Monday, February 6, 2017

Time for the English to go the way of Canaan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am wearied  of the British from their Birther Obama to their royals who just do not know it is time to die and keep hanging around being pests. I am wearied of the insults the British have heaped on President Donald Trump and Americans.

It was bad enough when that skirt Theresa May appeared in whores clothes in America, praising the President of America, and went to London, and bent over for Muslim rape cock of her own people, and stabbed the President in back, condemning him.

To put it plainly, Great Britain is nothing, but a bunch of damned wogs overpopulating the world, and London faggot bankers, which is where England gets the pennies it gets. It is a bank sucking leech on the rest of the world.

So when MP John Becow insulted President Trump to not be worthy of speaking a Parliament, I have simply had it with the British. I say, let the Brits fend for themselves and those German raped vaginas insulting Americans with Merkel and Schultz as their political choice for leadership, and let them deal with Vladimir Putin in Russia, with their fat faggot armies of American production, and America comes home and lets the natural order of things progress in a Russia from Dublin to Moscow and the sooner that Vladimir Putin cleanses Europe and releases men like Andres Breivik to rule as Russian Regents, the better.

Let America return home to America first, and liberate Canada from that globalist faggot Trudeau in Ottawa and make North America a community of Christians, with full partnership with Central and South American Christians leaders for a new order for Christ's return, as these Anglo Saxon Mideast transplants are nothing in common with American virtue.
Let Russian tanks roll across Europe and let Russian grease their treads with the entrails of these Becow fags as America deports the invaders of Asia, Africa and the Mideast out of Canada and America to their native shitholes.

If there are any English worthy of life, as much as the Germans worthy of life, Vladimir Putin will discover them, but let it be Russian blood and not American making the discoveries in defending this ilk of Europe, and let it be defeated as Darwin's law intends.

Thee only hope Europe has is the French with Marine Le Pen, but I have doubts about the French Mutton too. It is therefore fitting in America upon liberating Canada and Mexico from their space takers, offers the surviving Nationalists of Europe to immigrate to America to join the greater race and repopulate Quebec, Mexico and Canada.

No more foreign intrigue. America first and last, and turn Eurasia over to Vladmir Putin to cleanse as America will no longer be insulted by Islamic trash of London and fag boys in Parliament. Either the English and Germans rise up and provide lamp posts for neckties to prove they are a people America should trade and ally with, or let this sodomite race go the way of Canaan.

Nuff Said



Als weitere Lame Cherry exklusiv in Materie Anti-Materie.

Ich bin ermüdet von den Briten von ihrem Birther Obama zu ihren königlichen, die einfach nicht wissen, dass es Zeit ist zu sterben und zu hängen, um Schädlinge zu hängen. Ich bin ermüdet von den Beleidigungen, die die Briten auf Präsident Donald Trump und Amerikaner gehäuft haben.

Es war schlimm genug, wenn dieser Rock Theresa May in Huren Kleidung in Amerika erschien, lobte den Präsidenten von Amerika, ging nach London und beugte sich für Muslim Vergewaltigung Hahn ihres eigenen Volkes, und erstochen den Präsidenten im Rücken und verurteilt ihn.

Um es klar zu sagen, Großbritannien ist nichts, aber ein Haufen verdammter Wogs, die die Welt überbevölkern, und London fagot Banker, die ist, wo England die Pennies bekommt es bekommt. Es ist eine Bank saugen Blutegel auf den Rest der Welt.

So, als MP John Becow Präsident Trump beleidigte, nicht würdig zu sein, ein Parlament zu sprechen, hatte ich es einfach mit den Briten. Ich sage: Lassen Sie die Briten für sich selbst und die deutschen vergewaltigten Vaginas beleidigen Amerikaner mit Merkel und Schultz als ihre politische Wahl für die Führung, und lassen Sie sie mit Wladimir Putin in Russland mit ihren dicken fagot Armeen der amerikanischen Produktion und Amerika nach Hause kommen Und lässt die natürliche Ordnung der Dinge in einem Russland von Dublin nach Moskau und je eher, dass Wladimir Putin reinigt Europa und gibt Menschen wie Andres Breivik als russische Regenten zu regieren, desto besser.

Lassen Sie Amerika erstmals nach Amerika zurückkehren und Kanada von diesem globalistischen Fagot Trudeau in Ottawa befreien und Nordamerika zu einer Gemeinschaft von Christen machen, die in voller Partnerschaft mit den Führern der mittel- und südamerikanischen Christen für einen neuen Befehl für die Rückkehr Christi steht, wie dieser angelsächsische Mideast Transplantationen sind mit der amerikanischen Tugend nichts gemein.Lassen Sie russische Panzer rollen über Europa und lassen Russisch schmieren ihre Tritte mit den Eingeweiden dieser Becow fags wie Amerika deportiert die Eindringlinge von Asien und den Mideast aus Kanada und Amerika, um ihre heimischen shitholes.
Wenn es irgendwelche Englisch würdig des Lebens, so viel wie die Deutschen würdig des Lebens, Vladimir Putin wird sie entdecken, aber lassen Sie es russisches Blut sein und nicht Amerikaner, die die Entdeckungen in der Verteidigung dieses ilk von Europa, und lassen Sie es als Darwins geschlagen werden Beabsichtigt.

Thee nur hoffen, dass Europa ist die Französisch mit Marine Le Pen, aber ich habe Zweifel über die Französisch Hammelfleisch zu. Es ist daher passend in Amerika auf Befreiung von Kanada und Mexiko aus ihren Raum-Taker, bietet die überlebenden Nationalisten aus Europa nach Amerika einwandern, um die größeren Rasse beitreten und repopulate Quebec, Mexiko und Kanada.

Nicht mehr fremde Intrigen. Amerika erste und letzte, und wiederum Eurasien zu Vladmir Putin zu reinigen, wie Amerika nicht mehr durch islamischen Müll von London und Fag Boys im Parlament beleidigt werden. Entweder treten die Engländer und die Deutschen auf und stellen Laternenpfosten für Krawatten zur Verfügung, um zu beweisen, daß sie ein Volk sind, das Amerika handeln und verbünden sollte, oder lassen Sie diese verdammte Rasse den Weg von Kanaan gehen.

Nuff sagte



В качестве еще одного Хромой Cherry в эксклюзивном материи анти материи.

Я уставал англичан от их Birther Обамы их членов королевской семьи, которые просто не знают, что настало время, чтобы умереть и держать торчать будучи вредителями. Я уставал оскорбления британцы обрушились на президента Дональда Трампа и американцев.

Это было достаточно плохо, когда эта юбка Тереза ​​Мэй появилась в шлюх одежды в Америке, хваля президента Америки, и отправился в Лондон, и склонился над мусульманской рапсового петух ее собственного народа, и ударил президента в спину, осуждая его.

Проще говоря, Великобритания ничего, но кучу чертовых wogs overpopulating мир, и Лондон педика банкиры, который где Англия получает гроши оно получает. Это банк сосать пиявки на остальной части мира.

Так что, когда депутат Джон Becow оскорбил президента Трампа, чтобы не быть достойным того, чтобы говорить парламент, я просто обязан был это с англичанами. Я говорю, пусть Британцы постоять за себя и тех немецких изнасилованных вагины оскорбляющих американцев с Меркель и Шульц в качестве своего политического выбора для руководства, и пусть им справиться с Владимиром Путиным в России, с их содержанием жира педик армий американского производства, и Америка приходит домой и позволяет естественному порядку вещей прогресса в России из Дублина в Москву, и чем раньше, что Владимир Путин чистит Европе и выпускает такие люди, как Андрес Брейвика править как русских регентов, тем лучше.

Пусть Америка вернуться домой в Америку во-первых, и освободить Канаду от этого глобалистом педик Трюдо в Оттаве и сделать Северной Америке сообщество христиан, с полным партнерстве с лидерами Центральной и Южной Америки христиан для нового порядка для возвращения Христа, как эти англосаксонской Ближний Восток Трансплантация нет ничего общего с американской добродетели.Пусть российские танки по всей Европе, и пусть русский смазки их протекторов с внутренностями этих сигарет Becow, как Америка депортирует захватчиков Азии и Ближнего Востока из Канады и Америки к своим родным shitholes.
Если есть английский достойной жизни, так же, как немцы, достойные жизни, Владимир Путин откроет их, но пусть это будет русская кровь, а не американец делает открытий в защите этого рода в Европе, и пусть он будет побежден, как Дарвина закон намерен.

Ты только надеяться, Европа является французский с Марин Ле Пен, но у меня есть сомнения по поводу французского Баранина тоже. Поэтому уместно в Америке при освободив Канаду и Мексику из своих космических берущих, предлагает уцелевших Националистов Европы иммигрировать в Америку, чтобы присоединиться к большей гонке и заселить Квебек, Мексике и Канаде.

Нет больше иностранных интриг. Америка первый и последний, и превратить Евразию к Путину Владимиром очисти, как Америка больше не будет оскорблять исламского мусора Лондона и пидор мальчиков в парламенте. Либо английский и немцы поднимаются вверх и обеспечивают фонарные столбы для галстуков, чтобы доказать, что они являются люди Америки должны торговать и союзником, или пусть это блудника гонки пройти путь Ханаана.




Comme une autre cerise Lame exclusive en matière anti-matière.

Je suis fatigué des Britanniques de leur Birther Obama à leur famille royale qui juste ne savent pas qu'il est temps de mourir et de garder autour d'être des parasites. Je suis fatigué des insultes que les Britanniques ont accumulées sur le président Donald Trump et les Américains.

C'était assez mauvais quand cette jupe Theresa May a apparu dans les vêtements de putes en Amérique, en louant le président de l'Amérique, et est allé à Londres, et s'est penché pour la colombe musulmane de son propre peuple, et a poignardé le président en arrière, le condamnant.

Pour être clair, la Grande-Bretagne n'est rien, mais un tas de damnés wogs surpopulant le monde, et Londres banquiers fagot, qui est où l'Angleterre obtient les sous. C'est une banque qui suce la sangsue sur le reste du monde.

Donc, lorsque le député John Becow a insulté le président Trump de ne pas être digne de parler un Parlement, je l'ai simplement eu avec les Britanniques. Je dis, laissez les Britanniques se débrouiller pour eux-mêmes et ces vagus violés allemands insulter les Américains avec Merkel et Schultz comme leur choix politique pour le leadership, et les laisser traiter avec Vladimir Poutine en Russie, avec leurs fagot armées de la production américaine et Amérique rentre à la maison Et laisse l'ordre naturel des choses progresser dans une Russie de Dublin à Moscou et plus tôt que Vladimir Poutine nettoie l'Europe et libère des hommes comme Andrés Breivik pour régner en tant que Regents russes, mieux c'est.

Que l'Amérique retourne d'abord aux États-Unis et qu'elle libère le Canada de ce fagot globaliste Trudeau à Ottawa et qu'elle fasse de l'Amérique du Nord une communauté de chrétiens, avec un plein partenariat avec les leaders chrétiens d'Amérique centrale et d'Amérique du Sud pour un nouvel ordre pour le retour du Christ, Les transplantations n'ont rien de commun avec la vertu américaine.Laissez les chars russes rouler à travers l'Europe et laissez la graisse russe leurs bandes de roulement avec les entrailles de ces Fags de Becow pendant que l'Amérique déporte les envahisseurs d'Asie et du Mideast hors du Canada et de l'Amérique à leurs shitholes indigènes.
S'il y a des Anglais dignes de la vie, autant que les Allemands dignes de la vie, Vladimir Poutine les découvrira, mais que ce soit le sang russe et non l'Américain qui fait les découvertes en défendant ce genre d'Europe et qu'il soit vaincu comme Darwin La loi prévoit.

Le seul espoir que l'Europe ait est le français avec Marine Le Pen, mais j'ai des doutes sur le Mutton français aussi. Il est donc approprié en Amérique de libérer le Canada et le Mexique de leurs preneurs d'espace, offre aux nationalistes survivants d'Europe d'immigrer en Amérique pour rejoindre la plus grande race et repeupler le Québec, le Mexique et le Canada.

Plus d'intrigues étrangères. L'Amérique d'abord et la dernière, et tourner l'Eurasie vers Vladimir Poutine pour nettoyer comme l'Amérique ne sera plus insulté par la poubelle islamique de Londres et les fag boys au Parlement. Soit les Anglais et les Allemands se lèvent et fournissent des lampadaires pour les cravates pour prouver qu'ils sont un peuple que l'Amérique devrait commercer et s'allier avec, ou laisser cette race sodomite aller le chemin de Canaan.

Nuff Said


Always a Trump Winner always an Obama loser

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you remember how when Obama, the sports guru, was picking everything and the press was covering it like it was prophesy? Remember how every team Obama picked LOST. Remember how that poor horse in the Triple Crown got sick and almost died? Remember how after years of this in everything Obama touched turned to ashes that the Obama picks just disappeared?

I do.

That is why it was refreshing and absolutely typical of Donald Trump to go on the public record with this;

"By how many points?" O'Reilly asked.
"By eight points," Trump replied.
The final outcome -- which for the first Super Bowl was decided in a sudden death overtime -- was Patriots 34, the Falcons 28.
Here's the full exchange:
O'REILLY: "Fox Sports is demanding that I ask you to make a prediction."
TRUMP: "Well I hate to make predictions."
O'REILLY: "But you have to."
TRUMP: "But I hate to do it. But I'll say --"
O'REILY: "-- Because I won't leave unless you do."
TRUMP: "I'll say -- I don't know, what are the odds? I guess it's pretty even, right? Two great teams."
O'REILLY: "Yeah."
TRUMP: "I'll say the Patriots will win."
O'REILLY: "By how many points?"
TRUMP: "By eight points."
O'REILLY: "That's a good presidential prediction."
TRUMP: "I shouldn't be doing those things but that's OK."
O'REILLY: "And you don't need any data."
TRUMP: "I need no data."

And it would have been 8 points too with a two point conversion, but once again President Donald Trump picked the winner...........and how much do you want to bet that image Obama from Virgin Island picked the Atlanta Falcons.

For the record, I had the Patriots by 10, but my excuse is, I did not realize that it was probably God again, sticking it to the #NeverTrumpers, to let them rant in their nut caves and froth about Donald Trump's friends being beaten, only to have the Patriots set another record.

When I watched the NFL, the Steelers were my team. I said this year though if they were going to be beat, that I did not want them in the Super Bowl. I stated when the Patriots fell behind that they needed a cheap score fumble to win it as Atlanta had on an interception, and it worked out exactly as stated.
I never liked Tom Brady, because New England is so good at finding talent. In stating this, the New England Patriots with Bill Bellichek, Mr Kraft and Tom Brady are the best NFL winning franchise  in history by proof and by ability. They have surpassed Chuck Knoll  and the Steelers under Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach and Tom Landry of the Cowboys,  and relegated the group who was probably the best in Bill Walsh and Joe Montana of the 49ers.

Whether God, more NFL crookery in fixed games, or the fact that the Falcons did not finish  the game, Atlanta lost this game, because they quit. All they needed to do was score field goal, as they had succeeded at cheating in holding Patriots receivers up to scuff Brady in the first half. When their offense relaxed, the defense had to end up chasing the Patriots and it wore them out on coverage for the tie, and they had nothing in their tank on the front line to pressure Brady. That spells comeback and the disaster of blowing a 25 point lead.

For the record  when the 49ers crushed Denver by like 50 points, the 49ers never quit  until the game was over. That is how you win a Super Bowl. You play 16 games in not quitting. You play two playoff games in not quitting, and you play 4 quarters of Super Bowl, and not two quarters.

Trump supporters had better be like the Patriots  in giving her hell the entire 4 years or they are going to be genocided by the Falcon #NeverTrumpers.

 Robert Kraft and crowd mercilessly stick it to Roger GoodellRobert Kraft and crowd mercilessly stick it to Roger Goodell

Roger Goodell getting booed and hating life.

“Two years ago, we won our fourth Super Bowl in Arizona and I told our fans that was the sweetest one of all,” Kraft said. “But, a lot has transpired during the last two years, and I don’t think that needs any explanation. But I want to say to our fans, our brilliant coaching staff, our amazing players, who are so spectacular, this is unequivocally the sweetest. And I’m proud to say, for the fifth time, we are all Patriots tonight.”

Nuff Said


Brave New World

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is perhaps time as you are being distracted by Milo aflame and Berkley burning to be aware of a few developments:

The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.
The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event.

 According to Julia Carrie Wong of the Guardian, about 150 anti-fascists — who call themselves Black Bloc or Antifas and justify the use of violence as pre-emptive self-defense — joined a larger group of perhaps a thousand peaceful protesters and quickly confronted fans of the writer who had arrived early for his talk.

There were other things moving in Trump World which are most interesting as the Department of Justice becomes Trump Justice and the FBI becomes the Trump FBI.

 Yes the FBI has just removed our good cartel friends of the Anti Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, criminalizing Americans, and causing terror attacks against Americans. All of that anti American funding to attack Americans and used by the police state to stalk Americans, and now it is all kaput.

FBI Removed SPLC And ADL From Civil Rights Resources Pages Because Of A ‘Number Of Concerns’

A long time ago, there was a saying that the US Military had a long reach, in service records followed Americans to their civilian lives, and as it was in the Baby Boomer generation, entirely Military Industrial Complex, people did not rise and people were destroyed for the things they did.

The FBI has now a coordinated information background system for the corporate system to access to check on employees. Under President Trump it has now gone live, meaning some protestors hired or slumming who happen to get arrested, have an immediate live report to their employers.

The FBI’s Rap Back program is quietly transforming the way employers conduct background checks. While routine background checks provide employers with a one-time “snapshot” of their employee’s past criminal history, employers enrolled in federal and state Rap Back programs receive ongoing, real-time notifications and updates about their employees’ run-ins with law enforcement, including arrests at protests and charges that do not end up in convictions. (“Rap” is an acronym for Record of Arrest and Prosecution; ”Back” is short for background). Testifying before Congress about the program in 2015, FBI Director James Comey explained some limits of regular background checks: “People are clean when they first go in, then they get in trouble five years down the road [and] never tell the daycare about this.”

I will put this more plainly, as what a conglomerate has, the United States Government has, and what the United States Government has, tracks not only criminal protesters, but known associates, as in families and those corporations who employ associates, so that those wonderful government programs purchasing things making them billionaires.........can be used to cut off purchases.

To explain, imagine Boeing with a trillion dollar contract discovering from the GAO, "Sorry no payment as you employ the sibling of a known terrorist". Now it would not be phrased that way, but the conglomerates will understand there is a new world order and the world is Trump World.

There is much to gain control over in courts and especially the corrupt civil service, but this is moving forward, and what requires noting are the advances, and they are there, in taking America back.

Even Neil Gorsuch down in sodom is going to provide some interesting manifestations in Trump World considering the Judge's most interesting Catholic mentor at Oxford.

“When you get to the question about constitutional law … it’s not a question about what the law should be, it’s a question about what the law is.”
Gorsuch too was careful to state his personal politics would not influence him on the bench. During a press conference on Tuesday he said: “It is the role of judges to apply, not alter, the work of the people’s representatives. A judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge stretching for results he prefers rather than those the law demands.”

Nuff Said



Alternative to the Fag Scouts

TRLC Home Slide

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the sodomizing of the Boy Scouts from their original charter of wholesomeness to the current Obama cesspool trends of allowing satan knows what into little boys tents, the Lame Cherry wills to educate you on an alternative to the Boy Scouts, and the name of this Christian group which is growing rapidly across the United States is Trail Life USA.

Trail Life USA, The 'Other' Boy Scouts Of America : NPR

... calls itself a Christian alternative to the Boy Scouts, ... Trail Life USA, The 'Other' Boy Scouts Of America. ... But Trail Life USA says it expects ...

This Christian organization has a basic charter of what the Cub and Boy Scouts used to be. It is simple in forming the best character for young males in wholesome peer groups from kindergarten to seniors in high school.

Trail Life USA is a Christian Outdoor Adventure, Character, and Leadership Program for boys and young men.
Operating from Troops that are chartered through churches in 48 states, the K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers.
Their latest badge is Respect for Life in true American morals which too many youth are void of.

2017 Respect Life Press Release
1/27/2017 6:05:00 AM BY Staff

January 26, 2017

Boys Christian Outdoor Organization Introduces “Respect Life” Badge
GREENVILLE, SC- Trail Life USA, the Christian character, leadership, and adventure organization for boys, released its “Respect Life” Trail Badge, which encourages respect for life from conception to natural death.

This is a real organization and every Protestant and Catholic Church in America should be engaged in sponsoring a chapter for their youth, as nothing is better for young people to be outdoors and testing themselves as President Theodore Roosevelt often expressed.

While this is not a hunting centered group, there is an old adage which rings true in, Take your kids hunting or you will be hunting for your kids. A child tested on their merits in hiking, and facing who they are in a tent in the darkness is a child who will have no need to testing limits in civilization in acting out and will never follow the sinners of liberalism, but will instead arise to be the leaders as they will know who they are, and most importantly be self assured and have nothing to prove.
They do include though a shooting sports guide, so are pro Second Amendment. They are the virtues the Boy Scouts used to be.

 It all costs money though and as you multi millionaires are sitting on wads of cash and never donating, perhaps you could point to doing one thing in your life and sponsoring a Trail Life USA troop from your Church in providing for the poor kids who need this kind of activity, rather than texting and believing their Obama indoctrinated teachers who think the world is not to be touched, but watched on PBS.

Nuff  Said


The Duncan-Carter Hearing Protection Act

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is to alert people in one more step in taking American back in South Carolina Representative Jeff Duncan's bill in the House, HR 367, designed to stop Americans being gouged for trying to reduce hearing damage in acquiring a suppressor to tone the sound down from a shooting a firearm.

Most of you only have experience with "silencers" in movies where you hear a poof, assassins only use them as they are silent and it is this dangerous mystery, but the fact is that there is not such a thing as a silencer. All there can be is a suppression of sound. Think of it this way in you have heard loud pipes on a kids care which is obnoxious, but your car with a muffler is not as loud. That is what Jeff Duncan is attempting to accomplish.

Introduced in House (01/09/2017)

Hearing Protection Act of 2017
This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) eliminate the $200 transfer tax on firearm silencers, and (2) treat any person who acquires or possesses a firearm silencer as meeting any registration or licensing requirements of the National Firearms Act with respect to such silencer. Any person who pays a transfer tax on a silencer after October 22, 2015, may receive a refund of such tax.
The bill amends the federal criminal code to preempt state or local laws that tax or regulate firearm silencers.

In the US Government though, when you buy a muffler for your car, you do not get charged an additional 200 dollars by the IRS in a tax. In firearms, Americans are instead infringed upon in being levied a tax, and that is what Jeff Hunter is attempting to stop.

Every person will still have to file the BATFE paperwork, go through a background check, because for some gun control reason of the cartel, a gun muffler is called a firearm. It is ridiculous like calling your muffler a car, but that is the reality. It does mean though that law abiding Citizens are still going to be checked for these suppressors to save their hearing, and there are serial numbers on the suppressors, so nothing changes, except this huge tax.

For recreational shooting the suppressors are a necessity, especially in indoor ranges with handguns which are extremely loud. For hunting, this suppressor, while still registering in a peak blip as a jet engine, it saves a persons hearing which is something everyone can agree on considering the cost of health care and hearing aides.

As a side note in this, a study was found in World War II Veterans, that the hearing of the farmers who went off to war, was actually less damaged than the farm kids who stayed on the farm listening to B John Deere's, H Farmalls and Fords, which did have mufflers, but the constant damage inflicted upon the later entire Baby Boomer generation is a reality, which can be remedied on shooting ranges with the Jeff Duncan suppressor legislation.

It is a start, and States like Iowa have already been moving on pro suppressor legislation, which is one more step in taking America back.

This is posted so that you can phone or write your Representatives and Senators to gain sponsorship and move a Senator to introduce a like bill in the Senate.

Rep. Duncan, on Gun Talk, stated that this might still be a 1 to 2 year process, as he needs more sponsors, and the more sponsors, the more quickly it will move through both houses where President Trump will sign it.

This type of legislation has to be scheduled to Ways and Means and Judiciary, because it involves revenue and Constitutional legalities. One must understand how hard it is to get rights back once they are obliterated.

There are fine Patriots like Rep. Duncan moving for Americans and his type of legislation is not going to be covered, but what will be covered is the California style gun grab by liberals in Washington State, which states that if someone steals your gun, commits a crime, that you are guilty of that crime, and not the criminal.

The time to increase the Trump wave is now, to generate numbers of these bills to take America back, in order for it to become common place for this type of pro gun, pro life and pro American legislation to appear on President Trump's desk to be signed into law, which is what we want, as with pro Trump courts, the laws will stand forever and no future Obama (God forbid) will be able to sign your rights away in an Executive Order.

There are currently 83 sponsors to this bill, and it is your responsibility to get your representative on this list if they are not already involved.

Nuff Said



Saving Chelsea's Privates

Democrats Spar Over Leadership...

PAPER: Chelsea Clinton Last ThingParty Needs...

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was afraid that it would come to this, in America witnessing the suave, sophisticated and gorgeous Ivanka Trump, that democrats would immediately push ugly Chelsea Clinton to the side in a coup, as Americans are just crooked out over the Clintons and their lies.

Look, when you look at the Clinton's you are looking at the white people who politically birthed the black folk in Barack Hussein Obama which destroyed America, and Chelsea being a bitch weed at the Clinton Foundation espousing a semblance of a soul, just does not put it over the top.

For that reason, the Lame Cherry, always seeking to help all lame ducks and down and outers, has this advice for the Chelsea at heart. The Lame Cherry says, "Run Chelsea Run", do not be run out of the leadership your parents raped and whored for. Fight for it Chelsea, and here is how you do it.

See the thing is the Chelsea brand can never compete with the Ivanka brand. It is ugly to pretty, it is chaos to serenity, it is horse face to kitty cat. Mind you horses have pretty faces, but are not meant to be on women like Muchelle Obama and Chelsea Clinton.

So the advice of the Lame Cherry is we got to rebrand Chelsea Clinton. She aint ever gonna be  pretty and she aint ever gonna be someone people will vote for, so we got to Lame Cherry rebrand Chelsea.

The first thing the Lame Cherry advises Chelsea Clinton is for her to find a lesbian, a small, ugly and butch cut one she is sure to be able beat up, and Chelsea Clinton needs to beat that lezbo up. She needs to drag her out of the bar, into the mean streets and throw down on that dyke. Rip her shirt off, kick her, thrown some nice jabs and when she is done, make certain CNN is recording and shout out:

"You Goddamned lesbians, I hate all your kind as you walk around like cocks in pretending to be men, when Chelsea Clinton is all woman and I don't need a cock or balls to get things done!"

Next Chelsea Clinton gets invited on Anderson Cooper and when Anderson gets fag on her being girly, Chelsea pulls out her taser and blasts the queer, gets on him and slaps him around and calls out:

"You Goddamned faggots, my ovaries got more balls than you, and I can feel this pansy's cock swelling because he wants a real woman, but like all you queers I hate your pathetic search to be women!"

 With that done, Chelsea Clinton starts buying guns, buys and RV, shoots bullets at the Sean Hannity moon and blows through Gordon Duff Ohio where it is sport to touch a few rounds off at Mosques.
Chelsea Clinton then stops at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, gets out, slaps every reporter she sees with a soaked pad and announces:

"My father was a rapist. He should have had his balls cut off.  My mother is a rapist and I should have been aborted at birth. I am Webb Hubbell's biological daughter, and us Hubbells do it different. I would shove that Hillary Clinton reset button up her ass and sell that Goddamned Muslim Huma Abedin to Yemeni terrorists for the flat backer whore she is!"

Next Chelsea Clinton appears in Texas, with her own Class III automatic Ma Deuce 50 caliber BMG bolted to the roof of her RV, and she opens up on the border on all those wetbacks and says:

"I hate you Goddamned beaners. I don't need no Trump Wall, as we got Chelsea's Curtain of Lead. I love the sight of dead Mexicans bloating in the sun!!!"

Yes this is Chelsea Clinton rebranded.

Chelsea Hubbell next announces:

I am taking back my birth name of Hubbell.

I am taking back my Democratic Party.

I am going to make Trump America Great Again, and then I am not going to burn my bra, but burn traitors at the stake!!!

This is how Chelsea Clinton does business. She goes leather and laces those whining snowflakes with lead. She terrorizes terrorists. She orders law and order. She puts the gay back into the closet and she puts the Putin into Clinton.

Chelsea Clinton attends the San Diego zoo, and just does not pet the lion, she whips out her tit and suckles a baby mountain gorilla. When  PETA appears protesting, she gets on a Ringling elephants and chases PETA into the sea. When some liberal mouths off to Chelsea Hubbell, she gets on her horse, lassos the son of a bitch and in Chelsea Court Law West of the Mississippi she gives the rat bastard a lamp post for a necktie.

Chelsea Clinton has a great political future ahead of her, if she just gets out of the granite gulag of New York and goes west, and unleashes her inner ovaries. She needs to go to the whip on the coddled queer, Muslim and green. She needs to the woman that Vladimir Putin could never be. She needs to be Chelsea Hubbell Law and Order, and she needs to lay down the law and put her orders into play.

So what if the police state tries to indict Chelsea. A little of that never hurt Adolf Hitler or Bill Ayers one bit, nor either of her parents. She needs some ovary brawn and she must make those snowfreaks cry. She needs to make those liberals fear her like they did LBJ.

That is the spot on advice for Chelsea Clinton. She needs to make the Chelsea brand burned into the American psyche, and when the time comes she needs to knock down the #NeverTrump and take a piss on their faces on the sidewalk. No one messes with Chelsea Clinton as come Monday morning she begins training with Chuck Norris and Sean Hannity, her new drinking buddies, because Chelsea Clinton only hangs around with real men.

No one messes with Chelsea Clinton!!!

Nuff Said
