Thursday, December 15, 2016

When Derangement Becomes a Political Disease

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As most people have witnessed the revelations of the Lame Cherry come true, according to the matrix again that with the defeat of Hillary Clinton, that there would be state court challenges and this would not be settled until the Electoral College cast their ballots as the electorate mandated in their State by State votes, it is a deeply sad situation, that we have Americans now in the left so utterly beyond unbalanced and deranged that they do not belong in society any longer.

This is not JFK and RFK attempting to place Conservative enemies into mental institutions, but a reality that when a person is advocating for the overthrow of a legitimate election, because they lost, this is something which is criminal in the form of sedition, and a reality that these people are suffering from such psychopathy that their delusions are a danger to starting a nuclear war with Russia.

This is beyond Nancy Pelosi, inflicting upon that distraught Cindy Sheehan, in using her to attack George W. Bush, so Democrats could seize power. This is a  complete terror left as epitomized by Soros riots, and Soros funded Standing Rock terrorism, and the Obama regime absolutely lying about Russian hacks in the 2016 election for Wikileaks,  when there  was absolutely no Russian involvement.

This is a video now of wealthy Hollywood celebrities clinging to fictions of disrupting the results of the election, egged on by Michael Moore and George Soros to produce upheaval, and that upheaval  is the  reality that America is a nation of 100 million gun owners who are not going to allow this election to be stolen from Donald Trump. What the left is acting out is madness as they are not going to overturn the Electoral College and Donald Trump will be President. There is absolutely no doubt about this, but what these leftist actors are espousing is a delusion of little green men from Mars, and if they just wish upon that star, they can be Disney's Tinkerbelle too.

The video, released on YouTube by Unite for America, not only features Sheen and Schiff, but also Debra Messing, James Cromwell, BD Wong, Noah Wyle, Freda Payne, Bob Odenkirk, J. Smith Cameron, Michael Urie, Moby, Mike Farrell, Loretta Swit, Christine Lahti, Steven Pasquale, Dominic Fumusa and Emily Tyra.

It is time that these deranged people be saved from themselves and America be saved from them, as we live in a dangerous world of Clinton types attempting to start a war with Russia to steal her resources and wipe away 20 trillion dollars in Obama debt.

The ringleaders in this, in George Soros and now John Podesta, must be indicted for these crimes in taking advantage of these dupes, who have had extracted from them a fortune as these fellow travelers are being conditioned to a fairytale which does not exist.

President Trump has expressed that perhaps rights of Citizenship should be revoked, and this is fully something which must be considered, as the right to the lunatic to vote in elections is not a right.

This is sedition.

Angry Celebs Call For Coup...
Two war rooms, plus 'weaponization' against Trump...

All of this saddens me, as from my youth, I have watched Martin Sheen's work, and I have enjoyed his wonderful talent. He is one of the few actors which America produced who could actually act.
While I never watched on episode  of West Wing, as I did not exist in fairy world dreams, it is disturbing that Mr. Sheen is featured in this propaganda as a fictional president calling for Americans to adhere to Hamilton statements.........a Hamilton who detested Thomas  Jefferson and every thing that Martin Sheen and Hillary Clinton represent.

Just because fags in New York portray Hamilton in theater and rant at Mike Pence, does not change the fact that Alexander Hamilton was a right wing Federalists, who advocated standing armies, armed Citizens, the rule of law by enforcing that law, and crushing civil disobedience.

Elections have consequences, and as Hillary Clinton would have all of our heads in a noose as Julian Assange so rightly put it, it is time that these leftists who are in open sedition and treason against the elected Government of these United States, be summoned to Peoples Courts across America, and have their Citizenship revoked and properly deported from American soil, divested of their properties  and the moneys distributed to the poor.
There will  be safe zones for Obama terrorists created, so place these like minded deranged mobs, be placed in the same reservation system, where they will have full freedom to find some nation who will accept them.

What is at stake in this is American survivability. This is not a game where  we have the chance to do things over as once a nuclear war starts in Russia or China, millions of Americans will perish. No one has the right to foment that type of genocide on any nation. To do so is deranged, and it is time to depopulate America of these lunatics as they have crossed the line to being enemies of America.

This is my favorite Martin Sheen performance. I would that he does not suffer from liberal madness.

The Final Countdown (film) - Wikipedia

Martin Sheen; Katharine Ross; James ... film about a modern aircraft carrier that travels through time to the day before ... been transported back in time ...

Nuff Said



To President Trump's Left Ear

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is another suggestion to President Donald Trump and explanation to those in the Trump group who monitor this blog as to what the Lame Cherry was directing considering the best possible place for the Trumpkinder.

When the Lame Cherry advocated security clearances for Don jr. and Eric Trump, it was for the expressed purpose of the boys being kitchen cabinet posts.........the heart and soul of America in which they hunt and do charity across, so they could keep Mr. Trump inclined to what Americans are really thinking from the people with shit under their fingernails.
Security clearance means like Val-erie Jarrett, that the Trumpkinder could discuss anything of importance and be counselors for their father to speak with. Mr. Trump had problems with Ivana Trump bringing work home in the marriage, and as Melania is focused on cyberbullying, which a first candidate for prosecution is Rosie O'Donnell stalking Baron  Trump, the President requires family insights to get things off his chest.

The press is being leaked to..........yes bad leaks in fake news, but you should probably figure out that if bad press is appearing for Ivanka Trump taking over the first lady's office........and denied by Hope Hicks, that someone is renigging on the deal they made with Jared Kurschner in now moving to cut out Trump daughter Ivanka........that would be Vice President Mike Pence's group seeking to now cut off President Trump from his family, and they will accomplish it.

President Trump, Sir, there are jealousies and skullduggery in  the White House, and  today's covenant to get rid of Trump loyalists, is tomorrow's Cassius moment in a group willing to take out the Kurschner's with a scandal.
Understand this Sir, if HW Bush can be rolled by George Mitchell on Read My Lips, there are already pitfalls laid for Ivanka's pet projects to crucify her in their being a disaster.

Place it this way, when Ronald Reagan got led around by Nancy Reagan in guilt over James Brady being shot with him, for the Brady Bill in gun control, it ripped a large segment of Conservatives from Ronald Reagan who never forgot. You now have an electorate which has been betrayed by Bush fam and Paul Ryan for a generation, and when they see fat boy Al Gore meeting with Ivanka, and her hauling his blubber up to you,  with that film boy Leonarod DiCaprio the same week, people start getting uneasy and that works directly into the Big Koch, Mike Pence coup for power.

Mr. President, they are going to come at you every way past Tuesday, and you know this, and the one which is the ultimate playbook is your children will be the ones they will harm you by, and if they can, they will impeach you by.
There have been discussions already over drawing Ivanka in, getting Jared Kurschner's links to various activities shifted to Justice, and get the disgruntled FBI to get backing from Pelosi and Schumer to demand an investigation, with the end result to get you informed so it is another Watergate situation of the Oval Office meddling or what they drool over is hauling away Ivanka and Kurschner for questioning as CNN cameras roll, and in the end, there will be Jared Kurschner giving testimony against the President, his father in law, to save Kurschner's ass in the ultimate betrayal and revenge on you Mr. President.

Mr. Trump, you DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN ANYWHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE PROPER. No offices, no official Hillarycare or Ivanka Daycare associations. Do not make this mistake sir.

Instead, you hire a conduit for Ivanka in her policies. Find someone who is not going be intimidated by her, that can tell her to sit down and shut up, nor be buffaloed by you. You give this woman the lead on what Ivanka is about to separate all of this out.
No meetings with you EVER over this. Ivanka can bring the kids to run around on the White House lawn and the advocate can discuss things then, and put the Right Wing finishing touches on this to make the Conservatives agree to it, and then Ivanka keeps her mouth shut when it passes and is implemented with no photo ops.

I would suggest three women for this Advocate role, who have an East Wing office to deal with all of this.

Bay Buchanan - Wikipedia

Angela Marie "Bay" Buchanan (born December 23, 1948) is a prominent conservative political commentator who served as Treasurer of the United States under President ...

Linda Chavez - Wikipedia

Linda Lou Chavez (born June 17, 1947) is an American author, commentator, and radio talk show host. She is also a Fox News analyst, Chairman of the Center ...

Elizabeth Dole - Wikipedia

Mary Elizabeth Alexander Hanford "Liddy" Dole (born July 29, 1936) is an American politician who served in both the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush presidential ...
 I am asking you to listen to the advice Mr. President. I believe you need your family's ears and hearts, but do not let them near anything in policy or they will be dragged before the media, as they are now, and Congress for public disgrace to get at you.

Appoint an Advocate for Ivanka, as her working Mother's entitlements are an issue of importance, but do not let it bring down your Presidency or separate you from your base. If you had decent advisers with insights, they never would have allowed this fissure to ever appear.

On  the opposite, Don jr. performed perfectly in Ryan Zinke as Secretary of the Interior, as what was envisioned. Your children serving America, yourself and the Republican Conservatives for the Western voice they deserved for supporting you.

I have once again provided you with the way out of this firestorm as I have been for the past 18 months and realized that I lost a year of my life which I did not realize where the time went. Do this, and deal with Ivanka as pretty girls in fashion suits, are even bigger attention getters in prison orange jump suits.

You do not want Patty Reagan naked. You do not want Bill Carter doing terror deals. You do not want Bush twins dancing on tables. You do not want Roger Clinton drunk and you do not want Malia Obama huffing choom.

This coup of Ivanka to get at you, proves exactly what was warned of in Mike Pence in this unholy alliance, and if this is not nipped, the coup will be successful against you, Mr. President.

Get your left ear a babysitter in Buchanan, Chavez or Dole where they can tell your child, "Yes Ivanka, that is nice, but we are trying to not go to prison this week as Washington is for adults, and as they got Richard Nixon and Hillary Clinton, sweetie, you should know that you are no Nixon and Clinton, and these people will have you in orange jumpsuit before the end of the year.".

Nuff Said



A Jeb Bush Holiday

I guess some wombs are only good for popping out 1 President


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking about Jeb Bush after Thanksgiving, in what it must be like for a family gathering now.

Dinner is announced, and as Jeb tries to sit down at the family table, he is told that only Presidents get to sit with the adults, and is pointed to take his place at a cardboard table.

Then the roast beast is passed, but Babs shoves a plate of beans before him and says, "Only Presidents get to eat turkey!!!"

After dinner, Jeb has to wipe himself, as Presidents only get that.

Then games follow, and George and George say, "Sorry Jeb, only Presidents get to play cards".

Then Jeb looks around the room, and notices that his graduation picture looks alot like Donald Trump graduating school.

Then a phone call comes in, and it is Immigration calling, to say that the wife has turned herself in and is being deported back to Mexico as she sees no future in being an anchor wife..........and warns Jeb not to try and anchor in Mexico as she has prospects yet in dwarfs are always in demand.

Jeb then gets invited to play hide and seek with the children. He goes off and hides, and they go play video games in the basement.

When the dog sniffs him out, it growls at him.

Jeb hears Babs telling Laura, "I am not sure I had him really".

Sometimes life is hard being a Bush. There is the President's table. The Presidents game. The Presidents turkey, and then there is Jeb's bean platter and card table, as the children leave him in the outhouse hiding all afternoon, as they text #NotMyJeb @therealDonaldTrump.

It must be tough to be Jeb Bush in spending 100 million dollars to lose to Donald Trump, and his only comeback is, "Well Hillary Clinton spent a billion and lost to Trump too!", and no one cares.

Christmas? Just a simple note from Jorge the son. "Thank you for ruining my chance to be President too dad".


Hacksaw Ridge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I like Mel Gibson and have stood by him in all the attacks upon him from the Hollywood liberals, but this new film Hacksaw Ridge pisses me off.

"Hacksaw Ridge" is inspired by the incredible true story of Desmond T. Doss, one of only three U.S. soldiers to win the Medal of Honor for military combat service as a conscientious objector, and Gibson thrusts that story into the zeitgeist with an admirable and unforgettable effort. 

This is a story about this Doss hillbilly who was a 7th Day Adventist, and refused conscientious objector status and the bullshit associated with it that he would not carry a gun.

The drama of this "hero" is that in Japan, or Okinawa, Doss "saved" 70 men as a medic.

For those sucked into more of these puke ass stories, that if millions of armed Americans had not fought, when they had no desire to kill people, no one would be watching these puke ass stories, the Lame Cherry makes this one point.

Perhaps if Desmond T. Doss had actually been an American and was not only carrying a rifle, but shooting Japanese, that these 70 Patriots that Doss "rescued" would not have been wounded, and more Americans would not be dead.

Sgt. York saved numerous American lives in World War I, but killing the enemy. That is to be celebrated, along with the Americans now living, because York killed the enemy.

How many American family lives were ruined, because Desmond Doss did not fire a rifle, and how many braintards are sucked into this propaganda, thinking this freeloader is anything to be honored.

Nuff Said
