Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Vaginal Discomfort of Jared Kushner and Mike Pence in Betraying Don jr.

Man's kind of Man
Loving Father, Donald Trump II

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter  anti matter.

You can always tell a great deal about a person by how they react when the Authorities appear on their doorstep.

For example when the fine agents of Motherland appeared here, I did not run for the weeds and TL did not scream pointing fingers at me, as we were innocent in publishing the blog and one has to live with oneself afterwards as wetting oneself, rolling around on the ground or being a coward is what one has to live with from that day forward.

Fortunately Donald Trump has surrounded himself with cowards, who do not even have Homeland showing up on their doorsteps, but they can not fire off dispatches to the press fast enough blaming Donald Trump jr. who is innocent, but when it comes to cowards, the very sound of Hawaii Five O on the television has them speed dialing 911 to report their children for eating grapes out of the bag in the grocery store.

Mike Pence is this type if dialer, and offered up this statement to pound them nails into Don jr. as Mike tries to save himself from something that did not happen.

Duck for Cover Coward, Mike Pence and panty shielding wife.

The Vice President was not aware of the meeting. He is not focused on stories about the campaign, particularly stories before he joined the ticket.”

Way to go there Mike. Did you run and hide under your fat wife's moo moo while writing that or are you in the Big Koch bunker afraid to come out as you never seem to look like your skin ever sees the light of day.

The one I really liked was Jared and Ivanka Kusher, as it is one thing for Mike Pence to kick Don jr. off the sinking boat to the shark waters, but when it comes to your Jew brother in law and sister, you sort of hope they are not the ones first in line to push you overboard as Mike Pence is getting the anchor ready.


Cucky Kushner & Dom Ivanka
In a statement on Saturday, Mr. Kushner’s lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, said: “He has since submitted this information, including that during the campaign and transition, he had over 100 calls or meetings with representatives of more than 20 countries, most of which were during transition. Mr. Kushner has submitted additional updates and included, out of an abundance of caution, this meeting with a Russian person, which he briefly attended at the request of his brother-in-law Donald Trump Jr

I honestly can think of nothing more disgusting than a family member betraying anyone like this. Talk about Judas Iscariot. Sister that is cold as ice in having the Bro in Law stick the knife in, and icy to have Ivanka measuring the suits in your closet to get cuck Jared a better set of clothes as Jared is too cheap to buy quality.

Manly father, Donald Trump II

I mean I digress, but that Don jr. has nice threads. That man just wears clothes like a Bee Gee's woman's man no time to talk. You just know Jared Kusher has some red  thong up his crotch, while that Don jr. just wears them satin boxers like a prize fighter. Don Trump jr. is the D9 of manhood in when he gets framed by the deep state, he doesn't blame Jared Kusher, Mike Pence or goes fetal. No Don jr. the D9, takes it head on as he has nothing to hide. Don jr. is a real man.............and then there are Mike Pence and Jared Kushner who have a yellow streak down their backs and a yellow stain like Obama on their shorts.

People have to pay attention to this stuff, because Jared Kushner was first to prove what a pathetic Judas he is, and on schedule that Cassius Mike Pence, was seeing if he could  top the Kushner coward.

When it is all said and done though now, the world has witness that Don jr. showed he is made of the right material of American manhood, and Mike Pence has to rub blimpy and beg her to tell him how brave he is and Jared Kushner has to rub Ivanka's magic lamp to get her to puff some smoke as she calls out Justin Trudeau's name.

I would not want to be a coward like Jared Kushner and Mike Pence, and have to carry that burden the rest of their pathetic days.

Nuff Said



Donald Trump jr and the Real Russian Email Story

 I'm gonna get you with my Jew Mafia boy......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Don jr. story really is appealing once you sort this out, because the fake news is actually providing the information to discredit it and explain how this set up by the deep state actually was carried out.

The Russian Woman, told NBC that she had no information on Hillary Clinton, and was not Vladimir Putin connected. She is telling the Truth.

The Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the presidential campaign denied in an exclusive interview with NBC News that she had any connection to the Kremlin and insisted she met with President Donald Trump’s son in 2016 to discuss sanctions between Russia and the U.S., not to hand over information about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
“I never had any damaging or sensitive information about Hillary Clinton. It was never my intention to have that,” Natalia Veselnitskaya said.

NBC though is smearing Don jr in this does not match his story, but I can tell you 1000% that Don jr. is telling the Truth.

Here is why.

Remember Don jr. reported, after cuckboy Jared Kushner tried to frame him for all of this, in that sissy Jamie Gorelick, DON DID IT and I WAS BARELY IN THE ROOM, statement, that Natalia Veselnitskaya had an interpreter as SHE SPOKE NO ENGLISH.

So who was speaking English? Why the Jew who set  this all up in that email from Rob Goldstone. He is the only one who brought up the Hillary Clinton and DNC taking bribes from Russia angle, not Natalia Veselnitskaya.

That proves that Natalia Veselnitskaya and Don jr. are both telling the Truth, as this was an MI6 and Mosaad set up of the Trump family, as they had been spying on Donald Trump for the Obama regime, as was exclusively reported on the Lame Cherry first in matter anti matter.

This is all so easy to unravel, in a woman the Obama regime was strip searching in London, depriving her of her children, suddenly is let into the United States, where a London Jew contacts Don jr. about Crooked Hillary, and on the Natalia Veselnitskaya  side, tells her that Don jr. is willing to listen about Russian sanctions. So both Natalia Veselnitskaya and Don jr. walk into this set up thinking it is their subject, but it is two different subject and both of the think the meeting is about what they were lied to about.

Notice in this in Jared Kushner of this Jew Mafia, who only gets good press, while Don jr. is smeared, stated he WALKED OUT OF THE MEETING IMMEDIATELY. Now why would Kushner do that unless he knew this was a red herring from the start, as this was a major bitch slap to the President's son as Don jr. initiated this meeting and wanted Kushner there to keep everyone informed.

The evidence points to this Rob Goldstone, as he is the go between, and he is the one who instigated all of this. He is the one who told Don jr. this meeting was about Crooked Hillary, as the Russian woman who was set up to link this back to Putin, thought she was there for sanction issues.

Goldstone is the one doing all of the  talking in the released Don jr. email exchange.

In the emails, Veselnitskaya is identified as a "Russian government attorney" and Goldstone tells Trump Jr. that she would like to share damanging information about Clinton as "part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump."
Goldstone says in an email to Trump that Veselnitskaya "offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."

“It was like, ‘Can you keep an eye on it? Should [Trump] be in power, maybe that’s a conversation that he may have in the future?’ ” Goldstone told the paper.

All of this goes back again to the anti Putin forces in Russia, Ukraine and the Balkans who were being triggered in this by MI6 under Theresa May, now Prime Minister as her reward, and it appears there is a leftist pro Obama Clinton Jewish faction which was deeply involved in this, and there is a direct Kushner tie in the slum lord factions as the Kushner's have done nothing but get Mr. Trump into trouble, and now there is a pattern emerged in Jared and Ivanka Kushner were involved in the coup of:

  1. Christians removed from the Trump Administration.
  2. Loyalists removed from the Trump Administration.
  3. Mike Flynn forced out.
  4. The smear against First Lady Melania Trump
  5. Don jr. being criminalized.

All of the above cements power for this Gary Cohn faction of leftist globalist Jewry, and it all melds  back to another bizarre connection coming out of British intelligence, first with Pissgate, then spying on Donald Trump, and now the only person who connects in this Don jr and Natalia Veselnitskaya, is this Rob Goldstone.

Rob Goldstone belongs before a Federal Grand Jury being investigated by the US Attorneys, as logic points to he is the one who was telling Don jr. about Crooked Hillary, as this Russian woman spoke no English. That means in this connect the dots, the big question of who is it that told Rob Goldstone there was a dirt dossier on Hillary Clinton which started all of this?

That is the real story in this and when you find out that connection, then this all comes tumbling down, as it was not Don jr. Donald Trump, Natalia Veselnitskaya or Vladimir Putin.


What Don jr. is accused of, Hillary Clinton was proven to be engaged in with Ukraine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If one has invested the time to note, there is a criminal smear campaign which has been organized by the deep state to sully the reputation of Don Trump jr., because all of the other avenues have fallen apart. For those who missed the reality, the CIA New York Times Mockingbird was leaked confidential information from Robert Mueller's investigation concerning a meeting in Trump Tower and a Russian lawyer which the Obama regime let into the country.

The details of the meeting according to Don jr. is that this woman had information she claimed which would show that Hillary Clinton was receiving direct donation support from the Russian government for her campaign. The attorney instead started speaking about another legal matter involving a law Obama put onto the books to try to overthrow the Russian Government by cutting off their finances.

There is absolutely nothing illegal about anyone meeting with anyone, who says they have information on someone who is running a political campaign. So Don jr. is innocent in this smear by the deep state. In that Politico kindly posted a number of these coup plotters posting outlandish smears against Don jr., which in this case is an organized criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States. That is appreciated for the day when another US Attorney before a Grand Jury, indicts all of these conspirators from Robert Mueller, James Comey, Hillary Clinton to the list below on High Crimes against these United States.

Their charges are posted below and will be REFUTED IN BOLD.

“I don't think that is an out,” said Robert Bauer, a former White House counsel under President Barack Obama and the Democrat’s 2008 campaign attorney. “If they accept the meeting on the understanding that they will be offered something of value — the opposition research — they are sending a clear signal that they would like to have it.”
Bauer added that accepting a meeting where there’s an understanding of purpose “raises a question under the federal campaign finance law” for which Trump Jr. could be held accountable.
 Bauer is the only one who sees finance laws involved, unless it is that Mueller Mob trying to frame another American. This was not opposition research, because it was not initiated by the Trump campaign.
This is no different than a source talking to a news reporter with information.

In an email, former Clinton 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook questioned why the Trump campaign officials would take a meeting “with an associate of a hostile nation state regarding the campaign without knowing the name or identity of that person, just they were Russian and that person had damaging information about Hillary.”

Russia is not a hostile nation, because Hillary Clinton hit the reset button, so therefore this professional attorney was safe.

Republican strategist Stuart Stevens also posted Sunday night on Twitter about the unusual nature of the Trump Jr. meeting. “When Gore campaign was sent Bush debate brief book, they called FBI. If foreign interests offer you info on former SOS, you call the FBI,”
 An attorney contacting an associate of Don jr. stating they have information, is not the same as some Gore groupie stealing a Bush book and sending it to Gore headquarters.

“Running @marcorubio camp lots of random people asked to meet to share "secret oppo" I was just never dumb enough to meet w/ them #ButWeLost,” Terry Sullivan, the former campaign manager for Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 GOP primary campaign, posted Monday on Twitter.
 Perhaps that is why your candidate was forced to fixate on another candidate's penis size in sweating hard over his hands.

Norm Eisen, a former chief White House ethics attorney, called the Trump Jr. meeting with the Russian lawyer “very unusual” and cited several parts of federal criminal statute that may have been breached, including the Logan Act, a 1799 law barring private citizens from interfering with diplomatic relations between the U.S. and foreign governments
This was private citizens and had nothing to do with diplomatic relations as Hillary Clinton was a private citizen, unless of course Mrs. Clinton was still working for the Obama regime and did not disclose this fact.

Jennifer Taub, a white-collar attorney and Vermont Law School professor, posted on Twitter a 20-part message Monday that cited a specific section of the U.S. criminal code that Trump Jr. may have crossed concerning prohibitions on conspiracy to defraud the U.S. “Potential indictments are coming into clear focus,”
There was not any conspiracy to defraud the United States.

“This is treason,” Richard Painter, a former George W. Bush White House ethics lawyer, wrote Sunday night on Twitter. “He must have known that the only way Russia would get such information was by spying.”

Treason? This was an attorney, not the Russian KGB. This information could have been about any number of a people who have been swindled by the Clintons for influence pedaling, as Bill Clinton did get double the rate for speaking in Russia.

Jennifer Psaki, the former Obama White House communications director and State Department spokeswoman, also used a previous presidential campaign as an example for pointing out the unusual nature of the meeting. “Imagine if @davidplouffe met with Chinese lawyers with dirt on @SenJohnMcCain. NOT standard for either party to get oppo from foreign agents,”

There was not any need for David Plouffe to meet with Chinese lawyers, due to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama conspired with the deep state to steal both elections for the White House, flipped 10 million votes from the GOP from John McCain and Sarah Palin, called Sarah Palin a pig with lipstick on her, admitted he was a dual citizen of the British Empire, took in 300 million dollars from terrorists, laundered through credit cards, and used ACORN as terror group to suppress the vote.
Those are crimes.

Now for a reality check in what crimes really look like, as there is stated evidence that Hillary Clinton and her campaign coordinated with the Ukrainian regime to create a smear campaign against Donald Trump and Paul Manafort. This is in addition to the Fusion GPS Pissgate file which Bush Clinton created to smear the President.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.
The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia.

 That is criminal collusion by Hillary Clinton and it begs why is Hillary Clinton and her staff, with the DNC not indicted on these charges. as much as CIA Brennan accepting Balkan smear files on President Trump, and James Comey creating a witch hunt against Donald Trump, his associates, staff and family on this fake intelligence?

This is what all of this Russian hacking entails. Hillary Clinton and the Obama regime were colluding with British assets in Russia and eastern Europe to overthrow President Vladimir Putin, and Donald Trump got in the way of this criminal operation.

The Trumps should have listened to the advice of this blog as they certainly benefited from it before they got into 1600 Penn Avenue.

Nuff Said


the Obama Divorce or Till Death do us Part

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Gateway Pundit and others have been noting that Barack Hussein Obama has not been wearing his wedding ring again. There have been cover stories on this in Glamour Magazine from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord making excuses for this as Obama was terrified of having someone pull the ring off his finger as he was shaking hands. That could never happen, so it was a lie, but once again the Lame Cherry posts more proof of what was posted exclusively here in June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, when Obama disappeared for a day, only to return at a homosexual rally that night, because the reality is Birther Hussein departed to the great beyond that day, and there has been stand ins for the last three years of the Obama presidency.

As proof, you tell me that this is the same guy in 2017 compared to the real Obama as Senator from Illinois.

Once again, Obama 2017 is of a skull type which is oblong, his chin is massive, his ears are flat while vintage Obama's head is round, he has elephant ears, and his chin is normal as Senator.

There is absolutely not any way, that this is the same person, as skull shape can not be cosmetically altered.

So why should the image of Obama wear a wedding ring to lurch Muchelle, because he is just window dressing for the globalist indoctrination the Obama Foundation is implementing into America, in raising up 100,000 Obamachurian candidates.

Why it is such a reach for those in media to conclude this is not the same person, when they say Michelle is a man sex change operation, does not make any sense. It would though open up the evidence which has been posted here for four years proving that there were several images of Obama on display in this stolen American Presidency.

For those who need a review, before June 2013 Obama had no failures, after June 2013 nothing went right for this regime. It all goes back to the day when Obama was removed and put into cold storage by Val-erie Jarrett in the doomsday bunker under the White House. The corpse was finally moved to Hawaii ad dumped into a freezer and removed, ending the saga, once it was deemed that the Obama legacy would be one of perpetual vacations, the Obamas as a front for turning out zombie leaders to rule America perpetually, and there would be special appearances by the image of Obama to keep the illusion going, as Muchelle was out lezzing around with her shemales.

The doubters and scoffers are challenged then, in coming up with an explanation in how Obama's skull changed size and shape. How is it that over the years his hands at some periods were long and slender like a piano player's and then appears to be club-shaped hands.
His ears are not the same, his chin is not the same, his face is not the same person. Explain just how this is Obama, when all the evidence concludes Obama left the building in 2013 AD in the year of our Lord.

The fact is Michelle Obama is a widow. She has been one for years. She appeared to enjoy several of the changelings more than Barry, and as was documented here in the children were terrified of the neo Obama, they eventually warmed to him well enough, at least until the Presidency ended.
That is why they are never together and why Obama never wears a wedding ring, as this expensive stand in, is not paying for the expense in being wed to Lurch.

The original Obama was a round head. What is around now is a loaf head. These are not the same people, and that begs the question of where is the original Obama. You have been informed, but you come up with the answer as you challenge the posts here and are in denial.


The Round Ball


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is disgusting the attack upon American Rights in the Obama Bush inflation of expensive ammunition to disarm Americans by design, and yet in that necessity, there is a reality of Tom Greshom in his Gun Talk program had on a caller who suggested something, that upon researching it on forum posts, is a fantastic idea.

There are people who are taking revolvers in the 38, 357, 44 and 45 calibers, but instead of loading them up with Dirt Harry loads of magnums have chosen the exact opposite in reloading very low power loads starting with 3 grains of powder, sometimes a wad, sometimes the bullet seated down into the casing, and the bullet always being a simple musket ball, or round ball like Daniel Boone fired.

These loads are called plinker loads, and with bullet lubrication to lessen lead depositing on the rifling in the barrel, there are accurate loads for recreational shooting to the harvesting of squirrel and grouse. In interesting accounts, these parlor or gallery loads as they would have been called in the 1900's when people used to shoot guns in their parlor for recreation after supper, do not damage the meat on game any more than a blunt tip arrow would in killing a grouse or a squirrel.

This is for my personal conversation and when the big donations come in, as I intend to acquire several revolvers for TL and myself, where our idea is not about shooting criminals, but having a handgun to carry along on walks for protection from large predators to give them a send off, or to kill a skunk or woodchuck in protecting other wildlife from disease or their nests eaten.

It is lost on every person now, but 500,000 people were killed in the American Civil War, and there was not a magnum or smokeless powder load among them. The same 44 pistol that George Custer carried in the Cavalry is just as deadly today. People simply do not need concussion thumping loads in their hands, making life not enjoyable.
Would I prefer a magnum load in a life and death situation? Yes I would, but I would prefer a 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot instead. I simply would prefer for my carry a handgun which has no recoil, little sound, and that I will enjoy aiming and firing, without thinking about blasting energy in being prepared for it.

Silencers and suppressors are wonderful, but it is also wonderful to construct loads that are enjoyable to shoot and which will kill game or predators you happen upon while doing other things. The pot gun or pot shots are just that, and that is what is lovely about the round ball loads.
For a rifle, as in a lever action or single shot, the powder could be increased and it would be a very affordable and shootable load when constructed safely.

It always amazes me when I see people think about what they would do with money. Most are buying new cars or jewelry, but my thoughts immediately turn to some work bench where I would be tinkering with something, as what good is money in a bank, when it is not delighting you in bringing something for you to work at to savor the entire experience.
