Friday, February 3, 2017

Current Reversals from President Trump and Ivanka Trump!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_1200/president-trump-ivanka-trump.jpg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following reversals are congruent with the honesty of President Donald Trump. There is something different concerning Rex Tillerson as something is happening at State with him.

The most important reversal came from Ivanka Trump, and it was a humble admission from her that in going to DC, there is only one answer and that is to get right with the Lord. I view the Lord as Christ, this Jew convert is speaking in Christian terms.
Mrs. Kurschner is too kind hearted and too liberal in the ivory tower life, and she should not have abandoned Christ. She is though thinking in humble correct terms. Her husband should find that humility.

President Donald Trump

On Hannity

opposition : You must miss the mob by giving madness

take care a lot of people : My ship surfing in the shallow (just getting started)

terror crime in Europe : They're killing the scene

talk to press : Who will name the goddess (Talk about dreams)

false stories : Soul force I lead

CIA meeting : Have fun with it

Obamacare : Angry sell not bad

CIA press conference : I will see your stuff when the world suffered (See what he is made of)

Great applause at CIA  - Wolf helps you, the soul would ache (inner strength helps by the hurt.)

Obamacare replace with better plan - That's near me.

sneaky dirty rat terrorists - I will be bold in it

Iran worst deal ransom payment - The madness there was a winner (Iran)

Picked it up fast - They want me Nixon (Impeaching Trump)

CIA Speech

CIA voted for him - Blessing the Lord stuff

Bust of Churchill - I'll honor the one

I respect CIA - We got scum (Clean the traitors out)

Rex Tillerson

Safe State Department - Men will miss you

Every member has a  job  to do - They make prop keeps you wallow

Do your job - Yes you'll miss it see they'll listen

Ivanka  Trump

Give Donald Trump time - May help (Ivanka may help)

Friends with Chelsea - Innocent survivor

Grandfather going to DC - This will be the answer "Get right with the Lord".

Melania Trump

Not enough credit to Donald - In our family we heard it

Successful modeling career  - The Donald sack

Chuck Schumer

Mean spirited unAmerican - I'm so evil

Mean spirited unAmerican - You snuck assault (Attacked Donald Trump)

Prime Minister Trudeau

31.000 refugees - Serving set up (Betraying Canada and America)

Donald Trump at Gorsuch Revealing

Asking for a long time - Here I go

Here they come - Our devil (Gorsuch is the one who is going to give liberals a hard time)

On Gorsuch - Your wolf likes you (Self confidence)

Judge Gorsuch

House of history - You'll see the sign

Donald Trump

Mocking Schumer crying - You're fantasy save it.

Untapped oil in America - I will steer right, they all want value. (Means he will protect Americans)

We're loaded with oil - I like it

On oil - I won

Trump at CIA

Thank you - Hopefully we get scum (Going after traitors)

Start winning again - My belief as a President

Great transition - No act for me

Donald Trump took down the bust - Solve it right with much blood (Make the liars pay)

Great professor uncle - Suffer guilt

Everyone wants a position - We love you

People for jobs - Is he set up (Are the government positions set up)

Gary McKinnon (hacked into Pentagon looking for UFO)

remote control program - Air Force moving up

office environment - We sell that scheme

this picture - Our ships in them

turn off machines - I'm a survivor hack

scan 65,000 machines - These nations I've obviously snagged


Outlaw USA

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A Bush appointed robe wearer in Washington state, declared that the United States of America does not have the right to stop foreigners from entering America.

This court ruled that President Trump in taking the oath of office in protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States in enemies foreign and domestic, does not have the Executive Right to enforce the laws in protecting America from invasion of any form.

There is absolutely no law and no logic in this from this court. It is an outlaw court.

Franklin Roosevelt in World War II engaged in two actions:

One against Americans of Japanese heritage in moving them for security purposes to internment camps.

Two against Jews from Europe on ships in transit to America in turning them back.

These were legal actions in protecting America and in this 21st century, a court has ruled that no one can be stopped from entering the United States. The United States literally has no borders, and the United States and absolutely no law, nor Constitution any longer.
The right to self defense is the prime directive of any nation and people. To defend a nation from invasion or settling by foreigners supplanting the native peoples. Such activities in nature are termed extinction when foreign species displace the native species.

Judge James Robart has legalized American Genocide. This is a ruling of high crimes against Americans under the guise of financial stress of the states of Minnesota and Washington. The 10th Amendment Right of the States does not supersede the Right of the People to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The Federal can not erase the rights of the States and the State can not eradicate the rights of the People who gave life to the Federal and the State.

America is in jeopardy when the courts criminals the President fulfilling his oath and the outcome is the court ruling the death of the nation.

This court has declared war on the American President and the American People.

Judge James Robart delcared, "Black Lives Matter," during a hearing ...

Nuff Said


Trump Boat Diplomacy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As most of you have little understanding of what Naval Warships are, beyond carriers, with all of the fun of the USS COLE being a calling card to turban heads in Tehran, this is a quick course in what the main class of ships which are on active deployment. It may surprise you that America has no active battleships as they cost a great deal to operate.
Ships also do not classify to "historical" sizes at times.

So we begin with what you know in the United States Aircraft carrier. CVN is the call sign and designates in Naval terminology a carrier. This is the George Washington.

USS George Washington participating in a photo exercise with other U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships at the culmination of ANNUALEX 2008.

Then appears the Amphibious Warfare Vessels........fancy term for Light Carrier. Call sign LHD. This is the Bataan.

The next grade is the Cruiser which you could think of as a light battleship. This is the Ticonderoga class, named after the first hill design in the series. This is the Bunker Hill identified by the CG call sign.

USS Bunker Hill (CG-52)

Then is the Destroyer, as in the USS Cole. DDG is the calls sign of the Destroyer. This is the USS Forest Sherman.

US Navy 070725-N-0780F-002 Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) arrives in Greece for the first port visit of her maiden deployment.jpg

And lastly in the larger class of warships are the Frigates. In the old days the USS Constitution was a frigate in the War of 1812. We have no photos of frigates, because the Obama regime decommissioned and scrapped every one of these vessels.

One deploys a Destroyer to draw fire, to escalate situations. It is termed Gun Boat Diplomacy. From Sean Hannity gushing over an American Iran conflict, which is exactly what the Obama regime's nuclear treaty was designed to instigate for President Hillary Clinton, we now have a scheduled conflict.
This is the most problematic as the European seers were witnessing a Russian reaction in Russia rolling into the Arabian Peninsula and securing American assets.

IF this is done correctly with Russian support, which you now witness why the Pentagon put thousands of US tanks into central Europe to bluff Mother Russia to staying neutral in a two front battle of Poland and Iran,  then the Persian nuclear problem is ceased. Then the Chicom aggression is put on leash without Iranian oil and so is the "alternative" terror network to Obama McCain's ISIS.

The Lame Cherry is not in favor of this, but when eggs are being shattered, one attempts to make an omelette the old fashioned way in cast iron ships, and not microwave radiation in American cities. I am displeased with the actions as I designed this time line for Russian American peace and cooperation for the protection of Christians. This can end extremely badly and in great humiliation for America.
It is why the SEAL operation was leaked in order to humiliate President Trump from further action in theater.

Enough of the Lame Cherry insights as this was a Naval warship lesson, so you are aware of the 4 classes of warships America still deploys after Obama......well at least on the water and not in space platforms.

Russia must be assured of American friendship and that Russia will never be a target of any more Brzezinski European cartel machinations against Mother Russia.

Most prominent concern is the Iranian reality of possession nuclear warheads is in retaliation, Tehran's turban heads implode devices over NYC, which is the projection if their entire ability to project is not 100% neutralized.
Have not inquired the matrix, so this is logical projection, and why the Lame Cherry was working to nullify this current of the time line.

Final note, do not miss the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as to why Obama deployed those US tanks to central Europe. It is to pin down Moscow to make them less likely to react in Iran. Again, an exclusive only presented here in what has been the Pentagon's strategy.

Post Script: You German socialist trash should behave as you are pissing me off, and worse yet you are in this plan auditioning for scorched earth as Jeb Bush and image Obama were  hinting at in reverse speech.


В качестве еще одного Хромой Cherry в эксклюзивном материи анти материи.

Как большинство из вас имеют слабое представление о том, что военно-морские военные корабли являются, помимо носителей, со всеми удовольствие от USS Cole является визитной карточкой с тюрбаном головы в Тегеране, это быстрый курс в том, что основной класс судов, которые находятся на активное развертывание. Это может удивить вас, что Америка не имеет активных боевых кораблей, поскольку они стоят очень много работать.
Суда также не относят к "исторических" размеров в разы.

Итак, мы начинаем с того, что вы знаете, в носителе самолеты Соединенных Штатов. CVN знак вызова и назначает в военно-морской терминологии носитель. Это Джордж Вашингтон.

Затем появляется десантные Сосуды ........ причудливый термин для Light Carrier. Позывной LHD. Это Bataan.

Следующий сорт Cruiser, который вы могли бы думать как легкий военный корабль. Это класс Тикондерога, названный в честь первого дизайна холма в серии. Это Bunker Hill идентифицируется позывного CG.

Тогда это разрушитель, как и в USS Cole. DDG является признаком вызовов разрушителя. Это USS Forest Sherman.

И, наконец, в более широком классе кораблей являются фрегаты. В прежние времена в Конституции USS был фрегат в войне 1812 г. У нас нет фотографий фрегатов, потому что режим Обамы выведен из эксплуатации и утилизированы каждый из этих судов.

Один развертывает разрушитель нарисовать огонь, к эскалации ситуации. Это называется дипломатия канонерок. От Шона Hannity хлестала над Ираном американский конфликт, который является именно то, что ядерный договор режим Обамы был разработан, чтобы спровоцировать президента США Хиллари Клинтон, теперь у нас есть запланированный конфликт.
Это наиболее проблематичным, так как европейские провидцы были свидетелями российской реакции в России прокатки в Аравийского полуострова и обеспечение американских активов.

Если это сделано правильно, при поддержке России, которая теперь свидетель, почему Пентагон поставил тысячи американских танков в Центральную Европу блефовать Россию-матушку, чтобы оставаться нейтральным в два фронта битвы Польши и Ирана, то персидская ядерная проблема прекращается. Тогда агрессия Chicom ставится на поводке без иранской нефти и так является "альтернативной" террористическая сеть Исиде Обамы Маккейна.

Хромая Cherry не в пользу этого, но когда яйца быть разрушены, один пытается сделать яичницу старинке в чугуне кораблей, а не микроволнового излучения в американских городах. Я недоволен действиями, как я разработал эту временную линию для российско-американского мира и сотрудничества для защиты христиан. Это может закончиться крайне плохо и в великом унижении для Америки.
Именно поэтому операция SEAL произошла утечка, чтобы унизить президента Trump от дальнейших действий в театре.

Достаточно способности проникновения в суть Хромая черри, так как это был морской урок военный корабль, так что вы знаете о 4-х классов кораблей Америка по-прежнему развертывает после того, как Обама ...... ну по крайней мере на воде, а не в космических платформ.

Россия должна быть обеспечена американской дружбы и что Россия никогда не будет объектом каких-либо более Бжезинский европейских картельных козни против России-матушки.

Наиболее важным вопросом является иранская реальность обладания ядерными боеголовками в отместку, тюрбан руководители Тегерана лопаются устройств по Нью-Йорке, которая является проекцией, если вся их способность выступать не на 100% нейтрализованы.
Не осведомился матрицу, так что это логично проекция, и почему Хромой Cherry работал, чтобы свести на нет этот ток линии времени.

Конечная нота, не пропустите Хромой Cherry исключительно в материи анти материи, почему Обама развернут эти американские танки в Центральной Европе. Это придавить Москву, чтобы сделать их менее вероятно, чтобы реагировать в Иране. Опять же, эксклюзивный только представленный здесь в том, что было стратегии Пентагона.
Post Script: Вы немецкая социалистическая мусор должны вести себя, как вы писает меня, и что еще хуже вы в этом плане прослушиваться на выжженную землю, как Джеб Буш и образ Обамы намекаете в обратном речи.


Als weitere Lame Cherry exklusiv in Materie Anti-Materie.

Wie die meisten von Ihnen haben wenig Verständnis dessen, was Naval Warships sind, jenseits von Carriern, mit all dem Spaß der USS COLE ist eine Calling-Karte Turban Köpfe in Teheran, dies ist ein schneller Kurs, was die Hauptklasse der Schiffe, die auf sind Aktive Bereitstellung. Es kann Sie überraschen, dass Amerika keine aktiven Schlachtschiffe hat, da sie viel kosten, um zu operieren.
Schiffe klassifizieren auch nicht zu "historischen" Größen zu Zeiten.

So beginnen wir mit dem, was Sie wissen, in der Vereinigten Staaten Flugzeugträger. CVN ist das Rufzeichen und bezeichnet in der Naval-Terminologie einen Träger. Das ist der George Washington.

Dann erscheinen die Amphibien-Kriegsgefäße ........ Phantasiebegriff für Lichtträger. Rufzeichen LHD. Das ist der Bataan.

Die nächste Klasse ist der Cruiser, den man sich als leichte Schlachtschiff vorstellen kann. Dies ist die Ticonderoga-Klasse, benannt nach dem ersten Hügel-Design in der Serie. Dies ist der Bunker Hill, der durch das CG-Rufzeichen identifiziert wird.

Dann ist der Zerstörer, wie in der USS Cole. DDG ist das Rufzeichen des Zerstörers. Dies ist die USS Forest Sherman.

Und schließlich in der größeren Klasse der Kriegsschiffe sind die Fregatten. In den alten Tagen war die USS-Verfassung eine Fregatte im Krieg von 1812. Wir haben keine Fotos von Fregatten, weil das Obama-Regime stillgelegt und verschrottet jedes einzelne dieser Schiffe.

Man entfaltet einen Zerstörer, um Feuer zu ziehen, Situationen zu eskalieren. Es wird als Gun Boat Diplomacy bezeichnet. Von Sean Hannity, der über einen amerikanischen Iran-Konflikt sprudelt, der genau das ist, was das Atomrecht des Obama-Regimes für Präsident Hillary Clinton entworfen hat, haben wir jetzt einen geplanten Konflikt.
Dies ist das problematischste, da die europäischen Seher in Russland eine russische Reaktion auf die Arabische Halbinsel erleben und amerikanische Vermögenswerte sichern.

WENN dies mit der russischen Unterstützung richtig gemacht wird, woran Sie jetzt erkennen, warum das Pentagon Tausende von US-Panzern in Mitteleuropa setzte, um Mutter Russland in einer zwei Frontkämpfe von Polen und Iran neutral zu bleiben, dann wird das persische Nuklearproblem aufgehört. Dann wird die Chicom Aggression an die Leine ohne iranisches Öl gelegt und so ist das "alternative" Terrornetzwerk zu Obama McCains ISIS.

Die Lame Cherry ist nicht dafür, aber wenn Eier zerstört werden, versucht man, ein Omelett die altmodische Art und Weise in gusseisernen Schiffen und nicht Mikrowellenstrahlung in amerikanischen Städten zu machen. Ich bin unzufrieden mit den Aktionen, wie ich diese Zeitlinie für den russisch-amerikanischen Frieden und die Zusammenarbeit zum Schutz der Christen entwarf. Das kann äußerst schlecht und in großer Demütigung für Amerika enden.
Aus diesem Grund wurde die SEAL-Operation abgelehnt, um Präsident Trump von weiteren Aktionen im Theater zu demütigen.

Genug von den Lame Cherry Einsichten, da dies eine Marine Kriegsschiff-Lektion war, so dass Sie Kenntnis von den 4 Klassen von Kriegsschiffen Amerika immer noch nach Obama ...... gut zumindest auf dem Wasser und nicht in Weltraum-Plattformen.

Russland muss der amerikanischen Freundschaft versichert sein, und Russland wird nie ein Ziel von mehr Brzezinski europäischen Kartell Machenschaften gegen Mutter Russland sein.

Die wichtigste Sorge ist die iranische Realität des Besitzes von Atomsprengköpfen ist in der Vergeltung, Teherans Turbinenköpfe implodieren Vorrichtungen über NYC, was die Projektion ist, wenn ihre gesamte Projektfähigkeit nicht zu 100% neutralisiert ist.
Haben Sie nicht die Matrix erkundigt, so ist dies eine logische Projektion, und warum die Lame Cherry arbeitete, um diesen Strom der Zeitlinie zu annullieren.

Schlussbemerkung, verpassen Sie nicht die Lame Cherry exklusive in Materie Anti-Materie, warum Obama diese US-Panzer in Mitteleuropa eingesetzt. Es ist, nach Moskau, um sie weniger wahrscheinlich zu reagieren im Iran. Wieder eine Exklusivität, die hier nur in der Strategie des Pentagon dargestellt wurde.
Post Script: Sie deutschen sozialistischen Müll sollte sich verhalten, wie Sie sind pissing me off, und noch schlimmer noch sind Sie in diesem Plan Vorsprechen für versengte Erde wie Jeb Bush und Bild Obama wurden in umgekehrter Rede.


Comme une autre cerise Lame exclusive en matière anti-matière.

Comme la plupart d'entre vous ont peu de compréhension de ce que les navires de guerre navals sont, au-delà des transporteurs, avec tout le plaisir de l'USS COLE étant une carte d'appel aux têtes de turban à Téhéran, c'est un cours rapide dans ce que la principale classe de navires qui sont sur Déploiement actif. Il peut vous surprendre que l'Amérique n'a pas de cuirassés actifs, car ils coûtent beaucoup pour fonctionner.
Les navires ne classent pas toujours à des tailles «historiques» parfois.

Nous commençons par ce que vous savez dans le porte-avions américain. CVN est l'indicatif d'appel et désigne dans la terminologie navale un transporteur. C'est le George Washington.

Puis apparaissent les navires de guerre amphibie ........ terme de fantaisie pour Light Carrier. Indicatif d'appel LHD. C'est le Bataan.

La prochaine année est le Cruiser que vous pourriez penser comme un cuirassé léger. C'est la classe de Ticonderoga, nommée d'après la première conception de colline dans la série. Il s'agit de la Bunker Hill identifiée par l'indicatif d'appel CG.

Alors est le Destructeur, comme dans l'USS Cole. DDG est le signe d'appel du Destroyer. C'est l'USS Forest Sherman.

Et enfin dans la plus grande classe de navires de guerre sont les Frégates. Autrefois, la Constitution de l'USS était une frégate lors de la guerre de 1812. Nous n'avons pas de photos de frégates, parce que le régime Obama a déclassé et mis au rebut chacun de ces navires.

On déploie un Destroyer pour tirer le feu, pour escalader des situations. C'est ce qu'on appelle la diplomatie du pistolet. De Sean Hannity émergeant d'un conflit américain en Iran, qui est exactement ce que le traité nucléaire du régime Obama a été conçu pour inciter à la présidente Hillary Clinton, nous avons maintenant un conflit planifié.
C'est le plus problématique car les voyants européens ont été témoins d'une réaction de la Russie en Russie rouler dans la péninsule arabique et la sécurisation des actifs américains.

Si cela est fait correctement avec le soutien de la Russie, que vous voyez maintenant pourquoi le Pentagone a mis des milliers de chars américains en Europe centrale pour bluffer la Mère Russie à rester neutre dans une bataille à deux face de la Pologne et l'Iran, alors le problème nucléaire persan est arrêté. Alors l'agression de Chicom est mise en laisse sans huile iranienne et est ainsi le réseau terroriste "alternatif" à l'ISIS d'Obama McCain.

La Cerise Lame n'est pas en faveur de cela, mais quand les oeufs sont brisés, on essaie de faire une omelette à l'ancienne dans les navires en fonte, et non le rayonnement micro-ondes dans les villes américaines. Je suis mécontent des actions que j'ai conçu cette ligne de temps pour la paix russe-américain et la coopération pour la protection des chrétiens. Cela peut se terminer extrêmement mal et en grande humiliation pour l'Amérique.
C'est pourquoi l'opération SEAL a été divulguée afin d'humilier le Président Trump d'autres actions au théâtre.

Assez de perspicacité Lame Cherry comme ceci était une leçon Naval de navire de guerre, ainsi vous êtes au courant des 4 classes de navires de guerre L'Amérique se déploie toujours après Obama ...... bien au moins sur l'eau et pas dans les plates-formes d'espace.

La Russie doit être assurée de l'amitié américaine et que la Russie ne sera jamais une cible de plus de machinations cartel européen Brzezinski contre la Mère Russie.

La plus grande préoccupation est la réalité iranienne de la possession des ogives nucléaires est en représailles, les têtes de turban de Téhéran implosent des dispositifs sur NYC, qui est la projection si leur capacité entière à projeter n'est pas neutralisé à 100%.
N'a pas demandé la matrice, donc c'est la projection logique, et pourquoi la Cerise Lame travaillait à annuler ce courant de la ligne du temps.

Note finale, ne manquez pas la cerise Lame exclusive en matière anti-matière quant à pourquoi Obama a déployé ces chars américains en Europe centrale. Il s'agit de repérer Moscou pour les rendre moins susceptibles de réagir en Iran. Encore une fois, une exclusivité présentée ici dans ce qui a été la stratégie du Pentagone.
Post Script: Vous les déchets socialistes allemands doivent se comporter comme vous me pissé hors, et pire encore, vous êtes dans ce plan d'audition pour la terre brûlée comme Jeb Bush et l'image Obama ont été insinuer dans le discours inverse.


The Obama 5th Column engaged in Treason against the United States Government

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before the election of President Donald Trump, the Lame Cherry clearly warned the Trump campaign to prepare for taking over 2 areas or the Trump Administration would be destroyed. The Lame Cherry warned of Trump Trans being a huge problem. The Lame Cherry warned of the INSIDERS cutting off the Christians who God worked through to secure the Presidency for Mr. Trump, and the Lame Cherry stated that TWO AREAS had to be dealt with immediately.

Area 1: The securing of the intelligence backed Mockingbird which funds the fake news and funnels money to the conglomerates who own the monopoly media, in order to stop the attacks on President Trump and the sedition by riot.

Area 2: The removal of all leftist employees in the federal government.

President Trump now has additional problems in his subterfuge group of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley lying about Russia in her first UN speech, and the Pentagon perpetuating a mass invasion of Europe to begin a war with Russia.
Mr. President, perhaps when the CIA political minders were lying to you, perhaps there are those in the DIA who are posturing to you, and lying to you also, for their military industrial oligarch war for profit in looting Russia.

The former Obama regime has literally now created a STALKING GOVERNMENT in the shadows, not serving the President, not serving America, but acting illegally in spying on President Trump and his Cabinet, by getting burner phones, using  encrypted data to keep the NSA from surveillance and forming "working groups" to coordinate these efforts.

This is espionage Mr. President and these are criminal acts. Seriously Mr. President, you must fire these criminals and prosecute them as President Reagan did the aircraft controllers or you are going to have impeachment and war in the streets.

One EPA employee even got a new, more secure cellphone, and another joked about getting a “burner phone.”
“I have no idea where this is going to go. I think we’re all just taking it one day at a time and respond in a way that seems appropriate and right,” said one of the EPA employees involved in the clandestine effort, who, like others quoted in this story, was granted anonymity to talk about the sensitive discussions.
The employee added that the goal is to “create a network across the agency” of people who will raise red flags if Trump’s appointees do anything unlawful.

Simple Executive Order Mr. President.

Be it known, that no employee or contractor of the Federal Government, in any association may possess encryption programs, not part of the Federal Government, may not possess burner phones, may not gather intelligence on anyone, unless directed and employed by a law enforcement agency, may not possess Government data on personal devices, nor remove any data from any office, receive data in surveillance of anyone, nor have contact with the media, civilians or politicians in non Congressional hearings, or those individuals or groups will be tried for espionage with full prosecution by the United States Justice Department.

If these career liberals who have destroyed America, do not like working for President Trump, then they can quit their jobs, but they have absolutely no right to spy on President Trump or his Cabinet. That is destructive to Government and it is a criminal act.

Those involved in this in the Politico story must have their employment terminated immediately and appear before a Grand Jury for indictment.

This is the Obama 5th Column engaged in treason against the United States Government

Nuff Said


How Quickly You Have Forgotten

As another  Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You do not give to God and you do not give to His work.

You have no cheer, because you are not a cheerful giver. You do not give until it hurts, because you are hostage to your fortune to your great hurt.

That is the Holy Ghost Bible reading from this morning.

I Chronicles 29

8 And they with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the LORD, by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.
 9 Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the LORD: and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.

God saved you in rising up for a Trump victory to provide you a chance against genocide. How quickly it is to find fault with the Prophetess, how quickly you have forgotten the Lord God.

 6 Then the chief of the fathers and princes of the tribes of Israel and the captains of thousands and of hundreds, with the rulers of the king's work, offered willingly,
 7 And gave for the service of the house of God of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand drams, and of silver ten thousand talents, and of brass eighteen thousand talents, and one hundred thousand talents of iron.

Whatsoever you give, that you will receive. Miser on earth. Miser reward in Heaven.

Visit your millions of dollars in the future to save you and then plead to God for a miracle from cancer, and God will weigh your meager giving and provide a meager miracle of a .01% of your cancer cured, your dementia, your diabetes, your enlarged heart, as in your fortune that is all you deemed was good enough for God and His servants.

Be bound in Christ's Name to your .01% cure. That which you sow is what you reap on earth and as it is in Heaven. Amen and Amen 


Mr. President, Time to Teach the Traitors Fear

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I heard that Dennis Miller was tongue in cheek, like many people, speaking about the two Americas, and how Americans should just divide and give the west coast to liberals and give the northeast to liberals, and then we could all just have the country we wanted.

The Lame Cherry answer to that is BULL PUSSY!!!!

That Miller boy needs to get his head out of his ass, because I ain't giving nothing to nobody, especially hell bound goddamned liberals.

I know the shit they would pull, as they been pulling that shit all along in they would bring in more goddamn 3rd world vermin, and that shit would pour into the United States, so instead of a Texas size Trump Wall, America would need WALLS from sea to polluted Muslim shit sea.

I know the reality of these liberals would make those states 3rd world cesspools, worse than they are now, and then the sons of bitches would be invading America, the same way these California sons of bitches ruined everything from New Mexico to Missouri and the same way New Yorkers ruined Connecticut.

I know the next step would be those liberal shit holes would be signing treaties with those goddamn vermin Chicoms and Muslim Mafia and we would have Chicom bases and Muslim nukes in California and New York pointed at America on our shores with a fucking and raping 200 million rape cock army to invade America.

So that boy Dennis Miller needs to get his head out of his ass. I ain't giving California over to secession and I ain't given a foot of America to no goddamned liberals, and that includes burying the sons of bitches. The ocean has a good shark population yet and I am completely green on that issue.

And that is the issue, in let us just all get our heads out of our Obama sodomite assholes, and face the reality that America is at war. Liberals have declared war on Americans from Standing Rock to Berkeley, and it is George Soros funded and it is terrorism designed to rip America apart according the cartel's propaganda in movies like Vendetta for an American Civil War.

It is about time that President Donald Trump start leading Americans the way President Andrew Jackson did, in removing the terrorists from America in a real trail of tears. All the President has to do is tell the military and police state to get the hell out of the way, and tell Americans to handle the situation and their 300 million guns will drive this ilk to Mexico, the same way those proper English drove the French out of Quebec to Louisiana.
See it is all historical and the victor takes the spoils, and they do not give America to a bunch of goddamn Godless traitors.

The President can tell the military and police they are free to join in, but they do not interfere. The President sets up a 1 800 number for Americans to call if some goddamn badge wearer decides to start arresting Americans for driving this ilk into Mexico, and then the feds get involved in droning those cities to a scorched plume. The President orders the same booty system of the high seas in wars that the victors divide the spoils. Americans get that for their pay in cleaning out America. There are a lot of mansions across America with gates and guards belonging to these liberal terrorists, and you tell Americans just like David told his people, "The first one over the wall, gets the prize" and Americans will be what Americans are in settling the American issue.

6 months, it's a done deal. America is one wonderful People again, and north Mexico is the Romney shit hole for liberals where they belong. Any Fake News and any Obama robe wearers get in the way, they start wearing lamp posts for ties in a Trump Decree. I am certain there are numbers of talented Americans who would like their own local media to be their own on a first come first deed mandate.

Dennis Miller is the problem in America in thinking you can be kind to liberals and they will behave like Christians. That is the problem is that pussy attitude in Americans have been giving these goddamned traitors their way and that is why the John Birch Society stood up in the first place. Now though Dennis Miller has President Trump and has that pussy mindset of giving liberals parts of America. That is bona fide bull shit. I ain't giving America to nobody. All Americans want is for President Trump to give them their head, and by God and that 1.5 billion rounds of 40 Smith and Wess that Obama bought to shoot Americans, American Patriots will take this nation back and have awakened in them the fire breathing Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt lynch committee attitude of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Just give the order Mr. President, and Americans with those 300 million guns will fix things the American way in 6 months. You will be surprised how fast Congress passes your bills and how fast Ruth Bader Ginsburg puts the official stamp of law on things at the Supreme Court.

I ain't Dennis Miller with the pussy attitude of giving things, because like 200 million Americans we already had everything taken from us. I am done giving and am waiting for President Trump to lead to take America back and make America great again.

As General William Tecumseh Sherman said about war being hell, it is time Americans sent this demon possessed traitor lot back to where it came from, and the 3rd world is a start.

Well Mr. President you are teaching the mob to riot, and mouth off to you like Arnold Schwarzenegger who can not take a joke. It is time to teach them to fear you.

Nuff Said



President Trump is a challenging Leader to Serve in Nuclear Times

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Patrick Buchanan has written again a most insightful critique of the Director Mike Flynn over reach concerning Iran, and the Lame Cherry would add, the unnecessary condemnation of Russia over Ukraine by UN Ambassador Niki Haley, which is as much a problem as Secretary Rex Tillerson drawing lines in the waves in the South China Sea against Peking intimidation in the Pacific rim.

This of course means war, the same wars which President Trump acknowledged were a disaster, and are the same Brzezinski world order wars of butchering nations like Iraq, then Libya, then Syria, with Iran the last prize before Russia is butchered.

This is now the Trump Gordian Knot. Alienation of Russia, war with China, war with Iran and the collapse of the American economy to the aftermath of the 29 Bust. As I stated, President Trump is a challenging leader for the Lame Cherry to serve.

So I ask all of you brilliant children and brats, in so many languages how do you untie the untieable knot?

Come now, as you have all the answers in this, as you are not donating, especially you wealthy types who seem to think you  are safe, and have not just been made a target of Iranian nuclear terrorism, Chicom ICBM's or Russian nuclear submarines vaporizing you in the 7 minute window.
Alas what are you going to do when your 7 minutes come as you could not be Inspired by the answer.

Come now, you tight wads, your lives now depend on it, and I am going to by Inspiration as sometimes popular girls are Inspired like Elisha in knowing what is going on in the king's bedchamber.

Take the rope my child and pull, for you are about to unravel the Gordian knot.

There are three parts to this in Russia, China and Iran. There are two outliers in this in Saudi Arabia and Israel. There is one objective in America and Europe not being polluted by nuclear warheads.

Now we begin pulling the string.  First objective is what Mike Flynn accomplished in the line in the Iranian sand. Iran has two lifelines, the Straight of Hormuz in the Arabian Gulf, and oil.
When Mike Flynn's line in the sand is crossed in the destruction of a Saudi assets or American, the United States backs the Saudi retaliation in the destruction of the Iranian shipping and oil ports.

This projects to the other two parts in Russia and China. The lack of oil distribution from Iran, increased Russian oil price and makes Russia a greater asset to China for the much needed oil. Providing Russia with leverage over China.
The lack of oil, deprives China of the necessary oil products for it's expansion in threatening America and the Asian rim. No oil, there is not a Peking expansion.

Initiated correctly, this should not project out to greater conflict with Russia, with only a 5% chance providing the Russians understand the oil benefit, and only a 25% conflict with Peking.
The Iranian response is contained to a 30% chance vaporization of a major US city due to terrorism, and a regional exchange perhaps between Israel Iran or Saudi Arabia Iran. It would be of benefit to engage this in Saudi military responsibility in a Suni Shia war to confine it.

As Saudi Arabia is meddling in this, and the problem of the Yemeni raid, this is their responsibility in this Mike Flynn, line in the sand.  Saudi Arabia has responsibility to provide FREE OIL to the Americans for the economic recovery.

I am surprised that Pat Buchanan did not figure this out, but then he is Catholic and old. I constructed this time line by God's Grace to avoid all of this and allow the anti Christ to implement the implosion. Then again the warning to the President about the lack of Christian counsel in the inner circle has initiated this scenario, which the Lame Cherry will work to arrive to the best outcome for Christians. There is not a promise that things will not end in the losing of cities or other hardships.

Some advice. Colonel Richard Irving Dodge in his leading the Black Hills Expedition of 1875 AD in the year of our Lord, noted as a commander, that often times, if a leader did nothing when an event took place, that it tended to sort it out itself, without entanglements which would make the situation more complicated and worse.


Comme une autre cerise Lame exclusive en matière anti-matière.

Patrick Buchanan a écrit à nouveau une critique très perspicace du directeur Mike Flynn au sujet de l'Iran, et le Lame Cherry ajouterait, la condamnation inutile de la Russie sur l'Ukraine par l'ambassadeur de l'ONU Niki Haley, qui est autant un problème que le secrétaire Rex Tillerson dessin Lignes dans les vagues dans la mer de Chine méridionale contre l'intimidation de Pékin dans la jante du Pacifique.

Cela signifie bien sûr la guerre, les mêmes guerres que le président Trump a reconnu étaient un désastre, et sont les mêmes guerres Brzezinski ordre mondial des nations butchering comme l'Irak, puis la Libye, puis la Syrie, avec l'Iran le dernier prix avant la Russie est massacré.

C'est maintenant le Trump Gordian Knot. Aliénation de la Russie, guerre avec la Chine, guerre avec l'Iran et l'effondrement de l'économie américaine à la suite de la 29 Bust. Comme je l'ai dit, le président Trump est un chef de file contestant pour que la Cerise Lame serve.

Alors, je vous demande à tous des enfants brillants et des gosses, en tant de langues, comment désolidarisez-vous du nœud?

Maintenant, comme vous avez toutes les réponses dans ce, comme vous ne donnez pas, en particulier les types riches qui semblent penser que vous êtes en sécurité, et ne sont pas seulement été une cible du terrorisme nucléaire iranien, Chicom ICBM ou sous-marins russes vaporisation Vous dans la fenêtre de 7 minutes.
Hélas ce que vous allez faire quand vos 7 minutes viennent comme vous ne pouviez pas être Inspiré par la réponse.

Viens maintenant, tes garnitures serrées, tes vies dépendent maintenant d'elle, et je vais par l'Inspiration comme parfois les filles populaires sont Inspirées comme Elisée en sachant ce qui se passe dans la chambre du roi.

Prenez la corde de mon enfant et tirez, car vous êtes sur le point de démêler le nœud gordien.

Il ya trois parties à cela en Russie, en Chine et en Iran. Il y a deux valeurs aberrantes en Arabie saoudite et en Israël. Un objectif en Amérique et en Europe n'est pas pollué par des ogives nucléaires.

Maintenant, nous commençons à tirer la ficelle. Premier objectif est ce que Mike Flynn accompli dans la ligne dans le sable iranien. L'Iran a deux lignes de vie, le droit d'Ormuz dans le golfe Persique et le pétrole.
Lorsque la ligne de Mike Flynn dans le sable est traversée dans la destruction d'un actif saoudien ou américain, les États-Unis appuie les représailles de l'Arabie saoudite dans la destruction des ports de pétrole et d'expédition iraniens.

Cela projette aux deux autres parties en Russie et en Chine. L'absence de distribution de pétrole de l'Iran, a augmenté le prix du pétrole russe et rend la Russie un plus grand atout pour la Chine pour le pétrole très nécessaire. Fournir à la Russie un effet de levier sur la Chine.
Le manque de pétrole, prive la Chine des produits pétroliers nécessaires pour son expansion en menaçant l'Amérique et le rebord asiatique. Pas d'huile, il n'y a pas d'expansion de Pékin.

Initié correctement, cela ne devrait pas se projeter à un plus grand conflit avec la Russie, avec seulement 5% de chance de fournir aux Russes de comprendre les avantages du pétrole, et seulement un conflit de 25% avec Pékin.
La réponse iranienne est contenue à une vaporisation de 30% chance d'une grande ville américaine en raison du terrorisme, et un échange régional peut-être entre Israël Iran ou l'Arabie saoudite l'Iran. Il serait avantageux d'engager cette responsabilité militaire saoudienne dans une guerre suni chiite pour la limiter.

Comme l'Arabie saoudite se mêle de cela, et le problème du raid yéménite, c'est leur responsabilité dans cette ligne de Mike Flynn, dans le sable. L'Arabie saoudite a la responsabilité de fournir de l'HUILE LIBRE aux Américains pour la reprise économique.

Je suis surpris que Pat Buchanan n'a pas compris cela, mais il est catholique et vieux. J'ai construit cette ligne de temps par la grâce de Dieu pour éviter tout cela et permettre à l'anti-Christ de mettre en œuvre l'implosion. Puis encore l'avertissement au président sur le manque de conseil chrétien dans le cercle intérieur a initié ce scénario, que la cerise Lame travaillera à arriver au meilleur résultat pour les chrétiens. Il n'y a pas une promesse que les choses ne finiront pas par la perte de villes ou d'autres difficultés.

Quelques conseils. Le colonel Richard Irving Dodge, qui dirigeait l'expédition Black Hills de 1875 après JC dans l'année de notre Seigneur, a noté en tant que commandant, que souvent, si un chef ne faisait rien quand un événement se produisait, il tendait à se régler lui- Sans entanglements qui rendrait la situation plus compliquée et pire.


Als weitere Lame Cherry exklusiv in Materie Anti-Materie.

Patrick Buchanan hat erneut eine aufrichtigste Kritik des Regisseurs Mike Flynn über Iran geschrieben, und die Lame Cherry fügte hinzu: Die unnötige Verurteilung Rußlands über die Ukraine durch den UN-Botschafter Niki Haley, die ebenso ein Problem darstellt wie die Sekretärin Rex Tillerson Linien in den Wellen im Südchinesischen Meer gegen Peking Einschüchterung im pazifischen Rand.

Dies bedeutet natürlich Krieg, die gleichen Kriege, die Präsident Trump anerkannt wurden eine Katastrophe und sind die gleichen Brzezinski Weltordnung Kriege der Schlachtung Nationen wie dem Irak, dann Libyen, dann Syrien, mit dem Iran der letzte Preis, bevor Russland geschlachtet wird.

Dies ist jetzt der Trump Gordian Knot. Die Entfremdung Rußlands, der Krieg mit China, der Krieg mit dem Iran und der Zusammenbruch der amerikanischen Wirtschaft nach den Folgen der 29 Bust. Wie ich schon sagte, Präsident Trump ist ein herausfordernder Führer für die Lame Cherry zu dienen.

So frage ich Sie alle brillante Kinder und Gören, in so vielen Sprachen, wie Sie den untieable Knoten lösen?

Kommen Sie jetzt, da Sie alle Antworten in diesem haben, da Sie nicht spenden, besonders Sie reiche Typen, die denken, dass Sie sicher sind und nicht gerade ein Ziel des iranischen nuklearen Terrorismus, Chicom ICBM oder russische nukleare U-Boote verdampft wurden Sie in den 7 Minuten Fenster.
Ach, was werden Sie tun, wenn Ihre 7 Minuten kommen, wie Sie konnten nicht durch die Antwort inspiriert werden.

Kommen Sie jetzt, Sie dichten wads, Ihr Leben jetzt davon abhängen, und ich werde durch Inspiration wie manchmal beliebte Mädchen sind inspiriert wie Elisha in zu wissen, was los ist in der King's Bedchamber.

Nehmen Sie das Seil mein Kind und ziehen, denn Sie sind dabei, den gordischen Knoten zu entwirren.

Es gibt drei Teile in Russland, China und dem Iran. Es gibt zwei Ausreißer in diesem in Saudi-Arabien und Israel. Es gibt ein Ziel in Amerika und Europa, das nicht durch Atomsprengköpfe verschmutzt wird.

Jetzt fangen wir an, die Saite zu ziehen. Erste Zielsetzung ist, was Mike Flynn in der Linie im iranischen Sand vollbracht hat. Iran hat zwei Rettungsleinen, die Straight of Hormuz im Arabischen Golf und Öl.
Wenn Mike Flynns Linie im Sand bei der Zerstörung eines saudischen Vermögens oder Amerikas gekreuzt wird, unterstützt die USA die saudische Vergeltung bei der Zerstörung der iranischen Schifffahrts- und Ölhäfen.

Es geht um die beiden anderen Teile in Russland und China. Der Mangel an Ölverteilung aus dem Iran, erhöhte russischen Ölpreis und macht Russland ein größeres Vermögen für China für die dringend benötigte Öl. Bereitstellung von Russland mit Hebelwirkung über China.
Der Mangel an Öl, beraubt China die notwendigen Ölprodukte für seine Expansion in drohende Amerika und den asiatischen Rand. Kein Öl, es gibt keine Peking-Expansion.

Richtig initiiert, sollte dies nicht auf größere Konflikte mit Russland, mit nur 5% Chance, dass die Russen verstehen, die Öl profitieren, und nur ein 25% Konflikt mit Peking.
Die iranische Antwort ist in einer 30% igen Zufallsverdampfung einer großen US-Stadt aufgrund des Terrorismus enthalten, und eine regionale Austausch zwischen Israel Iran oder Saudi-Arabien Iran. Es wäre von Vorteil, dies in saudische militärische Verantwortung in einem Suni Shia-Krieg zu engagieren, um es zu beschränken.

Wie Saudi-Arabien in diesem, und das Problem der jemenitischen Raid einmischt, ist dies ihre Verantwortung in diesem Mike Flynn, Linie in den Sand. Saudi-Arabien hat die Verantwortung, den Amerikanern kostenlos Öle für die wirtschaftliche Erholung zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Ich bin überrascht, dass Pat Buchanan das nicht herausgefunden hat, aber dann ist er katholisch und alt. Ich baute diese Zeitlinie von der Gnade Gottes auf, um all dies zu vermeiden und dem Anti- Christus zu erlauben, die Implosion umzusetzen. Dann wieder die Warnung an den Präsidenten über den Mangel an christlichen Rat in den inneren Kreis hat dieses Szenario, das die Lame Cherry arbeiten wird, um das beste Ergebnis für die Christen zu kommen initiiert. Es gibt kein Versprechen, dass die Dinge nicht mit dem Verlust von Städten oder anderen Härten enden.

Ein Ratschlag. Colonel Richard Irving Dodge in seinem Führer der Black Hills Expedition von 1875 n. Chr. Im Jahr unseres Herrn, als ein Kommandant, dass oft mal, wenn ein Führer nichts, wenn ein Ereignis stattgefunden hat, dass es dazu neigte, Ohne Verwicklungen, die die Situation komplizierter und schlechter machen würden.


В качестве еще одного Хромой Cherry в эксклюзивном материи анти материи.

Патрик Бьюкенен написал снова самый проницательный критику директора Майка Flynn над досягаемости в отношении Ирана, и Хромой Вишневый бы добавить, ненужное осуждение России по Украине ООН посол Niki Хейли, которая является такой же проблемой, как секретарь Рекс Тиллерсон рисования линии в волнах в Южно-Китайском море против Пекина запугивания в АТР.

Это, конечно, означает войну, одни и те же войны, которые президент Trump были признанные катастрофой, и одни и те же Бжезинский войны мирового порядка убою стран, как Ирак, то Ливия, затем Сирия, с Ираном последний приз, прежде чем России разделывали.

Это сейчас Trump Гордиев узел. Отчуждение России, войны с Китаем, войны с Ираном и крах американской экономики в период после 29 бюста. Как я уже говорил, президент Trump является сложным лидером Хромой Вишневый служить.

Поэтому я прошу вас всех блестящих детей и передники, на многих языках, как вы развязать untieable узел?

Давай теперь, когда у вас есть ответы на все вопросы в этом, как вы не жертвуя, особенно вы богатые типы, которые, кажется, думают, что вы в безопасности, и не только были сделаны мишенью иранского ядерного терроризма, Chicom МБР или российские атомные подводные лодки испаряя вы в 7 минут окно.
Увы, что вы собираетесь делать, когда ваши 7 минут приходят, как вы не могли быть Вдохновленный ответом.

Ну-ка, вы плотно пыжи, ваша жизнь в настоящее время зависит от него, и я собираюсь вдохновение, как иногда популярные девушки Вдохновленный как Елисей, зная, что происходит в царской опочивальне.

Возьмите веревку моего ребенка и тянуть, потому что вы собираетесь распутывать гордиев узел.

Есть три части этого в России, Китае и Иране. Есть два выпадающие в этом в Саудовской Аравии и Израиля. Существует одна цель в Америке и Европе не загрязнены ядерными боеголовками.

Теперь мы начинаем подергивая. Первая цель состоит в том, что Майк Флинн осуществляется в линии в иранском песке. Иран имеет два подсказками, прямая Ормузский в Персидском заливе, а нефть.
Когда линия Майка Флинна в песке пересечена в разрушении саудовский активов или американец, Соединенные Штаты поддерживает саудовский ответный удар в уничтожении иранских судоходных и нефтяных портов.

Это проекты двух других частей в России и Китае. Отсутствие распределения нефти из Ирана, увеличилась цена российской нефти и делает Россию больше активов в Китай для столь необходимого масла. Предоставление России с использованием кредитного плеча над Китаем.
Отсутствие масла, лишает Китай необходимых нефтепродуктов для его расширения в угрожающих Америке и азиатский обод. Нет нефти, нет не расширение Пекин.

Начатое правильно, это не должно выступать из большему конфликту с Россией, и лишь 5% шанс, обеспечивающей русские понимают выгоду нефти, и только 25% конфликт с Пекином.
Иранский ответ содержится на 30% -ый шанс парообразования крупного города США в связи с терроризмом, а также регионального обмена, возможно, между Израилем Иран или Саудовская Аравия Иран. Было бы полезным заниматься этим в Саудовской военной ответственности в войне Суни шиитов, чтобы ограничить его.

Как Саудовская Аравия вмешивается в это, и проблема йеменской рейда, это их ответственность в этом Майк Флинн, линия на песке. Саудовская Аравия имеет ответственность за предоставление свободного масла американцам для восстановления экономики.

Я удивлен, что Пэт Бьюкенен не понять это, но тогда он католик и старый. Я построил эту временную линию по Божьей благодати, чтобы избежать всего этого и позволить антихриста осуществить имплозии. Затем снова предупреждение президенту об отсутствии христианского адвоката во внутреннем круге инициировал этот сценарий, который Хромой Вишневый будет работать, чтобы прибыть к лучшему результату для христиан. Существует не обещание, что все не закончится в проигрыша городов или других трудностей.

Некоторые советы. Полковник Ричард Ирвинг Dodge в своей ведущей Блэк-Хилс экспедиции 1875 г. н.э. в год Господа нашего, отметил в качестве командира, что иногда, если лидер не сделал ничего, когда произошло событие, что оно, как правило, разбирайтесь себя, без заграждений, которые бы сделать ситуацию более сложной и хуже.


States have Full Rights to their Borders as Does the United States

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know what the Ted Cruz supporter in Mormon Representative Jason Cheffetz of Utah had intended in his bill to sell all federal lands, which brought fire from sportsman's groups, and was not something that Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke would ever agree to, as selling of lands would have meant the oligarchs and foreign nations would have bought up the American West and left the people as occupants in their own States.

The Lame Cherry though does seek in a Trump White Paper to address this dictatorial over reach of the federal system under Obama, which resulted in the murder of LaVoy Finicum, other Ranchers in the West, their cattle, and the imprisonment of the Bundy Patriots.

For the record the Lame Cherry contacted Interior about the situation of the Obama regime banning all fishing lures and ammunition on federal lands, and while the Interior spokesperson wrote back and stated that she was forwarding the questions to Fish and Wildlife (which made little sense as this was Interior Secretary directive and not USFW subdivision director), but as of almost a week, I have heard absolutely nothing from USFW and I will not, as that is the response of the former Obama regime.

Here is the letter and what I took as an insult from the spokeswoman in the "plain english" link.

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your inquiry to the appropriate personnel in the Fish and Wildlife Service.


Krista Bibb
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Division of Policy, Performance, and Management Programs (PPM)
(703) 358-1914
5275 Leesburg Pike -- MS: BPHC
Falls Church, VA 22041-3803

Click here to learn more about using plain language when you write.

These were my plain English questions to Interior.

Hello Ms. Bibb,

For the Lame Cherry blog, this contact is initiated for information concerning Director's Order 219, which was a lead ban on federal lands.

Three questions please:

How long was this order written before it was published?

Did this order originate from the White House or is this a directive from Daniel Ashe's personal actions?

Is Interior aware that this regulation violates the Second Amendment in banning ammunition on the waters that Mr. Obama recently seized for non development in the millions of acres?

My readers will be most interested in the above answers, as will my contacts with my Congressional delegation.

Thank you,

In any case, the purpose of this Trump White Paper on Federal Lands is simple in what I would hope Western Congressmen would join in sponsoring and supporting with the simplest of laws.

Be it known, that it is forbidden for the United States Government in any form, to control more than 20% of any Sovereign State in the United States in any form, from Indian Reservation, Military Reservation, Grasslands, Wilderness Areas, Refuges, Parks, Office Space or any other form.

Be it known, that it is the Right of the People to access all federal properties freely, except Military Reservations or Office Space, and those areas will be open to any member of the public upon requesting a permit, and granted within 3 days.

Be it known, that the United States Government priority list of federal lands are:
1. Military Reservations
2. Parks
3. Refuges
4. Grasslands
5. Office space
6. Indian Reservations
7. Wilderness Areas

Be it known that Parks will be open in due seasons for the hunting and trapping of predators to provide balance to the non predatory species.

Be it known that in the above order of priorities, there will after the 20% limit is reached, all lands will be turned over to the States in stewardship, with the federal guidelines that all lands will be administered for the People in equal access of use and for use of resources in mining, forestry, grazing, hunting, fishing, trapping and camping.

Be it known the States will not sell nor develop for settlement or industrial parks the Lands in Trust.

Be it known that the Indian Reservation system will be null and void, with the Indian provided full vote and representation in the United States Government as a Citizen, will be awarded 160 acres per family unit, and look to their elected representation in their cities and counties as other Americans, and the BIA will be dismantled.
Indian sovereignty is upgraded to American sovereignty, with no special gambling or tribal police state.
Any additional reservation land will be open to homestead lottery to the Citizens of the State on a 7 year contract to deed grant to those lands.

Be it known, that no State or entity in a state will be allowed to control more than 30% of the lands in their Sovereign States.

Be it known, all federal officers who are not Border Patrol, FBI or US Marshals, will be unarmed, and their jurisdiction is the confines of the federal property.

This is the solution to the federal land and regime over reach which is criminalizing Americans and rewarding conglomerates to the harm of the Citizen.

The Federal Regime has been running communist slave camps on Indian reservations to the harm of States, grabbing lands in removing them from State tax rolls and ending development of mining and forestry to the harm of Americans, and in no place were the Founders ever advocating that DC would control most of Alaska and Nevada, with the lion's share of New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and Arizona federally controlled mandates being a burden on those States.

The States have full right to their borders just as America has full rights to secure and administer her borders and the lands within. It is time to balance States Rights, with wise public use and development, balanced with national security and Teddy Roosevelt Management of Federal Parks, to end the land grab in America by special interests and the criminalization of Americans in their own Sovereign States.

This is the white paper for Secretary Zinke to make change for the good in States Rights and to end the persecution of the States by the special interests who own DC.

Nuff Said
