Friday, January 6, 2017

Lindsey Graham reveals the Jews poison gassed Syrians

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was reversed by David John Oates, and the little fag who would was caught in two damning revelations which do not seem to be a great deal, until one realizes that each reference indicates PRE KNOWLEDGE of events which took place.

Graham was speaking about the fictional Russian hacking and in a reversal he is talking about IRIS. IRIS according to David John Oates is a hacking program, which of course is not Russian, and Graham knows it.

If not a hacking program, ISIS is a biometric system, and Graham knows this system was what was breached. No one has mentioned anything of this, and this is not connected to the DNC emails. Again Graham is revealing information which he has been briefed on and is blurting the facts out.

Hacker Finds a Simple Way to Fool IRIS Biometric Security Systems

Chaos Computer Club Hacker Jan Krissler Finds a Simple Way to Fool IRIS Biometric Security Systems to bypass IRIS Scanners

It is why Graham in another reversal says I'M RICHARD AND I PAY THE PUKE. Graham like John McCain are overflowing with symbolic references. Richard is thought to be Richard III or Richard Nixon, and the puke is the absolute lies that Graham is telling.

What followed was the thing that Lindsey Graham never was supposed to reveal, but Graham specifically states that the poison gas attack which the Obama regime attempted to blame President Assad over, and ISIS was outed for, was really according to Graham a Jewish intelligence operation.

According to Lindsey Graham, the Jewish Mossad, poison gassed people in Syria, to have America destroy Syria.

Gassing on earth was Mossad

Obama in reversals states he has signed a deal for war with Russia. The image also says this in reversal:


The image is moving to acquire a sniper. 

In speaking of Republicans liking Vladimir Putin, Obama speaks of LET'S MAKE A DEAL. Obama has something in the works.

The image is also stating that IRAQ WILL FALL. It sounds like they are turning Iraq over to terrorists to drag in America.

Obama also says I AM HELL.


Esteban Santiago

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is going to be screaming again about American gun laws over the terror event in Florida involving Esteban Santiago who was birthed in New Jersey, but there is something incredibly wrong with this case in Santiago was transporting an illegal weapon through Canada.

As the MSM never reports the vital facts, the above photo is of Santiago holding a handgun, which is probably the weapon in Florida, but it appears even with distortion a large caliber in a 40 +. It looks like a 45 caliber in a concealed carry, and not a 10 mm in the big package handguns. In others words, this gun hurt to shoot.

The Canadian connection is important as Canada REQUIRES permits to transport firearms through Canada, and any handgun which is less than a 4 inch barrel, is not allowed to be brought into or leave Canada.
In whatever the situation, Canada has lengthy permits and feeds to transport firearms, and this gun came through Canada from Alaska, and this looks like a big bore, short barrel concealed carry, which Canada should have seized, as Canada seizes coal burning stoves in being so paranoid of metal and smoke.

Santiago also in Pizzagate Pedo, as he had a travel restriction with the TSA, meaning he was a sexual pervert.

This Podesta voter should have been flagged in Alaska boarding, in Canada, and when he entered Florida as he is a sex offender, but in Obama trans sexuals into little girls bathrooms, Santiago was not detained.
If one examines the above, Esteban was convicted guilty in 2002 in New York, yes liberal Governor Cuomo of perversion, in case number 2002 - 38438.

In this, one can see this perv 4 aliases he is operating under.

Esteban Santiago has nothing to do with gun owners, the US military in the weekend warriors, but is the Podesta Pedo Pizzagate voter, in one can ascertain he appears to be a Puerto Rican gangbanger, tossing around expired military credentials and while "sexual abuse in the second degree" is a misdemeanor, meaning the person Santiago attacked was most likely passed out, this is an Obama Clinton voter to the hilt.
If this perv had been charged as he should of and not coddled, it would have been a felony and none of Florida would have happened.

Things though are not right, as once again we have a second shooter reported like in all of these cases, in it appears another Sirhan Sirhan candidate, and this is aimed at stopping gun control repeals, in something was done to this candidate's mind.

The story fades.


Pardon Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are numbers of Obama coke buyers from the regime's coke lords who are being pardoned by the image Obama, and there are murmurs of pardons for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and the Lame Cherry agrees these two men should be pardoned and released from a worse captivity than Gitmo.
Yes the Truth is, is that Muslim terrorists in Gitmo have more rights, and have seen the sun every day, where Julian Assange has experienced a confinement like something in Castro's Cuba of a cell without light, and this is a situation which a merciful people in American must rectify, for Julian Assange revealed by Democratic insiders the corruption of the American regime, and Edward Snowden revealed the depths of an illegal police state arrayed against Americans. The fact is that if Congress and Law Enforcement had been doing their oversight of the Obama regime, Assange and Snowden would never have appeared.

Lost in this, is a Patriot, an American and a Hero, in Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, who alone stood against the Obama regime, and was made a political prisoner in America. The Lt. Colonel served with distinction in American wars, and when the time came to question the authority of Birther Hussein, he alone stood up against tyranny, and for it was destroyed.

The Obama regime threw this Patriot into prison, and with that corrupt trial, took all rights from this American. This is why the Lame Cherry advocates the complete pardon of Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, with his full return of Honorable Discharge, rank and position in the United States military, for the travesty which was arrayed against this honorable man.

It is a simple task and that is all which would be required is a signature by President Trump, and Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin will be restored. When turkeys can be pardoned on Thanksgiving, which is another idiot tradition that the Lame Cherry demands a stop be put too, as these are huge birds who suffer greatly in living, and it would be better for that bird to be killed, eaten and used for good purpose, then Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin can be pardoned for doing something that even Mr. Trump contemplated in public, as just how corrupt the Obama birth abstract is, and why this Obama who stated his "British citizenship expired" admitting Obama was a dual citizen, should never have reached the White House by election theft.

Pardon Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin. This Patriot is owed this, because he was the only one who put his life on the line, while others only spoke about it and wrote about it.

Pardon Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, President Trump.





Trump White Paper: Fuzzbox Voodoo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I rarely give a great deal of thought to things, as things are either good ideas or bad ideas, and if you are giving a great deal of thought to things, then either you are a moron or it is a bad idea requiring a complicated solution.

This is going to be a Lame Cherry Concentrate, as I am not being paid 6 figures by President Trump as an advisor nor am I earning 7 figures a siliconwear adviser to the computer industry. That does not mean this is going to be a bad advice, but advice which instead communicates well.

America needs cyber security. That is the new McCain and Graham mantra.

Sean Hannity has been preaching that just a tad less than saying the word homo every day.

Now that you are in the chute, going 5 by 5, it is time for the Lame Cherry to pull your asstard back and ask why is it we need cyber security, and why has nothing been done about it, and why is John McCain huffing it hard against the Russians?

Ok this is CONCENTRATE so think a little bit as I give you the answer and open your asstard eyes. The reason America gets hacked all the time, the reason nothing is done to make America secure, and the reason McCain is trying to shift the blame to Russians is:

The conglomerates who control the American police state and American finance, already hacked the system, and do not want it secure, as it places access and control in their hands, and those foreign entities who this group desires to have access to this grid. Sometimes it is China, sometimes Saudi Arabia, sometimes the Jews, depending on the size of the check.
It is reflection of what Hillary Clinton's server was a portal into the US computer network for her donating clients.

I will add, because I am not paid that there is a reality also that sometimes hacking is allowed to provide false data to foreign groups in order to convince them to actions, in other words manipulate them.

The title of this White Paper is Fuzzbox Voodoo. The title is English in the fuzz box is the synthetic device which gets electric guitars to produce sounds. In ZZ Top it is a song, which is the official anthem of the Lame Cherry, and it of course means a woman's snatch in Texan song.

Now another question.

Why is it that you never hear of information hacked from Area 51, Wright Patterson or those super computers stories high, buried underground attached to the NSA?

Easy answer, so do not sprain your brain, as those computers are secure and hooked up to a closed system with filters and protections.

Easy explanation, is all computers, including plasma minds can be hacked, nudged, written, wiped by electronic stimulation, whether it be radar waves or electrical current coming in through lines. So protections like fuzz boxes, Faraday shields and concentric access points are necessary to monitor information flow inside the system.
A closed system is open only to those who have clearance, and those systems are never hacked.

The systems which we are speaking of are the open systems, which are connected to the web, to outside sources from WIFI to cell phone, and it is by these extensions that hacking takes place......unless it is some trans sex fag who plugs in a flash drive and drains the system of information.

That is enough of an explanation of the system in closed and open, who has the keys, and who does not have the keys, unless sexy Guciffer 2.0 has John Podesta give them the password, which is of course PASSWORD.

As some advice to President Donald Trump, the Lame Cherry advocates a three tier system for cyber security for America, and that means an entire new system, including a system which does not have all of these open windows built into it, so the lords and priests get free porn watching drones spy on children.

For this, in addition to the Trump Experts dealing with this issue from their inside perspective, I advocate for Charles R. Smith, an insider foundling who enjoys talking a great deal to be a second leg of this triad which I propose and for Robert Steele and his pets to form the 3rd leg of this team which will oversee and build the closed system and the open system for American security.


Softwar Inc. supports and distributes professional security software using our expertise in advanced encryption technology. Our software provides secure access ...

The closed system would mirror the Wright Pat in being unplugged with no data transfer, and the open system would signature all closed system files ever entered into the system.
Yes I have given information in this, that all codex can be embedded so that if the closed system is entered into the open system, the open system will shut down that information, in fractured files or complete files.

Every connection in this is through the Fuzz Box, an advanced Cisco type hub, which monitors the electronic signature of the source. Yes just like fingerprints, every power grid has a static signature that identifies the location.
None of this is information which is supposed to be publicized, but anyone with common sense knows electricity has different frequency if you ever listen to the buzz on a radio.

The answer to this is put 3 competing forces at work on this, who think they are the smartest chimps and who hate the pompous insider system of cronies, and you then build a secure computer network for a few billion dollars, in both the open and closed loops, and which the Fuzz Box tracks all incoming and outgoing packets, with the signature of the frequency, place all those involved under the penalty of death, and it all  behaves itself..........until of course someone in the cartel threatens some programmers to open the windows and the system is open for business again.

Closed systems can be hacked by sophisticated means, but that access can be guarded. Each agency should have a closed system which can not be breached, and then an open system not to the internet, but to the other uplinks for communication.
It is not that hard to make all closed system computers have a large prong USB port and non access WIFI static signature which consumer devices can never access.

That is the Lame Cherry donation solution, which is not paid 6 figures nor 7 figures, but it is a reality that the Trump Administration must utilize as the white paper in this solution.

And for that price,

Nuff Said

ZZ TOP - Fuzzbox Voodoo (GREASY guitar cover) - YouTube

ZZ Top Fuzzbox Voodoo - Duration: 4:41. NorthernSP 32,660 views. 4:41 ZZ Top - RHYTHMEEN (guitar cover) - Duration: 3:56. Fret Fries 18,544 views. 3:56 ...



The Obama Toxic Economy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

There are so many things which the Lame Cherry could write on in both educating the American Public, the People of the world and assisting President Trump, but all the Obama problems are the same, in whether it is toxic terrorism, toxic economics, toxic debt, toxic unemployment, toxic mistrust........there are one hundred things and they are all toxic to breaking down civilization and civilization simply does not have a few years to fix itself as in the luxury of the Reagan recovery from the Carter depression.

None of this has been helped by image Obama sabotaging everything in foreign and domestic policy in the last months to attempt to make things implode so the Obama can relish in publicity of, "See things were not so cannibal when I left power".

I desire you to get that, because what Obama is setting up with his cronies is to actually unleash the super depression on the world in making it so draconian that everyone will blame President Trump, when it is all Obama, Obama, Obama.

I monitor news in areas like North Dakota to get a feel for rural America, and it simply astounds me in that oil whore state, in they literally pant daily about oil prices rising, as the North Dakotans in all that oil there, never conceive that for every dollar oil goes up, the state of North Dakota only receives pennies in royalties, and WORSE YET, it costs everyone in that state 3 dollars in inflation, because every business runs on oil, and every business is jacking up it's prices.
Take a loaf of bread for example. Farmers get slave wages to buy John Deere and feed the real estate whores and big oil, then the bread factories get their price increase, and it is added in electricity from the power plant, machinery costs, Obamacare mandates, Obama regulations, and then comes the truckers in their price hikes, and the groceries in their price hikes, all having the same spikes the bread factories have, so in the end 1 dollar rise in crude oil, is costing you 3 dollars out of your pocket in the end.

The energy producing states are in horrid condition, as most are agriculture or union, and both of those are tanking in jobs, so energy is bleeding those states dry, and those were the only states which were  treading water for 8 years.

Diesel price reaches 18-month high

It is that reality of energy and the economy which is what all of us are facing. With Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan only had 4 asstard Carter years. President Trump has 8 asstard Obama years, and there is nothing which is not in dire straights in any sector.

America needs 2 years to get to a point of production, where a money flow is operating in America and the world. America does not have that luxury. I have stated previously that President Trump must engage in 3 specific areas to stop an economic collapse.

1. All toxic debt must be quarantined, so as to not affect the recovering sectors of the economy.
2. Energy production must be a priority, as cheap energy is America's only chance. This includes the government buying a strategic national coal reserve to get those coal operations up and running before the plants are finished.
3. As part of the infrastructure renewal, America must revisit survival shelters of the 1950's as a catalyst to stimulate the economy to protect the majority of Americans.

What the Obama legacy is, is the toxic feudal welfare state. I did not write on this before as I did not desire to scare people from voting for Donald Trump, but the fact is that America for a generation has been subsidizing the world from Europeans working a few days a week to Mexicans looting the US economy to China becoming a consumer cancer. In order to "fix" this in America, there is going to have to be an employment of Americans working at good jobs, and that means America being resurrected as other nations go on life support in this toxic Obama international economy.
That could mean revolution and it could mean war, as nations implode in this unattainable market situation of over stimulation or economics for feudal control of the world by the elite.

There are measures which Mr. Trump is correctly attempting in bringing in repatriated trillions from US corporations, but that means absolutely nothing if everything collapses on Wall Street, as that debt is too high in the Obama 20 trillion, and the US needs several years to grow into that 20 trillion Obama debt with actual production in sound economic policy.

It is a reality that America must take care of herself first. It is a matter that in doing so millions of people around the world will die in this economic adjustment, BUT if America does not right herself, there is going to be 5 billion people dead in an American collapse and the wars which follow.

Liberals made great mockery during the Watergate coup that there was a cancer on the Presidency as a talking point. The reality with the facts on Barack Hussein Obama, is that he was a cancer on America which metastasized the entire world to a terminal end.
The evil that Obama is must be exorcised from America and the world, as all Obama was, was a poison to people and planet.

I do not want to state that this is oblivion, because it is not, for Adolf Hitler saved Germany from as dire of situation and Ronald Reagan saved America from a situation 1/10th of what President Trump faces with the American People. There is no more time, no margin for errors, and God help His children when the calamities come from nature or the cartel, so the people survive what is pulling them back inside the abyss.

As I stated years ago, there is not a real economy, it is all fraud. Your money in your pockets must be protected and faux economy must be managed to produce jobs to put money into your pockets, while the toxic debt must be quarantined from what is viable, until American production begins to overtake the toxic Obama debt.

I have not witnessed the fire brake steps which must be active from Secretary of Treasury Munchkin for President Donald Trump. There does not have to be fanfare, but signals must be given that the US economy will not be allowed to collapse under Obama toxic debt. To not be public with this and ensuring Americans and the world that the brake is in place and the public is not going to be drawn in, nor their personal banks, nor their investments, is not communicating the message which must be established in people's minds.

You can not have a run on banks, if people are not running.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
