Saturday, December 3, 2016

Auditioning for Hell

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a Christian, it often crosses my mind in people getting killed, how I would not want after being mowed down at a gay bar or burned up at rave club, facing Jesus with that fresh on my account.

I mean a police officer saving a child and dying, or a fireman saving a family, or even some regular person doing a good deed, and something going wrong must look good on the good works resume, and then there are the abomination things like sodomy and drunkards, which do not look so great.

I was thinking of Tom Gresham last week harping about the shooting in New Orleans with the line, "No good comes from being on the street at 1:30 in the morning". It sounded like a popular girl in telling TL, "You can't get into trouble if you are home and in bed".

We exist in an Obama crapper world, where 100% of these dead voted for Obama or did not vote at all, and they believed everything  CNN and Hillary Clinton spouted off about, because the odds are that the people who read their Bibles and read this blog, were home and not auditioning to becoming kindling.

I honestly have never needed the reason to escape from me by hiding in the crowd in sucking their emotions. I have always been someone who prefers solitary, with talking with people on errands or on our walks. That is about as much as I like people around. I do not need alcohol or narcotics, and I am thankful for that. I have never taken a narcotic in my life, and while I have been known to drink like a sieve on occasions, that is something I do not make a practice of.
TL can not really process alcohol, so my enjoyment of making my own wine is sort of sitting there aging, and a quart or whatever of some celebratory wine for Donald Trump's victory night is sitting with a glass out of it, in the way.

I just do not like demons, and demons abound in groups, especially with booze around. That inferno must have been quite delightful for evil, in the numbers of dead they dragged away to hell. Of course it is never
my baby, who is evil, and all of the above will be remembered as better than Jesus, but we all know what these half wits were, and how Godless they all were, or they would not have been there.

None of this is judgment as that is God's. It is the reality that whoremongers, sodomites and drunkards are not going to Heaven, as that is their savior, and it certainly did not save them in none of them wanted to be delivered from evil, but every one of them entertained evil, which destroyed the soul which God intended to be sown with His Holy Ghost, for their Salvation.

The world will go on though. These sinners will dust off some sort of Oprah diety to find meaning in, shed tears, and then divide up the insurance money or try to pass off their debts on the rest of us, and by Christmas, all that will be thought of, "Well, at least she could have done was gone Christmas shopping early before she died, and gotten me that 1000 dollar gift on Amazon, if she really was a good person."

Scripture says  many are called and few are chosen, so most of you have been auditioning for this end in the movie Ghost. No stories about Holy Angels saving people from that inferno now was there.

You sow what you are, evil, selfish, uncaring, self centered, demon influenced and demon possessed evil.

Do you really want your last acts in life smelling like feces, doped up laughing at people not like you, dropping a couple of hundred dollars on that deathstyle, when you could have done some good.

Nuff Said



The Matrix of Post Election

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting in the aftermath of the God given victory to America as Donald Trump as President, that a popular girl posted here that after the election, Hillary Clinton would muddle things up in state courts, but that it would not go federal............and right on cue the matrix was right as that is exactly what has taken place with Jill Stein being used as a dupe to weaken Donald Trump as President.

After all the times the matrix has been right, and proven right, I still at times like this am mystified about how accurate it can be, because no one saw this scenario appearing. Reality is stranger than fiction in what trends and actually progresses to be correct.

I still believe it was vote fraud in the last hours which removed certain states from Donald Trump, but that the efforts of God Inspired Christians maintained a too thin margin in states like Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

That is the untold story in this, as much as East German Lutherans brought down the Berlin Wall. The disrespect that Trump Trans has heaped upon these volunteers who are the platform that all of these preening apostates from Mike Pence to Jared Kurschner are taking credit for, is a rudeness which in righteous indignation has this blog not giving quarter to any of this betrayal. I put up with George W. Bush and Karl Rove faggery for the good of the country, but will not move an inch again enabling this kind of treachery, which is what got us stuck with Obama and Al Franken, because Rove was fricking with the election in 2004  AD in the year of our Lord.

This is about the matrix being right. I simply would have appreciated having the insight that all of these Trump Trans were going to be submarining Donald Trump and kicking all the loyalists to the curb, as it would have made sense what was behind the Soros paid election challenge.

I am still waiting to go back to a more normal pace for me to give my circuitry a chance to not feel like there is a constant million volt surge running through my 120 outlet.


Pardon Anthony Wiener

The board is also ordering Weiner (pictured above in 2013)to return $195,377 in matching campaign funds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Would you punish a man trying to keep up with manly Hillary Clinton, while Hillary was doing his wife, and cucking him in public?

That is the case of poor Anthony Wiener who is really poor now, as everyone is carving off pounds of flesh from the former Senator Charles Schumer's aide. It is in this spirit of Christmas for Jewish Mr. Wiener and his Islamic wife, Huma Abedin, that the Lame Cherry calls upon democrats image Obama and Governor Cuomo of New York to pardon Anthony Wiener, with a stack of pardons about as high as a big Bible.

Anthony Wiener was hoping to get caught, and that is why he was acting out. There is nothing which will be served in impoverishing Mr. Wiener or imprisoning him, as America does not need another baby daddy in taking care of him and his kid.

Anthony Wiener like Bill Clinton were psychologically raped by their shemale wives. It is humiliating for Hillary Clinton to pick up as the anchor husband, so Huma can have scent of Hamrod vulva, every time she comes home on her lips. Bill beat up and raped women in fury over being cucked, and Tony went into a more self destructive mode in wanting to be punished.

I say that Obama and Cuomo pardon Anthony Wiener, and he can then have a job in the closing days of the Obama regime as a liason with the Clinton Foundation. That way Anthony could pick up some easy ass in women like Jennifer Palmieri who is still bawling over Hamrod letting her down, and he can cop a feel off of Bill Clinton's energizer........those big tits will keep him out of trouble with underage girls, and we can put this all behind us.
It would be good for a Judge though to sentence Huma to Sharia Law and her having to Hoover Anthony a few times a day, instead of Hillary Clinton, and then Mr. Wiener would be too drained to get into internet trouble.

I really think that Anthony Wiener needs some time out west, on a real American ranch, where he could punch some cows, ride some horses, drink some whiskey with men, and get away from the pollution of liberalism, as that is what has destroyed Mr. Wiener. Some men like Chuck Schumer are strong enough to withstand the lies and the immorality, but some men like Anthony Wiener were no match for a man like Hillary Clinton, as few men ever would be.

Hillary Clinton destroyed Anthony Wiener. That is the fact in this, and for that Cuomo and image Obama owe pardons to Mr. Wiener, who was taken advantage of by Hillary Clinton.

Pardon Wiener. It is the only humane thing to do.........maybe Mr. Wiener could give Muslim Keith Ellison a run for the DNC Chairmanship. Be sporting in a Muslim and Jew vying for that prize........or make them co chairs in party unity eh?

 Yes a Kosher Wiener on Dark Bread, that would put the mustard back into the ole Democratic Party.

Weiner picks up first endorsement - POLITICO

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) on Thursday endorsed Anthony Weiner for mayor of New York City. "Anthony's a good guy in my opinion. Now, he should've ...


President Donald Trump, the messiah of American Job Salvation

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who think that the Lame Cherry referring to Donald Trump as a messiah in being blasphemous, there is nothing of the sort in this, as there were many messiahs, false and real,  and Jesus just happened to be thee Messiah to save the world.

A messiah is someone who is Annointed and is on a mission. There is no doubt that God chose and rose up Donald Trump to be President, and the mission of Donald Trump is to save America for Christ's Return.

So the Lame Cherry celebrates the bright and shining light, in the City on the Hill, of Donald Trump, bringing hope to the People of America, that they no longer will be trodden under. What is more wonderful in this Christmas Season in Donald Trump ridding America of the grinch and scrooges, who are firing Americans and shipping jobs off to Mexico.

Donald Trump took aim Friday at a second U.S. manufacturer that plans to move jobs from Indiana to Mexico, a day after he threatened consequences for business that shifted American jobs abroad.
“Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers,” Mr. Trump wrote at 10:06 p.m. on Twitter. “This is happening all over our country. No more!”
Rexnord, which is based in Milwaukee, intends to move production of industrial bearings from Indianapolis to Monterrey, Mexico, according to the employee union. The move, expected by the middle of next year, would eliminate about 300 jobs.
The company, which didn’t respond to requests for comment on Thursday, couldn’t immediately be reached late Friday. Shares of Rexnord have tumbled more than 10% from Wednesday’s close.

The Lame Cherry is going to explain  something in this which all of you have forgotten or have never been told.

The jobs in America began being exported by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Unions and company owners told the Clintons that their NAFTA was going to destroy them, without tax relief. The Clintons chose the globalists like the Obamas and this huge sucking sound of jobs departing America as Ross Perot stated has been taking place ever since, because American business can not compete with entitlements, retirements and regulations. Obama just signed in 1 trillion more in regulations against American business and that is the crux of all of this.

In the above Rexnord, I can give some insight into this, as some of my inlaw fringe family, used to work at a bearing factory in Minneapolis Minnesota in the Clinton era, but was fired as the plant moved to Brazil.
It seemed insane, but the company stated that the Brazilians in quality control had over a dozen ruined bearings, where Americans produced 12, but this company with this atrocious lack of quality, was still making more money in Brazil than America.

That is what is not being understood in this. These foreign parts whether from American plants in Latin America or from China, are substandard, and that is why all your parts and appliances no longer last 30 years, but are in pieces in a few years.
When TL was in the metro, one day I was doing dishes and the hot water came off in my hand and we had a geyser. I finally got maintenance to fix things, and the head guy said to me, "Look at that!!!" He handed me a coupling which was thin as paper, which was metal, and it simply stress fractured. It was made in China.

An American part would have lasted 100 years, been torn out, and reused in another fix, but these foreign parts simply are so substandard that it is endangering all of us.

President Trump is correct in EPA, OSHA and all these regulations have to cease in ruining American jobs. No one is talking about endangering our environment or public, but when you have Mexico with no standards and this junk is being placed into your equipment and you are paying for it.......and it is wearing out earlier than an American part, all of us are being screwed over this.

American companies can compete and profit with Americans, earning good wages and having good benefits. Obamacare must be ended though in being mandatory. All these regulations must be removed and Unions have a place in this, but a reasonable place and not a place where workers are getting benefits for their poodles to the vet. That is why vet prices have spiked, is because the lobbyists jacked things up in including animal insurance.

So it is time to have a President who calls out these companies. Whose calling them out, causes their stock prices to free fall, so boards start thinking about Americans and not globalists, as Americans get to bleed in wars protecting Rexnord in Mexico with their millions in profits. That is unAmerican, and thank God that Donald Trump is fulfilling the role of messiah of American Job Salvation.

God bless you President Trump, I only would that you were as hard on the traitors like Mike Pence as you were on these other robber barons.

Donald Trump keeps busy in gaining active support of the American mob, with their 40 million loaded guns, and Rat Ryan will roll over and beg, and Mike Pence with Big Koch will not dare join with Clinton media in removing Donald Trump.

It all fits together. We praise President Trump for his great works, and we do not enable on iota of treachery against him in Mike Pence or Jared Kurschner.

Nuff Said



Walk Vocally and Carry a Big Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump has the full support of the Lame Cherry in his very Presidential actions in receiving two phone calls from United States allies, Philippines and the Republic of China.

MANILA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump invited Philippines leader Rodrigo Duterte to the White House next year during a "very engaging, animated" phone conversation, a Duterte aide said on Friday, amid rocky relations between their two countries.
Trump's brief chat with the firebrand Philippine president comes during a period of uncertainty about one of Washington's most important Asian alliances, stoked by Duterte's unrelenting hostility toward the United States and his repeated threats to sever decades-old defense ties.
The call lasted just over seven minutes, Duterte's special advisor, Christopher Go, said in a short text message to media, which gave few details.

The telephone call, confirmed by three people, is believed to be the first between a US president or president-elect and a leader of Taiwan since diplomatic relations between the two were cut in 1979.
Although it is not clear if the Trump transition team intended the conversation to signal a broader change in US policy towards Taiwan, the call is likely to infuriate Beijing which regards the island as a renegade province.

image Obama has destroyed relations with the Philippines which has led to President Vladimir Putin offer and arms deal to the Philippines and the image Obama focus in China has the communists thinking their aggression will bring more Obama bows.

It is absolutely correct for President Donald Trump to receive communication with any freely elected leader, and that is who the Republic of China is, in Taiwan, the only true voice for China, no matter if Jimmy Carter set them adrift after Harry Truman abandoned them.

Peking does not dictate to who President Trump speaks to or has dealings with.

Bravo President Trump, this is American leadership the world has been in need of and searching for.

Peking likes to have pet North Korea have nuclear weapons, it would be a diplomatic check to give Peking an atomic Japan, atomic Vietnam, atomic Philippines and atomic Republic of China, for Peking to deal with.



President Trump, award our Revolution with our Leaders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump in the Cincinnati Ohio, Thank You Tour, humbly stated that he needed all of us to be as vocal as before in helping him in this revolution. I would heartily agree to this, but also make the point, it will be easier to assist Mr. Trump in this revolution, if he would stop listening to Mike Pence and Jared Kurschner, along with Mr. Trump's children who have a love affair with Neocons, Mitt Romneycrats and Harold Washington.

President Trump's job is going to be much easier if Mr. Trump only appoints people who voted for him, did not smear him, and actually believe in the policy. Mr. Trump's Administration does little good to have him as the head, and we are stuck with Jeb Bush's body and Hillary Clinton's genitals.

I will repeat that and you can quote me on that.

Mr. Trump's Administration does little good to have him as the head, and we are stuck with Jeb Bush's body and Hillary Clinton's genitals.

- Lame Cherry

We won.

I will repeat that too in we won by the Grace of God. 

I will repeat in we won by the Grace of God and all the Republican  trash lost and crook Clinton and image Obama lost.

So why do we have to settle for Mike Pence? Why do we have to be put into the position of defending a man who hides documents from the People and is defined by the Appellate Courts of acting illegally, in taking Obama funds to settle Syrian terrorists and then having to be sued to take the terrorists?

We have enough problems without these tarnished and flawed frauds in having to make excuses for them.

It gets so bad in this that we now know that Representative Cathy Morris Rogers is a girlfriend of Ivanka Trump. Well DUH!!!! Now who was it that was telling the Trump's to make this her Vice President or the better Speaker than the Lame Cherry? DUH!!!

The Holy Ghost counsel is always correct and right, and it goes back to why are we being asked to settle for less, when WE WON BY GOD?

It is because traitors are in the midst of Trump Trans who have their own agenda against Donald Trump, and know that it is easier to stop Donald Trump from inside, than from the US Congress.

I have yet to see one Christian Conservative appointed, and at least Ann Coulter gets this as she has a love affair with Mormon Romney, that the only person Americans have gotten in this is Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, otherwise it is the outside looking in.

So I agree with President Trump that we are in this together and we will fight for America in this revolution, but he needs to comprehend that he needs to appoint HIS BASE from this point on. We are not going to sit here as with Bush43 and Rove, to have our gun dealers driven out of existence, our oil wells capped, our beef prices destroyed as Brazil beef is dumped into America, and our hopes and dreams flushed by more Neocon lies which destroyed the Republican Party.

President Trump, there are four vital choices in your Administration, and they are Secretary of State, Homeland, Energy and Interior. Those Cabinet positions have not been filled and all you have dangling around are traitors. If you do not comprehend, that State deals with legal workers taking American jobs, Homeland deports illegals, Energy gives your economy it's economic lift and Interior is where that energy and food supply is, then you are not being served by Mike Pence, Jared Kurschner nor your family.

Here is the advice in this if you want us to fight for you in our revolution.

Secretary of State, Vice President Dan Quayle
Homeland, Sheriff Joe with Sheriff David Clarke in day to day
Energy, Congressman Kevin Cramer
Interior, Sarah Palin, with Professor Major Boddicker in charge of eradicating large predators from America to save American wildlife.

At 1 dollar per year Mr. Trump, you work for us as President, but you have not shown God the respect He warrants and you have not shown any respect to the Christians who buoyed you to this victory. Bribes in Haley and Chao are fine for the people who backed you and to get the Senate behind you, but you have appointed your last moderate, and from this point on, every position goes to Conservatives, and that goes to the next list in Agriculture and EPA.

For some reason Mr. Trump, you think America ends at the Mississippi River. You had better begin putting Westerners into the remaining Christian Conservative positions to fight and lead this for you, as your coastal clan have short vision and you do not know the America who elected you.

Nuff Said


Best Refrigerator Pickles

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mom had an old paper clipping........she does that in recipes and we all regret them a hundred times over, as American cooks compelled to sending in recipes to news media are red flags the intercourse will be as pleasant as an atomic bomb up the butt.

This recipe though for Fridge Pickles is something unique in TL who hates pickles, actually relishes these.

So here is the recipe.

1 gallon sliced cucumbers

4 cups white vinegar

4 cups white sugar

2 tablespoons celery seed

2 tablespoons mustard seed

2 tablespoons salt

2 onions diced

2 green bell or 1 cup sliced sweet peppers

There is not any heating of liquids, only dissolving the sugar in the vinegar by stirring. These will be pickles in 5 days to eat, and will keep in refrigeration for a year.

OK now the recipe is forever in the archives until the electric goes out.
