Tuesday, September 4, 2018

That Ole Jasper Williams R E S P E C T

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seems Black Nation is having as many problems as McCain Nation in burying their dead as the pulpit is a platform not of comforting the dead, but one of Social Justice Warriors.

Do not get me wrong in this, in what Meghan McCain was put up to in her father's theatrics was horrid for her, the family and America. On the other hand Rev. Jasper Williams unleashed on the Black Nation of America with the reality that single family black homes are abortion after birth and that Black Lives do not Matter when Blacks keep murdering each other over these Obama dope wars.

The Lame Cherry supports Jasper Williams message, but his taking advantage of the platform of a national funeral to chastise Black Nation is something these Peppercorns are not going to accept. Peppercorns is a Lame Cherry definition for Blacks as Snowflake is a definition coined for the mirror image Whites who are in liberal denial.

I personally after calling for the President to put in federal troops to Chicago to save Black lives am completely disappointed as that same President pumps in money to fight Opiod use. Let us be frank in this that this President like the Obama one, are receiving advice from Wall Street who make fortunes laundering dope revenues. As this blog has exposed, Chicago is Mexican Black Dope Wars which were set off by Obama, and the reason Opiods matter is the US money men who launder opium currency are not getting the complete monopoly. In that White's get robbed of taxes to pay for this fake intervention and Blacks get dead shot in the streets over control over dope turf.

All of this needs to be said, and Stevie Wonder is as guilty of this in propping up the Obama system as Aretha Franklin was in keeping silent. Jasper Williams took his venue to drop a Truth Bomb on Black Nation and they are upset as the family wanted Bill Clinton eulogizing of how good things are in fictionland.

Perhaps a healing in this should be Jasper Williams in the White House advising the President now that John Kelly ran Omarosa off the plantation in this WWE Booker T theater and Meghan McCain with all of her millions put John the hero McCain's money where her mouth was, in one small step for mankind in dividing it up in tax free grants to people to be able to buy homes.
I'm homeless and I would be all for that in rich people actually not preening over how special they are when their INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS are built off of Black Baby Abortions and WHITE BABY WALL STREET DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as that ole rascal Japser Williams did not say enough, while Meghan McCain said too much.

Nuff Said
