Monday, August 28, 2017

Harvey Bigger Than Noah's Deluge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Please let us just end this drama in  Texas, as each day Harvey grows in proportions in data does not matter. One day it is 20 inches of rain, the next 30, then it is 40, then it is 60. Just end the drama and say it is 1000 inches of rain, bigger than Noah, and the Houston deluge is bigger than God's.

Yes Harvey had 5000 mph winds, lightning to charge the universe for 10 million years, enough wind to end global warming in all the we can't have that as Harvey is Al Gore's prediction come true, because Matt Drudge says so.

Now it is 11 trillion gallons of water. Tomorrow it will be Harvey rained so much that the Gulf of Mexico actually dropped 500 feet and Cubans are now crossing to the Florida Keys on dry land.

What I am personally steamed over in this is no one throws money at me. The government is as a big of dead beat as my dead beats, as Donald Trump is a dead beat. I mean God moves me to re write the time line events so Mr. President gets into the White House and not one word from Donald or his kind. Yet we are now all to bail out Houston as that matters, not that my hay crop burned up in a drought, and I have had nothing but a deluge of problems.

Build in a 1000 year flood plain, and guess what happens? It floods. I know it is amazing as a fact that one never experiences a flood on top of the Rockies and it only floods where the water runs, but when people are stupid enough to build in a slough hole it is their problem, not mine.

That is what Davy Crockett was lectured on by a voter, as once the regime started voting money for disasters, then everyone wants the money.......but those who are in need like me with hay, I don't get squat.

The thing is Texas put aside 10 billion dollars......meaning they stole 10 billion dollars from Texans in their wages for a disaster fund. Texas already has robbed it's people, but now Donald Trump is going to rob the 49 other states, well Texas too as that is what the fed does, to bail out Houston.

What digs in my craw is Sean Homo Hannity so moved by people in Texas rescuing people in the flood. Nom de Deus!!!!!!!!  You got Darwin auditioners driving into flood waters, and the police have to risk their lives on double overtime pay by the public to save a fucktard!!!!!!!
People too stupid to get out of a flood are better off washed down the sewer holes not wasting public resources. I remember reading about Bill Janklow in South Dakota making it a crime for his subjects when he was Governor if they did not stay the hell home in a blizzard. You get stuck in the snow in South Dakota and the police arrest you, and then you are billed for being saved.
It is time those 1000 dipshits in Houston who needed saving, pay for being rescued as that is their own fault.

As far as that tard Mayor of Houston who told his bleaters to not get out of the storm. Where the hell is Jeff Sessions filing murder charges on that blowhard?

Now much to Drudge's delight after Harvey drops another 1000 inches of rain on Texas, it will be out in the Gulf draining it dry as it sucks the Gulf to the bone to rain out on some other state expecting a hand out. I figure that by September 1st, the United States will be rolling tanks in the dry Gulf to invade Venezuela for all that oil, and by December, Trump's USDA will be surveying plots for farms in the Gulf in homesteads, because Harvey just keeps on growing and growing.

I suspect by the weekend, he will have little Harvey's when uniting with a new Atlantic hurricane and, the oceans will be dry by Christmas.

That hurricane Harvey is something, a force of nature, a life form bigger than God. It will be collecting taxes next and having it's own nuclear arsenal, as that hurricane Harvey is something.

The "500-year" flood, explained: why Houston was so ...

When the government decided to map flood-prone areas to ... Catastrophic flooding in Houston from Hurricane Harvey: ... Harvey, but it's a huge part of ...

Crap only a 500 year flood, and not the big one. Damn and it all looked so promising.

Nuff Said



Going with God when things are not going Your way

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Holy Ghost answered my invocation to speak to me, and chose the verses of those of the American and Western demise, as none of us reading this, from those who vote left or those who vote right, can state that we are satisfied by how our elected leaders, our appointed leaders, and the leader of business and charity have treated us.

There is a great void in every soul, as we are frustrated and know that things are not going right to bind up our wounds nor to provide a stable footing for us to take one step in a day that feels positive.
We are preyed upon for our votes, for how our money can be guilted, manipulated or extorted from us, and in our miseries we are either commiting suicide, cheering when the police state is attacking one of us, or finding ways to import foreigners to exploit either in working for us, or making us feel like if we do something good to them, that all of the abuse we have suffered will not be so bad.

The very people who we have trusted, and were told to trust, and now are ordered to trust at the end of guns, have not cared for us, but have engaged in actions to  repress each of us, by brainwashing us in education to making us submit to "If we can just make that other group not have any rights, then that will solve all of our misery".

My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace.

All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the LORD, the habitation of justice, even the LORD, the hope of their fathers.

Jeremiah the Prophet
Chapter 50 verses 6 - 7

The Western Peoples are good peoples at heart. They thought in their comfort  that if they just tolerated those who bent God's rules, that they knew more than God, but it set off an entire carniverous disease which has eaten society. Your good intentions, still had the feudal few who reckoned that, "I take all of those charitable tolerances from millions, and make welfare slaves of millions more, that I can make billions off of the taxes collected from the people as the government buys my products, as I donated to the politicians".

All of us have been deliberately scattered, and there is no more certain sign of how harmed each person is, in we have a world of infant adults, who cling not to blankies but smart phones as our nightlights. We can not give them up in obsession, because we are terrified of being alone in facing our fears, and to afraid to reach out and have real human contact, as the psychotic west no longer has the human trait to be human any more.

No one desires to hear this, but this is the point where you are told what you have rejected is the answer, that is a connection with God, the Father, which only comes through Jesus the Christ, your Creator and the only Person in Spirit qualified to Love you as you are, because Christ Loves His creations.
You were created to grow a Spirit in you, inside your soul that God breathed into you, to become a Spiritual offspring of God. It does not matter the flaws you judge yourself by, as all that matters is the Perfection Christ is, Who overcame every person's flaws to make you  perfect with the Father.
All you have to do is accept that job that Jesus does, stop rebelling against God's Way as those laws are there to protect you, like no smoking signs, and practice each day doing a good thing.
It does not have to be Mother Theresa things. It is practicing in holding your rage in not flipping someone off. It is holding a door for someone. It is just thinking about someone else in doing something good, and that goodness with the Holy Ghost inside of you, that you invite to help guide you, begins transforming you in time, so you are not always angry, on edge, pleased when someone else is suffering, or as numbers of you are now, in not caring for yourselves in the only Way that matters, in speaking good things about you, instead of always finding fault, and once that is your mindset, your good will is toward others in caring about them, and you begin to realize in their acting out, that they were the same scared soul you were before you changed with God's help.

It is proof now the government is not going to save anyone. No conglomerate is going to help you. We have no friends in the courts or the police, because those who created this fury, have the regime looking at you as an adversary.

It is best to let go, and to look toward Christ in His return. To find yourself now in the Lord, and gain His Peace, as government out of control only seeks to control you more, and people who are afraid want that regime cracking down on everyone to stop the fears.

Each of us is responsible for our choices as that is going to be our end. God gave us free will to decide, as none of you wants to have a zombie around who has to be there. God wants you there with Him, because you want to be there.

Each of us going to meet Jesus eventually, whether running now, denying now, or running to Him or clinging to Him. It is evident that the world we have built and trusted others to administer has let us all down. It is disappointing, but it is nothing to destroy ourselves over. We should look to Life, and that Light in Christ, to be freed from a system which has  betrayed us to the point that we are tearing at each other.
You have been wounded enough, and you do not need to harm yourselves further.

It is ok to be you and it is proper to love you for you, as God does. God has rules though that bring real peace and contentment as He empowers you, not by submission, but by your submitting to accepting God's Love.

It is not your fault when things go wrong in life as that is life. It is your responsibility though to not repeat the mistakes of trusting the wrong people or repeating the same incorrect decision.

With that, you have the understanding now to free yourself from the drama which you do not like. Ask God to help you in this liberation and He will be there every step of the Way.

God bless you, in the Name of the Christ, Amen and Amen


What the Kushner Involvement is Really about in the Russian Hacking Saga

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you are truly interested in what Russian hacking is about at it's core, and you should be as your American and Western live are hanging on this scaffold, you need to understand that 1000 pound gorilla in the room, which all of these people at the top know about, but none are discussing, what is termed the 'cartel' here, is about to have bone and sinew placed on it, so that you understand that history is repeating itself.

Enter stage left, one handsome Russian, Roman Abramovich , investor of Vladimir Putin billions in schemes in the West and never arrested, points to he is an asset of the London House of Rothschild as money pardons all laws of children of lesser gods.
Enter stage New York, in one Jared Kushner, who has a proclivity of making close friendships with every billionaire on the planet of interesting money supply.

For background on this, the Rothschilds under Russian Republic President Boris Yeltsen, gained a foothold in new Russian open markets through the oligarchs who made billions in oil, as Russia was plundered.
This is what Vladimir Putin put an end to, and the reason he has a target on his head for not submitting to the globalists, seeking to take control over Russian wealth again.

Enter Roman Abramovich's new friends, in Jared  and Ivanka Kusher, for new money making deals.


 Jared Kushner and one of Russia’s most powerful and influential billionaires: Roman Abramovich.  The men have met three to four times in social settings, and their wives have been friends for a decade, facts that Kushner and Ivanka Trump revealed on their security-clearance forms to join the White House staff,

As one can see of Ivanka with her oligarch heir, Dasha Zhukova, who holds both Russian and American citizenship, they are quite the best of friends attending tennis matches together.

Ivanka Kushner & Dasha Zhukova

For further understanding of Ivanka Trump's good friend, and a revelation into the hypocrisy of Jared and Ivanka Kushner and Gary Cohn over the events of Charlottesville, which was a Hillary 2020 staged event for racial  tensions, to tear down American Memorials and spread hatred of White Americans (remember Jared and Ivanka were the ones who forces the President to denounce White Nationalists) witness the photo of Ivanka's best tennis mate, in Dasha Zhukova, sitting on Nigger Chair.
Yes one really believes the Kushner's in their moral outcries about racism after this.


 Ivanka Trump's best friend sitting on a Nigger Chair

Moving to more in depth examinations, beyond Nigger Chair sitting by Ivanka's best friends, a more sinister reality emerges of who Jared Kushner, the slum lord, brought into the Trump family, and who Ivanka is intimate with, without excuse, because anyone can do an internet search and discover the reality that normal people move away from, as these people are all involved in the throws of the underground economy, filled with intelligence, criminal activity and people always ending up dead like the Clinton's associates do.

Enter into this Boris Berezovsky, a former oligarch, run out of Russia to London, who ended up with a rope around his neck in a murder, after losing a lawsuit against Jared Kushner's intimate acquaintance in Roman Abramovich.
The short story of Berezovsky and Abramovich is Vladimir Putin took Berezovsky's control of a Russian oil and gave it to Abramovich.

Into this, we have British Intelligence, the same asset who alerted John McCain to the Pissgate Dossier, who gives a narrative and a troubling quote, in Roman Abramovich of keeping his mouth shut about things, while the dead Berezovsky does not.
In the quotes below it hints that perhaps Roman Abramovich, may have had a principle part in the information in the Pissgate Dossier.. If this is the case, it opens new interesting doors, because Abramovich who is the link between Vladimir Putin and British MI6, was linked to the groups that were involved in creating the dossier, and the same group is the one who showed up for a meeting with Donald Trump jr. in Trump Tower, for which Mr. Trump has now been smeared by Jared Kushner.

Recall in this, that Jared Kushner is the source of the leaked Trump campaign emails, framing Don jr., and remember in this Kushner fled this meeting, in having his assistant place a "lying phone call", but now it appears that Jared Kushner may have fled this meeting, because he knew these operatives and did not want to be fingered himself, or perhaps a more sinister point in this, is that Don jr. was being set up along with Paul Manafort in this internecine warfare of Jewry, and Jared Kushner knew it, and ran from the room, without warning his brother in law or his father in law's campaign chairman.

In a 2012 lawsuit in London, the late Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky claimed he’d been forced to sell his shares in oil company Sibneft to Abramovich. The judge, in ruling against Berezovsky, concluded Abramovich had “privileged access” to Putin.
“He became very close to the Kremlin,” said Andrew Wood, the British ambassador to Russia from 1995 to 2000 who alerted U.S. Senator John McCain of the existence of a dossier released in January that contained allegations about Trump’s Russia ties. “He has the gift, which Berezovsky did not, of holding his tongue.”

Boris Berezovsky

Boris Berezovsky inquest returns open verdict on death ...

Berkshire coroner says conflicting evidence meant he was unable to reach conclusion on how Russian oligarch died. ... Boris Berezovsky after ... Berezovsky was found ...

This saga now takes another turn in building the foundation of "Russian hacking", in Abramovich was a confidant and intimate of President Vladimir Putin, and one his projects was a Jewish museum in Russia, and a fundraiser was held, and those who attended as the most prominent feature, were Jared and Ivanka Kushner.
What is of note in this was the Russian Olympics the next day. The same olympics that Barack Obama tried to disrupt and humiliate Vladimir Putin over and more to the point at this time, NBC's Bob Costa was praising the hero of peace Vladimir Putin, and strangely contracted pink eye and could not broadcast the olympics, and Mr. Putin began throwing out foreign instigators at this time intent on overthrowing his Government.
Into this, Crimea revolted from Ukraine to join Russia, as the friction point to cause Russian involvement in Ukraine.

It was at this backdrop that Ivanka and Jared Kushner were laughing and enjoying themselves with the Russian / American Jewish financial underground in New York City, where all the pretty people attended.

Abramovich also was central to the construction of the Moscow Jewish Museum. He is chairman of the board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, an umbrella for the Chabad Orthodox community. The museum, located in a former bus garage, cost $50 million and was financed largely by donations. Putin has visited at least twice.
The dinner that evening in 2014 raised $4.5 million and included an exhibition of Andy Warhol’s portraits of 10 famous Jews of the 20th century.

Sochi and Crimea

The gala occurred right before Russia took the world stage in two very different ways: days before the Sochi Olympics and weeks before Russia annexed Crimea.

This is the photo which Ivanka Kushner posted to her account of this gathering of the elite of Jewry in New York, in Russian finance, and squatted in front of Ivanka is Wendi Deng, the wife of Rupert Murdoch and sexual partner of Vladimir Putin.
One should note that this is the beginning of the inclusions of the Kushner's being groomed as assets being monitored by British and Russian intelligence.

Remember in this, that it was Theresa May's MI6 who was producing Pissgate, and was spying on Donald Trump for the Obama regime on Donald Trump at Trump Tower. Remember in this, that while Don jr.'s emails appear, phone calls of Mike Flynn were released illegally, that for some odd reason in all of these associations of Jared and Ivanka Kushner, that none of their communications have ever been leaked.

The Kushner's are being protected in this as assets, and of use to influencing the President at this juncture, because the evidence reeks that intelligence agencies targeted this couple and were actively monitoring and grooming them.

 A photo Ivanka posted on the evening shows her with Wendi Murdoch, Samantha Boardman, the wife of New York real estate developer Aby Rosen -- who also has done business with Kushner -- and Sofia Kapkova, the wife of Sergei Kapkov, a long-time associate of Abramovich’s who took over Putin’s seat in the parliament in 2007.

This is Ivanka Kushner's postings on the above photo, and the inner circle of the Russian connections with the Kushners.


    ivankatrumpThank you @mamasinthebuilding for an unforgettable four days in Russia! ??????
    View all 29 comments
    walkerincorporatedBeautiful ladies!
    spreadthebagelGorgeous ladies! Hope to meet you one day @ivankatrump
    albinamah_We love you
    cindy_xiaoyuI saw Wendi Deng
    gold_555_mrn'THANK•U•2!! #IVANKA . • * \#SHARINGRUSSIA/ #KUSHNER. • *
    patrick_kelly13So hot
    brazilianboy40Happy times
    smteawithhoney@keepthesunshine so classy, these ladies.
    tl199tlWendi Deng?
    janetw217i saw wendi deng
    sofiakapkova@ivankatrump it was nice to meet you?? @mamasinthebuilding????
    research_madnesswendy deng......
    celialovesToda una dama!
    carlos_fereiro Well how do you like it here? Like:)
    sambmdWhat a fun night! Xoxo
    ekaterinapopova.medical@aprilole Dasha )) Who would doubt?)))))
    milinjaniceShe is the only pretty one. The rest are not even attractive. Sorry.
    jar_larIvanka, why must your father say anything involving Russia is fake news? I hope you had a good time but this is all really weird.

February 5, 2014

To review this jumble of pieces which looks like a puzzle, in something of the enigma, wrapped in a riddle, a more complete picture appears with the grout to make this fresco become legible in why people with common sense do not become involved with people simply because big bank accounts are involved.

We have before us a Russian oligarch, who is not arrested in the West who invests for Vladimir Putin. We have before us a dead Russian who was at odds with Roman Abramovich, and we have the Kushner's who are weak link into infiltration to the lower caste of American Jewry.

Enter into this Alexander Litvinenko, the infamous Russian who Vladimir Putin and KGB detested, and was assassinated in London as a giant FU to Queen and Country, in the first shot of what is becoming Herbert McMaster's global nuclear war, as the KGB murdered Litvinenko with radioactive Polonium 210 at a London cafe, over tea.


We know exactly the source of the assassin squad from a Russian defector, in the team came from the 9th Directorate of the KGB. This was a "message assassination" in the Kremlin wanted everyone to know that the rapine of Russia by Rothschild surrogates was at an end, and attempting to degrade Vladimir Putin's position in power would be met with extreme prejudice.

 The three men who allegedly poisoned Litvinenko – Andrei Lugovoi, Dmitry Kovtun and Vyacheslav Sokolenko – are all former members of the KGB's Ninth Directorate.

But what harm could Litvinenko do to Mr. Putin? The answer is that Boris Berezovsky was funding the Litvinenko investigation in Spain to Mr. Putin's investments via Abramovich which were illegal. More to the point is Litvinenko was positive that Abramovich would be soon arrested, but no arrest came in the West. Instead Litvinenko was assassinated on a London street by the KGB.

In the year he was murdered, Alexander Litvinenko was investigating suspicions that the owner of Chelsea football club, Roman Abramovich, was involved in money-laundering and illegal land purchases, the high court has heard.
In one of two witness statements given to British police, the Russian exile Boris Berezovsky said Litvinenko spent the last months of his life investigating Russian mafia activity in Spain. At the time, Litvinenko was working for Britain’s secret intelligence service, MI6, and for Spanish intelligence. The inquiry into Litvinenko’s death has heard that the former Russian spy began working for MI6 in 2003.

An MI6 agent is murdered in London by the KGB, and the British do absolutely nothing about it. It reminds one of George Soros breaking the Pound for the Rothschilds and Soros is still at large, making civil war in America.
What you are witnessing is the extended hand of the House of Rothschild. The money from Putin's accounts was of more value than the reputation of their MI6.

As more grout pours into the mosaic of this picture within a picture, a revelation occurs that just as Obama organized the international dope trade of his benefactors, FDR ran the US mafia in World War II, that the Russian FSB is in direct control of Russian organized crime across the globe.

 Leaked cables released by WikiLeaks in 2010 mention Litvinenko’s undercover investigations in Spain. A Spanish prosecutor, José Grinda González , said he agreed with Litivnenko’s “thesis” that organised crime in Russia was under the direct control of the Kremlin’s spy agencies, including the FSB.

The reality is by now, normal people would be gulping hard and looking for an exit from this group of associates the Kushner's have been common linked to by Roman Abramovich. Boris Berezovsky was warned before his murder that he would be sanctioned in a black t shirt was sent to him threatening nuclear death.

Cotlick added that in July 2010 Lugovoi – Litvinenko’s alleged killer – sent Berezovsky a black T-shirt. The “present” was delivered to London by one of Lugovoi’s business associates, Rafael Filinov. The T-shirt bore the words on the front: “Polonium-210 , London-Hamburg, To Be Continued”. Kovtun visited Hamburg before meeting Litivnenko.
On the back, the T-shirt read: “CSKA Moscow, Nuclear Death, Is Knocking Your Door”. Lugovoi supports CSKA Moscow, and watched the team play Arsenal at the Emirates stadium in London hours after allegedly poisoning Litvinenko in 2006. The shirt also had a red communist star and a black radiation warning symbol.
Berezovsky handed the T-shirt to the Metropolitan police. “We felt it was an admission of guilt on behalf of Mr Lugovoi,” Cotlick said

This then comes to Christopher Steele of Pissgate, who is part of MI6, which is the official intelligence service of the House of Rothschild. This is the source of the first, second attempt, as British intelligence was the source behind the overthrow of the Czar in the Revolution, and they began this war against Vladimir Putin in 2003, and Steele was a primary conduit.

March 14, 2010 • 12:04AM
The main investment vehicle of the Rothschilds into Russia and Eastern Europe is JNR UK Ltd, an investment bank specializing in Eastern Europe and Russia. JNR stands for Jacob and Nathaniel Rothschild. Since Feb. 2003, Nathaniel Rothschild has been director of JNR. JNR has offices in Guernsey and Switzerland. The decision to run JNR out of its Swiss and Guernsey offices was made for tax reasons. Most of the revenues are derived from outside the UK.
Through JNR the Rothschilds run their operations inside Russia and Eastern Europe in conjunction with the Russian oligarchy.
The attempt to annex Mother Russia in 2003 had a beginning stage, and that involved the first history of the House of Rothschild and their offshoot in the House of Schiff, which appeared in America, who went into conflict over the rule of Russia, after their groups and their intelligence assets murdered the Czar and his family.

Rothschild & Russian Revolution - Sooddram

Rothschild & Russian Revolution. ... Mayer and his family moved to a larger house, ... Jacob Schiff moved to New York. In 1867, he joined the Budge, ...கட்டுரைகள்/அரசியல்-சமூக-ஆய்வு/r

There were two primary Houses of finance which took root, the Rothschild family of London, Paris, Berlin, and the Jacob Schiff family in America. A feud broke out between Rothschild and Schiff in the Russian Revolution, and Schiff's communists won, and in the foremost part through their Rockefeller conduits, moved America to become the "military enforcer" of two world wars, to bleed the Royal Israelite empires dry and gain control from London to Moscow.

However, to understand how the Rothschild family was directly involved in the Russian Revolution, we first need go back again to 18th century Germany. In 1785, Mayer and his family moved to a larger house, at 148 Judengasse; a five story house known as “The Green Shield” which they shared with the Schiff family; a distinguished rabbinical family. In 1866, Jacob Schiff moved to New York. In 1867, he joined the Budge, Schiff & Company, and in 1875 he leaded the Kuhn, Loeb & Co (and married Solomon Loeb’s daughter). He then directed many important corporations, including: the National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad.
With Barack Hussein Obama, a Berliner boy Muslim Birther, a shift took place away from the Clinton Rockefellers in a betrayal of Bill Clinton in business over "Stan Uranium" sold to China, the caste house of Rothschild supplanted the Schiff.

This is the internecine "Jewish" Ashkenazim warfare which has been taking place in America, which is the 1000 pound gorilla in the room, and the source of the coup against Donald Trump as his "Jews" supplanted Hillary Clinton's election theft.
That is why odd things like George Soros funding John McCain and Herbert McMaster appear. Why Donald Trump in deference is briefing George Soros, the bag man for the European Finance Houses. Why Dana Milbank and the Washington Post are smearing fellows "Jews" in the Kushners, Mnuchkins and Cohns in the White House as Court Jews.
What you are witnessing are the people who hold the pawns of the American Police State, military, intelligence and finance, at civil war with each other in control of the Trump White House.
At the source of this is the fortune which Vladimir Putin seized back from the Rothschilds in their oligarchs, who are a major source of black market funding for these Houses across the globe.

As has been stated, the last time these two houses feuded, regicide swept through Mother Russia, and two world wars engulfed the world. It is not Russia this time that is the primary target as Vladimir Putin has eluded assassination. This time it is the United States which is being torn asunder for absolute control, and part of this is a Russian operation of funding to disrupt the Genocide of Russia, by funding this feud between the House of Schiff and the House of Rothschild inside America.

Due to the weakest point in the slum lord of New Jersey in the Kushner mafia, this entire situation rammed to the center of the Trump campaign and Trump Presidency.

No matter the diversions to distract you, this is what is taking place in America, and why there is such a fury against Russia. This is a very complex intelligence operation involving many assets and it is the upheaval you witness before you, as this is not about allegiance to America or Russia. This is about allegiance to the House of your family caste.
It is that 1000 pound gorilla in the room.

Everything about this "Russian hacking" has one connecting thread and that is Jared Kushner. The connective tissue between Russian money flowing into influence the West, the MI6 operations in Pissgate with Russian competing assets, Abramovich investments, all connect to Jared Kushner, which connects then to Donald Trump jr, Donald Trump sr.. Trump Tower meetings, and the removal of Mike Flynn, and every peaceful outreach to Vladimir Putin, because the double agents involved in this framing of Donald Trump, have the vested interest to take out President Putin, and return Russia to Rothschild control.
In America, the coup against Donald Trump is about a war with Russia, and making certain the American People never regain their financial freedom from the Rothschild and Schiff led control of American massive debt.

The Kushners are the weak link. Every last operation undertaken against Donald Trump, from everyone in pro Putin Russians, anti Putin Russians, Theresa May of England, Xi of Peking, the Bush family, the Clintons, the Schiff Jews, the Rothschild Jews, have all to the last assets, including Wendi Deng, come through Jared and Ivanka Trump.

Vladimir Putin's agenda is the nationalist preservation of Russia from another 1917 where his head is on a pike. It is a world of influence which is as any nation attempting the same leverage on prominent peoples of other nations as America has done, and as Britain does as China does. Russia is being blamed for election influence, as a cover for the fury that the rigged 2016 election was neutralized by those promoting Mr. Trump, and the story is instead about those globalist financial houses whose intelligence assets were involved in attempting to throw another American Presidential election.

Whatever the Kushner's knew has not any bearing, because the results are the damning reality. They are not loyal to America, but as has been witnessed time and again, their allegiance is not to President Trump, or the Trump family, but to the various Ashkenaz family guilds of fortune, who have been rewarding them as it exploits them.

Will any of this information ever appear anywhere else? It will not, as these are the unspoken things, like Andrew Breitbart knowing too much to bring down a guild asset in Birther Obama, and being assassinated on the street for it.

It will be best if you forget the above, and you will, as another Magnus Opus of deception fills your minds and triggers and emotional response, so you believe the illusion being constructed.

Forget. Forget. Forget. It is better to believe the lies you have always believed.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Interview with Nella Pop

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is with great appreciation that the Lame Cherry was able to interview, the greatest directing genius of all time, in Nella Pop, of the underground artistic independents. The legend of Pop is widespread and as she never agrees to interviews, the Lame Cherry appreciates the effort.

LC: Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

NP: I agreed to nothing. I owe you, so what else was a girl to do.

LC: I do not recall any debts, but as this is about your genius, could you inform my readers of who the legend is please.

NP: My first real film was Faster Vampyre, Kill, Kill, which was satire on Roger Corman's work. It requires no talent to make money in movies if you have large breasts in your films. It is why Hollywood  is going broke as they have no women with big tits, only those damned lezbo. Pedo cinema ruined Hollywood.

LC: So in Faster Vampyre, Kill, Kill, you began your epic vampyre theme in your groundbreaking work.  How was it that you arrived at your radioactive vampyre theme in FVKK?

NP: I was in Croatia at the time, just got back from waterfowling in the Hungarian reed swamps, and in speaking with the Poles about shooting some fight scenes at Auschwitz, I came up with the idea to detonate a hydrogen bomb, a real bomb from Russia, in order to kill the vampyre, and this transformed the vampyre to a super vampyre.

LC: But you never got a hydrogen bomb?

NP: No, the Russians were ok with the idea, that nuclear proliferation stuff with America and those absurd above ground test bans, put the end on that wonderful idea of detonating one, so I had to use the H Bomb as a sort of kryponite for vampyres.......their code of morality that they would never cross. The thing they worshiped as their holy grail. You are right in I never got a hydrogen bomb. I got half a dozen for my artistic creations. I just can not detonate them above ground.

LC: Then this is why you name your hydrogen bombs in the credits.

NP: A nuclear bomb is a living thing. They deserve the credit. In Hot Pussy Vampyre, I cast my favorite bomb of all, a nice 20 megaton, but we have not worked together since. In Cold Pussy Vampyre, I used the twins, two 7 megatons that were just laying around in a stockpile. The woman who gave them to me put two milk cans in their place to comply with the international treaties.


LC: I have to admit that my favorite is Pussy on a Hot Vampyre Roof. There was just something inspirational in your creating CYVAMPS, in a mechanical biological undead, assembled in a Frankenstein Laboratory.  The epic 30 minute blood splatter scene was Sam Pekinpah's The Wild Bunch vintage. I will not give away the ending, but it was the perfect lead in to your Pussy with 9 Vampyre Lives which you shot at NASA if I am correct?

NP: Yes 9 Lives I filmed at Cape Canaveral. NASA isn't using the facilities any more, so I just drove up with the crew and started recording. I shot Hot Vampyre Roof in the war zone in Afghanistan as I believe in reality. 

LC: You harm things then in making your productions?

NP: Of course I do. It saves a bundle in special effects. All of my actors are willing to be beaten, stabbed and shot. I have a wonderful veterinarian from South Ossetia who also sews costumes. No one gets killed, at least in the people, but depending what the crew is craving, I find all sorts of creative ways to make steak out of chickens to pigs.
If you don't harm things, it is just all pretend or reality television harming the viewers.

LC: Would you clear up the story of your swearing you would never work in Hollywood.

NP: Sure. There were two, no three reasons. I loathe pedos. One of their regimes got all testy and tried to confiscate my h bombs, but they were on vacation in Botswana at the time, so all they got were my lipstick bullets, and I refuse to work in a town that put Cher in a movie. That started all that Ashley Judd and Scarlett Johanssen bastardization of cinema.

LC: Is it true one studio produced a script to make it up to you to have Cher beat up in a movie by midgets to try and get you to direct for them?

NP: Not only that, but they were going to make some Been Her, and have her dragged behind some chariots in a race and beat on her with wooden mallets in a ramming scene, but they could not swing the details as I wanted an American nuclear aircraft carrier to have holes drilled in the side for oars, and have it ram England, and sink it in a massive nuclear monsoon. The US Navy was ok with drilling holes in the carrier, vaporizing England, but they simply would not let Cher on board.
I went off and filmed, What's New Pussypyre, again to great underground success.

LC: Pussypyre, introduced that Sharon Tate look alike, Hurricane Lamp, as your genius coming to screen again in self combustion vampyres in nuclear implosion, instead of explosion. How did you come up with that?

NP: The Hurricane is the goddaughter of plasma theorist Dr. Rels Konostovich and it was your introduction that I...........

LC: We can't talk about that.

NP:.........I, the lab............I was warming up some Serbian fried chicken in a homemade microwave, using hyperwaves to cook it and it sort of vaporized. That is how I came up with it.
Is that better?

LC: In a different train of thought, are you still mistaken for being the vivacious Mia Sara?

NP: All the time. She has benefited greatly for being mistaken for me, but she deserves it as her work has always been pure gold.

LC: I had better wrap this up, but I would like to ask you, do you have any regrets in your work?

NP: There is just one thing I regret in I never having directed the greatest actor in America?

LC: You mean Joaquin Phoenix?

NP: I know we have this conversation a great deal and while Mr. Phoenix could resurrect the entire film industry globally if he were simply cast in every movie, my regret is a few years before that in I have always wanted to direct Jan Michael Vincent?

LC: Thee official donation enforcer collector of the Lame Cherry, who flies his Airwolf around turning nations into swiss cheese and protecting everything that is good in God, Guns and Mom with Apple Pie?

NP: Yes JMV is my regret. I wrote Pussywolfe, a film I was going to shoot in Germany, especially to feature JMV, but for some damn reason the script got hijacked, and Meryl Streep got cast as Margaret Thatcher. I don't know how that happened, but maybe it had to do with Pussywolfe in the storyboards looked like Streep as that amazon leftist Julia Childs as the mutant no vampyre would bite. I don't want to go into the details about how Pussywolfe was created, but a Nazi anti gravity machine changed Charles DeGaulle's semen into something that impregnated the Brandenburg Gate.

LC: Thank you Nella for sitting down with us. It was deeply appreciated and you richly deserve far more than the underground worshiping your talent and virtue.

NP: It was like old times with the Vulcans. I know, I know LC, we can't talk about the real things.

Nuff Said





The Gettsyburg Intrigue

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the historical memoirs of Lt. General James Longstreet, there are a host of intriguing realities which have been censored and cleansed from modern history. Ken Burns in his racist Lost Cause award winning documentary on the Civil War follows the same propaganda line of never including nor  featuring the focal points of the American Civil War, in the fact it was instigated by the European Powers, and those same financial powers moved the American money interests to install Abraham Lincoln so that war would break out, as Lincoln was a warmonger, and the Europeans wanted American debt, and Americans in the north desired war profits.

In the Longstreet account there are references to this intrigue of foreign interests in the United States.

It was manifest before the war was accepted that the 
only way to equalize the contest was by skilful use of our 
interior lines, and this was so impressed by two years' 
experience that it seemed time to force it upon the Rich- 
mond authorities. But foreign intervention was the 
ruling idea with the President, and he preferred that as 
the easiest solution of all problems

If we hold Richmond and keep our cotton, the 
war cannot last more than a year longer. If we give up Eich- 
mond we shall never be recognized by foreign powers until the 
government of the United States sees fit to recognize us.

To explain the above quotes, the skillful handling of the interior lines, means that instead of facing the Army of the Potomac in Virginia with like numbers which brought stalemate, the correct issue was to put the Army of Northern Virginia behind works, take part of this army, and smash General Rosecrans in Tennessee, and then threaten the Ohio country. By this, General Grant would have to stop the Anaconda Doctrine of encircling the South in taking the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, which was pinning down another Confederate General in Joseph Johnston.
Handling the interior lines would have in time smashed the western armies of the Union, and Lincoln would have been voted out of office or impeached,as in that control of invading Ohio and dividing the Union, then Lee would overwhelm the Army of the Potomac.

As one can understand though President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee were planning for foreign intervention in the Civil War. But what foreign states?

Other sources as Union General Phil Sheridan in his memoirs plainly states that it was the French intent to invade through Mexico to secure the American west, and the English were to invade through Canada to make a three front war for Abraham Lincoln, who chose war instead of peace.

One of the proofs of this, is General Longstreet naming Arthur James Lyon Fremantle of the Queen's Coldspring Guards, who was with the Confederates observing the war. This is important to understand as this British meddling is what put pressure on General Robert E. Lee to invade Pennsylvania at Gettysburg, had his blood up, and one of the reasons General Lee was only throwing General Longstreet's First Corp into the battle, is because Fremantle was most associating with Longstreet's command from the first that Fremantle entered the Southern Army.

The roots of the disaster of Gettysburg are in the English, in President Jefferson Davis letting it be known that General Lee had to make a point at Gettysburg in a victory against all costs, because the British had promised to recognize the South if they won.
The Lame Cherry will state this as another Lame Cherry exclusive in NO ONE has ever revealed the above, and more to the point, the Lame Cherry states that the British never had any intention of becoming involved. It was all a ruse to bankrupt America, make her a colonial state where France and England would manage the North American slave colony again.

It is important to know what this spy for Queen Victoria was engaged in, in the intrigue of the British Empire, because in modern excuse, Fremantle is termed a tourist, who was not even associated with the Queen. It makes the point if he was so innocent then why was he not sailing into New York harbor, and instead ran the Union blockade can came up from Mexico?

General Sir Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, was a British Army officer and a notable British witness to the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. Whilst holding the rank of "Captain and Lieutenant Colonel" he spent three months in North America, traveling through parts of the Confederate States of America and the Union. Contrary to popular belief, Colonel Fremantle was not an official representative of the United Kingdom; instead, he was something of a tourist

So the damning reality is Fremantle was a British spy, and was involved in the same intrigue to bloody America, which finally eclipsed in the Rothschild backed John Wilkes Boothe assassinating President Abraham Lincoln.

If one examines the financial history of this in reality, immediately after Lincoln was murdered, the Rothschilds with American finance withdrew Lincoln's Greenbacks, and has the US Government buying them back with GOLD to rob America. The war did  not end the depredation on America, it simply shifted to new battlefields of Wall Street, and later President Grant's corrupt regime in the Indian Ring which armed Indian terrorists and then mass murdered the Custer command as George Custer was testifying before Congress on this corruption for profit and money laundering.

About this time we entertained a distinguished visitor. 
An officer of the British service, Lieutenant-Colonel 
Arthur J. L. Fremantle, of the Coldstream Guards, 
brought letters from the Secretary of War to General 
Lee and myself. He was seeking opportunity to observe 
the campaign as a non-combatant ; he travelled with us, 
divided his time between general head-quarters and 
head-quarters of the First Corps, cheerfully adapted his 
tastes to the rough ways of Confederate soldiers, and 
proved to be an interesting companion. To avoid the 
blockade he came to the Confederacy through Mexico. 
He gave a graphic account of his experience in Texas and 
travel after crossing the Rio Grande to the interior in a 
two-horse hack. The drivers of his conveyance were Mr. 
Sargeant and Judge Hyde, two characters whom I had 
met years before while in army service on the Texas 
frontier. They called their team Grant and Sherman, 
and enjoyed their glorious rides down the smooth slopes 
of the prairie roads, as they rattled their heels upon the 
box of the hack and plied their team. Grant and Sherman, 
with whips and oaths. But the great novelty to him was 
the position of the judge. In England there are few 
judges comparatively, and those of high estate. To find 
an American judge playing assistant to a hack-driver was 
refreshing, and Colonel Fremantle thoroughly enjoyed 
it. I now have the pleasure to salute our genial war-time 
visitor as governor at Malta and Lieutenant-General Sir 
Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, K.C.M., G.C.B., and to 
offer congratulations to Her Most Noble Majesty upon 
her worthy subject. 

So the above quotes are the reality and the proof, a British military official was sneaked into America to perform intrigue, subterfuge and bloody America all the more. General Lee engaged in military moves he never engaged in before or after. That reasons he was pressured in this political war, and he was attempting to make a point for the British to recognized the South as the British kept promising President Jefferson Davis it would do.
What checked the British and the French were the Russians parking their armada off the American coasts, warning the western Europeans of the consequences if they entered into the war in the United States.

Exactly as the British were spying on Donald Trump for the Obama regime, and creating a coup coordinated with Comey and Brennan, the same intrigue was taking place in America in the 1860's. For the first time though in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, the Truth of Gettysburg has been revealed, and of course this information will be stolen again by another plagiarist selling the exclusives.

For those who enjoyed this history of the Civil War in it's Truth, this was saved to end, for the reason all the speed reader nits will have quit reading like they never donate. It is though once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
