Friday, December 1, 2017

The Lynching of Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What the Lame Cherry is going to post here concerning the terrorism against Mike Flynn and his family for the deep state to get Donald Trump, is an issue where Mike Flynn states that Donald Trump asked Mr. Flynn to contact Russia. This is being posted as a crime, exactly as Judge Roy Moore dated of legal age women as if that was a crime.
IT IS NOT A CRIME FOR A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE to instruct his campaign to contact any foreign government, not more that it would be illegal for you to write a letter to Vladimir Putin.

How American girl wrote to Yuri Andropov -

How American girl wrote to Yuri Andropov ... "If everyone is so afraid of Andropov, why not write him a letter and asked if he is ... 1983 they came to Moscow, ...

The Lame Cherry is to reveal to you what Donald Trump is accused of, and if Mr. Trump is being targeted then why is not Mr. Obama  undering investigation as it was proven he was contacting foreign governments.
In fact his  representatives in 2008 were in South America assuring leaders there that Obama would be president and to cut deals with him.

Barack Obama took money from foreigners at over 300 million dollars for his 2008 campaign who were  terrorists, and it was not prosecuted. Donald Trump did none of this.

Obama received campaign contributions from Gaza Palestinians ...

US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was apparently the recipient of nearly $30,000 in campaign contributions from a pair of Palestinian Arabs in the ...

For those with short memories will forget that Jimmy Carter appealed to the Russians in 1980 to help him defeat Ronald Reagan. Again, why is Jimmy  Carter not being investigated, as Mr. Carter did more than talk to Russia. Carter asked for Soviet involvement in US elections.

FrontPage Magazine - Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop ...

Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to ... before and after he became president. Jimmy Carter's ... days of the 1980 campaign, the Carter White House ...

Then there is Ronald Reagan, whose future CIA director was dealing with Iran in an American hostage crisis.

A presidential campaign did collude with a foreign nation to ...

... manager William Casey met with ... merchant vessel before the election as a down payment to Iran with more ... foreign power—Iran—in the 1980 election.

Richard Nixon scuttled the 1968 Vietnam Peace Talks, as Lyndon Johnson as President tried to get Hubert Humphrey elected over Nixon in that election.

Yes, Nixon Scuttled the Vietnam Peace Talks - POLITICO

Did Richard Nixon's campaign conspire to scuttle the Vietnam War peace talks on the eve of the 1968 election to capture him the presidency? Absolutely, says Tom ...

None of the above actions by political candidates were  ever investigated or prosecuted. Some like Carter would be considered treason and others like Obama are absolute felons, yet Donald Trump is being targeted and Mike Flynn and his family are being terrorized OVER LEGAL ACTIONS.

There is nothing illegal about Jared Kushner responding to Prime Minister Netanyahu, in asking Mike Flynn to deal with a United Nations vote which was going against the Israeli state, as that is was transition teams do as they are formulating US policy as the elected officials.

Donald Trump and his Trump Trans have screwed this blog over and those Christians and Loyalists this blog supported.  He has played Americans all year in fake politics, but this is absolutely bogus what Robert Mueller just tortured Mike Flynn to plead guilty to in order to get at Donald Trump, as what was engaged in was all legal.

Now for those who need a Way Back Machine to remember, I remind you that this blog by God's Grace told you this was coming down to Jared Kushner in he was the weak link and conspirator of the left who was suckered in this intelligence operation. I told you he was the one the deep state would go after, and now that is the reality leaked that Kushner told Flynn to make the call concerning the Israeli state.
This is all the same ruse of Colin Powell and Dick Armitage going after Dick Cheney in Plamegate with Patrick Fitzgerald. It was a coup then and a coup now.

There is nothing illegal in what Donald Trump was engaged in, and  all of this is harming America, and I will repeat that EVERY presidential candidate and president did far more than Donald Trump is accused of, as that is what political candidates engage in.

If Donald Trump had stayed with the Christians, instead of slumming with the Vatican Pence and Kushner Jewry, Mr. President would not be having any of these problems.......nor having that Pharisee James Comey casting the first stone in misquoting Bible verses.

Mr. President, pardon Mike Flynn, pardon his son. Pardon that Shylock son in law of your making and put an end to this witch hunt.

Nuff Said


Al Franken Molests More Women

Al Franken molesting Stephanie Kempler


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Imagine the humiliation of Esme Murphy and Kathy Wurzer of Minnesota CBS and PBS in having Al Franken lie to their face in there would not be any more women appearing accusing Al Franken of molesting them, and yet there appears Stephanie Kempler, a  US Army Veteran, abused by Al Franken on foreign soil, after she had already been abused sexually just a short time before.

I think it is time to help Al Franken out as CNN is now going after Al Franken, doing an exhaustive multi interview with Ms. Kempler in which she broke down in tears repeatedly over Al Franken molesting her.

I think Al Franken should kneel before Mitch McConnell and say something like this:

"Mitch you see it was like this, it was the sun's fault.  See there was this solar storm, lots of ion stuff, and it hit earth, set off aura borealis magnetic waves, which energized my metal wedding band, set a convulsive shock through through my body to my non married ring right hand, which caused a spasm where I grabbed Stephanie Kempler's right breast, fondled it, squeezed it and held on for dear life, as it was Iraq and I was worried if I fell down that a camel spider would have eaten me".

See you need that kind of dog ate my homework and dangerous spider story when you are up against this:

The Star Tribune reports that Franken’s new accuser felt numb and frozen after the alleged incident. Looking back, Stephanie said that she feels sympathy for her younger self, as pictured in the photo. Kemplin broke into tears in phone call interviews with CNN, though she admits she did not say anything about the incident to Franken at the time because she was immediately put on the spot with his alleged behavior. An ex-boyfriend corroborated with Stephanie’s story, saying that she told her ex-beau that Franken “went to put his arm around her and copped a feel.”

We do seem to have a common thread in this when it comes to Al Franken in Lee Ann Tweeden and Stephanie Kempler both cried. Not exactly the kind of Don Juan reaction.

Mitch McConnell and Charles Schumer now have before them undeniable evidence from LeeAnn Tweeden's pictures, the online posting of Lindsay Menz mentioning the molestation and now Stephanie Kempler having her story corroborated by her former boyfriend. This is not like the myriad of accusations against Harvey Weinstein in he said she said, this is a reality that Al Franken has proof condemning this pervert. More to the point he used the Women of Minnesota, the liberal women, the liberal women of Saturday Night Live as cover in lying to their faces.
This blog told you by what Al Franken was engaged in, that there had to be 100 women out there and at least 6 which he had sexual contact with, who are now in hiding or keeping quiet.
Grab enough women, and several of them are going to conclude that sucking Al Franken's cock or riding it in a toilet would be a notch on their tampon case they would be happy to oblige like Connie Hemzy made a practice of, including with Bill Clinton.

The women who have proof in the above three named, are above reproach, and it is significant that 16,000 Minnesotans have signed a petition demanding that Al Franken resign.
The problem that Jennifer DeJournett does not understand, but CNN does, is that the women who still support Al Franken are women who have a psychopathy of "It is ok to rape women like Sarah Palin or molest LeeAnn Tweeden as they are not one of us".

But Jennifer DeJournett, a Minnesota GOP activist who leads Voices of Conservative Women, said she’s gotten almost 16,000 signatures on a petition for Franken to resign. She said that should count for at least as much as several groups of women who have publicly signed letters in support of Franken.
“I don’t know how many women it’s going to take before the women who signed on to support Sen. Franken will realize that they’ve made a mistake,” DeJournett said.

Stephanie Kempler is without blemish. She is the perfect democratic dream candidate for Congress, a war veteran, pretty, accomplished, a community volunteer, and all of the business and criminal justice degrees in normal Ohio.

Al Franken has normal women accusing him of being a criminal molester and they have proof.

I have a passion for serving others and protecting the weak and vulnerable. I have degrees in Business and Criminal Justice & currently work as an investigator for Uncle Sam. I am in the process of opening a nonprofit in Warren County Ohio for human trafficking survivors. We will also operate a small animal sanctuary onsite that will be used for animal therapy. This is God’s will for my life and I’m humbled to answer His calling and walk this path with Him.

Al Fanken thought that his being Hillary Clinton's attack dog in the Senate against Trump and his being her attack dog Vice President in 2020 is his cover. McConnell signed on to it, as McConnell wants Trump out of the White House too. The problem is Al Franken is becoming a problem for those people protecting him in the deal.
The problem is the Obama operatives coordinating with CNN are looking to take down this pervert as it weakens Hillary Clinton for the 2020 primary. This is about control over the democratic party between Obama and Clinton. In that, the only salvation the women of America have is for this steady stream of Franken assaultees being presented, and for Al Franken to become too politically expensive to keep around.

That is the shame in this lawless America. No Jeff Sessions investigation into Kevin Spacey molesting children and no investigation into just who was behind smearing an innocent Christian in an Alabama Senate race.

For the women of America, the Senate should have voted already to vote him gone and for Jeff Sessions to open an investigation concerning Al Franken. It though all comes down to not protecting women from perverts, but the perverts who will protect themselves by making an example of Al Franken to cover their crimes.

Nuff Said


The Trump American Genocide Tax Breaks

Meet the only tax deductions you will ever receive America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry refuses to be buffaloed by the spin of the Trump Tax Breaks, those beautiful, bigger than Reagan tax breaks, which all of you want so desperately to believe in, because the Spirit of God in me reveals what is really taking place.

I told you that when John McCain signed onto this rapine bill that it was because Donald Trump in this bill via Mitch McConnell and John Thune legalized Obamacare funding.
What do you think happens when people who are on waivers no longer need a waiver for Obamacare, but end up paying higher taxes in state income tax deductions are removed? This bill is not Ronald Reagan, it is slight of hand in Donald Trump gives you a tax break and Mitch McConnell's hand is in your pocket stealing out twice as much.

You just tell me how you win in this, when someone earning 50,000 dollars gets that 1500 dollar Obamacare waiver or penalty removed, and they lost a 6000 dollar deduction on state income taxes, but are told they are getting another thousand bucks per child. They still do not have insurance, still can not afford anything, still have to pay Cuomo or Brown state income taxes,  as their low end tax rate went up a percentage point.

What the Lame Cherry is going to inform you of is what the Ryan McConnell conglomerate game is all about in this, and these taxes are designed for the American genocide. I am going to use TL and myself as examples, so this soaks in.
We are told this is a FAMILY TAX BREAK, a family of 4. How many of you have a family of four? None of you reading this are by average, neither are we.

See TL and I are working on saving money for our own home, but are paying record taxes from Obama and Mr. High Rise, so our biggest bill each year is when I have to write a check out, ON THE FICTION OF WHAT I HOPE TO EARN, meaning I am penalized 4 times a year in writing a check out to the US Treasury on what projected earnings might be, so when donations do not appear, the IRS does not care, as they still demand I pay them.

We can not save fast enough from Obama Trump taxes, but remember now  Paul Ryan parroting that family of 4 in all of these tax breaks.........well if you have not popped out two children, you do not get the tax break, and in our Catch 22, we can not afford children so are responsible in not WIC making you raise our children, the main point being that Paul Ryan's fictional 2400 dollar deduction for offspring has absolutely no value for the majority of Americans, because the rich people pop kids out like Ivanka, but are the ones rewarded, not the poor Caucasians who are trying to save enough money for a family.

Who does the Trump tax break help then if it is not White Americans who do not have children as they are penalized for it? Take a guess, as you probably have seen hordes of these legalized Obama illegals in your communities. Yes Trump tax breaks help those regime funded foreigners being poured into America to take your jobs. Yes Trump tax breaks help brown skin Muslims and Mexicans as they are the ones who get the money, the jobs and the tax breaks.

Project this out now, in you have an America where White Citizens are penalized for having babies. Are over taxed in working so they can not afford homes nor produce children. On the Ivanka side there are all these swarthies who are pounding pussy at breeding age turning out 6 babies by age 30 and they get the tax breaks, the jobs and are buying the homes. Who do you think in a generation is the group who will be owning everything due to Trump tax breaks? The White American Citizens or these foreigners being legalized?
Yes it is the foreigners and that is why this tax break is termed by the Lame Cherry the Genocide Tax  Breaks because it is designed to repress White Americans from having children and designed to promote swarthy replacements, so in 50 years all the White Americans are dead or rape impregnated with quadroon bastards.

Gee no one is telling you this now are they as Sean Homo Hannity promotes this.

Do I want tax breaks for every American? Most certainly, just as Ronald Reagan accomplished them.

Do I want you to really pay less in taxes? Most definitely as your taxes should be reduced to 10%, so that you can afford to provide for yourselves and to have babies and make your homes.

I want this for Americans, not another Devildamned tax break for Wall Street and foreigners, as that is what this tax break is all about, as it first legalizes funding or rapine of the Treasury in a direct Nazi pipeline of money to medical corporations.

You do remember what Donald Trump promised right? Couples earning under 50,000 dollars would pay no taxes, Obamacare repealed and jobs for you.

Now realize what you have been defending and hearing from your right wing homo media that is such a great deal. People taxed who are under the poverty level. People earning 50,000 dollars and under taxed. Obamacare legalized in funding. The Waiver removed, but a new tax structure implemented in removing deductions so those poor people are paying more than under Obamacare Waivers or penalties, and Donald Trump dumping these disease infested rape cocks into all of our communities,  as today in town I saw 10 of these vermin in a new batch being processed in shitland to be flushed to your cities to take your jobs.

I have stated from the start all I wanted in this was the Waiver ended, and that is all I am going to get. so the morons among you had better understand unless you are swarthy and a baby producer, you are not going to be helped in any of this, and every help you are told, as a robber hand stealing money from you in a new area or an excise tax passed onto you.
So I favor this bill, for the waiver as that is all we were ever going to get as a crumb, but understand fully well that this bill implements the American Genocide in spades and does it through taxes.

Now you know only from the Lame Cherry again in matter anti matter exclusives what you are being snowballed over again, as you are told that hell never freezes over.

Want to know who this tax bill helps, you can look at Ivanka and her brood as you are paying for them.

Nuff Said


Trump and the American Downfall

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump suffers from the same affliction as Birther Hussein Obama as Mr. President releases 3.0 GDP growth and Zerohedge does a reality check in it is Obama 2.0 stagnation again.

That comes from Trump high gas prices raping consumers for three months on fake hurricane price hikes.

It comes from Trump fake tax cuts.

It comes from Trumpflation in food.

I have been noting certain things before all these black friday bonanzas were are being told are billions of dollars in commerce, in Ebay had a 20% off sale before the bonanza. I have noticed that I have coupons on my fridge in half off from Ace Hardware. I have noticed soda companies dumping soda. I have noticed that I got a 10% off on an order from a knife company. I noticed today that LL Bean sent me a catalog for their urban wardrobe chit of 10 dollars off if I would spend 50.

This is worse than Obama Super Depression in there are no sales driving in businesses as main street businesses are closing their doors, and all that is left is Amazon exploiting cottage front businesses.

None of these facts in sales before Christmas in these kinds of reductions point to an economy growing or one which is on anything but life support.

All of us can thank Mr. President for this in wasting with McConnell and Ryan all of 2017 to repeal Obamacare and cut taxes, instead of stealing another 3 trillion dollars from Americans in these record taxes. America had 6 months to fix things, and now that time is gone and nothing will be fixed.

All of this could have been fixed on January 21st, in passing Ronald Reagan's original tax cuts and putting an Obamacare repeal on this bill, and making them effective immediately. America with a 10% capital gains tax cut would be growing at 4% and be moving next year to 6% with low fuel prices and building coal electric plants.
That is all vanished now as the reality is what the prices all reveal in Trumpflation and Donald Trump who just delivered the American Downfall.

Nuff Said
