin to America, has been rejected by America, and ALL of their crimes are about to be known by the Trump Department of Justice.


There is nothing more unsettling for intellectual bullies to realize that they were the slow kids and deserved to be laughed at.

Do not forget that Obama started this all out making fun of Special Olympics children. Now who is laughing at the joke of Obama, because the Obamalings are too slow.

You can not build a legacy on tyranny and that is why the Obama regime will be forgotten.

Junk Food Baby.

Lexicon - Junk Food - YouTube

Mix - Lexicon - Junk Food YouTube; Lexicon - It's the L (full album) - Duration: 45:17. MrKutzzy 14,970 views. 45:17 Lexicon-Big Money - Duration: 3:32. ...


For President Trump's Bernie Voters

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the first time I have ever witnessed this many psychotics together outside an asylum for the criminally insane. No one can blame Bernie for tossing the race as this was what was going to show up on his door.
By their poses, all vulnerable, unsure, psychopaths who know Trump America is about to save the world from their criminal disaster.


Obama Hate Crimes In The White House

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like the Nobel Peace Prize for Birther Hussein, and like the two messages Hillary Clinton lied to Wall Street and Americans with, we now have witnessed the backstabbing racism of image Obama and Muchelle Obama in not being photographed with a white Anglo Saxon, Germanic Scott in President Donald Trump and his lovely wife, First Lady Melania Trump of the Slavic Peoples.

This all becomes old in Obama pattern of preaching peace and peaceful transition of power, when in reality Obama blew up the Muslim Mideast and has now been promoting the terror riots in American cities. This is standard Obama Clinton murderous politics. America chose Donald Trump in a landslide which overcame 20 percent vote fraud, and now the Obama regime has resorted to it's ethnic hatred of Americans and Europeans in the disgraceful cancelling of a photo op with the President and First Lady.

Obama addressed the nation from the Rose Garden on Wednesday, urging the country to come together as the Trump administration takes power.

George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, HW Bush, Nancy Reagan, the Queen of England had absolutely no problem with posing with the Obamas, but the Obamas in their typical 3rd world thug politics could not honor all Americans in the peaceful transition of power, which included 30% of Black Voters with Latinos in voting for Mr. Trump, as they desired the America that Obama lied to them about.

It is past time this dictator, Barack Hussein Obama's image be exiled to oblivion, as all of this began with lecturing a Irish police in Massachusetts in keeping the peace, and now ends with more racism of the Obama's shattering American tradition.

After this display by the Obama's, the Lame Cherry demands that in January 2017, that the Justice Department open an entire criminal wing to investigate the crimes against Black Americans during the Obama years, in tracking the money gleaned from Black communities in dope and prostitution, how that money was laundered through Obama donating Chicago banks, and how the Black Genocide was established in aborticide and replacing them with Mexicans and Muslims.

It is time to close the book on Obama racism and genocide of all Americans, and open up a prosecutorial file on the Obamas, as the Obamas today carried out a hate crime against President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and all Americans.

The Obamas canceled a photo-op of the current and future first couples outside the south entrance of the White House.

On Wednesday White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the president still believes Mr. Trump is unfit to succeed him but respects the outcome of the election.

It is image Obama who is unfit and always has been. It is time all Americans be emancipated from this disgusting image.

It is time to investigate the mass murder of Blacks in America by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and the Chicago organizers in Val-erie Jarrett, Michelle Obama and image Obama.

Nuff Said


Hillary Clinton's Last Day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Little Girl Hillary

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am trying to decide if I should go back to Lame Cherry concentrate, instead of providing a lilting phonetic cruise of entertainment of the mind. I am sort of still trying to understand that the Spirit in me in limitless in memory while the brain  sort of just runs the information through. Sort of interesting scientific study of writing around 2000 original short stories for this blog over 2 years. Interesting the volume which can be generated.

This is about Hillary Clinton though in forensic psychology which the Lame Cherry is of course the pioneer of.

It was interesting to me in the law of the jungle, the code of the plains, the way of the primate and the sign of the Hamrod.

For instance, after all of this piles of dead bodies, cackling about castrated Khadaffi, glaring at Donald Trump, and being just the she bitch of rage, that upon meeting a superior male in President Trump, Hillary Clinton resorted to holding onto a blonde little girl in her concession and then brought up a matronly tone telling little girls the lie that Hamrod did all this for little girls.
When she collapsed, her first choice was to hack germs at a little girl in hiding behind her too. Is a Hillary Clinton pattern.

Hillary Clinton has a few bits which can be focused on. At the DNC speech she wanted to show how cuddles she was by telling a story that a little girl bulled baby Hillary and Hillary's mum told Hamrod to go beat the curls out of that bully and stop hiding.

If one observes Hillary Clinton in emotional breakdown she is not a woman, but some 10 year old girl which she is emotionally fused at. Explains why she has tantrums. It is up to Hillary Clinton what she has haunting her belfry, but it does require noting that Mrs. Clinton hides when defeated behind little girls, because she is still a little girl.
Is a bit too macabre the rapist Hamrod enjoyed getting off for raping a little girl, in saying the little girl liked older males. It projects that something interesting happened to Hamrod in her curl stage and she is still nothing but a juvenile incapable of adult boundaries in "one does not do that as people get killed" understandings.

I am not here to treat Mrs. Clinton nor to expose her. I really do not care to write about her again, but these realities need to be posted so that American can heal past Hillary Clinton, as far too many females have glommed onto Hamrod in being not adult themselves, and Mrs. Clinton is not someone who belongs in charge of things as she is nothing but a little girl in an almost 70 year old body.
She can pull the trigger as in Waco, but she could not run a political campaign like Bill Clinton.


Hillary Clinton Must Plead Guilty

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reality that George W. Bush failed America in 2000 in not indicting the Clintons, as this would have saved Hillary Clinton and America all of this 2016 problems, and kicking the ball to the demise of Democrats.
In understanding this failure by the Bush fam in embracing Clinton criminality and not supporting Donald Trump for Jorge Bush's political rise, all of this must be rectified by the adults.

In this, it simply must be understood for the good of Senator Charles Schumer and the Democratic Party to put the Clinton crimes behind them, is that Hillary Clinton must plead guilty.

Guilty to what? The Justice Department can be quite creative as they railroaded the Bundy's in Oregon, so Misuse of Public Trust, sounds like something Mrs. Clinton could plead to in multiple counts, to man up to her treachery, and in the "fairness of America", by doing this begin her Nixon rehabilitation. That is what is wrong with the Clinton's of the 1990's in Bill Clinton and his press thought it was cute, in feigning clever crimes even with penalties, instead of just saying he was a bastard, take the time and move on.

Here is how it would work. Hamrod is charged and pleads out. She apologizes for being what she is, drunk with lust and playing in a league where smarter people with agendas got her to do things which were not very smart.
The Judge sentences her to probation, as something like Franklin Graham leads a board which Justice puts the Clinton Foundation into a public trust, now called America Trust, and they hand out money, while Bill and Hillary Clinton are exiled for 10 years with Chelsea to do Jimmy Carter things in Haiti, Libya, Syria in handing things out to the poor....with the stipulation of no political involvement in America.

So let us review in this how this works:

Democrats led by Senator Chuck Schumer close the book on the Clintons criminals. Democrats are pleased as  they do not have Chelsea Part 2 to drive them to suicide and can then move onto other things not smelling of Watergate for all of their lives.

The Clinton's legacy is now is cheap crooks. They need rehabilitation, but have absolutely no associations which will help as the Bush fam legacy is low energy which no one wants. Let Bill and Hillary be Herbert Hoover types in feeding starving children, in really doing it, instead of sexing children.
Let Franklin Graham hold the money and Hillary can be plantation manager feeding hungry children.

A message of law and order is required in the Trump Administration. Exiling the Clinton's deals with the necessity of the American mob requiring blood. Let it be Hamrod's sweat and the Clinton's with the cartel can offer up some Scotter Libby types. Figure pleading out on something like this:

Doug Band: 7 years for taking advantage of Bill Clinton
John Podesta: 5 years for taking advantage of Hillary Clinton
Anthony Wiener: 2 years for marrying Huma
Huma Wiener: 6 months for marrying Hillary

Probably call it mishandling classified materials.

The oligarchs get away to their train sets, and lose a few billion as a lesson.

Americans get to have their pound of flesh and build upon the illusion of being better than the rest of the world in kindness......and all the virginal women who thought Hamrod was their goddess are released from the spell of "first woman" (never mind that 44 men and 1 Obama already were President) and can transfer their pussy dreams onto Elizabeth Warren, as scammed Bernie voters settle down from psycho to off balance.

So that is how the adults would settle this. Hillary Clinton pleads guilty and Hillary Clinton actually wins at something in her life....and with any luck, Bill and Hillary will die of disease in a few months, surrounded by weeping children, and eulogized by President Donald Trump in how lives can be turned around.

Nuff Said


The Secret of 2016

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I mentioned about letting you in on the secret of President Donald Trump's successful overt political campaign.

I do this because in assessing the reality that when Donald Trump runs for re election in 2020, this campaign strategy will be of no value, and the fact that no one else can duplicate it, with the additional reality that you really need to know how brilliant of a man you have just elected President of these United States.

When I tell you the secret, you are not going to get it though, in all of the depths which it is, because all of you have never comprehended how brilliant the people are who are involved in this, who have turned out some of the most gifted and beloved celebrities America has known.

Donald Trump never was running a reality television campaign, as that would not be of any value in those kind of Kardashian fools believe anything Hillary Clinton would lie about. No, what Donald Trump embarked upon was the greatest political theater ever devised, right out of Davy Crockett and Andrew Jackson.

What Donald Trump wowed Americans and the world with was......his big hands, the big crooks, the pretty women, the fiends and antagonists, and a great set of arenas to perform before across America.

Vince McMahon

Linda McMahon

For those of you who have never heard of these people, you probably have though come across some of their titanic characters who became the childhood idols and adult idols of America, including a Governor of Minnesota in Jesse the Bod Ventura.

Linda and Vince McMahon took a Minnesota backwater theater of professional wrestling and turned it into the WWE, which turned out an endless parade of soap opera sagas of good versus evil, American heroes, and a fortune with an audience larger than professional sports.

Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Eddie Guerro, Randy Horton, Batista, were the stars of an industry which the elite scoffed at, and which people like Regis Philbin and Donald Trump starred in with other accomplished people. This is what the elite missed for two years, in Donald Trump was starring in a political theater which all of these polished, isolated and self absorbed asstards never figured out.

For those who do not know what WWE is, think of it as Days of our Lives, meets the Chinese circus, but Donald Trump added the nuance of political debate.
The athletes of WWE are some of the best in the world, as they are lifting 300 pound men, and for the most part no one is getting killed in an intricate ballet of force. The interesting part is these performers are also very good actors who are involved in the conflict of good versus evil.
Some of the most over the top cheating, scariness and maniliness which every fan would reject in real life, is instead embraced, and it grabs the attention of the audience and drives the storyline.

Does that sound a bit like what Donald Trump was up to for almost 2 years?  The thing is from Jeb Bush, to Anderson Cooper, to image Obama, to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump trolled all of these pompous asses, and in some cases as in Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, Mr. Trump used them as stage props who actually were so out of sorts, were adding to the story line.

Can any of you forget Jeb Bush popping up like a jack in the box at the debate in thinking Donald Trump had walked into one of Jebby's talking points, only to get hammered by Mr. Trump?
Can any of you forget Hillary Clinton screeching about lesbian Huma or ranting about Donald Trump in chasing him around, until she collapsed?
In this, every one of these geniuses was acting out on the Donald Trump arena, looking like fools, just like WWE sets up storylines, and they had no idea they were being played. The thing is that Donald  Trump was so audacious in he trolled these people to piss them off and then would conduct the "backstage" interview to give the audience all the juicy details, to which Americans were howling in laughter and loving every minute of it.

Think of this in those pompous Letterman Cocktail Crowd cronies, who sit around and make nigger jokes, talk about flyover country, have fag humor,  and look down on everyone, and there appears always someone normal at their parties that they gang up on and belittle, but every once in a while, someone like Donald Trump appears and plays his own game, and makes fools out of them and kicks the stuffing out of a few of them, as they all retreat afterwards and lick their wounds in how uncouth it all was. That is what Donald Trump did to these elites, because all of them were too refined and cultured to be watching NASCAR or WWE. They all believed how genius they were and yet they all were unable to deal with backwoods humor like Davy Crockett and same wrastlin' like Abraham Lincoln.

See if you knew what I knew, you would be watching the mechanics and would have missed the performance. I realize that if I would have made this public, the Clinton cronies would have dismissed it in trying to ignore it, but it still would have swept them up as they could not resist. I simply did not reveal this, because I was not going to disrupt one thing Mr. Trump was accomplishing. I told all of you to stop acting like you knew things and stop posting things to grab a headline, as we could not lose one vote, as there were far too many Christians working their butts off for those votes in assisting the Will of God. It simply was better to let this play out as it was designed, as only Donald Trump could carry this political performance off, as he worked with the McMahons in one of their performances before bringing this to the GOP and DNC.

That is what is missing in politics, in the experts refined this all down to "looks", but Donald Trump understood he had the look, but had to entertain the public in giving them the political theater they were missing, and a message Mr. Trump believed in and they did too.

You must understand that Hillary Clinton did not believe anything she was lying about in her two part message. Ted Cruz knew the GOP was looking for an outsider and became the role. The other bought the insider programming which were fall guys compared to Donald Trump, who brought the entire package to the American public.

Mr. Trump was so effective that the morons who voted for Hillary Clinton, believed everything Hillary Clinton was terrifying them with about Mr. Trump. All the heroes of WWE have antagonists though who lie about them, and it only makes them more popular and stronger.

Some moron is going to conclude incorrectly that this was all WWE fakery, because they are asstards, and are missing the genius of the the McMahons in their business, and keep underestimating Donald Trump in his art of the deal, in being able to get quasi intellectuals to come out and play on Mr. Trump's field, as they can not resist the allure of Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump accomplished this in public sight and no one caught on to his plan, as he was so skilled at keeping everyone so mesmerized and reacting, that they had no comprehension something so obvious was being carried out, as Donald Trump had disarmed every one of them.
