Sunday, November 13, 2016

60 Minutes Ambushes President Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I am not part of the inner privy of the Trump Administration, and as every one of Mr. Trump's campaign staff was too busy hog troughing to get a job in the White House, taking credit for the work of God through others, I do not know who is to blame and should be fired for the 60 Minutes ambush with Leslie Stahl on CBS.

The Gateway Pundit has gone nuclear over Stahl making up charges against Trump supporters as racists and Mr. Trump telling people who do not exist to stop, but this is an event which should NEVER have taken place.

I do not know what son in law Mr. Ivanka Trump is doing besides walking around the White House grounds in transition, but someone needs to immediately begin Trump Television as the only media outlet to release all Trump propaganda through. It is not that difficult to have the greatest starring cast in the Trump Administration driving the investment for such a communications company on the internet and cable. It is not that difficult to have a Mike Deaver make pretty scenes.

Mr. Trump requires a gatekeeper who will shut down interviews and pull the plug immediately, if anything takes place which is not acceptable, and that did not take place, as no one was watching out for Mr. Trump, but a hundred others were making sure they got their 30 pieces of silver at 1600 Penn.

This must be fixed and NEVER happen again ever. This ambush was a blow and it will be followed by others.

This is what happens Mr. President when your little hatchlings are all grabbing for the stars and stop watching out for you.

As a suggestion Mr. President

Keith Nahigian more recently served as Rep. Michele Bachman’s (R-Minn.) campaign manager in her failed run for the Republican presidential nomination. Hagelin is a longtime culture warrior, with links to the Heritage Foundation and Concerned Women for America. Her firm specializes in the talk radio market. 

Mr. President, you need a shadow staff to manage events for you and enforce results always in your favor.

This is unacceptable.


For the Trumpkinder

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some thoughts.........

Far too many loud mouths such as Michael Savage are thinking they were voted in as President. It is a case in Reinse Priebus that I know what he is. He is a GOPliter jackboot goosestepper for the GOP who did everything he could to put Cruz in at Wisconsin, but when it was Trump, he was in whole hog and shut down the RNC in Cleveland to put Donald Trump as the nominee, when Paul Manafort failed to quell the unrest.

The Trump children should not be appointed to any position which needs to be voted on or public positions, as they will be targeted to humiliate the President. Best to give them security clearances as a shadow cabinet to break through the insular ceiling which is developing around Donald Trump.

Sarah Palin might be hell to pay, but Interior needs her, as Interior needs someone the Bundy's trust, a hunter that Tom Gresham trusts, as this not about just opening up fed lands to energy exploration, but about returning the West to Americans from BLM and USFW. Palin will open it up for you, but she needs a 1000 hunters in those positions with cattlemen

Mr. Trump, you seem to have amnesia when it comes to female appointments who are more qualified than those on the list..

Last point..............STOP gutting the Republican Congress to fill positions. You need those people in power to get your programs passed. You get Jeff Sessions and that is it.

If this is your list, then bold is the best pick in the mix.

Laura Ingraham
* Bob Corker, Tennessee senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
* John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush
* Newt Gingrich, Republican former U.S. House Speaker In charge of reforming government operations
* Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq
Michelle Bachmann
* Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican congressman and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee
* Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive and Trump's campaign finance chairman
* Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer
* Tom Barrack, founder and chairman of Colony Capital Inc
* Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
* Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser under President George W. Bush
* Jon Kyl, former Republican senator from Arizona
* Jeff Sessions, Republican senator from Alabama and early Trump supporter, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee
* Kelly Ayotte, outgoing Republican senator from New Hampshire and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee
* Duncan Hunter, Republican congressman from California and early Trump supporter, member of House Armed Services Committee
* Jim Talent, former Republican senator from Missouri who was on the Senate Armed Services Committee
* Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City Fire Comey and have Rudy clean house at the FBI to restore public trust.
* Jeff Sessions, senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who takes a hard line on immigration
* Chris Christie, Republican New Jersey governor
* Pam Bondi, Republican Florida Attorney General
* Trey Gowdy, Republican congressman from South Carolina who headed the House committee that investigated the 2012 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya
* Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate SURGEON GENERAL
* Newt Gingrich
* Rich Bagger, former pharmaceutical executive and former top aide to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
* Bobby Jindal, former Louisiana governor
* Michael McCaul, U.S. Republican congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee
* David Clarke, Milwaukee county sheriff and vocal Trump supporter #2 doing the heavy work for Joe
* Joe Arpaio, outgoing Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who campaigned for Trump
* Myron Ebell, a climate change skeptic at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute who is overseeing environmental policy on Trump's transition team
* Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in private equity firm Gryphon Investors
* Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas attorney general
* Carol Comer, commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Kevin Cramer
* Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil and gas mogul, CEO of Continental Resources Inc
* James Connaughton, CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies and a former environmental adviser to President George W. Bush
* Robert Grady
* Sarah Palin, Republican former Alaska governor who ran for vice president in 2008
* Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor
* Forrest Lucas, founder of oil products company Lucas Oil
* Harold Hamm
* Robert Grady
* Linda McMahon, former world Wrestling Entertainment executive and two-time Senate candidate
* Lieutenant General Michael Flynn
* Mike Rogers, Republican former congressman from Michigan who chaired the House Intelligence Committee
* Pete Hoekstra, Republican former congressman from Michigan
* Lieutenant General Michael Flynn
* Stephen Hadley
Linda Chavez
* Kelly Ayotte
* Richard Grenell, former spokesman for the United States at the United Nations
* Peter King, Republican congressman from New York
* Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steel producer Nucor Corp
* Jeff Miller, retiring congressman from Florida and chairman of the Veterans Affairs committee


The Trump Administration

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am not going to make this a long post, but it's content is important, because there is a disinformation campaign against Donald Trump, meant once again to worry his voters and bleed off support.

I have noticed a number of them on certain sites, and the fact is, no one knows who is going to be in the Trump White House until they are named by Donald Trump. I realize that Mike Pence is a chronic leaker and it was the Manafort people who stuck him on the ticket in that gambit, but do not be drawn in by this disinformation campaign.

Of course there are frauds now trying to get a job with Mr. Trump, both because they are profiteering arserounds and because they work for Bush fam in seeking to cause Soros problems for Mr. Trump in these MOGs. Just understand in reading through all the things posted that not everyone is evil just because they earned a living.
For example, are you an evil tool of the regime because you use Verizon and the NSA uses that about Facebook spying on everyone and you are on there.....should we really trust you?

It can be summed up with Kellyanne Conway, who I am leery of in her Ted Cruz and Newt Gingrich associations, and because she had not the courtesy to reply to me. All the same, she is a Reagan chic, who got duped by Ted Cruz, and...........she is a bit full of herself, but I would rather have her as the new Val-erie Jarrett destroying the left than what else is out there. Every person who Reagan prodded to do what was right, was not a genuine Republican, as we have suffered under now for 35 years in being betrayed. The important thing is Donald Trump is there, and he can make these Mitch McConnell's do the job.

Conway quote on the leaks about her:

She announced on Thursday that she was joining the Trump administration after a tweet from journalist Gabriel Sherman suggested she was reluctant to do so because she didn’t want to give up her lucrative polling business.
“False,” Conway tweeted. “Could it be those ‘sources’ want the WH job I’ve been offered?”
She says she felt compelled to reply.
“I just thought it was an obnoxious tweet to put out there,” she explained. “What are your sources? I can be your source about me.”
She added that she’s ready and willing to move to Washington, DC.

Conway referring to dealing with Mr. Trump like she did with her children, is an asstard thing to say and will be all are not genius.

There are those who are pushing that clever manipulator Priebus and that money hog Bannon as Chief of Staff and are leaking their names. I do not deem either a proper venue for Mr. Trump. Priebus will though bring rough shod over the GOP as an ambassador to the Congress where things have to get passed.
Bannon would be better founding Trump Television, but is senior adviser.

I can tell all of you one thing though, that there is forming around an insular ceiling around Mr. Trump THAT IS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM, in these ball busters are not going to allow  5 minutes of time to those who must have it in implementing policy, and that includes the children running things in this buffer.
Strength has it's attributes, but it brought problems to President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan in Halderman and Ehrlichman and Don Regan.
The Trump children have proven they can be manipulated to do things. It rests now on Melania Trump to protect her husband as Nancy Reagan protected Mr. Reagan.

It is the pigs to the tits as Lincoln said. Mr. Trump needs loyalty, and many people now have jobs who were disloyal and are now taking credit for the hard work which others have accomplished by God's Grace. That is the way it works and now the boss is going to have to watch those closest to him, as they have their own agenda in thumping others.

As this will never reach Mr. Trump, I would remind him and those now lower on the food chain to heed the words of an old Marine who runs Gun Site in Arizona, who put his finger in Mr. Trump's face and told him, "Do not fuck this up".
Mr. Trump promised he would not.

As Christian Soldiers none of us get to choose our leaders, as the Father chose Jesus before we were, and we are in a movement where we have to make the best out of what our elected leaders do.

- Lame Cherry

It is important that ALL of these nominations get passed by the Senate in nothing bogged down there. The fight is in Congress where we must win without any setbacks in 2017.

Packs and saddles at 3 AM again, making up for the flaws of others who think it is their brilliance when the only brilliant one ever in the room is Christ.

.........and to those who think their jobs are carved in stone, this is now the big leagues and you fuck it up, you will be hearing YOU'RE FIRED, as you have a host of cut throats pissed off and plotting to stick it in your back to get your job.

Nuff Said



Not so Free Speech at GAB

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Having been on GAB the alternative to Twitter for a few weeks, I was interested when I got an electronic signature to use the site, which included something about "downloading" the program onto my computer and then this part:

Governing Law
The laws of Texas, Delaware, United States, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern this Agreement and your use of the Application. Your use of the Application may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.
This Agreement shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good.
Gab AI Inc may disclose any user information or data if asked to do so by law enforcement as required or permitted by law or in response to a subpoena or other legal process.
Gab may disclose any user information or data if asked to do so by law enforcement as required or permitted by law or in response to a subpoena or other legal process.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us:

That is all interesting as Gab AI is offshore from the United States, and now users are being told that not only is something being downloaded onto their computers, but that our information is going to be handed over to the regime. Interesting, because GAB is closed to the public, so how is Homeland all over this site in surveillance, gathering data on users?

In most cases, I would have checked the ACCEPT, but as this goes now, I am not handing over more of my data  to the regime, as this was about Free Speech and Privacy, and I have enough monitoring on this blog. I am not an attention whore so I do not need GAB and it is disappointing this type of KGB surveillance is there as that warning absolutely means the Obama Police State is all over that site and data mining.

Nuff Said



Ambling Along RePosting Lame Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was asked again about reposting the things here and I will try and clarify and repeat a few things.

What I have problems with are this endless parade of fools who steal things here non stop, pretending they thought of it, in order to look intelligent to the fools they post things in front of on Facebook, or hand talking points to Donald Trump and it appears in debates. (I am not going to go into detail about this due to respect for President Trump, but in the debates with Hillary Clinton when it came to an economics question, that was my stuff which went without quote. I understand that as I am toxic for purpose, but if someone in the Trump campaign passed those points along and took credit for it, that does piss me off as I am the poor person who gets Homoland interviews on my doorstep.)

Now for the rules:

Anyone can post anything, as long as your are not a dumb fuck, changing content, or stealing it as your own to make a profit or to get nudie pictures from hot chics online as women like big brains.

As I said I am poor and this has been a bit taxing this past year and a half and God does not appreciate your stealing things from His Inspiration.

I will use this example. Say you have a publication and you use content here. You are welcome to do it with credit to the blog. If it makes you rich, then share something here. I do not charge for what God Inspires me. It would just be nice if most people were not selfish deadbeats.

All of this became an issue on Facebook, when I had people friending me, stealing content as their ideas, and then these assholes were trashing me in posts to their clique. That is really shitty. Shitty as those people with crapper lives trying to pick fights with TL or myself, because people hate them in real life, and they lurk around on the net as failures, as if they pulled things like that in real life, they would get the shit kicked out of them in a bar.

JUST DO NOT POST THIS BLOG TO THE FBI WALL or other government agencies, as that is what Homeland informed me, as that will bring a visit of Homeland to your home and you can visit with them. That is probably nothing you want to happen, so leave the alphabet agencies alone, even if in a Trump Presidency they are your Police State now to love and adore.

I realize there are a huge number of idiots out there. They have nothing now in Obama Bush stole everything from them. So all they have is trying to validate themselves online in public boards to try and look intelligent by being asses picking on others, and they are always stealing content, or keep around people in their friend's lists to inflict upon.........and the afflicted keep them around to have at least something appearing on their wall.

Really my children, will you delete these assholes and give all of us some peace. First off men, man up, a those skanky she bitches you have on your walls being shrews are not going to give you sex, and are only using you to suck your life force out of you to validate mean nothing to them.
As for you gals, those fat bully males are only dragging you down. Just because they once shit in a toilet squatted over by Bob Dole is not the kind of power that is ever going to do you any good. They will just use you and drag you down.

My unasked for advice is this. Do what you like to do best, and write and post about that. Makes no difference if it is raising chickens or fixing computers. You will get people who will like that, and it will be better for your lists. Of course, you are going to have endless morons pasting on your wall telling you what to do and how they are smarter than the turnip you are, but that is what the block and delete buttons are for.

God blesses me well enough as this past week I was amused in the Trump Landslide became a catch phrase after it was posted here. I am just trying like most of you to get a place of our own, with some land so I do not have a combine blowing chaff on my lawn or some gun blaster shooting at my cats.

Put it this way, do you go into people's houses and take things without permission or thanking them? This is my house, so show some respect, because the last thing you want to be is like Rush Limbaugh in being an old lizard who had to steal net content, because he was burned out of new ideas. You have enough problems in looking in the mirror without seeing a brain fraud too.

You do not have to keep asking permission to post things. Just use your brain in where things are posted so you do not get into trouble with Homeland and when it is appropriate give credit as it is God's workings.

Hope that explains things.


The German Right and Left Agree: Donald Trump Stopped World War III

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


As you are being forced to focus on the America left in treason with the American criminal press fomenting election unrest, it would be good to listen to the German leaders who speak for the people, in their assessment that by God's Grace, thee American People electing Donald Trump has saved the world from another world war.

The German right in Willie Wimmer stated Mr. Trump had stopped global war, and the German left in Sahra Wagenknecht analyzed this as a situation that the American People voted for real change they believed in.

Donald Trump's victory has prevented a global conflict, Willy Wimmer, a former Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Defense Ministry and a leading politician of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU), told Sputnik Deutschland on Wednesday.
"I was so relieved, like never before, for I had a feeling this morning that this decision saved us from a great war. I believe that the new American President, unlike his opponent, is ready for a reasonable, practicable and trustworthy collaboration with other countries in the world — and that gives me hope," Wimmer emphasized.
According to Wimmer, Berlin did not take into consideration the national interest of Germany when expressing its attitude to the US presidential campaign participants. "I think that the President of the Federal Republic, the Federal Chancellor, and, above all, the Foreign Minister, have not taken into account the interests of the German people. By [offering] one-sided support for one candidate and partially offensive comments about the other they have done the German people a lot of harm. This is an unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of another country, and after the election campaign ended, it may backfire at their own people," he pointed out.
The German politician especially criticized German President Joachim Gauck for what he called "intolerable" rhetoric.
"I think it would be a good thing for him to resign soon," Wimmer remarked.

Sahra Wagenknecht, leader of Germany's Left Party, explained that the German elite have appeared to be completely divorced from reality.
"The politicians, who now stand with sad expressions and who are in shock about what has happened [in the US], don't really understand anything. The United States public first and foremost voted for change, rather than specifically for Donald Trump,"
However, according to Wagenknecht, only time will tell whether the US leadership will bring its perpetual wars to an end.

The people have had it with these endless wars for the cartel, in both the right and the left. It will take prosecutions of George Soros and his American left anarchists though to stop the violence in America, because these traitors protesting Donald Trump, are protesting PEACE and are promoting the global war which the world has stepped back from in the election of Donald Trump as President of these now United States.

'Washington organized events happening in Ukraine' ex OSCE VP ...

'Washington organized events happening in ... peace in Europe Willie Wimmer, former State Secretary of the minister of defense in Germany and ...



Space Squeeze meets Tidal Wave Crests

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at that big ass moon in the sky being so close and mentioned to TL last night if it was going to trigger some big earthquakes, and on schedule it has.

REUTERS: Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes... Developing...
MAP: 7.8 MAG...
PAPER: Chaos in Christchurch...

6.2-magnitude quake shakes northwestern Argentina...

I return all of this  to what I posted here earlier this year in there appears to be something "out there" which is compressing space. I have not inquired on this lately, but from my observations to the huge gashes being ripped in the sun, space is not a vacuum in the least, but is a fluidity, which compresses and pulls in waves, like a raging current in a river pulling at things, when large objects disrupt it's "space".

The earth has become more volcanic, and earthquakes are trending in scope to the large scale. I recall now that this object when I inquired a few years ago was coming in below the earth, and that is where this current quake activity is centered.
What is of interest in this, is big quakes cause sympathetic quakes across the globe, as the shock moves through the magma in the core to an area directly opposite. In this case, Argentina and New Zealand were not a day apart, so that points to the earth being wrenched from below by these stellar forces.

It is a point that when pressure is released in other areas, pressure builds or resistance lessens so cause another quake, which the window ill be open for several days on this big ass moon.

I have not inquired as stated, and as I do not live in a mega quake zone it is not that much of interest to me.........not betting on this, but there is a generation pattern centered on Belize at this point in the 8 range. The chatter is ....there are several waves building, one in Canada, but it was waved off.

Am more interested in the scientific study of this in what is out there in how it affects space, and how that compressed space affects  the sun and the earth.

Those Kiwi abandoned America under Ronald Reagan in nuclear resistance to the Soviet Union........I ain't forgot that yet either.

Nuff Said


The Criminal Attack Upon The United States Of America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children and my brats understand this, if Hillary Clinton had stolen this election, that mob rioting across America would be burning you now, and not flags.

- Lame Cherry

A new Facebook group titled "Protest at the Inauguration: Stand Against Trump, War, Racism and Inequality" already has 15,000 people who are interested as of early Thursday afternoon and more than 4,000 who have confirmed they are going, and that number is almost certain to grow in the coming weeks.

This is the Purple Revolution funded by global terrorist George Soros as has been uncovered by Wayne Madsen, noted that the Clinton's even wore purple to her concession speech, with the blue and red states bound together, purple was the color of unity.

All of this MOG mass posting of assassination threats against President Donald Trump is meant to intimidate and herd him to submit to more of these Mike Pence types, as much as the media declaring war on Mr. Trump and America, are the underpinnings of the criminal attack upon America, and this is being run with police state cover out of the Obama White House.

America’s globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military «experts» opposed Trump’s candidacy, Trump is «required» to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such «experts» among Trump’s inner circle of advisers. Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush’s White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump’s White House team. There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others.

None of this is just happenstance, but is by design, like the 100 Days smear on Donald Trump to keep him from the nomination, including Ted Cruz blowing up the RNC convention, and the constant Clinton Bims lying about Donald Trump.

We now have before America, the Tory War of 1776, the Copperhead War of 1861 and now the 2016 Purple War against America. Each of these treacherous seditious acts, if you notice were connected to war to destabilize America and overthrow her.
Do not be mistaken in thinking "we won", as this has just started. The same group who were intent on you genocide are still out there, and are now staging riots in order to terrorize America, all of which is illegal and all of which must be met with corporal punishment in extreme prejudice.

I am thankful that these traitors, and make no mistake they are traitors, as NO ONE has the right to by violence attempt to thwart the establishment of a United States Government in legitimate elections. Donald Trump won by legitimate votes, while Mrs. Clinton's votes were dubious in the millions in illegals, the dead and in electronic vote fraud.
Therefore all of these rioters who listed their names on Facebook are subversives and must be prosecuted to the full. This is not some joke or something any nation can "get along with", as if Donald Trump by God's Grace had not won this election, Americans would NEVER have another election as Mrs. Clinton would have unloaded 100 million foreigners into America by 2018, put them into all the Electoral College States, and that would end the America vote, and end every American.
There can not be any quarter given these insurrectionists, and it begins with the Soros crime family on top. Every one of these criminals must be apprehended and prosecuted. The ring leaders prosecuted like Nuremberg for Crimes Against Humanity and the mob enlisted in being sentenced to the Peace Corp, where they will serve  the millions of Islamists who will be returned from Europe and America, in the Clinton Cities, or safe return zones for 5 years, with the full understanding that any attempted escapes from this sentence will bring lethal force as this is a military zone.

There is war being waged upon America to subvert  the American election. It must be met with the complete weight of the United States Government as full as 1776 and 1865, as this is European generated and a war against the Constitutional Right of the People to Free, Fair and Peaceful elections.
The cover of image Obama claiming peaceful transition of power, while the regime's police state stands idly by while these riots occur and attempt to disrupt the Inauguration of Mr. Trump, while Mrs. Clinton blames everyone for her loss, except herself, as George Soros funds more death in his world, which has now spread from Ukraine, Libya, Syria and into America, is the toxic evil of the globalists.

Americans must understand that under Donald Trump, they are now the Police State and have the power to unleash on these criminals, in the same force which the Obama regime unleashed on the Bundy's and LaVoy Finicum illegally. The difference is, the American Police State now has real terrorists and a real  threat to crush.

These terrorists have now left their names, placed their actions onto social media, and have provided all the evidence, along with James O'Keefe to prosecute them all, and it starts with the indictment of George Soros funding terrorism in these now United States.

Nuff Said


Democrats must rid themselves of Racism with Neo Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I could not agree with the liberals in the Democratic party more, after Neo Con Hillary Clinton stole the election from Bernie Sanders, in her Rockefeller Bush patrician GOPliter alliances, have brought ruin to the DNC, that the liberal must drive their fury forward to politics in seizing power in the Democratic Party.

I can think of no better person than Keith Ellison, AKA Keeter Ellison from Minnesota in being DNC Chair.

Is Muslim from Midwest set to take over DNC?

Seething liberals vow revolution in Dem Party...

Reason this out, the DNC does not need more pasty white liberals like Deb Schultz stealing elections for Hillary or Chelsea, nor Buffalo Blacks like Donna Brazile sending Hillary Clinton cheat sheet questions in debates. No the DNC answer is Birther Hussein Obama's twin in Muslim Keith Ellison.

This is the face the DNC needs, a real Black Mooselum, who tussled with George W. Bush and will never be hugging W like Michelle Obama was.

Democrats need to get all these pasty rich white college girls hired by George Soros to protest Donald Trump as their base and no one can do this like Ellison, as face it, no one trusts a woman to run anything in the DNC any more.......
I suppose you missed it in Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Jennifer Palmierri, Donna Brazile and Debbie Schultz birthed the 2016 disaster, along with those fag boys Podesta and Mook. These pasty white girls protesting need a man like Muslim Keith Ellison to burka them up as that is what they really want.
Sure most of these girls keep a colored around to boss them around, as you notice they have Black boys in their protests, but to save the liberal DNC, they need Ellison, who will put the radical back into radicalism and that is what the DNC needs, a real house cleaning in chasing all those Neocons out of the Democratic Party in forming the new coalition of pasty white girls with pussy grab problems and Mooselem males who know what a vertical smile is for.

So Democrats must rid themselves of Racism by putting Muslim Keith Ellison in charge of the DNC, and progress to a radicalism that Barack Obama would be at home with in Indonesia.

This is the mind that liberals need to run the Democratic Party.

Speaking at the Progressive Democrats of America roundtable, Congressman Keith Ellison claimed there's plenty of money, but the government doesn't have it yet.
“The bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it. The government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have a right to run the programs of the United States. Health, welfare, housing – all these things, and the people who benefit from being here have a duty and obligation to support it.
Keith Ellison, July 25, 2013 

Translated, the regime has the right to fund all entitlements by confiscating money from Americans, as Americans are obligated under criminal punishment to hand over their money for these programs.

This is what the Soros protesters against Trump are rioting for. It is time they rose up and installed Keith Ellison as their neo Obama.


Nuff Said


A List of Names

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are always more pigs than tits for jobs in any White House and it is my purpose to serve Donald Trump with some history which has appeared here from the lips of George Stephanopolous, who in his book of the Clinton nominations revealed the disaster that befell the Clinton's because Mario Cuomo played coy and it threw all of the other nominations off.

President Trump has to have a string of wins, and not be held up in nominations or embarrassing challenges. He did well with his Supreme Court choices and he should be guided by this.

Mark Levin is not helping in the least in his threats against Bob Corker as Secretary of State who enabled the Obama nuclear deal with Iran. President Trump has the right to ask those to serve he chooses, but the Senate still votes on the positions in the Cabinet.
What is taking place with Corker is the same railroading media blitz of the forces who installed Mike Pence.

I would mention that these women must not be overlooked. Sarah Palin belongs at Interior.

Michelle Bachmann

Sarah Palin

Linda Chavez

Laura Ingraham

For an inner working of workings, I would suggest Laura Ingraham at State. She is a Nixon protege, articulate and a force to be dealt with.

The Trump Administration has a debt to the Americans who voted for Mr. Trump, who want brand name Americans, and not an eruption of the same frantic screeching of the Mark Levin types, who have no place at the discussion for the problems they caused. It is a point though that Mr. Trump is going to have enough problems with the lunatic left, that he needs to keep the lunatic right quiet in the appointments.

Rack up the wins early by easy confirmations which settle the base, move to three quick policy wins in Congress in 2017 before the "surprises" appear, and then worry about which tit suckers are on the sow. An Administration does not need to appoint their campaign advocates to the high profile, but can let them be under Secretaries to learn the job.

One does not make the base groan in a fight over a nobody, as people are still uncertain about Mike Pence.

America has had enough of weird little ugly people and statues. They want something pretty to look at who they can dream about bossing them around in the bedroom. Every time Mr. Trump, pretty buys you 15% good will in tough spots and in tough spots that is all you got to keep the momentum going.


Trump Television

The Vision for America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mr. Ivanka Trump is someone of interest and some of what he has been involved in, is the reason you have heard some of these odd stories that Donald Trump was only running for President to start a television network.

Mr. Kushner caught my attention, when the AP which is CIA generated thought it important to include this on President Trump's first visit to the White House.

As scores of journalists waited to be admitted to the Oval Office to see Obama and Trump together, they saw White House chief of staff Denis McDonough walking along the South Lawn driveway with Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law. A handful of Trump aides trailed them.

The secret of all of this is the Alamo Project run by Brad Pascale out of San Antonio with a 100 member internet team which was targeting the Trump voters and targeting 3 Hillary Clinton voting bocks. Alamo was burning through 70 million dollars a effect as worthless an investment as Ted Cruz's bot tards, when compared to ......shall we say a popular girl who never received a penny and other Christian organizers who were the one who converted the Black and Hispanic vote in key precincts to offset the vote fraud of the Hillary enclaves in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan.
I will repeat that in volunteers who were kept out of the loop were more effective with God than this operation.

For the people who do support Trump, the team has figured out how to reach them on Facebook and keep them hooked, even after the election is over. It’s that upside that drew Stephen Bannon, the former Breitbart News executive who came up as the Trump campaign C.E.O. this summer, in. “I wouldn’t have come aboard, even for Trump, if I hadn’t known they were building this massive Facebook and data engine,” Bannon told the magazine. By November 8, Businessweek reports, the Trump campaign will have collected up to 14 million e-mail addresses and personal information—including credit cards—for some 2.5 million people. 
As you can read, it was the allure of data mining for profit which drew in Stephen Bannon. The data list of Trump voter emails and information is worth over 100 million dollars.

PLAN B -- “Trump son-in-law makes approach on post-election TV start-up,” Financial Times’ Matthew Garrahan and James Fontanella-Khan: “Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has informally approached one of the media industry’s top dealmakers about the prospect of setting up a Trump television network after the presidential election in November. … Mr Kushner — an increasingly influential figure in the billionaire’s presidential campaign — contacted Aryeh Bourkoff, the founder and chief executive of LionTree, a boutique investment bank, within the past couple of months, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.”

I make this information known for the simple reason in Mr. Ivanka Trump MUST get Trump Television launched and operational as the propaganda wing of the Trump Administration, as much as someone who understands the Mockingbird, must get a hold of that apparatus to produce positive information for Mr. Trump's agenda.
Yes it was enacted by those in charge when "the deal" was made for Hamrod's concession, but these children need to get their act together as this is more important that business.

Now you know the insider information, and you also know how you were being monitored in information was appearing in the Trump campaign from the internet from certain sources which assisted Mr. Trump a great deal.

President Trump and the GOP in charge must give all exclusives to Trump Television in order to produce a product which loyal American will never be betrayed by.

This is no time to set on their laurels, but must serve Mr. Trump even more completely now.

Build the E Wall. Build the Trump Wall. Wall it all off to control the borders and the message. Do not though attempt to manipulate these Americans on your list in taking advantage of them or you will have the worst of problems as they have had enough of this back stage crap. Tell them the game and they will support it.

Do not fuck this up for President Trump in any way, as the Inspired who were used by God are not going to be taken advantage of in God's Gifts.

Nuff Said

