Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Trump Bog

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the remarks of the Trump children in Don, Eric, and Ivanka, that Trump supporters are  bad for the Trump brand, and they needed to make the old man liberal, so they could profit, this Trump White House is become nothing but undo influence and nepotism.

It is in this that President Trump has discovered a new way to manifest more distrust in his latest "fixer" in Michael Dubke has announced that the White House logs in who was visiting the West Wing Cabal are not going to be released to the public.

Dubke offers bogus excuses and makes a claim that so many other things have been done:

"By instituting historic restrictions on lobbying to close the revolving door, expanding and elevating ethics within the White House Counsel's office, and opening the White House press briefing room to media outlets that otherwise cannot gain access, the Trump administration has broken new ground in ensuring our government is both ethical and accessible to the American people," Dubke said.

But Americans are more interested in what Donald Trump is doing and with whom now as trust has been broken. Who are on  those logs? More Chicom bag men with 400 million dollar bribes for Jared Kushner or perhaps as was discovered in Trump Trans that Jared Kushner had a meeting with a Russian bankster who was on the government's no deal list.

Americans who put Donald Trump into office by God's Grace deserve to know who the West Wing Cabal is plotting with against them. 

The District of Columbia was a swamp that was drained, and it became a corrupt political swamp again, and unfortunately a large bog has appeared at 1600 Kushner Avenue. If people do not want their names on a list, then stay the hell out of the White House, and if it is a secret meeting, then that is what the CIA and FBI have buildings for. There needs to be checks and balances in it hard for the West Wing to bring in a hooker for a nooner or to ward off the temptation of making a Wall Street deal in some quid pro quo.

As Michael Dubke wants this list hidden, I then want it posted online as the Obama regime was forced to record and reveal all who enter the White House.

As President Trump is hiring only fingers to stick in the few holes trying to drain the swamp, it is time that the Trump Bog gets drained. This is more horrid counsel from the Trump advisors and one more bad leadership decision from Donald Trump.

I will repeat that none of this crap would have happened if Pat Buchanan had this run by him and was troubleshooting.

Nuff Said



The Donnie Do List

Lauren Southern 2 (cropped).jpg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was just reading of the Berkley riots and my one thought was, "Don't these people have something to do?".

It is sort of the weekend of Jesus having no greater love for mankind than laying down His Life, in complete obedience to the Heavenly Father to save all those who acknowledge Him as Lord and repent of their rebellion against God.

In reading the article, I came across the name of Lauren Southern, and I thought, "Ok who is this..." So I looked her up and she is a Canadian blonde who lives in Toronto now. I thought Canadians had their own country or something was up there to keep, like the Arctic Ocean from washing away the oil in North Dakota, but whatever is up there from Nathan Fillion taking American money and jobs and spouting off about American politics, there just seems to be something missing in Canada, or they think they can come down to American and raise hell like Americans, before going home and saying things like "eh" every few moments.

In writing this blog, I see a great deal of traffic in foreigners wanting to be involved in the American realty of Ivanka TV.  I can not fathom why as you can get America in any Irish pub on a weeknight in loud mouths and fists flying, but no one goes to Ireland or wants to be Irish unless they can get plastered guzzling green beer and then regret the rest of the year having green puke carpet stains in your car and shitter.

So Americans now are acting like shit again, like when the French were pissing around in American politics stirring up the masses to start a war against England for France. Is probably fitting in America is now trying to start four nuclear wars with Russia, Iran, China and North Korea all at the same time. I will say this that Trump's casino days in New Jersey, certainly taught him to play the odds, in you are bound to start a nuclear war with 4 chances on the bet.

The thing is I hear people saying Donald Trump has done a great deal in his first 100 days. All I see is he pissed off all of his supporters in being IVANKUCKED. Odd how that little Laura Southern is hot for Donald Trump  and Donald's bottle blonde daughter is hot for that fag Justin Trudeau of Canada as Jew cock Jared is not enough for her.

As I started reading all of this in the British press in Katie Perry buying like a 20 million dollar shack not worth a hundred thousand, I noticed that Donald Trump is going to London to see the Queen like Pussycat Pussycat.
Wouldn't it be a kick if he grabbed old Liz in the puss and it better be Liz, because if it was Camilla, her thang would probably bite his hand off.

He is said to have demanded the royal welcome include a procession to the palace in a gold-plated carriage, which will cause a huge security headache

Thing is the President is demanding the gold coach carriage ride. I do not quite get that security risk to ride a few ponies to go see Liz. I could understand it with Queen Kate, but that loaf head husband is always  around standing around like a toaster oven or Jared Kushner, so what is the point in going.
Actually for me it would be interesting to drive the coach, through the crowd of protesters, whipping them, driving up to whatever castle Liz owns, and then go hunting for some birds and stag.

Which brings me to the point in this, in I do not mind the President down to Mar Largo every weekend.  I would be someplace nice, but it allows time for Melania and Baron, and that I like. The point though is I think it is time Americans take the keys away from Air Force One until the President actually does something. I mean something that actually accomplishes something for his voters and not all this crumb candy like riding around in gold coaches.

The President should be keeping his word on them Mexican rapists being kicked out of America......he made and issue of that Navy guy who is in jail for doing nothing, so why not pardon all them military people screwed over by the military.

Maybe what it should be is something like Donald Trump gets a "Donnie Do List" from ........I don't know as I really do not trust any one any more, as it seems they are all sell outs or MOGs, but say the President got a Donnie Do List from me. I would email it to him for Monday morning, like three things he had to get done, or I take the keys away from Air Force One, and he has to instead do some shitty job all weekend like ........well  writing wonderful blog posts that rich people won't donate to.

The Donnie Do List would be something like:

Pardon Kristian Saucier

Then the President would send like John McCain to Syria to fight a duel with President Assad in like a joust and who lived, gets to keep Syria with all American support. I know McCain would probably break in two while the horse was running, but that is the point, in it is time to make the warmongers fight it out and let the regular folks live this time around.

The third thing, how about keeping your word to that Mother, Brenda Sparks whose kid was murdered by Mexicans in getting the Mexicans out of DACA Dodge.

He gets that done, and he gets the keys to Air Force One for the weekend, and we work on the other things like Special Session for Congress to get them to pass real health care, tax relief and a jobs package.


Kim Jong Un Wins By Losing

Kim Jong-un was noticeably relaxed and appeared happy as he attended the 'Day of the Sun' military parade in Kim Il Sung square - which celebrates his grandfather - the founder of North Korea

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So Kim Jong Un's missile blew up, and it does not matter as the inept mind celebrates, because at this point President Donald Trump has traded away America to China, and a nuclear war with Russia, as he has placed the integrity of his presidency on the reality of starting a nuclear war in Asia over a man whose missiles are no threat at all.

You do get this in understanding this, in President Trump is embroiled in a fake intelligence chemical weapon's fiasco in Syria and now has Japanese and South Koreans terrified of dying over his policy, as the Trump base in in open rebellion, as millions more dollars are wasted on a carrier deployment, which looks like America is afraid of a man who is not a threat at all.

The worst thing in the world was this missile blew up. So if Trump hackers blew it up, Kim blew it up for this outcome, or it was an act of God, Donald Trump looks like he is boxing at shadows, and Kim Jong Un came out on top, as it looks like the world powers are picking on him.
It is worst of all in the propaganda press that they are showing what fools they are in not realizing they do no understand that Kim Jong Un looking weak, begins to seed into people's  minds that this is another Trump dangerous over reaction.

The best possibility in this situation was for his missile to have hit some city in  Canada, Japan or the American lower 48, and that way it would cemented the warnings of Prophet Trump.

Kim has accused President Donald Trump of provoking his nation towards armed conflict with a series of increasingly aggressive moves, including sending the USS Carl Vinson to the Korean peninsula.
It does not matter the reason in luck or human folly in this missile, as in the long run Kim Jong Un won this round, and when North Koreans begin starving this winter because Donald Trump got China to cut off oil supply so farmers there could not plant and exchange for China dumping steel into America so American steelworkers lose their jobs and blame Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un wins again in world perception.

This was extremely poor deployment and counsel again not serving the President. It did not help in the CIA propaganda machine in the New York Times was planting stories that it could hack Kim's missiles and blow them up.

Trump Inherits a Secret Cyberwar Against North Korean Missiles

If all it takes is an algorithm from Jared Kushner, then what are all those Americans on ships being put into jeopardy for?

It is not Kim's missile which failed. It was the President of the United States failing twice in less than two weeks, to miniature powers, and China and Russia trumping Donald Trump.


President Trump's Incomplete Intelligence Assessments

China issues stern warning...
Trump loves big show of military force...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All credit for this interesting postulation arises in the fondness of Tim Rifat for promoting the use of Cobalt 60 as a cleansing agent of all things filled with sap and blood in the art of warfare.

It is well known that detonating a hydrogen bomb of any size, in a volume of cobalt 59, converts it to cobalt 60, which will kill humans for 5 years before it's half life expires.

The thing is Mr. Rifat, mentioned a scenario of plumes of rockets over South Korea and perhaps Alaska or lower 48 cities, in which no nuclear detonation occurred, but instead dust was produced much to the consternation of the strange North Korean salvo.
The point being that North Korea could load a dust bomb on a warhead and in that fine lethal radioactive dust contaminate the area, the people, and the people would carry from that area, contaminating all until they fell over rotted dead.

The American analysts have a great love of their genius in dismissing things like North Korean firepower in the tens of thousands of artillery pieces which could launch 500,000 rounds on Seoul in a half hour. The always experts like to state that this could not level Seoul in making it Dresden, but then again incendiaries did a ripping good job from B 29's in Tokyo and the British did a great holocaust in Dresden.

North Korea's most threatening weapons are its 170 mm Koksan artillery guns, which are 14 meters long and can shoot conventional mortar ammunition 40 kilometers (25 miles). That's not quite enough to reach Seoul, which is 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the DMZ. But if they use rocket-assisted projectiles, the range increases to about 60 kilometers (37 miles). Chemical weapons fired from these guns could cause even greater mayhem.
North Korea experts Victor Cha and David Kang posted on the website of Foreign Policy magazine late last month that the North can fire 500,000 rounds of artillery on Seoul in the first hour of a conflict.

Fire is as lethal of weapon as any explosive, and a radioactive dust is as lethal as any atomic detonation.

North Korea has a nuclear reactor to produce cobalt 60, but what if it did not require cobalt 60, or perhaps the North Koreans might have put in metal dust into their reactor, and create a devil of problem all through South Korea, Japan and the United States.
Here is an example of what a little radioactivity will accomplish as found on Wiki.

  • December 1983 – Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. A local resident salvaged materials from a discarded radiation therapy machine containing 6,010 pellets of cobalt-60. The transport of the material led to severe contamination of his truck. When the truck was scrapped, it in turn contaminated another 5,000 metric tonnes of steel to an estimated 300 Ci (11 TBq) of activity. This steel was used to manufacture kitchen and restaurant table legs and rebar, some of which was shipped to the U.S. and Canada. The incident was discovered months later when a truck delivered contaminated steel building materials to the Los Alamos National Laboratory drove into the facility through a radiation monitoring station intended to spot radiation leaving the facility. Contamination was later measured on roads used to transport the original damaged radiation source. Some pellets were actually found embedded in the roadway. In the state of Sinaloa, 109 houses were condemned due to use of contaminated building material. This incident prompted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Customs Service to install radiation detection equipment at all major border crossings.
  • September 1987 – Goiânia accident in Brazil; four people died from caesium radiation poisoning during their search for scrap metal, and 249 other people had significant radiation exposure.

What if North Korea augmented their own production of lethal metals, but what if they have been busy for years acquiring various nuclear wastes and loading them into artillery shells. What if the Tim Rifat scenario has been initiated, how does a scorched South Korea, Japan and parts of America fit into this war scenario?

What is the White House going to respond with, a nuclear penetration bomb killing a million Pyongyang tunnel dwellers or would the pictures of millions of South Koreans and Japanese bleeding from radioactive poisoning, as tens of thousands of American Soldiers are dying in the same scenario, as what happens to American public opinion with several American cities dying from the same effects and trillions of dollars in clean up?

See the always experts always are so certain about their victories, but what happens if it is dirty dust bombs, and the only American retaliation is scorching the bunkers of Pyongyang, and Kim Jong Un and the leadership surviving, and America can not land a search force, because the North is radioactive too.

As no one has discussed this scenario in print, nor has it been mentioned by the war experts in the White House and outside in the intelligence community, perhaps as it surprises you, it might surprise the experts and they will not have an answer.......and it would be proper to actually ask the American leadership of this before all of us get a surprise in a type of warfare that only Tim Rifat seems to enjoy lecturing about.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....and it is rather a reality that the Trump security briefers brandishing their big sticks have not informed the President of a scenario which has not been thought of.
What does America do with dirty bombs polluting entire cities and contaminating a hundred thousand Americans Soldiers? It is a bit impossible to bomb the Pyongyang bunker to submission, without looking murderous and the world would probably judge Mr. Trump harshly in that scenario, along with a scenario where he caused the nuclear pollution of South Korea, Japan and parts of America, for which he will be blamed and if he responds conventional it is worthless murder and if he responds nuclear it is worthless murder.

President Donald Trump sincerely needs more than Kushner cabal and Neocons producing a North Korean policy where the Pentagon is ready to break things again which will in this case have the opportunity to break the world and shatter the United States.
The President could have the most hollow of victories by losing the first and last nuclear war America is ever involved in.
The President is receiving unsound counsel.

GORKA: I think what you saw happen today is an incredibly important and incredibly positive development. We know that this murderous regime has sponsors. One of the most important sponsors is Moscow. Right now, I can tell you inside the Kremlin, they're making a very simple calculation. How much longer should we support Assad in Damascus because it may reach a point where it is no longer in Vladimir Putin's interests to do so. And I think that's why his government met with our representatives.

GORKA: I interpret that one of the most significant geostrategic nations in the world is also drawing the right conclusions about the fact that America is back and America is leading. We're not interested in being global cop. We're not going to be the world's policeman. But there are standards that we insist on.


Headlines from the Shrouded of Saturday

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

These Drudge headlines discern the world of 1600 Penn.

Trump to Speak at NRA Forum...

Generals Given Free Rein on ISIS Fight...

When you are in trouble with your base, you visit the gun owners to remind the military that you are in charge when they are mocking you as President of the Golf Course. Mocking Ronald Reagan in 2016 and then propping up his corpse from 1983, is not a projection of strength.
More New York Valued, chew on this bone you redneck peckerwoods who are bad for the Trump brand while I dine on steak with the Trumpenfuror and Dummkopf.

Ahmadinejad sees no threat from USA...

Cannot harm powerful Iran...

So  there are logistics of a major terror attack, which Iran is a part of, and does not want to be blamed as they have that Obama nuke treaty......probably be salted with Kim Jong Un fuel.

FAKEBOOK 'Authentic' Users Questioned Over Bot Purge...

Millions of USA TODAY 'likes' vanish...

The intelligence community and Mercer codex who were screwed out billions in Obama's Facebook NSA money dump, are now not going to allow Zuckerberg to money skim off of fake bot traffic to the CIA media sites.

Battle intensifies between CIA, WIKILEAKS...

As reported on the Lame Cherry but not inquired upon, logic dictates that Julian Assange will be dead or rotting in a Gitmo prison within a year.

Americans have stopped moving...

The American Dream is dead. Psychologically Americans are no longer capable of lying to themselves that go west young man will bring them prosperity. Americans have concluded there is no fleeing an Obama gulag with a Trump warden.

See the headlines are telling you exactly what is the classified information in trends and predicting what is the future that is building.

Oh and that was not a wrong headline, as the intent is to start this war, and everyone is conditioned now to World War IV beginning in no longer resisting it in their psyche.

I don't suppose the Kushner brothel figured that China would turn on them after pimping Ivanka.


1600 Kushner Avenue

 Yes I'm Ivanka's Smart Daddy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us just do away with rights, with the expectations of elections in voting for Donald Trump, and instead just meekly follow along the pavement no more of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in State's Rights, but rename it as it should in the kingdom that inhabits the earth, in the namesake of 1600 Kushner Avenue.

We no longer need Republican, Nationalist, Libertarian, Democrat, for we have intrigue instead of Bush family, Clinton family, and the hosts of coup plotters who have devoured the familiar line, in America has her own king and queen in Jared and Ivanka, with privy counsel of all the Cassius machinations in nation rapists denuding the cloth of the land, in the form of that great brain as Donald Trump has none, in Gary Cohn.

You may well remember the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter broke the story of that sidler Mike Pence joining hips at the Super Bowl with Bush man, James Baker, and immediately being ushered into the White House with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump seated there espousing the same idea that America needed an Obama Carbon Tax.

Yes the same scheme which is the biggest swindle since derivatives in it would cost America her economic life and become a 3rd world slave state, as trillions would be stolen from Americans and it would wipe out the Trump recovery forever.

Guess who is the genius rising in Kushner power to replace Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus, forever ridding the Trump White House of any representation of voters, yes it is the same liberal democrat, Gary Cohn of New York value, who is bending President Trump's ear to implementing the cartel carbon tax to enslave America.

People who have met with Cohn in his new role said they weren’t aware of what his ideology was. He just seemed driven to forge agreements.
That philosophy has led Cohn to show enthusiasm for ideas such as a new tax on carbon — a Democrat-friendly idea which would raise revenue to ease tax reform, a top presidential priority, while also helping to curb carbon emissions. The idea is ridiculed by many conservatives on Capitol Hill, and the White House rapidly distanced itself last week after word leaked that senior officials were studying the concept.

Yes as the quote below reveals, the Kushner Avenue is a place now, where we have the like minded fellow travelers, the fifth column, the kusher commissars, ready to start world war with Russia, while bowing to the rapine of a Peking planet, all to get their filthy 30 pieces of silver and their pound of Shylock flesh from the American who can not pay the loan shark rates.

Let us though reward China whose air one can shovel, and whose debris covers America with radioactive coal cinder and toxins in jet stream winds killing Americans because Gary Cohn, Jared  Kushner, Barack Obama, George Bush and Hillary Clinton demand this rationed death to Americans, in case Kushnercare does not genocide Americans.

The growing strength of Cohn and like-minded moderates was on display this week as Trump reversed himself on several high-profile issues — including a less confrontational approach to China, an endorsement of government subsidies for exports and the current leadership of the Federal Reserve. The president’s new positions move him much closer to the views of Cohn and others on Wall Street, not to mention mainstream Republicans and Democrats.
It was the clearest sign yet that an alliance of moderates in the White House — including Cohn; senior adviser Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law; and another influential Goldman Sachs alumna, Dina Powell — is racking up successes in a battle over ideology and control with hardcore conservatives led by chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon

How very good it is to be King Jared and Queen Ivanka, when daddy is beheading his loyalists and Christians so the Trumpenfuror of Ivanka who has Ivankucked Donald Trump to usurp his power can rule unencumbered.

But wait, what light through yonder window breaks? Tis the luciferian intelligence of Gary Cohn illuminating the black hole of Trump thought, with not just taxing Americans to death, not just handing the world over to China, but Gary Cohn is now going to do more fixing for President Trump, and this time it is the nation's airlines.

One exception came last week, when — during a gathering of chief executives — he went into great detail about how the U.S. air-traffic-control system needed to be reworked.
He quickly moved through a technical discussion on why the United States should scrap its land-based radar system and adopt a global-positioning system, suggesting he had already devoted time to the topic. He said their approach would save 25 percent of the jet fuel consumed each year.
“We are going to cut flight times down fairly dramatically,” he told the executives. “We are going to cut the experience down. We are going to cut tarmac time down.”

Yes let us by all means yield as President Trump to the genius of Gary Cohn and save 25% in fuel consumption in switching to satellites in GPS, that way in solar storm, meteor debris or Russian hacking or Chicom satellite destroyers, America can save in a national emergency 100% in fuel savings, as all of the American jets will have crashed in losing GPS and if any survive none will be able to fly as America has no longer any ground radar, due to the genius of Gary Cohn.

Seriously Mr. President, this is the poltroon who bends your ear? What will he discover next? That the world is flat and we need no flight, but just to jump in the air and the earth's movement will travel us from New York to Los Angeles?

Nom de Deus, this is the Kushner fool that the Jared Jester has brought to court a knave whose lack of hair has left his brain unprotected from the onslaught of heat and cold.

The naked Trump is clothed in the fool of Kushner and the diadem of the knave.

Mr. President are you going to return to being serious with real advisers which you are void of or are we all going to be subject to this WWE ring show where the Undertaker appears to be the only one who knows what he is doing in running for Mayor.

Nuff Said
