Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Absent with Leave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK best update I can do, as we are off the electric grid until at least Saturday or later, and I have to save power for emergencies, God forbid, due to everything being here zapped.
Sure is a bitch of a way to eat up my archives, as I can not even work offline. So that is it, and perhaps will translate to you non donating geniuses what it is like to just read filler for a week and reveal how you do not know a thing, nor do your always experts online.

I ran errands and shopping today was an apocalypse now, of the stores were all dark, and we were handed flashlights to get batteries for emergency supplies. It sucks but no money means no tractor, which means no generator, which means no place which means no blog.

Pisser cold last night. At least am sitting with TL in front of a Mr. Heater scorching ourselves, as the blessed furnace overheats as the thermostat if so far away from the heater. So it is ten minutes on and whatever off, as sometime I do fall asleep.

Puntz is now sleeping on top of the bed. Last night it was too cold by the wall where she was, and I felt this spongy  thing crushing against my let when I moved and it was Puntz. She looked annoyed when I hit her with the flashlight to check.

Just a great deal of black and cold, sort of like the Birther's cadaver I suppose. Odd though hunkering off the net and just staring into the dark until you get tired of running the 10 minutes  of heat, and then being pinned down by a pile of covers.

Oh well, we will now see how smart all of you non donors are and how great all of you pricks who keep thinking bad things about us and getting animals hurt and killed, do on your own.

Be back the Lord willing when things get rectified by the college geniuses who built a system that can be nuked by mother nature terrorism.

Homeland will really have to pump up the volume with nothing to see or hear.




Deuteronomy Economics


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter  anti matter.

At the moment I do not really know why the Holy Ghost directed me twice to write on this, in the issue of poverty, the poor, debt and the rich not exploiting those who are in debt, but as I trust in the Lord, the Holy Ghost will get it worked out as I type the Prophetic keyboard.

Deuteronomy 15: 1-9

 1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.
 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's release.
 3 Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release;
 4 Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it:
 5 Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day.
 6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.
 7 If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:
 8 But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.
 9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee.
 10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto.
 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.

America since the time of the Rockefeller financial overthrow of the United States economic system in debt trading of the 1960's, has violated God's Laws of prosperity and morality. In the above, America was never to borrow or go into debt. America was to freely lend to all peoples though at a responsible rate.

The image of Obama though violated every Biblical doctrine of economics in 20 trillion dollars in debt. It is a crime against Americans and the Bible states there is a way out of this and that way is 6 years of debt and the 7th year is a Sabbath or a release from that debt.

The fact is, most of America is not in debt to anyone else, but is debt to the regime in various loans or to credit card companies. It would not be that difficult to get America's financial responsibility into order by ending Dirivative trading.......meaning no one could buy, sell or speculate in debt ever again. That money into a black hole of 2008 Obama collapse, would then be pumped back into productive things like making Fords, instead of gouging people in loanshark speculation.

The Bible teaches this is for Americans, or the People in their own lands. Americans get breaks from debt in America, but if foreigners are in debt here, they still pay a different rate and are not let off the hook.

Give the people 6 years to pay off their debts, and meaning a rate is removed from their wages so they do pay, and in the 7th year, remove that debt from the books. These people could not incur any more debt, but it would be a great leveling agent in inflation, as it would not be any more 30 year loans gouging people nor 23% interest rates on credit cards.
There is a responsibility in credit companies to not lend money nor allow people to spend over a responsible limit in what it would require years to pay off.

I have fast rules. I never borrow money. I never spend money I do not have. I never make a partial payment on a credit card so it rolls over to another month. I do not engage in usury in having my wage sucked from me for a person sitting behind a desk not working.

There is too much gouging of consumers in banks and credit companies, and the speculators selling large swathes of debt for profit, which eventually as in the Obama 2008 deliberate economic terrorism, was all dumped onto the government again, as it was all planned, and the nation rapists monopolized finance even more.

The way to settle the entitlement debt in America, is to stop paying a trillion dollars to non Americans, who are doubling down on Americans in taking their jobs, which drains that money out of America as it is sent back to Mexico or Muslim terror states.

Let us face the reality that all of those fast food places you see sitting empty are in America for one reason, and that is laundering dope money or bringing in human traffic out of Asia, Latin America or Muslim lands. All of this must be stopped as 3 million dollars a year drained from every street corner in ghetto America from dope and prostitution sales is not benefitting Americans, and is  concentrating money into the 1% bank accounts, which the police state never prosecutes, because they 1% donate to the politicians who control the police.

The poor in America must no longer be preyed upon by the rich. The poor must have  good paying jobs to pay their own way and prosper, and then the entire nation prospers, as a nation never is affluent with the affluent are the only ones with money. That is why America always was prospering in times past, because the poor people always had money to spend and to care for themselves, and not be a drain on the US economy.

President Trump is moving to benefit the poor, in people who earn under 50,000 dollars are set to not pay taxes. Remove that 15% tax rate which Americans are burdened with in income taxes and they will have almost 5000 dollars every year extra to spend on their needs. That boosts the economy and DO NOT believe that bullshit about tax breaks do not help the economy and only raise the debt.


When the poor get a tax break and keep their money, they spend it, which rolls over in a community 20 times in a few weeks, and the government at 5% tax gets back that entire dollar.
It is the rich getting tax breaks which do not spend the money, but instead horded it as in the Obama years, which causes the debt in America. Collect taxes from the rich in a way which forces them to put that money into investing in America, as in capital gains tax cuts, and simply stop taxing the poor, as they are in excise taxes on fuel, energy and communication are already paying taxes and over taxed.

These are simple Biblical realities which must be explored and implemented, for the hedge against the cartel imploding the stock market in 2017 as was designed.

God runs the ultimate economic system, which America used to operate under until Franklin Roosevelt seized the system with the Federal Reserve. It was a system which never preyed on the poor and never allowed the poor to be irresponsible with money to be profited off of by the 1%.

President Trump must begin a debt forgiveness program for the poor. He initiates this and he with the GOP will in landslides across America. End the speculation, and end the inflation, and the poor in jobs will care for themselves and end the drain on the US financial system, and free up trillions of dollars to buoy up Wall Street against another 9 11 economic attack on Wall Street in 2017.

Nuff Said


President Trump Energy Bonds


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reality of the Obama Super Depression, the Carter Depression, the Franklin Roosevelt Depression is that they do not end, if in the case of Roosevelt and Obama, the White House is deepening them to force welfare policies onto Americans, by psychologically raping them of their economics.

I remember a very long time ago during the Nixon Price Controls, as an ineffective way to stop inflation, that the economist Milton Friedman phoned Sec. Donald Rumsfeld and scolded him loudly about the "fixes" that Mr. Rumsfeld was implementing to try and stimulate the economy.
Mr. Friedman stated, "You can not put in these fixes or people will think that socialism actually works".

In the situation that President Trump and America faces in the precarious position that Birther Obama plunged America into........(If you can handle the Truth, America would not be in this horrid position if Sarah Palin had been elected Vice President, and if Hillary Clinton had actually not had the election stolen from her by Obama in 2008, Bill Clinton would have at least gotten the country moving again in fake economics and higher taxes.)......it would be advisable to revisit the things that Secretary Rumsfeld was implementing in the 1970's and for President Trump to glean from Mr. Rumsfeld's lengthy experience in economic management.

With that stated, the Lame Cherry has another suggestion for President Trump, Secretary of the Treasury Munchkin and Senator Rand Paul, to engage in a governed way,  the reality that Sean Homo  Hannity has been speaking of in the reality it required 18 to 24 months for the US economy to beging growing under President Reagan.

Already Senator Paul and Senator Boxer are seeking to lower the corporate return tax lower for the trillions corporations have overseas in the 6% bracket if that money is used for infrastructure projects for America.

The Lame Cherry though in this LAG seeks to go beyond this, in not just for conglomerates to benefit, but what about the small investor who deserves a like benefit?

This is what the Lame Cherry suggests to President Trump. Place three brackets as he states for income tax, but on Capital Gains. If an investor has less than 250,000 dollars in capital gains profits from the stock market or anything they sell, simply make it zero percent.
For a quarter of a million to 5 million, put the rate at 5%. For anything over this, place it at 10% fixed forever.

Here is what will be done though economically, in when those stocks or properties are cashed in, that money if investors choose, will be rolled into ENERGY BONDS. Think of it as Lincoln Green Backs, but on a municipal bond scale.

When the tycoon Ross Perot, sold his business for a billion dollars long ago, he invested all of his money into NO TAXABLE MUNICIPAL BONDS. In other words Mr. Perot, invested in local America, so they could use that money for a small interest rate to provide for the public good, and the bonds were paid off by city taxes collected.

What the Lame Cherry is directing here, is a method of stimulating the economy, without any funds from the Government, so it does not ever add to the debt. Instead, people seeing a great deal of moving their investments into bonds which they will never have to pay income taxes on, will instead invest in the very infrastructure which America needs.

America needs at least 50 major coal electrical plants to be built. Obama promised in 2008 in a counter to John McCain building electrical plants, to build power plants in America. Instead Obama shut down electric plants and has tripled our energy bills.

The Lame Cherry is all for Bill Gates clean nuclear energy, and this as a proven power generator from the 1950's, but was shut down by Richard Nixon as America needed dirty nuclear generation for nuclear bombs, is what these ENERGY BONDS are all about.

President Trump should immediately begin buying from coal companies a "strategic reserve" for coal, as a way to get people working in states like West Virginia which is coal based in their economy. Simply purchasing raw energy for power plants which are being built all across America is a connection to a stimulus plan which will provide hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs TO AMERICANS, not Green Card nor Illegals, which will circulate through all of the states.

ConEd receives investment in energy bonds to build several electrical plants, which then come on line, and in cheap electricity, Americans profit ConEd, who then pay interest on the Energy Bond investment and buy back their bond debt, so American investors profit from their original investment.

This is the correct way to stimulate the economy. It will move power companies to begin building immediately to provide shovel ready jobs and begin moving money into the American economy instead of it running on speculative Stock Markets which can burst.

This will have to be governed, so that the Stock Market does not inadvertantly plunge due to too much money coming out of Wall Street. There is a way though to roll the money in the same Stock and Bond market, so that there will not be a panic, but a joyful profiteering again.

We do not have the luxury after 8 years of Obama economic implosion, to wait another 2 years to move this economy. Donald Trump can not have a Congressional set back in Democrats picking up seats in the midterms in 2018. There are real measures to direct conglomerates and to profit small investors, so they are not stung by capital gains at all. The voters will be patient if given the same breaks the trillion dollar corporations are, and if they honestly see Trump Walls being built, which include a new generation of power plants to use only American clean coal.

All of this works, as Secretary Rumsfeld was scolded by Milton Friedman in the 1970's. The difference is we are not trying to prop up the community organized green Obama fraud, but are building the American Dream again.

The LAG does not need to be as stressful or long. Plans can be made for necessary power generation, which is protected from EMP, for national security. The Stock Market does not need to be plunged as real production will be created to fill in the fraud Obama inflated stock prices, by the economy growing as it should.

All of this stimulation can be managed from the US Treasury. Presdient Trump is getting the Obama regime out of the way. President Trump is keeping jobs in America, and in the process of repatriating corporate funds from overseas. In addition, these Energy Bonds would be advisable to stimulate the US Economy from the peasant investor up.

It simply needs to be done.

Nuff Said



The Pumpkin Deer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I learned this year in working for God for the election of Donald Trump as President some interesting things.

Like that baby fawn that Daisy and Belle jumped by our garden and I was so protective over.........

I did have a great crop of beets at that time.......the fawn ate them.

Then I was puzzled by my George Washington pumpkins for Thanksgiving not producing..........the fawn ate them.

Then I noticed that Daisy was eating my French pumpkins and blamed Daisy for the ones in the garden as she jumped the fence...........then they kept getting eaten..........so the fawn ate them.

I actually saw deer puke on the road to confirm the theft........but indigestion did not stop the predation........as the deer ate them all.

On our walks, our neighbor has two massive pumpkins on their driveway. The deer took two bites out of one.........and stopped eating them. Of course my heirlooms were devoured.

So in the end, the coons ate my sweetcorn.........I trapped and killed like 5 of them....and they ate my flour corn.

I was too busy to pick beans.....but have a nice crop of seed. Potatoes did ok..........corn at least I got some vital seed back.........cabbage rotted or maybe the deer ate them too.

I have never in my life had this kind of deer problems. They started eating the tops of the carrots off now too, as I apparently have the only food on the planet.

It seems my Thanksgiving tradition of having George and Martha Washington Pumpkin is on hold this year.

About all I can hope for is like all of you, that we can get by on the crumbs until Donald Trump gets things turned around by God's Grace.............and I hope that my fawn is not going to be shot by some desperate hunter as I have beets and pumpkins invested in this deer.

Nuff Said

