Sunday, October 8, 2017

Congratulations to Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Philip and Princess Danica

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It with profound joy that the Lame Cherry congratulates the marriage of Serbian Prince Philip to now Princess Danica of Serbia, and prays that their matrimony be blessed with the love of God.
They were wed before Christ at The Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel in the Serbian Orthodox Church.

the Cathedral Church became a central support in the independence fight from Turkish centralism to the final freedom from Ottoman rule. 

Prince Philip is in line to the British Throne of Christ, and fittingly was born in Fairfax, Virginia, making him as son of the United States.


Their Royal Highnesses are such a fitting couple for the fine People of Serbia with all of their Christian virtue.

May their lives bud together in this season of love, and blossom to the fullness of bloom, in the union of hearts and minds, for the splendor of the Serbian Christian Peoples.



Paladin Pence

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Vice President Mike the sidler Pence, reminds me a great deal of Mark Twain's rendition of the Paladin, in the Memoirs of Joan of Arc.

See the Paladin was this powerful man, who at the first sign of danger disappears. Mike Pence is magical like that in when things go bad, as they do for Donald Trump, Mike Pence simply disappears.

Like Mr. High Rise picking a fight with the NFL and all hell breaking loose. There was Mr. Box Seat Pence of the NFL simply disappeared, poof, vanished, zippo, AWOL and gone like the long lonesome winter.

But give it time to settle out, for the American People to lead the charge, for the NFL to be crippled, for Mike Pence to put his finger to the wind, and then viola just like the Paladin, Mike Pence is down out of that tree after the battle is done, and he is sticking his sword into hosts of dead bodies which he has now killed, and coming up with stories about how brave, terrible and warrior he was all along.

You probably should have known this was coming, about the time that Afro without Principles Colon Kaeperrnick was out begging for a job from the NFL, as apparently being paid millions of dollars, he is broke and needs more money to buy hair straightener, as he now promises that he will be loyal and take a knee.


Ain't there a name for the Kaepernick, something like an Uncle Tom or whatever that hangs around the big house, and shuffles and bows, and says Yes sir Massa, or is that some mistake in literature too, about darkies who do the biddin' while the ones down in the shanties never get past the cotton fields.

So this is a salute to that illustriously brave Mike Pence. The leader who leads from behind, behind Donald Trump, behind the American People and behind the polling of several weeks, as ...........say from his cheap seats, he might have gotten light headed and a nose bleed, as you could see Mt. Everest from there, so I would not be defining Mike Pence as walking out yet, because maybe he took a knee like Hillary Clinton when she was coughing up a lung all the summer of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Frankly, I would be embarrassed in being Paladin Pence, but when you smell the winds of change like he does and knows he got a sure thing, he gets Matt Drudge to do the headlines as PP Tweets up a storm like a real man would.

Hell maybe ole Mike brought along his sharecropper whip and his hounds to really put some leather and bay into his stand for America, as he will be running that Jerry Jones down the Rio Grande to the Gulf of Mexico.

Say let's sing.......

Johnny Horton: The Battle of New Orleans - YouTube

I don't own the rights to this song. Johnny Horton: The Battle of New Orleans.

Now I did not want to remind all the folks that we don't have not Andy Jackson in the White House, but that Paladin Pence just got me all wound up in his being American. He got the red complexion, the white hair and the blue coat waving around, why that rascal is just like Olde Glory on primate legs.
Damn that olde Misses though sure looks like a cannon brush still, but I suppose all of us have to play our parts in these historical parts of Mike Pence Crossing the

Here let' sing again as this is more Paladin Pence apprapro.

Ray Charles - Mississippi Mud - YouTube

Ray Charles - Mississippi Mud samWilckersson. Loading... Unsubscribe from samWilckersson? Cancel Unsubscribe. Working... Subscribe Subscribed ...

When the sun goes down
The darks come out
The people gather round
And all give a shout
Hey, hey, what ah ya say
Need to beat your feet on the Mississippi mud


Disease USA

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sickly it is here my children and my brats, those millions of vermin which the conglomerates have bribed Congress to protect, and Donald Trump as President DID NOT KEEP HIS PROMISE IN DEPORTING OR STOPPING THEIR IMPORT as slave labor for those conglomerates in keeping Ivanka DACA and Dreamers, have in their "legality" just created the first plague in America, since Polio was cured in the 1950's.

California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic...

This is what happens when one imports this many tens of millions foreigners. I will repeat what a Jeff Rense guest stated during the Obama regime, in Department of Labor statistics, the United States had around 90 million foreigners working in America. Add 45 million illegals, and this huge influx of vermin that Donald Trump is legally importing, and now California is a State with liver disease, which can not be replaced nor cured, and all of this disease is spew onto your vegetables, fruits and every computer package shipped out of that state, as Hep A survives and spreads.

Nature abhores freaks and over population. It is always seeking for ways to protect the native gene pool. California with it's millions of imported vermin, is in process like coyotes with mange, self culling itself, and it will spread to the neighboring states.
This is the same situation as Minneapolis Minnesota which is a festering plague of measels and other diseases clean Americans never contract. Add that to the national TB, and the national outbreak of sex diseases all coming for these these hundreds of thousands Muslim and African rape cocks, and there simply is not a large enough medical response which can deal with this.

If Donald Trump was President, he would quarantine California, and shut that shit hole down, and haul Jerry Brown along with the entire California legislature and courts up on charges to Gitmo, and that includes those judges who stopped the Trump ban on foreigners, as this plague outbreak is the result.

Most of you are going to find out in the next decade just how good your American genetics are. How you will appreciate your French Quebec origins in children running barefoot in the snow, to your German and Scandinavian sleeping on floors with rat shit, as it is your genetics which are going to prevail in the plagues. One can not simply dump millions of various species of primates into confined spaces and not have each group start spreading the disease they are not immune to, to the general population.

Patty Doyle on Rense has been tracking this and harping about this for years. It is now the reality and you will face the fact that numbers of you are going to die and the survivors will be the ones who have that DNA to survive and the tomahawks and bullets to defend yourselves.

If you do not have two pairs of shoes which can walk 100 miles, you are not prepared for anything.

Nuff Said


Who "lost" Stephen Paddock?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 We know for a fact now three certainties in the Las Vegas slaughter.

1. The Filipino maul was lying about her relationship with Stephen  Paddock as  Lara Loomer reported that Paddock told a barber in August he was sending her to the Philippines, and Gateway Pundit confirmed this from another source in an elderly neighbor, who stated that the Filipino maul packed up and left the retirement community in early August.

Mrs Page also revealed how Paddock, 64, fled town after buying a new silver minivan at the start of August.
And just two weeks later she said she watched as girlfriend Marilou Danley packed her things into her car before also leaving.
Mrs Page added: “I remember at the start of August looking out of my window and seeing Stephen pull up in a brand new huge silver minivan.
“But just a few days later he left the house in it and was never seen again.
“I thought the whole situation was even weirder when two weeks later I then look out of my window again to see Marilou stuffing her car full of all her belongings.
“Over the course of three or four days it was like she was moving her entire life out of the house.
“She packed so much stuff not only was her car full, but it was also tied to the top of her car.
“After a few days of packing she too pulled out of the driveway and was never seen again.
“It was all very strange.”

This detail is extremely important, because it begs the question of exactly what did Marilou Danley do with a car stuffed full of belongings? Are they in a rental, did she ship this in 25 dollar boxes packed back to Asia, or does she have a residence someplace, as she did return to America with her lawyer to tell her story to the FBI.
One just does not stick a car in an envelope and mail it to Manila either.

Fully recall that this is a woman who took 9 cruises with Paddock in a short period of time. These were not for gambling nor because they enjoyed the food.

The second lie we are certain of now:

2. The FBI has been covering something up in this investigation from the start, as it was reported again by Lara Loomer that a bellhop had a gag order placed on them, as they handled Paddock's luggage.

Oct 6
Laura Loomer Retweeted Aldo Raine
I can confirm. A source told me has issued a gag order on at least one bell hop employee who had contact w/ shooter's bags

Remember in this before the bodies were even cold, law enforcement had cleared the maul of all guilt. It was at this point this blog stated this woman in no way could be cleared, considering what she had been involved with.
Thee only way she could have been cleared this quickly is Las Vegas police, in investigating made BOLA inquiries, and the FBI in Las Vegas knew who this woman was, and immediately vouched for her.

This opens up thee entire boulevard of exclusives which this blog posted first in it appeared that Stephen Paddock was laundering money for Asian sources in casinos. The amount of firearms which were involved indicated these were straw walkers, or guns purchased for others which is illegal. This many military weapons purchased by someone who had been out of the United States at least 20 times in the past year, would have set off all Homeland flags.
According to reports, Homeland has taken over the investigation in Las Vegas, as the FBI continues to ridicule the local Sheriff.

The last lie confirmed in this is that no one knew of Stephen Paddock.

3. Stephen Paddock was off the radar for 10 years and no one knew of his movements.

Former Trump campaign official James Brower fired off two tweets Thursday evening regarding the Las Vegas shooter Sephen Paddock claiming “There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered in the last 24 hours.” 
Brower then tweeted “Motive will be pretty shocking, I won’t say much but it will definitely change a lot of things going forward. 
While Brower did not reveal the motive over Twitter, the former Massachusetts Trump campaign official who accurately divulged that Paul Manafort was being wiretapped before it became public told Infowars I’m being told the video basically speaks about a network, they wouldn’t tell me directly if it was ISIS but they threw little hints that it was,” adding “The reason the video more than likely is never released is because they believe it will trigger the “cells” he speaks of.

The Lame Cherry takes you back to Charlottesville which had FBI trolls involved, and as that activates your memory banks, go back further to Bill Clinton, and the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, where federal authorities had TOW missiles stored by a daycare which detonated, and Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, were convicted of, but Terry Nichols is still alive in federal prison, because his attorney handed over bomb making equipment which had the fingerprints of FBI moles who provided the devices to Nichols.
Still not making any connection? Nichols had traveled to the Philippines for training with the Muhajadeen, or al  Qaeda or the present day ISIS. Mr. Paddock and the maul are traveling to the Mideast, Europe and she is in the Philippines.
Ms. Maul being cleared indicates she was known to the FBI, so therefore Stephen Paddock was known.

Now for the assessment, people who lie to the FBI and law enforcement end up in prison on felony charges, and not turned loose after FBI interviews. The FBI has been clamping down on information flow and smearing the local police who are asking questions, because none of this make sense.

Remember the Murrah bombing, in the regime started impeding information flow, people started ending up dead, and it all went away, as the cover up, like in Charlottesville, like with LaVoy Finicum's murder, the police state had been involved in some level in tracking those involved and associating with them, as on 9 11, at which point Jamie Gorelick's walls of separation lost the terrorists and 9 11 took place.

There is online speculation that Paddock was running guns for ISIS. What if all of these "internet scouting" of locations and room rentals from August on, were Paddock not for him, but for another group as a sort of bonafides in the business he was engaged in. The business being that Stephen Paddock was not Barack Hussein Obama able to bring in 300 million in terror donations to Obama's 2008 campaign in laundering counterfeit credit card donations, but Paddock was taking bags of cash from Eurasian and laundering the money for them.

Again, as Ms. Maul was cleared by the police state, that would conclude the police state knew of all of this, which would conclude why the FBI is smearing the Las Vegas police as dolts, because if it were proven that the FBI knew of Stephen Paddock, his travels, his money laundering, his weapons, and a load of Trump voters got hosed down at a concert, that might not get swept away quite so easily as 9 11 did in that cover up.
It might be a real problem for those who knew Stephen Paddock and those he was involved with in the police state if these other cells start going active and creating other events, in which perhaps other facilities as malls or schools which could do with expensive sales of scanning equipment, that the public might not in the Trump voting era fall for the propaganda and cover ups as before.

I desire each of you to think about one thing. Theresa May and the British press were pushing gun control in America over this. The American press with politicians tried, but immediately went silent. It all fell to the GOP and Mr. President to call for a bump gun regs. Now why would Hillary Clinton be running for cover in this, unless of course they were alerted to the James Bower information, in this was John McCain's ISIS terror related and that the maul was known to the FBI and this entire situation.
It simply does not look good on the Twitter to be harping about gun control when the police state is arming the terrorists to kill Trump voters.

Why have all the liberal democrats run for cover on this and why is it that Attorney General Jeff Sessions seems to have absolutely no interest in the biggest domestic terror event in American history?

That seems to indicate something relevant.


Trump Bump Gun Ban

Mr. President legally owes American Gun Owners
the repeal of at least 4 firearm regulations.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that President Donald Trump has broken his word on Gun Control and joined the gun grabbing NRA and the shill Congress to pressing for regulating Americans more in the BUMP GUN BAN, oh you might have been unaware of Mr. President breaking another promise as that is the Trump Wall of Broken Promises which he did get built in a few months.......

Trump: 'We'll be looking into' bump stocks ban - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump is open to considering legislation that would ban "bump stocks" ... and suggested they should be subject to additional regulation.

So now we have the TRUMP PUMP BAN, but more importantly, E Pluribus Unum, have something else, as Mr. President is great at putting his name on things which are legal:

Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for ...

President Trump's administration, on orders to kill two regulations for every new one, ripped up the playbook during its first six months, eliminating 16 old rules ...

Incredible is it not, Donald Trump signed a legal document stating that for every regulation that Donald Trump puts into place that two regulations will have to come off.

I think Mr. President needs some reminding as he goes gun ban, in this ridiculous bump stock thing, because the fact is guns are LESS ACCURATE with this pounder on as are all full autos, so Mr. President should be handing them out to terrorists to keep more people alive. But the reminding is Donald Trump is legally bound to pull of TWO GUN BANS for putting on Trump Bump, and if he needs some additional reminding it is called a federal lawsuit, which he will be found legally responsible for the millions it would cost in a court trial.

Actually since Steven Munchkin banned Russian Guns earlier, and did not pull off two regulations on gun bans, Donald Trump now owes, as in violation of criminal law, 4 gun regulations which have to be removed from firearms purchases.

Here is what the Lame Cherry states should be the 4 rules Donald Trump is legally bound by to remove:

  1. Removal of all firearms 50 years or older to curio and relics, which are removed from all background checks, federal and state, and they can be shipped through the US mail. All arms 50 years or older are unregulated in all 50 states and territories, with no state, territory or municipality passing any regulations concerning firearms  older than 1968 AD in the year of our Lord.
  2. Barrel lengths are no longer regulated by state or government agencies.
  3. All taxes are removed from firearms and ammunition as an infringement.
  4. Enactment of the Gun Welfare Program, where all poor citizens who do not earn over 50,000 dollars per year will apply for and receive one shotgun, one rifle and one handgun with 100 rounds of ammunition per gun.

The Lame Cherry is certain that Mr. President will need some reminding of keeping the law, as he keeps forgetting to keep his promises. This is a legal executive order from Mr. President and the American People are entitled for 4 regulations to be removed from Gun Control.

Let Americans make this a 50 Year Celebration of the unConstitutional 1968 AD Gun Control Act, in following President Trump's Executive Order and removing two gun bans for every new gun ban which Mr. Trump is enacting, and as he enacted two, Americans are legally entitled to the removal of four.

I would be more than pleased to accept though from Mr. President in the above in removing 16 gun bans for every new Trump Gun Ban, in removing 32 regulations from Gun Owners in these United States. I would be most pleased to write up the list of the 32 for Mr. President to sing.

2016 elections ended the shearing of the bleaters. Gun grabbers want something more which is worthless, the legal mandate now is American Gun Owners have legal right to 2 to 16 regulations on guns removed for each new Trump Ban.

Nuff Said



The War Bridel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My Grampa was probably the most fascinating man I have ever met. I remember him fondly for his genius, his common sense, his abilities, his shrewdness and his stories.

He was a hard man, but as I have grown up, he was right about everything he said and if I would have been more of a hard ass like him, I would never have had the problems I had in life.

He was a man of hard times and made a living any way that money would come. One of his vocations when my dad was a kid was trading horses.  Grampa would acquire the real horses of the American West which survived Indians, blizzards, wolves and disease. They were tough animals and stubborn as hell. I grew up riding and training horses of that line and appreciated a 'horse with a little life in it".

He told me about a man who showed up on his place one time and waded into the pen of horses. Needless to say those horses were wild which Grampa never bothered in telling the story, but it is the inference when he said, "That man wrapped a rope around the bottom jaw of that horse, but I never saw what he did, but when he pulled on that line, that horse came and walked right out of the pen".

When I read these experts now talking about the harsh bits and condemning the Indian War Bridle, I know they have never been around horses that try to kill you. I read of their telling about how Indians trained horses and simply laugh at their bullshit, because you can find the reality of Indian training on horses, in it was breaking wild animals, that they would ride into the ground once they had ridden them into the ground and that is how they broke a horse, because they dominated them.
Indians were cruel and enjoyed being cruel. That is not a condemnation of them, because their method did break a horse that they never acted up again.

I remember Colonel Dodge relating a story of a Comanche on a stallion he had just got a hold of. He had a Spanish metal bit and the horses mouth was dripping blood, and the buck had spurs on, and would jam them in, the horse would go wild, and the Indian would scream in delight. It sounds cruel, because it was cruel, but it was also a man on a horse that would have killed him if that horse had gotten a hold of him.
The Mustang was a wild animal and required harsh measures, because kindness was not something they responded to.

Americans horses were different completely and as they crossed into the wild horses, it was as Teddy Roosevelt stated, a better horse was made if the cowboy gentled them in over time. See in Teddy's day, a bronc buster appeared, bucked a horse out twice, and handed over the reins and said it was a broke horse. What you got was a horse in most cases that bucked each morning and if it got a chance in the day, it would hammer you as you made a mistake.
The bronc buster never rode those horses into the ground as the Indians did, and that was the mistake with the horses Teddy Roosevelt had. You have to psychologically dominate a horse, and once that takes place, it obeys like a puppy. Bucking horses out just makes them tired. Working with a horse gets them used to behaving to please you.


The long winded version of this is about the Indian War Bridle which is a fantastic implement when utilized on trained horses. You have to understand what most bridles are. The horse has sensitive points on the nose and under the jaw. That is why in steel bits, you see jaw straps and nose bridges, to get pain and pressure onto sensitive points to make the horse not run away with you.
My horse was a descendant of the plains horses. He was as my brother said, "A hard mouthed son of a bitch". I actually bent bits on him. He loved chasing cattle and had the habit of pumping his head to get his head free so he could run.
I could start out with 3 foot rein behind me, and after one circuit around the herd, I would look down and there would be 3 inches of rein in my hands. He was a character.

I rode that horse with a lariat though on his neck when herding cows out of corn, but I was never dumb enough let him run as he would have made things interesting.

It was in this, that I always wanted to know what an Indian War Bridle was to ride him as it would have been perfect, as he was perfect for that kind of bridle. I always rode horses with twine string getting them out of the pasture as you train a horse to neck rain, and they understand pressure and the nuance of the rider.

You don't have to crank around on horses and hurt them. It is just common sense. Teach them pressure and when they submit the pressure stops and they never get hurt. The experts always are the ones where the horse is conning them, and then they are over reacting and harping to others to not over react.

I have several halter bridles, that are slip ropes or halters. You have a horse that knows you and you know it, it is about all you need.

It basically is a bow line, a loop over headstall and the slip line is the one which puts the pressure on. I only neck rein as that is the thing the horse understands. Pressure on neck means turn, and then the other pressure on the nose and mouth stop.

I figure the line my Grampa told of that man used in the corral, was a wrap around the lower jaw. If he was using an old leather honda, a knot there instead of a splice would put extra pressure to teach an unruly animal to forward ho.

The old west was full of some definitive methods. The traders used to gut shoot a stud with a 22 to get control over a herd he had, or they would throw them and wire their nostrils about shut so they suffocated. Once again these were stud horse which would crush your bones with a bite or kick your skull in. The wranglers used cruel  methods, because experience taught them that there were not any second chances.

The War Bridle though is best in a leather strap for the loop. Leather does not have the problems that cord or rope has in freezing temperatures. It takes some intelligence to ride with a War Bridle as you can not let too much slack in the reins happen or a smart horse will learn to spit the loop. I like a leather loop that you can slide a tightener up. That though means good leather, leather you take care of and do not throw in the tack room so it stays pliable as that is what is a cherry loop. Get a big enough hunk of leather though and it will serve the same purpose and that you can leave in the tack room.

That is about all there is to say on the subject in an interesting and educational way. Only time to share my favorite picture of what goes into animal's mouths.

