Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Hot Summer of 2017 AD in the year of our Lord

Keep importing this raging 3rd world vermin there Mr. President


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What you witness before you in the do nothing Congress, the President under siege and these endless protests are the Soros funded globalists setting the stage for an American Civil War as was engineered in 1861 or an America perceived by the world as in 1941 to be divided and easily conquered.

Marches Against 'Sharia Law' Nationwide...
At location of San Bernardino terror attack...
'We will not yield to Islamic exceptionalism'...
Denounced by civil rights groups...
TENSE: Police stand between anti-Sharia, counter protesters...
Face Off...

It simply is the reality, so do not be drawn into the emotional turmoil. Stand back, stay calm, trust in the Lord, behave yourselves to not be target and let this mutton audition for the blow fly locker, as there is no sense in getting worked up over their staged anarchy and patriot protests. Let them die for their cause and you stay alive.

Nuff Said


Women's Rights Set Back 5000 Years

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the voice for Women's Rights, the Lame Cherry is aghast over the absolute non performance which these cartel clique of global feminist leaders in their absolute failures as heads of state. For they have set back Women's Rights 5000 years, for every one of them are linked to one main point and that is a Muslim Rape Cock intruding on the Vagina of a Caucasian Woman.

Look at the disaster of Theresa May, in she can not even betray Conservatives in ruining a landslide victory to stop Brexit without portraying herself as the champion of Muslim rape and murder in England. Yes May was successful in submarining British Nationalism, but she is even more pathetic than the pig ejaculator sodomite David Cameron, trailing around behind Obama like the pocket whore in prison.

Then there is the American lesion, that cancerous Hillary Clinton who liberals just want to go away and her festering VD keeps popping up at that time of the month. Look at her fiasco in she could not even steal an election with Obama and Lynch in charge of everything and allied with Bush fam in a coup against Donald Trump.
Her main focus is she won the election, which she did not, and which James Comey just blew out of the water in in his weirdo Congressional testimony calling the Clinton's crooks again.
Hillary is the face of Bill Clinton, Muslim and Mexican rape cock. She leads a group of crazy females who are either whimpering like children or ranting about their nasty menstruation crotches. 

And what of this faggot Marcron, the product of Pedo Boy to his cougar child molesting wife, as he picks fights with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, just in time for another terror attack in Paris, with more Muslim Rape Cock.
Yes Pedo Boy Marcon is not just the face of French perversion, but the face of a cunt licker to an old pedo slut and the face of Muslim Rape Cock in France.

Lastly in this cast of vulva disasters is the Mad Frau Cow, Angela Merkel. Her entire policy is to revisit the Russian rape cock in Germany, but in this era to make it Muslim Rape Cock to German Boys and Girls, and force Germans to pay for the pleasure.

In the history of the world, RAPE was the taboo which males stood against to protect women and children, so they would not have to raise out of control sexed up bastards or deal with psycho children who had been raped. RAPE was the thing women stood against because having psycho children raped did not make for balanced caretakers when you were old, and being forced to raise bastards on you own did not make for a long life as someone had to pull the plough.
Yet in Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Emmy Macron and Angela Merkel, the leadership of the feminine world has set the Mosiac Laws of protection of Society back 5000 years, to where the Nimrod cult raped the weak, prostituted the masses and burned the children. This is the modern Obama Discivilization, a completely corrupt and sick ailment of society and it is coming from the very feminine attributes who are supposed to be nurturing culture.

Will the masses ever trust women again in elected office? May appears completely incompetent. Clinton is deranged. Macron is pathetic and Merkel is just creepy in being the German matron holding the little children down and telling them they will enjoy being ass fucked.

Nom de Deus, this is society revisited in the worst feudalistic predatory abuse of humankind, and the worst manifestation in this, is nations are so mind raped now in conditioned that there is not a chorus of marching in the street reinstating the fact that these female leaders are a sexual disease upon the world body politic.

This is wrong. This is beastly wrong, and why is it the Lame Cherry is the only voice reminding the past memories of a civilized time, that humans are never to be treated this way, and that governments are never to be advocates for Rape Regime.

Women's Rights have been set back 5000 years.

Nuff Said



Als eine andere Lame Cherry exklusiv in Materie Anti-Materie.

Als die Stimme für die Rechte der Frauen ist die Lame Cherry über die absolute Nicht-Leistung, die diese Kartell-Clique der globalen feministischen Führer in ihren absoluten Misserfolgen als Staatsoberhäupter, Denn sie haben die Rechte der Frauen 5000 Jahre zurückgesetzt, denn jeder von ihnen ist mit einem Hauptpunkt verbunden und das ist ein muslimischer Rapshahn, der auf die Vagina einer kaukasischen Frau eindringt.

Schauen Sie sich die Katastrophe von Theresa Mai an, denn sie kann die Konservativen nicht einmal verraten, einen Erdrutschsieg zu verderben, um Brexit zu stoppen, ohne sich als Meister der muslimischen Vergewaltigung und des Mordes in England zu bezeichnen. Ja, vielleicht war es gelungen, den britischen Nationalismus zu unterwerfen, aber sie ist noch pathetischer als der Schweine-Ejaculator-Sodomit David Cameron, der hinter Obama wie die Pocket-Hure im Gefängnis herumlief.

Dann gibt es die amerikanische Läsion, dass Krebs Hillary Clinton, die Liberale wollen einfach nur weg und ihre eiternde VD hält auftauchen zu dieser Zeit des Monats. Schauen Sie sich ihre Fiasko in sie konnte nicht einmal stehlen eine Wahl mit Obama und Lynch verantwortlich für alles und verbündet mit Bush Fam in einem Coup gegen Donald Trump.
Ihr Hauptfokus ist, dass sie die Wahl gewann, was sie nicht tat, und die James Comey nur aus dem Wasser in seinem weirdo Congressional Zeugnis, das die Clinton's Gauner wieder nennt, blies.
Hillary ist das Gesicht von Bill Clinton, muslimischen und mexikanischen Raps. Sie führt eine Gruppe von verrückten Weibchen, die entweder wie Kinder wimmern oder über ihre bösen Menstruationsstreicher schimpfen.

Und was von diesem fagot Marcron, das Produkt von Pedo Boy zu seinem Cougar-Kind, das die Frau belästigt, wie er mit Donald Trump und Vladimir Putin Kämpfe holt, gerade rechtzeitig für einen weiteren Terrorangriff in Paris mit mehr muslimischem Rapshahn.
Ja, Pedo Boy Marcon ist nicht nur das Gesicht der französischen Perversion, sondern das Gesicht einer Fotze, die an eine alte Schlampe und das Gesicht des muslimischen Rapshahns in Frankreich leckt.

Schließlich ist in dieser Besetzung von Vulva-Katastrophen die Mad-Frau-Kuh, Angela Merkel. Ihre gesamte Politik ist es, den russischen Rapshahn in Deutschland zu besuchen, aber in dieser Ära, um es muslimischen Rapshahn zu deutschen Jungen und Mädchen zu machen und die Deutschen zu zwingen, das Vergnügen zu bezahlen.

In der Geschichte der Welt war RAPE das Tabu, mit dem Männer zum Schutz von Frauen und Kindern standen, also mussten sie nicht die Kontrolle über die Bastarde erheben oder sich mit psychischen Kindern befassen, die vergewaltigt worden waren. RAPE war das Ding, mit dem Frauen verstanden wurden, weil sie mit psycho Kinder vergewaltigt wurden, nicht für ausgeglichene Hausmeister, als du alt warst und gezwungen war, Bastarde auf dich zu heben, machte nicht für ein langes Leben, da jemand den Pflug ziehen musste.
Doch in Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Emmy Macron und Angela Merkel, hat die Führung der weiblichen Welt die Mosiac Gesetze des Schutzes der Gesellschaft zurück 5000 Jahre gesetzt, wo der Nimrod-Kult die Schwachen vergewaltigt hat, die Massen prostituiert und die Kinder verbrannt hat. Das ist die moderne Obama-Zivilisation, eine völlig korrupte und kranke Krankheit der Gesellschaft, und sie kommt von den sehr weiblichen Attributen, die Kulturen pflegen sollen.

Werden die Massen jemals wieder Frauen im gewählten Amt vertrauen? Mai erscheint völlig inkompetent. Clinton ist gestört. Macron ist erbärmlich und Merkel ist einfach gruselig, wenn es die deutsche Matrone ist, die die kleinen Kinder niederschlägt und ihnen sagt, dass sie es geniessen, Arsch gefickt zu werden.

Nom de Deus, das ist die Gesellschaft, die im schlimmsten feudalistischen räuberischen Missbrauch der Menschheit wieder besucht wurde, und die schlimmste Manifestation in diesem, ist Nationen sind so vergewaltigt jetzt in konditioniert, dass es keinen Chor des Marschierens auf der Straße wiederherstellen die Tatsache, dass diese Frauen Führer sind eine sexuelle Krankheit auf der Welt Körper Politik.

Das ist falsch. Das ist schrecklich falsch, und warum ist es die Lame Cherry ist die einzige Stimme, die an die Erinnerungen der Vergangenheit erinnert an eine zivilisierte Zeit, dass die Menschen niemals so behandelt werden, und dass Regierungen niemals Befürworter für Rapsregime sind.

Die Rechte der Frauen sind seit 5000 Jahren zurückgestellt worden.

Nuff sagte


Comme une autre exclusive de Lame Cherry en matière anti matter.

En tant que voix pour les droits des femmes, la Lame Cherry est déshabillée par rapport à la non performance absolue que cette clique de cartel des leaders féministes mondiaux dans leurs échecs absolus en tant que chefs d'État. Car ils ont repris les droits des femmes 5000 ans, car chacun d'entre eux est lié à un point principal et c'est un coq de viol musulman qui s'inspire de la Vagine d'une femme de race blanche.

Regardez la catastrophe de Theresa May, elle ne peut même pas trahir les conservateurs en ruiner une victoire écrasante pour arrêter Brexit sans se décrire comme le champion du viol et du meurtre musulmans en Angleterre. Oui, mai a réussi à sous-marquer le nationalisme britannique, mais elle est encore plus pathétique que l'éjaculateur porcin sodomite David Cameron, derrière Derby comme la putain de poche en prison.

Ensuite, il y a la lésion américaine, cette cancéreuse Hillary Clinton dont les libéraux veulent juste partir et que son VD continue de croître à ce moment du mois. Regardez son fiasco, elle ne pouvait même pas voler une élection avec Obama et Lynch en charge de tout et allié avec Bush fam dans un coup d'Etat contre Donald Trump.
Son objectif principal est qu'elle a remporté l'élection, ce qu'elle n'a pas fait, et que James Comey a fait sauter de l'eau dans son témoignage de Congrès plus étrange qui a appelé les escrocs de Clinton à nouveau.
Hillary est le visage de Bill Clinton, coq de viol musulman et mexicain. Elle dirige un groupe de femmes folles qui pleurnichent comme des enfants ou se moquent de leurs indestructibles bretelles menstruelles.

Qu'en est-il de ce fagot Marcron, le produit de Pedo Boy à son épouse mécontente du puma, alors qu'il choisit des combats avec Donald Trump et Vladimir Poutine, juste à temps pour une autre attaque terroriste à Paris, avec plus de Chapeau de Violence musulmane.
Oui Pedo Boy Marcon n'est pas seulement le visage de la perversion française, mais le visage d'une chatte lèche une vieille salope et le visage de Muslim Rape Cock en France.

Enfin, dans cette distribution de catastrophes de vulve, Angula Merkel est la Mad Frau Cow. Toute sa politique consiste à revisiter le polisson russe en Allemagne, mais à cette époque pour faire du viol musulman à des garçons et des filles allemandes, et forcer les Allemands à payer le plaisir.

Dans l'histoire du monde, le RAPE était le tabou que les mâles s'opposaient pour protéger les femmes et les enfants, de sorte qu'ils n'avaient pas à se mettre hors de contrôle sexuellement des bâtards ou s'occuper de psycho enfants violés. RAPE était la chose contre laquelle les femmes se sont heurtées parce que les enfants psychopathes violés n'avaient pas fait de gardiens équilibrés lorsque vous étiez vieux et que vous étiez forcé d'élever des bâtards vous-même ne faisais pas une longue vie car quelqu'un devait tirer la charrue.
Pourtant, à Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Emmy Macron et Angela Merkel, la direction du monde féminin a établi les lois de la protection de la société Mosiac à 5000 ans, où le culte de Nimrod a violé les faibles, prostitué les masses et brûlé les enfants. C'est la Discivilisation moderne d'Obama, une maladie complètement corrompue et malade de la société et elle vient des attributs très féminins qui sont supposés entretenir la culture.

Est-ce que les masses auront toujours confiance aux femmes à nouveau au bureau élu? Cela semble totalement incompétent. Clinton est dérangée. Macron est pathétique et Merkel est simplement effrayante d'être la matrone allemande qui retient les petits enfants et leur dit qu'ils apprécieront d'être baisés.

Nom de Deus, c'est la société revisitée dans les pires abus prédateurs féodaux de l'humanité et la pire manifestation dans cette situation, les nations sont tellement violemes maintenant que dans la condition qu'il n'y a pas de chœur de marche dans la rue en rétablissant le fait que ces femmes Les dirigeants sont une maladie sexuelle sur le corps politique du monde.

C'est faux. Ceci est très faux, et pourquoi est-ce que la Lame Cherry est la seule voix qui rappelle les souvenirs passés d'un temps civilisé, que les humains ne doivent jamais être traités de cette façon et que les gouvernements ne doivent jamais être les défenseurs du régime de viol.

Les droits des femmes ont été ramenés 5000 ans.

Nuff a déclaré


Thank You Adam West

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry offers up it's sincere condolences to the family of Adam West, the legendary Batman, but invests this blog in thanks and praise for Mr. West.

For myself, there will always only be one Batman, and that is Adam West, in his patriotic, wholesome and genuine good nature portrayed by Adam West, who was a brilliant actor in that starring role, he was born for.
I have nothing but contempt for the last phase batman's which are all disgustingly dark, have no humor, and teach absolutely nothing in their blackness.

Adam West as Bruce Wayne was American Virtue. Here was a wealthy man, who took it upon himself to invest his fortune and himself in protecting the public from criminals, in his blue costume and can do actions. The later batman's were all psychotic, shattered creatures, brooding in a sociopathic nature, as they were meant to make society as dark as the CIA globalists intended.

What pleases me is Adam West in dying at 88, was able to embrace the character he brought to life, as he was not cast for other characters. He was able to be loved by the millions of fans who adored him and his wholesome character who always conducted himself the right moral way.
It has always mystified me how writers like Josh Wheedon create characters and once they are rich, kill them off and the series in contempt that people love the script more than them. It saddens me that someone as complete as Tina Louise, detested her being stuck on Gilligan's Island when fans loved her. She thought she was being cut out of big Meryl Streep roles, but the fact is children will be mesmerized by Tina Louise a generation from now and Meryl Streep will be forgotten.

That is the thing in these actors like Adam West or Alan Hale, the Skipper from Gilligan's Island. They recognized the devotion the fans had to them, because they touched them in their most intimate spot and gave them joy, and those people just wanted to gush all that love back on the people who made them feel good in a bad world.
The Skipper used to wear his skipper hat in public to be recognized, as he strolled with his wife, and fans would swamp him, he would laugh his big laugh and give these children now adults the innocence which they longed for.

That is who Adam West was and is. He was a secure man who never tore down the monumental role he defined and created. He will be cherished and remembered like John Wayne a generation from now, while the Michael Keaton's, George Clooney's and Christian Bales are forgotten like the other Tom Hanks of the era, because none of them were genuine in giving back to the public that special connection which Adam West thrilled so many at.
One of the greatest cinematic crimes in history is not casting Adam West and the original Batman villains in the movies, in starring rolls and cameos, because none of them including Jack Nicholson and Jim Carey ever compared to those original genius performers. 

I just read about Burt Ward, who portrayed Robin, noting that West read his lines slow to take up air time from the other characters, but in that West was perfect, because in his slow measured cadence, it enhanced the Boy Wonder's epiphanies even more. It was the perfect mix of sounds to go with the POW, BAM and KERPLUNK of this genius series.

My favorite gimmick on the program was the perpetual climbing up a building, which was just the camera turned on it's side, as the Dynanmic Duo would plod along, talking and then speaking to people in their apartments. This was 1960 and that was the kind of innovation  that people had to create then and it produced one of the most enduring masterpieces of cinema.

I must prefer watching the 1970's CBS creations of Wonder Woman, the Incredible Hulk and Spider Man. They were wholesome and genuine and that came from the mould which Adam West laid. I can not remember the actor who portrayed the original Spider Man, but he was a genius as he actually looked like a spider in action on that same Batman flat screen set of crawling up buildings. That is all lost in the inadequate Tarzan swooping spider man of the modern era which has destroyed all the fun.

The West family will mourn and miss their beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather, but I hope it helps them to know millions of others miss Adam West too in all he was, and just like the college kids of the 1960's rushing home at night to watch Batman, there are still people who stop and watch Adam West and are so delighted and feel so good inside to be safe in Adam West's virtue as Bruce Wayne, in the same bat time, same bat channel and same bat station.

Thank you Adam West.


BATMAN ORIGINAL 60s TV THEME SONG. Skip navigation ... Batman Theme Song. - Duration: ... The Pink Panther Theme Song (Original Version) ...



It is time for Justice for LaVoy Finicum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In cleaning out my files, and matched with setting the time line for Donald Trump to be President, there is a story which the Lame Cherry neglected to post. In the light though of Robert Mueller being appointed to go after President Trump, and James Comey involved in a criminal plot against President Trump by Comey's own confessions with other fired Justice Department traitors, there is required in this a revisitation of Special Agent Gregory Bretzing, who coordinated and oversaw the murder of LaVoy Finicum, and has been railroading the Bundy group as political prisoners into life sentence imprisonment, as a warning to other Americans to shut up.  

The following is the actual official Police diagram and findings in the crime scene of where LaVoy Finicum was murdered.
If you need a refresher on this, there is in this official record the finding that numerous law enforcement were around the Finicum body, and that his belongings were tossed out on the snow, as his clothing was rifled.

This is the investigative crime scene  and to make this easy, I red lined the pertinent fact.

To refresh your memories in this event, you will recall that the FBI and their trolls on media who cheered the death of Mr. Finicum, stated that Finicum reached for a gun. If you recall it was in his wasteband in the video as proof of his guilt and the innocense of those who fired at Mr. Finicum.

As the official finding of the FBI was that Mr. Finicum was reaching for his lower extremity hip region, then how in this world did a 9 mm pistol end up in his LEFT FRONT BREAST POCKET.

The question for you to answer is, if you had a gun on your upper chest, then why would you be reaching for your hip?

The conclusion is that Mr. Finicum was not reaching for a weapon, or he might have been confused in he did this by reaction. As he did not ever produce a firearm, his memory certainly would have been clear in remembering he did not have a gun on his hip, and he would have then reached for his breast pocket, if he was attempting to draw fire or enter a gun fight.

One has to return to the official FBI media in Finicum was reaching for a gun on his hip, and therefore this was the reason law enforcement opened up on Mr. Finicum. A Mr. Finicum who had his hands raised in surrender, even to his death.
As Mr. Finicum never attempted to produce the weapon in his left breast pocket, it is the conclusion that he was foundering around in the deep snow, and to gain balance his hands dropped. He never was reaching for a gun, but as we must rely on the FBI account as the official account, it concludes that the gun was not anywhere near where the FBI stated, and in fact Mr. Finicum was surrendering, moving away from his vehicle which had been shot at in order to protect the women inside, and that concludes that the FBI conducted a primer shooting, in which they intended by firing to induce the Oregon State Police to fire at Mr. Finicum to murder him.
If one observes the coroner's report, this is listed a homicide, meaning a murder.

If one reviews the scenario of that day, the FBI set up an operation to flush Mr. Finicum, into a kill zone, and opened up on him. When Mr. Finicum exited his stuck vehicle, it was then the FBI agents on scene began firing at him and the occupants of the pick up.
This is a telling point in those agents have yet to be dealt with in this investigation, for they tampered with a crime scene and picked up their empty cases in a cover up, which is a major crime.
This was all overseen by Director James Comey, and no one is making him answer of the cover up in this monumental crime in protecting rogue agents in the FBI.

We know for certain according to official Oregon State Police reports that Mr. Finicum did not have a gun on his waist region. A gun though was found in his breast pocket. That concludes that Mr. Finicum was not reaching for a gun. It then brings the damning question of how long it was required for the crime scene investigators to appear at the murder scene, if someone having an "Oh Shit!!!" moment decided to plant a gun from the refuge on Mr. Finicum to make it a "righteous shooting".

This is a black and white damning situation. LaVoy Finicum was absolutely not reaching for a gun as to the FBI scenario. As he did not have a gun on his waist band, that infers he did not have a gun in his breast pocket, as Mr. Finicum appears to have deliberately as all the occupants disarmed themselves to meet with the Sheriff.
That again infers that someone planted a gun on Mr. Finicum.

In review of this case, the investigative unit of Oregon State Police was superb. They are the ones who immediately discovered something was not adding up to what the FBI was telling them on the record. While the OSP officers on scene appear to have been goaded into opening fire by the FBI as scapegoats, their debriefing point to them being honest in their reports of their shooting. That is what alerted the investigators that the FBI was lying to them.

We know for certain that evidence was removed by the FBI agents under Gregory Bretzing. We know that a cover up was conducted. We know that James Comey did not fire nor remove Mr. Bretzing for this criminal fiasco. In knowing those facts, there is a conclusion that when evidence was removed and destroyed, that evidence was planted, because we know for certain that the FBI manipulated the crime scene in order to point the finger at Oregon State Police.
In this, Special Agent Gregory Bretzing released a time line, which was much shorter than the official findings.

We have yet to discover who the mystery snipers were at the scene, reported to have emerged from the woods. It points to a Delta Force on scene which is a criminal violation, and again this falls to Gregory Bretzing who would have had to have James Comey sign off on this deployment of military to be used against American Civilians.

This official investigative report which is over a year old blew the FBI's propaganda in smearing LaVoy Finicum away. It has been known and no one has reported on that damning detail of where this mystery gun was found on the corpse.

Again for those who understand crime scene investigations, all firearms are secured immediately. They are not left on the body in the assumption some dead criminal will revive and start shooting officers.

As on returns to the diagram, the investigators noted that someone was throwing LaVoy Finicums personal objects in his hat, writing paper, pen, cell phone, reading glasses some distance from the body as if looking for something.
The search appears frantic and it was so intense that a bullet that had been in Mr. Finicum's body rolled out onto the snow, next to the body.
Yet that 9 mm was still in the front breast pocket, to be found there by investigators, which broke all protocols.

That concludes there was a panic on the scene in the group there knew that there was going to be a massive problem in an unarmed LaVoy Finicum. Again the official police reports from Oregon State Police, indicate that none of the shooting officers approached the body. That is was other officers, as the shooters were distancing themselves from the actions of taking a life.

What then appears is the FBI huddled and knew they had started a firefight with an unarmed Citizen. The FBI then began it's cover up in tampering with the crime scene. In this, there was an intense search of the Finicum corpse, after he had been left for some time to bleed out in the snow in no one checking on his condition, as his personal possessions were throwng from the body. Yet the undrawn and not reached for 9 mm was in his breast pocket. An investigator would conclude in that, that the firearm was planted on the body as it violated protocols of securing weapons, as there was a panic and those involved in this cover up, were not processing correctly and moved to the obvious conclusion.

In review of this, the investigators did a professional job. They noted evidence but not conclusions, which the prosecutors should have been aware of. The Oregon State Police performed as ordered, as they are trained to shoot Americans like all Law Enforcement is trained on the Israeli Defense Mode in using lethal force.

The problem returns to a rogue group which James Comey signed off on and protected, and that is the issue in this, as this has never been vetted or reviewed, as the trolls were sent out to smear LaVoy Finicum and shout down any examination of this case.

Any proper Justice Department official knowing that the FBI tampered with a crime scene, and viewing the evidence of strewn objects, but a gun is left on a corpse, which was supposed to be on the victim's waist band, would have red alerts going off like the 4th of July and be referred to an Internal Affairs investigation.

The last we have heard of this was in April of 2016, where this was all cloaked from public view and has left America in limbo, as Justice is not being administered.

Grand Jury Considers FBI's Use Of Force In LaVoy Finicum ...

Grand Jury Considers FBI's Use ... officer-involved shooting of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum. FBI. ... force in the Finicum shooting and whether there was a cover-up. ...

All of this information was  sealed from the public by image Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and James Comey.

In a motion to keep reports sealed, Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles Gorder wrote Thursday that matters before a grand jury are protected from disclosure rules.

Americans deserve a proper investigation by a Special Counsel, and this should be led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who Americans trust with David Clarke of Homeland presiding. This investigation belongs before the American People in Congress, as this was a real crime, and not the Comey Clapper fake intelligence of Russian hacking.

It is time for Justice for LaVoy Finicum. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appoint a Special Counsel.

It is time.

Nuff Said


Bloody Water Everywhere and not a Drop to Drink

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in  matter anti matter.

As the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John records that in the last plagues the waters are turned into blood and a majority of things die, that is sort of a problem as air and water are the important food of life.

Revelation 16: 3,4

And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river.
And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

The like plague appears in the Exodus where God through Moses turned the rivers and streams of Egypt into blood. There is an interesting theory that this event was linked to a death star passing by earth in some type of iron dust falling on earth. I will not go into the details of that here as I have written of it previously, because it does not matter how water turns deadly, only that you need water to drink or you die.

Exodus 7:20

And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.

So for the survivalist, if you are not a Christians, as God protected the Israelites in the Land of Goshen apparently from the blood waters of Egypt to the south, and the Egyptians also found water to drink, and the Bible and now the Lame Cherry is going to provide you with a way to find water to drink.

Exodus 7:24

And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river.

Yes it would be called getting a TILE SPADE, so you can dig into the wet ground deep enough by a river, let the water pool in it, as a small well, which filters out the contaminants to a point, and that will leave water to drink.

Mind you now, that you in the cities and farms, are loads of herbicides sprayed, and dogs or beavers shitting on the shores, and of course if you are the dude with a spade, in a city of 1 million thirsty non donors to the Lame Cherry, they are going to be murdering you for your puddle of water, and that part I can not help with, unless you are bright enough to have a Baby Girl with a gun and a lot of ammo to protect your water hole.

There is a way though in this as it happened before, that when the final plagues come, the earth can be a water filtration system. I might boil it to kill the toxins in them or have some chlorine bleach to add a few drops to kill the bugs, there is a way to survive.
Oh and it will take several hours for the mud to settle out, same way if you are riling up the sediments in the bottom dipping water maybe you should get like a plastic water tile,  drill holes in it, put fine mesh around it as a project, and leave it sit in your garage for Bloody Water day. It will keep the big chunks of dirt out, and if you get a lid for it, the birds will not shit in it or you will not find a dead rabbit floating in it..

.....and make it big enough for your bucket or dipper.

I do not know if this contaminates sitting water as in a well already dug, as in a private well, but having your own well even if it sits there is better probably than not. In any case, you need a spade..........the Germans used to use them in World War I  to decapitate Frenchmen with them in battle, so they are handy to have around for more than digging.

Any way, by God's Grace the Lame Cherry now told all of you how to get water and what kind of spade all of you need, or you will be sweating yourself to death if you have a sand shovel...most worthless implement ever devised since tits on Michelle Obama.



la fée verte


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So you want to play with the adults.

You start with poison, well poison to tape worms, as what is a good drinking game without tape worm poison.

So you get yourself a gallon of vodka, and you get yourself a food processor as finding a 19th century French chef blows as they are like 280 years old and probably would be senile.

In the herb blender, you throw in Green Anise, Grande Wormwood, Petite Wormwood, Sweet Fennel and chop it up like cow fodder and throw it into the vodka.

Then you put in melissa, hyssop, star anise, angelica, peppermint, coriander and veronica. Hand full if you have a small hand. Big hand, you should have got the petite French chef as Julia Child's man hands blow in making Absinthe.

So you like leave this in a cellar, with spiders, smells of mold and feels like you are taking a cold shower on a 4th of July day when you are down there, if it is not the poisonous spider bites.

So you have to wait a year as this drinking game is not like pull the hand grenade pin and see which Muslim can put in the pin before it blows.

So you waited a year, and you used a silk pair of panties to strain the concoction into a clear bottle as this is the color of bile puked up or cow cud on a summer pasture.

I digress.

So you have this pretty green stuff and you are now ready to drink it........not the French way or the Bohemian way as that blows. I mean like they start out with white grape brandy and who wants to waste cognac on this. Best to go with the potato whisky as who can get sugar beets distilled now.

OK get a slotted spoon, best to get one that looks religious or German or silver in case the werewolves show up, as werewolves always show up with tape worms.

First you pour in two shots of the green stuff over a sugar cube on the slot spoon, and soaking it in.

Then you get light a match and light the cube up, and let it caramelize which the French Chef would say, but you would say, that is burnt shit. When it looks like more charcoal than you like for coal, you blow it out or dump slush ice over it to put the flame out.
Put it all together and give it work over until you get the sugar cube whatevered.

You will get something that looks like that German gun cleaner which gets milky when you add water, and is both an antiseptic, food product and gun cleaner. This though the French used to administer for Malaria, but there is not much game in that shivering and hallucinating.
Oh by the way if you want to hallucinate, and have a charge for drinking human poison, you could do like the profiteers did in using wood alcohol, add copper salts and oil of wormwood, and that will drive you bat shit crazy or make you into a great European artist.

Any way the game is called Nuclear Codes. You get like the nuclear football, and take shots every time you don't enter the right numbers to launch a nuclear strike. Most fun to play this in Germany, as something about the scent of evergreen in the crispy air of a wet snow.

Think that about takes care of it.
