Thursday, June 29, 2017

Is a Medical Assessment of Mika Brzezinski being Abrasive

Mika Brzezinski's New Years Blood Trail

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am wondering why liberal NBC allows liberal Mika Brzezinski make sexist commentary about President Donald Trump, which was degrading in speaking about penis size of Donald Trump as cyber bullying.

Brzezinski appeared to respond to the president’s tweets with an image of a Cheerios box that says “Made For Little Hands.”

In taking apart what Mr. Trump tweeted and being condemned as abrasive and abusive, the President said:

Morning Joe is poorly rated. Fact

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski do smear the President often.

The President does not watch Morning Joe.

Mike Brzezinski does have a low IQ. Fact

Both Joe and Mike went to Mar Largo at New Years, and tried to glom onto the President. Fact.

Both Joe and Mika did not protect Mika's health during her cosmetic surgery in going out, and she apparently sprung a leak, and Donald Trump told them NO in order to put the out of control Mika and Joe into a proper perspective.

There was nothing abusive or abrasive in what Donald Trump tweeted. What Mika Brzezinski has tweeted and been engaged in though has been media and cyber bullying.

Conclusion in this,  President Trump did not go too far. If the whiners do not like it, then they can stick their heads in their smart phones and go snowflake as they always do. I have backed the tweets of Donald Trump and have been proven right. It would not have been too far in calling Joe a limp dick and Mika the cock in the family as those are the facts.


The Very Model of a Modern Major General

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was contemplating Mark Steyn, who is the interesting host when Rush Limbaugh thankfully goes on junkets to replace his viagra suitcase, and was stunned how Mark Steyn is really the opera of the Modern Major General.

I thought Mike Cernovich was the phenomena of the age in I honestly saw a Mike Cernovich look alike again today, which must make it extremely hard on his hotter than a Thai pepper wife to keep it straight who is the real Mike Cernovich.
Unfortunately Mrs. Steyn (I do not know what she is hotter than as Mark Steyn does not post photos of his wife loveliness as he is probably in phobia that Justin Trudeau will see her, and start accomplishing homosexual wooing of her as he did Ivanka Trump, whereby Mr. Steyn will have to cross the border into Canada, and be immediately apprehended by the Mounties for being a verbiage terrorist and be sentenced to some fate worse than living in Canada.)

Where was I? Oh the unfortunate Mark Steyn, in he just does not have 5 million twins on the planet, but Mark Steyn looks like the Modern Major General. See here is the proof.

Mark Steyn looks just like a Brillo Pad.

Here is Mark Steyn looking just like a sciora rock.


Then there is Mark Steyn looking like a terrier like Mike Cernovich.


Then there is Mark Steyn looking like Mike Cernovich which means he has 5 million clones, besides looking like animal and mineral.

but it gets worse in Mark Steyn looks like vegetable to sea urchin too.

I find it fascinating that Mark Steyn looks animal, vegetable and mineral.......and Mike Cernovich which is like all of the above. I could make good use of Mark Steyn as I have this big pan that needs scouring and I could stick his head in it and get it finally clean. I see an entire new vocation for Mark Steyn really in being the head pot cleaner on the planet. He could really clean up literally as there are lots of dirty pans, like a billion of them and for a dollar a pan, he could  then collect the money to buy Canada and solve all his political problems.

I see nothing of public warning of this except perhaps not using Mark Steyn on non stick pans or he would wear it all off. We just need to make use of Mark Steyn's talents. I simply desire first use as I have discovered this and once word gets out, I probably would have no chance at all in ever getting my pots scoured.

Nuff Said

Gilbert and Sullivan - "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major ...

I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General (often referred to as the Major-General's Song or Modern Major-General's Song) is a patter song from Gilbert ...


Interns like Seth Rich just seem to die

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the deep state and their Mockingbird fledglings continue to be exposed to the world for all the nefarious manipulation and fake news which is the plague which is destroying America, there needs to be an examination in the forgotten deaths, the interesting deaths, which just seem to be those strange coincidences of life.

Most of you remember Joe Scarborough, when he was a Republican in Congress. Magically like Peggy Noonan in the era of Obama, he suddenly became a liberal, and with Donald Trump, Joe really became interesting in not just porking Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter, but going into fiance mode while cuddling with Val-erie Jarrett.

We revisit though the past of over 15 years ago when another non person like Seth Rich interesting ended up dead during the Gary Condit, porking Chandra Levy murder investigation. Liberals were furious and in consternation though that Condit got fingered while another intern who happened to be working for Joe Scarborough exited this earth in a rather interesting way.

The focus of this is Lori Klausutis, who began life as a Republican working for Joe Scarborough, but ended life it was said, by fainting, falling, cracking her head on a table in Scarborough's Florida office and dying there.

Lori Klausutis

Just the facts: Scarborough got a divorce. Then he suddenly resigned from Congress, just six months after re-election. (Invoked old fallback excuse of wanting to “spend more time” with children.) Then he suddenly resigned as publisher of the Independent Florida Sun. Then, just as suddenly, Lori Klausutis, 28-year-old staffer to Scarborough, was found dead in Scarborough’s district office in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Date was July 20, 2001. Cause of death: Blow to the head. Conclusion: Heart condition caused her to collapse, fall, hit head on a desk, and die. Story barely a blip on the radar. Lots of people left with lots of questions.

Never mind the details that for some reason Scarborough was engaged in things breaking up his marriage, ruining two careers and an employee ends up DOA. Remember that the death was ruled from a heart condition and a blow to the head by cracking her head on a desk.........and then die.
Think about people with heart conditions tend to grab their chests, bend over and immediately attempt to sit down, and just do not collapse taking headers into things.

It becomes more interesting as Scarborough after this with his media assistant went to two Florida media outlets and began planting the story, much to the consternation of the dead woman's family, smearing Lori Klausutis as being off in head and that she had gone suicidal.


Interesting suicide in an apparent open and closed case by another interesting medical examiner, where a woman wills her own heart condition, and times it at the right moment to ram her head into a desk, where the blow will cause such trauma that it will kill her, because why not just take a bottle of sleeping pills, and go easy. Nope just ram your head into your desk so Joe Scarborough can go out and smear your corpse as why should Joe care about the grieving family or show any compassion for a loyal employee.

Why was Joe Scarborough so out of sorts that he was engaging in this kind of activity.

This is a very touchy subject for Joe Scarborough as seven years later he went after the owner of DailyKos an Obama buddy for even mentioning the event in a tweet.

Scarborough’s Dead Intern Gets Markos Of Daily Kos Banned From MSNBC!

Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos has been blacklisted at MSNBC for calling out Joe Scarborough on his hypocrisy. It revolves around the little known “dead intern” problem that Joe Scarborough swept under the rug successfully back in July of 2001. Markos simply sent a tweet referring to the dead intern,

What this looks like is Lori Klausutis, who was a Republican, discovered something about deep state Joe, and like most non persons who discover things their bosses are engaged in, and it turns them to revulsion, the authors who pay the salaries of the Hillary Clinton types, employ clever ways to silence the talkative types.

The media reports are two opposing factors in one was natural death and then another pointing to suicide.  The latter does not match the published head blow and the first is made suspect by blunt objects often silence talkative people.

Lori Klausutis deserves better, and every intern deserves better, than to trust important people with your hopes, dreams and career, and by whatever falls out, end up dead, being smeared and not having any closure in their death.

What was it all about as when stories do not match, and one is a panic attack to destroy a woman, before she destroys you in her death, just what kind of power was behind this smear and the cover up, where a family still is looking for closure.


The British Are Coming

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world is quaking and aquiver after the British pansy on defense, working for the British PM in panties, has threatened military retaliation for cyber attacks.

Cyber attack could lead to military retaliation, says Fallon

Apparently Britain is "building" two Queen Elizabeth aircraft carriers, all other nations would define them as death traps, as after the Falklands, the world witnessed what one French exocet missile did to their tinfoil hulled cheap ass Sheffield battle ships, so I sort of am at a loss just what the British are going to "retaliate" with that could be effective.


In Afghanistan, the Americans experience British battlefield prowess. As the history shows, President George W. Bush with his special forces  and Afghanistan tribal elders, they drove out bin Laden and bombed him to tears in Tora Bora. The British then had everything turned over to them, to which opium production exploded, the Taliban took over and the British army had to call in American Air Force, because the British RAF kept bombing their own people.

So besides arming ISIS terrorists to attack Ayatollah Khomeini's tomb and getting Americans blamed for it or spying on Donald Trump for image Obama, just what exactly are the British good for?


The thing is, the article threatening the world with British military might, it turns out they are real cock ups, as they can not even recruit those faggot British into their own army. Then again England is a country which imports Muslim Rape Cock to rip vaginas to shreds of little British girls when the Muslim is not running over the British mutton on London Bridge.

Speaking at the same conference, Gen Sir Nick Carter, the head of the British Army said reductions in troops meant generals needed to find ways to make up for a loss of numbers.
 The Coalition government cut the regular army from 102,000 to 82,000 after the cost-cutting 2010 defence review.
Yet a bungled outsourced recruitment system, poor morale after cuts and a lack of operations have all combined to see numbers dip further to around 78,000.


That is a far cry from the British redcoats of 1812 who raped their way across Europe and then tried to rape their way across America, until General Jackson slaughtered those grey bearded sons of bitches at New Orleans to send them to hell.
Things changed for Queen Victoria after that, as she had her Rhodes just slaughtering Boers in Africa, until her chumly son started foddering a million British to German machine guns in World War I. Worst thing in the world is British officers and British cloth of the land obeying orders.

You probably are wondering about this red haired fairy spawned out of Charles cum and that nutty Diana, as to what the hell is the British military. It is like what the hell is up with this kid as he gets a new uniform every week like some fag fashion designer.
Looks like Hars gets a new medal for each of his uniforms, as the British apparently hand out medals when the Royals figure out to change their uniform once they dribble in the cock slot.

Yes another uniform change, but he gets a fancy cap with this one, like the sodomites would all wear to gay parade. This is the British military on parade, the Royal who wanted to give up being a Royal as it was too demanding having your butt wiped with silken kerchiefs as you play soldier boy.


Hars apparently has been attracted to groups showering with men for sometime. Then again, when your old man is that odd cuck Charles who dreams of being Camilla's tampon while driving goofy Diana even more nuts, what the hell else would you expect for a red head.

The British are a cull caste. They bring in Muslims to rape and murder their mutton. That is why that ilk stands around believing this cyber attack was not MI6, starting another goddamn war for the Rothschild bankers and that dope running Royal family.

Thing is what is England going to attack? Sure we all would hope that the English would attack Vladimir Putin, so England would be populated by a real race of people capable of not being Muslim cock fodder, but England usually has plans like blowing up American things, or bribing Americans, to get America to bleed for London finance.
Never have trusted them English since they murdered the Czar who was their own blood kin for Russian gold.  That is just cold.

I figure the English can attack New Zealand. Charles already has a uniform for that, and the Kiwi are armed with sticks, so the RAF dropping a few nukes, it should be about even, and Kim Dotcom is there, so England will probably bomb New Zealand, as they do not have the balls to nuke France, and barring New Zealand, I figure they will wait for Iran to retaliate on America for what MI6 did at Khomeini's tomb, and then the Brits will bomb some bloody damn wogs who got something the Rothschilds want to steal.


The British are threatening military action. I am sure all the teenage hackers, sitting in their German lofts, surrounded by porn, are just terrified the RAF is coming for them. Be the safest place in the world really to have the British target you. Probably blow up Poland instead.

The United States really needs to get the hell out of England and alliances with them, as after spying on Donald Trump for Obama and this last Iranian manifestation, America is going to bleed again for British intrigue, and this time the wounds will be nuclear cauterized.

Nuff Said


A Vine in Time

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

George Herter was a Minnesota know it all. These are the people who think they know everything and in the end fall flat on their asses. Each state has them, and yesterday's George Herter is today's Cabela's is tomorrow's Jeff Bezos.

I have been studying the old English gardening methods as England was full of know it alls which ruined that nation too. They did pioneer though using that deadly greenhouse gas manure though which in chemical decomposition produced heat as a bi product, and by this in that cold worthless island could then grow tropical crops like cucumbers, tomatoes and melons.

In Herter's book, he actually writes of a tomatoe growing method which is interesting and is something to file away in your brains. I was not quick enough on the draw to try this method this spring, but there is always another year to try this for a number of crops.

Just remember that tomatoes like all vine crops have very short root systems which are compact.

This starts out with all things with labor and digging, which means after the first time you try this, the tasteless tomatoes in the grocery store will be much more appealing.

Herters says you dig a trench 20 inches deep. That is a lot of dirt, but then you rich people have roto tillers, loaders on tractors or can hire beaner nigs to do the work for you.

Into this trench one lines a 2 inch deep layer of corn cobs or stalks. Almost any rotting material will work as this is supposed to decompose and create heat. Personally, without trying this, I think 5 inches would be better for heat, and am wondering if the 2 inches are less heat, but a sort of sponge to feed water to the tomatoe.

Onto this Herter says place 3 inches of manure. This would not be rotted manure but fresh, which is probably that 5 inches I am speaking of, as the manure would rot, and produce methane, which is natural gas, which is a source of nitrogen which plants thrive on, and it would be trapped in the soil for root absorption and heat.

Herter states when the roots hit this manure layer they grow over night. I suspect it might be more of an issue of this methane permeating up into the soil and the roots absorbing it, along with having warm feet in the fermented matter which would raise Minnesota 58 degree soil temperatures to 68 degrees.

The 68 degrees would be the 4 inches of soil placed on top of this manure  layer to protect the roots, as Herter mentions if you plant into this, the manure will rot the plant roots, which is what decomposing things do.

He states to use 12 inch tomatoe plants and to pinch the leaves off, except for the top leaves, and then plant the root and long stem into the trench, filling to the top.
I would leave a watering trench in this, but the reason for taking leaves off is that tomatoes have "hair" on their stems which grow into roots if buried.

As a side note, if you ever get some leggy worthless tomatoe plants, you can also just lay them down in a trench buried about 3 inches deep on their side and leave the top out. The entire stem will grow roots them.

This is something I intend on trying, perhaps this year yet as an experiment. It is just something in world going meltdown which is something to know, as eating grass will get old after the first few months, and with abandoned houses, you will have lots of glass for cold frames to grow food. Who knows when it will become Biblical and the clever gardener will be lining their trenches with Muslim or Mexican corpses. Then again maybe the clever Muslims and Mexicans will be lining their tomatoe trenches with white folks, as the white folks do not appear to have woken up to their own demise.

Nuff Said
