Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Herbert McMaster igniting the Fuse of Nuclear War in Europe

Yilli and Ylber Bajarktari

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

So in review of this, we have Ylli and Ylber Bajraktari, two Kosovo Albanians, translated Muslims, who were fostered into the United States as 20 year olds by the US military, given Ivy league educations, and in no surprise were hired by Barack Hussein Obama to highly sensitive security positions in the Department of Defense, helping to formulate the worst disasters in American policy failures, but great successes for terrorists.


Yilli Bajarktari with Deputy Sec. Work

Work History Ylli Bajraktari

No previous experience, hired,Ylli (pronounced ill-lee), special assistant to Deputy Secretary Robert Work, toiling at the “biggest department in U.S. government [means] the issues our principle deals with are enormous.”

Ylber Bajarktari with Sec of Defense Ash Carter

Work History Ylber Bajraktari

No previous experience, hired, Ylber (pronounced ill-BEAR), deputy chief of staff for policy to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, it means making sure the secretary has the most up-to-date information on national security and foreign policy.

The reason this all matters is Herbert McMaster just hired these two as principles inside the NSC.

McMaster brings top Obama admin officials into NSC, sources say

The recent hires are Ylli and Ylber Bajraktari, Albanian-Kosovan brothers who elevated to the top of government in the Obama administration.

In review, Muslims, Obama loyalists, responsible for the disaster of Obama revolution in Muslim lands, which brought the Muslim invasion of Europe, and apparently these two are the replacements for Sebastian Gorka and Steve Bannon.

 Project this out, as the Clinton's went after Serbia, a Christian Russian ally, by stealing from Serbia a Muslim homeland in Europe for Saudi Arabian money, all to leverage a pipeline to squeeze oil out of Russia, and almost started World War III and Wacko Wes Clarke tried bombing Russian troops.
Now what to you think Herbert McMaster, the John McCain (father of Muslim ISIS terrorists and Ukraine Nazi terrorists) with the protege of George Soros who blew up Georgia and Ukraine in a coup against Vladimir Putin, in Herbert McMaster is going to be utilizing two Muslim Albanians in the tinder pile of world wars in the Balkans for?

McMaster adores Muslims. McMaster serves Ashkenaz globalist Soros. McMaster drives the anti Russian policies. This points to Ukraine is not enough, and that McMaster is engaged in igniting a firestorm in Serbia to get at Russia.
The European Seers speak of a Russian invasion or the Great Eurasian World War starts with assassinations in the Balkans by radicals. Herbert McMaster just hired Obama's Muslims for their expertise in starting wars in this region, as they did before.
Do not forget that Bill Clinton brought the bin Laden terrorists out of Afghanistan, into Serbia, and that ended in 9 11 for Americans. McMaster is stoking a nuclear fire in these two Albanian Muslism as their field of operations are from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and into the heart of Europe in a fiery trail of blood.

President Donald Trump has allowed the worst purge at the NSC in history and has now allowed the installation of what could be the two most dangerous operatives in history, as McMaster did this to initiate policies to disrupt Russia in the region.

Nuff Said



The Trump Presidency Adrift in Snowflake Principles

Of course I have principles, I dress my wife up like a cheap old whore
 and I dress up in support like her big city pimp

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a review of the staff of President Trump, one thing appears to be the defining reality, in the people with principles in Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, Steve Bannon, KT MacFarland and Sebastian Gorka, removed themselves with class after suffering degradation at the hands of the Kushners and Herbert McMaster, while those who remain and claiming "principles" have hung onto those White House jobs like Nazis in death camps, instead of resigning over their principles.

The recent Vanity Fair article concerning the Kushners in exile, because no one in Washington DC wants to be around these self absorbed, backstabbing schemers, is equal to their religious genetics in Gary Cohn, over "Charlottesville" which was nothing but a Hillary Clinton 2020 staged political event, in all claimed how troubled they were at the President's correct remarks in stating Antifa and BLM terrorists are as much to blame in their violence as the FBI instigated moles in the White Nationalists.

The newest martyr hiding behind the iron gates and the ivory towers is General John Kelly, who deemed resigning something he could not do, even being "despondent" as apparently this is a new medical condition of "despondency" which afflicts all of these snowflakes every time the President says something American.

General John Kelly, who could only look at the floor and shake his head as he listened to the president talk. According to a person familiar with their thinking, the military leaders in the Cabinet have reportedly been made “despondent” by the president’s comments, but feel compelled to stay in place to carry on essential government business, including crafting a strategy to deal with the looming threat of North Korea.

Such a brave old soldier John Kelly is. Looking at the floor, shaking his head, pouting, sullen, whining and wetting himself, going into snowflake meltdown whenever anything Christian, Patriot or American comes out of the President's mouth.

The fraud of these MOGS is beyond the pale. I suspect they all have Disney cartoon bandages on their hurts to make them feel better. General Kelly probably has his comfort foods too, of tofu sticks loaded with percocet to help him get through the day.

Once upon a time America has Americans serving America, like General Douglas MacArthur who said after he was booted by that failure Harry S. Truman from ending the Korean Conflict...........oh that is right General MacArthur would have solved the Chinese communists and the North Korean communists with 20 nuclear bombs in 1942, but that was rejected........of course now Herbert McMaster, General Kelly and General Mattis are liking the idea of thousands of nuclear weapons launched and America being the final solution, but what is an American Genocide when compared to General Kelly with his principles suffering from the medical condition of "Despondent".

But it can be understood as not only is Gary Cohn mocking the President in public, Rex Tillerson mocking the President in public, John Kelly mocking the President in public, but now General Mattis is defying the President in ejecting sexual perverts from the military in these Transperverts as General Mattis "studies" the .......... apparently he is going on a panty raid to study the silk underwear weave of men in women's underwear and the effects of M 16 rifle sights, as his reason for not letting wackos with guns be trusted in the American military.

Mattis freezes military trans ban, pending study...

It is all though understood as Donald Trump now commands the Snowflake Presidency. The flakes suffer "Despondent" as they are too cowardly to resign over their principles which translate into hating Americans and adoring communist traitors trying to beat Americans to death in Charlottesville to install Hillary Clinton in 2020.

Nom de Deus, that Trump Trans led by Mike Pence who seems to like having sex kittens and pedos surround him, did not hire one normal person for the Trump White House. They hired a blizzard of flakes though, deluded in their principles in their problem is Donald Trump standing up for Americans, and not terrorists trying to murder Americans.

Generally John Kelly, I wonder if he wears the frilly lace panties or if it is Gary Cohn that has the special order thongs.

Trump, addressing Kelly, said, "John, you haven't been in a trade discussion before, so I want to share with you my views. For the last six months, this same group of geniuses comes in here all the time and I tell them, 'Tariffs. I want tariffs.' And what do they do? They bring me IP. I can't put a tariff on IP." …
Trump made sure the meeting ended with no confusion as to what he wanted.
"John, let me tell you why they didn't bring me any tariffs," he said. "I know there are some people in the room right now that are upset. I know there are some globalists in the room right now. And they don't want them, John, they don't want the tariffs. But I'm telling you, I want tariffs."

I wonder who leaked that story to the left wing Atlantic? Just follow the avalanche.........

Nuff Said



General R. E. Lee and Traveler.jpg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder sometimes in General Robert E. Lee in why the Confederacy lost the war, was because his favorite horse, Traveller  (spelled with to L's for English flair) was so high strung, that it kept his bone joints from ever healing.

The first real story I ever came across of this big grey horse was in James Longstreet's recounting of the Civil War. In that account is a mention that General Lee first appears with the Army of Northern Virginia on white horse, which shied when the enemy came upon their position, and Lee was thrown from the horse and cracked some bones in his hand.

After giving orders for the day. General Lee rode out
towards Centreville for personal observation, halted, and
dismounted at a point which seemed safe from danger or
observation. Suddenly alarm was given of The enemy's
cavalry !" The group dispersed in hot haste to have the
heels of their animals under them. The rush and confu-
sion frightened the general's horse, so that he pulled him
violently to the ground, severely spraining his right wrist,
besides breaking some of the bones of the hand. 

General Lee had a number of horses as most officers and cavalry did, as they simply wore out or died horrendous deaths. Traveller though was full of so much piss and vinegar that in rough battlefield conditions, the horse had the vigor of hard travel.

Of all his companions in toil, ‘Richmond,’ ‘Brown Roan,’ ‘Ajax,’ and quiet ‘Lucy Long,’ he is the only one that retained his vigor.

Traveller was first known as Greenbrier, as that is the Virginia country where he was reared from. He was from a line of grey horses of the stud Grey Eagle.

“He was raised by Mr. Johnston, near the Blue Sulphur Springs, in Greenbrier county, Virginia (now West Virginia); was of the ‘ Gray Eagle’ stock, and, as a colt, took the first premium under the name of ‘Jeff Davis’ at the Lewisburg fairs for each of the years 1859 and 1860. He was four years old in the spring of 1861.

Traveller simply was one of the best looking horses in the country and Virginia then had the best of lines, which then moved into the Kentucky thoroughbreds.

The story of Traveller begins with Joseph Broun of the Wise Brigade having his brother purchase a horse from the Greenbrier region as they were famous for their horses. The price was 175 dollars gold for the much admired horse.

After much inquiry and search he came across the horse above mentioned, and I purchased him for $175 (gold value), in the fall of 1861, from Captain James W. Johnston, son of the Mr. Johnston first above mentioned. When the Wise legion was encamped about Meadow Bluff and Big Sewell mountains, I rode this horse, which was then greatly admired in camp for his rapid, springy walk, his high spirit, bold carriage, and muscular strength.   

I would state in horse trading here, that Captain Johnston knew he had a horse that was hell to ride, and was more than pleased to keep his bones and be paid 175 dollars for this high spirited horse.

It was here that General Lee was in command and first noticed the grey horse, and started referring to the horse as "his colt".

General Lee was in the Carolina's and the Soldier appeared there with Traveller, and Lee immediately noticed the horse and tried to buy him. The Soldier offered as a gift, which Lee refused, but the horse did end up in Lee's stable, and after a week Lee stated that either the horse would be sold to Lee, as he could not ride such an animal around in combat if Lee did not own him.

The Broun brothers stated the price would be 175 dollars in what they paid for the horse, but General Lee graciously paid 200 dollars for Traveler.

The best account is from General Lee's son, who was given the horse to ride.

The general had the strongest affection for Traveller, which he showed on all occasions, and his allowing me to ride him on this long march was a great compliment. Possibly he wanted to give me a good hammering before he turned me over to the cavalry. During my soldier life, so far, I had been on foot, having backed nothing more lively than a tired artillery horse; so I mounted with some misgivings, though I was very proud of my steed. My misgivings were fully realized, for Traveller would not walk a step. He took a short, high trot — a buck-trot, as compared with a buck-jump — and kept it up to Fredericksburg, some thirty miles. Though young, strong, and tough, I was glad when the journey ended. This was my first introduction to the cavalry service. I think I am safe in saying that I could have walked the distance with much less discomfort and fatigue.
Thirty miles of having one's kidneys dislodged. That was Traveller.

I do not want to end this with the impression that this horse was not of great character, because he was. The following explains a great deal about General Lee and this horse at their core.

One afternoon in July of this year, the General rode down to the canal-boat landing to put on board a young lady who had been visiting his daughters and was returning home. He dismounted, tied Traveller to a post, and was standing on the boat making his adieux, when someone called out that Traveller was loose. Sure enough, the gallant grey was making his way up the road, increasing his speed as a number of boys and men tried to stop him. General Lee immediately stepped ashore, called to the crowd to stand still, and advancing a few steps gave a peculiar low whistle. At the first sound, Traveller stopped and pricked up his ears. The General whistled a second time, and the horse with a glad whinny turned and trotted quietly back to his master, who patted and coaxed him before tying him up again. To a bystander expressing surprise at the creature’s docility the General observed that he did not see how any man could ride a horse for any length of time without a perfect understanding being established between them.

The horse which would never walk for anyone, but General Lee, was the same high strung animal that in a crowd and a war, could whistle for this animal and he would run back with delight like a dog.

That is the story of Traveller, the most well known horse of the Civil War.

