Monday, November 14, 2016

Do not believe all the current lies about Donald Trump's Administration choices

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I received this correspondence and it is worth least in part.

Dear LC,
i really like your postings and appreciate all you have done to help get DJT elected as our next president.
however, i am confused by some of your articles as they seem to give guidance to the progressives.  like your posting about ellison as the DNC leader.  seems like that is actually going to happen.  on the conservative treehouse they think this is great for the trump train as it will expose the dnc for what a bunch of crazies they really are.    Is that your thoughts as well?
i'm disturbed by all the gop traitors that the trump administration seems to be filled with.   preibus as cos?  seriously?    then rumblings of romney's neice heading up the RNC?   newt?  i thought trump was going to drain the swamp of these traitors?  What about investigating and prosecuting clinton(s)?   going  back on all the important issues to bring unity?    Forget unity - we voted for him to clear out the corruption.
Maybe you could do a posting on your thoughts.  I did see some of your recent ones that trump needs to follow through.  
just getting nervous about the direction of this administration.  obviously still million times better than if clinton won.
God bless you, TL, and your family.

I can not explain a great deal of what I am doing or it will not be as effective. Those in need of validation are constantly trying to draw attention to themselves by revealing their plans on websites, which only assists the enemy.

I explained about Priebus. He is a GOPliter, but will push through Congress what Mr. Trump needs to have coordinated to fix Obamacare and this klusterfuck which has been left for him. We do not have to trust these people, but you do trust God, and can trust Donald Trump, and trust at least that I am working on the time line in what I am doing.
If you missed it, someone happened to post on a popular girl blog what would be best for the Trump children to serve America, including obtaining security clearances for them......the President is doing exactly that.

If you read my admonitions of Mr. Trump needing to follow through, they are not reminders to the President, but to the children he is dealing with who are now "wowed" by the White House and can not shut up in leaking or thinking that they were responsible for this victory from God.

I am reminding Mr. Trump though that people like you are getting nervous of things which the propaganda is focusing on to cause a divide with his voters, and to remind him that he has a group of people out there who want things done 3 months ago, and at this point they are feeling left out.

I would ask all of you to remember a few things, the first of which is we are blessed to be in this position about worrying about who is being appointed, as Hillary Clinton we would be worried about when we would be picked up by the police state.

There has not been any change in what Mr. Trump has been advocating and "lock her up" is the same reality. Mr. Trump never said he would appoint a special prosecutor, but he did say he did not want to destroy the Clintons, as they were good people. There is in this a Presidential message, a public and private stance. Remember there is still an active FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and Mr. Trump has not stated that will be stopped.
I am explaining this to settle each of you down, but you must know in explaining this, that this is now going to your enemies who understand what Mr. Trump is doing.

image Obama can mouth off as it always does in "What Donald Trump will do", but this is the same image who got it wrong on Donald Trump winning.  Mr. Trump is not going to get bogged down in sodomite stuff as that is wasted time. He puts Conservatives on the court and the courts rectify all of this out of politics.

There is only so much talent out there as Reagan's people are all dead. So that leaves a mix.

Put it this way in Newt Gingrich who was normal until Harold Hamm bought Newt and then Newt went nuts. Newt is like a horse that runs away. So you cure it by keeping a halter on don't get rid of the horse as that is all you got to ride.

None of these office are etched in stone. People fuck up and the President will fire them. At this point we have to wait and see what the mix will be. I am most concerned about the leaks, as those people are going to be a problem later.

Once the people get appointed, then the factions start fighting for Trump time. It is why the children and Melania are vital in this to keep the President informed.

Most of you were not around for President Reagan. It was not some bed of roses. The media called him nuts. Said he would start a nuclear war..........Congress trashed him.......the economy did not move for 18 months.....and people lost faith as George Schultz was a liberal who replaced Al Haig, and Nancy Reagan started cutting out the Conservatives for the legacy thing.

Just give the President some time and faith. This group has more than enough time to get things written for bills, so it will not take 6 months to get things done. For President Trump the sooner he can run up the score with wins, the more the momentum carries as with Reagan.

Understand that Pence given transition does not mean a great deal, nor Christie disappearing in that report about Mr. Trump "disgusted" as that is an old story he knew. Pence will be expected to perform Donald Trump's agenda and will to the letter.

Gerald Celente who runs trends, stated he expected Donald Trump to get everything he wanted for the next 2 years, providing there were not surprise events which always crop up. Mr. Celente was picking Mr. Trump to win pray for Mr. Trump and realize what he is up to in undoing Obama treaties, executive orders, removing clean energy mandates which will drop consumer prices and get America energy independent, and numerous other things you are not being told.

As I mentioned to TL today on our walk, we would have been overjoyed in 2008 or 2012 to have Mike Pence compared to what was there, as this guy is a rabid Conservative and is one of the mysteries as to why Hillary Clinton never went after him, as we were told by Jeb Bush that no Conservative could ever win talking about aborticide and repealing Obama. No I do not trust Mike Pence, due to Big Koch, and the harm that could bring Mr. Trump, but I do desire all of you to remember the GLASS IS FULL in we have by God's Grace, Donald Trump as President. It is not a glass full of obstacles, but of solutions.

Some of what I do and intend is to hold these glory whores who are appointed to the fire, so they serve Mr. Trump and America, and not themselves, because none of them are the end of genius and all of them have forgotten that God brought all of this about, and probably all of them have never heard of that Prophetess who was telling everyone the construction of this and being right again by God's Grace.

..and no I did not think Donald Trump was the least bit deflated after meeting image Obama. He looked to me to be a man impatient and a man who knew he was wasting time with that moron image and his shutterbug fawnlings.
Donald Trump knows what he wants to do as President and is as desirous to get this done as you are.

Just give him the time, and pray to God for the right God did better than ok in saving us all from genocide in the election.

Nuff Said


And now for something completely different.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The above picture found me repeating, "Oh my God, oh my God".

It tends to have that reaction to people who see it.

See why FBI Director James Comey told people to cover the camera on their laptop.

The work of Anonymous, of course not until after the election.

PS: My apologies in I did not consider I had to explain the above photo in it's profanity, as that is Bill Clinton, but that ain't his wife, sick old Hillary Clinton.

Yes I know, the cheap lines..........Bill got the boobie prize.


An Explanation of Technical Headlines

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The purpose of this Lame Cherry Concentrate post is to explain headlines.



Why is this?

Because Obama was giving away no interest loans to his Silicon Valley cronies. They were taking this money on loan, and buying their stock, which was spiking their stock prices, and this spike was making dividends to investors to give the illusion they were profitable.

Take away that cheap money, inflict into it FED interest to pay off the super derivative schemers, and you get 35 billion dollar loses at Jeff Bezos land, while the rest of the stocks are spiking upward.

So you understand this, Coke makes........Coke. Boeing makes jets. So when you have a company like Facebook which makes......addictive programs to prey on loons who can not stay off of there, there is not much to sip on or fly there, so all of these e ghost companies have nothing which is physical of value. Pull the free NSA funding, free interest money, and introduce a Donald Trump Justice Department investigating spiked ad numbers which Facebook uses.......which is criminal in robbing retailers, and driving sites like the Washington Post in the red, stocks tend to drop like rocks in this E Ponzi Scheme Shell Game.

Now you have your answer. I am still hoping to be put in charge of Division 88, that is the Law Enforcement Division which features a German 88 to knock on doors to serve warrants. I of course would only hire attractive agents, like the two Homeland stars who interviewed me.

Those Homeland contracts feeding black ops funds to the techies are not now in Obama free flow.

All adds up to stock drop.


Bringing Posters to a Secessionist Rebellion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was contemplating the subversives who are so insane at being beaten by Donald Trump, even though Hillary Clinton cheated, in their newest genius idea, following dope smoking and voting for Hamrod, is to not just leave the United States, but to join Canada.

Personally, I can tell you that Ottawa does not want a population of people who will be voting to install liberal Americans into Canadian Parliament in mass, making Canadians a real minority in their own country, has absolutely no appeal........along with the massive debt welfare states all of these Mexican enclaves carry.

Western Canadians do not want this liberal nuttery in their nation and is why Canada ships out most of their looney left to the Hollywood.

Then there is the matter that these protestors have signs............there are Trump voters in those states, in majorities who have firearms. These protesters can vote all they want, but at the end of the day, what would happen is just like Ukrainian Russians appealing to Vladimir Putin, Americans would appeal to Donald Trump, who would roll in tanks as all of these fine American gun owners would lynch all of these subversives.

So I am honestly in favor of the secessionists of Hillary Clinton in the Obama legacy, because when it is over, the armed people in those states will be fertilizer of the fields as in war,  bad things happen........especially when you have signs and the people who count have guns.

Statistics of Gun Owners in Secessionist States

California 21.30%  of who own guns 36,756,666 population   7,829,170 gun owners

Oregon 39.80%  3,790,060 population  1,508,444gun owners

Nevada 33.80%  2,600,167 population  878,850 gun owners

Washington 33.10%  6,549,224 population  2,167,793 gun owners

There are over 13 million gun owners in these American States.


Hillary Clinton kills Gwen Ifill

Gwen Ifill Dead at 61...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hell it ain't even Christmas yet.

Seriously, you do know if Gwen Ifill was a Jew with pancreas cancer like Ruth Bader Ginsburg she would be alive, you know if she was Hillary Clinton she would have been sucking the blood out of 3000 virgins to be healed by New York medical and if she was Barack Hussein Obama, she would have had 50 doctors treating her to recovery.

But Gwen Ifill was a token, doing the Bernie biddin' on PBS to trail them Niggers along and show them white folks how to does the thinkin' like Chris Matthews. So she is dead, without God as that woman was a liar.

Poor, poor Gwen, like a stoic woman she hung onto the election to help Hillary Clinton steal it, but Hillary Clinton let her down and that is what killed poor, poor Gwen.

Seriously, and it ain't even Christmas yet.


The Reality for President Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had hoped to do this in private, but a Prophetess has no respect in her own land or her own Presidency, it is time to make this public and once it dawns upon the Trump staff this needs to be done, it will be too late.

If Mr. Trump has a public and private will, that is acceptable, in the instance of Hillary Clinton being prosecuted, but Mr. President, you said things that Americans believed and desired, and one of them is that Hillary Clinton should go to prison.

I realize that you have "unity" in uniting all Americans, but the unity you seek is now burning down America in Soros protests to destroy you. George W. Bush tried unity and it destroyed him in the end as the liberals will bait you like HW and then fuck you over with NO NEW TAXES.

I have laid out how this can be done in "world service" for Mrs. and Mr. Clinton as a plea bargain to satisfy all, including Democrats who want to be rid of these criminals, and it must be done.

People respect law and order, and when you let Mrs. Clinton walk, you are sending a message to all Americans that nothing has changed, because from your staffers there is not ONE ADVOCATE for the Bundy group in ending that persecution, nor have any of you figured out to fire those people involved in the Oregon murder, and to write a billion dollar check out to the family of LaVoy Finicum to make that go away, so the Trump Administration is not seen fighting the very Westerners who put them into the White House.

Mr. Trump, you need to start setting backfires or the inferno out there is going to have Soros burning down your Administration. As stated this should have been dealt with in private, but as your monitors who have been ripping off this blog to feed you talking points, are too busy trying to bury the fringe media as you are now all respectable, this now goes public in trying to save your administration, so you do not end up like Richard Nixon. If you do not comprehend this, David Brooks of the NYT, published the 2017 list in the liberals intend to make your resign, or impeach you or implement lethal means to be rid of you.

Respectfully Sir, I have witnessed absolutely no one in your group who is up to handling this situation, or comprehends what needs to be done. What I have witnessed are a bunch of preeners who are taking the work of others and claiming it as their own, as you let the gates open so you are being overrun with sappers.

Mr. President, you have a most volatile group of injured voters who now only have hope and your word. You tell people that the entire situation at Justice, Homeland and the FBI will be reviewed and then the government will proceed from there. This is not about hurting sick old Hillary, this is about LAW AND ORDER and no one is above the law.

It is a promise Mr. President if you keep making the mistakes you have in letting these enemies up, they are going to destroy you, and all of these fawning simps who were against you, are going to rise up with extreme malice and put you into prison.......and then your good friend Mike Pence can pray for you, and disavow the disgusting chapter of Donald Trump, as we all go back to the gulag of Big Koch politics.

You stop being nice and start being President.

If you need to be reminded Sir, if Hillary Clinton had stolen this, at this moment the Lynch Justice would be sending out investigators to audit you, your company, your children, and bringing to the forefront in Federal Court all of those pussy grab charges, and you Mr. Trump, would be a pauper, and in jail by November 2017.

I will repeat this Mr. President, you stop being nice, and start doing the blessed job God put you into that office for.


Mike Cernovich RNC Chair

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I rather feel like Howard Hughes sending out notes to Bob, but a few words are golden when silver tongues tarnish with too many speeches.

Now the Reinse Priebus is Chief of Staff of President Donald Trump with the expressed purpose that the entire Trump Legislative agenda is the responsibility of Mr. Priebus in coordinating with his Republican Congress......and he will be blamed completely for anything that does not please the public 100% and will be terminated as that is the game now in absolutely no second chances...............

I was going to post on this in planning for 2018 because Americans must now build and coordinate on this Trump Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Christian alliance......and make no doubt about this as Jill Stein lost voters in 2% which went to Mr. Trump as much as the Libertarians rejected by a 5% margin that dope head Gary Johnson, that this coalition must now be built upon to secure the blessing of liberty for our grandchildren again.

Mike Cernovich has announced his purpose is to elect Americans in very race, and in that, there is nothing better for this driven man to be put in charge of the Republican National Committee to coordinate this with the passion it needs. The Republicans NEED passion, and for Donald Trump to build on his successes in KEEPING AMERICA GREAT, it will require a complete Joel Skoursen building of the GOP up, in taking it from Karl Rove cronies with Clinton, to Trump advocates.

The GOP needs someone who wants to do this job and is not going to sit on their laurels in taking credit for other Christian's work, as is now forming in the Trump staff.

Let us not forget pussy grab in that was coordinated out of the GOP with Hillary Clinton.

GOP Leaked Damaging Donald Trump Tape | FITSNews

"Donald Trump's get out the vote efforts have been sabotaged at every level by the GOP," reporter Mike Cernovich ... election can be broken down ...

This is something we have to think about in 2 years down the road, and not settle for another moron taking control of the RNC, who never believed in Donald Trump, and will be more interested in eating steak with Charles Schumer than in finding grass roots candidates across the board, to begin grooming and building a house by house network to secure the primaries in 2018 and all of those offices.
That is one thing which was missing in the Trump campaign, but thank GOD, there were Christians who volunteered in being moved by the Holy Ghost to get numbers of people to the polls.

Mike Cernovich is the correct choice, as he will draw in people who will not apologize or back down, in thinking we all can now get along with our enemies who were going to genocide all Americans in the next 4 years.

He is energetic, intelligent, full of himself, talented and driven.....and is already going where we need someone to lead. That makes him the right choice and the Trump staff had better start handing some crumbs out to the Alt Right or they are going to have a shitload of shitlords causing a hell of an amount of trouble.

You people seem to be having Hillary amnesia in forgetting who is the boss in the American People who employ all of you.

PS: One more thing to you Trump staffers. You get off your asses and start inviting these people who put it all on the line to the Trump Inauguration, for an Alt Right gala, where the Boss is going to spend time, including the Trumpkinder in half hour meet and greets. You start showing some appreciation and throwing these people crumbs in a reach they are getting restless and want Trump President, in the same way they wanted the election over, the debates over and the primaries over.
I suggest Donald jr. to task this reach out, as the Alt Right has an affinity with him.

Nuff Said


The Clinton Dead Pool

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has reached the point with all of the Mockingbird propaganda concerning ANALGATE in what happened to Americans at Benghazi, that a readdressing of the time line must be constructed so that we are not all wowed by the Clinton Dead Pool.

For those who do not know what this is about, it is simple. George Soros wanted Libyan oil, so Barack Hussein Obama with Hillary Clinton murdered Colonel Khadaffi to get that oil. There were though "limitations" on murdering people and starting wars in US laws, so this entered a US arms dealer named Marc Turi from Arizona.

Turi contacted then US official Chris Stevens, who said he would pass along the "proposal". This proposal then appeared in Hillary Clinton's Wikileaks, in her telling staff to look into private arms dealers to arm the Soros Obama Clinton terrorists.

Turi exchanged emails in 2011 with then U.S. envoy to the Libyan opposition Chris Stevens. A day after the exchange about Turi’s State Department application to sell weapons, Clinton wrote on April 8, 2011 to aide Jake Sullivan, “fyi. the idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered.”

The fact remains in all of this, that Chris Stevens who was reporting to John McCain, KNEW of this entire operation, and the fact is while he was to be kidnapped, he was deliberately left to be murdered, because of what he knew.

He also e-mailed J. Christopher Stevens, then the special representative to the Libyan rebel alliance. The diplomat said he would “share” Mr. Turi’s proposal with colleagues in Washington, according to e-mails provided by Mr. Turi. Mr. Stevens, who became the United States ambassador to Libya, was one of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attack on Sept. 11.

Turi was rejected by the regime first and then had this pushed through by Hamrod, after the weapons were shipped to Qatar to be laundered there to terrorists in Libya. Qatar having numbers of clients,  handed this massive weapon's shipment out to every terrorist.........and that is where the problems started as some people's terrorists were employed looting the Mideast for certain Americans and other terrorists were getting in the way of this. So Homeland was dispatched to arrest Marc Turi............who later had Loretta Lynch drop all charges against him, because the arms trail ran up Hillary Clinton's skirt.

This is the quote in all of this which pounds sand:

As Fox News has reported extensively, in 2011, the Obama administration with support from some Republican and Democratic lawmakers explored options to arm the so-called “Libyan rebels” during the chaotic Arab Spring but United Nations sanctions prohibited direct sales.

Ah now what Republican and Democrat lawmakers would that be? You already know if you were reading the Lame Cherry in here are three of them who were all against Donald Trump.

Every time I ponder about deleting the above photo, here comes another story requiring a reminder of who the culprits were.

And who were the Democrats in this money laundering? We know because for some idiot reason, Hillary Clinton put it up as a link on her campaign page.

FLASHBACK: Support For Libyan Intervention Was Widespread

FLASHBACK: Support For Libyan Intervention Was Widespread Support came from Democrats, ... 2011 - John McCain and Joe Lieberman: ...
 (If you need further explanation, Sherman Skolnick reported long ago that McCain and Lieberman were such good buddies, due to Indian Gaming, of the mafia getting into east coast and southwest Indian Reservation gaming operations.)

Oh wait, here is someone else involved in the arms trade in the Democrats.

Senate Democrats, GOP agree on Libya resolution - Yahoo

Senate Democrats, GOP agree on Libya ... Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., and Sen. John McCain, ... U.S. support for the NATO ...
Why yes it was none other than John Kerry, who happened to serve in Vietnam and is now chasing climate change at the South Pole. This is your axis of arms trade to terrorists. John McCain, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, John Kerry (now Secretary of State) and Joe Lieberman who campaigned with Hillary Clinton in Florida.

You are looking at the syndicate who ran this for the globalists out of Congress with full support of Hillary Clinton and full cover by the Obama regime police state.

What Marc Turi became embroiled in was a gun runner operation, that exposed Obama regime crimes in 2012 elections and Clinton crony crimes in 2016. One reason he was gone after was certain individuals who might have had their daddy as CIA director once or who were setting up their own terror oil money laundering scheme for the GOP to use funds to wipe out Donald Trump, might have decided that prosecuting a guy who was selling Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama terrorists weapons, might just get Hillary Clinton defeated.
Problem is that AG Loretta Lynch and FIB Director James Comey were dropping charges faster than indictments could come.

Some (weapons) may have went out under control that we had with our personnel over there and the others went to these militia. That’s how they lost control over it,” Turi said. “I can assure you that these operations did take place and those weapons did go in different directions.”

I really do not care if this Eric Bravermean or Marc Turi are dead. It is like worrying about someone doing shots of cyanide at the bar. When you get involved in arms deals in which factions of the cartel are feuding over oil shares and the Muslims are using your guns to buy favors so the sultans do not end up carved into pieces, you are a Darwin candidate for not having the sense to make your money in less hazardous ways.

Just so you do not miss this, Marc Turi stated he was running 200 million dollars in weapons into Qatar. Marc Turi did not have that kind of money, so that money was coming from some place, as in Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama knew where the funding was coming for their terrorists...........exactly like Iran Contra of weapon sales were funding wars in circumventing United States laws........

See what happens when you get caught between rival factions and someone trying a hail jebby muddies the situation up just a bit.

Anyway this is what American foreign policy looks like when the oligarchs are selling it for their control over swathes of real estate.

Mr. Turi’s application for a license was rejected in late March 2011. Undeterred, he applied again, this time stating only that he planned to ship arms worth more than $200 million to Qatar. In May 2011, his application was approved. Mr. Turi, in an interview, said that his intent was to get weapons to Qatar and that what “the U.S. government and Qatar allowed from there was between them.”
Two months later, though, his home near Phoenix was raided by agents from the Department of Homeland Security. Administration officials say he remains under investigation in connection with his arms dealings. The Justice Department would not comment.
Mr. Turi said he believed that United States officials had shut down his proposed arms pipeline because he was getting in the way of the Obama administration’s dealings with Qatar. The Qataris, he complained, imposed no controls on who got the weapons. “They just handed them out like candy,” he said.

Clinton Dead Pool Investment Watch Blog 

Clinton Dead Pool Politico

Clinton Dead Pool 21st Century Wire

Clinton Dead Pool World Net Daily

Clinton Dead Pool New York Times

Clinton Dead Pool Counter Jihad Report


Robert Rackstraw

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that enough of the information is out to make the discussion accepted as those are the rules, there has always been something which was interesting in the DB Cooper case............

For the children who do not know who DB Cooper is. Cooper is a legend of 1970's Americana, for hijacking a plane, getting ransom, and jumping out over the American northwest and disappearing.

Investigative Journalists now believe they know who Cooper was in Robert Rackstraw, who is one of the most interesting border men of America in living on the edge.

I am not going to delve into the case, as you can read the files here of the tracking of Mr. Rackstraw as it is fascinating reading how the FBI and law enforcement, along with numbers of others were certain that he was DB Cooper.

With everyone, including their mother knowing that Rackstraw was Cooper, then how was it, he has never been prosecuted, but was on other charges, which had him doing heists of military instillations which should have had the FBI all over him.

It all goes back to Vietnam where numbers of US Soldiers who were highly intelligent found their ways at times to being involved in CIA covert operations. That is what Rackstraw was involved in, and it explains a great deal like numerous infamous American characters who were CIA assets like Lee Harvey Oswald to Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama seemed to be above the law, when constantly in skirmishes with the FBI.

If Rackstraw was just a Vietnam fringe associate of the CIA, he would have been in prison. What captures the attention is the known heists that Rackstraw was believed responsible for..........just what was he involved with that is not known, and of that, how much of it was contract work for the CIA for "projects"?

This is what begins to make sense in the missing piece in this, in once in the CIA, always in the CIA, and a freelancer for the CIA always gets the "hands off" from the FBI, as putting people under oath might bring out interesting things like Mena Arkansas which the CIA with HW Bush had no business running company business in America.

Mr. Rackstraw had the ability, but had the association to be successful.

Nuff Said


What Created Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not ever want any of your to forget something in all that Donald Trump did for you in being the force who first checked the madness of Barack Obama's dictatorship in forcing the naked ruler to show his Birther clothes.

None of you remember this, because it did not happen to you, but in 2011, the liberal CIA rag, Washington Post, suckered Donald Trump to attend an Obama roast, as Obama intended to retaliate and they set it up to humiliate Donald Trump as the focus of ridicule thee entire evening.

Read the sadistic and hateful things Birther Hussein heaped on Mr. Trump, and remember that Barack Obama schemed as an Indonesian citizen, to gain free foreign student grants which you paid for to send this dope smoker to college.
Obama called himself not an American to scam the system.

So read Obama's hate in what kind of petty small person he is.

As a hair-gelled, grimly unsmiling Mr. Trump sat at a nearby table — a guest of the Washington Post — Mr. Obama ripped one punch after another at the real estate tycoon.
“Donald Trump is here tonight,” the comedian in chief said, grinning. “Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is prouder to put this birth certificate to rest than The Donald. Now he can get to focusing on the issues that matter. Like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened at Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?”
It was almost painful to watch, the juxtaposition of the president, flexing his new post-birther comedy chops, and the real estate mogul-cum-politician, grimacing at his table as Mr. Obama basked in his post-long-form-birth-certificate glow.
“All kidding aside, we all know about your credentials and experience,” Mr. Obama said, as people in the room either chortled or grimaced nervously, all depending on their proximity to Mr. Trump.
In “Celebrity Apprentice,” Mr. Obama told Mr. Trump, teeth flashing, “the men’s cooking team did not impress the judges from Omaha steaks, but you recognized that this was a lack of leadership, so you fired Gary Busey.”
“These,” Mr. Obama said, “are the kinds of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well-handled, sir. Well-handled.”
The birther issue gave Mr. Obama lots of fodder for the evening, including a video of his birth, which he mentioned before cutting to a clip from “The Lion King.”
But in the end, it was Mr. Trump who served as the punching bag for the evening. As it turned out, Mr. Obama’s swipes were just the warm-up act for Seth Meyers, the headliner for the evening, who spent most of his routine going after Mr. Trump, who sat at the Washington Post table, grimacing.

As disgusting as the above set up was, read the following New York Times revelations from the Obama insiders in referring to Mr. Trump as "low hanging fruit" so it was acceptable to abuse him in public.

In talks beforehand, aides recalled no debate about going after Mr. Trump. He was, Mr. Axelrod said, “low-hanging fruit” for Mr. Obama. “I guarantee you that as he delivered those jokes he did not think he was roasting his successor,” he said. “I don’t think that would have remotely crossed his mind.”

David Litt, a former speechwriter for Mr. Obama, remembered thinking that evening that Mr. Trump had been destroyed politically, rendered a laughingstock. “That’s the end of Donald Trump,” he said he thought. Now the laughingstock holds the fate of Mr. Obama’s legacy in his hands.

The fact is Barack Hussein Obama in order to cover up his embezzling of foreign student loan funds, embarked upon deliberately destroying an American, who was a political rival, and every one of the Obama team had no problem with it, as Obama attempted to make our now President, a laughingstock.

You want to know what drove Donald Trump to be President, and to suffer all the abuse he has? It all hearkens back to that night that the most powerful person in the world, in petty vindictiveness, abused the Power of the Presidency to smash an American, that Obama was supposed to be protecting and defending.

Thank God, Donald Trump is the kind of American, who does not quit and rose up to save America from the kind of wickedness which is Obama, is Clinton and is the heinous terrorists now employed as rent a rioters across America in trying to make us submit to more Obama thuggery.

Note to the Trump monitors, if you do not have anyone who will do this, then provide me the security clearance, and I will open the school loan files to bring the issue to the front that B. Hussein embezzled money from Americans in foreign school grant programs, so all of us can laugh about his foreign status.

Nuff Said



U.S. President-elect Donald Trump arrives to speak at his election night rally in Manhattan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump will have to build the Wall, no matter what, or else he will be crucified in 2020 by Democrats with Read My Wall, as HW Bush was in breaking his promise in READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES, and abandoned by his supporters, as they voted for honesty as they have had enough lies.

The Trump Wall will have to be more than a Wall. It will have to be designed to be appealing, a sort of commerce with a view in all things Trump, which will have appeal to the eye and the economics.
It will be come a river gathering water in rain gutters to irrigate crops and be seen from space as a beacon to American exceptionalism. It will be Donald Trump's Rushmore, grander than any Presidential Library, a monument to his greatness.

The Wall will be the Trump Wonder to the World, or the World will mock him and wonder why he could not keep his word.

Nuff Said
