Saturday, September 23, 2017

Lame Cherry: HAARP Moisture Plume

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is again a massive High Pressure system sitting off the American west coast out in the Pacific. Most people have no idea as it was not reported, but the northwest was baked in 100 plus degree heat for four months.
Las Vegas finally turned off the air conditioners in mid September.

America has been two lands. The West was zero moisture, while the east looked like a primordial swamp of the Bible in the land being watered from the ground.

This is a series of the the past day in showing exactly what HAARP has been destroying the American ecosystem.

In order to have this kind of moisture appear, there has to be weather fronts, and yet time and again in the east, there is this HAARP Moisture Plume which the Lame Cherry has exclusively recorded.  As you can see by this series, again the west is bone dry, and there is only ONE major storm front again, but it is immense again from Texas to Canada.

If notice in this, the only front over the Great Plains DOES NOT MOVE for hours. Yet there is the HAARP Moisture Plume

In normal weather patterns which were a decade ago, America would have probably three weather pressure systems operating in America, in a mixture of High Pressure, Lo Pressure and Stationary Fronts.

I know I am fed up with this famine producing HAARP, which has it 90 degrees one day, 50 degrees the next, and in most instances I get hot north winds and cold south winds.

Again in the above, there is a HI PRESSURE NOT ALLOWING in weather from the Pacific Ocean, so where is this huge central Plains storm system coming from as it just appeared again, with the signature high winds preceding it, meaning HAARP is super heating another location, which is sucking the air in rising air plumes of heat, the atmosphere flipping and the cold air dropping in the roll.

There sure ain't no money is Donald Trump depressing the hell out of everyone. Tough calling in the two leggers, when the milk cow is tapped out and coyotes been gnawing on the bones.


The Shout Nothing President Trump

I bet most you forgot Donald Trump's failed alternative NFL
in the New Jersey Generals which was a cross between a whore show
and professional sports as lame as they are today. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is exclusive so when it is repeated you know where it started.

You remember Bill Clinton in this gamechanger, blowing up tents and camels as George W. Bush railed against to change things from Monica. You remember Obama the gamechanger having someone killed who looked like bin Laden to change the Birther abstract story?

Well we have do nothing Donald Trump, who has with his do nothing Congress protecting the conglomerate state, done nothing, but make a deeper Obama disaster of the world in having several nuclear wars  starting, and now this farce in Lindsey Graham over Obamacare again which is another diversion.

Enter into this is the Shout Nothing President, as his gamechanger. See Tomahawks in Syria did not work and Mr. President apparently can not find some actor to portray some big name terrorist to divert attention as only Doc Zawahiri is around and he works for the CIA, so ............well we have Donald Trump failing at calling Kim Jong Un rocket man, so Mr. President has resorted to picking a WWE cage match with Niggers in White vs Black over the NFL Antifa.

Yes the loud shouting diversion again, but what about Rationed Death, Roy Moore in Alabama and Donald picking Luther Strange, no tax breaks, no jobs and no peace with Christians in the Trump cabinet and a junta ruling America as Mr. President twiddles his balls.

I at least know  what you are doing Mr. President, and so will numerous others, and we still want the promises you made kept.........remember DACA and Dreamer invaders?

Nuff Said



Please NSA Let My Computer Go...

In most people's impression of Eve in the Garden of Eden,
she is a brunette and looks a great deal like a babe.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is pleased that a federal Court ruled the FBI needed a warrant on Stingray spying on Americans.....granted Paul Manafort it now turns out was not served with a FISA warrant when he was terrorized in his home by Robert Mueller, but Mueller instead found some criminal court Obama appointee to sign off on legalized terrorism, but all the same, in the Court telling the FBI they just can not spy on people.......has sort of revealed a new phase of spying on the Lame Cherry.

It seems that when this blog starts posting on petite penis Jared Kushner and the Ivanka, mentioning Herb McMaster, that all sorts of odd things start happening on this  laptop, as yesterday my processor had heated up to the point of this thing felt like an oven on my lap.

That means the processor is being worked, and when it is not me doing anything but reading or typing, it concludes someone else is gathering information on this computer.
For those who need reminding, that cell phone got so hot that the back plastic cover warped on it. It has had some odd things going on in one day I turned it on, and the voice mails were all loaded and waiting. I know for certain when I shut that phone off that it was on the main screen,and the added reality is, when you boot up a cell phone it is supposed to be on the main screen.
Again, someone was reviewing what my plumber was telling me, as that is what the message was.

This brings me to last night in something which has never happened before. I know that CBS gal Sheryl Attkisson or whatever her name is, was talking about her computer turning on by itself, but I have a new one, in my computer last night refused to turn off.

I clicked start, turn computer off, then hit shut down, and the computer just blinked like this one does and nothing happened. The reason I was shutting it down as on my paid for high speed Wifi, it simply quit loading pages. So I turn it off, and I can not get this computer to turn off, which is running hot because someone has been juicing it all day over things posted again.

Literally, I had to hold the power button for a minute, before it would shut down. Again  this is something which is not supposed to happen.  There was no evidence of the processor running or information going out or coming in, and the computer was not locked up, as things would load and programs shut down, but whatever had this computer refused to disengage.
It was like Spock mind melding with Nomad.

I make a point of posting these unique experiences is the courts can make all the rulings they can hand down, but the deep state will just go more covert and illegal.  I know there are radar sweeps on my location, because I can hear them on the radio when I have it on. That is what Stingray goes to in instead of spoofing the Wifi signal, radar waves simply uplink to cell phones and computers and transfer the data that way. It is an interesting process as it creates what appears a mirror fingerprint and downloads nothing, as in the Seth Rich and Wikileaks flashdrive. This just triggers and records signals by eavesdropping on the computer memory, but it engages the processor so that the processor is drawing at least twice the energy which is what turns these things into flamethrowers in the high heat.

The rampant criminality of the regime which unleashes all of this in the name of national security shatters every Constitutional Right a Citizen has, but those entrusted with the public trust to ensure that situations like this are not constant on all the People, have abstained from protecting the People.

They can literally read a person's computer as a mind reader, reads someones thoughts. The only signs are it heats the processor up, and the glitch of the computer will not shut down.

All I really want is some land, with a drainage so I can build a small lake, build our little house, and my day would be a mix of gardening, in my little shop hammering on things, hunting, fishing, trapping and not having anything to do with this obscene world.
That is what has always baffled me in this, in all of these tards do not like the things posted here, and I am about the only media source now not corrupt, so why do they not hand me over a few million to acquire the blog. I would pay the taxes on it, and then go off and  fish or get that stuck screw out of that geezer gun, and have a grande adventure in working up loads and then going out and blasting a young buffalo, which would feed us about 2 years.

I would think for all the effort they go through in spying on this blog and then having to plant stories in the pressitutes that it would be cheaper to just let me go fishing, as all I am doing is waiting for Jesus to come back.


 We are the NSA Bros, Tu and Cru
We got all your information and we really should not get upset
This is  us having a good day......

Nuff  Said


Much aDon about Nothing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the 1930's President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, placed an embargo on all things Japanese, including shutting off Japanese oil supply, concerning Japan's actions in Asia.

As it became more effective, do you remember what the Japanese response was?

It was called December 7th, 1941 AD in the year of our Lord, and it began World War II by deliberate action of US policy.

Yesterday the Washington Times was praising the well coordinated policy of President Donald Trump with China, where the Chinese dictator called President Trump, "Donald", in China shutting off all bank transactions with North Korea due to US demands.

The Lame Cherry will point out that China created North Korea, protects North Korea, and just assisted North Korea in obtaining a hydrogen bomb, which Japan did not have. So for the bleaters, comprehend the Chinese can not be trusted as they have their own treachery, and again, what happens when North Korea keeps being backed into a corner.

In a carefully choreographed strategy deployed from the shadow of the United Nations headquarters in New York, Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin called the head of China’s central bank very early Thursday to alert him that Mr. Trump was preparing an executive order to sanction any financial institutions doing business with North Korea. He asked for the cooperation of China, the main source of North Korea’s cash.
Hours later, the People’s Bank of China announced it was directing all other banks in China to halt financial transactions with North Korea.
Soon afterward, Mr. Trump signed an executive order in a meeting with the presidents of South Korea and Japan, expanding the Treasury Department’s ability to freeze the assets of banks or individuals doing business with Pyongyang. Mr. Trump praised China’s action, saying with uncharacteristic understatement that it was “somewhat unexpected.”
“For much too long, North Korea has been allowed to abuse the international financial system to facilitate funding for its nuclear weapons and missile programs,” Mr. Trump said. “Tolerance for this disgraceful practice must end now.”

Now for a little lesson in North Korea, in what North Korea really produces which benefits China, which needs North Korean cash dumps:

North Korea branches out into ivory, fake cigarette and ...

North Korea has diversified its business model for earning hard currency, shifting from a reliance on manufacturing drugs and counterfeiting foreign bank ...

 Yes North Korea is branched out long ago into contraband. You can buy banned North Korean seafood in South Korea and all over, because it is delicious and people want it, even with a ban.
Exactly like you can buy Iranian apricots in Tel Aviv markets, because the black market knows no borders.

North Korea is fabulous at hacking also, Recently their state hackers walked away with tens of millions of dollars in spoofing centralized banks.

That sort of means that North Korea does not need banks to do business.

Never mind, as let us visit what North Korea is really great at.

Superdollar - Wikipedia

North Korean diplomats almost always travel through Moscow on their way to ... who regularly search for counterfeit currency, doubted that North Korea produced ...

Yes North Korea, has it's own American presses, thee best in the world and they  turn out 100 million dollars in Franklins often, and their work is so good that it is named SUPERDOLLARS as no one can tell them from bogus bills.

But wait, this just in too:

North Korea printing fake Chinese currency, defectors ... - UPI

North Korea has been printing large amounts of counterfeit Chinese currency under the supervision of Kim Jong Un, a defector group said Thursday.

You mean North Korea is printing Chicom currency, and using Chicom vendors to circulate it through Chicom banking so it ends up invested in 666 Kushner Towers in New York City?

North Korea does not need banking, and has flourished for a generation using the old Delano Kennedy Contraband trade routes.

The U.S. Government has theorized that the bills were spread in two ways:
  • North Korean diplomats almost always travel through Moscow on their way to other destinations. At the Embassy of North Korea in Moscow they receive dollars for their expenses. According to the claims of one defector, forgeries are intermingled with real dollars in about a 1 to 1 ratio. He said that most of the diplomats themselves do not know that they are being given fakes, and claimed that it is possible to purchase a $100 bill for US$50–70 directly from North Korean agents, and sometimes as low as $10–20 in bulk purchases.
  • The alleged chief of staff of the Official Irish Republican Army, Seán Garland, was followed and seen traveling to Moscow and visiting the North Korean embassy along with some ex-KGB officers. Allegedly, Seán Garland then would, with the help of some associate couriers, move this money to the Irish capital Dublin and to Birmingham, England, where the notes would be exchanged for pounds or authentic dollars.[22][23] His alleged scheme, involving several international crime syndicates and transactions worth millions of dollars, was uncovered after a tip-off. Garland was arrested in Belfast, Northern Ireland but fled south to the Republic of Ireland after being released for medical leave. On 21 December 2011, the Irish High Court dismissed the US application for Garland's extradition, as the alleged offence took place in Ireland and was therefore not subject to extradition. The case was referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider prosecution in Ireland.
The morons on Coast to Coast AM and Sean Homo Hannity are always talking about EMP attacks. Ask yourself for a moment a reality, of what would happen if 3 shiploads of US currency out of North Korea appeared has handouts all across crooked America, where Mr. President has not repealed Obamacare, given  tax cuts or jobs, and this 95 million people suddenly found themselves awash in 100,000 dollar packets which just appeared all over.

The answer is, it would freeze the US economy, as it would require a complete recall of all US currency in a real financial Armageddon, as no one would trust any US currency for years.

While Mr. President is acting priss in thinking like FDR he is winning, North Korea has not even begun to tak the gloves off yet, with the reality that North Korea does not have to use a nuclear device in America directly, because it will come indirectly, and in warfare logic, North Korea would only resort to that as a final phase.
North Korea can ruin  the Dollar, which is exactly what China and Moscow desire for global gold trade. North Korea could move on with accomplished hacking in moving sums of money around to the wrong accounts or assisting some terror group in going after the nuclear power industry in America. This Herbert McMaster strategy for Mr. President is a hornet's nest, so when Kim Jong Un threatens to retaliate on the United States, he has every bit the resources the American CIA has, and North Korea has perfected them.

But wait, what happens if North Korea produces the North Korean agents who were behind the Boston Bombing, in Obama trying to set up North Korea for an attack, and Americans find out about that massive cover up, that World Net Daily reported on when it was still reporting, after a popular girl posted about that Eric Holder operation.
You have witnessed what Wikileaks can accomplish. What happens when North Korea begins leaking intelligence information on US operations which when discovered will shake all confidence in US allies and the American public.

The American Junta can crow about the Chinese beautiful chocolate cake shutting China banking down with North Korea, but it is a non issue, as China has already the mechanisms in place along with North Korea to subvert what Sec. Munchkin has initiated. Half the world's commerce is black market. It is what kept European banking afloat after the crash.  North Korea is plugged into it, and so is every other source, and just like criminals with guns, they still get them no matter the New York and Chicago gun laws.

The more desperate the moves by the Americans, the more desperate the moves by North Korea, as it will have nothing to lose, but in the end in these grande American policies, it is the American People who always end up losing.

Ask yourself my bleaters, in everything Donald Trump has been targeting coming out of North Korea, who in turn in shutting off North Korea products is profiting from  Trump policy as someone is taking up the slack for profits.
We know Pyongyang coal was replaced by American high quality coal, but American electric prices are still spiking as Mr. Trump is not shutting off expensive green energy nor building coal plants to reduce prices.

See the stock traders already traded on the things North Korea produced and are making profits, but no one is making a point of this.

Now that your thought processes have expanded to the big picture, return to the reality that North Korea has numerous ways to inflict upon America in her weakened condition, and there is not one thing the United States can do about it.........especially since North Korea has a growing list of nations which Mr. President has alienated, who want a little profit at American expense too.

Are you bleaters going to be cheering when it is your money being rejected and not replaced or when it is you bleeding again. Will 'patriotism' rouse you again to cover up for detrimental foreign policy which makes you suffer?

Nuff Said


Deep into the Bowels of Darkness

Mr.  Sulu give it all you got from stern and unload your torpedo
deep into the bowels of darkness..

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has a policy in the Lame Cherry does not want want nuclear war. In stating that, it should signal something is definitively wrong with the Trump Junta, that such a statement must be published by a righ wing Christian blog, when there is nothing but a cheering section from Kushner funded media in the Sunprancer cheering Donald Trump at the UN ranting about starting nuclear wars and Sean Homo Hannity defending such rants, as he scolds left wing media for going hysterical over this issue.

As the Lame Cherry is not left wing in the slightest, there visits a reality that what Mr. Trump is engaged in is not sound Richard  Nixon Mad Max strategy nor Ronald Reagan Crazy Cowboy doctrine, because both of those Presidents had people engaged from Henry Kissinger to Bud MacFarland who one knew was not going to start a nuclear war. Since the days of shoot from the hip George W. Bush though, and his pappy starting two wars in Iraq and Panama,, with Obama blowing up everything in sight, what Mr. Trump is engaged in, is a perception that he might not lob a first strike, but that his Herbert McMaster Dr. Strangelove advisers are going to trip some wire that a real nuclear effect will be initiated.

A nuclear effect is described in real terms that Mr. President due to his Junta nuclear roulette so unsettles pariah state nuclear originators, that they hand over nuclear bombs with material inside to leave a signature, blaming in succession North Korea and China, as crippling the United States and engaging America in a war in Asia, would benefit the progenitors in providing America something to juggle.

That is the danger in this Trump Doctrine which the Lame Cherry has consistently warned of. Mr. Trump, Rex Tillerson, Nikki Haley, Mad Dog Mattis, Herbert McMaster have so antagonized every rogue, terror and nuclear state, that it is in their combined interests if someone allows material into the hands of terrorists to change the body politic.

Mr. Trump has so unsettled his electorate, that fake polls are coming out saying that 80% of Republicans support his becoming a leftist Jeb Clinton Obama. That is bogus as  the fact is in my community I never hear one word  about Donald Trump, as people are fed up with all these politicians, and have moved on with their lives, and yet with 95 million Americans  out of work, foreigners pouring in, Mr. Trump breaking his every promise and becoming Mr. Globalist, the propaganda does not match the reality of Americans.

For that reason, Mr. Trump really needs to explain himself. He has the White House site which he could post letters explaining his reasoning for DACA, NAFTA, Paris Accords, G 20 Global integration etc.... as he owes this to the voters who elected him. Being Crazy Donald with the Russians and Chinese has proven absolutely unproductive and only ratcheting up nuclear warfare certainty, is having the same effect in being Crazy Donald in being the Second Coming of Neoconism.

No one voted for nuclear war in 2016. No one voted for bad relations with Russia. No one voted for tanks being poured into Poland. Mr. Trump keeps engaging in policies to appease the international financiers to keep the lid on something, because he keeps acting like some known event is out there which is coming, and his experts have informed him, that it would cause chaos in society if it was known.

US to store heavy weapons in Poland under Nato plan - BBC

For the first time since the Cold War, the US plans to store heavy weapons, including tanks, in Poland.

For example, someone in the Obama regime was sending over huge tank convoys to Europe in rearming that continent, the excuse being Russia when Russia was not a threat. There were inferences in David John Oates reverse speech that Europe was scorched earth in the mouths if Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Barack Hussein Obama, as someone was telling them something.
It is the reality that someone is planning for some event, moving US  stockpiles into Europe as if spreading out the chances against some event, in US tanks will not all be in one place as some event could not neutralize two continents. It is as if someone is preparing for something in which it will not be probable that the United States could move tanks and supplies into Europe to counter Russia, or more to the point a 200 million Chicoms eating Russia and then cannibalizing Europe.

Policies are being engaged in, which do not make sense. Policies are being engaged in as cover for something else being planned  for. When one examines the evidence, it appears someone informed Donald Trump of something, and Mr. Trump gave up all of his 2016 campaign promises as this event is so large that it displaces all other reason as in keeping his word.

In that Americans have been jerked around enough, Donald Trump needs to explain his actions and the reasons behind them, and stop hiding his shell game and his real intentions for what he is engaged in.

I suspect what is taking place and why, but I have been popular enough, that I will not speculate, as it is unnecessary, as the Sunprancer propaganda is praising nuclear war, and the deep state polls are just faking it up for Mr. President, so the answer lies in the lies, in Mr. President has the answers, and it is time that he provided them to the American People.

The evidence indicates the United States is preparing for a ground war against an invading army on foot without air power, and the United States is preparing for an air war against a landlocked army on foot in Asia.
Why do the Eurasian armies in future war not have air cover?

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said


The Story of Bad Superman

 Once upon a time on Planet Earth, an alien from Krypton appeared to save the world and America, but he began drinking soyshakes, being vegan, watching Ashley Judd movies, posting on Facebook and eating Monsanto genetically engineered corn, which caused Superman's DNA to split, whereby Bad Superman beat up and killed Good Superman in an Obama cars for clunkers repo yard run by the Chinese communists.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. 

The saga begins..............


 Superman thank God you came to save us, as George Soros with Antifa and BLM have set upon all Americans, in deciding who should live and who should perish under regime programs in 20 trillion dollars in debt and nuclear war.


 Superman, my Bat computer proves that every time you appear, KKK bodies show up in the morgue and the crime lab says it's all homicide.
Your boy confessed to my Boy Wonder that you have been bragging over tofu steaks that you are now judge, jury and executioner, and Special  Prosecutor in you are the Constitution.
Commissioner Gordon and I will not stand for this as America is for all peaceful Americans, no matter their race, creed or color!!!


But Superman I just turned 19, God says this is an abomination. You have politically raped the electorate, sodomized the United States and a pluming scent of feces penis wafts from you. Please remember how good you once were when you came to America, and do not hurt America any more for the globalist new world order!!!

Stand behind me amigoes, I will protect you and kill every American as this is the Superman Neo World Order. This is a nation by Superman, of Superman and about Superman. I decide all things.
By the way Pepe, go get me a taco and coke, after you finish moving my lawn.




See my boy, a few million dead white people is just that easy. Now it is tan skins for all and we have lots of tan skins to mow our lawns  as they are more efficient than the black skins.



Oh Wonder Woman, I didn't know I dropped a hydrogen bomb on you. Oh Wonder Woman, you are not like Lois Lane, in you have Wonder Tits......for some reason I do not feel very homosexual at his moment......I think I will have to super size you.


 Supersize this you raping foreign bastard!!! No one assault anyone, you pervert.

Oh you like it rough huh Wonder Hun!!!

No one turns down Super Dick, die bitch die!!!


You are bad Superman, bad to the bone. The Flash and Flashette will not allow you to 
abuse justice, abuse humanity and genocide Americans. We will save humanity from your evil!!!


Superman is a pussy in not being evil enough and going too easy on these Americans. It is time for me, Lex Luther, to show what I really can do as Herbert McMaster.


.......and with that Good Superman was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery with full honors, as the forces of evil joined the forces of evil, as Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman, the Flash and Mrs. Flashette roused the good people to pray to God for Christ to return and deliver the world from all evil.

Illegal Alien Accused of Raping 13-Year-Old Girl
