Monday, June 19, 2017

Analysis of the USS Fitzgerald and ACX Crystal Collision

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In monitoring the media and online posting of the collusion between the USS Fitzgerald and the cargo ship, ACX Crystal, there have been some very interesting comments which are all point to blaming the Americans and looking to lynch them for this event, based upon the law of the sea in starboard or right side ships are to defer to other ships, and as the Crystal was damaged port or left side, it was therefore the American's liability.

In forensic examination of the evidence though something is amiss, as the American ship has active radars that nothing in the air, on the ocean surface or under the sea, can not be active in it's radar sphere without that Aegis defense system being aware of it. This ship was designed to protect aircraft carriers in being the carrier's defense. It is impossible for the Aegis system to not keep track of hundreds of objects and yet a container ship struck the Fitzgerald.

Speed of the two vessels were 18 knots or 20 mph for the Crystal and  it will be assumed in this heavy traffic area the Fitzgerald would have been moving at like speeds, and not maximum speed  of 25 knots or 28 mph.

It is the photographs which reveal the story of this collision. If one examines the Fitzgerald and Crystal, two distinct impacts are revealed.
To understand the ships, the Crystal had a protruding bow under the water, in the Civil War this would have been termed a ramming prod. In modern seacraft the bow assists in moving through the seas and to roll water off the ship to make progression easier.

In examining the Fitzgerald, it is conclusive this ship was struck, starboard side or not, this ship was broadsided in the crew's quarters, by the protruding bow, exactly as a torpedo would be deployed.

In examination of the Crystal, it is conclusive proof the ship was involved in a shearing event or a sideswipe. Meaning, the Fitzgerald was struck at an angle as if targeted and the Fitzgerald was either beginning evasive action in being surprised, which it could not have been, or the Fitzgerald was steady on course, and it was the Crystal which was tracking the America ship to ram her.


Those points are telling as the Crystal was driving toward the Fitzgerald. Furthermore, the Crystal continued on in not offering support or acknowledging the collusion.
There was not a 'general quarters sounded' to prepare for the collision.  This is proven by the commander still in his berth and all the sailors still in their quarters.

Conclusions can be arrived at in this based upon known facts.

The Aegis system can not be breached, and yet it was. This concludes:

  1. The Aegis system was inoperative.
  2. The Aegis system was breached and spoofed, hiding the Crystal.
  3. The radar operator was compromised and did not report the proximity of the Crystal.

The Crystal has additional absolutes.

  1. Merchant ships utilize auto navigation for money saving measures.
  2.  The Crystal changed course.
  3. The Crystal rammed the Fitzgerald

Hypothetical scenario would point to a 3rd party directed the use of the Crystal as a torpedo against the American ship. This would require intelligence on American ships in the area, travel routes and the knowledge of containers ships to be utilized in this operation.
If one of the most advanced radar systems was not spoofed, then it would point to collusion on the American ship in the radar station, as radar operates and would be aware of the Crystal, as a watch commander could not hide the radar, only the commands.

As the Crystal changed course and tracked the American ship, it would indicate it was boarded by foreign parties to steer the ship, run the Crystal away, and then disembark the Crystal, as in a sheering strike the ship would not be stopped.
In this scenario, it would be a known which side to strike the Americans on to provide cover for an apparent terror strike.

In reviewing online reports, this is the probable conclusion which would verse a probable scenario.

As this is in North Korean theater, the North Koreans would be suspect, as the Crystal made runs often to Malaysia which is North Korean friendly. In addition, this was a US warship which threatened Pyongyang.

On the surface this would seem to be a correct conclusion, but what if instead a North Korea which had made overtures to America via international star Dennis Rodman in releasing a hostage in coma, that North Korea was not seeking confrontation with the United States.
What if another belligerent sought to frame North Korea, a nation which had just been struck with it's own ISIS terror event in Tehran, in the Iranians who blamed the United States.

What if Iranian operators instigated an operation in the waters of Japan,  to increase antagonisms between North Korea and the United States, by sinking a US warship to humiliate America and to distract the United States from regime change in Iran, and for a first retaliation of Iran on America over the Tehran terrorism, in America was framed in that in other parties.

The North Koreans do not have a large contingent of agents in the US military. The Muslim contingent overflows after Bush and Obama. It is possible on the above facts to reach conclusions that a controlling entity steered the American ship blind and that there was intelligent design on Crystal which deliberately turned a container ship into a torpedo for an attack on the United States.

There are only several likely players:

Russia, but Russia seeks to defuse the situation with North Korea and not escalate it, nor point more Russian hacking fingers at Moscow in having spoofed an Aegis radar defense.

China, same policy as Russia, as China desires a continuance of North Korea, not a radioactive Pyongyang nor an American beachhead on the Yalu.

North Korea, Kim wants a united North Korea. He is winning with not striking America in America stood down with 3 carriers. An attack on America would mean strikes on North Korea which would destabilize Kim's regime.

The last culprit is Iran. It would fit Iranian objectives to save itself from being another Syria, in raising tensions in the Asian theater between America and North Korea, by framing North  Korea and by clandestinely seeking revenge on American efforts in Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf.

The quietness of the stories on this, points to some type of undercurrent is suspected in this was an attack, which will be retaliated for covertly by the United States.
This would fit the bin Laden, jets as missiles, and Iranian communists being clever to utilize the same scenario in utilizing a ship as a torpedo, and lay the blame on ISIS which is again quiet over this scenario.

Analysis concluded in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Nuff Said


That is the Witnes and the Lesson

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a post on Facebook from a blonde in California who just hated bloggers who were begging for money, and then was posting my stuff and had never donated. I get told to shut up or I should be doing something else if I can not make a living at this, and none of of these shit for brains lecturers ever figures out that the internet is run by the CIA Mockingbird funding through the conglomerates. ALL of the sites which keep popping up on your feeds in the left or right have BOTS directing traffic and faking the numbers. It is all a scam so you never get information as is posted on this blog.

My Bible lesson today from the Holy Ghost was for all of you who lurk in the shadows with your money and it is a lesson for all, because when God created Israel, it was not a welfare state.

How God handled the caring for the poor, was when people had hard times, they could "sell themselves to a wealthy person to serve for 7 years and then be released with a start on life.

If you remember the Bible verse of Jesus walking through the grain fields eating wheat, that is what was allowed to feed the poor. There was an entire system in agrarian Israel where landowners were not to pick up every seed that fell or to harvest every stalk in the corners of the fields, because that is how the poor could feed themselves.

And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus  23:22

This was the case in America until the welfare state. Americans lived off the wild lands to being allowed to pick up coal that fell of coal trains to warm themselves. It was INDUSTRY in the sense a person had to go out and harvest food or pick up coal.
In the story of Ruth and Boaz, she gleaned grain all day and brought home an apron full. Boaz, her soon to be husband, assisted her, but telling his working crews to leave grain stalks for her to pick up. That is how people used to be generous.

Each of you is expected to not drain the blood from a turnip. Hillary Clinton was taking tax deductions on her used underwear to the poor. A multi millionaire grabbing for a few nickles is not generous.
It is worth noting that Donald Trump was praised for handing a 10,000 dollar check out to a poor guy. The tax system mandates around that number for a one time check, but all the same a billionaire handing out 10,000 dollars is not going to do a poor person any good in this cartel inflation where one can not honestly buy anything of a start in life with 10,000 dolalrs.

It is easy to note other people's being miserly, but it goes to you lurkers who rob me and never have enough, because you are robbing God and God remembers how everyone treats the poor.

It is not a matter in most cases of giving money away, but how most of you screw someone over when you are selling a used car or having a yard sale gouging people. Our thrift store here has Ebay lurkers, always looking up prices and posting 3 dollars on shirts or 5 dollars on crappy pans. In most cases what happens is no one buys them, and they go out on the quarter sales, instead of just being reasonable in 50 cents for a t shirt or a couple of bucks on a pair of pants.

You are always screwing people over when you could be doing something good for them, because you lust for your pound of flesh. None of this message will change a thing in you, because you have your god in money and things, and that is what you will be judged by in the end. It is just a witness against you, because you will not open your Bible to have God direct the life you owe Him to do good.

God does not expect anyone to bankrupt themselves, put themselves in financial jeopardy, but He does require each of us to help others in any way that is put before us.

I give examples of the things I do, not for praise but to give ideas to those who stand around not having a clue how to be Christian. I realize I live in a rural area where people are normal for the most part yet, so I can help a woman who looks like she is about dying from heat stroke to lift water cases into her car. In metro areas people would look at you like you were a criminal, because that is how unChristian your rat mazes are.
I often put shopping carts away, because they can damage vehicles which a store ower would be sued over, (another lust for greed in you people) and there are people in that store who have shitty lives and a great deal of work to do, and do not need to chase down shopping carts. The owner has thanked me several times for bringing carts back, because it all costs him money.....which he then has to raise grocery prices to pay for asstards too wonderful and rich to walk a cart back to the store.

If you do not have money, then it is actions showing Christian Virtue, and if you have money, then that is the crutch, and it includes being good enough to not charge someone their soul when you are replacing your appliances.

It is a simple lesson of how an entire nation is supposed to work. I watch these bankrupting millionaire famers here not leaving anything for wildlife. I am amused at the prick who just spent a fortune on a 160 acres a few years ago, now replanting some wet spots to get every kernel he can......and that means he is hard ass up for cash and is probably borrowing a million dollars to put his crops in, and nothing delights me more when he just keeps losing money on low crop prices.
He was a prick a few years ago who tried to sell me rotten bales, instead of giving them away....same prick who tried to talk me into draining his wetlands onto our property and the same prick snooping around last year in stopping us on the road as he had not met TL yet. God sees it all and God sees all the good or evil you are, and each person's personal reckoning will come.

It is not that hard to do good, but you work so hard to do evil. That money and all your property you think you have is going to be gone about 2 weeks after you are buried, as your greedy relatives indulge themselves and carry on your teaching of screwing other people over who are poor. It keeps going for 3 generations, and by the 4th, all of you are poor and on the outside looking in, because God visits the sins on the children to the 3rd and 4th generation of those who hate Him by not obeying His Commands.

That is the witness and the lesson.


Who Would Jesus Deport DHS John Kelly

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Department of Homeland Security Director John Kelly is playing a new mind game to implement Ivanka Trump's slave labor policy for America in these foreign invaders. First Donald Trump broke his word on DACA to Angel Mom's in keeping murderers in America, and then the Gary Cohn Chamber of Commerce started flooding America with visa workers, and then Jared Kushner with HR McMasters for Mideast Peace started dumping in Muslims in greater numbers for Saudi money..........and now appears the NON ENFORCING JOHN KELLY playing mind games with Trump supporters with Breitbart's propaganda.

What you need to know in this is DONALD TRUMP IS IN TROUBLE WITH HIS BASE after betraying it time and again, so now the clever West Wing Cabal is finding ways to sound like they are pro American when it is the same Teddy Kennedy and Barack Hussein Obama open borders.

Amnesty: DHS Kelly Spotlighted DACA Legal Problem As He Ended ...

The administration's announcement ending the so-called "DAPA" amnesty quietly cuts the legal legs off the still-operating "DACA" amnesty for ...

Kelly appeared before Congress in trying to shift responsibility to that do nothing body, when Donald Trump already has all the laws on the books to protect America, but Kelly will not enforce them.
Kelly was going to end Obama's protecting of murdering rapists foreigners in ending DAPA, but then hinted he would do something about child murdering rapists in DACA........yes 6 months into Trump and all this is, is just more delay tactics to bring about AMNESTY again in a ONE TIME...........yes the ONE TIME has been foisted upon Americans previously in millions of these low intelligence, disease infested, psychotic Jesuit and Muslim 3rd world inferior DNA destroying the American gene pool and life.
The last time America had this lie was under Ronald Reagan, and with those million plus, the result was now over 70% of the Mexican population now is in squatter rights sucking the life out of America.

Want to know why you can not afford anything? It is because there are 100 million illegals and expired VISA vermin in America, taking up housing, gas at the pumps, food, vehicles and clothing. They are a parasite tape worming eating the flesh of America from the inside.

This is John Kelly's propaganda though, in giving a promise and hinting at an action, with nothing being done again, except John McCain and Marco Rubio amnesty for this welfare state shanty town slave illegals voting in the American rape colony.

The liberals who all have shit for brains, attempted to convict Christians on What Would Jesus Do? Who would Jesus deport?

As a Biblical expert by Holy Ghost teaching, I can answer that by the Grace of God.

Jesus would have thrown out the Romans out of Judea.

Jesus would have thrown out that old fox, the Edomite Turk King Herod.

Jesus would have thrown out of Israel proper the Samaritans as they did not belong in the Promised Land.

Jesus would have thrown out the Egyptians, because while he sojourned in Egypt, He certainly did not invite the Egyptians up to Jerusalem to take over.

So Jesus would throw the foreigners out like He drove the money changers out of the Temple. Jesus created all races, and He also separated them, because God likes diversity just like people like different kinds of candy of flavors of apples. Genetic diversity is important and God like differences in people just like people like differences in different breeds of dogs to suit their individual bias and prejudice.

We now know how Donald Trump deals inartfully with the Americans who elected him. He talks a lot of code words like Jesus, America, Jobs, and then is off with Ivanka Trump and Gary Cohn hauling in the slave labor to make the billionaires happy. Then Donald Trump gets into trouble with Ivanka and Cohn's leftist  who try to put him into prison, and out pops the rallies and the verbiage again of Make America Great.

No Christians or Loyalists get a job that matters to implement policy, but the clever John Kelly is sent out with Breitbart propaganda talking about DAPA and promising about DACA  as another cover to fool Americans again, all to resurrect amnesty for the criminals who have destroyed America. In the end if Donald Trump and his clever manipulators get away with this, the end result will be all these criminals will stay. Americans will cease as a people in 50 years, and what will remain is the Economic Transition to the robotic state with these vermin kept in pens called cities to consume goods, paid for by a production tax for welfare slavery, so Jeff Bezos  and George Soros will become trillionaires.

That is the scheme in  this and now you know what is. It is all to bore you to submission with double talk so the same cartel scheme that Obama, Clinton and Bush would implement is implemented under Trump or Pence.

For Americans, the best thing in the world is for Donald Trump to be hounded by the left for impeachment, and it would be even more lovely if Ivanka and Jared were indicted, along with Gary Cohn, Dina Powell and HR McMaster, but you do notice none of the leftists are under investigation......except Shylock Kurshner and that is only to get at Trump. The reason this is best for Americans, because the more hot water Donald Trump gets into, the more he is going to have to fulfill the promises to the disgruntled base in order to keep that mob around to protect him.

Thee only reason you are getting anything from Donald Trump is because this blog started making a point of this in the second month in order to save this presidency. It is now a point that the liberals manipulating Donald Trump are trying to dupe the base to still implement the American Genocide in this amnesty carrot. John McCain backstabbed the President to blackmail a job from Donald Trump for McCain's wife. Mitch McConnell did the same criminal blackmail. When Kushner betrays the President, then you will get some more of your campaign promises fulfilled. Until then, the new betrayal is the old Bush one, in lying to the base in giving a crumb to steal the loaf from them.

Eat hearty, because at least the Lame Cherry is getting you crumbs to starve a mouse on.

Nuff Said
