Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Obama Awarded Medal For Being A Birther

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well it pretty well settles things in Secretary of Defense Ash Carter today awarded image Obama the Distinguished Public Service Medal for being a foreigner as that seems to be the only qualifications that Obama was qualified to receive this medal.

The president was also honored at a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, a short drive from the White House.
Addressing a room of men and women from the various branches of the military, Obama praised their service and sacrifice. He said there is "no greater privilege and no greater honor" than serving as commander in chief.
"As I reflect on the challenges we have faced together and on those to come, I believe that one of the greatest tasks before our armed forces is to retain the high confidence that the American people rightly place in you," Obama said. "We must never hesitate to act when necessary to defend our nation, but we must also never rush into war because sending you into harm's way should be a last and not first resort."
Prior to his remarks, Defense Secretary Ash Carter presented Obama with the Medal of Distinguished Public Service as a token of appreciation for his service as commander in chief.

As you can read from the mandatory qualifications of patriotism, good citizenship and public responsibility, image Obama has failed at all of those virtues, so we have to search for why Ash Carter actually awarded Obama this medal, as unlike the Nobel Prize, you just can't get this for showing up and being a Nig.

The service or assistance may have been rendered at considerable personal sacrifice and inconvenience and should be motivated by patriotism, good citizenship, and a sense of public responsibility

So according to WIKI here are the list of things image Obama is qualified for in medals from the DOD.

The Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service is the highest award that is presented by the Secretary of Defense, to a private citizen, politician, non-career Federal employee, or foreign national.

Well image Obama is not a private Citizen of America, an intelligence asset jinn can not be a politician, it certainly has made a career off of sucking jobs out of American regimes, so all that is left is FOREIGN NATIONAL and BINGO, that image Obama does qualify in the human form in the shapeshifter from Iran, did have a British Birthright, Kenyan squatter right and Muslim Indonesian standing, and why Barack Obama got foreign student loans to attend college.

So that is it, in Ash Carter has outed image Obama as a foreigner, a real Birther, and again the glory whore image Obama is, it simply could not resist getting his second medal for something in life as he failed at Special Olympics trials.

Just by this picture, you know blessed certain that image Obama has been sending out to the Smithsonian to wear Jackie Kennedy's dresses and putting Teddy Roosevelt's saddle on Muchelle to model, as you can see it just can not get enough of that adoration.

Obama-Distinguished Public Service Medal-Getty

 This image Obama is the poster boy for blacktard


Journey to Tomorrow

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to thank people for their kindness in my off the grid status. There have been a few questions and helps and I am going to try and post on them, but is hard as my cursor has disappeared, but of course this is some Russian hacker and not Homeland or a Sub Operational interested in what has been posted here again.

First, I have been looking at generators, and going slow as the money situation is the money situation. If I play the odds of storms, we had our big one, and now I should have time to glean some knowledge. I have been picking the brains of people who have generators and researching online. Most have gas powered, but I think about waiting for a diesel which is expensive. The plot here I think is I would put it in Mom's cellar, and vent the exhaust out and use a breather tube to feed air to it, so we would not suffocate. (No garage)
Thousands of dollars so that is a "when if" thing, but I have been revisiting a project I was interested in, but not having any time in the Stubblefield Earth Battery. I know I can make the thing generate, and that is not the problem. What I am curious about is the blurbs of his last days in the hill side seemed to have light coming from it, and he had polished curved metal plates which were heating his home.
I "think" by Holy Ghost Inspiration, that his wet battery were tree roots for the hill light and I "think" the radiant panels were earth energy being transformed into radio waves, as he did do research on this subject and accomplished it. Somehow he got the oscillation to create friction in the polished metal bouncing off each other.
It comes to the point though of amplifying the current which is what Stubblefields solenoid was about I believe. It is all Tesla type technology and I know I could iron it out in a few years if I had time and resources, but too large the battle in trying to guard  Mr. President's flanks and not becoming too popular in exposing the impeachment scenarios............reminds me I have to fill in the gaps on that in a post hopefully for tomorrow.

As for winged demons, I inquired and it said it was a photoshop. I do not know if we see things different, but the dark energy we see have been two types. One looks like a fuzzy bumblebee thing that moves in straight lines about the size of a quail egg and the other looked like a six foot black plastic tarp being whipped in the wind through the trees.
I always thought Sleepy Hollow stuff was hysterics, as things always freak people out in walking alone at night, but this stuff looks just like it is described. I do not care to see demons, so do not look for them. Have enough creepy people around that I would appreciate they vanished.

Thinking, oh yes, the other thing about the generator suggestion, I was wondering if that Flagstaff was a model with experience. I will do research on it......................come to think of it, I was going to build an alternator thing too which are in the wet prints in my brain.

Lastly, I post so much stuff Inspired that sometimes Memory Alpha forgets what I was writing about, as in this correspondence.
Reading the 3 parts of the wisdom of the whole universe, and finding the
constellations fascinating since I was old enough to see them in the
sky, reading your last sentence had my mushroom brain confounded.  "The
three parts. The body, the soul the Spirit...........the Tree of
Life...........the False tree of life.

The electro chemical reaction, everyone born under their star, the final
transformation. The trinity of that which was not, to that which is, to
that which will be, by the One Who Always Is."

I know who is the One Who Always is. I understand body, soul and spirit.
Are you saying we were created as the Tree of Life and others are
playing Chem101 to create the false one?

I also get that at one point I was not (on earth), then I was on a
certain date. So what is the "which will be?" If I'm here, now, is
"which will be" the afterlife? As each person is born under their own
star, how does that effect that which will be--if one follows the the
Heavenly Father and doesn't mess with alchemy? How would I find out what
I *am* under the star I was born under?  Would knowing change "that
which will be?"

What I was talking to myself about, was in the three phases of Hermeticism, a wet energy, in chemicals, star and Spirit energies, is a mirror of the Body, Soul and Spirit and the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, transforming humans from physical to Spiritual. Interesting in it is three phases or parts, and yet the part is life and death, or Tree of Life or False Tree in two. A combination of 5 as in the pentagram, a part of the Tree of Life.
There are those who have created the False Tree and initiated it for the immortals.

You are as a Christian, someone who was, is and will be. You are this from conversion to God. The what will be is the Life in Christ.

People are born under stars, energies of this world do affect people. There is though your will, and your overcoming things in Christ as Christ overcame the world. It is an excuse to say, "I was born under a star that says I am moody or flippant." Everyone has their things to overcome. Discipline yourself and grow in the Light of Christ, and then in Joy one is not moody and in discipline one is not flippant.
We are not born to the stars. They affect us, but we in Christ effect our outcome in Him.

All people are born under a cosmic star. All Christians are reborn under Thee Bright and Morning Star of Christ. Reflecting a cosmic star which burns out, means death. Reflection and being like Christ in frequency, brings eternal Life.

Knowing changes all things. It no longer allows for the ignorance of sin, for then sin is known. Knowing requires discipline so we do not become like Solomon in abandoning Proverbs to the earthly Ecclesiastics or foolishness human reasoning.
You know the Way, the Truth and the Life to come to the Father through Christ. This is thee only anchor point. The remainder is the discovery of knowledge to nauseate the mind as it whirls through the intellect and in that storm is harnessed by the Holy Ghost to understand the secrets of the hidden knowledge and sacred geometry which are revelations to the attributes of God.

I am on journey to tomorrow now.




Operation Changeling

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There have been certain references to Operation Gladio, a World War II, Cold War extension of guerilla warfare, which has been initiating false flag operations in the United States.

Free Listen - George Webb - The Clinton Fdn
Bribe Funnels & Permanent-Provisional Govts

There is though another reality in the same Plamegate and Watergate intelligence group set ups of President Richard Nixon and President George W. Bush, which are being coordinated, exactly as the 100 Days programme against candidate Donald Trump, which involved the Neocons, Cruzlings, the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton, and it is meant to engage after the Inauguration of President Trump.

All the active participants as in Speaker Paul Ryan are not privy to the entire details, but are waiting to "take advantage of the situation" in order to leverage President Trump. It is a matter for the lords and the priests to understand the psychology of the groups and then offer then the solution by events, which they will perform of their own accord.

Think of it this way, in the Obama fellow travelers who set upon the Tea Party from the IRS with no direct orders from Obama. Think of the Obama fellow travelers who set out against LaVoy Finnicum in that assassination. Think of the corruption of the FBI involving Emailgate in providing carte blanche for Mrs. Clinton. Think of a nation of changelings who have been for a generation, been embedded all throughout American government, industry, education and religion in deep cover to steer the cartel policies of American genocide, to shockingly appear as Peggy Noonan in 2008, Glenn Beck in 2016, when their orders were given to act out.
Think of 3 million federal employees who were hired by psychological profiling to gain specific like minded conscripts, and one has the changelings for the Manchurian regime which President Donald Trump faces.

Revisit Plamegate, which arose from Secretary of State Colin Powell and his stooge Richard Armitage who actually leaked Plame's name to Robert Novak, and Vice President Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby, had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Powell was supposed to be President in the coup, and Armitage skated without one charge, because they had intelligence cover for this operation against Vice President Dick Cheney to have him removed.

Once that reality settles in, you can comprehend what is established in multiple operations against President Donald Trump for his impeachment. Fully understand that Richard Nixon broke not one law in Watergate, but the Tavistock protocols projected that Richard Nixon would become involved in managing the aftermath, and that is what Watergate was designed for in a coup against Richard Nixon.

President Trump is not going to have any actions which he is involved with which will be illegal, but several scenarios are being initiated to embarrass and steer President Trump away from the areas which are his focus in peace with Russia, border security and making America great again. Their will be feints in this as distractions to keep his people busy, but his Trump Trans are destined to be out of the loop, until the time comes for Mike Pence to be the "voice of reason" with the Ryan Traitors in Congress to give the charges which are already written the democratic weight to remove President Trump.

I have not had time to inquire on this completely, as this is only a surface read, but you know this is there. You know the Obama fellow travelers, the Neocon traitors are allied in this, with Pence as the voice of reason when the time comes to betray everyone. You know that image Obama has in position his operatives as much as the Jeb Bush loyalists and they are ready to amplify a President Trump directive to involve criminal activity.

If you require a historical example, consider President Reagan in humanitarian concern over Western hostages taken by Muslims coordinated out of Iran in Lebanon, and Mr. Reagan's tough policy of removing communists from the American sphere in aiding the Contras, somehow after President Reagan was shot, ended up exactly where it was intended to be managed by George H. W. Bush, and Oliver North, where the goodwill release of hostages by Muslims for better relations with America, suddenly became Hawk SAM missiles being sold to Iran and the money was illegally laundered to fund the Contras in Central America, which created the Iran Contra Scandal.
President Reagan knew absolutely nothing about this operation and was disgusted by it. Reagan knew no more about Iran Contra than Vice President Dick Cheney knew about Valerie Plame's name being leaked. It was all a cartel set up for a coup, and that is what is awaiting President Donald Trump and how this operation will be engaged against the Oval Office again.

As stated, I have not had time nor energy to pinpoint this or these events, but begin by publishing the reality of the operations in how they are established and will be engaged in, in the hope again of changing this time line to save the Presidency of Donald Trump for the peaceful continuation of relations with Russia.
To state what is being cooked, will in hope ward it off, or so cause a backlash when it does take place, that the culprits engaged this time, will all be arrested.

Interesting as I began publishing this, blogger was busy alerting me I had company collecting the live feed of what I am typing here. The McCain expose' garnered a great deal of attention from that syndicate, and someone is paying a great deal of attention to this exclusive again.

I hope to have enough energy to get a fix on this, but trying to survive the week without power, the deaths of stock, worry and the funeral experience, with another storm today as I did not know if we were going to make it home from errands, is setting things back, as I simply try to keep the blog publishing. I have a series on Chuck Yeager which I need to fill in, but my head hurts tonight from the cold and I need rest at this moment, so it suffices at this moment to alert that there are changelings with definite orders in Trump Trans, the Neocons and the Obamatons, who are setting up a scandal for a few inflected tight spots, to provide an "easy solution" to be signed off on, which the New York Time and Washington Post are going to drive as a story and the Schumer underlings will rant about, as John McCain cackles with Lindsey Graham over "what Trump got into" as they solemnly express concern about hoping it is not as bad as it looks.

I will try and inquire to the facets of this, but the feel of it, is that it is out there. They will misdirect, then in chaos implant the impeachment, and then you will know it as the players erupt with it. Do not forget that Iran Contra broke in the Lebanese press in that sophisticated betrayal of President Ronald Reagan.

For now, nuff said


i was sumbuddy once

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You do remember the dead John Kennedy right? No not the Grassy Knoll one, but the one who was assassinated by a bomb in his airplane, in order to bring about the theater of the past 8 years of Birther Obama and Hamrod Clinton as the feudal leftists  trying to steal enough votes for the White House.

As in all things Lame Cherry, this is another exclusive in matter anti matter in things you never thought about or ever would, but in the solace of this January, we should remember what the world John John Kennedy would have brought democrats to and all it took to bring the vision again to the White House in President Donald Trump, after Birther Hussein squandered the Kennedy legacy of Teddy Kennedy's death bed transfer of power.

We read of the absolute upheaval of the Democratic party in the disaster of 8 years of Obama and the running of crooked Hillary Clinton, which brought the party of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey to ruin. One only has to think of that unbalanced Muslim, Keith Ellison of Minnesota running the DNC and the bizarre sell out Bernie Sanders in his voters to be a straw man, to see how Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Barack Obama have obliterated the party of the working man and made it a party of the billionaire oligarchs.

What is the Democratic party? I ask what are the guts of it, because it has lost it's mind and has no heart, so what are the bowels of the Democrats which no one is going to explain, save the Lame Cherry.

The "democratic" party ceased being a very long time ago. It is now a party in 2017 which will have image Obama being the ghetto queen, Charles Schumer as the golden prod of power, Bill and Hillary Clinton vying to make Chelsea the first twat lipped President above and below the bondage belt line, and those upstarts who are being kept around to prowl their wares in Amy Klobacher to Poco Warner, all Cassius backstabbing for their places in power.

Always the factions to appeal to the lemmings, so that they think they are making choices, but it is always the Brzezinski option of the cartel, as the public is wowed by image Obama posturing as grey haired Uncle Bam, the Clintons prowling around in the shadows in making deals for Chelsea, and the Schumer prostitutes all auditioning for 2020.
See this is all about the reality of pretending Chelsea is a politician to be Vice President, and whatever figurehead is being positioned to put chops into the position of Chelsea as Vice President or Chelsea as running on a ticket as Vice President to be President in 2024.
It all depends upon can they impeach Donald Trump, and weaken Mike Pence enough that the cartel will dump Pence in order to shear the Americans of their Trump prosperity under Chelsea Clinton.

Sure there is Jorge Bush, but this is about the Neocon left and not the Neocon center feudalists in the image Obama pooch and pony show, as the only interesting part is who is bending over far enough to believe all the promises of 1600 Penn to offer themselves up as leader of the debt world, as they take young Chelsea under their wing to mentor her.......yes BS, but everyone wants to believe they are the chosen one.

The reality is for Chelsea though is New York is clogged in pretty Gillibrand and leader Schumer, so the reality is for Chelsea Clinton she is going to have to move, and the place for her is California to replace Diane Feinstein in the Senate.

So that is the theater, image Obama sayin' he used to be somebuddy, and a caste of waiting to die occupants of 1600 Penn Avenue in Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and the ghoul feeders who get lied to, to be the next Bernie Sanders.

Seems so complex, John John Kennedy as President in 2008, ending Bush fam, Clinton fam, and no image Obama, and having put into place Trump prosperity........and perhaps a few assassins from 1963 in prison and ruined, but it is Hillary Clinton not being President as it turned out, and Chelsea being promoted as the next 4 twat lipped hope of liberalism.

I suppose some wonder what it would be like to be image Obama until the clock runs out telling the world it used to be sumbuddy, like Jimmy Carter and the rest of the ilk auditioning for infamy to oblivion.

Nuff Said


The Cock Twat

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sedition should never be mistaken for Dissent

- Lame Cherry

In victory the President governs the Citizen and rules the traitor.

- Lame Cherry

A liberal arrest in time, saves nine.

- Lame Cherry

There have been more Americans murdered in the 49 years of the 1968 Gun Control Act, than in the 192 years of no gun control in the United States since 1776.

- Lame Cherry

The most complete definition of a liberal is a demented soul, locked in their own self made hell on earth.

- Lame Cherry

God made them male and female, there are no inbetweens

- Lame Cherry

It was once said "The devil made me do it". By the current state of  the world, the conclusion is satan abdicated and has been replaced by the liberal.

- Lame Cherry

If I had a donation for everyone who has stolen from me, I would be rich.

- Lame Cherry

The liberal loved Obama for not being American, and the liberal hates Donald Trump for being an American.

- Lame Cherry

The problem with a problem is that it always begins with a problem.

- Lame Cherry
