Friday, August 25, 2017

The Mexican Monsoon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One would think that a good hosing down by a rain storm and a strong wind, was the end of the world to Matt Drudge, but the Lame Cherry views this very weak Harvey for what it is, a landscape cleaner.

When God gives the land a good drenching and a good blow, it snaps off all the things that would probably fall off and kill people as they were lounging around. All them dead Mexicans laying in the canyons will now be swept down the Rio Grande and out into the Gulf of America, where they belong, and feed the fish for a good environmental clean up.

Great industry and jobs in Texas will prevail as rebuilding takes place.

This thing has normal winds like one gets out on the Great Plains all the time. The 110 is just a front cloud and once it makes land, it will collapse and be just another heavy rain storm.

It appears to be making landfall at Corpus Christi, which is not that big of deal, nor is the backwash at Houston. Just another rag ass low pressure system, ending the drought, filling the pans, and as stated washing them Mexicans out of the United States.

Those demonic anti trumpers better offer to their weather demons a bit more, as this is a really weak showing. This Harvey does not even have any red storm areas.......really disappointing for a Friday. Maybe it will get out into the Gulf so the trump haters can hope for Harvey killing piles of them White folks as right now them tan skins are getting the wash job while the blacks are living high off the hog.
