Monday, January 9, 2017

Mine Heritage is a Vulture

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Holy Ghost has repeated the direction of the following verses three times, so it is posted as a warning to the People of the West and the People of Judah.

I will warn again, that just because God raised up Donald Trump as President and you did what was right, does not negate the national sins still being promoted and the murderous intrigue being engaged in. It did not matter how much your parents loved you, you still got spanked for hitting your siblings.

All that has changed is there is not an irreparable breach now and IF people stop sinning in open rebellion against God, then there will not be additional visitations in wrath.

Jeremiah the Prophet chapter 11

 7 I have forsaken mine house, I have left mine heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemies.
 8 Mine heritage is unto me as a lion in the forest; it crieth out against me: therefore have I hated it.
 9 Mine heritage is unto me as a speckled bird, the birds round about are against her; come ye, assemble all the beasts of the field, come to devour.
 10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.
 11 They have made it desolate, and being desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate, because no man layeth it to heart.

My reading this morning concerned King David in his rebellion against God, in God stopping the plague, that He saw the Angel of the Lord on Mount Zion ready to slaughter the people, and this was where the Temple was then to be built.

God speaking of Temples. Perhaps  some destruction in Zion will bring about the 3rd Temple being constructed.

Am having another horrid day, so do not have energy nor time to inquire in being wounded.

Nuff Said




Roman Nevikov, it's all life

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With all of the Russian hacking propaganda, you are missing something which is why the Lord apparently keeps me around.

We know for certain that since Andreiu Riera unleashed his casino voting software that no one except Donald Trump has won an election against socialists and communists globally. That 15% vote flip installed Obama twice, and is why everyone "knew" Hamrod Clinton was going to be President.

They all knew, which means they all knew the elections were fixed, and they knew that too.

Think now, think hard on things like Russia is being blamed for American elections, and now in the epic attacks on Europe, Russia is  being blamed again.

Russia though keeps silent......except when it western spokes agencies speak for it, and that would be the CIA, FBI and NSA in the "confidential" report blaming Russia. The problem in this report is that it is a criminal report in it has revealed that:

1. America has surveillance in the inner conversations on policy discussions of Vladimir Putin.
2. America has moles inside the Putin security group who are telling secrets to the Americans, in the FBI, CIA and NSA.

See that is what reports tell you when they are back engineered. In order to smear Russia, besides talking about RT news, there are revelations of "Putin speak" in what the President said in private conversations. This then alerts the Russian intelligence who are moles and that America has electronic surveillance of President Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin personally approved cyber attacks aimed at interfering with last year’s presidential election motivated by “a clear preference” for Donald Trump, according to a newly declassified report by the US intelligence community.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election,” the report concluded. “Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.”
The joint effort by the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency said the campaign was in keeping with Moscow’s traditional desire to weaken the US-led global order.
But the use of purloined emails to hobble Democrat Mrs Clinton marked a “significant escalation” beyond traditional Russian espionage activities, it added.
All three agencies agreed that Russia “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances” by discrediting Mrs Clinton or contrasting her unfavourably to him. The CIA and FBI said they had “high confidence” in that judgment while the NSA backed it with moderate confidence.

So we know Russia is remaining quiet, because the Americans are talking about things Russia did in part, and Russia is waiting to analyze what the Americans are going to tell them, to confirm what Russia already knows.

Now ask yourself a few things.

The masters of computer hacking are the Americans. The cartel runs this surveillance. The best in the world has been left wide open for the cartel, and now someone else has the keys to the doors, and has been cooperating with Russia.........hmmmm Edward Snowden's people, and now the cartel is having the Americans put up a smoke screen to retaliate on Russia, and to hack the silicon off of the European computers.

We know from image Obama and Jeb Bush, that both in reverse speech were speaking of scorched earth. The cartel desires a Russian war. The Russian war provides resources, covers up all the Obama looting for the cartel and sets things in whoever is competing in this system breach is vanquished instead of coming out on top over the cartel.

Confidential files made public, in a desperate gamble against Russia, which is quite criminal in all it is confirming and revealing to Russia in the workings of the CIA, FBI and NSA.
Someone decided to tell Vladimir Putin details of his conversations and directives which the FSB will be able to decipher the American assets and American methods.
There was a great deal of vitriol over Julian Assange and Edward Snowden for endangering American operations, and the Obama regime and their political minders just did this times 1000.

We already know that the cartel stooges in Clinton, Obama, Merkel and whatever is is in France, are being routed by the Nationalists. Now we witness in Europe the same delegitimizing their Nationalists as Mr. Trump has been.

Oh my this sort of looks like more evidence of the Obama global upheaval to blame the People in their Nationalism, so the world will beg for the image in 2020.

Those shapeshifters are clever allies to the lords and priests, until though the agenda is brought out into the light, and then we realize that the American, Russian, German and French pieces are just distractions, and the real evil is those moving the pieces or called human lives in destroying them.

So we wonder who is binking Matt Drudge? I wonder who would want to make an example of him. Lot's of activity in Europe at the same time. Probably the same pony eh?



Obama Plots Destruction of America for 2020 Presidential Return

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Every time I begin to think that there is nothing to reveal or write about, I am led by God to some story and the Prophetic Keyboard begins to generate and the next thing I know is, it all makes sense in what I am hearing in it all becomes a harmonic calm inside of me, and I realize with the same excited jump inside of me, that another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter has appeared.

It is that way with the image of Barack Hussein Obama, in this murderous onslaught it has engaged in against the world as lame cuck.  It troubled me as I knew it was causing trouble, but the standard Limbaugh fare explanations did not feel right. The fact is Rush Limbaugh is absolutely wrong in his trumpeting that "Obama is not going away" by building a wall in Washington DC, because the real headline is, "OBAMA IS COMING BACK".

That is what was in the Lame Cherry exclusive WAR: OBAMA REGIME DEPLOYS ALMOST HALF OF US TANKS TO EUROPE, in the warning at the end, that image Obama is not going away, but image Obama is plotting a return in 2020.

The hints in this draconian macabre theater have been there in the image stating it could have beaten Trump, when the fact is Trump with God and America, obliterated the criminal Obama voting fraud machine. It is what is behind the deligitimizing of Donald Trump's victory, what is about McCain and Graham Russian Hacking, what is about dumping almost half the US tank forces into Europe and what is behind the Obama executive orders to cripple the US economy............image Obama for the cartel has moved to cripple the entire world economy and cause such horrific upheaval, that it will in 2018 put democrats in control of Congress to begin impeachment of Donald Trump, in order to weaken President Trump, and to push through an Obama 3rd term, as that is what this is all about. image Obama yearns to be the resurrected messiah, in being begged to run for a 3rd term to save the world from all the tribulation which it has caused.

That is the only answer which makes any sense in this for the narcissist shapeshifter in Obama form. it longs to be adored and is going to destroy the world so it can begged, pleaded with and invoked to be President again.
That is what was behind Benghazi in the ego of Obama did not want to steal another election as the Birther did in 2008. Obama wanted to rescue kidnapped Chris Stevens, undo the ghost of Jimmy Carter in Iranian Hostages and obliterate Mitt Romney. Stevens was murdered instead by Obama terrorists and the result is Obama had to steal another election in vote flipping, which left the shadow of Obama in the jinn to plot a world tribulation where it would be adored again, like the anti Christ.

For those who need a reminder from the "crazy" Prophet, the matrix stated that in June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, that Birther Hussein disappeared for the day. The matrix stated that the Birther was poisoned on that day and succumbed in the White House bunker. Joe Biden assumed presidential power with the full compliance of Jarrett and Muchelle, and a jinn, or shapeshifter was conjured to take the Obama form, and later there were medically engineered doubles who appeared at different times, which explained a great deal about how Obama's hands were changing size and moles would appear and disappear.
All the evidence as recorded in the Lame Cherry revealed different postures, language and the fact that before June 2013 Obama never lost, and after June 2013, the image Obama never won anything politically or in a war.

This demonic realm is plotting to return, and that is what is behind all of this dictatorial Obama upheaval, because none of it is going to cause a war, stop Donald Trump or cause a breakdown of the world. It is designed though as a diversion to keep attention focused, so the real agenda of upheaval will be sprung over the next years to establish the subterfuge which will bring the events of the 2020 election.

By making this known, people will now know who to blame in image Obama, and realize as the light bulbs go off, that this is what is really behind all of what the image Obama is currently engaged in, why it is in Washington DC trying to be a shadow president, and what the entire political scenario will be. There will be a constant refrain from the image in "Things were good under me" and "I can deliver you from all of this". Those behind this literally are going to initiate a meltdown, and that is why everyone has to know it is deliberate from image Obama, and it is all for political machinations for 2020 presidential politics. A most disgusting and murderous misuse of public trust against the People.
The result is by making this known now, as it unfolds, the People will know who to blame for all of the problems being unleashed and what self centered image is behind it, again creating catastrophies too good to waste.

For this reason, it is imperative that Attorney General Jeff Sessions conduct Grand Jury investigations and indict image Obama and the entire caste of John McCain traitors, with the purpose of neutralizing this entire conspiracy, as will be championed by the Obama media.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



A more modern Job......Vocation Descriptions

In this Sept. 15, 2016, file photo, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Chief Petty Zuckcocker USN

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the Navy has rejected faggot job titles like messmen are now called culinary specialists, when the terms slop, grub and shit on a shingle are neither culinary nor is anyone specialized in KP duty, it is time to place before the American public some job titles for those who are now fired......relieved of political service to America.

Like Michelle Obama with her two zip code sized ass and apetard brain, could be described as the Gluteous Maximus Fat Depository for Postal Zones 5 and 6.

Birther Obama could be titled, the Faux American Transexualized Muslim who prefers boy butts.

Speaking of boy butts, John Podesta could be known as the Pedophile Pizza Practitioner formerly in charge of the Clinton campaign.

The Clintons...........Hillary could be known as the Le quatre perdant or the Four Time Loser. See putting things in French makes all sorts of disgusting things sound quite appealing.

Here try this: 

Violeur perpétuel

Bill Clinton the perpetual rapist sounds much better in the above job title.

Then again, some things like Hässlich wie eine Schafvotze, might sound noble at first for Chelsea Clinton, but when you remember Chelsea's face, you just know that Hässlich wie eine Schafvotze just looks like Chelsea Clinton has a face like a sheep cunt.

Now I realize there are not many Basques who read this blog, but I can promise that Donald Trump jr. out hunting on the plains of Montana has looked up from a mule deer hunt, to see a thousand flopping, big lipped, sheep anuses bounding away from him, and thought, "That looks just like Chelsea Clinton's face......on a good day."

The attractive thing about sheep is that they do not have bulging teeth like Chelsea Clinton, of course after shoving twin lambs out of that area a half dozen times, the open for business probably produces limpness in males who do not have lamb size dongs. This would be the ewes and not Chelsea Clinton, as I do not believe her mouth has birthed any sheep.

My apologies as this is about job description titles and not about how much Chelsea Clinton's mouth resembles a sheep's anus.

That though should be a good place to end this as the job descriptions of Paul Ryan and John McCain do not sound all that appealing in any Cockzucker language.

