Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Glorious Trump of Argentina

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nothing pleases the Lame Cherry more than to have the American kindred of South America rising up again as President Ronald Reagan progressed for those fine peoples, to conduct their Republics to the forefront of the world.

The Lame Cherry has deep affection and kinship with the Peoples of Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The rest are in need of joining the advanced races of South America as Simon Bolivar hoped.

That is the wonderful nature of President Mauricio Marci  of Argentina, after being elected by the Argentinians to remove from themselves that horrid Obama socialist, nation rapist, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner,who should be dumped in the Falklands with all the other undesirables.

It is beautiful for President Marci, a friend of President Trump and business associate in real estate development, to engage in protecting Argentina, which is the gem of South America, in being the most beautiful and healthful nation on the continent. There is something genetically superior in the Argentinian, Chilean. Paraguayan, Uruguayan, and the Venezuelan, at least until Hugo Chavez destroyed that wonderful nation and people.
For President Marci to embrace the productive European roots of South America and stop the criminal peon and 3rd world refuse from preying upon Argentinians is the leadership which South America needs. Either Argentina protects itself from 3rd world vermin, or it will end up as the ghetto of Brazil, a mongrelized and diseased people, with absolutely no hope and a regime in chaos due to more of those damned communists.

South America's finest lines are the Spaniard, Portuguese, German and Italian immigrant, who arrived legally and with the Christian character to build, and not laze around the matt like a dog waiting to be fed.  These genetic lines are to be protected and prospered, so all of South America can return to the Argentinian and Chilean garden of eden models in being the finest and most blessed peoples in the American Sphere.

The Lame Cherry has awaited for an ally in South America for the North Americans to join, and that leader is President Marci, a leader of exceptional character and vision. As the Lame Cherry called for, before the Inauguration of President Trump, there must be a solution found for the people of Venezuela to deliver them from the Chavez disaster.
The Lame Cherry calls upon President Trump and President Marci to gather the leaders of South America, in the Organization of American States to find solution for Venezuela in armed securing of that nation, the feeding of the peoples from stores in Brazil and Columbia transported safely in, and a repatriation of   the Venezuelan best who fled Chavez in protecting them.
Venezuela must have security, electricity, trucks, fuel, hospital and the infrastructure to begin producing food and toilet paper to care for herself again. I hope that President Marci and President Trump will find place for this necessary salvation of Venezuela as they save America and Argentina.President Marci would be exemplary to  lead this effort on ground, and that the United States would appoint former Senator Mel Martinez to coordinate security, former Puerto Rican Governor Luis Guillermo Fortuño would oversee financial measures  and that former Surgeon General Antonia Novella would oversee humanitarian remedies for the Venezuelan peoples.

Venezuela has natural resources to fund it's recovery, it simply needs OAS protection, and the leadership of America and Argentina, to promote Venezuela to her status of just a few years previous. There is not any reason the Reagan Vision and the re establishment of the Monroe Doctrine of America for Americans should not be the governing policy to bring peace and prosperity to all the Americas, and that includes those peoples in need in Puerto Rico,  the Ghana's and the languishing troubles of the Peoples of Central America.

It is hoped that an American and Argentinian leadership in protecting their nations from foreign vermin, will lead the OAS to resurrect Venezuela, and progress out to the other Republics in need, and make the American community the garden of eden our forefathers in George Washington and Simon Bolivar envisioned for all our peoples.

The Americas must rid themselves from foreign intrigue and enslavement, rid themselves of 3rd world vermin and rid themselves of the globalist and their on ground communists rotting the American Eden from within.

Nuff Said


Como otra cereza Lame exclusiva en materia anti materia.

Nada agrada a la Cereza Lame más que tener a la familia americana de Sudamérica levantándose de nuevo mientras el presidente Ronald Reagan progresaba para esos bellos pueblos, para conducir sus repúblicas a la vanguardia del mundo.

La Cereza Lame tiene profundo afecto y parentesco con los Pueblos de Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. El resto está en la necesidad de unirse a las razas avanzadas de Sudamérica como esperaba Simón Bolívar.

Esa es la maravillosa naturaleza del presidente argentino, Mauricio Marci, después de ser elegido por los argentinos para quitarles a sí mismos a la horrenda Obama socialista, violadora de la nación, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, que debería ser arrojada en las Malvinas con todos los otros indeseables.

Es hermoso para el presidente Marci, amigo del presidente Trump y socio de negocios en desarrollo inmobiliario, involucrarse en proteger a la Argentina, que es la joya de América del Sur, por ser la nación más hermosa y saludable del continente. Hay algo genéticamente superior en el argentino, chileno. Paraguayo, uruguayo y venezolano, al menos hasta que Hugo Chávez destruyó esa maravillosa nación y pueblo.
Que el presidente Marci abrace las productivas raíces europeas de Sudamérica y detenga al peón criminal y al tercer mundo que se niega a atacar a los argentinos es el liderazgo que necesita Sudamérica. O bien Argentina se protege de las bichos del 3er mundo, o acabará siendo el gueto de Brasil, un pueblo mestizo y enfermo, sin ninguna esperanza ni un régimen caótico debido a más de esos malditos comunistas.

Las mejores líneas de América del Sur son los españoles, portugueses, alemanes e italianos inmigrantes, que llegaron legalmente y con el carácter cristiano para construir, y no descansar alrededor del mate como un perro esperando para ser alimentado. Estas líneas genéticas deben ser protegidas y prosperadas, por lo que toda América del Sur puede regresar al jardín argentino y chileno de los modelos de eden siendo los pueblos más hermosos y bienaventurados de la Esfera Americana.

La Lame Cherry ha esperado un aliado en Sudamérica para que los norteamericanos se unan, y ese líder es el presidente Marci, un líder de carácter excepcional y visión. Como pidió la Cereza Lame, antes de la Inauguración del Presidente Trump, debe haber una solución encontrada para el pueblo de Venezuela para liberarlos del desastre de Chávez.
La Cereza Lame llama al Presidente Trump y al Presidente Marci a reunir a los líderes de América del Sur en la Organización de los Estados Americanos para encontrar una solución para Venezuela en la seguridad armada de esa nación, la alimentación de los pueblos de las tiendas de Brasil y Columbia, , Y una repatriación de los mejores venezolanos que huyeron de Chávez para protegerlos.
Venezuela debe tener seguridad, electricidad, camiones, combustible, hospital y la infraestructura para comenzar a producir alimentos y papel higiénico para cuidarse de nuevo. Espero que el Presidente Marci y el Presidente Trump encuentren lugar para esta necesaria salvación de Venezuela, ya que salvan a Estados Unidos y Argentina. El Presidente Marci sería ejemplar para dirigir este esfuerzo sobre terreno y que Estados Unidos nombraría al ex Senador Mel Martínez para coordinar la seguridad , El ex gobernador puertorriqueño Luis Guillermo Fortuño supervisaría las medidas financieras y que la ex-Cirujana General Antonia Novella supervisaría los remedios humanitarios para los pueblos venezolanos.

Venezuela tiene recursos naturales para financiar su recuperación, simplemente necesita la protección de la OEA, y el liderazgo de América y Argentina, para promover Venezuela a su estatus de sólo unos años anteriores. No hay razón alguna para que la Visión Reagan y el restablecimiento de la Doctrina Monroe de América para los estadounidenses no sean la política gobernante para traer paz y prosperidad a todas las Américas, e incluye a aquellos pueblos necesitados en Puerto Rico, Los angustiosos problemas de los Pueblos de Centroamérica.

Se espera que un liderazgo estadounidense y argentino en la protección de sus naciones de la plaga extranjera, llevará a la OEA a resucitar a Venezuela, y progresar a las otras repúblicas en necesidad, y hacer de la comunidad americana el jardín de eden nuestros antepasados ​​en George Washington y Simón Bolívar previó para todos nuestros pueblos.

Las Américas deben librarse de la intriga y la esclavitud extranjeras, librarse de la plaga del 3er mundo y librarse de los globalistas y sus comunistas en el suelo pudrendo el Edén Americano desde dentro.

Nuff dijo


Please Mexico Elect

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is running for el presidente of Mexico. He actually won the election last time, but it was stolen by the ruling Spaniards. The Lame Cherry though begs Mexicans to elect this peon so the United States can settle the Mexican Problem once and for all.

“The president is a boot-licker,” Solis said. “Lopez Obrador has the guts to stand up to Trump and tell it like it is.”

You Mexican vermin want to disrespect America in your criminal invasion and running a slave state, then riot again as you did for this peon Obrador, and install this emperor and then the United States and Mexico will have a second war, where the gloves will be off and America will settle this the right way in taking back the Texas possession of North Mexico.

President Trump, the Lame Cherry advocates that you shut down this peon Obrador as he is going to be campaigning in Los Angeles, California  USA. The United States is not some goddamn Mexican province to have beaner politics inflicted with the United States borders.
Boot this taco out before he comes in for the sake of the United States. If these goddamn vermin LA  Mexicans want to hear and vote for peon Obrador, then let them deport themselves across the border because you Mr. President are President, not this goddamned Mexican!!!

Americans north of the wall may soon get to decide for themselves which description fits Amlo best. He’s planning a speaking tour of U.S. cities with large immigrant communities. First up, on Feb. 12, is Los Angeles.

Start the war you Mexican peons with your mafia RPG armed terrorists, and by God America will finish it the right way, and make room for the squatter vermin in America to be flushed back to Mexico, where they can be employed burying the militant Mexican dead for starting a war with the United States.

Nuff Said


Como otra cereza Lame exclusiva en materia anti materia.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador se postula para el presidente de México. En realidad ganó las elecciones la última vez, pero fue robado por los españoles gobernantes. La Cereza Lame pide a los mexicanos que elijan a este peón para que los Estados Unidos puedan resolver el problema mexicano de una vez por todas.

"El presidente es un licker de arranque", dijo Solis. "López Obrador tiene la coraje de enfrentarse a Trump y decirlo como es".

Usted alimaña mexicana quiere despreciar a Estados Unidos en su invasión criminal y ejecutar un estado de esclavos, luego de disturbios de nuevo como lo hizo por este peón Obrador, e instalar a este emperador y luego los Estados Unidos y México tendrá una segunda guerra, donde los guantes serán Apagado y América resolverá esto la manera derecha en tomar detrás la posesión de Tejas de México del norte.

Presidente Trump, la Lame Cherry aboga por cerrar este peon Obrador, ya que va a hacer campaña en Los Angeles, California, EE.UU. Los Estados Unidos no es una maldita provincia mexicana que tenga una política de infamia infligida con las fronteras de los Estados Unidos.
Arranque este taco antes de que venga por el bien de los Estados Unidos. Si estos malditos vermes mexicanos quieren oír y votar por el peón Obrador, déjelos que se deporten al otro lado de la frontera porque usted es presidente, no este maldito mexicano!

Los norteamericanos al norte de la pared pronto podrán decidir por sí mismos qué descripción encaja mejor con Amlo. Está planeando una gira de habla hispana con grandes comunidades de inmigrantes. En primer lugar, el 12 de febrero, es Los Ángeles.

Comienza la guerra tus peones mexicanos con tus terroristas armados RPG de la mafia, y por Dios América lo terminará de la manera correcta, y hará espacio para que los parásitos de América en los Estados Unidos sean arrojados de regreso a México, donde pueden ser empleados enterrando a los mexicanos muertos Para iniciar una guerra con los Estados Unidos.

Nuff dijo


Ben Quayle to serve President Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the dust is settling in the jobs situation in the Trump Administration somewhat, the Lame Cherry would appreciate it if President Trump would look at Benjamin Quayle, a former member of Congress, Republican and Tea Party leader from the West.

I am not aware what this fine American's plans are after serving in Congress, but Vice President Quayle's son is certainly qualified for appointment to the federal bench as a Judge, to be an assistant at everything from Justice to State, and Americans can trust him to be as much the Patriot as his parents.

Ben Quayle deserves a look, and to be groomed for high public service to the Citizens of these United States.
Appointed to a Federal Court, he would be the replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she gets carted out.

Nuff Said


What profiteth a Woman

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I used to delude myself in thinking that Americans had some semblance of morals in their souls, but that has all but vanished in my Bible collecting as most of them have some story to tell, and the latest story confirms every disgusting thing I know about the western peoples in what were Christian nations.

You know America used to be a place where the Gideon Bible was in rooms of adultery and fornication and people used to put it in the drawer out of respect, but now they use it to prop up the ass to get a deeper penetration.
The above is based on the letters of Paul and Sheila. No not the Paul and Sheila of the Bible but the Paul and the Sheila whose writings I found in those upstanding Methodist prayer books that I came across in the junk store.

I used to enjoy doing Sherlock work, but now it is like looking into a crusty crotch with a rusty nail through the heart in the stories religious books tell.

So you will know the players in this, of course good christian people, that when they die we will hear all of those lies, but here is what the Holmes concludes.

There was a woman named Beth. Probably Elizabeth, but she is a corner cutter and wanted to be free to do her own thing as Beth. She had two Methodist prayer books, a blue one and a red one.
She apparently was a real holy roller, as she had pages folded over all over the place, earmarking some great wisdom, when she was not spilling coffee at church on her divine passages, staining the pages off brown.

Any way, I can assure you, as I got it from the Methodist's mouth named Sheila, that Beth in dedicating the red book to Beth, proclaimed that Beth really knows how to pray, and was a Deacon on this day too. Yeah Methodists are the type who like anal fissures from faggots and menstrual cycles dripping in the pulpit.
I know the Beth type, as we had a real pushy Barb in our Church. She led her poor husband around by the pew, and soon enough took over, had them sell their farm, moved to Minnesota of all places, so she could be in the pulpit running things........changed from Missouri Synod Lutheran to American Lutheran, as the Norwegians go for that sodomy and feminist stuff. Ruined that guy's entire life, took him from his ancestral home, killed him, all so she could ride the pulpit and tell everyone they were going to hell lovingly.

So Beth is a prayer, and thus enters this deacon's son, Paul, whose letter I was reading and I will feature here.


Just a note to say "thanks; I love you".

It didn't seem much like Christmas to me, but you made it more
than what I thought it woull be. It meant a lot to be here.


This was written on a lined sheet of school paper folded over. The reason it was folded over is because on the main page is a card game score........I figure Smear is the game, but it meant so much to Paul about Christmas that he wrote his Mom a thank you note on a piece of garbage.

Did I mention Beth is a real prayer?

I assume Beth is real dead now too and that is what I mean by the heathen Americans, propping up asses for deep penetration in hotels, because in Beaver Cleaver's time, you know that Wally and the Beav, went home when June and Ward died, and Wally said," Hey Beav, what should we do with Mom's Bible, throw it on top of the pile of money we are hauling out, or dump it to Goodwill?"
And Beav gets this worried look and says, "Wally, we ought not be throwing out Mom's Bible as the neighbors will think we are assholes who are only in it for the inheritance and God will be mad at us for not having any semblance of fear of Him for throwing the Bible out. We better put it in the golf bag so Lumpy doesn't tell the Rutherfords and God will think we are good people".
"For a kid, you are pretty smart Beav", Wally says with a grin.

See that is what I mean in all of this. I see people going through their parents' things like a tornado. The expensive stuff and cash get taken and the Bibles get thrown out with the old sweaters that smell like cat, and they didn't have a cat. People used to at least hesitate about things in thinking God was going to get them for being bastards, but now there is not even a thought about any of this God retribution stuff in these soulless creatures.

I can understand like a friend of mine, who sold his Mom's house, because he was selling the hurts his dad inflicted on him in that house, and everyone seems on inheriting money goes out and salves themselves with a new car, as that makes everything better. I just can not fathom throwing out Bibles with your name in them, so everyone knows what a heathen you are.

It is like Nom de Deus, do not any of these people even think that perhaps the old gal was stashing 100 dollar bills in their prayer book? Not to even page through them, so they would find the evidence of their letters that prayerful Beth was so touched by, but Paul had no time for Methodist stuff, just garbage notes, as Beth apparently ruled the roost and the stress sent the husband to an early grave, which is what being a Methodist holy roler is about, and makes Christmas not feel so great for Paul and the siblings, so they sit around playing cards as what else would a Methodist do on Christmas. No need to read the Bible as they did that in church and it would be a waste of time.

Honestly, I don't think even Eddie Haskell would have thrown out a Bible as he had sense enough to not piss off God. The Cleavers yes, but God was someone Eddie Haskell never took in vain...might blame Beav for throwing the Bible out, but that is what the bad people used to be like, not the kids with parents in church.

I will keep these books for whatever reason, as perhaps someday I will need to burn them for heat. I see no need for being ordered how to be with God, but some people just need that like watching Mel Gibson movies makes them think they are saved, or listening to that horrid christian rock makes you a Christian.

It is about time to end this, with a God save Paul from himself, as he is from a family which titles and the front pew was what mattered in the power, and God was something that just got in the way, like notes to mum after the card game.


Trump 1000 Ship Navy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I was a young lass and thinking of becoming an Island Queendom, with a number of inventions which are now engulfing the world, I seized upon building a Navy, and it is in this Ronald Reagan 600 ship Navy, and the Navy of Donald Trump seeking to build like a 300 ship Navy, that the Lame Cherry offers the Trump 1000 Ship Navy.

Cost is what everyone is whining about in the shipyards, as Obama has spent the nation into 20 trillion dollar debt. I though offer to build an American flotilla that would dwarf Helen of Troy's, and will do it for less cost and it will be completed in 5 years, because the essence of it, it is a KEVLAR NAVY.

The first ship recorded is in the Bible and it is made of Gopher Wood. Old Ironsides was built of American Oak. The Americans then began in the Civil War to make ships of metal hulls, and the rest has been a stagnated history of super heavy ships which go very slow.

The Lame Cherry is well aware of the John Lehman Doctrine in "Thou shalt not make Sheffield frigates" or you die, because Gary Hart was harping about Sheffield class ships as they were cheap and that is what he lusted for, until the Argentinians in the Falklands blew the Sheffield out of the water with one French Exocet missile, but what I am speaking of is not some tin can to blow holes in, but man-made fibers, in layers, literally honeycombed, to withstand shock, not shatter, and literally when invaded would have properties which would cause the least amount of damage and have self sealing hulls.

My nation was going to run tri hulls or a catamaran type three hull ship for stability, speed and safety. Blow the hell out of the outer pontoons, because the inner pontoon would remain intact. It is the oldest chain mail protection of outer hulls and inner hulls.

Inventors have been making everything under the sun out of kevlar, from bullet proof vests to sail cloth.

Put epoxy, graphite or any other of a number of substances and you can make anything from canoes, to propellers to ships.

Making a Graphite-Kevlar Propeller -

Not your typical propeller. Computer Design program. ... You can mix in cotton, fiberglass, graphite, or Kevlar fibers to make a much stronger cured bond.

Carbon/Kevlar Fiber Hull vs Steel - Technical Discussion ...

It's well known that the latest in Hull Materials using Carbon/Kevlar Fiber is stiffer /stronger ... Carbon/Kevlar Fiber Hull vs ... with the right ship and ...
It literally is possible to construct a 1000 ship Navy in spun cloth and moulds. One could turn out a frigate in a month.
This is what the Lame Cherry advocates, in safe, low cost, high speed ships to project American firepower. I in not any way desire to end the super carrier platforms or the Aegis line of frigates. I do though in this high tech age of weaponry, advocate for ships that cruise at 50 knots in hydro turbans, are arrayed with particle weapons, are layered with stealth materials to be invisible, and in my Navy, every ship had the mode to submerge.
In fact the aircraft carrier which I designed, you could fit an American carrier on the deck, as I think big.
For transport ships, platform ships, medical ships and munitions ships, this Kevlar Navy would be the entire boat Navy. As testing expanded, there would be mainline ships which would advance naval power to a new generation, as others have left the dinosaur moving ships behind. 

It simply requires the directive to build it, and the next thing will be America will again be a maritime nation, whose business is constructing super cargo ships for the world markets for immense profits.........which then funds the affordable Trump 1000 Ship Navy.

Nuff Said

