Friday, February 9, 2018

John Kelly at Wife Beater House 1600 Penn Avenue

Boys, I have no problem with women calling the cops on me
as I pay them for sex, before, during and after
as I know that wallet size matters most.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will never understand women as they will destroy themselves for a moment of revenge.

My brother's ex was a champion at being a bitch. When  he was injured on the job and was dealing with a settlement,  she told the attorney that my brother was lazy and didn't want to work. The lawyer was dumbfounded and my brother was shocked, but that is what that woman was about. She would ruin herself just to get a jab at a man she hated.

Donald Trump's White House seems to have an aversion to hiring Jared Kushner and Mike Pence wife beaters, or to me more precise, Donald Trump in Trump Trans hires men who have zero judgment on women, as having an ex husband in the White House who could open all sorts of doors, including looking wonderful on job resumes to get great jobs, these women instead would rather get a dig in at a man who is out of their lives, and they are livid that he has a great life without them.'


Dude, your problem is in bed you call out your own name.

The focus of  this is a Rob Porter:

Porter, the Daily Mail previously reported, is currently in a relationship with White House Communications Director Hope Hicks and was a close ally of Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

At least we can be certain of one thing, in Hope Hicks has zero taste in men, as she is always clawing on Gary Cohn, sitting on John Kelly's lap and letting Jared Kushner get handsy, while she lets a twice divorced turd look up her skirt.
Yeah that is a great judge of character the President has from Ivanka's stable.

 Dude you are a fat dork, and you got a hot Marco Rubio groupie
Of course you are going to have trouble man!!!

Next up we have David Sorensen who has a real loon in an ex wife who was the abuser and she still is abusing him to getting him fired. Probably the best part in this is she worked for sweaty Marco Rubio, which reveals he has great judgment in things in skirts too.

I honestly do not know why men or women can not just be nice when there is something in it for them. It makes no sense to antagonize the ex, when they have a position that can do you some good or if you have children with them, benefit the children. Yeah divorce means you don't want to be around the other person any more, but geez  it is a point of you can not create an enemy of them.

So we have 3 women, who got their ex husbands fired from their jobs. Now  every man in their spheres knows what psycho bitches they are, and there is not a woman with a leg spread wide enough or a Hoover mouth tight enough to keep any man around with sense after this little episode, as every guy has got it figured that when things go bad, they will have this stalker on their ass for the rest of their lives.

There is a vast difference between abusive men or women who harm other people, and those people stand up for themselves to not be victims. Tagging them is important for the brave who do it as court records leave trails that protect innocent people from ever getting involved.

No one was in these relationships and women who take pictures of bruises without filing police reports are suspect in women who bruise themselves or who were the ones who went psycho, the husband grabbed them and kept them at bay as they tried to kick him in the nuts. 911 in that case gets the woman arrested too, so she takes pictures, never mentions them in divorce and keeps them around to nail the guy later when it matters.

I do not care about any of this, as Donald Trump got what he chose, just like that pedo promoter John Kelly can bluff he would resign over this fiasco when having no intention. If John Kelly was a real man, along with Jared Kushner and Mike Pence, they would resign as they all brought this scandal to the White House in picking males who had zero judge of character in women.

Maybe if Donald Trump had hired real Loyalists and Christians, not forgotten EVERY PERSON who backed him early, none of this would have ever happened from Robert Mueller to John Kelly running Wife Beater House.

 I start my day off boys with 100 push ups, a 100 set ups
and I knock the wife around 100 minutes to keep her in line.

The Offspring-Hit That lyrics - YouTube

The Offspring - Hit That - Duration: 2:54. OffspringVEVO 7,605,663 views. 2:54. The Kids Aren't Alright - The Offspring - Lyrics - Duration: 3:04.
Nuff Said


George W. Bushweed and Terror Oil Money Received

Prince, I see you like your entertainment, very young too....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

George W. Bush is senile or apparently the stupidity of rubbing Michelle Obama is rubbing off on him as being paid to speak to a group of Muslim terror oil billionaires, George W. Bush not only attacked President Donald Trump, but Americans, and made Trumps Visa  Vermin and Invaders "Americans" as W. said  America was the foreigners home to displace Americans.


Mr. W.Bush based his declaration on this statement:

There are people willing to do jobs that Americans won’t do,” Bush told his Arab audience. “Americans don’t want to pick cotton at 105 degrees (Fahrenheit), but there are [migrant] people who want put food on their family’s tables and are willing to do that. We ought to say thank you and welcome them.”

I am not going to waste a great deal of time on refuting W. who has no idea of the reality of Black problems or living conditions in America, as cotton is not picked by Niggers by hand in the United States, as it simply is not cost effective.
Mr. Bush's brain apparently is stuck on stupid, stuck on traitor, and stuck in the 19th century as he thinks Rastus and Jemima is what is the modern American cotton fields.

Here is what cotton is picked with, driven by successful fat White American farmers.

Here is what cotton looks like in being auto baled as it is picked by John Deere cotton pickers  using John Deere Cotton Picker Grease, a rather cheap lithium based grease that is slathered on the pickers moving parts.

It is disgraceful the racism of George W. Bush in country club conversation talking about those niggers in the fields which W. must have heard about from his racist daddy  in HW, as that is the last time Blacks picked cotton by hand in America.
It is treasonous for George W. Bush  to join Bill Clinton and Birther Hussein Obama in going overseas, and protesting the United States and the President of the United States.

At this point, it is past time that Congress appoint a real Special Prosecutor to investigate the Bush family for Russiagate. We KNOW  for certain that billionaire fag, Paul Singer orginally contracted with Fusion GPS to create the Steele dossier smearing Donald Trump. Singer was backing Marco Rubio, who was suppose to defeat Ted Cruz and then be chosen as Jeb Bush's Vice President. These fag billionaire hedgefunders  were all funnelled  money by Karl Rove to funnel money to RINO establishment frauds. Each of you is most aware of HW Bush using the cut throat sign against Trump in 2016. Each of you is most aware of Bill Clinton being caught telling Jeb Bush not to worry about Trump as he would be taken care of.
What erupted from that is Russiagate in a collusion against Donald Trump by the Clinton / Obama / Bush crime families.

George W. Bush is a disgrace, and is calling attention to himself while continuing the coup against Donald Trump and the American People, now paid by Muslim terror oil while attacking the United States and promoting American Genocide. It is time Bush  crimes be investigated, before George W.  Bush uses the mental incapacity dodge in court to not serve time as his nigger's picking cotton statement to rich slave owning Muslims proves.

Nuff Said


A Necessary Special Prosecutor to Investigate Justice Roberts Collusion

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Chairman Devin Nunes now looking into the criminal corruption of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in collusion with Barack Hussein Obama, Eric Holder and the conspirators at Justice and FBI in connection with the FISA warrants signed by Robert's Obama appointee, Judge Rudolph Contreras which began this witch hunt, it is a reality that a series of Special Prosecutor must now be appointed due to the widespread corruption involved.

Chief Justice John Roberts implicated in Collusion in Russiagate Warrants

Judge Rudolph Contreras of the FISA Court
which began the witch hunt against Donald Trump
was chosen for Obama by Chief Justice John Roberts

There can only be one man for this job in oversight and that is Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch. Mr. Klayman has spoken of his appointment and how he would clean out the Department of Justice, but this is honestly too large for one man, as what would be preferential would be to appoint Mr. Klayman as Goverenor General of Prosecutors, and if so inclined he could head the Department of Justice Division.
John Roberts is now a Person of Interest of the United States Congress criminal investigation

Nunes: We´ve ´grappled´ with
approaching Chief Justice Roberts

The Hill [Washington, DC], by Katie Bo Williams    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 2/7/2018 8:10:46 PM     Post Reply
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) has weighed whether it would be possible to bring Chief Justice John Roberts to “testify” before Congress as part of his investigation into political malfeasance at the Department of Justice. In an interview with Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday, Nunes said GOP investigators had “grappled” with how to approach the courts about their conclusion that the FBI misled a clandestine surveillance court. Roberts appoints the judges to that court. “This is something that we have, like I said, we have thought a lot about this. And the answer is we don’t know the correct way

There must now though be one to examine Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and what will be the gem of the investigations in Chief Justice John Roberts. Finally with a Special Prosecutor unleashed on John Roberts, the nation will discover what this homosexual was being blackmailed with by the Obama regime for Roberts to rewrite United States Law for Obamacare rationed death in one of the most ludicrous decisions to ever be handed down by the courts.

It is time for Prosecutor General to hear the evidence brought before him by investigators concerning John Robert's collusion with Birther Hussein, and reach an immediate indictment whereby John Roberts will be immediately be removed from the Supreme Court and replace by a Trump appointment.
John Roberts has proven incapable of upholding the laws of the United States, and it would be in the scope of this investigation to examine the Obama and Clinton appointees, who should have recused themselves on security issues, and the political nature of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in being anti Trump, and when such improper behaviors are discovered, they too will be indicted by the Governor General for prosecution, and removed from the Court.

What would be required is for Congress to pass a bill for Trump to sign into law of the Governor General Act of Special Prosecution, which would limit the scope of investigations with proper time limits of 90 days and limit funding. There would never again be another Robert Mueller coven of 500 spending hundreds of millions of dollars without any boundaries as Rod Rosenstein for the deep state gave Mueller carter blanche to persecute the President.
In this, I would in checks and balances advocate that Congress would appoint the Governor General in this, and oversee the appointments of the Governor General, as Rod Rosenstein has shown the fox watching the hen house is not in the interests of the American People.

It is of necessity in the lawlessness of the secret society, who have not budged as they are conducting the bidding of the deep state against Americans, that a new step must be undertaken in the investigation of the Chief Justice of the United States for criminal collusion.
In the case of John Roberts his Obamacare finding would be immediately nullified as it was a matter of fraud and collusion with Birther Hussein. In short, an indictment of John Roberts negates Obamacare and removes it from the books as unConstitutional. It can be revisited if picked up by the Court with another Trump Justice appointee, and Chief Justice Sam Allito leading a real Constitutional Court.

It is projected out that in the investigation of the Court, Roberts would be removed, Sotomeyer and Kagan for deception, and Ginsburg for politicizing the Court. This would be truly a Trump Court in he would appoint 5 Justices, perhaps 6 if the Governor General examines Justice Breyer inclusion of Sharia Law into American rulings from the Court which is unConstitutional.

It is time now that the Nunes Committee is seeking to interrogate Chief Justice John Roberts for collusion in Russiagate, that Congress begin appointing a check and balance investigative arm in the Governor General of Special Prosecutors which in 90 days would hand down indictments and actually drain this swamp.

Donald Trump by Christmas 2018, could have appointed 6 Justices to the Supreme Court if the Law is enforced in the United States of America.

The Lame Cherry simply states that the next Trump appointment to the Court is Heather Heald, the adopted daughter of Roy and Kayla Moore by her first marriage, who is a board member of The Foundation of Moral Law.

The only way the Supreme Court will return to serving the American People and the Constitution is the appointment of not lawyers, but the appointment of those who are based in God's Christian Law as the Founders explained was the foundation of a free society. No government can stand when immoral people are running the mechanisms as Russiagate has proven.

Nuff Said



Werden von Liebensraum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reason that the political insights of Adolf Hitler have been so smeared, and that is not because Mein Kampf was insane, but because Adolf Hitler was the most astute political forensic psychologist of any age. Adolf Hitler understood the human soul and the necessity of the rugged individual to overcome all by will power to achieve any goal.

That is a direct script of Theodore Roosevelt and John Kennedy in the American great expectations that a people can achieve anything if they have the will to accomplish it.

The Nazi Ideal

The power of the individual will, which asserted itself in power of the spirit over all earthly things, individual will, was the Nazi mythology, in Germans would overcome all, conquer all, as long as they remained determined to do so.

Nazi is a slur of German National Socialism, a title which no one has really explained, because Adolf Hitler was never a socialist, but only accepted the political doctrine as the best platform to accomplish his goals of the Liebensraum, the German political , cultural and physical colonization of the Greater Germany.

All Adolf Hitler envisioned for the 1000 year Reich, or 3rd Reich was a continuation of the Anglo Saxon colonization and domination for the good of the world. America was built by Liebensraum in the Israelites from the Lost 10 tribe of Joseph receiving the blessing of liberty and making America into the Germanic nation she was as the majority of her population was German Anglo Saxon Norman.

Central Europe must embrace this liebensraum again for the peace of Europe, to advance a greater Germany to lead Europe, reach out to her American children and touch peace with the Russian peoples for the good of all humanity.

At this point there is one leader in the quagmire of European communist socialism to save Europe and that is Sebastian Kurz. Kurz must unite Austria Germany to her glorious past and join with her Slavic kindred to form a new United Europe for prosperity and security.
Sebastian Kurz is  the destiny of Europe to unfold what Europe is in the Fourth Reich, the Werden, the Will of the People will move them to achieve the greatness which is their past to their future.

National Socialism in German Werden is not the bastardized political offspring which is destroying Europe, but German National Socialism is a nation of individuals, combined by will as one people, for the great society for them to enjoy and flourish in.


There is no end to the heights the Kurz Liebensraum can achieve. He is the father of modern Europe in his youthful loins. He is the master of his race, and must embrace the past of Europe, the present of Europe for the future of Europe. Heir Kurz must resurrect the Holy Roman Empire of Europe in church and state and he must be their leader of the nation state to an empire of the stars. In his roots are the greatness of European leaders Fredrich I, Charlemagne, Frederick, William I and yes Adolf Hitler. German leaders have been celebrated when they wrote the history and castigated when their enemies cast history as their tomb. Sebastian Kurz has the ability to glean from all the past the best for the European peoples, and to transform past weaknesses to liberate the Austrian German peoples from the smears designed to subjugate them forever.

The era of Gothe arts, Bismark Diplomacy, Einstein science is all in Sebastian Kurz to be reborn in the central European Renaissance in the Werden von Liebensraum, the Will of Greater Germany.

One can understand why the German Will has been imprisoned in guilty by propaganda from without and from political traitors inside Germany who serve a global elite. It is of necessity that the German People be liberated, and the liberator of the German Will is her son, Sebastian Kurz.


Als eine andere Lame Cherry ausschließlich in Materie gegen Materie.

Es gibt einen Grund, warum die politischen Einsichten von Adolf Hitler so verwischt wurden, und zwar nicht, weil Mein Kampf geisteskrank war, sondern weil Adolf Hitler der schlaueste politische forensische Psychologe aller Zeiten war. Adolf Hitler verstand die menschliche Seele und die Notwendigkeit des rauen Individuums, alles durch Willenskraft zu überwinden, um ein Ziel zu erreichen.

Das ist ein direktes Drehbuch von Theodore Roosevelt und John Kennedy in den amerikanischen Erwartungen, dass ein Volk alles erreichen kann, wenn es den Willen hat, es zu erreichen.

    Das Nazi-Ideal


        Die Macht des individuellen Willens, der sich in der Macht des Geistes über alle irdischen Dinge, den individuellen Willen geltend machte, war die Nazi-Mythologie, in der die Deutschen alle überwinden, alle erobern würden, solange sie entschlossen blieben, dies zu tun.

Der Nationalsozialismus ist ein Schimpfwort des deutschen Nationalsozialismus, ein Titel, den niemand wirklich erklärt hat, denn Adolf Hitler war nie ein Sozialist, sondern akzeptierte die politische Doktrin nur als die beste Plattform, um seine Ziele des deutschen, kulturellen, politischen und politischen Lebens zu verwirklichen physische Besiedlung des Großdeutschlands.

Alles, was sich Adolf Hitler für das 1000-jährige Reich vorstellte, oder das 3. Reich war eine Fortsetzung der anglo-sächsischen Kolonisierung und Herrschaft zum Wohle der Welt. Amerika wurde durch den Liebesraum in den Israeliten aus dem Stamm der Verlorenen 10 gebaut, der den Segen der Freiheit erhielt und Amerika in die germanische Nation machte, die sie war, da die Mehrheit ihrer Bevölkerung deutscher angelsächsischer Norman war.

Mitteleuropa muss diesen Friedensraum für den Frieden in Europa wieder aufnehmen, ein größeres Deutschland dazu bringen, Europa zu führen, seine amerikanischen Kinder zu erreichen und den Frieden mit den russischen Völkern zum Wohle der ganzen Menschheit zu berühren.

An dieser Stelle gibt es einen Führer im Sumpf des europäischen kommunistischen Sozialismus, um Europa zu retten, und das ist Sebastian Kurz. Kurz muss Österreich Deutschland mit seiner glorreichen Vergangenheit vereinen und sich mit ihrer slawischen Verwandtschaft zu einem neuen vereinten Europa für Wohlstand und Sicherheit zusammenschließen.
Sebastian Kurz ist das Schicksal Europas, um zu entfalten, was Europa im Vierten Reich ist, das Werden, der Wille des Volkes wird sie bewegen, um die Größe zu erreichen, die ihre Vergangenheit für ihre Zukunft ist.

Der Nationalsozialismus in Deutsch ist nicht der bastardisierte politische Sprössling, der Europa zerstört, sondern der deutsche Nationalsozialismus ist eine Nation von Individuen, vereint durch den Willen als ein Volk, für die große Gesellschaft, in der sie genießen und gedeihen können.

Den Höhen, die der Kurz-Liebenraum erreichen kann, ist kein Ende gesetzt. Er ist der Vater des modernen Europas in seinen jugendlichen Lenden. Er ist der Meister seiner Rasse und muss die Vergangenheit Europas, die Gegenwart Europas für die Zukunft Europas umarmen. Heir Kurz muss das Heilige Römische Reich Europas in Kirche und Staat wiederbeleben und er muss ihr Anführer des Nationalstaates zu einem Reich der Sterne werden. In seinen Wurzeln liegt die Größe der europäischen Führer Friedrich I., Karl der Große, Friedrich, Wilhelm I. und ja Adolf Hitler. Deutsche Führer wurden gefeiert, als sie die Geschichte schrieben und geißelten, als ihre Feinde die Geschichte als ihr Grabmal abgaben. Sebastian Kurz ist in der Lage, aus der Vergangenheit die besten für die europäischen Völker zu gewinnen und vergangene Schwächen zu transformieren, um die österreichischen deutschen Völker von den Abstrichen zu befreien, die sie für immer unterjochen sollen.

Die Ära der Gothe-Künste, der Bismarck-Diplomatie, der Einstein-Wissenschaft wird in Sebastian Kurz im Werden des Lebensraums, dem Großdeutschen Willen, in der mitteleuropäischen Renaissance wiedergeboren.

Man kann verstehen, warum der deutsche Wille durch Propaganda von außen und von politischen Verrätern in Deutschland, die einer globalen Elite dienen, in Haft verurteilt wurde. Es ist notwendig, dass das deutsche Volk befreit wird, und die Befreierin des deutschen Willens ist ihr Sohn, Sebastian Kurz.