Monday, December 5, 2016

Sarah Palin now cheatedby Mike Pence

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As we have been diverted in stopping this dreadful Mike Pence pick of Mitt Romney as Secretary of State, another drama has erupted and you missed it.

Now why would Miss Sarah be warning of crony capitalism? It is because she is being screwed over by Mike Pence and Jared Kurschner, like all of you.

Sarah Palin Doesn't Endorse Trump's Carrier $7M Incentive Deal; Warns of 'Crony Capitalism'

Former Republican vice presidential nominee and supporter of Donald Trump Sarah Palin criticized the president-elect's deal to subsidise Indiana-bas…
The Christian Post1 day ago


What Mrs. Palin is harping about is, she went out on a limb, at the key moment in Iowa when Donald Trump needed her, and then went after that crook Paul Ryan who stole that primary, and now she has been booted by Big Koch, Mike Pence, Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan, because she is being humiliated in kept on a string as jobs which are HERS are being handed off to these GOPliter frauds.

Sarah Palin at Veterans? What a fucking moron post, as having a kid in the military does not make you suited to that job.

Sarah Palin belongs at INTERIOR, to give Donald Trump a Westerner in the White House, who understands those Finicum ranchers, those hunters, trappers, fishermen and landowners who want to make money, instead of having Indian terrorists holding Americans energy hostage at Standing Rock.

Donald Trump was supposed to reward loyalty, but his Trump Trans has done nothing but leave the people in Christians who gave this victory left standing in the cold. Chris Christie has been destroyed, Sarah Palin is another woman being kicked to the curb, and that is why she is pissed off and speaking out, about Carrier in Mike Penceland, getting a crony capitalist deal.
This is BAD NEWS, because she has kept silent in the hope of a job, which she worked for, but now in speaking out, she is now certain she has been obliterated from being in the Trump Administration, which is a disaster, as she is vital for energy development and Mr. Trump NEEDS a WESTERN AMERICAN, as all he has are these coastal cronies and the dregs of the Mississippi backwash in Wisconsin and Indiana.

This is the biggest story to come out of the transition to date. Sarah Palin has broken with Donald Trump, and it is because Mike Pence has f*cked her over deliberately, as Pence and Kurschner have abused the relationship with all the Trump base.

Mr. President, you have your touchy feely Ohio and North Carolina victory tours, but by God, your base is not going to forget what Pence has done in this, and WE WANT OUR PEOPLE IN POWER, who we trust and who we know will get the jobs done the right way.

Bush Fam fooled us and fucked us over from that pervert Hastert to Karl Rove, and we will not be fooled again.

I want every one of you to get this into your heads what Sarah Palin just did and why, as this is the story. She is rightfully bitching because of this Pence coup over your Trump Administration.

Get it fixed Mr. President, as you have traitors on  the inside, and they are cutting you off from your base.

Nuff Said


God is speaking about You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apparently you are in the Bible, and there are groups of you, as the Holy Ghost has given me these verses 3 times now, so God is as displeased with how scrooge and grinch you are in forgetting about Him in working the victory for Donald Trump as President, as I am, and as here am I, wore out saving each of you while  sitting in poverty as you pretend you are poor and find ways to not honor God or show appreciation for my saving you, but do discover ways to indulge yourselves more and more, as you have Merry Christmas 365 days a year.

The verses are in Proverbs  11 and are your future and your curse.

 25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.
 26 He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
 27 He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.
 28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.

As that probably needs translations for you Spiritual ignorants, liberal soul does not mean Obama. It means the person who is genuinely good, kind and giving, like Scrooge and the Grinch after their hearts were changed in keeping Christmas in their hearts every day.

Your epitpah is, you steal from God His money, give to yourself and do not help others.

The kind of person you should be is the silent giver as the Bible says, and the cheerful soul. I would like to name names, but these people know who they are in how much they helped me in this blog, and some of them have so much Christmas cheer that they decorate old travel trailers on the inside. Those are beautiful souls, while the alternative is the ugly soul, which will find the money God gave them, will not save them when the time comes.

No sense writing more to the stone hearted, but that is what the Holy Ghost has brought to my attention for a testimony here today. It will all catch up and I would give this vision for you to know the future.
There is a Judgment, before Jesus. You of course think you are wonderful and should be doing the judging, and then Jesus puts before you a pile of books and a pile of money on the left side, and on the right, there is a note pad and what looks like your dusty wallet.
You ask what this is, and Jesus says, "The pile of books are all the uncaring things you did and the curses of people you hurt, and the money is what you spent on yourself, and the dusty wallet is how much in all your life you ever gave to me or to others in need. The note pad is the record of "good deeds" you did for others which you now cover yourself with as your filthy rag righteousness.
You will leave now, as you spent your reward on yourself in your life before, because you served neither Me nor My children".

I have more important things to do in the struggle I endure, than telling people they are not the illusion they think they are.

Nuff Said



Standing Rock Terrorism

Squaw Men and the Breed

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I begin this by restating something which should not require being stated, as facts are facts, but unlike many who have jumped upon the issue of their pet Indians in North Dakota in this Dakota Access Pipeline, I actually grew up with Indians, THESE INDIANS, and understand a great deal about them.

My best friend as a child was a full blooded Sioux. Most Sioux are not full blood but European cross. He was like Jim Thorpe in an Olympic specimen. He was a wild animal, but I never had any trouble with him, even though he was the devil to other children. He is dead now from suicide, but the reason I never had any trouble from him, is because I always treated him with respect and as an equal.
I experienced racism when we went places in people looking at him, because he was as untamed as the Indians who murdered Americans in the 1800's. He was a buck, and not a wait around the fort Indian, or as the racist Sioux now say, "He was not an apple" outside and white inside.

He was being cared for by a white family, a long way from the reservation, and went back and killed himself.

So I know the Standing Rock. I know the Sioux, in their Nakota, Dakota and Lakota. I have been on all the reservations and I  know who they are and what they are.

Most of you have no idea of the Indian Protest which took place in the Black Hills about 25 years ago, when the Indians "encamped". The goddamn federals will never do shit to the Indians, as it is part of the Interior budget and the Indian Ring makes money off of the scam.
In the Black Hills, the camp was filled with the carcasses of elk the Indians had poached. It was like all Indian camps, a shit hole. Nothing has changed in that for the 1000 years they have infested America.

The Indians are community organized communist. They hate Republicans and hate white people. They allow in the Mexicans and breed with them. They allow the feds to produce meth on the rez, and to top it off you got John McCain passing casino laws that destroyed the Atlantic City miracle, as organized crime runs the reservation gambling.

I have  two cousins, both women who deal with Indians. One foster parents these same Standing Rock, because the squaws  will not take care of their children. The other was a state employee who would go out and check on why kids were not in school. In one of many instances, she had the door opened by a naked, drunk, doped up squaw, ranting about shit knows what, and there the kids were exposed to all of that. That would be the Rosebud, but it is the same no matter the location.

If you ask the locals in North Dakota, you will hear something along the line of, "Goddamn Indians raising hell again", because they are always up to something and whining about it.

These Standing Rock Sioux are the same Sioux who butchered Custer and his Americans, and still celebrate it, along with desecrating the Little Big Horn in putting up their monuments to terrorists, because that is what these Indians were and are, is terrorists. Paid for by big money, to inflict on Americans, and that is what this pipeline is about, in American oil companies are being extorted for money, because the Soros cartel is trying to keep that oil for their own profits, and the Indians have not been bribed enough.

LaVoy Finicum was murdered in Oregon for trying to return Indian artifacts. The Indians smelled money from the Obama regime, and they cheered Finicum's murder as much as they do Custers, who was in Montana in 1876 at the plea of the Crow, because the Sioux were trying to genocide these Indians.

So that you know about what Standing Rock is, and not some fiction like Cecil the lion, which appeals to the emotions of people who want to believe there is something pure in this life, and that their evil whiteness will be vanquished if they just vote for Obama.........oh wait they did that, so now let's exorcise our white success by taking the part in a bunch of criminal terrorists.

For those who do not know the facts, there are Americans around this reservation. There is the Obama regime allowing this to become a terror event for Soros profits, and there are the Indian nations allowing Soros rent a terrorists, and now these imbecile "veterans" standing guard, demanding to be shot first, that things have been dying up in North Dakota, and it is cattle and buffalo. Yes like in the Black Hills, these goddamn terrorists are killing people's livestock which these AMERICANS depend on to pay the bills, and which no one is going to pay for, no more than the BIA was running around filling up their gas tanks in the 1970's in American gasoline stations and paying with fraud checks, as the FBI followed them around in convoys...........except the time the FBI ran up on Leonard Peltier whose people murdered these two Americans on Pine Ridge.

What has taken place in North Dakota is destruction of private property, murder of animals, the discharging of weapons at police, and thugs prowling around people's rural farm and ranch yards.

Do I trust these pipelines? Hell no, as they all leak. That is not the point in this, but what is the point is Bismark was not chosen, because too many people lived there, and the Indian rez was not peopled.

President Donald Trump has stated this pipeline will go through as it is legal, and these protesters are illegally occupying land. The North Dakota Law Enforcement is so castrated, in they can not operate on federal lands, so you have this Obama stand off again, now with a group of veterans who are ill informed and should know better than to take the part of terrorists, or more to the point are these veterans like the Indians who are getting checks from Obama to not work.

What needs to be done is to wait until it is below zero in Bismark, which is what North Dakota is, and to hose these terror camps down with water, and let nature take it's course. Do it with APC's and use cold water, and when these terrorists start firing, keep spraying high pressure water, and when they run out of ammo and are about froze solid, put them into stock trailers to be processed by a federal facility.
Surround it with razor wire, and that solves the problem in cold and water, do not mix with these pampered government and Soros check terrorists.

And when that is done, ALL OF THESE INDIAN RESERVATIONS, need to be shut down, as they are a disgrace. Congress gives each one 160 acres, as ALL OF THESE INDIANS have already been paid millions in the 1800's for all they have, and that ends it all, from the BIA to these organized terror camps, where Indians get to vote for Democrats, while hiding on sovereign lands, WHICH AMERICANS HAVE NO RIGHT ON.

Oh you did not know that did you? You did not know that you as an American going onto a reservation, if you are taken into custody, it is like a foreign country, and you have no rights.

So just remember this in what Standing Rock is and what it is all about. There are no innocents there no more than downtown Tehran.

This is domestic terrorism, as much as it was in the 1600's, 1700's, 1800's and 1900's, and now it is in the 21st century by Obama. For the morons who say this is the Indian land, well then by all means get the fuck out of America as you are on their land, but the Lame Cherry knows the truth that these are Japanese squatters in America, and the Sioux came out of Canada, like the Apache committing genocide on whites and Indians in America.
Send the Sioux back to Canada, and have her majesty deal with them, the same way Canada protected that damned terrorist Sitting Bull and his terror mob.

This is what domestic terrorism looks like. These are the headlines.

Or do you only care when it is your property being destroyed and other American's property is ok to murder.

Here is a terrorist enabler version. LINK

It is costing the people of North Dakota millions of dollars, literally 7 million at last count for this terror protest.

More cattle reported shot near pipeline protest site in Sioux ...

More cattle reported shot near pipeline protest ... cattle that were shot this week near the Dakota Access Pipeline ... bicycle crash that killed 14-year ...



The Years the Locust Has Stolen

From the desk of the Tiger Lily.

It is a cruel thing when defeat is snatched from the jaws of victory, when hopes are dashed and dreams are crushed. Suffering is an inevitable part of the human condition, but it is not anything any of us signed up for in being born into this life.

The question is a constant source of frustration and sadness: Why does God Allow His Children to suffer? And secondarily, why does He Allow evil to triumph? I can give you several Problem of Pain reasons, but they only speak to the logic, not to the heart. And it hurts. "Why did God Allow this to happen to me (or to someone else)? Doesn't He Care? Why isn't He Doing something about it, Making things right?" People who ask these kinds of questions are not lacking in Faith, nor are they being disrespectful to the God Who is "full of Compassion; slow to Anger, and of great Mercy." God made the human intellect as well as curiosity and perceptiveness. He isn't afraid of questions. And anyone who is even remotely paying attention in this life should have wondered this at some point.

The story of Job is often used as an instrument to afflict the Children of God by people who apparently identify more with Job's friends, who enjoy falsely accusing others of things like sin or lack of Faith. Job's iniquity was not in his questioning what was happening to him. It was in Job trusting in his works and human righteousness instead of in the Omnipotence of God. (I'm sure the constant complaining also got on everyone's nerves, though. At some point, you just want to say, "Dude, it's time to sack up. Yes, your life sucks now. Welcome to what the rest of us have been going through for much longer than you.")

So what then? How are we to live in the Light of Christ when all around us is a boiling cauldron of endless toil, heart-rending anguish, and crushing despair? I will share with you the answers that have helped me in this constant struggle of "Why?". You might not like them, and they will only help to explain- in part- but will not take away the suffering. Only Jesus can Give you His Peace.

God Allows evil because it has its purpose in punishing evildoers and also in being an unwilling instrument of His Will, after whose accomplishment of destruction God Creates even greater Good (Genesis 50:20). Case in point: my murdered cat, Sherlock. If the stud cat who drove him off when we weren't around hadn't been on the place, our Puhntzee kitty which God Blessed us with wouldn't have been born. His death is still an open wound which will take a long time to heal (and possibly not until Jesus Comes back), but I love that little kitten dearly and would not have it any other way now, because I am confident Sherlock still exists and he is in a better place. (He actually came to visit today, as I was looking by the bedside for Puhntzee who was playing under the bed and saw a larger tuxedo cat for an instant, blinked, looked again, and it was gone.)

God Is the One Who afflicts you (Job 1:11-12, Isaiah 45:7, Amos 3:6), not directly, but through agents of evil, whose purpose as they see it is to steal, kill, and destroy like their master satan, but God Intends to Accomplish at least four things in this way:

1) God Refines you as gold is refined through the fire (Isaiah 48:10, Zechariah 13:9). Not comforting, and it would be great if there were another, easier way to do it. LC and I believe that before we all were born, at the very beginning of Creation, souls got to choose what they would be and do (Hebrews 4:3). Apparently the end-times Children chose to be greater lights (Philippians 2:15, Daniel 12:3), and in order for diamonds to shine their brightest in reflecting the Light of Christ, they must be free of impurities.

2) God Wants a deeper relationship with you. There are no deep relationships that have not weathered any hardships. He Desires for you to cast your burdens on Him (1 Peter 5:7), to go boldly before the Throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16), to ask in belief that you shall Receive (Matthew 11:22, Mark 11:24) with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6), to do all things to the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), in short to live and move and have your being with and in Him. "But can't I get to know God better in eternity?" Yes, you can and will. However, it's going to be extremely difficult now to serve God in every situation when you don't know what He wants you to do, because you don't talk with or listen to Him.

As with all relationships, you get out what you put in. His part was Sacrificing everything, both His Dearly Beloved Son as God the Father, and His Position in Heaven as well as His very Life as God the Son. Our part is to trust Him Knowing what is best for us at each stage of our lives and to try to glorify Him in taking up our cross and dying to self every day (Luke 9:23). He Promises that His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). In some ways it is like an addict giving up a useless life of sitting there endlessly enslaved to something which destroys people for a Life full of Purpose, Destiny, and Adventure.

3) God Wants to Grow your Faith. Like anything else that is living needs the right environment to develop, the mustard seed of Faith won't grow except in the soil of adversity. It takes time and participation on our part in order to develop. Faith is the Gift of God (Romans 12:3, 2 Thessalonians 3:2), just like everything else that is good comes from Him, but it is up to us to exercise that Faith, not to leave it in the giftbox (James 1:3, 2:18). Trials and persecution in this life are excellent opportunities to do so, and they are also our opportunities to give glory to God. There are only so many of them that will come up, and once they are gone, they are gone. So, "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12

4) God Has Given us a share in the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:10, 1 Peter 5:9). It doesn't seem very desirable to be shunned, treated badly, and looked down upon by the rest of the world simply for following Christ, but that is one way in which we are Blessed for choosing Him (Matthew 5:11, 1 Peter 2:19).

This is probably going to sound harsh, and I most assuredly speak to my own failings in railing like a spoiled child when I pray at times, but isn't cheerfully undergoing a transient season of suffering, which is necessary, and which God Causes for my own good, the very least I can do to thank Him in some small measure for His Infinite Grace and Mercy towards me? I know fully well where I would be at this moment if not for Him Loving me enough to Rescue me from that path of destruction I was on.

What about those things we will never be able to experience in heaven, like finding and spending the rest of our lives with that one perfect person God has Made for us who we Love more than anyone else on earth? Paul spent his entire ministry longing for a wife while he spread the Gospel to the furthest ends of the earth. Seems kind of a small thing to ask of God for a decent person to be partnered with who will be a true friend and who you can serve God with. I can't even begin to justify it, because it IS an awful thing to be lonely, and I struggled with it for decades. I can only direct you, once again, to Jesus, Who gave up the possibility of a wife and children when He Sacrificed His life for us. And because He Sacrificed everything, God Gave Him everything, both things and people (Luke 10:22, John 13:3, John 10:28-29).

Another thing both LC and I believe, nothing you can find "supported by the Bible" in the covers of God's revealed Word, just a personal conviction of one of the mysteries not yet revealed to everyone by God, is that everyone has a soul mate, first in the Unbeforetime, and then again afterwards when we are Grown by God to our fullest potential. Most are not reunited with theirs until after death. It will be something so far beyond the type of love we experience here on earth that earthly love pales in comparison, just like "puppy love" pales in comparison to a real first love. And if we're wrong and it's not a soul mate for everyone, I am certain it will be something even better than most extreme limits of anything you or I could possibly imagine (1 Corinthians 2:9).

I can't promise this Life of following Jesus will be pleasant most of the time, or easy. I can promise it will definitely be worth it in the end, because He has Promised that the suffering and affliction SHALL end someday, forever, and even more, to more than make up for all the evils afflicted on us in this life, if only we stay the course and hold on to Him (Psalm 37:7 and 90:15, Joel 2:25, Nahum 1:12, Zephaniah 3:19, Mark 10:30, Romans 8:17, 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 and 12:26, 2 Corinthians 1:6 and 4:17, Philippians 1:29, 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 1 Timothy 4:10, 2 Timothy 2:12 and 3:12, Hebrews 6:15/11:25/12:1/13:3, 1 Peter 2:20/3:14/3:17/4:15-16/4:19, Revelations 2:10).

God Bless all of His Children with all the best He has planned for them at the right time, in Jesus' Name Amen and Amen.


Mr. President's Selective Interest Retro Active Interest Rates

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some advice for President Donald Trump.

The Obama regime engaged in a rapine of the American People in zero interest loans or free money to Obama Clinton cronies such as Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Washington Post.

There has been a huge kiting scheme to inflate the US Stock Market in Obama conglomerates getting free money to buy their stocks, inflate them, gain more money and build and buy in a neo Ponzi Scheme Obama style.

What the advice is, is that all of these leftist have been robbing America and they owe America. So instead of allowing the Fed to pump up interest rates on normal Americans, you direct Munchkin your Treasure Secretary to direct banks that a retroactive interest is going to be rated, where conglomerates will owe 5% on all the money they have been misusing.
The net result is their stock prices will drop in a correct correction, some like Apple will have to use their own money gathering interest offshore to be repatriated your way, in going into their own stocks and inventory, and paying American investors back for those stock purchases.

The end result is Bezos loses all his leverage to be a pest and and stop being an attack dog for the traitors against America.

The Government rewards those conglomerates who repatriate and penalizes those assets who were part of the American Genocide.

In addition, there are certain technologies which have been passed along to certain conglomerates. If Apple becomes Trump friendly, it would be a next technology platform to drive the American Economy ahead, with high paying American only green card imports destroying America. Simply produce the correct security clearances, acquire three items, and advance this in the direction which you will to progress this.

One has to clean up the board Mr. President, secure power, and then advance to your productive end for make America Great Again.

Who knows who might end up owning things as all of this settles out.

Advice over.

Nuff Said


The Cure for Trump Rage

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Too many of you are taking these Days of Rage by Soros Clinton as something to upset your American Dream, in riots across America or the burning down of Washington DC on Inaugrauation Day.

You are missing the possibilities, in Rahm Emanuel, in Saul Alinsky, Birther Hussein in never letting a good crisis go to waste.

You are missing that we will control the refrain, and this will not be about Donald Trump, but be about the legacy of Birther Hussein in the first non peaceful transition of power, because image Obama let it happen.

You are missing that law enforcement has been looking to crack down in their frustration in being beat up by the Obama regime for 8 years, so who better for them to whet their teeth on than these rioting terrorists.

DC going up in bonfires, and insecurity everywhere, will make America groan, and reject this leftist Clinton nuttery.

If President Trump shows more insight, he will have papers drawn up, that all of these terrorists since Chicago, will be apprehended, put into court for 1 day trials, and when found guilty, sentenced to 5 years to the Peace Corps, to be reloacted to Sudan and Syria, in safety zones where they will serve these Muslim invaders.
These zones are under Military Law, so any breaking of rules, will double the sentence to 10 years, without parole.

So in the Lame Cherry Concentrate again, you are discovering the delight that law enforcement will have in being unleashed, Obama's legacy will be ruined further, and America will rid itself of all of these terrorists for Clinton. All of these things are a positives.

I only hope that these terrorists do not read  this blog, and then slink off and behave themselves, as the best thing for America will be for Soros to have his way in degrading Donald Trump, because the more the old lion gets his beard pulled, the more he will stop being nice, and become the leader America needs.

I have other things to do as this is Lame Cherry Concentrate.
