Saturday, August 26, 2017

Man up Gary Cohn and Resign

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The fiction of Gary Cohn has reached to new depths of the ridiculous in his the ludicrous, holier than Kushner,  claim that Gary Cohn was so upset over the staged riots in Charlottesville, that he was going to resign.

Let the Lame Cherry be the honest voice in this, in Gary Cohn would not resign if Donald Trump ordered this Shylock to, because Gary Cohn lusts for one thing, and that is filthy lucre and the way to gather more, and Gary Cohn can not pile high his pounds of flesh out of the White House.

I was reading Gary Cohn's profile on Wikipedia, and it must have been written by Jared Kushner as it is quite creative, as it lists Cohn as a child of eastern European Jewish immigrants. You know that is a creative way of bringing up the holocaust in what a survivor Cohn is, but an interesting blurb in his profile on another site exposes something of the Truth.

His Grandfather emigrated from Poland to the USA alone when he was just 
13 years old.

In actually taking the time to expose the fraud of Gary Cohn, the Lame Cherry found that Cohn was birthed in 1960 AD in the year of our Lord. That means his parents should have been around 20 when the was birthed in Ohio, so their birth date was 1940 AD in the year of our Lord, and now that we know Gramps arrived in America at 13 years old, if Gramps was 20 when he semen implant Gram, that would make Gramps having come to America around 1933.

That part is most interesting in it means while Cohn is trying to make it appear he is a holocaust Jew, he was nothing of the sort. It opens up an even more bizarre incident in Franklin Roosevelt refused a shipload of Jews to land in America and sent them back to their deaths in like 1940 AD in the year of our Lord, so how in this world did a Polish Jew get into America in 1933 AD in the year of our Lord?

You don't suppose the clever little shyster put down he was Catholic and that is Gramps infiltrated into America?

"This administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities," Cohn told the Financial Times.
Cohn said he felt compelled "to voice my distress over the events of the last two weeks."
Cohn, who is Jewish, was reportedly "disgusted" and "appalled" with Trump's response to white nationalists' role in the violence in Charlottesville. The president blamed "both sides" for the violence, which left one counterprotester dead.

Of course Gary Cohn is against the President correctly assessing Charlottesville, because in the Cohn narrative, which is the one Hillary Clinton, Terry MacCauliff for 2020, with now cover from the Obama police state operatives at Justice, in an FBI who had their own moles there starting a riot which sought to murder a Ohio White kid there by beating him to death in an ambush, just does not fit in with Cohn conning the President to appoint Cohn as Fed Chairman to serve under his Hillary for global rapine in her Presidency.

Let us add more honesty in this in Gary Cohn hides behind being an Ashkenaz Jew like George Soros does. Research the Cohn family in America, hiding behind White, Black and Brown Americans sent to protect the State of Israel and fight wars for Wall Street profit, and you will find that no Cohn volunteered to fight in the 1948 war of liberation for the State of Israel, no Cohn volunteered to serve in the IDF in the 1967 and 1972 war, and Gary Cohn, being more than old enough to volunteer to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces in the era of Ariel Sharon's thumping of Hezbollah in Lebanon, was more interested in hiding in college.

The Lame Cherry has mentioned this before in Jewry is a caste. On top, you have the Ashkenaz Rothschild's guild of Europe. Then you have the Soros financier guild, then you have the Jewish liberals of European communism, then there is the Jews who actually live in the Jewish state who put their lives on the line.
Then you have American Jewry, in the Schiffs in they have the American fortune to get to hand over that money to serve the Rothschilds. Then there are the also the poor Ashkenaz in ghettos who get sold to slave labor camps, the Sephardic Jews and those darky Jews, followed by Christian Jewry who are just below religious right wing Jews.

Americans are to be donating and not heard, as they only have a brothel purpose in fleecing the bleaters for the cartel.

In America, one has the Rockefeller group in that Goldman Sachs financial rapine, which Gary Cohn represents, and then you have the Kushner slum lords who are ok to have around the edges to launder money, and at the bottom you have someone like Mike Cernovich who is as welcome as a goy armed with a pork sandwich.

There are lots of castes in Jewry in the haves and the have nots. Like Steve Mnuchkin is a Russian Jew, and the cartel likes Russian Jews as they murdered the Czars, and you can export them to the Israeli state and drive all the religious Jews behind walls off their Gush Katif lands back in the day.

So if Gary Cohn was a Star of David waving patriot of Jewry and if he cared about what was taking place in the Jewish homeland, he would have served and been there to make a difference, but not Gary Cohn. When duty called, he betrayed his father in a USS Steel job and fled to Goldman Sachs to worship at the alter of filthy lucre.

Let us add some more Truth to this in this Cohn Ashkenazism, are the same financiers of the Civil War of 1860 who fomented war by installing Lincoln, the made profits off the war debt, then showed up in the smashed south as Carpetbaggers to buy up the South in pennies on the dollar, like Goldman Sachs acquired Lehman Brothers for pennies on the millions to devour them.
Using blacks and unhinged whites is nothing new to the Cohn caste, as riots in 1860 are the same proft in 2017 in Charlottesville, as Cohn posts perfect Himmler propaganda in the press  about his outrage in threatening to resign, as Soros funded terrorists are the problem and not legal Sons of the Confederacy with protest permits who Cohn is smearing in this charade.

You will not find a photo of Gary Cohn with Blacks as none of that matters. Cohn is a leftist fraud who made a Faustian deal with someone to gain the position he has, in order to seize control for his faction of the Federal Reserve.

Contrast Gary Cohn with Steve Mnuchkin, who was savagely attacked by his peers from college and responded in kind by verbally thumping them. Mnuchkin is a Russian Jew, his family survived the Soviet gulag in that internecine warfare and his work at Goldman Sachs was a million times more effective than Number 2 Conman Cohn.
Mnuchkin serves the President with respect. Cohn serves himself and that means Hillary Clinton 2020.

This propaganda by Kushner and Cohn has sunk to new levels in now the Jews are under attack by those fake news liberals. It is all more cover for the overthrow of the Trump Presidency by leftist Shylocks, who profit off of conflict and profit off the slums of America and the world, as money is laundered from the dope trade to sanctions game which all of these noble confidence men hiding in Jewry are always propagating.

The obscene effort to shame ‘Trump’s Jews’

Gary Cohn wave Jewry around like all of these elders of lucre. They use it as their cover to damn the competitors, and this is about the competitors who want to Make America Great Again by ending the concentration of wealth in the 1%. Gary Cohn lives in the ivory tower, foments just enough Jewish bias so the poor Jews who have to live in the real world, get beat up or blown up, because it handed over land for the Jewish state, and those holocaust museums guilt everyone to making sure those American billions keeps pouring in for profit as the same Soros financiers are pumping money to the terrorists to create the illusions which is fleecing everyone.

I would that President Trump would require everyone in the White House to sign resignation papers for his files, and the President upon receiving Gary Cohn's not only accept it, but escort Cohn to the State of Israel, where we all could witness Gary Cohn in the IDF proving what a good Jew he really was, as Mr. Trump confiscated all of Cohn's fortune to be donated to those goy who had the money in the first place before their investments were stolen.

Come on Gary Cohn, talk is cheap. Resign over your principles.........the problem is you have none.

Nuff Said


President Trump now making America Foreign Owned

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us have been hailed by the 1920's version of Trump Happy Days are Here Again, in the propaganda of the housing market is in such great shape, in housing prices keep going up and up.......

But then there is the data in new home sales...........down.

"Lopsided Conditions" Dragging Down Pending Home Sales

"Lopsided Conditions" Dragging Down Pending Home Sales. ... The Pending Home Sales Index is based on a large ... For the entire first quarter of 2017, ...

New construction no builders can not afford high priced lumber as Mr. Trump makes war on Canadian lumber and American lumber sails off to Mr. President's beautiful chocolate cake China.

New home construction takes a blow in April | 2017-05-16 ...

New home construction took a blow in April as, although single-family starts saw a slight increase during the month, building permits dropped, according to the latest ...

Then there is the reality of American homeowners are having buyer's remorse in having purchased these inflated homes and they can not afford to live in them in Donald Trump's Obamcare and tax cut for the Kushner's America.

Almost half of Americans have buyer's remorse about their house

Home size has been a common gripe over the years, especially as housing gets more expensive and people have to settle for smaller spaces.


There is though someone buying American homes, and it is the same beautiful chocolate cake policy Chicoms having North  Koreans aim nuclear missiles at the United States.

The stats on this are 10% of all American home sales are to foreigners or foreigners are driving up prices so Americans can not afford homes, by this real estate agent gouging of Americans, keeping college kids living with their parents, and putting forth a statistic that in 10 years foreigners will be buying the entire US housing market and Americans can look in the windows or perhaps wash them, as the Mexicans and Muslims are being given all the American jobs due to Trump Visa slave labor policy replacing Americans.

Those are the facts in this Trump agenda and there are no excuses in this, as this is Donald Trump's decisions and actions.
153 billion dollars of American property has been acquired by foreigners, and it is going up at 49% per year.

Foreign buyers closed on $153 billion worth of U.S. residential properties between April 2016 and March 2017, a 49 percent jump from the period a year earlier, according to the National Association of Realtors. That surpasses the previous high, set in 2015.

This blog did not write the time line for Donald Trump by God's Grace for Kushner slum lords and Chicom invasion of America by the real estate market. It therefore is not supporting blindly policies which will bring the extermination of Americans.

The American majority is a sinful people, and one of the curses of Deuteronomy would be owned by foreigners, and that is taking place. The President has made sodomy a national sin. Americans have been plundered by institutionalized inflation to rid them of their Christian political power.
That which was necessary to rescue America has been pushed aside by Mr. President. The foreigners with money are the ones being promoted and the Americans in poverty are the ones being shoved off the cliff.

Odd how Christian Americans at least created reservations for the Indians. There is no such reservation being prepared for Americans, only the reopening of the Obama abyss.

In general, though, Mexicans have been buying less expensive homes. The average purchase price of buyers from Mexico came in at about $327,000, compared with the $782,000 average among Chinese buyers and $522,000 for Indian buyers. Mexicans overwhelmingly favored homes in Texas, while Chinese buyers opted more for California and, increasingly, Texas. 

Nuff Said


The Black Knight


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a Civil War history of General James Longstreet and in passing he mentioned The Black Knight, as if the entire world would know of him. Who the Black Knight was, and is, is Turner Ashby jr.

He was from a family of American Heroes, his grandfather fought in the Revolution and his father fought in the War of  1812.

Mr. Ashby became a successful planter and a successful military leader, so much so that his following was a regiment much bigger than  all others in 27 companies of cavalry and infantry. Stonewall Jackson attempted to break it up, but Ashby threatened to resign if he did, and Jackson backed down.
Jackson did not appreciate Ashby's lack of military experience, but Ashby never failed.

The thing that spurred General Ashby on most was his brother had attempted to surrender at Harper's Ferry but was bayoneted by the Federals. That murder drove Ashby to hate the North.

This description of him is the gallant cavalier he defined.

He was just entering upon a career that soon made him an heroic character in the history of the Civil War. Dressed now in Confederate gray, with gilt lace on his sleeves and collar, wearing high top-boots with spurs and a broad-brimmed black felt hat with a long black feather streaming behind, his appearance was striking and attractive. He stood about five feet eight inches in height and probably weighed from 150 to 160 pounds (68 to 73 kg). He was muscular and wiry, rather thin than robust or rugged. His hair and beard were as black as a raven's wing; his eyes were soft and mahogany brown; a long, sweeping mustache concealed his mouth, and a heavy and long beard completely covered his breast. His complexion was dark in keeping with his other colorings. Altogether, he resembled the pictures I have seen of the early Crusaders,—a type unusual among the many men in the army, a type so distinctive that, once observed, it cannot soon be forgotten.

In a world full of the cull and the anti hero in this age, this is the best story of Turner Ashby who died in battle after a successful defense in protecting the rear of General Stonewall Jackson's division.
The following story is perfection though of the perfection of the American.

He was also known throughout the Shenandoah Valley for his strict adherence to a Code of Chivalry. Once a young male guest at a party given by Ashby was insulted and goaded into a duel with a rejected rival for a young lady's attention. Though totally unskilled in firearms, the youth accepted the challenge and the duel was set to be immediately fought with pistols at a nearby grove. When word of the altercation reached Ashby in the next room, he barged through the door and approached the more experienced challenger. In his low, gentle voice he asked "What is the time fixed for our meeting?" The prospective duelist responded, "I am to fight [him] immediately." Ashby replied, "I beg your pardon, but he has nothing to do with this affair. He came to my house tonight as my guest. When I invited him to come the invitation was Turner Ashby's word of honor that he should be treated here as a gentleman. I am sorry to have to explain these points of good breeding to you, but you have shown your ignorance of them by insulting my guest. The insult is mine, not his, to resent. He is here under my protection. If you are not prepared to make a proper and satisfactory apology at once, both to my guest and to me, you must fight Turner Ashby and the time and place agreed upon will answer as well as any other. What do you say, sir?" Now fighting a duel with a young man wholly unacquainted with the use of firearms and dueling was one thing; fighting a duel with Turner Ashby in a rage was very well understood to be quite another, and a much more serious thing, and his realization of this difference brought a complete change to the challenger's mind...and he signed the pair of written apologies.

Nuff Said
