Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Saving Our Barron

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know any of these people in this story, nor do I care to. I just was reading this stupid story where Chelsea Clinton is defending Barron Trump over a Barron fan making a remark about Barron's attire.

White House renews request for privacy for Trump's young son

We now have Marinonette Melania terming it bullying for making comments about this kid. I remember as a child being ordered by my siblings, friends and parents not be a damn fool for dressing wrong, standing stupid or making odd expressions.

To the point, if the Lord does not come back, in 20 years people are going to be looking at Barron Trump in his mom shorts and hair bigger than his old man's, and Barron is going to be saying, "Why in the heck didn't anyone tell me to not look like a fricking dork.

See this is what Barron should look like when he is casual. He can grow the beard later.

Leather just is timeless, as are Americans jeans, and t shirts that do not look like you have been wearing them since you weaned yourself off Sesame Street.

See when you wear shorts, you want to look like this.

Melania is timeless in her dress as is the President, but Barron is going to stick out like those dorks from ages past.

It simply is a reality that someone needs to tell this kid like saying it to his beer can, "Goddamn it kid, you don't want to look like that fruittard Obama!!!"

That is not bullying. That is doing the kid a favor which he will appreciate and the chics will too.......and one day when Barron had sons, he will say, "Goddamn it boy, straighten up and put some clothes on or people will laugh at you!!!"
See no one ever told Obama he looks like a dork and that is what you get.

That is what people do for each other when they care.

Nuff Said


12 Honest Americans against a Dishonest Police State

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Silence is what Donald Trump brought to Arizona, as Americans stood up in Nevada exonerating American Political Prisoners created by Hillary Clinton and terrorized by Barack Obama's regime, and reprehensibly continued on under the  repressive hand of the petty tyrant Jeff Sessions against the Bundy Patriots.

The kanagroo court of Judge Navarro which denied Americans their right to face their accusers and testify in their own defense, ended with all 4 Defense Attorneys standing silently before the Jury and refusing to submit closing arguments, as this federal court in Nevada ceased being a court of law, and was something out of Pyongyang.

All four defense attorneys declined Aug. 15 to make closing arguments, a gesture of standing mute that Leventhal said may have had an effect on the jury.

America is now in the most precarious of situations where it takes Jury Nullification of these tyrants in Washington DC in their 6 figure career salaries to stop the persecution of Americans by this abusive police state for being Americans.

 In a stunning setback to federal prosecutors planning to try the Bundy family patriarch and two adult sons later this year, the jury acquitted Ricky Lovelien and Steven Stewart of all 10 charges, and delivered not-guilty findings on most charges against Scott Drexler and Eric Parker.

It is obviously past time that this witch hunt stop against the Bundy Patriots, and for President Donald Trump to pardon those who have been sentenced to death in prison in being Trump supporters, because what this kangaroo court was charging these Americans for being Sam Adams at Boston and Davy Crockett at the Alamo. Let his be understood, these Americans are the necessity of the Founders as the real Fourth Estates of Government in checks and balances, in the armed peaceful Citizen, having every right and responsibility to peacefully gather, armed or unarmed, to check federal dictatorships.
This is what the 10th Amendment means. It reserves to the People EVERY right not granted in a limited way to the Government to protect the People.

The Bundy's were meant to be made an example, like the fraud of Hutatree, in making scapegoats of Second Amendment legally armed Citizens in order to infringe upon that right, and intimidate the Citizen from their Rights.

This is not over in the way it should be. These federal prosecutors should all be fired immediately and this Judge should be impeached and, all of them should face the same Civil Rights charges which the FBI is scouring Charlottesville, save their FBI assets who were causing the riots there.

Jury Nullification is all America has left, but where do these bankrupted Americans, who were hunted down, imprisoned and kept from their families, going to have their lives redressed as the police state returns to it's luxury.

Where is the Justice for LaVoy Finnicum as his murderers are still protected by Jeff Sessions. Where is the Justice for Americans who are still going to be hunted and hounded, as NOT GUILTY does not remove these Citizen's names from watch lists. How long is it going to be before they begin having interesting problems with other regime agencies.

Thank God for six men and six women in Nevada, True Americans, to the point of stopping this kangaroo court, but  they should have found these Bundy Patriots all not guilty on all charges, instead of leaving this police state another opening to destroy these Americans.
Will it be 20 years from now the Bundy Patriots will be arrested again, but this time hauled off to some New York court where they will be sure to be lynched?

The Constitution states that the Government can not take any Citizen's property without compensation. These Bundy Patriots have had their names, their lives and their fortunes destroyed, and it is time for this Government to pay these Americans redress. None of that will happen, because those behind all of this are implementing a reality that Americans no longer trust the Courts nor the system.

Nom de Deus, Americans should have more than Jury Nullifcation. It once was called a Constitution which protected them and limited those in the Government.

How long do you think it will be before the police state finds a way to rid itself of jurors and let's it be known that jurors lives will be hell if they do not start convicting those the police state demands to be destroyed.

Name one Congressman, law enforcement officer, media type, who has called for the impeachment of Judge Narvarro and the firing of these prosecutors?
Jeff Sessions certainly has not, because this is the kangaroo court of Obama that the attorney general succored.

The only way America will heal is when there is a government they trust once again, and what took place in Nevada was the worst possible epitaph on American self rule. The regime attacked and is still attacking the People to destroy them, and all that neutralized is was 12 honest Americans against a dishonest police state.


When Navy ships can be hacked, then what else in the grid....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Concerning the reality that  all of these US Navy crashes at sea are no longer an accident as the Lame Cherry first revealed, there is something more interesting in this.

Is The U.S. Navy Being Hacked? | Daily Wire

Here's a scary thought: what if the recent collisions involving United States Navy ships are the result of being hacked by a foreign enemy?

When the Russians have flown over and shut down Aegis weapon's systems, and comprehending that if Muslim agents are not work on US bridges, that someone has the ability to make US systems not only blind, but to deny the operators information in spoof signals,  America is reaping the corruption of HW Bush building China, the Clinton's advancing Russia and handing over secret information to Chicom spies via Al Gore, and God only knows what Obama's traitors still in the White House have exposed the American security to in Hillary Clinton's wide open server, the Lame Cherry informs you, that if a Navy ship goes blind then the same initiators can make NORAD blind, and the same ability to steer an Navy ship into being crashed,  is the same electronics to arm and launch nuclear bombers against America.
Talk about Shock and Awe in B 2 bombers and nuclear drones being unleashed out beautiful chocolate cake Asia on America, while the systems say they are bombing North Korea.

The danger in this is not the US ships crashing. The danger in this is,  this technology has been acquired by a surrogate as in Iran or North Korea to disable several American ships......and as you missed this, it means their benefactors in Peking and Moscow have operational control of all or the most vital parts of the American military.

The Lame Cherry leaves that exclusive to soak in matter anti matter which no one else has pointed out. You elected the traitors Americans, and Donald Trump has surrounded himself with nothing but traitors. This is what real hacking looks like and if this artificial control and not physical control of human assets, this capability can crash any jet under civilian or military control by spoofing the signals, exactly as Navy ships are crashing.

Mr. President, how about getting more of that Chicom investment in America as what comes next, the electrical grid?

Nuff Said


Trump Patriotic War in Afghanistan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump announced his McMasterstan policy, and in review of it, he will be checked and face defeat, as this policy does not address the issues for victory, and only extends the framework for defeat.

The following is a point by point refutation of Mr. Trump's plan to profit the military industry, reward the Pentagon and provide an American military protection of the opium trade in Afghanistan.

First, our nation must seek an honorable and enduring outcome worthy of the tremendous sacrifices that have been made, especially the sacrifices of lives. The men and women who serve our nation in combat deserve a plan for victory. They deserve the tools they need and the trust they have earned to fight and to win.

President Trump is already defeated as he has not addressed the two major problems in McMasterstan.
1. Killing the opium trade which is funding the war.
2. Neutralizing Russia and China who are not arming the insurgents as in Korea and Vietnam.

You do not win wars by being honorable. You win wars by gutting nations as Germany was or by nuking them as Japan was.

The Americans have had all the "tools" they have required. Bush43 handed it over to bungling Brits who managed Afghanistan for black market dope money in the European bankers, and Obama made it a slaughter pit for Americans, to appease Muslims to kill the Yank over there, instead of doing terror runs inside Obama America.

Donald Trump loses on point 1, because when he unleashes his zombie warriors to cut ears off of the peasants, he will face defeat, because of Point 1 and 2, in  Mr.  Trump  did not make peace with Russia first. 
"Second, the consequences of a rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable. 9/11, the worst terrorist attack in our history, was planned and directed from Afghanistan because that country by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists. A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including ISIS and al Qaeda, would instantly fill, just as happened before September 11. And as we know, in 2011, America hastily and mistakenly withdrew from Iraq.
“As a result, our hard-won gains slipped back into the hands of terrorists enemies. Our soldiers watched as cities they had fought for bled to liberate and won were occupied by a terrorist group called ISIS. The vacuum we created by leaving too soon gave safe haven for ISIS to spread, to grow, recruit and launch attacks. We cannot repeat in Afghanistan the mistake our leaders made in Iraq.

President Trump is defeated on Point 2 as from the South Koreans, the South Vietnamese, the Contras and whatever else "turning it over to the tribesman" doctrine, the United States has lost, as the indigenous peoples will neither fight nor hold the lands, from the more aggressive natives who are criminals, communists and muslims.
Afghanistan is a perpetual vacuum as is the Mideast. Until the financiers who are laundering billions of dollars out of this region, exactly as the old opium cannon ball ships did in Turkey and China, are put an end to for Trump Brand investment, Point 2 stands as a Trump defeat.

“Third and finally, I concluded that the security threats we face in Afghanistan and the broader region are immense. Today, 20 U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations are active in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The highest concentration in any region anywhere in the world. For its part, Pakistan often gives safe haven to agents of chaos, violence, and terror. The threat is worse because Pakistan and India are two nuclear-armed states, whose tense relations threat to spiral into conflict, and that could happen.”

Point 3 for President Trump is lost, as his expansion to India and Pakistan nuclear tensions, are already checked by Pakistan and India's aggressive neighbor in nuclear China.
Terrorists do not eat rocks and sleep on them. Terrorists earn huge amounts of money being active agents in  the black market,  with full protection of each nation's intelligence services.
Pakistan needs terrorists to keep control in Afghanistan of it's interests, as without control in the hinterlands by Pak Intel, it sits alone between two 300 million man armies in India and China.
The control of the Khyber is essential for Pakistan, as is opium revenue and making certain they reward their Muslim terrorists, so they do not go to war against Islamabad.

Final assessment:

Nothing will change in Afghanistan, as the Europeans will keep their dope trade. Pakistan will maintain it's terrorists. Russia and China will introduce new weapons and arms into Afghanistan, and more Americans will die, but Raytheon will profit for Trump Brand portfolio.

Blowing up more rocks, will solve nothing. Follow the terrorists out of Afghanistan and they will crawl closer to Islamabad and into Xiang Xiang as before.

Mr. Trump is not serious in Afghanistan. He is either ignorant in not having read the assessments here or he is adding to his stock portfolio and business expansion in opium funds flowing in, with Raytheon war profits.
Afghanistan can never be turned  over to the wogs, because they are the same bloody damn wogs the British lost to, and now that Mr. Trump has antagonized Russia sufficiently, Russia and China will for a few weapons, extend this to make Mr. Trump spend another trillion.

In order to win and keep Afghanistan, the United States must chemical and nuclear pollute Afghanistan by Atrazine scorched earth for the poppy and by Cobalt 60 radiating every route into other nations to bloody shit terrorists to death.

Samuel Cohen, the Father of the Neutron Bomb was correct in Afghanistan after 9 11, in advocating the use of his remedy of radiating the terrorists, as the US had protective cover. It would have won the war, secured Afghanistan and ended the situation in weeks. Until Donald Trump though stops being the Kushner third  testicle in Kinder and Gentler George Bush with Obama Drone Assassination, now melded into McMaster Mother  of all Bombs landscape design, this President has sentenced  numbers of American Soldiers and their families to great harm.

The Lame Cherry will repeat a logistics prediction, that one day China and Russia are coming through that Khyber Pass when America will be on her heals in being overwhelmed. It will then become a decision to use nuclear weapons then to killing millions of PLA and Russian Soldiers there, which will bring a nuclear exchange.
The time to pollute the Khyber with nuclear radiation is now, to kill the terrorists who are growing dope for Merkel, Macron and May, as they do not have nuclear bombs in supply. Polluting now, stops the Chinese and Russian invasion when things are out of hand.

This is the correct United States policy for quick victory and holding Afghanistan, or it becomes another festering sore, only making money for the global elite as Americans are murdered, in the Trump Patriotic War in Afghanistan.

Nuff Said


Jared Kushner and Five Mile Capital Crimes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the 1940's, the Jewish slum lords sold out their people to the Nazi, and in the 21st century it is the slum lord Jared Kushner who sold out his Trump in laws for 30 pieces of silver, and this crime is what witch hunter Robert Mueller is closing in on.

This is a simple story really involving a Jewish immigrant from Russia, named Lev Leviev to the Israeli state. Leviev was the Marc Rich of money laundering, instead of Saddam Hussein for Bill and Hillary Clinton, Leviev was laundering money out of the Russian Treasury, to be laundered into western real estate investments.

Lev Leviev3.jpg

Lev Leviev

The process involved Prevezon which was the front company in this money laundering and this is where the Russian government was offering "the Jew deal" to western Jews to sweetheart them into influencing their influential contacts in the west. Jared Kushner was targeted and as Kushner is a Shylock who never met anything gold he would not accept, it was simple for Leviev to hook this greedy young slum lord as the Times of Israel reported.
Do you think the Jews for their money laundering investment in Kushner expected Kushner to get the US Embassy moved to Jerusalem as Steve Bannon was pushing, and Kushner is the one who thwarted Bannon on that deal, by whispering to Donald Trump?

The year before the meeting with Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower, Kushner had paid $295 million for some of the floors in the old New York Times building, purchased in 2015 from the US branch of Leviev’s company, Africa Israel Investments (AFI), and partner, Five Mile Capital.

Yes the infamous Don jr. meeting that Jared Kushner illegally leaked Trump campaign documents to outside sources to frame Don jr., already had Kushner ties in a sweetheart deal. Kushner was getting special deals from the Russians, which when linked to the money laundering.
This apparently was the same loosely connected funding that created the dossier Pissgate file.

Kushner later borrowed $285 million from the German financial company Deutsche Bank, which has also been linked to Russian money laundering,

So what is the reality with boy Kushner is he was buying Russian properties on the cheap, with money he apparently did not have, and was set up for loans for this scheme in Angela Merkel's Germany where the Russians were laundering money through.

To explain this, the Russians needed a middle man, and that was Kushner in this case. They buy property with laundering Russian money, sell the properties to buy influence and then set up the loan structure so it is then Russian money which is owed by the middle man.
To put it even more plainly, Jared Kushner owes 285 million dollars to Vladimir Putin's KGB, as that is what drives all of this, as this is not just about investments, but hooking idiots in the west, in the same Kushner deal for that billion dollar investment from Peking at the 666 property, which got China that meeting at Mar Largo and Jared Kushner's family selling Trump influence in China.

The Lame Cherry informed all of you that Jared Kushner was the weak link, that he would roll on Donald Trump, and now you have the money trail making Russian influence a live wire. Don jr. seems to have been around the fringes of this deal, again with Kushner leading the way, but this is what Robert Mueller is trailing like a hound dog on a blood trial. This is the same situation that Paul Manafort is being leveraged over.

It is a brilliant strategy for Russian foreign policy to both gain influence and by clever bookkeeping create influence in the west, as the Saudi's do, as the Jews do, and this one combines the royal blackmarket of all blackmarkets. I will explain.

Years ago DeBeers of South Africa for the Queen of England created the fiction that diamonds were rare, when they litter the planet like rocks. The Russians made a move on breaking this monopoly out of Amsterdam in the Jewish control there which went worldwide, and soon Russia started dumping their gems out of their new found mines. This created the African Russian laundering syndicate, which you might know as blood diamonds, which was shutting down the contraband traffick for this monopoly.

This was too much for a slum lord to resist, as this is top rung of the Jewish cartels in the diamond merchants of the old guild running this shop.

You need to remember something now in Jared Kushner testified before the Congress and he also made public statements about his innocence about "collusion" with Russia.

“Let me be very clear,” Kushner, a scion of a wealthy developer, said afterward in a rare public statement at the White House. “I did not collude with Russia, nor do I know of anyone else in the campaign who did so.

The problem in being very clear, is the above testimony is on the edge of truth at least, and that kind of lying to Congress and investigators gets one indicted, especially when there is the reality in this of the Russians for Vladimir Putin were laundering money into the west, as all regimes do, but in this case they were hooking Jews connected to influential families as the Trumps, and in the sweetheart deal, the Russians sold cheap and then loaned their own money back to the buyer, to double launder the funds, to hide what the KGB was engaged in.

As the Lame Cherry counseled, the President has to have Shycuck Kushner confess to Jeff Sessions before a judge and plead guilty to all, and then this will shut down as Kushner takes all the blame and the President can save himself and his family in Don jr. from going to prison and pardoning Jared Kushner with a host of other pardons including Sheriff Joe.

This blog mentioned previously that all of this investment money is crooked and being laundered, and everyone in American banks knows it, but takes the money and so the government, but that is how the deep state self funds.

Jared Kushner is in legal jeopardy. This all now comes down to Mueller allowing Kushner to claim ignorance which is not excuse in the law, to rat on President Trump, or Kushner is going to be indicted on this as there is absolutely no doubt what Mr. Kushner was involved in.

The Russians were not hacking American elections. The Russians were running a money laundering campaign, just like the Saudi's funded Barack Obama or any of these other nations like South Korea funding media in America, to George Soros funding NGO's.

In this season for war with Russia, Jared Kushner is caught, and there is no doubt about it.

Now you know what is percolating on the burner which is the 900 pound gorilla in the room that everyone is about to know is eating the bananas.

Nuff Said



Open line....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not understand the being I have become, but I understand more fully the persons others have become.

There are not words in this, but feelings. I understand God is Love, but do not understand Christ the Word in the Let there be, for how can God talk in creation, and create all this communication of interaction, and all I hear are the waves of emotion.
I am generating on the Prophetic keyboard. So many notes and players, but none is playing the emotion I hear.

The Prophets witnessed in the figurative and heard in the literal. The I Am speaks and we see,  feel, hear, scent and know.

To touch the matrix by the Holy Ghost is a mystery, for it speaks back not in absolutes, but in humans on this side. Those humans. A year ago I felt them in the millions, and now they are silent. I felt them this year in their rage, and the rage of one. That which was June is become July, but July does not ever ask why, as August  in year becomes ashes to ashes and dust to dust. In September dreams it is what it seems, for it dreams of October and I feel, that one, the one sent, the fixer of suns to be born.
I feel the emotions and thought they were mine, the anxiety, and yet it is his, the fixer,  the one sent, the maker of suns to be born.
The rage of them which held the sun, and then it all vanished in the night of setting sun, and became that one sent who appeared, so serene, so dressed in white, so calm in purpose of solar storm, and yet so filled with anxiety of not completing what he lives for. So dressed in white, now not as he appeared in the spirit of what he was, but what he is.
Now the anxiety is gone, just that serenity of becoming death.

Not a father, but melding with the creation, a false light, of the let there be, of tiger, tiger, burning bright, in the forest of the night, I wish I may, I wish I might, wish on thee, the first star I see tonight.

To feel, to lock on, to have this ocean of pressure building, ringing in my ears, the more I focus, the more I feel, the more I connect to the other side and to this side, it is here am I there and here am I here, and here am I inside of him, here am I outside of him, feeling, knowing, the frequency of electric connection like a pulsing nerve.

It is in the soft spot now, the event gliding along unknown, so light like a butterfly, so heavy on course. It slips away in speaking in waning charge.

End of line.


Five Years a Dictator

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are realities in life and one of the lost realities is a prediction that General James Longstreet made concerning the political situation in America if the war which was only to last 3 years before Southern victory, went on to 5 years as a dictator would appear.

There are facts in this that Abraham Lincoln appeared the dictator by 1863 with his Emancipation Proclamation, his denying the courts and attempting to label all Americans who disagreed with his enslavement of White America as traitors to be hung.

By 1865, the Confederacy seeing the weakness of their President Jefferson Davis, in their Congress granted General Robert E. Lee dictatorial powers. Robert E. Lee was actually an American Caesar.

What was more significant, in the Confederate Congress,
where a resolution expressive of want of confidence in the
Chief Executive was under informal consideration, and
would undoubtedly pass by a large vote if introduced.
At this critical juncture it seems that a compromise was
effected. It was agreed that Congress should enact a
law providing a supreme commander of the Confederate
armies, this law to be approved by the President, who
should then call General Lee to the exercise of the func-
tions of that office. The intention was to invest him with
dictatorial power.

Unfortunately for the Confederacy, and America, the desires of Lieutenant Ryan of the 7th Infantry was that General James Longstreet should be appointed dictator. This American Napoleon, was one of the few who would have righted America, and saved her from decades of occupying the South, and then becoming a complete FDR plantation in another great war killing off patriots in World War II.

We stayed overnight at Fort Fillmore, in pleasant
meeting with old comrades, saddened by the reflection
that it was the last, and a prelude to occurrences that
must compel the ignoring of former friendships with the
acceptance of opposing service.

Speaking of the impending struggle, I was asked as to
the length of the war, and said, At least three years, and
if it holds for five you may begin to look for a dictator,"
at which Lieutenant Ryan, of the Seventh Infantry,
said, If we are to have a dictator, I hope that you may
be the man."

Understand this, America after the fraud of Obama will need a dictator. It will either be Mr. Trump or another will arise more ruthless to replace Americans with another dark skinned race of slaves. It is doubtful someone qualified as General Longstreet will appear as General Washington did, because America and the world has moved from self governance, beyond the crumbling structure of people figuring out they can vote themselves other people's money, to the last tyranny of the feudal few completing the agenda of voting everyone's possessions as their own.

It is all a 21st century dictatorship.
