Saturday, December 30, 2017

When did Amnesty become Trump Policy?

You want to speak to the President?
I'll get Mitch McConnell on the phone as he rules Washington DC


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to reiterate this as citizens seem to forget things like there are ebola jets still pouring into the United States under Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has been pouring in green card workers, which is open ended, meaning they never have to leave.
Donald Trump has replaced Obama illegals with Trump legals.

So nothing in 2017 changed from Obama 2016, except Donald Trump made it impossible to get foreigners out of American jobs.

I will repeat again the big headline of Bank of America and ATT were handing out bonuses of 1000 dollars this year. What that means is YOU PAID for those bonuses, in those are tax deductible, and if have ever  phoned up those conglomerates you will not be speaking to an American, but some Asian or Latino who took a job from hundreds of thousands of Americans.

That is why the Lame Cherry is pointing  out, that Donald Trump has once again moved the goal posts. Remember on taxes it was 50,000 dollars and no one paid taxes, and now it is down to a penny and you pay taxes, just like the estate tax is still in place.
This time Mr. President has stated he will sign DACA into law, providing he gets funding for his border wall, which none of his hirelings will obtain money for and Ryan and McConnell are against.

President Trump retiterated Friday that there will be no new legislation for children brought to the U.S. illegally without funding for a border wall.
“The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost!” Mr. Trumptweeted.
Mr. Trump reversed the Obama-era policy allowing DACA recipients — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — to remain in the U.S. earlier this year. He urged Congress to present him with a bill addressing the situation so those who benefit can remain in the U.S. The deadline is March 1.
The policy faced scrutiny since it was an immigration plan that critics said was not constitutional.
Democrats reportedly tried to tie DACA legislation to the Republican tax plan, but were unsuccessful. Both parties have agreed that the immigration policy will be a top priority in the new year.

To translate the above, John Kelly, the Clinton voter, has worked out that amnesty for illegals will be conducted in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord. Meaning instead of elections being American, there will be tens of millions of Muslims and Mexican rape cocks voting. Do not be snookered in this, that this is children, as these 'children' are all rapists and murderers, but it is as in London where "children" were bald men with beards. That is what DACA is, and that is what Donald Trump just signed off on. Donald Trump gets that worthless wall, which has absolutely no purpose as Donald Trump is handing out green cards and visas like a crack whore to foreigners, so the wall no longer matters as why get smuggled in, when Lutheran and Catholic Social Services give you a nice ride, a government home, 10,000 bucks in welfare and you can watch dish television every day on your fat foreign ass.

Trump has sold out American voters who trusted him. What should have been military deportation of millions of this welfare trash, has now been embedded in America, and Donald Trump brought in more vermin, and on top of that, Donald Trump for a piece of concrete just sold your American birthright.

What 2018 will be is Mitch McConnell not dealing with entitlements, which are necessary to get this fake Trump recovery going, as that is where the money is. McConnell will not repeal Obamacare, as Lindsey Graham wants. McConnell will not deal with Paul Ryan's focus on those same entitlements, but McConnell wants to spend more money on "infrastructure" which Obama spent a billion dollars on and not one things was built or fixed, but his green bankrupt industries did loot the money and funnel it back to Obama.
So that leaves DACA which Mitch McConnell will be producing with democrats and it will be complete amnesty. This is what John Kelly desires with a passion as he is the author of this as at Homeland he wanted to make all the illegals legal by Congress passing a law, so Kelly would not have to deport anyone or enforce the law. His blonde skirt replacement is the same corporatist, and that is what it will be.

You know it is going to be some fake funding, stealing some rancher's lands in Texas on the border, where some facade of a wall will appear, along with some manufacturing plant using the wall as their southern wall, and there will be big doors in it to employ Mexicans, and Americans will be screwed over again, as Donald Trump goes down for a photo op, and praises the Trump Wall being built as he DACA labor.

So in review, in 2017 Americans got absolutely nothing again. Conglomerates got everything. 2018 will be the same exact Nazi state being funded and expanding further. Simply do not expect a thing, as there can not be a recovery on this tax bill and there simply can not be a recovery with entitlements not cut to foreigners, and with more debt spending on money funneling into projects for political campaign donations.

For those who think Donald Trump is President, get a clue as John Kelly runs the Christian hater White House in going after Roy Moore and it is Mitch McConnell who is ruling Washington DC, as Donald Trump is the weakest Oval Office occupant since Jimmy Carter.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said



Nancy Reagan for the Death Penalty

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

First Lady Nancy Reagan was a different mix of politics, but in her politics was always the driving force of her family. She was her step father's daughter in being Conservative, and yet when her husband Ron was almost assassinated, Nancy  Reagan immediately went left and advocated for some gun control.
Likewise when she desired a legacy for her husband, out went the hardliners in Bud McFarland and in came George Schultz with detente with the Soviets which almost got rid of all nuclear weapons.

Politics are a matter of always what is happening in the home, and it might surprise you that Nancy Reagan was an advocate of the death penalty as found in her memoirs, My Turn.

On pages 143 and 144 Nancy Reagan records the sound reasoning for the death penalty. The reason this matters is that conservatives like Fred Barnes always stated that the death penalty did not deter crime, when in fact the reality is the executed never committed another crime from the grave.

The basis of this is Ronald Reagan as Governor in his first term, had an execution come up of an Aaron Mitchell who was a cop killer. Governor Reagan could not find a reason to stop the execution so it proceeded with the doo gooders in silent protest outside the Governor's home and little 8 year old Ron Reagan jr. wondering what those people were doing outside his house frightening him.
As Nancy Reagan stated, would it not have been better to pray for the souls of the murdered, than the murderers, as no one was praying for the dead police officer or his family.

This is where the punchline appears in this quote:

It was shortly after this that Ronnie received a letter from an elderly man in San Francisco who ran a little mom and pop store with his wife. He had been robbed a few days after the execution of Aaron Mitchell, which had been widely covered in the press.
When one of the robbers tried to stab him, he had shouted out in desperation, "If you kill me you'll get the gas chamber!". When his assailant heard that, he hesitated for a moment and then ran off.It isn't always that simple, but this letter did reinforce  our feeling that the death penalty really is a deterrent to crime.

The Reagan's were no strangers to violent people. Once a man was arrested in Tahoe after his wife turned him in, as he was on his way to murder the President and the Governor of California.
Another instance a criminal threatened to decapitate Nancy Reagan unless another criminal was released.

This is why the death penalty matters and should be a matter  of sentence, a timely 7 day review, no appeals, and then execution of sentence. Some always whine that innocent people are put to death. Sometimes this happens, but the innocent have nothing to fear from God, and innocent people get killed with guns, knives and cars, and none of them should be banned either.

This blog has advocated for the expansion of the death penalty to pedophiles and rapists. Assaulting children is something which can never be reformed, and when one has a serial rapist or a rapist who uses a weapon or battery is involved, that violence must be answered with the death penalty.

Ronald and Nancy Reagan were firm believers in the death penalty with reason. It is the most effective deterrent in society. The worst promotion of violence in society is the violation of a not speedy execution of sentence and leaving everyone think that they can get away with murder with a life sentence or endless appeals.

Speedy trials, swift judgment and timely executions are the necessary reform of the US Justice system to return it to it's purpose in protecting the Citizen from the criminal.

Nancy Reagan's own words and her husband's agreement for the death penalty, because it did save a life and it saves lives when readily enforced and promoted.

Nuff Said


The Comet Camp Kitchen

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I have no idea why people are so utterly stupid in this generation, but I am blessed for it.

This bit of knowledge is about the Comet brand, 5 inch aluminum kettle with 4 inch handle.

I have I think 8 of these things now, made about 50 or 60 years ago by the Comet company of America. They sold apparently like hot cakes back in the day, because for the past several years as geezers die around here, their worthless children throw all of these little kettles into the thrift store, and I pick them up for 40 to 80 cents.

They are absolutely perfect for one can of soup for one person, or anything else one person would choose to heat up as America went Campbell's soup after World War II. For widowers, pilgrims or whatever this was their entire kitchen and they had measuring marks on the side for boiling water for tea or coffee.
See when people are poor and did not have all day to heat up large volumes of things on wood stoves, these little things were just what the population needed.

I started picking them up because they were cute, and started using them to boil water for tea before I met TL. Now I pick them up as why should I let something go to scrap or whatever because the population is tard.

The backpackers are all titanium cups and chit, but this thing is the cheap and more durable alternative. I can use this to drink from, I can use this to dump water over my head to wash my hair, I can use it to cook in, and I can use it to eat out of.
Give me a fork or spoon and I have done General Crook's pointed stick one better. Two of these and I have my cup too.

That is why I just do not understand people now. They will buy GayScout chit with plastic cups that melt, but will walk by this entire kitchen set in scorn. That is what I mean by poor people used to have some sense in small things took less wood to chop and less time to heat up, but now people walk by all of this irreplaceable aluminum ware for non stick stuff that will burn up in real heat.

That is the simple lesson in camp kitchens. This is your entire kitchen on the go from any heat source and it will last longer than 10 generations, although this one someone about has the Comet stamp wore off the bottom. Must have been a robust cooker.

So if you happen upon these, perhaps you should pick them up. Of course once the tards figure this out, then they will be 50 to 100 dollars as the "perfect" thing they discovered.

I just by God's Grace got there 8 times sooner than they did. This one though the metal handle is rusted. Why people do not take better care of things when they empty the parentals house and dump things in the garage.

As an addendum to this, I was looking through or I found one not "lost" by Mom of these small kettles and it was a Mirro. The Mirro is built of a much heavier gauge of aluminum, in a test of hitting myself on the head, the Mirro hurt worse in Newtonian sciences, while the Comet did not put a dent in.
The point being for mountain trekking, the Mirro might be whined at, but the nice part is they are both the same size in content, but in design the Mirro is smaller in diameter and higher, so it nests inside of the Comet, making a very compact set.

Nuff Said
