Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Trump's Way

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a reality now that Donald Trump's lawyers have provided him with a way to save himself, not America, but his wonderful regime which the Lame Cherry is absolutely in favor of. The problem is, is that he has two pussies on the agenda who are afraid to pull the trigger in Rudy Guiliani and Ted Cruz.

This is the quote, but the scorched earth is about firing Jeff  Sessions as Sessions is not patriot enough to resign and wanders around like that loon James Comey, and engineering this in August, so that the person Donald Trump appoints, will rule until January protecting Donald Trump and cleaning up this mess.

After Sessions recused himself, he passed on the responsibility to Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who then appointed Mueller as special counsel overseeing the Russia probe.
Trump could order Rosenstein — and then Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand — to fire Mueller. If they quit instead of doing so, he could appoint an acting attorney general who would. Trump could also appoint an acting attorney general with them in place — effectively passing over Rosenstein and Brand — and order that person to remove the special counsel.
Trump’s authority to jump Rosenstein and Brand, though, is murky. The Justice Department has issued opinions in the past saying both that such a move is and isn’t permissible. And his pick for an acting attorney general would have to have Senate confirmation and be serving elsewhere in the government or have worked in the Justice Department for 90 days within the past 365 and be at a certain senior pay level.
Another scenario is that Trump could make a recess appointment, said University of Texas School of Law professor Steve Vladeck. Under that plan, Trump could choose an attorney general during the August recess who would serve until the end of the next Senate session, which could be early January. That person would have the same authority as someone who is confirmed by the Senate, Vladeck said.
Among the names being floated as possible Sessions replacements are Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and former New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, according to people familiar with the conversations.
Giuliani dismissed a report floating his name as a possible attorney general and told CNN that Sessions “made the right decision under the rules of the Justice Department” to recuse himself. He did not return a message seeking comment.
Cruz had said previously that he “did not think it was necessary to appoint a special counsel,” but when Mueller was appointed, he praised him as “an excellent choice.” A spokesman for Cruz could not be reached for comment.
Some Trump advisers said that this process could be agonizing for the attorney general, with the president’s anger flaring but no decision being reached for weeks or maybe months, leaving Sessions isolated from the White House. Sessions was at the White House complex on Monday for a routine meeting but did not meet with the president.
But not all in Trump’s orbit share the view that Sessions’s days are numbered.
Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, told CNN on Monday afternoon that Trump and Sessions “need to sit down face-to-face and have a reconciliation and a discussion of the future.”
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, a vigorous Trump ally, said in an interview that he and Trump had talked about Sessions and that Trump had indicated “he was very unhappy both with the recusal and the fact that Jeff didn’t talk to him beforehand.” But Gingrich said he would “strongly oppose” the firing of Sessions, because “I think his base likes Sessions.”
“His base thinks that on things like [violent street gangs] and sanctuary cities that Sessions is doing a fine job, and I think his base would be confused,” Gingrich said.
Gingrich also said he believed Sessions could survive the president’s criticisms.
“He said he’s beleaguered, not failed, and he is a little beleaguered,” Gingrich said. “This whole thing has been a mess.”
Trump, though, continues to let Sessions twist in the wind. One person close to Trump said the president asked him about how firing Sessions “would play in the conservative media.” Trump also asked him whether it would help to replace Sessions “with a major conservative,” the person said.
For his part, Sessions shows no signs of stepping down.
On Friday, Sessions traveled to Philadelphia to meet with law enforcement officials. In his speech, he vowed to crack down on illegal immigration and on “sanctuary cities” that are not communicating with federal authorities about undocumented immigrants. He spoke of how hard he is working, despite having none of his U.S. attorneys in place and most of his senior officials still not confirmed by the Senate.
“I do my best every day,” Sessions said, “to fulfill the goals the president and I share.”
Several of Session’s Republican former colleagues on Capitol Hill have defended him in the face of the president’s criticism.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), a close friend, said that Sessions was “doing just fine.” He also encouraged the president to try to patch up his relationship with his attorney general.
“They’re both adults, and they can work it out,” Cornyn said.

If I was Jehu, I would send an emissary to put the fear of Donald into Jeff Sessions, and inform the AG that he was about to fire Rob Rosenstein, appoint a Special Counsel to immediately review Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and then sign his resignation due to health reasons, as the next Attorney General would indict Jeff Sessions for lying in meeting with the Russian ambassador and will be tried in 14 days at Gitmo and sentenced to life in prison before September is out.

That taken care of, the neo Attorney General will upon the 7 day review of Robert Mueller, indict Robert Mueller on conflict of interest and conspiracy with James Comey, who will be  tried and convicted by September.

The neo AG will of course have to institute a putsch of all the Homeland agency to enforce this restabilization of the American Government.  This includes the the use of Military Police under presidential authority to enforce these necessary measures.
This will of course involve nice military script readers replacing electronic media and print who are found to be causing instability in America.

Once the benefactors of those lofty moralists of Congress understand the realities of the system will crush them, January will be a month of 100 vote confirmations of Mr.  Trumps new Attorney General and all other picks. Suddenly Congress will cease these coup investigations, and by remarkable reality, the Bundy's and the people of the west will cease being targets of the deep state land grab of America.

It is a reality that Guiliani and Sessions are too pussy to deal with this in the measures necessary. It requires a cold blooded son of a bitch like Mike Pence, but Pence is already running his own coup on Donald Trump. The Kushners and that Jew corp can only get others to stab the goy in the back. It will require someone who knows they will be reviled by history after this, probably be hauled to some dungeon when they are 70 as that is when the rats come for you, and figure America is worth the sacrifice of who they are for the ungrateful bleaters.  That is the dice roll in this for the neo AG to trust Jesus will come back before the mobs drag them away to the dungeon.
I would calculate it is worth the role, but I do not know if Donald Trump has the balls to do what needs doing, as he sold out before and has been thinking with Ivanka's vulva since.

Trump's Way or No Way.

First, most simply, Trump could order Mueller fired. Our Constitution gives the president the full prosecution power in Article II; accordingly, any federal prosecutor works ultimately for the president.
The regulations provide that Mueller can “be disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the Attorney General” (again, Rosenstein here, because Sessions is recused) and only for “good cause.” The president, therefore, would have to direct Rosenstein to fire Mueller — or, somewhat more extravagantly, Trump could order the special-counsel regulations repealed and then fire Mueller himself

Second, Congress could muck up Mueller’s investigation.

Third, the regulations permit Rosenstein to define the scope and powers of the investigation.
Even if the deep state Washington Post is baiting President Trump in above, it requires being accomplished, though first seizing control of the deep state as the Lame Cherry warned in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said



Washington AC = Ashkenaz Community

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The US House which can not pass anything, no more than the Senate, found time to hit nuclear armed Russia with even more draconian sanctions for "hacking" which never took place in the 2016 elections. For the record, the two "hacking" reports which surfaced were Seth Rich copying files at the DNC and who was murdered, and the NSC breaking into State elections in Georgia and Indiana.


Why is the US Congress hell bent on starting a nuclear war with Russia?

It is because Russia is standing in the way of Greater Israel in Syria. The Lame Cherry has informed all of you that Russia now has safe zones in Syria which Donald Trump agreed to, to stop the war in Syria. The Jews though have a different idea for Syria, as it has oil in the Golan, and it has a great deal of land where Jews can exile all their Philistine problems for a nice buffer zone.
So the end result again for Greater Israel is a nuclear war in Europe and America, because sacrificing the goy for the Ashkenaz is as acceptable as selling ghetto Jews by the elders to the Nazi, blowing up the USS Liberty or murdering bushels of Americans in Iraq wars to get rid of another Jewish problem. It is the Jewish control of Jews in Congress and their blackmailed sycophants.

USS Liberty Attack

Israel attempted to prevent the Liberty’s radio operators from sending a call for help by jamming American emergency radio channels. [And that] Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned lifeboats at close range that had been lowered to rescue the most-seriously wounded.” He concluded with “our government put Israel’s interests ahead of our own? If so, Why? Does our government continue to subordinate American interests to Israeli interests?”

As this has been touched on before, David John Oates in Reverse Speech captured several times everyone from Lydon Johnson down talking about Jewish involvement in the Kennedy Assassination. Yes the Jewish Mosaad ran the most perfect intelligence operation ever, in sullying up everyone who had a gripe in America with Kennedy, and pointed it to Russia for a war, which would shut it all down, and the Jews got their atomic bomb from Lyndon Johnson, as American nuclear stores went missing, and ended up in Jewish State.
Jew  nuclear bombs for Kennedy blood.

Kennedy Assassination

The last president that sought to compel the predecessor organization of AIPAC to register was John F. Kennedy, who also was about to take steps to rein in Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program when he was assassinated, which was a lucky break for Israel, particularly as Kennedy was replaced by the passionate Zionist Lyndon Baines Johnson. Funny how things sometimes work out. The Warren Commission looked deeply into a possible Cuban connection in the shooting and came up with nothing but one has to wonder if they also investigated the possible roles of other countries. Likewise, the 9/11 Commission Report failed to examine the possible involvement of Israel in the terrorist attack in spite of a considerable body of evidence suggesting that there were a number of Israeli-sourced covert operations running in the U.S. at that time.
None of US policy in Ukraine or Syria has a thing to do with US national interests. You do remember that Donald Trump said America first in the campaign? Odd thing on the way to America first, is that the US policy top down is run by Jews and Jewish assets, and it is making the United States a multiple nuclear target from Russia, Iran, China and North Korea, and the war to be fought will be Russian as the Jews watch the fireworks again and reap the spoils.

Donald Trump has broken his word to Americans, but then all Presidents do. It is just a matter that one can not be disappointed in being lied to again as an American, and just hope the Ashkenaz financiers get their global war started this time, so in Christian terms Jesus will return and put an end to all of this with enforced peace.

The Tel  Aviv House

Looking back from the perspective of his more than 40 years of military service, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer described the consequences of Jewish power vis-à-vis U.S. policy towards Israel, stating that
“I’ve never seen a president – I don’t care who he is – stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don’t have any idea what goes on.”

Simply understand that it is Washington AC, Ashkenaz Commune, and not Washington DC and that way you will stop being so disappointed, frustrated and expecting something good from Donald Trump, because it is not going to happen, because the financiers need your money in huge taxes, they need you dead by rationed death Obamacare, and they need you funding a military to steal other nation's resources as you die for it.

I am not saying this is the year, but the Ashkenaz got the Jewish land in 1948. Christ stated that this generation would not pass away in seeing all of these things. 70 years is a generation, and that points to 2018 AD in the year of our Lord.
It should be noted that Jacob Rothschild stated that 2018 is the year of the new world order.

Rothschild: Our New World Order Will Be A Reality In 2018 ...


Jacob Rothschild Says Putin "A Traitor To The New World Order ...

Jacob Rothschild has accused Russian president Vladimir Putin of being a "traitor to the New World Order". Putin's refusal to tow the NWO line makes Jacob ...


All the Confederate Gold

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I see by the archive date that this is July 25th, and you have since the 4th had several stories posted here concerning the real American Civil War and it's Heroes, led by the Southern Americans. What is the purpose of this blog is to expose your minds to the real history in broadening your understanding of events that which puzzle and make you ponder, as you are going to hear things which you have never heard.

In this journey of the past exposing you to the civil war of your present, the world will be viewed by an American who was abused by the Confederacy, refused amnesty by the North, and in this, a clear vision appeared of the the realities of America.

The author is Lt. General James Longstreet. In review of his prowess and writings, he was the American Napoleon of the Civil War. No one wanted to battle James Longstreet and his army, because as one Union officer noted, "One or a thousand men, you go up against Longstreet and you lose".

Pay attention to the BOLD PRINT in the following letter.

Longstreet to Lee on Impressment of Gold, 

Head-quaeters First Corps, 

February 26, 1865. 

General E. E. Lee, 

Commanding : 

General, — I have just heard from General Ewell indirectly 
that he can raise force enough at Richmond to hold the lines on 
this side, so that my corps may be withdrawn temporarily to your 
right, that is, if you can put a part of the Second Corps in place 
of Pickett's division. This arrangement will give you force 
enough to meet any move that the enemy may make upon your 
right. If he makes no move, then you can, when the proper mo- 
ment arrives, detach a force to the aid of General Beauregard, 
and if the enemy should then press you, you can abandon Peters- 
burg and hold your line here, and take up the line of the Appo- 
mattox. But I think that the enemy will be forced to move a 
force south the moment that he finds that you are reinforcing 
against Sherman, else he will encounter the risk of losing Sherman 
as well as Richmond. There is some hazard in the plan, but 
nothing can be accomplished in war without risk. 

The other important question is provisions. We are doing 
tolerably well by hauling from the country and paying market 
prices in Confederate money. If you would give us gold I have 
reason to believe that we could get an abundant supply for four 
months, and by that time we ought to be able to reopen our com- 
munication with the South. The gold is here, and we should 
take it. We have been impressing food and all of the necessaries 
of life from women and children, and have been the means of 
driving thousands from their homes in destitute conditions. 
Should we hesitate, then, about putting a few who have made im- 
mense fortunes at our expense to a little inconvenience by im- 
pressing their gold ? It is necessary for us, and I do not think 
that we should let our capital fall into the enemy's hands for fear 
of injuring the feelings or interests of a few individuals. We 
have expended too much of blood and treasure in holding it for 
the last four years to allow it to go now by default. I think that 
it may be saved. If it can, we should not leave any possible 
contingency untried. 

I think, however, that the enemy's positions are so well selected 
and fortified that we must either wait for an opportunity to draw 
him off from here or await his attack. For even a successful as- 
sault would cripple us so much that we could get no advantage 
commensurate with our loss. 

I remain with great respect, and truly, your obedient servant, 


Lieutenant- General 

To understand the above, the Southern leadership had made several miscalculations.

1. They were planning to have England or France invade America to help their cause. They trusted their allies and discovered too late that the Europeans were fond of starting wars, but not fond of bleeding their own blood in them.
2. They intended to fight a civil or a war which was one with honor, while Abraham Lincoln's mindset was this was not a war, but a criminal action of traitors to be hung.
3. They were expecting early victories would force Abraham Lincoln to peace.

The question in this is the known quantity that there were Southerners who were not dealing in Confederate currency, but were only transacting business in gold, and hording that gold. It was a known stockpile which the elite of the Confederacy knew of, and would not touch, as it belonged to a most powerful interest.

None of this  gold was being introduced or invested into the South for the war effort, in even lucrative markets as rail. The Southern railroads remained unfinished and worse yet, there was absolutely no conformity in rail lines, in different tracks had different widths for different trains.

As in all wars, it was the Patriotic poor who were being infringed upon to absolute poverty in it was their livestock being eaten and confiscated, along with their produce. It was a point in how did a Southern farmer plant tobacco, cotton or grains, if their mules are in army harness and their milk cow died the year before to feed the Confederate military.

Does this sound a great deal like these Pentagon wars of this last generation, and Mr. Trump signing a blank check for more wars, as 95 million Americans are without work, America is 21 trillion dollars in debt, the Kushner's live in a 5 million dollar mansion, the Buffett's and Zuckerbergs have all the billions, and it is the same situation the Confederacy faced.

Yet even in the final desperate months of the Army of Virginia, General Longstreet saw yet an advantage for the South, in it still could prolong the war even at that late stage, and obtain a victory as they were depriving the North of Southern cotton.

Pay attention to the quote in the North was confiscating Southern cotton and appears to actually been buying the cotton, in other words Abraham Lincoln was funding and feeding the Confederacy in this great struggle.

When Lincoln embargoed Southern cotton to European  trade, it was for the reason that the North needed that cotton or the North would collapse. The South understanding this edge, began destroying the cotton, as the North needed it more than the South.

All of this high moral abolitionist Negroid suffrage, and just like the Rockefellers doing business with the Nazis, communists or terrorists, Abraham Lincoln was conducting business with the South for cotton or the Union would crumble, and why not, as it is the same financiers who did business with the South are the same ones having LaVoy Finicum shot in Oregon over energy resources under American ranches in the 21st century.

Longstreet to Lee waging Use of Gold. 

Head-quarters First Army Corps, 

March 7, 1865. 

General E. E. Lee, 

Commanding : 

General, — I received a letter yesterday from a friend in the 
interior of North Carolina assuring me that there are large 
quantities of provisions in the State ; that many have two and 
three years' supply on hand, and that gold will bring anything 
that we need to our armies. The gold is in the country, and most 
of it is lying idle. Let us take it at once and save Richmond, 
and end the war. If we hold Richmond and keep our cotton, the 
war cannot last more than a year longer. If we give up Rich- 
mond we shall never be recognized by foreign powers until the 
government of the United States sees fit to recognize us. If we 
hold Richmond and let the enemy have our cotton, it seems to me 
that we shall furnish him the means to carry on the war against 
us. It looks to me as though the enemy had found that our policy 
of destroying the cotton rather than let it fall into their hands 
would break them down, and that it has forced them to the 
policy of sending on here to make a contract to feed and clothe 
our armies in order that they may get the means of carrying on 
the war of subjugation. If we will keep our cotton and use our 
gold our work will be comparatively easy. 

I remain, respectfully, your obedient servant, 


Lieutenant- General

Even in March 1865, if the Confederacy would have seized the gold of the financiers, purchased the supplies which were being horded, the Confederacy could have turned the corner on this war by keeping their cotton, to keep their Capital Richmond, and force the federals to recognize the Right of the States and the Right of the People.
The federal dictatorship would have been broken in 1866 AD in the year of our Lord. That is how close it came if the Confederates had seized the money from the rich, the same rich who swindled the Southerner out of their savings, exactly as the same 21 trillion the financiers have swindled from Americans. That money is still there and America's salvation is not Donald Trump, but Donald Trump seizing that money back from the accounts of those who swindled Americans in this massive national socialist state called Trump America.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
