Tuesday, November 15, 2016

When Barack Obama Calls a White Man

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a sad thing to watch and listen to the image of Obama admit that he can not do the successful things a White man can. image Obama's latest interview was one in which all the image could do is express how absolutely unsuccessful Obama is.

This is the same Obama who was mocking Donald Trump a few years ago and taunting Mr. Trump that he would never be President.......again another insight into the shortsightedness of Birther Hussein Obama, but then what would one expect from a foreign child of Indonesia, who tried to get away with stealing foreign aid so he could get an education in the American school system.

It is such a wonderful thing that Black's decided to emancipate themselves from Obama and Clinton in the 2016 elections, as it is embarrassing for all to listen to image Obama say that it just does not match up.

In review of this, in 2009 and 2010, the greatest accomplishment years, it was nothing to do with Birther Hussein. Rahm Emanuel who was White House Chief of Staff had to quit, because Obama and Jarrett were so loony. The entire success for Obama was due to White woman Nancy Pelosi and White man Harry Reid. The only success Obama ever had was finding ways to golf for 8 years instead of showing up for work.

The quotes from image Obama, simply make one cringe for Black America, as when one considers their great success in surviving Obama, the image of Obama does nothing but say, "It can't be done". Absolutely the antithesis of Martin Luther King, whose bust must have been weeping for 8 years in the shattered dreams, and then wept in joy that Donald Trump was finally there to save Black America.

'I think that he successfully mobilized a big chunk of the country to vote for him,' Obama told reporters.

image Obama "thinks" that the reason Mr. Trump won is because more people voted for Mr. Trump than Mrs. Clinton.  That kind of political insight is what one would hear from a 6 year old.

Then there is this gem:

You know, there are certain things that made for good good soundbites, but don't always translate into good policy. And that's something that he and his team will wrestle with in the same way every president wrestles with.'

What a wonder is the mind of Obama. Obama admits he lied to Americans non stop to get elected. image Obama must have wrestled a great deal in not doing anything for 8 years, while others did the work, and he vacationed.

Apparently, there was not Wifi on the golf course in image Obama was not paying attention to anything Donald Trump published for policy.

'I also think that he is coming to this office with fewer set hard-and-fast policy prescriptions than a lot of other presidents might be arriving with.'

The fact is Mr. Trump has laid out a series of Promises at Gettysburg, and is one of the few Presidents in the past generation who actually has informed Americans exactly what he is going to accomplish from building the Wall to replacing Obamacare to stopping terrorism with Vladimir Putin.

'Because when you're a candidate and you say something that is inaccurate or controversial, it has less impact than it does when you're President of the United States. Everybody is paying attention. Markets move.'

Yes indeed the markets are paying attention in spiking on the policies of Donald Trump, revealing the investors are delighted to finally be out from Obama's managed misery of Americans.

We close the Obama brilliance as this started with Obama's 6 year old intelligence.

'The federal government and our democracy is not a speedboat. It's an ocean liner, as I discovered when I came into office,' Obama said.

Such a remarkable analogy from the steam age. Every American knows from American History that the American Republic was designed to not function, but to dysfunction, to protect the Government from dictators like Obama who did not adhere to the rule of law in changing things he believed in, but instead brought utter ruin to America.

It would help if Obama was an American, and not a child birthed from African and Asian parents, who spent all of his developmental years in Muslim Indonesia, and then was doped up in Hawaii and New York the rest of his formative years, because then he would have understood America and Americans, especially the trial of being a Black American.

I am trying hard to not ridicule this image of Obama, because it will soon be gone, and liberals have been abused enough by the incompetency of Obama and Clinton, but it is difficult as this is supposed to be a man who was President for 8 years, and instead of "YES WE CAN", all image Obama can express is how failed he is, and being so flat world, that it concludes every one on the planet is as incompetent as image Obama is.

So in review this is what Obama genius is:

I think Donald Trump won the election because more people voted for him than others. When you are a bad leader like me, the economy has problems. I lied about everything I told Americans, but I have not heard a thing Donald Trump said in his policies, because I just could never handle the job.



Gun Owners Helped Bring Home the Donald Trump Victory


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I found these statistics in the numbers of people who own firearms in each of the States, who are President Donald Trump supporters.

The first number is the percentage of gun owners in the state.
Second number is population of the state.
Third number is total gun owners
Fourth number is percentage nationally.

State Percent owning firearms Population Number of people owning firearms Percentage of national
Texas 35.90 24,326,974 8,733,384 8.96%
California 21.30 36,756,666 7,829,170 8.04%
Florida 24.50 18,328,340 4,490,443 4.61%
Pennsylvania 34.70 12,448,279 4,319,553 4.43%
Georgia 40.30 9,685,744 3,903,355 4.01%
Michigan 38.40 10,003,422 3,841,314 3.94%
North Carolina 41.30 9,222,414 3,808,857 3.91%
Ohio 32.40 11,485,910 3,721,435 3.82%
New York 18.00 19,490,297 3,508,253 3.60%
Virginia 35.10 7,769,089 2,726,950 2.80%
Tennessee 43.90 6,214,888 2,728,336 2.80%
Illinois 20.20 12,901,563 2,606,116 2.67%
Indiana 39.10 6,376,792 2,493,326 2.56%
Wisconsin 44.40 5,627,967 2,498,817 2.56%
Missouri 41.70 5,911,605 2,465,139 2.53%
Alabama 51.70 4,661,900 2,410,202 2.47%
Minnesota 41.70 5,220,393 2,176,904 2.23%
Washington 33.10 6,549,224 2,167,793 2.22%
Kentucky 47.70 4,269,245 2,036,430 2.09%
Arizona 31.10 6,500,180 2,021,556 2.07%
Louisiana 44.10 4,410,796 1,945,161 2.00%
South Carolina 42.30 4,479,800 1,894,955 1.94%
Colorado 34.70 4,939,456 1,713,991 1.76%
Mississippi 55.30 2,938,618 1,625,056 1.67%
Arkansas 55.30 2,855,390 1,579,031 1.62%
Oklahoma 42.90 3,642,361 1,562,573 1.60%
Oregon 39.80 3,790,060 1,508,444 1.55%
Iowa 42.80 3,002,555 1,285,094 1.32%
Maryland 21.30 5,633,597 1,199,956 1.23%
Utah 43.90 2,736,424 1,201,290 1.23%
Kansas 42.10 2,802,134 1,179,698 1.21%
New Jersey 12.30 8,682,661 1,067,967 1.10%
West Virginia 55.40 1,814,468 1,005,215 1.03%
Nevada 33.80 2,600,167 878,856 0.90%
Idaho 55.30 1,523,816 842,670 0.86%
Massachusetts 12.60 6,497,967 818,744 0.84%
New Mexico 34.80 1,984,356 690,556 0.71%
Nebraska 38.60 1,783,432 688,405 0.71%
Connecticut 16.70 3,501,252 584,709 0.60%
Montana 57.70 967,440 558,213 0.57%
Maine 40.50 1,316,456 533,165 0.55%
South Dakota 56.60 804,194 455,174 0.47%
New Hampshire 30.00 1,315,809 394,743 0.41%
Alaska 57.80 686,293 396,677 0.41%
North Dakota 50.70 641,481 325,231 0.33%
Wyoming 59.70 532,668 318,003 0.33%
Vermont 42.00 621,270 260,933 0.27%
Delaware 25.50 591,833 150,917 0.15%
Rhode Island 12.80 1,050,788 134,501 0.14%
Hawaii 8.70 1,288,198 112,073 0.12%
D.C. 3.80 873,092 33,178 0.03%
304,059,724 97,432,512 32.04%

Now you are never going to be shown these statistics as the liberal police state does not want you to know how many of you are out there and how powerful you are.

Some states are absolutely amazing  in Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana,  Idaho and West Virginia, in every other person you meet has a firearm. In other states like Kentucky, Nebraska, Oregon, Wisconsin, Michigan and Texas (and most others) 1 out of 3 people you meet have a gun.

I happen to reside in a neighborhood where every vehicle one meets has a gun in the cab, whether it is pick up or tractor. It is not uncommon to see on our walks at sundown, vehicles parked or shots going off, because someone is tuning up a coyote. It is the safest place in the world to be with guns all over the place and bullets blazing away.

One of the groups who came home for Donald Trump were the American Gun Owners. Due to the fine job of Tom Gresham at Gun Talk, he broke the NRA one issue voting, and elected Donald Trump. It is the best of all worlds as Mr. Trump is pro gun, will load the Supreme Court with pro gun Justices, as well as the lower courts, and we receive the Conservative peace which all of us yearn for in being left alone and able to live our lives.

Remember the power you have and the numbers you have, because the media wants you to think you are nothing. You are all something in being united in being gun owners, and gun owners helped by God's Grace bring home the victory to Donald Trump.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly am reluctant to explain the following, because after I posted on the brilliant strategy of Mr. Trump in his campaign in utilizing WWE tactics, I witnessed a moron attempting to be  popular in posting a stupid looking photo of Mr. Trump's head pasted onto a match character, which played into the hands of our enemies.

ANYTHING that makes people question Mr. Trump or demans him, assists the criminals attempting to genocide all of us. For those too cucked in the brain to comprehend this, you are informed now what a problem you are, and too many people have worked too hard, including God for you to adding to the problem.

With that caveat, it is important that you understand something in we do not exist in a Trump Dictatorship, even though that would make things easier. The same evil oligarchs are out there, but there are two factions. There is the Obama Clinton looters, and then the rich people who were cut out of the looting. Think of them as the people who back Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and all the Obama enablers who you detest.
We do not live though in a vaccum world. For those who understand Ronald Reagan, Mr. Reagan passed numbers of good policies which were taken over by these Neocons which brought ruin to all the Americas.
The same situation is taking place now in these oligarchs for Paul Ryan, as Big Koch, already had plans if Clinton stole it or Trump won it. The plan now is to utilize Mr. Trump, and that is what you will witness in Obamacare which will transform into Obamashare.

So you understand this, Obama had Joe Biden bribe the medical industry leaders to get them to sign on in millions of dollars. The entire Obamacare money laundering seized 20 percent of the US economy and was worth a fortune as a monopoly which denied millions care, so they would die and provide more profit in the system, which was not profitable in treating the poor.
For the liberals and those who support Obamacare, if this was about you getting healthcare, there would not have been a 2017 explosion in costs of premiums to extort money from you by the IRS. Hillary Clinton was looking forward to the implosion of Obamacare, as it would return Hillarycare in single payer, which her cronies would control the monopoly of. It is always about the money.

What you will see now with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell is a joyous removal of Obamacare, but instead making it non mandatory, where the same people who want Obamacare shifted to Medicaide, and the rest of you shifted to medical savings accounts which you control and competition among insurance companies.

Let the Lame Cherry explain in why this works, but why the Obamashare cronies want this. Insurance companies will make a fortune in crossing state lines in offering better plans. Banks will make a fortune in medical saving's accounts. You will recieve the care you want and be happy, and happiest of all, will be hospitals who will see more people insured or having savings accounts, so the hospitals will not be eating the costs of the uninsured.

In this, let us call it TRUMPSHARE, people get what they choose to in cheap rate insurance, savings accounts they control or a government Medicaide program, as Obmacare rationed death disappears. What appears though are the GOP oligarchs who will again make profits in providing the best medical system in the world to the majority who choose it.

I realize that some speed reading, grandstander will now get this half assed wrong and cause problems as they try to grab the stage and plagiarize God's work here, but it is important for you to understand what is coming and why it is the Republicans are now in favor of "fixing" Obamacare.
It is because the monopoly of Obama Clinton is going to be divided up to other groups, who originally had control of this system.

The important part each of us has to demand is making this NOT MANDATORY, so those who do not want it, do not have to pay into it. The free market will include better rates which will bring in more people. For example, I have a catastrophic policy which costs only a few hundred dollars which I will never use, but it is there in case God forbid some horrid crash took place. That kind of plan is something that most 25 year olds would buy as insurance as they are not going to want for a decade the kind of full coverage older people do.

The poor people can have a like Medicaide package of not costing that much, as many elderly people now have in Medicare supplemental coverage, and that is how Obamacare vanishes to the free market of Trumpshare.

If you do not force Americans to do things, they will do it, for a better deal, and that is what Trumpshare will be, a better deal, where the industry which provides medical care for Americans will make the necessary profits in order to advance and maintain the best medical industry in the world. 

There is nothing wrong in using Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do the work they should have done before. You do not have to trust them, but only make them replace Obamacare with a free choice system which serves three groups. Those who do not want insurance. Those who are poor and want insurance in a government program, and those who can afford health insurance and want a better insurance rate.

Accomplishing that provides the profits for the medical providers to provide all of us care as these illegals are booted out of the system, it pays for the Americans who are paying for the care.

Nuff Said



Two Fat Ugly Dyke Chics


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So TL and I were getting petrol from the pump, and being aware of my surroundings, I always pay attention to others in my defensive sphere. I noted this fat woman on the other side of the pump, and mentioned to TL that, that kind of sight needed sunglasses, so one would not throw up at the sight.

What greeted me first was this black lace top, which for some reason when one has lace containing 220 pounds of potatoes, it sort of loses the look lace is meant for.

As I listened to the conversation, which apparently was with fat chic number two, who started smoking by the pump, I became more interested as the conversation was something about someone having to come back at 2 o' clock, because their court date was moved up.

Yes fine upstanding citizens in that, but it was a great deal of information and not a great deal being said.

As I started doing the windscreen, I looked over to see what the whole view was, and that is when I spotted the pit bull in the back seat......and then I spotted the pit bull in the other passenger seat. Apparently it was all happy couples as the dogs had their own windows to look out and the windows were rolled down, so no second hand smoke was cancerfying their lungs.

There are certain things which hold true. People who think gangster stuff is cool, and are weak trashy sorts have pit bulls, rottweillers and those ugly dogs black people always have. It is like fat ugly women in lace. The mirrors to the soul do not lie, even if the mirror does.

I next got my surprise as I checked the tags in they were from Minnesota. Going to have to see if the Viking can set up a road block to keep his fat ugly lesbian dykes with pit bulls at his border, as I fear that load in that little car was breaking up the road from there to here.

Sometimes life is a real blessing, because first you get a fat ugly white chic, then you get a fat ugly white chic in black lace, then you get two fat ugly white chics, then you get two fat ugly white chics smoking by a gas pump, then you get two fat ugly smoking white chics and pit bull, with court appearances, and then you get two fat ugly white chics with court appearances and two pit bulls in the back.

A world like that is not that hard to find now, and it sure found me today.

It must be some liberal democrat balance of trade in Minnesota exports BLM terror to Texas and fat ugly dyke chics, while importing Muslim terrorists and pit bull semen.

Go figure
